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england_n act_n parliament_n time_n 3,483 5 3.6009 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A74486 An act for the establishing an High Court of Justice. Together with 1. An act prohibiting the proclaiming of any person to be king over England or Ireland, or the dominions thereof. 2. An act declaring what offences shall be adjudged treason. 3. An another act declaring what offences shall be adjudged treason. 4. An act for a seal of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England. Tuesday the 22th of November, 1653. Ordered by the Parliament, that this act passed yesterday, entituled, An act for the establishing an High Court of Justice, be forthwith printed and published: and that the several other acts therein mentioned be printed therewith. Hen: Scobell, Clerk of the Parliament. England and Wales. Parliament. 1653 (1653) Thomason E1062_26; ESTC R209424 6,846 16

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the_o parliament_n a_o act_n prohibit_v the_o proclaim_v of_o any_o person_n to_o be_v king_n of_o england_n or_o ireland_n or_o the_o dominion_n thereof_o whereas_o charles_n stuart_n king_n of_o england_n be_v for_o the_o notorious_a treason_n tyranny_n and_o murder_n commit_v by_o he_o in_o the_o late_a unnatural_a and_o cruel_a war_n condemn_v to_o death_n whereupon_o after_o execution_n of_o the_o same_o several_a protence_n may_v be_v make_v and_o title_n set_v on_o foot_n unto_o the_o kingly_a office_n to_o the_o apparent_a hazard_n of_o the_o public_a peace_n for_o prevention_n thereof_o be_v it_o enact_v and_o ordain_v by_o this_o present_a parliament_n and_o by_o authority_n of_o the_o same_o that_o no_o person_n or_o person_n whatsoever_o do_v presume_v to_o proclaim_v declare_v publish_v or_o any_o way_n promote_v charles_n stuart_n son_n of_o the_o say_v charles_n common_o call_v the_o prince_n of_o wales_n or_o any_o other_o person_n to_o be_v king_n or_o chief_a magistrate_n of_o england_n or_o of_o ireland_n or_o of_o any_o the_o dominion_n belong_v to_o they_o or_o either_o of_o they_o by_o colour_n of_o inheritance_n succession_n election_n or_o any_o other_o claim_v whatsoever_o without_o the_o free_a consent_n of_o the_o people_n in_o parliament_n first_o have_v and_o signify_v by_o a_o particular_a act_n or_o ordinance_n for_o that_o purpose_n any_o statute_n law_n usage_n or_o custom_n to_o the_o contrary_a hereof_o in_o any_o wise_n notwithstanding_o and_o be_v it_o further_o enact_v and_o ordain_v and_o it_o be_v hereby_o enact_v and_o ordain_v that_o whosoever_o shall_v contrary_v to_o this_o act_n proclaim_v declare_v publish_v or_o any_o way_n promote_v the_o say_a charles_n stuart_n the_o son_n or_o any_o other_o person_n to_o be_v king_n or_o chief_a magistrate_n of_o england_n or_o of_o ireland_n or_o of_o any_o the_o dominion_n belong_v to_o they_o or_o to_o either_o of_o they_o without_o the_o say_a consent_n in_o parliament_n signify_v as_o aforesaid_a shall_v be_v deem_v and_o adjudge_v a_o traitor_n to_o the_o commonwealth_n and_o shall_v suffer_v pain_n of_o death_n and_o such_o other_o punishment_n as_o belong_v to_o the_o crime_n of_o high_a treason_n and_o all_o officer_n as_o well_o civil_a as_o military_a and_o all_o other_o well_o affect_a person_n be_v hereby_o authorize_v and_o require_v forthwith_o to_o apprehend_v all_o such_o offender_n and_o to_o bring_v they_o in_o safe_a custrody_n to_o the_o next_o justice_n of_o the_o peace_n that_o they_o may_v be_v proceed_v against_o according_o die_v martis_n 30._o januarii_n 1648._o order_v by_o the_o commons_o assemble_v in_o parliament_n that_o this_o act_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v h_o scobell_n ler._n parl._n d._n com._n a_o act_n declare_v what_o offence_n shall_v be_v adjudge_v treason_n whereas_o the_o parliament_n have_v abolish_v the_o kingly_a office_n in_o england_n and_o ireland_n and_o in_o the_o dominion_n and_o territory_n thereunto_o belong_v and_o have_v resolve_v &_o declare_v that_o the_o people_n shall_v for_o the_o future_a be_v govern_v by_o its_o own_o representative_n or_o national_a meeting_n in_o council_n choose_v and_o entrust_v by_o they_o for_o that_o purpose_n have_v settle_v the_o government_n in_o the_o way_n of_o a_o commonwealth_n and_o free_a state_n without_o king_n or_o house_n of_o lord_n be_v it_o enact_v by_o this_o present_a parliament_n and_o by_o the_o authority_n of_o the_o same_o that_o if_o any_o person_n shall_v malicious_o or_o advise_o publish_v by_o writing_n print_v or_o open_o declare_v that_o the_o say_a government_n be_v tyrannical_a usurp_v or_o unlawful_a or_o that_o the_o commons_o in_o parliament_n assemble_v be_v not_o the_o supreme_a authority_n of_o this_o nation_n or_o shall_v plot_v contrive_v or_o endeavour_v to_o stir_v up_o or_o raise_v force_n against_o the_o present_a government_n or_o for_o the_o subversion_n or_o alteration_n of_o the_o same_o and_o shall_v declare_v the_o same_o by_o any_o open_a deed_n that_o then_o every_o such_o offence_n shall_v be_v take_v deem_v and_o adjudge_v by_o authority_n of_o this_o parliament_n to_o be_v high_a treason_n and_o whereas_o the_o keeper_n of_o the_o liberty_n of_o england_n and_o the_o council_n of_o state_n constitute_v and_o to_o be_v from_o time_n to_o time_n constitute_v by_o authority_n of_o parliament_n be_v to_o be_v under_o the_o say_a representative_n in_o parliament_n entrust_v for_o the_o maintenance_n of_o the_o say_a government_n with_o several_a power_n and_o authority_n limit_v give_v and_o appoint_v unto_o they_o by_o the_o parliament_n be_v it_o likewise_o enact_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o if_o any_o person_n shall_v malicious_o and_o advise_o plot_v or_o endeavour_v the_o subversion_n of_o the_o say_a keeper_n of_o the_o liberty_n of_o england_n or_o the_o council_n of_o state_n and_o the_o same_o shall_v declare_v by_o any_o open_a deed_n or_o shall_v move_v any_o person_n or_o person_n for_o the_o do_v thereof_o or_o stir_v up_o the_o people_n to_o rise_v against_o they_o or_o either_o of_o they_o their_z or_o either_o of_o their_o authority_n that_o then_o every_o such_o offence_n and_o offence_n shall_v be_v take_v deem_v and_o declare_v to_o be_v high_a treason_n and_o whereas_o the_o parliament_n for_o their_o just_a and_o lawful_a defence_n have_v raise_v and_o levy_v the_o army_n and_o force_n now_o under_o the_o command_n of_o thomas_n lord_n fairfax_n and_o be_v at_o present_a necessitate_v by_o reason_n of_o the_o manifold_a distraction_n within_o this_o commonwealth_n and_o invasion_n threaten_v from_o abroad_o to_o continue_v the_o same_o which_o under_o god_n must_v be_v the_o instrumental_a mean_n of_o preserve_v the_o well-affected_a people_n of_o this_o nation_n in_o peace_n and_o safety_n be_v it_o further_o enact_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o if_o any_o person_n not_o be_v a_o officer_n soldier_z or_o member_n of_o the_o army_n shall_v plot_v contrive_v or_o endeavour_v to_o stir_v up_o any_o mutiny_n in_o the_o say_a army_n or_o withdraw_v any_o soldier_n or_o officer_n from_o their_o obedience_n to_o their_o superior_a officer_n or_o from_o the_o preseut_n government_n as_o aforesaid_a or_o shall_v procure_v invite_v aid_n or_o assist_v any_o foreigner_n or_o stranger_n to_o invade_v england_n or_o ireland_n or_o shall_v adhere_v to_o any_o force_n raise_v by_o the_o enemy_n of_o the_o parliament_n or_o commonwealth_n or_o keeper_n of_o the_o liberty_n of_o england_n or_o if_o any_o person_n shall_v counterfeit_v the_o great_a seal_n of_o england_n for_o the_o time_n be_v use_v &_o appoint_v by_o authority_n of_o parliament_n that_o then_o every_o such_o offence_n and_o offence_n shall_v be_v take_v deem_v and_o declare_v by_o the_o authority_n of_o this_o parliament_n to_o be_v high_a treason_n and_o every_o such_o person_n shall_v suffer_v pain_n of_o death_n and_o also_o forfeit_a unto_o the_o keeper_n of_o the_o liberty_n of_o england_n to_o and_o for_o the_o use_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n all_o and_o singular_a his_o and_o their_o land_n tenement_n and_o hereditament_n good_n and_o chattel_n as_o in_o case_n of_o high_a treason_n have_v be_v use_v by_o the_o law_n and_o statute_n of_o this_o land_n to_o be_v forfeit_a and_o lose_v provide_v always_o that_o no_o person_n shall_v be_v indict_v and_o arraign_v for_o any_o of_o the_o offence_n mention_v in_o this_o act_n unless_o such_o offender_n shall_v be_v indict_v or_o prosecute_v for_o the_o same_o within_o one_o year_n after_o the_o offence_n commit_v die_v lunae_n 14_o maii_n 1649._o order_v by_o the_o parliament_n that_o this_o act_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v hen_n scobell_n cleric_n parliamenti_fw-la a_o act_n declare_v what_o offence_n shall_v be_v adjudge_v treason_n whereas_o the_o parliament_n have_v abolish_v the_o kingly_a office_n in_o england_n and_o ireland_n and_o in_o the_o dominion_n and_o territory_n thereunto_o belong_v and_o have_v resolve_v and_o declare_v that_o the_o people_n shall_v for_o the_o future_a be_v govern_v by_o its_o own_o representative_n or_o national_a meeting_n in_o council_n thosen_v and_o entrust_v by_o they_o for_o that_o purpose_n have_v settle_v the_o government_n in_o the_o way_n of_o a_o commonwealth_n and_o free-state_n without_o king_n or_o house_n of_o lord_n be_v it_o enart_v by_o this_o present_a parliament_n and_o by_o the_o authority_n of_o the_o same_o that_o if_o any_o person_n shall_v malicious_o or_o advise_o publish_v by_o write_v print_v or_o open_o declare_v that_o the_o say_a government_n be_v tyrannical_a usurp_v or_o unlawful_a or_o that_o the_o commons_o in_o parliament_n assemble_v be_v not_o the_o supreme_a authority_n of_o this_o nation_n or_o shall_v plot_v contribe_v or_o endeavor_n to_o stir_v up_o or_o raise_v force_n against_o the_o present_a government_n or_o for_o the_o subbersion_n or_o alteration_n of_o the_o same_o and_o shall_v
declare_v the_o same_o by_o any_o open_a deed_n that_o then_o every_o such_o offence_n shall_v be_v take_v deem_v and_o adjudge_v by_o authority_n of_o this_o parliament_n to_o be_v high_a treason_n and_o whereas_o the_o keeper_n of_o the_o liberty_n of_o england_n and_o the_o council_n of_o state_n constitute_v and_o to_o be_v from_o time_n to_o time_n constitute_v by_o authority_n of_o parliament_n be_v to_o be_v under_o the_o say_a representative_n in_o parliament_n entrust_v for_o the_o maintenance_n of_o the_o say_a government_n with_o several_a power_n and_o authority_n limit_v give_v and_o appoint_v unto_o they_o by_o the_o parliament_n by_o it_o likewise_o enact_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o if_o any_o person_n shall_v malietous_o and_o adbised_o plot_n or_o endeavour_v the_o subversion_n of_o the_o say_a keeper_n of_o the_o liberty_n of_o england_n or_o the_o council_n of_o state_n and_o the_o same_o shall_v declare_v by_o any_o open_a deed_n or_o shall_v move_v any_o person_n or_o person_n for_o the_o do_v thereof_o or_o stir_v up_o the_o people_n to_o rise_v against_o they_o or_o either_o of_o they_o their_z or_o either_o of_o their_o authority_n that_o then_o every_o such_o offence_n and_o offence_n shall_v be_v take_v deem_v and_o declare_v to_o be_v high_a treason_n and_o whereas_o the_o parliament_n for_o their_o just_a and_o lawful_a defence_n have_v raise_v and_o levy_v the_o army_n and_o fort_n now_o under_o the_o command_n of_o thomas_n lord_n fairfax_n and_o be_v at_o present_a necessitate_v by_o reason_n of_o the_o manifold_a distraction_n within_o this_o commonwealth_n and_o invasion_n threaten_v from_o abroad_o to_o continue_v the_o same_o which_o under_o god_n must_v be_v the_o instrumental_a mean_n of_o preserve_v the_o well-affected_n people_n of_o this_o nation_n in_o peace_n and_o safety_n be_v it_o further_o enact_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o if_o any_o person_n not_o be_v a_o officer_n soldier_z or_o member_n of_o the_o army_n shall_v plot_v contrive_v or_o endeavour_v to_o stit_fw-la up_o any_o mutiny_n in_o the_o say_a army_n or_o withdraw_v any_o soldier_n or_o officer_n from_o their_o obedrence_n to_o their_o superior_a officer_n or_o from_o the_o present_a government_n as_o aforesaid_a or_o shall_v procure_v invite_v aid_n or_o assist_v any_o foreigner_n or_o stranger_n to_o invade_v england_n or_o ireland_n or_o shall_v athere_o to_o any_o force_n raise_v by_o the_o enemy_n of_o the_o parliament_n or_o commonwealth_n or_o keeper_n of_o the_o liberty_n of_o england_n or_o if_o any_o person_n shall_v counterseit_v the_o great_a seal_n of_o england_n for_o the_o time_n be_v use_v and_o appoint_v by_o authority_n of_o parliament_n that_o then_o every_o such_o offence_n and_o offence_n shall_v be_v take_v dream_v and_o declare_v by_o authority_n of_o this_o parliament_n to_o be_v high_a treason_n and_o every_o such_o person_n shall_v suffer_v pain_n of_o death_n and_o also_o forfeit_a unto_o the_o keeper_n of_o the_o liberty_n of_o england_n to_o and_o for_o the_o use_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n all_o and_o singular_a his_o and_o their_o land_n tenement_n and_o here_o ditament_n good_n and_o chattel_n as_o in_o case_n of_o high_a treason_n have_v be_v use_v by_o the_o law_n and_o statute_n of_o this_o land_n to_o be_v forfeit_a and_o lose_v provide_v always_o that_o no_o person_n shall_v be_v indict_v and_o arraign_v for_o any_o of_o the_o offence_n mention_v in_o this_o act_n unless_o such_o offender_n shall_v be_v indict_v and_o prosecute_v for_o that_o same_o within_o one_o year_n after_o the_o offence_n commit_v and_o be_v it_o further_o enact_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o if_o any_o person_n shall_v counterfeit_v the_o money_n of_o this_o commonwealth_n or_o shall_v bring_v any_o false_a money_n into_o this_o land_n counterseit_n or_o other_o like_a to_o the_o movey_n of_o this_o commonwealth_n know_v the_o money_n to_o be_v false_a to_o merchandise_n or_o make_v payment_n in_o deteit_n of_o the_o people_n of_o this_o nation_n or_o if_o any_o person_n shall_v hereaster_n false_o forge_v and_o counterseit_v any_o such_o kind_n of_o coin_n of_o gold_n or_o silver_n as_o be_v not_o the_o proper_a coin_n of_o this_o commonwealth_n and_o be_v or_o shall_v be_v currant_n within_o this_o nation_n by_o consent_n of_o the_o parliament_n or_o such_o as_o shall_v be_v by_o they_o authorize_v thereunto_o or_o shall_v bring_v from_o the_o part_n beyond_o the_o sea_n into_o this_o commonwealth_n or_o into_o any_o the_o dominion_n of_o the_o same_o any_o such_o false_a and_o counterfeit_a coin_n of_o money_n be_v currant_n within_o the_o same_o as_o be_v abovesaid_a know_v the_o same_o money_n to_o be_v false_a and_o counterfeit_a to_o the_o intent_n to_o utter_v or_o make_v payment_n with_o the_o same_o within_o this_o commonwealth_n by_o merchandise_n or_o otherwise_o or_o if_o any_o person_n shall_v impair_v diminish_v falsify_v clip_v wash_v round_a or_o file_n scale_n or_o lighten_v for_o wicked_a lucre_n or_o gain_v sake_n any_o the_o proper_a money_n or_o coin_n of_o this_o commonwealth_n or_o the_o dominion_n thereof_o or_o of_o the_o money_n or_o coin_n of_o any_o other_o realm_n allow_v and_o suffer_v to_o be_v cutrant_a within_o this_o commonwealth_n or_o the_o dominion_n thereof_o that_o then_o all_o and_o every_o such_o offence_n above_o mention_v shall_v be_v and_o be_v hereby_o deem_v and_o adjudge_v high_a treason_n and_o the_o offender_n therein_o their_o councillor_n procurer_n aider_n and_o abettor_n be_v convict_v according_a to_o the_o law_n of_o this_o nation_n of_o any_o of_o the_o say_a offence_n shall_v be_v deem_v and_o adjudge_v traitor_n against_o this_o commonwealth_n and_o shall_v suffer_v and_o have_v such_o pain_n of_o death_n and_o forfeiture_n as_o in_o case_n of_o high_a treason_n be_v use_v and_o ordain_v provide_v always_o and_o be_v it_o enact_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o this_o act_n touch_v the_o money_n and_o coin_n aforesaid_a or_o any_o thing_n therein_o contain_v nor_o any_o attainder_n of_o any_o person_n for_o the_o same_o shall_v in_o any_o wise_a extend_v or_o be_v judge_v to_o make_v any_o corruption_n of_o blood_n to_o any_o the_o heir_n or_o heir_n of_o any_o such_o offender_n or_o to_o make_v the_o wife_n of_o any_o such_o offender_n to_o lose_v or_o forfeir_n her_o dower_n of_o or_o in_o any_o land_n tenement_n or_o hereditament_n or_o her_o title_n action_n or_o interest_n in_o the_o same_o die_v martis_n 17_o julii_fw-la 1649._o order_v by_o the_o parliament_n that_o this_o act_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v hen_n scobell_n clerk_n of_o the_o parliament_n a_o act_n for_o a_o seal_n of_o the_o parliament_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n be_v it_o enact_v by_o this_o present_a parliament_n that_o the_o seal_v engrave_v with_o the_o arm_n of_o england_n and_o ireland_n that_o be_v to_o say_v a_o cross_n and_o a_o harp_n with_o this_o inscription_n in_o the_o circle_n that_o be_v to_o say_v the_o seal_n of_o the_o parliament_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n shall_v be_v the_o seal_n of_o the_o parliament_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n to_o be_v only_o use_v by_o order_n of_o parliament_n and_o be_v it_o further_o enact_v that_o whosoever_o shall_v counterfeit_v the_o same_o shall_v be_v adjudge_v and_o take_v to_o be_v guilty_a of_o high_a treason_n and_o shall_v be_v try_v in_o such_o manner_n and_o undergo_v the_o like_a penalty_n as_o be_v appoint_v by_o any_o act_n of_o parliament_n in_o case_n of_o high_a treason_n die_v mercurii_n 22._o jannarii_fw-la 1650._o order_v by_o the_o parliament_n that_o this_o act_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v hen_n scobell_n cleric_n parliamenti_fw-la
a_o act_n for_o the_o establish_n a_o high_a court_n of_o justice_n together_o with_o 1._o a_o act_n probibit_v the_o proclaim_n of_o any_o person_n to_o be_v king_n over_o england_n or_o ireland_n or_o the_o dominion_n thereof_o 2._o a_o act_n declare_v what_o offence_n shall_v be_v adjudge_v treason_n 3._o an_o another_o act_n declare_v what_o offence_n shall_v be_v adjudge_v treason_n 4._o a_o act_n for_o a_o seal_n of_o the_o parliament_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n tuesday_n the_o 22_o of_o november_n 1653._o order_v by_o the_o parliament_n that_o the_o act_n pass_v yesterday_o entitle_v a_o act_n for_o the_o establish_n a_o high_a court_n of_o justice_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v and_o that_o the_o several_a other_o act_n therein_o mention_v be_v print_v therewith_o hen_n scobell_n clerk_n of_o the_o parliament_n london_n print_v by_o john_n field_n printer_n to_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n 1653._o a_o act_n for_o the_o establish_n a_o high_a court_n of_o justice_n for_o the_o preservation_n of_o the_o common_a peace_n and_o for_o the_o better_a prevent_v of_o the_o misery_n of_o a_o new_a &_o bloody_a war_n endeavour_v to_o be_v stir_v up_o by_o wicked_a practice_n and_o correspondency_n of_o the_o enemy_n of_o this_o commonwealth_n notwithstanding_o the_o manifold_a witness_n which_o the_o righteous_a lord_n our_o god_n have_v bear_v against_o they_o and_o their_o curse_a design_n and_o to_o the_o end_n and_o effectual_a course_n may_v be_v settle_v for_o the_o timely_a punish_v of_o any_o actor_n or_o contriver_n in_o such_o pernicious_a way_n whereby_o other_o may_v hear_v and_o fear_n and_o do_v no_o more_o so_o be_v it_o enact_v by_o this_o present_a parliament_n and_o by_o the_o authority_n of_o the_o same_o that_o john_n lisle_n one_o of_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n for_o the_o great_a seal_n of_o england_n john_n bradshaw_n sergeant_n at_o law_n charls-george_n cock_n esq_n matthew_n sheppard_n esq_n william_n underwood_n alderman_n of_o london_n john_n hayes_n esq_n george_n langham_n esq_n maurice_n thompson_n esq_n richard_n shute_n esq_n mark_n hildesley_n esq_n thomas_n allein_a alderman_n of_o london_n daniel_n taylor_n esq_n edmond_n waring_n esq_n john_n blackwel_n the_o young_a esq_n nicholas_n juxon_n esq_n roger_n frith_n esq_n nathaniel_n whetham_n esq_n edward_n cresset_n esq_n ralph_n harrison_n esq_n benjamin_n valentine_n esq_n william_n web_n esq_n owen_n row_n esq_n thomas_n andrews_n alderman_n of_o london_n john_n hardwick_n esq_n richard_n arnold_n esq_n sir_n john_n thorowgood_n of_o kensington_n knight_n abraham_n babington_n esq_n richard_n moor_n esq_n edward_n whaley_n esq_n william_n goff_n esq_n john_n okey_n esq_n thomas_n juxon_n esq_n mark_n coe_n esq_n or_o any_o thirteen_o or_o more_o of_o they_o shall_v be_v commissioner_n and_o shall_v have_v full_a power_n and_o authority_n and_o be_v hereby_o authorize_v and_o require_v to_o hear_v and_o determine_v all_o such_o matter_n crime_n and_o offence_n as_o be_v give_v they_o in_o charge_n by_o this_o present_a act_n and_o to_o proceed_v to_o the_o trial_n condemnation_n and_o erecution_n of_o the_o offender_n and_o offender_n and_o to_o inflict_v upon_o he_o her_z or_o they_o such_o punishment_n either_o by_o death_n fine_a imprisonment_n or_o other_o corporal_a punishment_n as_o the_o say_a commissioner_n or_o the_o major_a part_n of_o they_o then_o present_a shall_v judge_v to_o appertain_v to_o justice_n according_a to_o the_o nature_n of_o the_o offence_n and_o first_o the_o say_a commissioner_n shall_v have_v power_n to_o proceed_v against_o any_o person_n or_o person_n for_o the_o several_a offence_n mention_v in_o one_o act_n of_o the_o late_a parliament_n order_v to_o be_v print_v the_o thirty_o day_n of_o january_n one_o thousand_o six_o hundred_o forty_o and_o eight_o entitle_v a_o act_n prohibit_v the_o proclaim_v of_o any_o person_n to_o be_v king_n of_o england_n or_o ireland_n or_o the_o dominion_n thereof_o second_o the_o say_a commissioner_n shall_v have_v power_n to_o proceed_v against_o any_o person_n or_o person_n for_o the_o several_a offence_n mention_v in_o two_o act_n of_o the_o say_v late_a parliament_n each_o of_o they_o entitle_v a_o act_n declare_v what_o offence_n shall_v be_v adjudge_v treason_n the_o one_o order_v to_o be_v print_v the_o fourteen_o day_n of_o may_n one_o thousand_o six_o hundred_o forty_o and_o nine_o and_o the_o other_o order_v to_o be_v print_v the_o seventeen_o day_n of_o july_n in_o the_o say_a year_n one_o thousand_o six_o hundred_o forty_o and_o nine_o three_o the_o say_a commissioner_n shall_v have_v power_n to_o proceed_v against_o any_o person_n or_o person_n for_o the_o several_a offence_n mention_v in_o one_o other_o act_n of_o the_o late_a parliament_n order_v to_o be_v print_v the_o two_o and_o twenty_o day_n of_o january_n one_o thousand_o six_o hundred_o and_o fifty_o entitle_v a_o act_n for_o a_o seal_n of_o the_o parliament_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n four_o the_o say_a commissioner_n shall_v have_v power_n to_o proceed_v against_o any_o person_n or_o person_n that_o have_v or_o shall_v plot_n contrive_v or_o endeabor_v the_o betray_v surrender_v or_o yield_v up_o any_o city_n town_n fort_n magazine_n ship_n uessel_n or_o force_n by_o sea_n or_o land_n belong_v to_o this_o commonwealth_n which_o say_v offence_n shall_v be_v punish_v with_o death_n and_o it_o be_v hereby_o enact_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o the_o say_a commissioner_n or_o any_o thirteen_o or_o more_o of_o they_o shall_v be_v and_o be_v hereby_o authorize_v and_o constitute_v a_o high_a court_n of_o justice_n to_o meet_v and_o sit_v at_o such_o convenient_a time_n and_o place_n from_o time_n to_o time_n as_o by_o the_o say_a commissioner_n or_o the_o major_a part_n of_o thirteen_o or_o more_o of_o they_o under_o their_o hand_n and_o seal_n shall_v be_v appoint_v and_o notify_v by_o public_a proclamation_n in_o the_o great_a hall_n or_o palace_n yard_n at_o westminster_n and_o to_o adjourn_v from_o time_n to_o time_n and_o place_n to_o place_n as_o the_o say_v high_a court_n or_o the_o major_a part_n thereof_o meeting_n shall_v hold_v fit_a and_o to_o take_v order_n for_o the_o charge_v of_o offender_n with_o all_o or_o any_o of_o the_o crime_n matter_n and_o thing_n contain_v and_o empower_v by_o this_o present_a act_n and_o for_o the_o receive_v their_o personal_a answer_n thereunto_o and_o for_o the_o examination_n of_o witness_n upon_o oath_n which_o the_o court_n have_v hereby_o authority_n to_o administer_v or_o otherwise_o and_o take_v any_o other_o evidence_n concern_v the_o same_o and_o thereupon_o or_o in_o default_n of_o such_o answer_n to_o proceed_v to_o final_a sentence_n according_a to_o justice_n and_o the_o merit_n of_o the_o cause_n and_o such_o final_a sentence_n to_o execute_v or_o cause_v to_o be_v execute_v speedy_o and_o impartial_o and_o the_o say_a commissioner_n or_o any_o thirteen_o or_o more_o of_o they_o shall_v have_v power_n and_o authority_n to_o appoint_v all_o officer_n needful_a for_o the_o put_n in_o execution_n the_o matter_n and_o thing_n in_o this_o act_n contain_v and_o it_o be_v hereby_o further_o enact_v that_o all_o major_n sheriff_n justice_n of_o the_o peace_n constable_n bailiff_n and_o other_o officer_n and_o all_o officer_n and_o soldier_n of_o the_o army_n and_o other_o the_o good_a people_n of_o this_o commonwealth_n shall_v be_v aid_v and_o assist_v to_o the_o say_a commissioner_n in_o any_o of_o the_o premise_n and_o be_v it_o further_o enact_v that_o every_o of_o the_o commissioner_n beforenamed_a before_o he_o shall_v do_v or_o execute_v the_o office_n of_o a_o commissioner_n by_o virtue_n of_o this_o present_a act_n shall_v take_v the_o oath_n ensue_v viz._n you_o shall_v swear_v that_o you_o shall_v well_o and_o true_o according_a to_o the_o best_a of_o your_o skill_n and_o knowledge_n execute_v the_o several_a power_n give_v unto_o you_o by_o this_o present_a act._n and_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n for_o the_o great_a seal_n of_o england_n or_o any_o one_o of_o they_o be_v hereby_o authorize_v to_o administer_v the_o say_a oath_n according_o provide_v that_o this_o act_n nor_o any_o thing_n therein_o contain_v shall_v extend_v to_o the_o diminish_n or_o lessen_v any_o power_n or_o authority_n former_o give_v to_o the_o lord_n general_n or_o his_o council_n of_o war_n or_o to_o the_o general_n at_o sea_n by_o authority_n of_o parliament_n for_o the_o execution_n of_o martial_a law_n provide_v also_o that_o this_o act_n and_o the_o authority_n hereby_o give_v shall_v endure_v and_o have_v continuance_n to_o the_o first_o day_n of_o august_n one_o thousand_o six_o hundred_o fifty_o and_o four_o and_o no_o long_o monday_n the_o 21_o of_o november_n 1653._o order_v by_o the_o parliament_n that_o this_o act_n be_v forth_o with_o print_a and_o publish_v hen_n scobell_n clerk_n of_o