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england_n act_n parliament_n time_n 3,483 5 3.6009 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A74343 An act for the punishment of crimes committed upon, or beyond the seas. Die Jovis, 20 Septembr. 1649. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this Act be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliament'.; Laws, etc. England and Wales. 1649 (1649) Thomason E1060_65; ESTC R208698 2,685 7

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a_o act_n for_o the_o punishment_n of_o crime_n commit_v upon_o or_o beyond_o the_o sea_n die_v jovis_n 20_o septembr_n 1649._o order_v by_o the_o commons_o assemble_v in_o parliament_n that_o this_o act_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v hen_n scobell_n cleric_n parliament_n '_o london_n print_v by_o john_n field_n for_o edward_n husband_n printer_n to_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n and_o be_v to_o be_v sell_v at_o his_o shop_n in_o fleetstreet_n at_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o golden-dragon_n near_o the_o inner-temple_n 1649._o a_o act_n for_o the_o punishment_n of_o crime_n commit_v upon_o or_o beyond_o the_o sea_n for_o the_o more_o convenient_a and_o speedy_a punishment_n of_o crime_n and_o offence_n do_v and_o commit_v and_o hereefter_o to_o be_v do_v and_o commit_v upon_o and_o beyond_o the_o sea_n the_o parliament_n of_o england_n now_o assemble_v do_v enact_v and_o declare_v and_o be_v it_o enact_v and_o declare_v by_o authority_n of_o the_o same_o that_o all_o such_o treason_n felony_n piracy_n robbery_n murderer_n and_o confederacy_n thereof_o which_o have_v be_v at_o any_o time_n since_o the_o five_o and_o twenty_o day_n of_o march_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 1646._o commit_v or_o hereafter_o shall_v be_v commit_v in_o or_o upon_o the_o sea_n or_o in_o any_o haven_n river_n creek_n or_o place_n where_o the_o admiral_n or_o admiral_n have_v have_v or_o pretend_v to_o have_v power_n authority_n or_o jurisdiction_n and_o all_o steal_v or_o take_v or_o treacherous_a carry_v away_o of_o any_o ship_n bark_n or_o boat_n ordnance_n or_o ammunition_n appoint_v for_o the_o public_a service_n of_o the_o state_n or_o for_o any_o private_a benefit_n of_o the_o owner_n from_o such_o place_n and_o employment_n and_o without_o lawful_a warrant_n and_o authority_n from_o the_o public_a state_n or_o such_o private_a person_n respective_o thereto_o first_o have_v and_o obtain_v and_o all_o murder_n and_o manslaughter_n commit_v by_o any_o of_o the_o natural_a leigh_v of_o this_o nation_n upon_o or_o against_o any_o of_o the_o good_a people_n of_o the_o same_o in_o any_o the_o foreign_a part_n wheresoever_o upon_o any_o matter_n cause_n or_o occasion_n original_o begin_v within_o this_o land_n during_o such_o time_n as_o such_o person_n have_v their_o abode_n within_o the_o same_o shall_v be_v henceforth_o enquireable_a triable_a and_o determinable_a before_o the_o judge_n and_o justice_n of_o oyer_n and_o terminer_n and_o of_o goaldelivery_n in_o the_o several_a and_o respective_a shire_n and_o limit_n of_o their_o commission_n where_o any_o such_o offender_n shall_v be_v find_v and_o the_o say_a judge_n and_o justice_n by_o virtue_n hereof_o and_o of_o the_o several_a commission_n of_o oyer_n terminer_n and_o goaldelivery_n to_o they_o direct_v shall_v give_v the_o same_o in_o charge_n at_o such_o time_n as_o they_o shall_v hold_v their_o session_n by_o virtue_n of_o such_o commission_n and_o shall_v have_v full_a power_n and_o authority_n to_o inquire_v of_o all_o the_o crime_n and_o offence_n aforesaid_a and_o of_o every_o of_o they_o by_o the_o oath_n of_o twelve_o good_a and_o lawful_a man_n inhabitant_n in_o the_o shire_n limit_v in_o their_o commission_n in_o such_o like_a manner_n and_o form_n as_o if_o such_o crime_n and_o offence_n have_v be_v commit_v upon_o the_o land_n within_o the_o same_o shire_n and_o if_o any_o person_n or_o person_n not_o former_o dispose_v of_o or_o otherwise_o order_v by_o the_o parliament_n or_o the_o council_n of_o state_n shall_v be_v indict_v for_o such_o crime_n offence_n or_o offence_n do_v or_o hereafter_o to_o be_v do_v upon_o the_o sea_n or_o in_o any_o other_o place_n above-limited_n that_o then_o such_o order_n process_n and_o manner_n of_o proceed_n shall_v be_v use_v have_v make_v and_o do_v to_o and_o against_o such_o person_n and_o person_n so_o be_v indict_v as_o be_v use_v by_o the_o course_n of_o the_o law_n of_o this_o land_n and_o as_o if_o the_o say_a crime_n and_o offence_n or_o crime_n and_o offence_n have_v be_v commit_v or_o do_v upon_o the_o land_n and_o that_o the_o trial_n of_o all_o and_o every_o the_o crime_n and_o offence_n beforementioned_a in_o this_o act_n if_o the_o offence_n be_v deny_v by_o the_o offender_n or_o offender_n shall_v be_v have_v by_o twelve_o lawful_a man_n inhabit_v in_o the_o shire_n or_o shire_n limit_v within_o such_o commission_n or_o commission_n which_o shall_v be_v direct_v as_o aforesaid_a and_o no_o challenge_n or_o challenge_n to_o be_v have_v for_o the_o hundred_o and_o such_o person_n or_o person_n so_o find_v guilty_a of_o any_o crime_n or_o crime_n aforesaid_a by_o verdict_n confession_n or_o process_n shall_v without_o allowance_n of_o benefit_n of_o clergy_n suffer_v such_o punishment_n by_o pain_n of_o death_n and_o loss_n of_o land_n and_o good_n as_o in_o other_o case_n of_o treason_n murder_n manslaughter_n robbery_n or_o other_o felony_n do_v upon_o the_o land_n be_v use_v and_o for_o the_o better_a bring_v of_o such_o person_n to_o due_a pubishment_n be_v it_o enact_v and_o by_o authority_n of_o this_o present_a parliament_n it_o be_v further_o enact_v that_o as_o often_o as_o any_o person_n or_o person_n suspect_v to_o be_v guilty_a of_o the_o crime_n or_o crime_n and_o offence_n aforesaid_a shall_v be_v bring_v before_o any_o justice_n or_o justice_n of_o the_o peace_n or_o other_o chief_a officer_n or_o officer_n of_o such_o place_n or_o county_n the_o say_a justice_n and_o justice_n chief_a officer_n or_o officer_n shall_v take_v examination_n of_o witness_n in_o write_v upon_o oath_n which_o hereby_o they_o be_v &_o shall_v be_v enable_v to_o administer_v and_o information_n of_o all_o or_o so_o many_o of_o the_o principal_a person_n that_o shall_v be_v so_o bring_v before_o they_o by_o warrant_n of_o the_o say_a justice_n or_o justice_n officer_n or_o officer_n or_o otherwise_o and_o of_o such_o person_n as_o shall_v bring_v such_o offender_n or_o offender_n before_o they_o as_o he_o or_o they_o shall_v think_v meet_a and_o convenient_a to_o discover_v the_o particular_a matter_n or_o matter_n in_o fact_n and_o after_o such_o examination_n and_o information_n have_v and_o make_v shall_v commit_v the_o say_a offender_n or_o offender_n in_o safe_a custody_n to_o the_o goal_n of_o the_o say_a place_n or_o county_n if_o he_o or_o they_o shall_v see_v just_a cause_n and_o shall_v send_v a_o transcript_n of_o all_o the_o say_a examination_n and_o information_n so_o take_v under_o his_o or_o their_o hand_n and_o seal_n enclose_v under_o seal_n to_o the_o council_n of_o state_n who_o be_v hereby_o authorize_v and_o enable_v to_o dispose_v of_o the_o say_a offender_n or_o offender_n or_o so_o many_o of_o they_o as_o they_o shall_v think_v meet_a and_o send_v their_o direction_n concern_v the_o same_o unto_o the_o justice_n or_o chief_a officer_n of_o the_o place_n aforesaid_a who_o be_v hereby_o likewise_o authorize_v and_o enjoin_v to_o conform_v themselves_o unto_o such_o direction_n and_o to_o some_o such_o offender_n or_o offender_n not_o otherwise_o dispose_v of_o as_o aforesaid_a unto_o the_o next_o session_n of_o goaldelivery_n or_o oyer_n and_o terminer_n for_o the_o shire_n to_o be_v proceed_v against_o according_a to_o his_o or_o their_o crime_n or_o crime_n and_o for_o the_o maintenance_n of_o such_o person_n or_o person_n so_o take_v and_o imprison_v as_o aforesaid_a or_o so_o many_o of_o they_o as_o be_v not_o able_a to_o maintain_v he_o or_o themselves_o during_o his_o or_o their_o imprisonment_n it_o be_v further_a enact_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o he_o or_o they_o shall_v be_v maintain_v as_o other_o prisoner_n not_o able_a to_o maintain_v themselves_o at_o the_o charge_n of_o such_o shire_n where_o they_o be_v in_o prison_n by_o allowance_n out_o of_o the_o public_a treasury_n of_o that_o shire_n for_o the_o prisoner_n of_o the_o upper_a bench_n and_o marshalsey_n and_o the_o say_a allowance_n shall_v be_v make_v by_o the_o justice_n of_o the_o peace_n at_o their_o quarter_n session_n to_o be_v hold_v for_o the_o say_a shire_n and_o it_o be_v further_o enact_v and_o declare_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o in_o all_o case_n where_o such_o person_n or_o person_n shall_v be_v commit_v to_o safe_a custody_n as_o aforesaid_a the_o keeper_n of_o the_o respective_a goal_n or_o prison_n shall_v receive_v such_o person_n or_o person_n to_o they_o commit_v and_o they_o hold_v in_o safe_a custody_n and_o shall_v not_o suffer_v they_o to_o go_v at_o large_a unless_o they_o shall_v be_v discharge_v from_o imprisonment_n by_o the_o order_n and_o direction_n of_o the_o parliament_n or_o council_n of_o state_n or_o legal_a trial_n as_o aforesaid_a and_o in_o case_n the_o keeper_n or_o keeper_n of_o such_o respective_a goal_n shall_v suffer_v such_o person_n after_o such_o commitment_n to_o make_v any_o escape_n in_o such_o manner_n that_o they_o shall_v not_o have_v such_o person_n before_o the_o say_a judge_n or_o justice_n at_o the_o next_o session_n of_o goaldelivery_n or_o oyer_n and_o terminer_n for_o the_o shire_n the_o say_a keeper_n of_o such_o goal_n or_o goal_n shall_v be_v proceed_v against_o by_o indictment_n and_o suffer_v punishment_n as_o in_o other_o case_n of_o escape_n of_o felon_n by_o the_o law_n they_o ought_v to_o suffer_v and_o it_o be_v further_o enact_v by_o the_o authority_n aforesaid_a that_o in_o all_o case_n aforesaid_a commission_n of_o oyer_n and_o terminer_n shall_v be_v issue_v forth_o by_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n so_o often_o as_o by_o the_o council_n of_o state_n shall_v be_v think_v meet_v and_o according_a to_o their_o direction_n as_o touch_v the_o place_n and_o limit_n of_o such_o commission_n die_v jovis_n 20_o septembr_n 1649._o order_v by_o the_o commons_o assemble_v in_o parliament_n that_o this_o act_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v hen_n scobell_n cleric_n parliamenti_fw-la