Selected quad for the lemma: england_n

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england_n act_n parliament_n time_n 3,483 5 3.6009 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A70226 A word to the wavering, or, An answer to the enquiry into the present state of affairs whether we owe allegiance to the King in these circumstances? &c. : with a postscript of subjection to the higher powers / by G.B. Hickes, George, 1642-1715.; Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. 1689 (1689) Wing H1878A; ESTC R11270 7,455 12

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prerogative_n which_o be_v law_n as_o well_o as_o those_o privilege_n which_o concern_v the_o subject_a according_a to_o statute_n as_o well_o as_o common_a and_o natural_a law._n pag._n 5._o see_v you_o grant_v that_o if_o the_o king_n be_v in_o eminent_a danger_n he_o be_v then_o drive_v away_o i_o shall_v only_o say_v that_o as_o long_o as_o the_o king_n do_v rational_o believe_v it_o and_o all_o his_o friend_n you_o and_o i_o ought_v to_o believe_v it_o too_o or_o at_o least_o acquiesce_v so_o far_o in_o it_o as_o that_o his_o majesty_n have_v not_o thereby_o forfeit_v his_o crown_n and_o right_o it_o be_v more_o mannerly_a to_o suppress_v the_o diminish_n condition_n of_o what_o you_o call_v a_o treaty_n than_o insist_v upon_o the_o hardness_n or_o unacceptableness_n of_o any_o of_o they_o as_o for_o the_o seal_n they_o may_v be_v bring_v again_o by_o the_o same_o hand_n that_o take_v they_o away_o at_o a_o convenient_a season_n pag._n 6._o allegiance_n stand_v in_o its_o full_a force_n make_v you_o what_o consequence_n you_o please_v neither_o be_v it_o under_o any_o suspension_n for_o none_o but_o god_n can_v suspend_v it_o or_o legal_o put_v the_o regency_n into_o other_o hand_n neither_o be_v there_o any_o incapacity_n by_o be_v affect_a and_o culpable_a for_o nothing_o be_v suppose_v to_o be_v culpable_a in_o the_o person_n of_o a_o lawful_a king_n in_o respect_n of_o his_o subject_n who_o be_v no_o competent_a judge_n of_o what_o be_v suppose_v his_o fault_n pag._n 8._o as_o for_o the_o term_n of_o security_n the_o best_a way_n be_v to_o leave_v they_o to_o he_o who_o be_v the_o only_a ruler_n of_o prince_n by_o who_o alone_a king_n reign_n and_o prince_n decree_v judgement_n and_o that_o without_o the_o expectation_n of_o miracle_n to_o preserve_v we_o under_o our_o again_o restore_v sovereign_a forasmuch_o as_o he_o see_v those_o rock_n upon_o which_o he_o dash_v before_o and_o doubless_a will_v avoid_v they_o as_o become_v so_o great_a so_o wise_a and_o so_o experience_v a_o prince_n neither_o need_v we_o now_o fear_v any_o jesuit_n in_o the_o council_n no_o nor_o so_o much_o as_o any_o papist_n in_o the_o government_n see_v they_o now_o expect_v and_o desire_v no_o more_o privilege_n than_o they_o have_v in_o holland_n nor_o so_o much_o neither_o unless_o the_o king_n and_o parliament_n shall_v vouchsafe_v it_o they_o no_o danger_n therefore_o of_o throw_v ourselves_o back_o into_o any_o miserable_a condition_n upon_o the_o king_n return_n pag._n 10._o oath_n be_v bind_v although_o those_o in_o behalf_n of_o who_o they_o be_v take_v do_v not_o perform_v their_o part_n the_o breach_n of_o one_o man_n duty_n will_v not_o legitimate_a a_o other_o the_o matrimonial_a oath_n be_v not_o absolute_o make_v for_o term_n of_o life_n but_o god_n himself_o have_v put_v in_o a_o exception_n in_o the_o case_n of_o adultery_n which_o he_o have_v not_o do_v in_o the_o case_n of_o loyalty_n wherefore_o the_o oath_n of_o allegiance_n bind_v semper_fw-la &_o ad_fw-la semper_fw-la and_o admit_v of_o no_o intermission_n or_o interception_n the_o king_n never_o cease_v to_o be_v a_o king_n till_o he_o cease_v to_o be_v a_o man_n and_o it_o be_v a_o contradiction_n in_o terminis_fw-la that_o the_o next_o heir_n shall_v be_v at_o the_o same_o time_n king_n for_o if_o he_o be_v actual_o king_n he_o be_v no_o heir_n and_o while_o he_o be_v a_o heir_n he_o be_v no_o king._n pag._n 11._o for_o all_o your_o new_a fangle_a interpretation_n of_o that_o maxim_n the_o king_n can_v do_v no_o wrong_n it_o be_v to_o be_v understand_v of_o the_o king_n person_n not_o his_o power_n in_o your_o sense_n for_o his_o power_n even_o in_o his_o minister_n may_v possible_o do_v amiss_o but_o this_o be_v not_o to_o be_v impute_v to_o or_o exact_v of_o his_o person_n but_o his_o instrument_n who_o fault_n it_o be_v if_o he_o be_v not_o better_o advise_v pag._n 12._o as_o for_o the_o precedent_n of_o edward_n ii_o and_o richard_n ii_o it_o be_v too_o long_o to_o examine_v their_o history_n but_o let_v i_o offer_v in_o general_n that_o never_o any_o king_n of_o england_n be_v judge_v in_o parliament_n for_o their_o male_a administration_n in_o quiet_a and_o sedate_v time_n but_o always_o soon_o after_o some_o great_a commotion_n or_o rebellion_n and_o will_v you_o bring_v the_o act_n of_o the_o rump_n or_o those_o at_o the_o latter_a end_n of_o king_n charles_n i._o reign_n for_o precedent_n of_o law_n especial_o against_o a_o king_n for_o the_o judgement_n of_o edward_n ii_o and_o richard_n ii_o whither_o they_o be_v ever_o revoke_v or_o not_o by_o the_o succeed_a king_n be_v a_o question_n but_o this_o be_v certain_a that_o some_o of_o the_o conspirator_n against_o edward_n ii_o be_v in_o the_o four_o of_o edward_n iii_o adjudge_v and_o attaint_v in_o parliament_n although_o the_o king_n be_v but_o a_o child_n and_o as_o to_o that_o against_o richard_n ii_o it_o be_v give_v in_o the_o first_o parliament_n of_o henry_n iv._o who_o son_n and_o son_n son_n reign_v after_o he_o and_o be_v the_o foundation_n of_o their_o usurp_a title_n and_o so_o can_v not_o be_v for_o their_o honour_n or_o interest_n to_o have_v they_o set_v aside_o and_o beside_o edward_n iu._n who_o succeed_v that_o line_n claim_v from_o edward_n iii_o and_o not_o from_o richard_n ii_o he_o leave_v no_o issue_n who_o business_n it_o may_v have_v be_v more_o proper_o to_o have_v see_v the_o judgement_n against_o his_o father_n abrogate_a beside_o notwithstanding_o that_o richard_n ii_o was_z murder_v so_o inhuman_o yet_o he_o be_v several_a time_n set_v up_o by_o the_o people_n against_o henry_n iu._n which_o show_v what_o opinion_n they_o have_v of_o that_o scandalous_a judgement_n but_o for_o that_o against_o charles_n i._n which_o be_v much_o of_o the_o same_o nature_n all_o the_o proceed_n against_o that_o unfortunate_a prince_n be_v by_o act_n of_o parliament_n order_v to_o be_v take_v off_o the_o file_n erace_v and_o if_o i_o be_o not_o mistake_v order_v to_o be_v burn_v by_o the_o common_a hangman_n and_o the_o person_n concern_v by_o parliament_n attaint_v and_o most_o of_o they_o execute_v beside_o consider_v the_o distance_n of_o time_n between_o richard_n ii_o and_o edward_n iu._n which_o be_v 60_o yera_n probable_o erase_v they_o will_v not_o quit_v cost_v nor_o be_v tanti_fw-la in_o comparison_n of_o the_o smoke_n and_o pother_n those_o agitation_n may_v raise_v between_o king_n and_o people_n to_o prevent_v which_o the_o wisdom_n of_o those_o latter_a definition_n you_o speak_v of_o be_v conspicuous_a and_o have_v be_v successful_a to_o the_o peace_n and_o welfare_n of_o the_o kingdom_n but_o our_o author_n in_o this_o matter_n as_o well_o as_o to_o the_o right_n of_o a_o husband_n who_o marry_v the_o heiress_n of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n show_v his_o little_a read_n in_o the_o law_n and_o statute_n of_o this_o kingdom_n for_o if_o he_o have_v any_o he_o will_v have_v remember_v what_o the_o parliament_n by_o a_o establish_v law_n have_v declare_v after_o give_v a_o history_n of_o the_o proceed_n against_o king_n charles_n i._o that_o by_o the_o undoubted_a and_o fundamental_a law_n of_o this_o kingdom_n 30._o neither_o the_o peer_n of_o this_o realm_n nor_o the_o commons_o nor_o both_o together_o in_o parliament_n or_o out_o of_o parliament_n or_o the_o people_n collective_o or_o representative_o nor_o any_o other_o person_n whatever_o ever_o have_v have_v have_v or_o aught_o to_o have_v any_o coercive_a power_n over_o the_o person_n of_o the_o king_n of_o this_o realm_n which_o be_v i_o hope_v a_o full_a abrogation_n or_o declaration_n of_o the_o illegality_n of_o those_o judgement_n of_o edward_n ii_o and_o richard_n ii_o with_o a_o witness_n the_o convention_n which_o you_o call_v the_o representative_a of_o the_o kingdom_n have_v such_o a_o honour_n and_o deference_n to_o the_o prince_n it_o be_v to_o be_v hope_v they_o will_v concur_v with_o his_o highness_n in_o lay_v the_o blame_n on_o the_o evil_a counsellor_n rather_o than_o on_o the_o sacred_a person_n which_o you_o acknowledge_v so_o of_o the_o king_n his_o father_n and_o uncle_n and_o great_a obliger_n as_o to_o the_o call_v his_o majesty_n honour_n in_o question_n he_o have_v bear_v a_o great_a deal_n of_o that_o already_o in_o god_n name_n if_o another_o mother_n father_n nurse_z midwife_n servant_n will_v come_v in_o and_o confess_v all_o with_o due_a credible_a circumstance_n outweighing_a the_o deposition_n upon_o oath_n of_o so_o many_o protestant_n and_o other_o let_v they_o come_v forth_o and_o be_v hear_v and_o that_o with_o all_o safety_n till_o the_o truth_n be_v out_o let_v we_o try_v all_o thing_n and_o hold_v fast_o that_o which_o be_v good_a and_o let_v truth_n never_o fear_v the_o frown_n of_o any_o imposture_n how_o great_a