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england_n act_n parliament_n time_n 3,483 5 3.6009 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68202 The first and second volumes of Chronicles. [vol. 3 (i.e. The Third Volume of Chronicles)] comprising 1 The description and historie of England, 2 The description and historie of Ireland, 3 The description and historie of Scotland: first collected and published by Raphaell Holinshed, William Harrison, and others: now newlie augmented and continued (with manifold matters of singular note and worthie memorie) to the yeare 1586. by Iohn Hooker aliàs Vowell Gent and others. With conuenient tables at the end of these volumes.; Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande. vol. 3 Holinshed, Raphael, d. 1580?; Stanyhurst, Richard, 1547-1618.; Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607.; Stow, John, 1525?-1605.; Thynne, Francis, 1545?-1608.; Hooker, John, 1526?-1601.; Harrison, William, 1534-1593.; Boece, Hector, 1465?-1536.; Giraldus, Cambrensis, 1146?-1223? 1587 (1587) STC 13569_pt3; ESTC S122178 4,305,113 1,536

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york_n tender_o desire_v the_o wealth_n rest_n and_o prosperity_n of_o this_o land_n and_o to_o set_v apart_o all_o that_o may_v be_v trouble_n to_o the_o same_o line_n 20_o and_o consider_v the_o possession_n of_o the_o say_a king_n henry_n the_o sixth_o and_o that_o he_o have_v for_o his_o time_n be_v name_v take_v and_o repute_v for_o king_n of_o england_n and_o of_o france_n and_o lord_n of_o ireland_n be_v content_v agree_v and_o consent_v that_o he_o be_v have_v repute_v and_o take_v for_o king_n of_o england_n and_o france_n with_o the_o royal_a estate_n dignity_n and_o pre-eminence_n belong_v thereunto_o and_o lord_n of_o ireland_n during_o his_o natural_a life_n and_o for_o that_o time_n the_o say_a duke_n without_o hurt_n or_o prejudice_n of_o his_o say_a right_n and_o title_n shall_v take_v worship_n line_n 30_o and_o honour_v he_o for_o his_o sovereign_a lord_n item_n the_o say_a richard_n duke_n of_o york_n shall_v promit_fw-la and_o bind_v he_o by_o his_o solemn_a oath_n in_o manner_n and_o form_n as_o follow_v york_n in_o the_o name_n of_o god_n amen_o i_o richard_n duke_n of_o york_n promise_n and_o swear_v by_o the_o faith_n and_o truth_n that_o i_o owe_v to_o almighty_a god_n that_o i_o shall_v never_o consent_v procure_v or_o stir_v direct_o or_o indirect_o in_o privy_a or_o apart_a neither_o as_o much_o as_o in_o i_o be_v shall_v suffer_v to_o be_v line_n 40_o do_v consent_v procure_v or_o stir_v any_o thing_n that_o may_v sound_v to_o the_o abridgement_n of_o the_o natural_a life_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o sixth_o or_o to_o the_o hurt_n or_o diminish_n of_o his_o reign_n or_o dignity_n royal_a by_o violence_n or_o any_o other_o way_n against_o his_o freedom_n or_o liberty_n but_o if_o any_o person_n or_o person_n will_v do_v or_o presume_v any_o thing_n to_o the_o contrary_a i_o shall_v with_o all_o my_o might_n and_o power_n withstand_v it_o and_o make_v it_o to_o be_v withstand_v as_o far_o as_o my_o power_n will_v stretch_v thereunto_o so_o help_v i_o god_n and_o his_o holy_a evangelist_n line_n 50_o item_n edward_n earl_n of_o march_n and_z edmund_z earl_n of_o rutland_n son_n of_o the_o say_a duke_n of_o york_n shall_v make_v like_o oath_n item_n it_o be_v accord_v appoint_v and_o agree_v that_o the_o say_v richard_n duke_n of_o york_n shall_v be_v call_v and_o repute_v from_o henceforth_o very_a and_o rightful_a heir_n to_o the_o crown_n royal_a estate_n dignity_n and_o lordship_n above_o say_v and_o after_o the_o decease_n of_o the_o say_a king_n henry_n or_o when_o he_o will_v lay_v from_o he_o the_o say_a crown_n estate_n dignity_n and_o lordship_n the_o say_a duke_n and_o his_o heir_n line_n 60_o shall_v immediate_o succeed_v to_o the_o say_a crown_n royal_a estate_n dignity_n and_o lordship_n item_n the_o say_a richard_n duke_n of_o york_n shall_v have_v by_o authority_n of_o this_o present_a parliament_n castle_n manor_n land_n and_o tenement_n with_o the_o ward_n marriage_n relief_n service_n fine_n amercement_n office_n advouson_n fee_n and_o other_o appurtenance_n to_o they_o belong_v what_o soever_o they_o be_v to_o the_o yearly_a value_n of_o ten_o thousand_o mark_n over_o all_o charge_n and_o reprise_n whereof_o five_o thousand_o mark_n shall_v be_v to_o his_o own_o state_n three_o thousand_o five_o hundred_o mark_n to_o edward_n his_o first_o beget_v son_n earl_n of_o march_n for_o his_o estate_n and_o one_o thousand_o pound_n to_o edmund_n earl_n of_o rutland_n his_o second_o son_n for_o his_o yearly_a sustentation_n in_o such_o consideration_n and_o such_o intent_n as_o shall_v be_v declare_v by_o the_o lord_n of_o the_o king_n council_n item_n if_o any_o person_n or_o person_n imagine_v or_o compass_v the_o death_n of_o the_o say_a duke_n and_o thereof_o probable_o be_v attaint_v of_o open_a deed_n do_v by_o folk_n of_o other_o condition_n that_o it_o be_v deem_v &_o adjudge_v high_a treason_n item_n for_o the_o more_o establish_v of_o the_o say_a accord_n it_o be_v appoint_v and_o consent_v that_o the_o lord_n spiritual_a and_o temporal_a be_v in_o this_o present_a parliament_n shall_v make_v oath_n to_o accept_v take_v worship_n and_o repute_v the_o say_a richard_n duke_n of_o york_n and_o his_o heir_n as_o above_o be_v rehearse_v and_o keep_v observe_v and_o strengthen_v in_o as_o much_o as_o appertain_v unto_o they_o all_o the_o thing_n abovesaid_a and_o resist_v to_o their_o power_n all_z they_o that_o will_v presume_v the_o contrary_a according_a to_o their_o estate_n and_o degree_n item_n the_o say_a richard_n duke_n of_o york_n earl_n of_o march_n and_z rutland_z shall_v permit_v and_o make_v other_o to_o help_v aid_n and_o defend_v the_o say_v lord_n and_o every_o of_o they_o against_o all_o those_o that_o will_v quarrel_v or_o any_o thing_n attempt_v against_o the_o say_a lord_n or_o any_o of_o they_o by_o occasion_n of_o agreement_n or_o consent_v to_o the_o say_a accord_n or_o assistance_n give_v to_o the_o duke_n and_o earl_n or_o any_o of_o they_o item_n it_o be_v agree_v and_o appoint_v that_o this_o accord_n and_o every_o article_n thereof_o be_v open_v and_o notify_v by_o the_o king_n letter_n patent_n or_o otherwise_o at_o such_o time_n and_o place_n and_o in_o manner_n as_o it_o shall_v be_v think_v expedient_a to_o the_o say_v richard_n duke_n of_o york_n with_o the_o advice_n of_o the_o lord_n of_o the_o king_n council_n the_o king_n understand_v certeinelie_o the_o say_a title_n of_o the_o say_v richard_n duke_n of_o york_n just_a lawful_a and_o sufficient_a by_o the_o advice_n and_o assent_v of_o the_o lord_n spiritual_a and_o temporal_a and_o the_o commons_o in_o this_o parliament_n assemble_v and_o by_o authority_n of_o the_o same_o parliament_n declare_v approove_v ratifi_v confirm_v and_o accept_v the_o say_a title_n just_a good_a lawful_a and_o true_a and_o thereunto_o give_v his_o assent_n and_o agreement_n of_o his_o free_a will_n and_o liberty_n and_o over_o that_o by_o the_o say_a advice_n and_o authority_n declare_v intitule_v call_v establish_v affirm_v &_o repute_v the_o say_a richard_n duke_n of_o york_n very_o true_a and_o rightful_a heir_n to_o the_o crown_n royal_a estate_n and_o dignity_n of_o the_o realm_n of_o england_n and_o of_o france_n and_o of_o the_o lordship_n of_o ireland_n aforesaid_a and_o that_o according_a to_o the_o worship_n and_o reverence_n that_o thereto_o belong_v he_o be_v take_v accept_v and_o repute_v in_o worship_n &_o reverence_n by_o all_o the_o state_n of_o the_o say_a realm_n of_o england_n and_o of_o all_o his_o subject_n thereof_o save_v and_o ordain_v by_o the_o same_o authority_n the_o king_n to_o have_v the_o say_v crown_n realm_n royal_a estate_n dignity_n and_o pre-eminence_n of_o the_o same_o and_o the_o say_a lordship_n of_o ireland_n during_o his_o life_n natural_a and_o furthermore_o by_o the_o same_o advice_n and_o authority_n will_v consent_v and_o agree_v that_o after_o his_o decease_n or_o when_o it_o shall_v please_v his_o highness_n to_o lay_v from_o he_o the_o say_a crown_n estate_n dignity_n and_o lordship_n the_o say_a richard_n duke_n of_o york_n and_o his_o heir_n shall_v immediate_o succeed_v he_o in_o the_o say_a crown_n royal_a estate_n dignity_n and_o worship_n and_o they_o then_o have_v and_o enjoy_v any_o act_n of_o parliament_n statute_n or_o ordinance_n or_o other_o thing_n to_o the_o contrary_n make_v or_o interruption_n or_o discontinuance_n of_o possession_n notwithstanding_o and_o moreover_o by_o the_o say_a advice_n and_o authority_n establish_v grant_v confirm_v approve_v ratifi_v and_o accept_v the_o say_a accord_n and_o all_o thing_n therein_o contain_v and_o thereunto_o free_o and_o absolute_o assent_v agree_v and_o by_o the_o same_o advice_n and_o authority_n ordein_v and_o establish_v that_o if_o any_o person_n or_o person_n imagine_v or_o compass_v the_o death_n of_o the_o say_a duke_n &_o probable_o be_v attaint_v of_o open_a deed_n do_v by_o folk_n of_o that_o condition_n that_o it_o be_v deem_v and_o adjudge_v high_a treason_n and_o furthermore_o ordein_v and_o establish_v by_o the_o say_a advice_n and_o authority_n that_o all_o statute_n ordinance_n and_o act_n of_o parliament_n make_v in_o the_o time_n of_o the_o say_a king_n henry_n the_o four_o by_o the_o which_o he_o and_o the_o heir_n of_o his_o body_n come_v of_o henry_n late_a king_n of_o england_n the_o five_o the_o son_n and_o heir_n of_o the_o say_a king_n henry_n the_o four_o and_o the_o heir_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o five_o be_v or_o be_v inheritable_a to_o the_o say_a crown_n and_o realm_n or_o to_o the_o heritage_n of_o the_o same_o be_v annul_v repeal_v damn_a cancel_v void_a and_o of_o none_o effect_n line_n 10_o and_o over_o this_o the_o king_n by_o the_o say_a advice_n assent_n and_o authority_n ordein_v and_o establish_v that_o all_o other_o
the_o king_n answer_v that_o he_o will_v go_v first_o and_o shift_v his_o apparel_n and_o so_o depart_v into_o my_o lord_n cardinal_n chamber_n and_o there_o new_o apparel_v he_o in_o which_o time_n the_o dish_n of_o the_o banquet_n be_v clean_o take_v up_o and_o the_o table_n spread_v again_o with_o new_a clean_a perfume_a clothes_n every_o man_n and_o woman_n sit_v still_o until_o the_o king_n with_o all_o his_o masker_n come_v among_o they_o again_o all_o new_a apparel_v then_o the_o king_n take_v his_o seat_n under_o the_o cloth_n of_o estate_n dish_n command_v every_o person_n to_o sit_v still_o as_o they_o do_v before_o in_o come_v a_o new_a banquet_n before_o the_o king_n and_o to_o all_o the_o rest_n throughout_o all_o the_o table_n wherein_o be_v serve_v two_o hundred_o diverse_a dish_n of_o costly_a devise_n and_o subtlety_n thus_o pass_v they_o forth_o the_o night_n with_o banquet_n dance_v and_o other_o triumph_n to_o the_o great_a comfort_n of_o the_o king_n and_o pleasant_a regard_n of_o the_o nobility_n there_o assemble_v and_o thus_o spend_v this_o cardinal_a his_o time_n from_o day_n to_o day_n and_o year_n to_o year_n in_o such_o wealth_n joy_n triumph_n and_o glory_n have_v always_o on_o his_o side_n the_o king_n especial_a favour_n until_o fortune_n envy_v his_o prosperity_n and_o overthrow_v all_o the_o foundation_n of_o his_o glory_n which_o as_o they_o be_v lay_v upon_o sand_n so_o they_o shroonke_v and_o slip_v away_o whereby_o ensue_v the_o ruin_n of_o his_o estate_n even_o to_o the_o very_a loss_n of_o his_o life_n which_o as_o a_o man_n of_o a_o guilty_a conscience_n and_o fear_v capital_a punishment_n due_a by_o law_n for_o his_o undutiful_a demeanour_n against_o his_o sovereign_n edward_n hall_n say_v upon_o report_n he_o partly_o procure_v willing_o take_v so_o great_a a_o quantity_n of_o a_o strong_a purgation_n as_o nature_n be_v therewith_o oppress_v and_o unable_a to_o digest_v the_o same_o so_o that_o in_o fine_a he_o give_v up_o the_o ghost_n and_o be_v bury_v in_o leicester_n abbeie_fw-la of_o who_o to_o say_v more_o i_o will_v surcease_v conclude_v only_o with_o a_o description_n which_o i_o find_v of_o he_o not_o impertinent_a for_o this_o place_n since_o whole_o concern_v his_o person_n ¶_o this_o cardinal_n as_o you_o may_v perceive_v in_o this_o story_n be_v of_o a_o great_a stomach_n cardinal_n for_o he_o count_v himself_o equal_a with_o prince_n &_o by_o crafty_a suggestion_n get_v into_o his_o hand_n innumerable_a treasure_n he_o force_v little_a on_o simony_n and_o be_v not_o pitiful_a and_o stand_v affectionate_a in_o his_o own_o opinion_n in_o open_a presence_n he_o will_v lie_v and_o say_v untruth_n and_o be_v double_a both_o in_o speech_n and_o meaning_n he_o will_v promise_v much_o &_o perform_v little_a he_o be_v vicious_a of_o his_o body_n &_o give_v the_o clergy_n evil_a example_n he_o hate_v sore_o the_o city_n of_o london_n &_o fear_v it_o it_o be_v tell_v he_o that_o he_o shall_v die_v in_o the_o way_n towards_o london_n wherefore_o he_o fear_v least_o the_o commons_o of_o the_o city_n will_v arise_v in_o riotous_a manner_n and_o so_o slay_v he_o yet_o for_o all_o that_o he_o die_v in_o the_o way_n towards_o london_n care_v more_o with_o he_o out_o of_o the_o world_n than_o he_o bring_v into_o it_o namely_o a_o wind_a sheet_n beside_o other_o necessary_n think_v meet_v for_o a_o dead_a man_n as_o christian_n comeliness_n require_v this_o ruin_n of_o the_o cardinal_n be_v not_o so_o much_o as_o once_o dream_v upon_o when_o i._o leland_n the_o famous_a antiquary_n write_v this_o welwishing_a octastichon_n unto_o the_o say_a wolseie_n be_v then_o in_o the_o flower_n of_o his_o glory_n and_o the_o pearl_n of_o his_o pride_n as_o hereafter_o follow_v sic_fw-la tuus_fw-la henricus_fw-la regum_fw-la qui_fw-la gloria_fw-la florin_n isurocanu●_n perpetuo_fw-la study_v te_fw-la colat_fw-la ornet_fw-la amet_fw-la sic_fw-la pia_fw-la coniung_a at_o proceres_fw-la concordia_fw-la magnos_fw-la ut_fw-la iusto_fw-la bell_n fulmine_fw-la turcaruat_fw-la sic_fw-la vast●s_fw-la operum_fw-la tantorum_fw-la denique_fw-la mole_n absolua●_n summo_fw-la templa_fw-la dicata_fw-la deo_fw-la sis_fw-la bone_fw-la o_o 〈◊〉_d mihi_fw-la tutela_fw-la 〈◊〉_d diceru_n merito_fw-la p●aesidiúmque_fw-la meae_fw-la greenwich_n after_o the_o cardinal_n be_v dead_a the_o king_n remoove_v from_o hampton_n court_n to_o gréenwich_n where_o he_o with_o queen_n katherine_n keep_v a_o solemn_a christmas_n and_o on_o the_o twelve_o night_n he_o sit_v in_o the_o hall_n in_o his_o estate_n whereas_o be_v diverse_a interlude_n rich_a mask_n a●●_n disport_n and_o after_o that_o a_o great_a banquet_n now_o after_o line_n 10_o christmas_n he_o come_v to_o his_o manor_n of_o westminster_n which_o before_o be_v call_v york_n place_n for_o after_o that_o the_o cardinal_n be_v attaint_v in_o the_o praemunire_n &_o be_v go_v northward_o he_o make_v a_o feoffement_n of_o the_o same_o place_n to_o the_o king_n and_o the_o chapter_n of_o the_o cathedral_n church_n of_o york_n by_o their_o writing_n consserue_v the_o same_o feoffement_n &_o then_o the_o king_n change_v the_o name_n and_o call_v it_o the_o king_n manor_n of_o westminster_n and_o no_o more_o york_n place_n the_o whole_a clergy_n of_o england_n ●uer_o support_v and_o maintain_v the_o power_n legantine_n 〈◊〉_d the_o cardinal_n praemunire_n line_n 20_o wherefore_o the_o king_n learned_a 〈◊〉_d say_v plain_o that_o they_o be_v all_o in_o the_o premuni●e_n the_o spiritual_a lord_n be_v call_v by_o process_n into_o the_o king_n b●nch_n to_o answer_v but_o before_o their_o day_n of_o appearance_n they_o in_o their_o convocation_n conclude_v a_o humble_a submission_n in_o writing_n and_o offer_v the_o king_n a_o hundred_o thousand_o pound_n to_o be_v their_o good_a lord_n king_n &_o also_o to_o give_v they_o a_o pardon_n of_o all_o offence_n touch_v the_o praemunire_n by_o act_n of_o parliament_n the_o which_o offer_v with_o much_o labour_n line_n 30_o be_v accept_v and_o their_o pardon_n promise_v in_o this_o submission_n the_o clergy_n call_v the_o king_n supreme_a head_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n head_n which_o thing_n they_o never_o confess_v before_o whereupon_o many_o thing_n follow_v after_o as_o you_o shall_v hear_v when_o the_o parliament_n be_v begin_v the_o sixth_o day_n of_o januarie_n year_n 1531_o the_o pardon_n of_o the_o spiritual_a person_n be_v sign_v with_o the_o king_n hand_n and_o send_v to_o the_o lord_n which_o in_o time_n convenient_a assent_v to_o the_o bill_n and_o send_v it_o to_o the_o commons_o in_o the_o low_a house_n now_o when_o it_o line_v 40_o be_v read_v diverse_a froward_a person_n will_v in_o no_o wise_a assent_n to_o it_o except_o all_o man_n be_v pardon_v say_v that_o all_o man_n which_o have_v any_o thing_n to_o do_v with_o the_o cardinal_n be_v in_o the_o same_o case_n the_o wise_a sort_n answer_v that_o they_o will_v not_o compel_v the_o king_n to_o give_v they_o his_o pardon_n &_o beside_o that_o it_o be_v uncharitablie_o do_v of_o they_o to_o hurt_v the_o clergy_n and_o do_v themselves_o no_o good_a wherefore_o they_o advise_v they_o to_o consent_v to_o the_o bill_n and_o after_o to_o sue_v to_o the_o king_n for_o their_o pardon_n which_o counsel_n be_v not_o follow_v but_o they_o determine_v first_o to_o send_v the_o speaker_n to_o the_o king_n yer_z they_o line_n 50_o will_v assent_v to_o the_o bill_n commons_o whereupon_o thomas_n audleie_n speaker_n for_o the_o commons_o with_o a_o convenient_a number_n of_o the_o common_a house_n come_v to_o the_o king_n presence_n and_o there_o eloquentlie_o declare_v to_o the_o king_n how_o the_o commons_o sore_o lament_v and_o bewail_v their_o chance_n to_o think_v or_o imagine_v themselves_o to_o be_v out_o of_o his_o gracious_a favour_n because_o that_o he_o have_v gracious_o give_v his_o pardon_n of_o the_o praemunire_n to_o his_o spiritual_a subject_n and_o not_o to_o they_o wherefore_o they_o most_o humble_o beseech_v his_o line_n 60_o grace_n of_o his_o accustom_a goodness_n and_o clemency_n to_o include_v they_o in_o the_o same_o pardon_n answer_n the_o king_n wise_o answer_v that_o he_o be_v their_o prince_n and_o sovereign_a lord_n and_o that_o they_o ought_v not_o to_o restrain_v he_o of_o his_o liberty_n nor_o to_o compel_v he_o to_o show_v his_o mercy_n for_o it_o be_v at_o his_o pleasure_n to_o use_v the_o extremity_n of_o his_o law_n or_o mitigate_v and_o pardon_v the_o same_o wherefore_o since_o they_o deny_v to_o assent_v to_o the_o pardon_n of_o the_o spiritual_a person_n which_o pardon_n he_o say_v he_o may_v give_v without_o their_o assent_n by_o his_o great_a seal_n he_o will_v be_v well_o advise_v yer_z he_o pardon_v they_o because_o he_o will_v not_o be_v note_v to_o be_v compel_v to_o it_o with_o this_o answer_n the_o speaker_n and_o the_o commons_o depart_v very_o sorrowful_a and_o pensive_a and_o some_o
and_o sir_n thomas_n more_o knight_n and_o doctor_n nicholas_n wilson_n parson_n of_o saint_n thomas_n apostle_n in_o london_n express_o deny_v at_o lambeth_n before_o the_o archbishop_n of_o canturburie_n to_o receive_v that_o oath_n the_o two_o first_o stand_v in_o their_o opinion_n to_o the_o very_a death_n as_o after_o you_o shall_v hear_v but_o doctor_n wilson_n be_v better_o advise_v at_o length_n and_o so_o dissemble_v the_o matter_n escape_v out_o of_o further_a danger_n ¶_o in_o this_o year_n it_o chance_v that_o two_o merchant_n stranger_n fall_v in_o love_n with_o a_o harlot_n harlot_n which_o be_v call_v wolves_n wife_n and_o this_o harlot_n have_v often_o haunt_v the_o stranger_n chamber_n and_o so_o on_o a_o time_n the_o say_a harlot_n appoint_v these_o stranger_n to_o come_v to_o westminster_n and_o she_o have_v prepare_v for_o they_o a_o boat_n in_o the_o which_o boat_n be_v but_o one_o man_n to_o row_v which_o be_v a_o strong_a thief_n and_o in_o the_o end_n of_o the_o boat_n lie_v wolf_n her_o husband_n cover_v with_o a_o leather_n that_o boatman_n use_v to_o cover_v their_o cushion_n with_o and_o so_o these_o stranger_n sit_v they_o down_o mistrust_v nothing_o now_o when_o this_o boteman_n have_v bring_v they_o as_o far_o as_o a_o place_n call_v the_o turn_a tree_n sudden_o step_v up_o the_o say_a wolf_n lust_n and_o with_o his_o dagger_n thrust_v the_o one_o of_o they_o through_o the_o other_o cry_v out_o to_o safe_a his_o life_n and_o offer_v great_a sum_n of_o money_n to_o the_o boteman_n and_o he_o to_o save_v his_o life_n but_o no_o proffer_n will_v be_v hear_v nor_o mercy_n will_v they_o extend_v but_o as_o cruel_a murderer_n without_o pity_n slay_v the_o other_o also_o and_o bind_v they_o face_n to_o face_n and_o so_o throw_v they_o into_o the_o thames_n in_o the_o foresay_a place_n where_o they_o be_v long_o after_o before_o they_o be_v ●ound_v but_o immediate_o the_o harlot_n wolves_n wife_n go_v to_o the_o stranger_n chamber_n covetousness_n &_o take_v from_o thence_o so_o much_o as_o she_o can_v come_v by_o and_o at_o the_o last_o she_o and_o her_o husband_n as_o they_o deserve_v be_v apprehend_v arreign_v and_o hang_v at_o the_o aforesaid_a turn_a tree_n on_o the_o nine_o of_o julie_n be_v the_o lord_n dacres_n of_o the_o north_n arreign_v at_o westminster_n of_o high_a treason_n arreign_v where_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n sit_v as_o judge_v and_o high_a steward_n of_o england_n the_o say_a lord_n dacres_n be_v bring_v to_o the_o bar_n with_o the_o axe_n of_o the_o tower_n before_o he_o after_o his_o indictment_n read_v so_o improoved_a the_o same_o answer_v every_o part_n and_o matter_n therein_o contain_v and_o so_o plain_o and_o direct_o confute_v his_o accuser_n which_o be_v there_o ready_a to_o avouch_v their_o accusation_n that_o to_o their_o great_a shame_n and_o his_o high_a honour_n he_o be_v find_v that_o day_n by_o his_o peer_n not_o guilty_a whereof_o the_o commons_o not_o a_o little_a reioise_v as_o by_o their_o shout_n and_o cry_v make_v at_o those_o word_n not_o guilty_a they_o free_o testify_v the_o two_o and_o twentieth_o of_o julie_n be_v john_n frith_n burn_v in_o smithfield_n burn_v for_o the_o opinion_n of_o the_o sacrament_n and_o with_o he_o the_o same_o time_n and_o at_o the_o same_o stake_n suffer_v also_o one_o andrew_n hewet_n a_o young_a man_n by_o his_o occupation_n a_o tailor_n the_o eleven_o of_o august_n be_v all_o the_o place_n of_o the_o observant_a friar_n suppress_v suppress_v as_o gréenwich_n canturburie_n richmont_n newarke_n and_o newcastle_n and_o in_o their_o place_n be_v set_v augustine_n friar_n and_o the_o observant_a friar_n be_v place_v in_o the_o room_n of_o the_o grey_a friar_n ¶_o the_o one_o and_o twentieth_o of_o september_n doctor_n tailor_n master_n of_o the_o roll_n be_v discharge_v of_o that_o office_n and_o thomas_n cromwell_n swear_v in_o his_o place_n the_o nintéenth_n of_o october_n moreover_o the_o three_o of_o november_n the_o parliament_n line_n 10_o begin_v again_o begin_v in_o the_o which_o be_v conclude_v the_o act_n of_o supremacy_n which_o authorize_v the_o king_n highness_n to_o be_v supreme_a head_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n and_o the_o authority_n of_o the_o pope_n abolish_v out_o of_o the_o realm_n ¶_o in_o the_o same_o parliament_n also_o be_v give_v to_o the_o king_n the_o first_o fruit_n and_o ten_o of_o all_o spiritual_a dignity_n and_o promotion_n this_o year_n come_v the_o great_a admerall_a of_o france_n into_o england_n england_n ambassador_n from_o the_o french_a king_n and_o be_v honourable_o receive_v in_o this_o time_n die_v the_o earl_n of_o kildare_n prisoner_n line_n 20_o in_o the_o tower_n and_o his_o son_n thomas_n fitzgaret_n begin_v to_o rebel_v year_n 1535_o and_o take_v all_o the_o king_n ordinance_n and_o send_v to_o the_o emperor_n require_v he_o to_o take_v his_o part_n also_o he_o slay_v the_o bishop_n of_o dublin_n and_o rob_v all_o such_o as_o will_v not_o obey_v he_o in_o the_o begin_n of_o this_o year_n the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n and_o the_o bishop_n of_o elie_n go_v to_o calis_n 27._o and_o thither_o come_v the_o admerall_a of_o france_n on_o the_o two_o &_o twentieth_o of_o april_n the_o prior_n of_o the_o charterhouse_n at_o london_n treason_n the_o prior_n of_o bevall_n the_o prior_n of_o erham_n reinalds_n a_o brother_n of_o zion_n &_o john_n line_n 30_o vicar_n of_o thistleworth_n be_v arreign_v and_o condemn_v of_o treason_n and_o thereupon_o draw_v hang_v and_o quarter_v at_o tyburn_n the_o four_o of_o may_n their_o head_n and_o quarter_n be_v set_v over_o the_o bridge_n &_o gate_n of_o the_o city_n one_o quarter_n except_v which_o be_v set_v up_o at_o the_o charterhouse_n at_o london_n ¶_o on_o the_o eight_o of_o may_n the_o king_n command_v that_o all_o belong_v to_o the_o court_n shall_v poll_v their_o head_n &_o to_o give_v example_n cause_v his_o own_o head_n to_o be_v poll_v and_o his_o beard_n from_o thencefoorth_o be_v cut_v round_o but_o not_o shave_v which_o line_n 40_o fashion_n the_o courtier_n embrace_v and_o will_v no_o doubt_n have_v put_v in_o practice_n though_o they_o have_v not_o be_v thereunto_o bind_v by_o precept_n for_o the_o people_n imitate_v the_o prince_n as_o the_o poet_n long_o ago_o well_o note_v say_v regis_fw-la ad_fw-la exemplum_fw-la totus_fw-la componitur_fw-la orbis_fw-la ¶_o the_o five_o and_o twentieth_o day_n of_o may_n be_v in_o saint_n paul_n church_n at_o london_n examine_v nineteen_o man_n and_o six_o woman_n bear_v in_o holland_n heretic_n who_o opinion_n be_v first_o that_o in_o christ_n be_v not_o two_o nature_n god_n and_o man_n secondlie_o that_o christ_n take_v neither_o flesh_n nor_o line_n 50_o blood_n of_o the_o virgin_n marie_n thirdlie_o that_o child_n bear_v of_o infidel_n shall_v be_v save_v fourthly_a that_o baptism_n of_o child_n be_v to_o none_o effect_v fiftlie_o that_o the_o sacrament_n of_o christ_n body_n be_v but_o bread_n only_o sixth_o that_o he_o who_o after_o his_o baptism_n sin_v witting_o sin_v deadly_a and_o can_v be_v save_v fourteen_o of_o they_o be_v condemn_v a_o man_n &_o a_o woman_n of_o they_o be_v burn_v in_o smithfield_n the_o other_o twelve_o be_v send_v to_o other_o town_n there_o to_o be_v burn_v on_o the_o ninetéenth_n of_o june_n be_v three_o moonke_n line_n 60_o of_o the_o charterhouse_n hang_v execute_v draw_v and_o quarter_v at_o tyburn_n and_o their_o head_n and_o quarter_n set_v up_o about_o london_n for_o deny_v the_o king_n to_o be_v supreme_a head_n of_o the_o church_n their_o name_n be_v exmew_n middlemoore_n and_o nudigate_n also_o the_o one_o and_o twentieth_o of_o the_o same_o month_n behead_v and_o for_o the_o same_o cause_n doctor_n john_n fisher_n bishop_n of_o rochester_n be_v behead_v for_o deny_v of_o the_o supremacy_n and_o his_o head_n set_v upon_o london_n bridge_n but_o his_o body_n bury_v within_o bark_v churchyard_n this_o bishop_n be_v of_o many_o sore_o lament_v for_o he_o be_v report_v to_o be_v a_o man_n of_o great_a learning_n and_o of_o a_o very_a good_a life_n the_o pope_n have_v elect_v he_o a_o cardinal_n and_o send_v his_o hat_n as_o far_o as_o calis_n but_o his_o head_n be_v off_o before_o his_o hat_n be_v on_o so_o that_o they_o meet_v not_o behead_v on_o the_o sixth_o of_o julie_n be_v sir_n thomas_n moor_n behead_v for_o the_o like_a crime_n that_o be_v to_o wit_n for_o deny_v the_o king_n to_o be_v supreme_a head_n and_o then_o the_o body_n of_o doctor_n fisher_n be_v take_v up_o and_o bury_v with_o sir_n thomas_n moor_n in_o the_o tower_n this_o man_n be_v both_o learned_a and_o wise_a and_o give_v much_o to_o a_o certain_a pleasure_n in_o merry_a taunt_n and_o ●easting_n in_o most_o of_o his_o communication_n which_o manner_n he_o forget_v not_o at_o the_o very_a
of_o the_o same_o by_o the_o space_n of_o nine_o or_o ten_o day_n together_o at_o last_o they_o resolve_v upon_o a_o act_n of_o parliament_n to_o be_v make_v and_o to_o revive_v the_o execution_n of_o the_o say_a debt_n against_o the_o say_a welden_n which_o be_v principal_a debtor_n and_o to_o discharge_v the_o say_a ferrer_n ferrer_n but_o before_o this_o come_v to_o pass_v the_o common_a house_n be_v divide_v upon_o the_o question_n howbeit_o in_o conclusion_n the_o act_n pass_v for_o the_o say_v ferrer_n win_v by_o fourteen_o voice_n the_o king_n then_o be_v advertise_v of_o all_o this_o proceed_v call_v immediate_o before_o he_o the_o lord_n chancellor_n of_o england_n and_o his_o judge_n with_o the_o speaker_n of_o the_o parliament_n and_o other_o of_o the_o grave_a person_n of_o the_o nether_a house_n to_o who_o he_o declare_v his_o opinion_n to_o this_o effect_n first_o commend_v their_o wisdom_n in_o maintain_v the_o privilege_n of_o their_o house_n which_o he_o will_v not_o have_v to_o be_v infringe_v in_o any_o point_n he_o allege_v that_o he_o be_v head_n of_o the_o parliament_n and_o attend_v in_o his_o own_o person_n upon_o the_o business_n thereof_o aught_o in_o reason_n to_o have_v privilege_n for_o he_o and_o all_o his_o servant_n attend_v there_o upon_o he_o belong_v so_o that_o if_o the_o say_v ferrer_n have_v be_v no_o burgess_n but_o only_o his_o servant_n yet_o in_o respect_n thereof_o he_o be_v to_o have_v the_o privilege_n as_o well_o as_o any_o other_o for_o i_o understand_v quoth_v he_o that_o you_o not_o only_o for_o your_o own_o person_n but_o also_o for_o your_o necessary_a servant_n even_o to_o your_o cook_n and_o horssekéeper_n enjoy_v the_o say_a privilege_n in_o somuch_o as_o my_o lord_n chancellor_n here_o present_a have_v inform_v we_o that_o he_o be_v speaker_n of_o the_o parliament_n the_o cook_n of_o the_o temple_n be_v arrest_v in_o london_n and_o in_o execution_n upon_o a_o statute_n of_o the_o staple_n and_o for_o somuch_o as_o the_o say_a cook_n during_o all_o the_o parliament_n serve_v the_o speaker_n in_o that_o office_n he_o be_v take_v out_o of_o execution_n by_o the_o privilege_n of_o the_o parliament_n and_o further_o we_o be_v inform_v by_o our_o judge_n that_o we_o at_o no_o time_n stand_v so_o high_o in_o our_o estate_n royal_a as_o in_o the_o time_n of_o parliament_n wherein_o we_o as_o head_n and_o you_o as_o member_n be_v conjoin_v and_o knit_v together_o into_o one_o body_n politic_a so_o as_o whatsoever_o offence_n or_o injury_n during_o that_o time_n be_v offer_v to_o the_o mean_a member_n of_o the_o house_n be_v to_o be_v judge_v as_o do_v against_o our_o person_n and_o the_o whole_a court_n of_o parliament_n which_o prerogative_n of_o the_o court_n be_v so_o great_a as_o our_o learned_a council_n inform_v we_o as_o all_o act_n and_o process_n come_v out_o of_o any_o other_o inferior_a court_n must_v for_o the_o time_n cease_v and_o give_v place_n to_o the_o high_a and_o touch_v the_o party_n burgess_n it_o be_v a_o great_a presumption_n in_o he_o know_v our_o servant_n to_o be_v one_o of_o this_o house_n and_o be_v warn_v thereof_o before_o will_v nevertheless_o prosecute_v this_o matter_n out_o of_o time_n and_o thereupon_o be_v well_o worthy_a to_o have_v lose_v his_o debt_n which_o i_o will_v not_o wish_v and_o therefore_o do_v commend_v your_o equity_n that_o have_v lose_v the_o same_o by_o law_n have_v restore_v he_o to_o the_o same_o against_o he_o who_o be_v his_o debtor_n and_o if_o it_o be_v well_o consider_v what_o a_o charge_n have_v it_o be_v to_o we_o and_o you_o all_o not_o only_o in_o expense_n of_o our_o substance_n but_o also_o in_o loss_n of_o time_n which_o shall_v have_v be_v employ_v about_o the_o affair_n of_o our_o realm_n to_o fit_v here_o wellnigh_o one_o whole_a fortnight_n about_o this_o one_o private_a case_n he_o may_v think_v himself_o better_a use_v than_o his_o desert_n and_o this_o may_v be_v a_o good_a example_n to_o other_o to_o learn_v good_a manner_n &_o not_o to_o attempt_v any_o thing_n against_o the_o privilege_n of_o this_o court_n but_o to_o take_v their_o time_n better_o this_o be_v my_o opinion_n and_o if_o i_o err_v i_o must_v refer_v myself_o to_o the_o judgement_n of_o our_o justice_n here_o present_a and_o other_o learned_a in_o our_o law_n whereupon_o sir_n edw._n montacute_n lord_n chief_a justice_n justice_n very_o gravelie_o tell_v his_o opinion_n confirm_v by_o diverse_a reason_n all_o that_o the_o king_n have_v say_v which_o be_v assent_v unto_o by_o all_o the_o residue_n none_o speak_v to_o the_o contrary_n the_o act_n in_o deed_n pass_v not_o the_o high_a house_n for_o the_o lord_n have_v not_o time_n to_o consider_v of_o it_o by_o reason_n of_o the_o dissolution_n of_o the_o parliament_n the_o feast_n of_o easter_n then_o approach_v because_o this_o case_n have_v be_v diverslie_o report_v and_o be_v common_o allege_v as_o a_o precedent_n for_o the_o privilege_n of_o the_o parliament_n i_o have_v endeavour_v myself_o to_o learn_v the_o truth_n thereof_o and_o so_o set_v it_o forth_o with_o the_o whole_a circumstance_n at_o large_a according_a to_o their_o instruction_n who_o ought_v best_o both_o to_o know_v and_o remember_v it_o this_o year_n in_o may_n the_o king_n take_v a_o lone_a of_o money_n of_o all_o such_o as_o be_v value_v at_o fifty_o pound_n and_o upward_o in_o the_o subsidy_n book_n 34._o the_o lord_n privy_a seal_n the_o bishop_n of_o winchester_n lone_a sir_n john_n baker_n and_o sir_n thomas_n wriothesleie_n be_v commissioner_n about_o this_o lone_a in_o london_n where_o they_o so_o handle_v the_o matter_n that_o of_o some_o head_n citizen_n they_o obtain_v a_o thousand_o mark_n in_o press_v to_o the_o king_n use_n they_o that_o lay_v line_n 10_o forth_o any_o sum_n in_o this_o wise_a have_v privy_a scale_n for_o the_o repayment_n thereof_o within_o two_o year_n next_o ensue_a nobility_n diverse_a of_o the_o irish_a nobility_n come_v this_o year_n into_o england_n and_o make_v their_o submission_n to_o the_o king_n as_o in_o the_o irish_a chronicle_n it_o be_v more_o particular_o touch_v also_o war_n fall_v out_o betwixt_o england_n and_o scotland_n the_o cause_n whereof_o as_o appear_v by_o a_o declaration_n set_v forth_o by_o the_o king_n of_o england_n at_o this_o present_a in_o effect_n be_v these_o first_o there_o be_v diverse_a of_o the_o english_a rebel_n scotland_n such_o as_o have_v move_v the_o commotion_n line_n 20_o in_o the_o north_n and_o lincolnshire_n that_o flee_v into_o scotland_n and_o be_v there_o maintain_v and_o although_o request_n have_v be_v make_v that_o they_o may_v be_v deliver_v yet_o it_o will_v not_o be_v grant_v moreover_o where_o the_o king_n of_o scot_n have_v promise_v to_o repair_v unto_o york_n the_o last_o year_n and_o there_o to_o meet_v his_o uncle_n the_o king_n of_o england_n whereupon_o the_o king_n of_o england_n to_o his_o great_a charge_n have_v make_v preparation_n for_o their_o meeting_n there_o the_o same_o be_v not_o line_v 30_o only_o disappoint_v but_o also_o at_o the_o king_n be_v at_o york_n in_o lieu_n thereof_o a_o invasion_n be_v make_v by_o the_o scot_n as_o it_o be_v in_o contempt_n and_o despite_n of_o the_o king_n of_o england_n who_o notwithstanding_o impute_v the_o default_n of_o meeting_n to_o the_o advice_n of_o his_o nephew_n council_n and_o the_o invasion_n to_o the_o lewdness_n of_o his_o subject_n be_v content_v to_o give_v courteous_a audience_n unto_o such_o ambassador_n as_o the_o same_o king_n of_o scot_n send_v into_o england_n which_o come_v to_o the_o king_n at_o christmas_n last_o and_o with_o many_o sweet_a and_o pleasant_a word_n excuse_v that_o which_o be_v do_v amiss_o &_o seek_v to_o persuade_v line_n 40_o kindness_n and_o perfect_a amity_n in_o time_n to_o come_v and_o for_o the_o better_a accomplishment_n thereof_o they_o offer_v to_o send_v commissioner_n to_o the_o border_n there_o to_o determine_v the_o debate_n betwixt_o they_o of_o the_o confine_n if_o it_o will_v please_v the_o king_n likewise_o to_o send_v commissioner_n for_o his_o part_n which_o to_o do_v he_o gracious_o condescend_v desirous_a to_o make_v trial_n of_o his_o nephew_n in_o some_o correspondence_n of_o deed_n to_o the_o fair_a and_o pleasant_a message_n in_o word_n which_o he_o have_v receive_v from_o line_n 50_o he_o hereupon_o commissioner_n be_v send_v from_o either_o king_n the_o which_o meet_v and_o talk_v but_o where_o the_o englishman_n challenge_v a_o piece_n of_o ground_n undoubted_o usurp_v by_o the_o scot_n be_v for_o the_o same_o show_v such_o evidence_n as_o more_o substantial_a commissioner_n or_o more_o autentike_a can_v not_o be_v bring_v forth_o for_o any_o ground_n within_o the_o realm_n the_o same_o be_v nevertheless_o by_o the_o scot_n deny_v and_o reject_v only_o for_o
in_o perpetuum_fw-la &_o quòd_fw-la cancellarius_fw-la angliae_fw-la vel_fw-la custos_fw-la sive_fw-la custodes_fw-la magni_fw-la sigilli_fw-la nostri_fw-la &_o haeredum_fw-la nostrorum_fw-la angliae_fw-la pro_fw-la tempore_fw-la existentium_fw-la post_fw-la mortem_fw-la ipsius_fw-la willielmi_n habeat_fw-la &_o habeant_fw-la potestatem_fw-la ad_fw-la quamlibet_fw-la vacationem_fw-la dicti_fw-la officij_fw-la custodis_fw-la line_n 10_o rotulorum_fw-la per_fw-la mortem_fw-la cessionem_fw-la vel_fw-la mutationem_fw-la personae_fw-la quocunque_fw-la tempore_fw-la futur_fw-la 〈◊〉_d institutum_fw-la successiuè_fw-fr custodes_fw-la rotulorum_fw-la praedictorum_fw-la in_o dicta_fw-la domo_fw-la conversorum_fw-la &_o custodes_fw-la illos_fw-la ponend_n in_o possessionem_fw-la eiusdem_fw-la cum_fw-la suis_fw-la iuribus_fw-la &_o pertin_n quibuscunque_fw-la in_fw-la cvius_fw-la etc._n etc._n t._n r._n apud_fw-la shene_n 11_o aprilis_n an._n 51_o edw._n 3._o but_o after_o the_o death_n of_o this_o king_n edward_n the_o say_a william_n burstall_n master_n of_o the_o roll_n belike_o not_o line_v 20_o suppose_v this_o to_o be_v a_o sufficient_a grant_n procure_v this_o house_n by_o act_n of_o parliament_n in_o the_o first_o year_n of_o king_n richard_n the_o second_o to_o be_v more_o strong_o establish_v to_o the_o use_n of_o the_o master_n of_o the_o roll_n for_o the_o time_n after_o which_o john_n the_o waltham_n master_n of_o the_o roll_n after_o bishop_n of_o salisbury_n and_o treasurer_n of_o england_n procure_v k._n richard_n the_o second_o in_o the_o 6_o year_n of_o his_o reign_n by_o his_o letter_n patent_n to_o confirm_v the_o say_a house_n to_o the_o say_v waltham_n and_o his_o successor_n master_n of_o the_o roll_n and_o whereas_o by_o the_o patent_n of_o edward_n line_n 30_o the_o three_o the_o master_n of_o the_o roll_n be_v appoint_v and_o install_v in_o that_o house_n by_o the_o chancellor_n it_o be_v to_o be_v note_v that_o the_o same_o manner_n of_o induction_n and_o instalment_n continue_v as_o long_o as_o the_o master_n of_o the_o roll_n be_v of_o the_o clergy_n as_o i_o have_v see_v set_v down_o by_o other_o and_o as_o the_o precedent_n of_o those_o instalment_n and_o the_o writ_n themselves_o extant_a of_o record_n do_v well_o prove_v sir_n richard_n scroop_n knight_n lord_n of_o bolton_n have_v be_v lord_n treasurer_n in_o the_o time_n of_o the_o decease_a line_n 40_o king_n edward_n the_o three_o scroop_n be_v now_o in_o october_n about_o the_o latter_a end_n of_o the_o year_n 1378_o or_o the_o begin_n of_o the_o year_n 1379_o be_v the_o second_o year_n of_o the_o after_o depose_a king_n richard_n the_o second_o make_v lord_n chancellor_n and_o have_v the_o great_a seal_n deliver_v unto_o he_o who_o in_o the_o three_o year_n of_o the_o say_a king_n at_o a_o parliament_n do_v surrender_v up_o his_o office_n of_o this_o man_n be_v more_o set_v down_o in_o the_o discourse_n of_o the_o treasuror_n simon_n sudburie_n so_o surname_v of_o the_o place_n of_o his_o birth_n sudburie_n but_o by_o descent_n call_v tibold_n the_o son_n of_o nicholas_n line_n 50_o tibold_n descend_v of_o a_o gentlemanlie_a race_n dwell_v at_o sudburie_n in_o suffolk_n this_o simon_n be_v archbishop_n of_o canturburie_n and_o make_v chancellor_n about_o the_o year_n of_o christ_n 1380_o in_o the_o three_o year_n of_o richard_n the_o second_o and_o be_v by_o the_o rebel_n behead_v at_o the_o tower_n of_o london_n in_o the_o four_o year_n of_o the_o disquiet_v government_n of_o that_o unfortunat_a but_o valiant_a king_n richard_n the_o second_o after_o who_o in_o the_o five_o year_n of_o the_o say_a king_n richard_n was_z r._n b._n of_o london_n whereof_o i_o have_v see_v and_o take_v a_o note_n which_o line_n 60_o bishop_n be_v as_o i_o conjecture_v &_o have_v some_o authority_n to_o prove_v robert_n braibroke_n which_o follow_v &_o be_v make_v chancellor_n again_o after_o sir_n richard_n scroop_n sir_n richard_n scroop_n knight_n lord_n of_o bolton_n make_v chancellor_n again_o about_o the_o latter_a end_n of_o november_n bolton_n by_o the_o lord_n of_o the_o parliament_n as_o i_o take_v it_o in_o the_o five_o year_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o king_n richard_n last_o mention_v and_o be_v the_o year_n follow_v be_v about_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 1383_o again_o depose_v from_o his_o office_n and_o the_o king_n receive_v the_o great_a seal_n keep_v it_o a_o certain_a time_n and_o therewith_o seal_v such_o grant_n and_o writing_n as_o it_o please_v he_o and_o in_o the_o end_n deliver_v the_o same_o to_o robert_n braibrooke_n of_o this_o man_n see_v more_o in_o the_o treasuror_n before_o robert_n braibrooke_n bishop_n of_o london_n make_v lord_n chancellor_n in_o september_n follow_v the_o month_n of_o julie_n when_o sir_n richard_n scroop_n be_v depose_v london_n be_v advance_v to_o that_o dignity_n on_o saint_n matthews_n éeve_v in_o the_o sixth_o year_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o the_o say_a king_n richard_n the_o second_o in_o which_o he_o continue_v not_o long_o than_o the_o march_n follow_v as_o have_v anonymus_fw-la m._n s._n he_o be_v consecrate_v bishop_n of_o london_n the_o five_o of_o januarie_n 1381_o he_o die_v the_o seventeenth_o of_o august_n in_o the_o year_n 1404_o be_v the_o five_o year_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o four_o michael_n de_fw-fr la_fw-fr poole_n suffolk_n or_o at_o poole_n as_o have_v thomas_n walsingham_n be_v make_v chancellor_n in_o the_o month_n of_o march_n in_o the_o sixth_o year_n of_o the_o say_a king_n richard_n the_o second_o and_o be_v make_v earl_n of_o suffolk_n in_o the_o nine_o year_n of_o the_o say_a king_n be_v after_o depose_v from_o his_o office_n of_o chancellorship_n at_o his_o own_o and_o earnest_a request_n in_o the_o ten_o year_n of_o the_o say_a king_n this_o man_n have_v flee_v the_o realm_n for_o that_o he_o be_v pursue_v by_o the_o nobility_n die_v at_o paris_n in_o the_o thirteen_o year_n of_o the_o say_v richard_n the_o second_o be_v the_o year_n of_o our_o redemption_n 1389_o of_o who_o that_o worthy_a poet_n sir_n john_n gower_n live_v at_o that_o time_n in_o his_o book_n entitle_v vox_fw-la clamantis_fw-la compose_v these_o verse_n est_fw-la comes_fw-la elatus_fw-la fallax_fw-la cupidus_fw-la sceleratus_fw-la fraud_n per_fw-la mille_fw-la stat_fw-la cancellarius_fw-la ille_fw-la hic_fw-la proceres_fw-la odit_fw-la &_o eorum_fw-la nomina_fw-la rodit_fw-la morsibus_fw-la à_fw-la tergo_fw-la fit_a tandem_fw-la profugus_fw-la ergo_fw-la sic_fw-la deus_fw-la in_o coelis_fw-la mala_fw-la elie._n de_fw-la puteo_fw-la michaelis_fw-la acriter_fw-la expurgat_fw-la ne_fw-la plùs_fw-la comes_fw-la ille_fw-la resurgat_fw-la thomas_n arundel_n of_o the_o noble_a house_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o arundel_n be_v first_o bishop_n of_o elie_n and_o then_o of_o york_n and_o last_o of_o canturburie_n he_o be_v make_v lord_n chancellor_n of_o england_n in_o the_o ten_o year_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o the_o unfortunat_a king_n richard_n the_o second_o be_v about_o the_o year_n of_o our_o redemption_n 1386_o in_o which_o office_n he_o remain_v about_o two_o year_n as_o far_o as_o my_o search_n will_v give_v leave_n to_o understand_v william_n wickham_n be_v again_o make_v lord_n chancellor_n of_o england_n wickham_n in_o the_o twelve_o year_n of_o the_o say_a king_n richard_n the_o second_o but_o be_v in_o the_o end_n remove_v from_o thence_o in_o september_n in_o the_o fifteen_o year_n of_o the_o troublesome_a government_n of_o the_o say_a king_n richard_n thomas_n arundel_n aforesaid_a be_v the_o second_o time_n arundel_n create_v lord_n chancellor_n of_o england_n in_o the_o say_v fiftéenth_fw-mi year_n of_o king_n richard_n the_o second_o in_o place_n of_o william_n wickham_n in_o which_o office_n he_o remain_v about_o five_o year_n and_o be_v depose_v and_o banish_v the_o realm_n in_o the_o twentieth_o year_n of_o the_o say_a king_n richard_n john_n scarle_n scirlée_fw-fr or_o serle_n roll_n master_n of_o the_o roll_n of_o the_o chancery_n and_o keeper_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n he_o be_v chancellor_n or_o in_o place_n of_o the_o chancellor_n in_o the_o first_o year_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o four_o be_v the_o year_n in_o which_o the_o son_n of_o god_n descend_v from_o the_o bosom_n of_o his_o father_n take_v flesh_n in_o the_o womb_n of_o his_o mother_n one_o thousand_o three_o hundred_o ninety_o and_o nine_o edmund_z stafford_z keeper_n of_o the_o privy_a seal_n stafford_z bishop_n of_o excester_n and_o sometime_o bishop_n of_o rochester_n and_o last_o bishop_n of_o york_n keeper_n of_o the_o privy_a seal_n and_o bear_v of_o the_o noble_a house_n of_o the_o staffords_n be_v make_v lord_n chancellor_n of_o england_n about_o the_o month_n of_o march_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o redemption_n one_o thousand_o and_o four_o hundred_o be_v about_o the_o second_o year_n of_o the_o usurp_a king_n henry_n the_o four_o in_o which_o office_n he_o continue_v until_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n one_o thousand_o four_o hundred_o and_o three_o be_v the_o four_o year_n of_o the_o say_a
the_o prince_n she_o on_o the_o new_a year_n day_n follow_v make_v a_o new_a chancellor_n nicholas_n heath_n bishop_n of_o rochester_n heath_n almoner_n to_o the_o king_n ambassador_n into_o germany_n bishop_n of_o worcester_n precedent_n of_o wales_n and_o archbishop_n of_o york_n be_v upon_o new_a year_n day_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n god_n one_o thousand_o five_o hundred_o fifty_o and_o five_o be_v the_o three_o year_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o queen_n marie_n advance_v to_o the_o honourable_a dignity_n of_o the_o chancellorship_n but_o queen_n marie_n decease_a the_o seaventéenth_n day_n of_o november_n in_o the_o year_n of_o grace_n one_o thousand_o five_o hundred_o fifty_o and_o eight_o and_o the_o sixth_o year_n of_o her_o government_n this_o heath_n upon_o the_o place_n of_o the_o worthy_a queen_n elisabeth_n upon_o the_o throne_n of_o the_o english_a government_n be_v remoove_v from_o his_o office_n and_o master_n bacon_n advance_v sir_n nicholas_n bacon_n esquire_n bacon_n attourneie_n of_o the_o court_n of_o ward_n be_v make_v knight_n and_o lord_n keeper_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n the_o two_o and_o twentieth_o of_o december_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o redemption_n 1558_o be_v the_o first_o year_n of_o the_o now_o reign_v elisabeth_n the_o saba_n of_o england_n which_o name_n of_o lord_n keeper_n he_o still_o keep_v during_o his_o life_n and_o the_o time_n of_o his_o office_n in_o who_o time_n there_o be_v a_o act_n of_o parliament_n establish_v to_o make_v the_o power_n of_o the_o keeper_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n equal_a with_o the_o authority_n of_o the_o chancellor_n this_o man_n continue_v in_o this_o office_n and_o worthy_o execute_v the_o same_o be_v a_o man_n of_o rare_a wit_n and_o deep_a experience_n during_o the_o time_n of_o his_o life_n which_o continue_v until_o the_o twentieth_o of_o february_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o salvation_n 1578_o after_o the_o account_n of_o england_n be_v the_o one_o and_o twentieth_o year_n of_o the_o rare_a and_o singular_a government_n of_o the_o world_n wonder_v the_o famous_a queen_n elisabeth_n which_o place_n this_o man_n keep_v eighteen_o year_n be_v as_o i_o suppose_v double_a as_o long_a time_n as_o any_o other_o chancellor_n or_o keeper_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n possess_v that_o place_n except_o ralph_n nevil_n bishop_n of_o chichester_n and_o john_n stafford_n bishop_n of_o bath_n and_o well_n both_o which_o hold_v it_o equal_o eighteen_o year_n with_o he_o a_o strange_a thing_n that_o in_o the_o course_n of_o almost_o 600_o year_n no_o such_o officer_n may_v possess_v that_o place_n by_o twenty_o year_n together_o thomas_n bromleie_n the_o general_a solicitor_n of_o queen_n elisabeth_n a_o councillor_n of_o the_o law_n bromleie_fw-la and_o one_o of_o the_o inner_a temple_n be_v advance_v to_o the_o dignity_n of_o lord_n chancellor_n on_o the_o five_o and_o twentieth_o day_n of_o april_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o redemption_n 1579_o be_v in_o the_o one_o &_o twentieth_o year_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o the_o say_a queen_n elisabeth_n which_o office_n at_o this_o day_n he_o bear_v thus_o although_o i_o may_v be_v a_o little_a wetshod_a in_o pass_v over_o the_o deep_a sea_n of_o this_o difficulty_n of_o the_o chancellor_n in_o which_o i_o be_o sure_a i_o be_o not_o over_o head_n and_o ear_n i_o have_v at_o length_n bring_v my_o chancellor_n to_o end_n a_o work_n of_o some_o labour_n and_o difficulty_n of_o some_o search_n and_o charge_n which_o i_o have_v do_v only_o of_o myself_o without_o the_o furtherance_n or_o help_n of_o some_o other_o who_o more_o inconsideratlie_o than_o true_o do_v disorderlie_a report_n that_o i_o have_v attein_v unto_o this_o in_o obtain_v line_n 10_o those_o name_n by_o some_o sinister_a mean_n from_o the_o private_a book_n of_o they_o who_o have_v travel_v in_o the_o same_o matter_n in_o which_o as_o i_o say_v in_o the_o begin_n so_o i_o say_v again_o if_o any_o imperfection_n for_o haste_n by_o reason_n of_o the_o printer_n speedy_a call_n on_o i_o have_v now_o fall_v out_o of_o my_o pen_n it_o shall_v hereafter_o god_n willing_a be_v correct_v in_o the_o large_a volume_n of_o their_o life_n wherefore_o as_o i_o neither_o esteem_v nor_o fear_v the_o secret_a report_n of_o some_o other_o so_o for_o their_o country_n good_a it_o shall_v be_v well_o that_o they_o will_v deliver_v something_o to_o the_o world_n line_n 20_o to_o bring_v truth_n to_o perfection_n if_o other_o man_n have_v unwillinglie_o set_v down_o error_n and_o not_o as_o they_o do_v for_o a_o little_a commodity_n &_o gain_n to_o themselves_o neither_o benefit_n their_o country_n nor_o speak_v well_o of_o such_o as_o will_v and_o do_v help_n posterity_n thus_o this_o much_o by_o francis_n thin_a touch_v the_o chancellor_n of_o england_n c._n ¶_o here_o though_o somewhat_o out_o of_o place_n for_o it_o shall_v have_v be_v enter_v in_o 1578_o it_o be_v better_a to_o record_v the_o receive_n of_o the_o queens_n majesty_n into_o suffolk_n line_n 30_o &_o norfolk_n than_o make_v no_o commemoration_n thereof_o at_o all_o to_o let_v it_o perish_v in_o thréehalfepenie_n pamphlet_n and_o so_o die_v in_o oblivion_n it_o may_v also_o serve_v for_o a_o rest_n of_o recreation_n after_o so_o long_a a_o introduction_n of_o serious_a matter_n as_o also_o and_o that_o most_o worthy_o may_v remain_v in_o record_n to_o signify_v what_o well_o affect_v subject_n the_o queen_n majesty_n have_v within_o her_o dominion_n to_o who_o good_n land_n friend_n kindred_n or_o life_n none_o of_o these_o severallie_o nor_o all_o joint_o be_v so_o precious_a and_o dear_a but_o for_o her_o sake_n they_o can_v find_v in_o their_o heart_n to_o line_v 40_o esteem_v they_o as_o doong_n and_o now_o to_o the_o matter_n the_o truth_n be_v say_v one_o that_o write_v the_o whole_a entertainment_n that_o albeit_o they_o have_v but_o small_a warning_n certeinlie_o to_o build_v upon_o norfolk_n of_o the_o come_n of_o the_o queen_n majesty_n into_o both_o those_o shire_n the_o gentleman_n have_v make_v such_o ready_a provision_n that_o all_o the_o velvet_n and_o silk_n be_v take_v up_o that_o may_v be_v lay_v hand_n on_o and_o buy_v for_o any_o money_n and_o soon_o convert_v to_o such_o garment_n and_o suit_n of_o robe_n that_o the_o show_v thereof_o may_v have_v beautify_v the_o great_a triumph_n that_o be_v line_n 50_o in_o england_n these_o many_o year_n suffolk_n for_o as_o it_o be_v say_v there_o be_v two_o hundred_o young_a gentleman_n clad_v all_o in_o white_a velvet_n and_o three_o hundred_o of_o the_o grave_a sort_n apparel_v in_o black_a velvet_n coat_n and_o fair_a chain_n all_o ready_a at_o one_o instant_a and_o place_n with_o fifteen_o hundred_o serve_a man_n more_o on_o horssebacke_n well_o and_o brave_o mount_v in_o good_a order_n ready_a to_o receive_v the_o queens_n highness_n into_o suffolk_n which_o sure_o be_v a_o comely_a troop_n and_o a_o noble_a sight_n to_o behold_v and_o all_o these_o wait_v on_o the_o sheriff_n sir_n william_n spring_n during_o line_n 60_o the_o queens_n majesty_n abode_n in_o those_o party_n and_o to_o the_o very_a confine_n of_o suffolk_n but_o before_o her_o highness_n pass_v to_o norfolk_n there_o be_v in_o suffolk_n such_o sumptuous_a feast_n and_o banquet_n as_o seldom_o in_o any_o part_n of_o the_o world_n have_v be_v see_v before_o the_o master_n of_o the_o roll_n sir_n william_n cordall_n be_v one_o of_o the_o first_o that_o begin_v this_o great_a feast_n they_o and_o do_v light_v such_o a_o candle_n to_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o shire_n that_o many_o be_v glad_a bountifullie_o and_o frankelie_o to_o follow_v the_o same_o example_n with_o such_o charge_n and_o cost_n as_o the_o whole_a train_n be_v in_o some_o sort_n please_v therewith_o and_o near_o bury_v sir_n william_n drury_n for_o his_o part_n at_o his_o house_n make_v the_o queens_n highness_n a_o costly_a and_o delicate_a dinner_n and_o sir_n robert_n germine_fw-la of_o roeshbrooke_n feast_v the_o french_a ambassador_n two_o several_a time_n with_o which_o charge_n and_o courtesy_n they_o stand_v maruellouslie_o content_v the_o sheriff_n sir_n william_n spring_n sir_n thomas_n kidson_n sir_n arthur_n higham_n and_o diverse_a other_o of_o worship_n keep_v great_a house_n and_o sundry_a either_o at_o the_o queen_n come_v or_o return_v solemn_o feast_v her_o highness_n yea_o and_o defraied_a the_o whole_a charge_n for_o a_o day_n or_o twain_o present_v gift_n make_v such_o triumph_n and_o devise_n as_o indeed_o be_v most_o noble_a to_o behold_v and_o very_o thankfullie_o accept_v the_o norfolk_n gentleman_n hear_v how_o dutiful_o their_o neighbour_n have_v receive_v the_o prince_n entertainment_n prepare_v in_o like_a sort_n to_o show_v themselves_o dutiful_a and_o so_o in_o most_o gallant_a manner_n they_o assemble_v and_o set_v forward_o with_o five_o and_o twenty_o hundred_o horseman_n
myself_o to_o give_v you_o cause_n to_o think_v your_o good_a will_v not_o ill_o bestow_v and_o strive_v to_o make_v myself_o worthy_a for_o such_o subject_n and_o now_o for_o your_o petition_n i_o shall_v pray_v you_o for_o this_o present_a to_o content_v yourselves_o with_o a_o answer_n without_o answer_n your_o judgement_n i_o condemn_v not_o neither_o do_v i_o mistake_v your_o reason_n line_n 20_o but_o pray_v you_o to_o accept_v my_o thankfulness_n excuse_v my_o doubtfulness_n and_o take_v in_o good_a part_n my_o answer_n answerless_a wherein_o i_o attribute_v not_o so_o much_o to_o i_o own_o judgement_n but_o that_o i_o think_v many_o particular_a person_n may_v go_v before_o i_o though_o by_o my_o degree_n i_o go_v before_o they_o therefore_o if_o i_o shall_v say_v i_o will_v not_o do_v what_o you_o request_v it_o may_v peradventure_o be_v more_o than_o i_o think_v and_o to_o say_v i_o will_v do_v it_o may_v perhaps_o breed_v peril_n of_o that_o you_o labour_v to_o preserve_v be_v more_o than_o in_o line_n 30_o your_o own_o wisdom_n and_o discretion_n will_v seem_v convenient_a circumstance_n of_o place_n and_o