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england_n act_n parliament_n time_n 3,483 5 3.6009 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A86626 The instruments of a king: or, A short discourse of the svvord. The scepter. The crowne. ... Howell, James, 1594?-1666.; Howell, James, 1594?-1666. 1648 (1648) Wing H3083; Thomason E464_7; ESTC R5326 6,719 15

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the_o instrument_n of_o a_o king_n or_o a_o short_a discourse_n of_o the_o sword_n the_o sceptre_n the_o crown_n satis_fw-la habet_fw-la rex_fw-la ad_fw-la poenam_fw-la quod_fw-la deum_fw-la expectet_fw-la ultorem_fw-la it_o be_v punishment_n enough_o for_o the_o king_n that_o god_n will_v he_o to_o judgement_n bring_v london_n print_v in_o the_o year_n 1648._o the_o author_n apology_n i_o be_o no_o lawyer_n otherwise_o than_o what_o nature_n have_v make_v i_o so_o every_o man_n as_o he_o be_v bear_v the_o child_n of_o reason_n be_v a_o lawyer_n and_o a_o logician_n also_o who_o be_v the_o first_o kind_n of_o lawyer_n this_o discursive_a faculty_n of_o reason_n come_v with_o we_o into_o the_o world_n accompany_v with_o certain_a general_a notion_n and_o principle_n to_o distinguish_v right_o from_o wrong_n and_o falsehood_n from_o truth_n but_o touch_v this_o follow_a discourse_n because_o it_o relate_v something_o to_o law_n the_o author_n will_v not_o have_v adventure_v to_o have_v expose_v it_o to_o the_o world_n if_o beside_o those_o common_a innate_a notion_n of_o reason_n and_o some_o private_a note_n of_o his_o own_o he_o have_v not_o inform_v and_o ascertain_v his_o judgement_n by_o conference_n with_o some_o profess_a lawyer_n and_o those_o the_o eminent_a in_o the_o land_n touch_v the_o truth_n of_o what_o it_o treat_v of_o therefore_o he_o dare_v humble_o aver_v that_o it_o contain_v nothing_o but_o what_o be_v consonant_a to_o the_o fundamental_a and_o fix_a constitution_n to_o the_o know_a clear_a law_n of_o this_o kingdom_n j._n ●_z the_o instrument_n of_o a_o king_n in_o a_o successive_a hereditary_a kingdom_n as_o england_n be_v know_v and_o acknowledge_v to_o be_v by_o all_o party_n now_o in_o opposition_n there_o be_v 3_o thing_n which_o be_v inalienable_a from_o the_o person_n of_o the_o king_n they_o be_v 1._o the_o crown_n 2._o the_o sceptre_n 3._o the_o sword_n the_o one_o he_o be_v to_o carry_v on_o his_o head_n the_o other_o in_o his_o hand_n and_o the_o three_o at_o his_o side_n and_o they_o may_v be_v term_v all_o three_o the_o ensign_n or_o peculiar_a instrument_n of_o a_o king_n by_o the_o first_o he_o reign_v by_o the_o second_o he_o make_v law_n by_o the_o three_o he_o maintain_v they_o and_o the_o two_o first_o be_v but_o babble_n without_o the_o last_o 1._o touch_v the_o crown_n or_o royal_a diadem_n of_o england_n there_o be_v none_o whether_o presbyterian_a independent_a protestant_a or_o other_o now_o in_o action_n but_o confess_v that_o it_o descend_v by_o a_o right_a hereditary_a line_n though_o through_o divers_a race_n and_o some_o of_o they_o conqueror_n upon_o the_o head_n of_o charles_n the_o first_o now_o regnant_a it_o be_v his_o own_o by_o inherent_a birthright_n and_o nature_n by_o god_n law_n and_o the_o law_n of_o the_o land_n and_o these_o parliament-man_n at_o their_o first_o sit_v do_v agnize_v subjection_n unto_o he_o according_o and_o recognize_v he_o for_o their_o sovereign_a liege_n lord_n nay_o the_o roman_a catholic_n deny_v not_o this_o for_o though_o there_o be_v bull_n send_v to_o dispense_v with_o the_o english_a subject_n for_o their_o allegiance_n to_o queen_n elizabeth_n yet_o the_o pope_n do_v this_o against_o she_o as_o he_o take_v she_o for_o a_o heretic_n not_o a_o usurpresse_v though_o he_o know_v well_o enough_o that_o she_o have_v be_v declare_v illegitimate_a by_o the_o act_n of_o a_o english_a parliament_n this_o imperial_a crown_n of_o england_n be_v adorn_v and_o deck_v with_o many_o fair_a flower_n which_o be_v call_v royal_a prerogative_n and_o they_o be_v of_o such_o a_o transcendent_a nature_n that_o they_o be_v unforfeitable_a individual_a and_o untransferable_a to_o any_o other_o the_o king_n can_v only_o summon_v and_o dissolve_v parliament_n the_o king_n can_v only_o pardon_v for_o when_o he_o be_v crown_v he_o be_v swear_v to_o rule_v in_o mercy_n as_o well_o as_o in_o justice_n the_o king_n can_v only_o coin_n money_n and_o enhance_v or_o decry_v the_o value_n of_o it_o the_o power_n of_o elect_a officer_n of_o state_n of_o justice_n of_o peace_n and_o assize_n be_v in_o the_o king_n he_o can_v only_o grant_v sovereign_a commission_n the_o king_n can_v only_o wage_v war_n and_o make_v outlandish_a league_n the_o king_n may_v make_v all_o the_o court_n of_o justice_n ambulatory_a with_o his_o person_n as_o they_o be_v use_v of_o old_a it_o be_v true_a the_o court_n of_o common_a plea_n must_v be_v sedentary_a in_o some_o certain_a place_n for_o such_o a_o time_n but_o that_o expire_v it_o be_v removable_a at_o his_o pleasure_n the_o king_n can_v only_o employ_v ambassador_n and_o treat_v with_o foreign_a state_n etc._n etc._n these_o with_o other_o royal_a prerogative_n which_o i_o shall_v touch_v hereafter_o be_v those_o rare_a and_o wholesome_a flower_n wherewith_o the_o crown_n of_o england_n be_v embellish_v nor_o can_v they_o stick_v anywhere_o else_o but_o in_o the_o crown_n and_o all_o confess_v the_o crown_n be_v as_o much_o the_o king_n as_o any_o private_a man_n cap_n be_v his_o own_o the_o second_o regal_a instrument_n be_v the_o sceptre_n which_o may_v be_v call_v a_o inseparable_a companion_n or_o a_o necessary_a appendix_n to_o the_o crown_n this_o invest_v the_o king_n with_o the_o sole_a authority_n of_o make_v law_n for_o before_o his_o confirmation_n all_o result_v and_o determination_n of_o parliament_n be_v but_o bill_n or_o {non-roman}_o {non-roman}_o {non-roman}_o {non-roman}_o {non-roman}_o they_o be_v but_o abortive_a thing_n and_o mere_a embryos_n nay_o they_o have_v no_o life_n at_o all_o in_o they_o till_o the_o king_n put_v breath_n and_o vigour_n into_o they_o and_o the_o ancient_a custom_n be_v for_o the_o king_n to_o touch_v they_o with_o his_o sceptre_n than_o they_o be_v law_n and_o have_v a_o virtue_n in_o they_o to_o impose_v a_o obligation_n of_o universal_a obedience_n upon_o all_o sort_n of_o people_n it_o be_v a_o undeniable_a maxim_n that_o nothing_o can_v be_v general_o bind_v without_o the_o king_n royal_a assent_n nor_o do_v the_o law_n of_o england_n take_v notice_n of_o any_o thing_n without_o it_o this_o be_v do_v they_o be_v ever_o after_o style_v the_o king_n law_n and_o the_o judge_n be_v say_v to_o deliver_v the_o king_n judgement_n which_o agree_v with_o the_o holy_a text_n the_o king_n by_o judgement_n shall_v establish_v the_o land_n nay_o the_o law_n presume_v the_o king_n to_o be_v always_o the_o sole_a judge_n paramount_a and_o lord_n chief_a justice_n of_o england_n for_o he_o who_o he_o please_v to_o depute_v for_o his_o chief_a justice_n be_v but_o style_v lord_n chief_a justice_n of_o the_o king_n bench_n not_o lord_n chief_a justice_n of_o england_n which_o title_n be_v peculiar_a to_o the_o king_n himself_o and_o observable_a it_o be_v that_o whereas_o he_o grant_v commission_n and_o parent_n to_o the_o lord_n chancellor_n who_o be_v no_o other_o than_o keeper_n of_o his_o conscience_n and_o to_o all_o other_o judge_n he_o name_v the_o chief_a justice_n of_o his_o own_o bench_n by_o a_o short_a writ_n only_o contain_v two_o or_o three_o line_n now_o though_o the_o king_n be_v liable_a to_o the_o law_n and_o be_v content_v to_o be_v within_o their_o verge_n because_o they_o be_v chief_o his_o own_o production_n yet_o he_o be_v still_o their_o protector_n moderator_n and_o sovereign_a which_o attribute_n be_v incommunicable_a to_o any_o other_o conjunct_o or_o separate_o thus_o the_o king_n with_o his_o sceptre_n and_o by_o the_o mature_a advice_n of_o his_o two_o house_n of_o parl._n which_o be_v his_o high_a council_n and_o court_n have_v the_o sole_a power_n of_o make_v law_n other_o court_n of_o judicature_n do_v but_o expound_v they_o and_o distribute_v they_o by_o his_o appointment_n they_o have_v but_o juris_fw-la dati_fw-la dictionem_fw-la or_o declarationem_fw-la and_o herein_o i_o mean_v for_o the_o exposition_n of_o the_o law_n the_o twelve_o judge_n be_v to_o be_v believe_v before_o the_o whole_a kingdom_n beside_o they_o be_v as_o the_o areopagite_n in_o athens_n the_o chief_a precedent_n in_o france_n and_o spain_n in_o a_o extraordinary_a junta_n as_o the_o cape-syndique_n in_o the_o rota_n of_o rome_n and_o the_o republic_n of_o venice_n who_o judgement_n in_o point_n of_o interpret_n law_n be_v incontrollable_a and_o prefer_v before_o the_o opinion_n of_o the_o whole_a senate_n whence_o they_o receive_v their_o be_v and_o who_o have_v still_o power_n to_o repeal_v they_o though_o not_o to_o expound_v they_o in_o france_n they_o have_v a_o law-maxim_n arrest_v donné_fw-fr en_fw-fr rob_v rouge_fw-fr est_fw-la irrevocable_a which_o be_v a_o scarlet_a sentence_n be_v irrevocable_a mean_v when_o all_o the_o judge_n be_v meet_v in_o their_o robe_n and_o the_o client_n against_o who_o the_o cause_n go_v may_v chafe_v and_o chomp_n upon_o the_o bit_n and_o say_v what_o he_o will_v for_o the_o space_n
of_o 24_o hour_n against_o his_o judge_n but_o if_o ever_o after_o he_o traduce_v they_o he_o be_v punishable_a it_o be_v no_o otherwise_o here_o where_o every_o ignorant_a peevish_a client_n every_o puny_a barister_n special_o if_o he_o become_v a_o member_n of_o the_o house_n will_v be_v ready_a to_o arraign_v and_o vie_v knowledge_n with_o all_o the_o reverend_a judge_n in_o the_o land_n who_o judgement_n in_o point_n of_o law_n shall_v be_v only_o tripodicall_a and_o sterling_a so_o that_o he_o may_v be_v true_o call_v a_o just_a king_n and_o to_o rule_v according_a to_o law_n who_o rule_v according_a to_o the_o opinion_n of_o his_o judge_n therefore_o under_o favour_n i_o do_v not_o see_v how_o his_o majesty_n for_o his_o part_n can_v be_v call_v injust_a when_o he_o levy_v the_o ship-money_n consider_v he_o have_v the_o judge_n for_o it_o i_o now_o take_v the_o sword_n in_o hand_n which_o be_v the_o three_o instrument_n of_o a_o king_n and_o which_o this_o short_a discourse_n chief_o point_v at_o it_o be_v aswell_o as_o the_o two_o first_o incommunicable_a and_o inalienable_a from_o his_o person_n nothing_o concern_v his_o honour_n more_o both_o at_o home_n and_o abroad_o the_o crown_n and_o the_o sceptre_n be_v but_o unwieldy_a and_o impotent_a naked_a indefensible_a thing_n without_o it_o there_o be_v none_o so_o simple_a as_o to_o think_v there_o mean_v hereby_o a_o ordinary_a single_a sword_n such_o as_o every_o one_o carry_v by_o his_o side_n or_o some_o imaginary_a thing_n or_o chimaera_n of_o a_o sword_n no_o it_o be_v the_o polemical_a public_a sword_n of_o the_o whole_a kingdom_n it_o be_v a_o aggregative_a compound_a sword_n and_o it_o be_v mould_v of_o bell-metal_n for_o it_o be_v make_v up_o of_o all_o the_o ammunition_n and_o arm_n small_a and_o great_a of_o all_o the_o military_a strength_n both_o by_o land_n and_o sea_n of_o all_o the_o fort_n castle_n and_o tenable_a place_n within_o and_o round_a about_o the_o whole_a i_o will_v the_o king_n of_o england_n have_v have_v this_o sword_n by_o virtue_n of_o their_o royal_a signory_n from_o all_o time_n the_o law_n have_v gird_v it_o to_o their_o side_n they_o have_v employ_v it_o for_o repel_v all_o foreign_a force_n for_o revenge_v all_o foreign_a wrong_n or_o affront_n for_o quell_v all_o intestine_a tumult_n and_o for_o protect_v the_o weal_n of_o the_o whole_a body_n politic_a at_o home_n the_o people_n be_v never_o capable_a of_o this_o sword_n the_o fundamental_a constitution_n of_o this_o kingdom_n deny_v it_o they_o it_o be_v all_o one_o to_o put_v the_o sword_n in_o a_o mad_a man_n hand_n as_o in_o the_o peeple_n or_o for_o they_o to_o have_v a_o dispose_a power_n in_o who_o hand_n it_o shall_v be_v such_o be_v the_o case_n once_o of_o the_o french_a sword_n in_o that_o notorious_a insurrection_n call_v to_o this_o day_n la_fw-fr jaqueris_fw-la de_fw-fr beauvoisin_n when_o the_o peasant_n and_o mechanic_n have_v a_o design_n to_o wrest_v it_o out_o of_o the_o king_n hand_n and_o to_o depress_v all_o the_o peer_n and_o gentry_n of_o the_o kingdom_n and_o the_o business_n have_v go_v very_o far_o have_v not_o the_o prelate_n stick_v close_o to_o the_o nobility_n but_o afterwards_o poor_a harebrained_a thing_n they_o desire_v the_o king_n upon_o bend_a knee_n to_o take_v it_o again_o such_o popular_a puff_n have_v blow_v often_o in_o poland_n naples_n and_o other_o place_n where_o while_o they_o seek_v and_o fight_v for_o liberty_n by_o retrench_v the_o regal_a power_n they_o fool_v themselves_o into_o a_o slavery_n unaware_o and_o find_v the_o rule_n right_a that_o excess_n of_o freedom_n turn_v to_o thraldom_n and_o usher_n in_o all_o confusion_n if_o one_o shall_v go_v back_o to_o the_o nonage_n of_o the_o world_n when_o governor_n and_o ruler_n begin_v first_o one_o will_v find_v the_o people_n desire_v to_o live_v under_o king_n for_o their_o own_o advantage_n that_o they_o may_v be_v restrain_v from_o wild_a exorbitant_a liberty_n and_o keep_v in_o unity_n now_o unity_n be_v as_o requisite_a for_o the_o well-being_n of_o all_o natural_a thing_n as_o entity_n be_v for_o their_o be_v and_o it_o be_v a_o receive_a maxim_n in_o policy_n that_o nothing_o preserve_v unity_n more_o exact_o then_o royal_a government_n beside_o it_o be_v know_v to_o be_v the_o noble_a sort_n of_o sway_n in_o so_o much_o that_o by_o the_o law_n of_o nation_n if_o subject_n of_o equal_a degree_n and_o under_o differ_v prince_n shall_v meet_v the_o subject_n of_o a_o king_n shall_v take_v predency_n of_o those_o under_o any_o republic_n and_o those_o of_o a_o successif_n kingdom_n of_o those_o that_o be_v under_o a_o elective_a but_o to_o take_v up_o the_o sword_n again_o i_o say_v that_o the_o sword_n of_o public_a power_n and_o authority_n be_v fit_a only_o to_o hang_v at_o the_o king_n side_n and_o so_o indeed_o shall_v the_o great_a seal_n hang_v only_o at_o his_o girdle_n because_o it_o be_v the_o key_n of_o the_o kingdom_n which_o make_v i_o think_v of_o what_o i_o read_v of_o charlemagne_n how_o he_o have_v the_o imperial_a seal_n emboss_v always_o upon_o the_o pommel_n of_o his_o sword_n and_o his_o reason_n be_v that_o he_o be_v ready_a to_o maintain_v whatsoever_o he_o sign_v and_o seal_v the_o civilian_n who_o be_v not_o in_o all_o point_n so_o great_a friend_n to_o monarchy_n as_o the_o common_a law_n of_o england_n be_v say_v there_o be_v six_o lura_fw-la regalia_fw-la six_o regal_a right_n viz._n 1._o potestas_fw-la judicatoria_fw-la 2._o potestas_fw-la vitae_fw-la et_fw-la necis_fw-la 3._o armamenta_fw-la 4._o bona_fw-la adespota_fw-la 5._o census_n 6._o monetarum_fw-la valour_n to_o wit_n power_n of_o judicature_n power_n of_o life_n and_o death_n all_o kind_n of_o arm_v masterless_a good_n sessement_n and_o the_o value_n of_o money_n among_o these_o regalia_n we_o find_v that_o arm_v which_o in_o effect_n be_v nought_o else_o but_o the_o king_n sword_n be_v among_o the_o chief_a and_o it_o be_v as_o proper_a and_o peculiar_a to_o his_o person_n as_o either_o crown_n or_o sceptre_n by_o these_o two_o he_o draw_v a_o loose_a voluntary_a love_n and_o opinion_n only_o from_o his_o subject_n but_o by_o the_o sword_n he_o draw_v reverence_n and_o awe_n which_o be_v the_o chief_a ingredient_n of_o allegiance_n it_o be_v a_o maxim_n that_o the_o best_a mixture_n of_o government_n be_v make_v of_o fear_n and_o love_n with_o this_o sword_n he_o conferr_v honour_n he_o dubb_v knight_n he_o create_v magistrate_n the_o lord_n deputy_n of_o ireland_n the_o lord_n mayor_n of_o london_n with_o all_o other_o corporation_n have_v their_o sword_n from_o he_o and_o when_o he_o enter_v any_o place_n corporat_fw-la we_o know_v the_o first_o thing_n that_o be_v present_v he_o be_v the_o sword_n with_o this_o sword_n he_o shield_v and_o preserve_v all_o his_o people_n that_o every_o one_o may_v sit_v quiet_o under_o his_o own_o vine_n sleep_v secure_o in_o his_o own_o house_n and_o enjoy_v sweet_o the_o fruit_n of_o his_o labour_n nor_o do_v the_o point_n of_o this_o sword_n reach_v only_o to_o every_o corner_n of_o his_o own_o dominion_n but_o it_o extend_v beyond_o the_o sea_n to_o guard_v his_o subject_n from_o oppression_n and_o denial_n of_o justice_n as_o well_o as_o to_o vindicate_v the_o public_a wrong_n make_v good_a the_o interest_n of_o his_o crown_n and_o to_o assist_v his_o confederate_n this_o be_v the_o sword_n that_o edward_n the_o three_o tie_v the_o flower_n deluce_n unto_o which_o stick_v still_o unto_o it_o when_o have_v send_v to_o france_n to_o demand_v that_o crown_n by_o maternal_a right_n the_o counsel_n there_o send_v he_o word_n that_o the_o crown_n of_o france_n be_v not_o tie_v to_o a_o d●staff_n to_o which_o scoff_a answer_n he_o reply_v that_o then_o he_o will_v tie_v it_o to_o his_o sword_n and_o he_o be_v as_o good_a as_o his_o word_n nor_o be_v this_o public_a sword_n concredit_v or_o entrust_v by_o the_o people_n in_o a_o fiduciary_a conditional_a way_n to_o the_o king_n but_o it_o be_v proper_o and_o peculiar_o belong_v unto_o he_o as_o a_o inseparable_a concomitant_a perpetual_a usher_n and_o attendant_n to_o his_o crown_n the_o king_n we_o know_v use_v to_o maintain_v all_o garrison_n upon_o his_o own_o charge_n not_o the_o peeple_n he_o fortify_v upon_o his_o own_o charge_n not_o the_o peeple_n and_o though_o i_o will_v not_o aver_v that_o the_o king_n may_v impress_v any_o of_o his_o subject_n unless_o it_o be_v upon_o a_o actual_a invasion_n by_o sea_n or_o a_o sudden_a irruption_n into_o his_o kingdom_n by_o land_n as_o the_o scot_n have_v often_o do_v yet_o at_o any_o time_n the_o king_n may_v raise_v volunteer_n and_o those_o who_o have_v receive_v his_o money_n the_o law_n make_v it_o felony_n if_o they_o forsake_v his_o service_n thus_o we_o see_v there_o be_v
nothing_o that_o conduce_v more_o to_o the_o glory_n and_o indeed_o the_o very_a essence_n of_o a_o king_n than_o the_o sword_n which_o be_v the_o arm_n and_o military_a strength_n of_o his_o kingdom_n wherefore_o under_o favour_n there_o can_v be_v a_o great_a point_n of_o dishonour_n to_o a_o king_n then_o to_o be_v disarm_v then_o to_o have_v his_o sword_n take_v from_o he_o or_o dispose_v of_o and_o entrust_v to_o any_o but_o those_o who_o he_o shall_v appoint_v for_o as_o à_fw-la minori_fw-la ad_fw-la majus_fw-la the_o argument_n often_o hold_v if_o a_o private_a gentleman_n chance_v to_o be_v disarm_v upon_o a_o quarrel_n it_o be_v hold_v the_o utmost_a of_o disgrace_n much_o great_a and_o more_o public_a be_v the_o dishonour_n that_o fall_v upon_o a_o king_n if_o after_o some_o traverse_n of_o difference_n betwixt_o he_o and_o his_o subject_n they_o shall_v offer_v to_o disarm_v he_o or_o demand_v his_o sword_n of_o he_o when_o the_o eagle_n part_v with_o his_o talon_n and_o the_o lion_n with_o his_o tooth_n and_o ongle_fw-fr the_o apolog_fw-la tell_v we_o how_o contemptible_a afterwards_o the_o one_o grow_v to_o be_v among_o bird_n the_o other_o among_o beast_n for_o a_o king_n to_o part_n with_o the_o sword_n politic_a be_v to_o render_v himself_o such_o a_o ridiculous_a king_n as_o that_o log_n of_o wood_n be_v which_o jupiter_n let_v down_o among_o the_o frog_n for_o their_o king_n at_o the_o importunity_n of_o their_o croak_n it_o be_v to_o make_v he_o a_o king_n of_o clout_n or_o as_o the_o spaniard_n have_v it_o rey_n de_fw-fr havas_n a_o bean-king_n such_o as_o we_o use_v to_o choose_v in_o sport_n at_o twelfth-night_n but_o my_o hope_n be_v that_o the_o two_o present_a house_n of_o parliament_n for_o now_o they_o may_v be_v call_v so_o because_o they_o begin_v to_o parley_v with_o their_o king_n will_v be_v more_o tender_a of_o the_o honour_n of_o their_o sovereign_n liege_n lord_n which_o together_o with_o all_o his_o right_n and_o dignity_n by_o several_a solemn_a oath_n and_o by_o their_o own_o bind_v instrument_n of_o protestation_n and_o covenant_n not_o yet_o revoke_v they_o be_v swear_v to_o maintain_v and_o that_o they_o will_v demand_v nothing_o of_o he_o which_o may_v savour_v of_o aspertè_fw-la or_o force_n but_o what_o may_v hold_v water_n hereafter_o but_o now_o touch_v the_o militia_n or_o sword_n of_o the_o kingdom_n i_o think_v under_o favour_n the_o king_n can_v transfer_v it_o to_o any_o other_o for_o that_o be_v to_o desert_v the_o protection_n of_o his_o people_n which_o be_v pointblank_o against_o his_o coronation_n oath_n and_o his_o office_n what_o foreign_a prince_n or_o state_n will_v send_v either_o ambassador_n resident_n or_o agent_n to_o he_o when_o they_o understand_v his_o sword_n be_v take_v from_o he_o what_o reform_v foreign_a church_n will_v acknowledge_v he_o defender_n of_o the_o faith_n when_o they_o hear_v of_o this_o nay_o they_o who_o wish_v england_n no_o good_a will_n will_v go_v near_o to_o paint_v he_o out_o as_o not_o long_o since_o another_o king_n be_v with_o a_o fair_a velvet_n scabbard_n a_o specious_a golden_a hilt_n and_o chape_n but_o the_o blade_n within_o be_v of_o wood_n i_o hope_v that_o they_o who_o sway_v now_o will_v make_v better_a use_n of_o their_o success_n many_o of_o they_o know_v it_o be_v as_o difficult_a a_o thing_n to_o use_v a_o victory_n well_o as_o to_o get_v one_o there_o be_v as_o much_o prudence_n require_v in_o the_o one_o as_o prowess_n in_o the_o other_o they_o will_v be_v wise_a sure_o than_o turn_v it_o to_o the_o dishonour_n of_o their_o king_n it_o be_v a_o certain_a rule_n that_o the_o glory_n of_o a_o nation_n all_o the_o world_n over_o depend_v upon_o the_o glory_n of_o their_o king_n and_o if_o he_o be_v any_o way_n obscure_v the_o whole_a kingdom_n be_v under_o a_o eclipse_n i_o have_v observe_v that_o among_o other_o character_n of_o gallantry_n which_o foreign_a writer_n appropriate_a to_o the_o english_a nation_n one_o be_v that_o they_o use_v to_o be_v most_o zealous_a to_o preserve_v the_o honour_n of_o their_o king_n i_o trust_v that_o they_o who_o be_v now_o up_o will_v return_v to_o the_o step_n of_o their_o progenitor_n both_o in_o this_o particular_a and_o divers_a other_o that_o their_o success_n may_v serve_v to_o sweeten_v and_o moderate_a thing_n and_o suppress_v the_o popular_a sword_n which_o still_o rage_v and_o it_o have_v be_v hearty_o wish_v that_o a_o suspension_n of_o arm_n have_v precede_v this_o treaty_n which_o use_v to_o be_v the_o ordinary_a forerunner_n and_o a_o necessary_a antecedent_n to_o all_o treaty_n for_o while_o act_n of_o hostility_n continue_v some_o ill_a favour_a news_n may_v intervene_v which_o may_v embitter_v and_o disturb_v all_o nor_o can_v it_o be_v expect_v that_o the_o proceed_n will_v go_v on_o with_o that_o candour_n and_o confidence_n while_o the_o old_a rancour_n be_v still_o in_o action_n it_o be_v impossible_a a_o sore_n shall_v heal_v till_o the_o inflammation_n be_v take_v away_o to_o cast_v water_n into_o a_o wound_n instead_o of_o oil_n be_v not_o the_o way_n to_o cure_v it_o or_o to_o cast_v oil_n upon_o a_o fire_n instead_o of_o water_n be_v not_o the_o way_n to_o quench_v it_o poor_a england_n have_v have_v a_o consume_a fire_n within_o her_o bowel_n many_o year_n she_o be_v also_o mortal_o wound_v in_o all_o her_o member_n that_o she_o be_v still_o in_o a_o high_a fever_n which_o have_v make_v she_o rave_v and_o speak_v idle_a a_o long_a time_n and_o it_o be_v like_a to_o turn_v to_o a_o hectic_a if_o not_o timely_o prevent_v i_o p●ay_v god_n she_o may_v have_v no_o occasion_n to_o make_v use_n of_o the_o same_o complaint_n as_o alexander_n the_o great_a make_v when_o he_o be_v expire_a and_o last_o perii_fw-la turba_fw-la medicorum_fw-la too_o many_o physician_n have_v undo_v i_o to_o conclude_v in_o a_o word_n there_o be_v but_o one_o only_a way_n under_o favour_n to_o put_v a_o period_n to_o all_o these_o fearful_a confusion_n it_o be_v to_o put_v the_o great_a master-wheel_n in_o order_n and_o in_o its_o due_a place_n again_o and_o then_o all_o the_o inferior_a wheel_n will_v move_v regular_o let_v the_o king_n be_v restore_v and_o every_o one_o will_v come_v to_o his_o own_o all_o interest_n will_v be_v satisfy_v all_o thing_n quick_o rectify_v till_o this_o be_v do_v it_o be_v as_o absurd_a to_o attempt_v the_o settle_n of_o peace_n as_o if_o one_o shall_v go_v about_o to_o set_v a_o watch_n by_o the_o gnomon_n of_o a_o horizontal_a dial_n when_o the_o sun_n be_v in_o a_o cloud_n dolour_n capitis_fw-la est_fw-la caput_fw-la doloris_fw-la jam._n howell_n 16._o septemb._n 1648._o