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england_n act_n parliament_n time_n 3,483 5 3.6009 3 false
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A85569 A great and bloody fight in Ireland. The killing of Collonel Cook, and many other commission officers and souldiers to the Parliament of England, by a party of Irish Tories commanded by Generall Owen Oneale. Also, a letter from the great councell of the Irish holden at Galway to Leiut: Gen: Ludlowe, with some propositions for the Parliament of England. With the articles of agreement made between commissary Gen: Reynolds and Collonel Fitz Patrick, in behalf of himself and his whole partie of the Irish, and the form of their engagement to the common-wealth of England. 1652 (1652) Wing G1644; Thomason E659_17; ESTC R206714 4,499 8

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in_o prejudice_n of_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n as_o appeareth_z by_o the_o article_n themselves_o which_o i_o have_v herewith_o send_v you_o article_n of_o agreement_n mad●_n and_o conclude_v the_o seven_o day_n of_o march_n 1651._o at_o stream_n town_n in_o the_o county_n of_o west_n meath_z between_o commissary_n gen_n reynolds_n and_o the_o rest_n therein_o authorize_v of_o the_o one_o party_n and_o coll_n john_n fitz_n patrick_n of_o the_o other_o part_n as_o follow_v viz._n 1._o that_o pardon_n for_o life_n shall_v be_v assure_v to_o colonel_n fitz_n patrick_n aforesaid_a and_o all_o other_o of_o his_o party_n except_o such_o person_n as_o have_v a_o hand_n or_o be_v actor_n in_o any_o of_o the_o murder_n massacre_n or_o robbery_n which_o be_v commit_v upon_o the_o english_a and_o protestant_n in_o ireland_n during_o the_o first_o year_n of_o the_o rebellion_n or_o any_o murder_n or_o massacre_n since_o the_o first_o year_n commit_v upon_o any_o person_n not_o be_v in_o arms._n 2._o that_o colonel_n fitz_n patrick_n shall_v have_v liberty_n to_o transport_v himself_o and_o his_o party_n and_o priest_n except_o before_o except_v into_o any_o the_o part_n beyond_o the_o sea_n in_o amity_n with_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n and_o that_o they_o engage_v to_o act_v nothing_o prejudicial_a to_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n and_o that_o he_o shall_v have_v six_o month_n time_n allow_v for_o transport_v they_o at_o the_o port_n of_o waterford_n and_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n to_o reside_v in_o the_o parliament_n quarter_n or_o elsewhere_o free_a from_o violence_n or_o injury_n offer_v they_o by_o the_o parliament_n force_n they_o engage_v not_o to_o do_v any_o hostile_a act_n in_o the_o parliament_n quarter_n 3._o that_o if_o the_o transportation_n of_o coll_n fitz_n patrick_n party_n as_o aforesaid_a may_v be_v effect_v in_o a_o short_a time_n than_o six_o month_n it_o shall_v be_v do_v according_o and_o if_o for_o want_n of_o wind_n or_o ship_n the_o say_a transportation_n can_v be_v do_v within_o the_o say_a time_n of_o six_o month_n a_o further_a time_n shall_v be_v allow_v as_o by_o the_o right_n honourable_a the_o commissioner_n of_o the_o parliament_n for_o the_o affair_n of_o ireland_n shall_v be_v judge_v necessary_a 4._o that_o if_o any_o of_o col_n fitz_n patrix_n party_n to_o be_v by_o he_o transport_v as_o aforesaid_a shall_v be_v find_v to_o be_v within_o the_o exception_n before_o give_v advantage_n shall_v not_o be_v take_v against_o they_o for_o the_o present_a but_o liberty_n give_v they_o to_o return_v 5._o that_o col_n fitz_n patrick_n or_o his_o party_n except_o before_o except_v shall_v not_o be_v subject_a to_o the_o suit_n of_o any_o person_n or_o person_n for_o any_o act_n by_o they_o or_o either_o of_o they_o do_v since_o their_o be_v in_o armer_n 6._o that_o col._n fitz_n patrick_n and_o his_o party_n shall_v at_o the_o water_n side_n where_o they_o shall_v be_v transport_v as_o aforesaid_a lay_v down_o and_o deliver_v their_o arm_n to_o such_o as_o shall_v be_v appoint_v to_o receive_v they_o and_o that_o the_o say_v col_n fitz_n patrick_n and_o his_o party_n shall_v have_v liberty_n to_o sell_v their_o horse_n for_o their_o best_a advantage_n to_o those_o of_o the_o parliament_n party_n and_o to_o none_o other_o and_o that_o the_o say_v col._n fitz_n patrick_n shall_v within_o twenty_o day_n from_o the_o date_n of_o these_o present_n give_v to_o the_o commissary_n general_n at_o athlone_n or_o to_o the_o officer_n there_o command_v in_o chief_a a_o true_a list_n of_o the_o name_n and_o number_n of_o his_o party_n who_o be_v to_o receive_v the_o benefit_n of_o these_o and_o the_o follow_a concession_n and_o that_o thenceforth_o they_o do_v no_o hostile_a act_n to_o the_o prejudice_n of_o the_o parliament_n quarter_n or_o party_n 7._o that_o the_o consideration_n of_o quarter_n for_o col._n fitz_n patrix_n party_n who_o be_v to_o be_v by_o he_o transport_v as_o aforesaid_a be_v defer_v till_o the_o time_n of_o his_o give_v in_o the_o lift_n of_o the_o name_n and_o number_n of_o his_o say_a party_n mention_v in_o the_o precedent_a article_n at_o which_o time_n the_o say_a col_n fitz_n patrick_n shall_v deliver_v the_o particular_n of_o his_o present_a assignation_n whereby_o a_o course_n for_o the_o subsistence_n of_o his_o party_n until_o the_o time_n of_o their_o transportation_n as_o aforesaid_a may_v be_v take_v into_o consideration_n to_o be_v in_o order_n to_o the_o place_n of_o their_o transportation_n as_o shall_v be_v think_v most_o convenient_a 8._o that_o if_o col._n fitz_n patrick_n or_o any_o of_o his_o party_n except_o before_o except_v shall_v desire_v to_o live_v peacable_o in_o ireland_n they_o shall_v be_v admit_v so_o to_o do_v they_o submit_v as_o all_o other_o to_o payment_n of_o contribution_n and_o to_o all_o ordinance_n of_o parliament_n provide_v that_o this_o shall_v not_o extend_v to_o give_v protection_n to_o priest_n and_o jesuit_n or_o other_o of_o the_o popish_a clergy_n to_o live_v in_o the_o parliament_n quarter_n provide_v also_o that_o this_o their_o desire_n be_v declare_v to_o the_o commissary_n general_n aforesaid_a within_o twenty_o day_n from_o the_o date_n of_o these_o present_n and_o the_o name_n of_o the_o say_a person_n be_v deliver_v in_o writing_n to_o who_o protection_n if_o desire_v shall_v be_v give_v as_o be_v usual_a 9_o that_o for_o performance_n of_o these_o article_n col_fw-fr fitz_n patrick_n shall_v deliver_v sufficient_a hostage_n to_o the_o commissary_n general_n at_o athlone_n or_o to_o the_o officer_n there_o command_v in_o chief_a when_o the_o same_o shall_v be_v require_v by_o the_o say_a commissary_n general_n 10._o that_o col._n fitz_n patrick_n shall_v not_o be_v personal_o answerable_a for_o any_o unjust_a act_n do_v by_o his_o father_n 11._o that_o particular_a or_o personal_a action_n of_o col._n fitz_n patrick_n party_n or_o any_o of_o they_o shall_v not_o extend_v further_o then_o to_o the_o person_n so_o act_v col._n fitz_n patrick_n and_o the_o rest_n or_o his_o party_n and_o every_o of_o they_o use_v their_o utmost_a endeavour_n for_o bring_v to_o justice_n the_o person_n so_o act_v 12._o that_o if_o any_o doubt_n shall_v arise_v concern_v the_o true_a intent_n and_o meaning_n of_o the_o premise_n or_o any_o part_n of_o they_o it_o shall_v be_v leave_v to_o the_o commissary_n general_n aforesaid_a to_o clear_v the_o same_o as_o occasion_n shall_v be_v offer_v 13._o last_o for_o performance_n of_o all_o and_o singular_a the_o premise_n the_o party_n hereunto_o have_v to_o these_o present_v interchangeable_o set_v to_o their_o hand_n and_o seal_n the_o day_n and_o year_n first_o above_o write_v sign_v sealed_n and_o deliver_v in_o the_o presence_n of_o john_n fitz_n patrick_n hen_n oowen_n cypryan_n grace_n waller_n jo_n coghlane_n dublin_n 12._o march_n 1652._o a_o party_n of_o the_o tory_n be_v abroad_o colonel_n cook_n go_v out_o with_o a_o party_n of_o the_o english_a and_o meet_v with_o they_o he_o give_v the_o onset_n which_o prove_v a_o sharp_a encounter_n and_o after_o two_o hour_n fight_n and_o many_o person_n kill_v &_o wound_v on_o both_o side_n the_o commander_n in_o chief_n of_o the_o irish_a receive_v a_o shot_n in_o his_o belly_n of_o which_o he_o die_v present_o after_o we_o also_o slay_v of_o the_o enemy_n about_o 60._o and_o take_v 80._o prisoner_n among_o those_o that_o be_v slay_v and_o take_v be_v 30_o commission_n officer_n of_o which_o number_n be_v he_o that_o command_v the_o irish_a party_n and_o that_o which_o most_o affect_v we_o be_v the_o loss_n of_o that_o worthy_a commander_n colonel_n cook_n and_o two_o or_o three_o other_o officer_n of_o approve_a fidelity_n to_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n finis_fw-la
a_o great_a and_o bloody_a fight_n in_o ireland_n the_o kill_n of_o colonel_n cook_n and_o many_o other_o commission_n officer_n and_o soldier_n to_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n by_o a_o party_n of_o irish_a tory_n command_v by_o general_n owen_n oneale_n also_o a_o letter_n from_o the_o great_a council_n of_o the_o irish_a hold_v at_o galway_n to_o lieut_n gen_n ludlowe_n with_o some_o proposition_n for_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n with_o the_o article_n of_o agreement_n make_v between_o commissary_n gen_n reynolds_n and_o colonel_n fitz_n patrick_n in_o behalf_n of_o himself_o and_o his_o whole_a party_n of_o the_o irish_a and_o the_o form_n of_o their_o engagement_n to_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n london_n print_v by_o f_o n_n ap●●…ll_o 12_o 1652_o a_o letter_n to_o li●ut_v gen_n ludlowe_v from_o and_o in_o the_o name_n of_o the_o irish_a council_n hold_v at_o galway_n march_v 9th_o 1652._o by_o the_o return_n make_v from_o you_o upon_o the_o overture_n make_v by_o his_o excellency_n the_o lord_n marquis_n of_o clanrickard_n lord_n deputy_n general_n of_o ireland_n for_o a_o treaty_n in_o order_n to_o a_o general_a settlement_n of_o this_o nation_n we_o understand_v that_o you_o as_o be_v not_o qualify_v with_o sufficient_a power_n decline_v it_o leave_v the_o same_o unto_o the_o parliament_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n unto_o who_o although_o you_o give_v but_o little_a encouragement_n for_o address_n to_o be_v make_v in_o that_o kind_n yet_o to_o the_o end_n we_o may_v perform_v our_o part_n in_o humble_v ourselves_o before_o the_o omnipotent_a hand_n of_o god_n by_o who_o permission_n they_o be_v raise_v to_o their_o present_a height_n and_o leave_v no_o way_n unattempted_a for_o quench_v a_o unnatural_a quarrel_n between_o two_o nation_n of_o late_a link_v in_o love_n ally_v in_o blood_n and_o not_o different_a in_o law_n and_o upon_o consideration_n have_v that_o probable_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n will_v in_o their_o wisdom_n listen_v and_o condescend_v unto_o the_o reasonable_a desire_n of_o this_o nation_n for_o a_o general_a settlement_n when_o they_o shall_v due_o weigh_v the_o necessity_n and_o duty_n force_v and_o oblige_v their_o continuance_n in_o arm_n hitherto_o the_o good_a desire_n the_o people_n of_o this_o land_n and_o affection_n to_o support_v the_o interest_n of_o england_n the_o manifold_a benefit_n arise_v to_o the_o parliament_n by_o a_o good_a peace_n and_o voluntary_a acceptance_n of_o this_o people_n of_o their_o protection_n and_o many_o other_o advantage_n to_o be_v derive_v from_o thence_o and_o on_o the_o other_o side_n the_o expense_n and_o uncertainty_n of_o a_o tedious_a war_n prove_v by_o the_o experience_n of_o former_a age_n which_o beside_o the_o injustice_n of_o it_o against_o a_o people_n desire_v peace_n numerous_a in_o arm_n and_o capable_a of_o foreign_a succour_n can_v bring_v no_o return_n of_o profit_n rouse_v their_o thought_n hopeless_a of_o other_o remedy_n unto_o the_o high_a pitch_n of_o a_o desperate_a resolution_n which_o by_o god_n assistance_n may_v alter_v the_o present_a state_n of_o their_o affair_n and_o produce_v almost_o but_o a_o conquest_n of_o a_o waste_a country_n not_o to_o be_v parallel_v to_o a_o peace_n ground_v on_o a_o treaty_n and_o willing_a concurrence_n of_o the_o people_n therefore_o the_o great_a council_n of_o the_o kingdom_n here_o assemble_v have_v think_v fit_a to_o direct_v this_o express_a unto_o you_o desire_v that_o you_o will_v be_v please_v to_o send_v a_o safe_a conduct_n in_o blank_a unto_o such_o commissioner_n with_o their_o retinue_n not_o exceed_v the_o number_n of_o thirty_o in_o all_o as_o shall_v be_v employ_v for_o this_o kingdom_n unto_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n ●o_z represent_v the_o desire_n of_o this_o nation_n unto_o they_o and_o it_o for_o the_o avoid_n further_a effsivon_n of_o christian_a blood_n a_o cessation_n of_o arm_n and_o act_n of_o hostility_n be_v consent_v unto_o until_o the_o pleasure_n of_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n shall_v be_v know_v we_o conceive_v it_o may_v principal_o conduce_v to_o the_o satisfaction_n of_o the_o parliament_n and_o settlement_n of_o this_o kingdom_n all_o which_o i_o have_v in_o command_n from_o the_o say_a council_n to_o intimate_v unto_o you_o and_o so_o i_o remain_v your_o servant_n galway_n 9_o martii_fw-la 1651._o richard_n blake_n for_o lieutenant_n general_n ludlow_n commander_n in_o chief_a of_o the_o parliament_n force_n in_o this_o kingdom_n lieut_n gen_n ludlow_n answer_v to_o the_o former_a letter_n in_o you_o of_o the_o 9th_o instant_a which_o come_v to_o my_o hand_n the_o 17_o sign_v by_o command_n of_o the_o great_a council_n at_o galway_n assemble_v as_o you_o be_v please_v to_o style_v they_o who_o authority_n i_o may_v not_o acknowledge_v you_o reiterate_v in_o effect_n the_o former_a application_n from_o the_o earl_n of_o clanrichard_n for_o the_o settlement_n of_o this_o nation_n differ_v only_o in_o this_o that_o whereas_o he_o will_v have_v capitulate_v in_o that_o affair_n upon_o the_o place_n you_o propose_v for_o licence_n to_o be_v give_v unto_o commissioner_n to_o repair_v unto_o the_o parliament_n about_o the_o same_o which_o have_v be_v occasion_v through_o this_o mistake_n as_o i_o conceive_v you_o apprehend_v that_o deny_v all_o to_o proceed_v mere_o from_o the_o want_n of_o power_n in_o the_o minister_n of_o the_o parliament_n here_o whereas_o indeed_o the_o chief_n ground_n thereof_o be_v the_o unreasonableness_n of_o the_o proposition_n itself_o which_o be_v in_o my_o judgement_n in_o effect_n thus_o that_o such_o who_o be_v guilty_a of_o a_o bloody_a and_o cruel_a massacre_n at_o least_o engage_v in_o the_o withhold_a of_o they_o from_o justice_n who_o be_v so_o who_o the_o righteous_a hand_n of_o god_n have_v prosecute_v from_o field_n to_o field_n from_o city_n to_o city_n even_o to_o the_o gate_n of_o galway_n shall_v be_v admit_v to_o capitulate_v about_o the_o settlement_n of_o this_o nation_n which_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n their_o lawful_a magistrate_n who_o god_n have_v not_o only_o permit_v to_o be_v raise_v to_o their_o present_a height_n as_o you_o term_v it_o but_o by_o his_o own_o outstretch_v arm_n and_o glorious_a presence_n have_v enable_v to_o become_v a_o terror_n to_o evil_a doer_n and_o a_o encouragement_n to_o they_o that_o do_v well_o and_o this_o capitulation_n to_o be_v before_o they_o have_v either_o own_v their_o guilt_n or_o deliver_v those_o achan_n to_o justice_n for_o who_o iniquity_n the_o law_n mourn_v indeed_o if_o once_o the_o lord_n will_v true_o humble_v you_o under_o his_o omnipotent_a hand_n for_o your_o raise_n and_o foment_v this_o unnatural_a quarrel_n between_o two_o nation_n of_o late_o link_v in_o love_n ally_v in_o blood_n and_o not_o different_a in_o law_n as_o yourselves_o confess_v and_o will_v incline_v you_o timely_a and_o ready_o to_o submit_v to_o their_o authority_n as_o the_o great_a part_n of_o the_o nation_n have_v already_o do_v i_o shall_v then_o hope_v that_o deliverance_n be_v draw_v nigh_o at_o least_o to_o a_o remnant_n of_o those_o among_o you_o who_o yet_o continue_v in_o disobedience_n and_o that_o such_o of_o you_o may_v be_v capable_a of_o that_o settlement_n which_o at_o this_o time_n the_o parliament_n of_o england_n be_v intent_n upon_o but_o while_o you_o insist_v upon_o the_o justice_n of_o your_o cause_n and_o persevere_v in_o your_o hostility_n it_o be_v not_o the_o advantage_n we_o may_v partake_v of_o by_o a_o settlement_n nor_o the_o uncertainty_n of_o a_o tedious_a war_n prove_v by_o experience_n of_o former_a age_n or_o back_v by_o a_o number_n of_o people_n in_o arm_n capable_a of_o foreign_a succour_n nor_o fear_v of_o have_v this_o country_n render_v waste_v and_o useless_a to_o we_o that_o aught_o to_o deter_v we_o from_o do_v our_o duty_n or_o invite_v we_o to_o this_o sinful_a or_o unworthy_a compliance_n with_o you_o as_o touch_v the_o cessation_n you_o propose_v for_o the_o avoid_n of_o the_o further_a effusion_n of_o christian_a blood_n i_o can_v wish_v that_o this_o tenderness_n have_v in_o the_o beginning_n possess_v your_o spirit_n but_o how_o such_o a_o cessation_n can_v be_v satisfactory_a to_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n appear_v not_o to_o i_o see_v they_o have_v be_v at_o so_o vast_a a_o charge_n in_o their_o preparation_n for_o the_o put_v a_o speedy_a issue_n to_o this_o war_n which_o by_o the_o lord_n assistance_n shall_v be_v hearty_o prosecute_v by_o dublin_n this_o 19_o march_n 1651_o your_o servant_n edmond_n ludlowe_n to_o sir_n richard_n blake_n this_o some_o few_o day_n before_o this_o one_o coll_n fitz_n patrick_n the_o most_o eminent_a in_o command_n among_o the_o irish_a in_o west_n meath_z make_v a_o agreement_n for_o himself_o and_o his_o whole_a party_n with_o the_o commissary_n general_n they_o engage_v not_o to_o act_v any_o thing_n