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england_n act_n parliament_n time_n 3,483 5 3.6009 3 false
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A66669 Maximes of reason, or, The reason of the common law of England by Edmond Wingate ... Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656. 1658 (1658) Wing W3021; ESTC R10401 1,156,030 747

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against_o their_o will_n and_o by_o good_a advice_n he_o be_v clear_o discharge_v thereof_o see_v more_o example_n to_o the_o same_o purpose_n ubi_fw-la in_fw-la mark_fw-mi case_n co._n l._n 7._o 25._o b._n 1._o in_o calvin_n case_n 45_o foedera_fw-la percutere_fw-la to_o make_v league_n denization_n peace_n &_o war●_n denization_n do_v only_o and_o whole_o pertain_v to_o the_o king_n and_o not_o to_o the_o subject_n so_o also_o do_v bellum_fw-la indicere_fw-la likewise_o the_o king_n only_o without_o the_o subject_n may_v make_v not_o only_a letter_n of_o safe_a conduct_n but_o letter_n patent_n of_o denization_n to_o who_o and_o how_o many_o he_o please_v and_o may_v enable_v they_o at_o his_o pleasure_n to_o sue_v any_o of_o his_o subject_n in_o any_o action_n whatsoever_o real_a or_o personal_a which_o the_o king_n can_v not_o do_v without_o the_o subject_n if_o the_o subject_n have_v any_o interest_n give_v unto_o he_o by_o the_o law_n in_o any_o thing_n concern_v a_o alien_n bear_v nay_o the_o law_n be_v more_o precise_a herein_o then_o in_o a_o number_n of_o other_o case_n of_o high_a nature_n for_o the_o king_n can_v grant_v to_o any_o other_o to_o make_v of_o stranger_n bear_v denizen_n it_o be_v by_o the_o law_n itself_o so_o inseparable_o and_o individual_o annex_v to_o his_o royal_a person_n as_o the_o book_n be_v in_o 20_o h._n 7._o 8._o because_o the_o law_n esteem_v it_o a_o point_n of_o high_a prerogative_n jus_fw-la majestatis_fw-la &_o inter_fw-la insignia_fw-la summae_fw-la potestatis_fw-la to_o make_v alien_n bear_v subject_n of_o the_o realm_n and_o capable_a of_o the_o land_n and_o inheritance_n of_o england_n in_o such_o sort_n as_o any_o natural_a bear_v subject_n be_v and_o therefore_o by_o the_o statute_n of_o the_o 27_o h._n 8._o cap._n 24._o many_o of_o the_o most_o ancient_a prerogative_n and_o royal_a flower_n of_o the_o crown_n as_o authority_n to_o pardon_v treason_n murder_n manslaughter_n and_o felony_n power_n to_o make_v justice_n in_o eyre_n justice_n of_o assize_n justice_n of_o peace_n and_o gaol-delivery_n and_o the_o like_a have_v be_v sever_v and_o divide_v from_o the_o crown_n be_v again_o remit_v to_o the_o same_o but_o authority_n to_o make_v letter_n of_o denization_n be_v never_o mention_v therein_o to_o be_v resume_v because_o there_o be_v never_o any_o that_o claim_v the_o same_o by_o any_o pretext_n whatsoever_o be_v a_o matter_n of_o so_o high_a a_o point_n of_o prerogative_n etc._n etc._n case_n co._n l._n 7._o 14._o a._n 4._o in_o englefeilds_n case_n 46_o a._n seize_v of_o the_o manor_n of_o dale_n in_o fee_n revocation_n a_o coven●●_n power_n of_o revocation_n covenant_n with_o b._n to_o stand_v seize_v to_o the_o use_n of_o himself_o for_o life_n the_o remainder_n to_o b._n in_o tail_n the_o remainder_n to_o b._n in_o fee_n with_o proviso_n that_o upon_o delivery_n or_o tender_a of_o a_o ring_n to_o b._n by_o himself_o or_o another_o as_o the_o estate_n shall_v be_v void_a a._n be_v outlawed_a for_o treason_n the_o king_n seize_v the_o land_n and_o let_v a_o lease_n to_o d._n for_o 40_o year_n seizure_n treason_n seizure_n and_o after_o the_o king_n give_v a_o commission_n under_o the_o great_a seal_n to_o e._n to_o tender_a the_o ring_n to_o b._n according_a to_o the_o condition_n in_o this_o case_n if_o a_o common_a person_n have_v enjoin_v the_o king_n estate_n by_o make_v such_o a_o lease_n of_o 40_o year_n remain_v demise_n by_o th●_n king_n power_n revocation_n remain_v he_o have_v utter_o deprive_v himself_o of_o revoke_v the_o estate_n and_o of_o take_v advantage_n of_o the_o condition_n because_o his_o act_n shall_v be_v most_o interpret_v against_o himself_o but_o in_o that_o case_n the_o king_n demise_n shall_v not_o enure_v to_o his_o special_a prejudice_n to_o two_o intent_n viz._n to_o a_o demise_n of_o land_n and_o also_o to_o a_o suspension_n of_o his_o condition_n whereby_o he_o may_v defeat_v the_o estate_n for_o life_n and_o the_o other_o estate_n that_o depend_v upon_o it_o or_o to_o a_o demise_n in_o respect_n of_o his_o present_a estate_n pur_fw-mi auter_n vie_fw-fr and_o also_o to_o a_o confirmation_n in_o respect_n of_o his_o condition_n whereby_o otherwise_o he_o may_v defeat_v all_o as_o shall_v be_v also_o in_o case_n of_o a_o common_a person_n for_o the_o king_n grant_n shall_v always_o be_v take_v according_a to_o his_o express_a intention_n comprehend_v in_o his_o grant_n and_o shall_v not_o extend_v to_o any_o other_o thing_n by_o construction_n or_o implication_n when_o it_o appear_v not_o by_o his_o grant_n that_o his_o intent_n extend_v unto_o it_o and_o therefore_o in_o such_o case_n the_o king_n ought_v to_o be_v true_o inform_v and_o he_o ought_v to_o make_v a_o special_a and_o particular_a grant_n which_o by_o express_a word_n may_v enure_v to_o all_o such_o several_a intent_n as_o be_v desire_v etc._n etc._n swasn_a co._n l._n 7._o 16._o a._n 4._o in_o the_o case_n of_o swasn_a 47_o all_o white_a swan_n not_o mark_v wild_a swan_n wild_a which_o have_v gain_v their_o liberty_n and_o swim_v in_o a_o open_a and_o common_a river_n may_v be_v seize_v to_o the_o use_n of_o the_o king_n by_o his_o prerogative_n because_o volatilium_fw-la quae_fw-la sunt_fw-la ferae_fw-la naturae_fw-la alia_fw-la sunt_fw-la regalia_z alia_fw-la communia_fw-la now_o a_o swan_n be_v a_o royal_a bird_n and_o therefore_o if_o the_o property_n thereof_o be_v not_o know_v it_o belong_v to_o the_o king_n by_o his_o prerogative_n and_o there_o be_v always_o a_o ancient_a officer_n of_o the_o king_n call_v magister_fw-la deductus_fw-la cignorum_fw-la who_o continue_v even_o to_o this_o day_n nevertheless_o the_o subject_n may_v also_o have_v property_n in_o white_a swan_n not_o mark_v water_n swan_n not_o mark_v in_o private_a water_n as_o some_o may_v have_v swan_n not_o mark_v in_o their_o private_a water_n the_o property_n whereof_o belong_v unto_o they_o and_o not_o unto_o the_o king_n and_o albeit_o they_o escape_v out_o of_o their_o private_a water_n yet_o they_o may_v take_v they_o and_o convey_v they_o home_o again_o and_o with_o this_o agree_v bracton_n lib._n 2._o cap._n 1._o fol._n 9_o si_fw-mi autem_fw-la animalia_fw-la fera_fw-fr fuerint_fw-la mansueta_fw-la &_o ex_fw-la consuetudine_fw-la eunt_fw-la &_o redeunt_fw-la volant_fw-fr &_o revolant_fw-fr ut_fw-la sunt_fw-la cerui_fw-la cigni_fw-la pavones_n columbae_fw-la &_o hujusmodi_fw-la eo_fw-la usque_fw-la nostra_fw-la intelligantur_fw-la quamdiu_fw-la habuerint_fw-la animum_fw-la revertendi_fw-la but_o if_o they_o once_o gain_v their_o natural_a liberty_n and_o do_v swim_v in_o open_a and_o common_a river_n the_o king_n officer_n may_v seize_v they_o in_o the_o open_a and_o common_a river_n for_o the_o king_n because_o one_o white_a swan_n without_o such_o pursuit_n as_o be_v aforesaid_a can_v be_v know_v from_o another_o and_o when_o the_o property_n of_o a_o swan_n can_v be_v know_v it_o be_v of_o its_o nature_n a_o royal_a fowl_n it_o belong_v to_o the_o king_n etc._n etc._n corneal_n duke_n of_o corneal_n 48_o in_o the_o prince_n case_n co._n l._n 8._o fol._n 28._o a._n it_o be_v resolve_v case_n co._n lib._n 8._o 28._o a._n 3._o in_o the_o prince_n case_n that_o the_o act_n of_o 11_o e._n 3._o by_o force_n whereof_o the_o king_n elder_a son_n be_v make_v duke_n of_o cornwall_n be_v such_o a_o act._n whereof_o the_o judge_n and_o all_o the_o realm_n ought_v to_o take_v conusance_n because_o it_o concern_v the_o king_n and_o his_o first-born_a son_n and_o heir_n apparent_a to_o the_o crown_n for_o the_o time_n be_v perpetuis_fw-la futuris_fw-la temporibus_fw-la parliament_n conusance_fw-fr of_o a_o act_n of_o parliament_n for_o every_o subject_n have_v interest_n in_o the_o king_n and_o none_o of_o his_o subject_n who_o be_v under_o his_o law_n be_v divide_v from_o he_o be_v their_o head_n and_o sovereign_n so_o that_o the_o king_n affair_n concern_v the_o whole_a kingdom_n and_o especial_o when_o the_o prince_n the_o first_o beget_v son_n of_o the_o king_n and_o his_o heir_n apparent_a to_o the_o crown_n be_v therein_o concern_v corruscat_n enim_fw-la princeps_fw-la radiis_fw-la regis_fw-la patris_fw-la svi_fw-la &_o censetur_fw-la una_fw-la persona_fw-la cum_fw-la ipso_fw-la rege_fw-la prince_n treason_n against_o the_o prince_n as_o it_o be_v declare_v in_o the_o act_n of_o parliament_n of_o 38_o h._n 6._o and_o therefore_o if_o any_o shall_v intend_v the_o death_n of_o the_o prince_n and_o shall_v make_v declaration_n thereof_o by_o some_o overt_a act_n that_o be_v crimen_fw-la laesae_fw-la majestatis_fw-la high_a treason_n by_o the_o ancient_a common_a law_n of_o england_n and_o be_v so_o declare_v by_o the_o statute_n of_o 25_o e._n 3._o etc._n etc._n prince_n prince_n 49_o 1_o h._n 5._o fol._n 7._o if_o the_o prince_n as_o prince_z of_o wales_n 2._o co._n ib._n b._n 2._o have_v judgement_n to_o recover_v and_o afterward_o the_o crown_n descend_v to_o he_o he_o
4._o it_o be_v better_a that_o it_o be_v turn_v to_o a_o default_n than_o that_o the_o law_n shall_v be_v change_v or_o any_o innovation_n make_v and_o therefore_o new_a and_o subtle_a invention_n ought_v not_o to_o alter_v any_o principle_n of_o the_o common_a law_n vide_fw-la supra_fw-la 184._o 21._o &_o 159._o 2._o 4._o co._n ibid._n 377._o b._n 4._o 2_o the_o invention_n devise_v by_o justice_n richel_n a_o irishman_n bear_v in_o the_o time_n of_o r._n 2._o &_o the_o like_a by_o thirn_a chief_a justice_n in_o the_o time_n of_o h._n 4._o be_v both_o full_a of_o imperfection_n like_a the_o like_a for_o nihil_fw-la simul_fw-la inventum_fw-la est_fw-la &_o perfectum_fw-la and_o saepe_fw-la viatorem_fw-la nova_fw-la non_fw-la vetus_fw-la orbita_fw-la fallit_fw-la and_o therefore_o new_a invention_n in_o assurance_n be_v dangerous_a case_n co._n l._n 1._o 87_o a._n 4._o in_o corbet_n case_n 3_o if_o a_o man_n make_v a_o feoffment_n in_o fee_n of_o land_n to_o the_o use_n of_o a._n and_o his_o heir_n every_o monday_n and_o to_o the_o use_n of_o b._n and_o his_o heir_n every_o tuesday_n perpetuity_n perpetuity_n and_o to_o the_o use_n of_o c._n and_o his_o heir_n every_o wednesday_n these_o limitation_n be_v void_a because_o it_o be_v a_o new_a invention_n there_o be_v no_o such_o fraction_n of_o estate_n find_v in_o the_o law_n and_o therefore_o not_o to_o be_v permit_v for_o the_o inconvenience_n that_o may_v ensue_v thereupon_o case_n co._n l._n 1._o 138._o a._n 3._o in_o chudl●yes_n case_n 4_o by_o the_o statute_n of_o 27_o h._n 8._o of_o uses_n like_a the_o like_a some_o use_n be_v execute_v present_o other_o by_o matter_n ex_fw-la post_fw-la facto_fw-la and_o other_o again_o be_v extirpated_a and_o extinguish_v by_o that_o act_n use_v in_o esse_fw-la do_v draw_v the_o possession_n present_o by_o force_n of_o the_o act_n use_v limit_v in_o futuro_fw-la and_o agreeable_a to_o the_o rule_n of_o the_o common_a law_n be_v also_o if_o they_o become_v in_o due_a time_n in_o esse_fw-la within_o the_o provision_n of_o that_o statute_n but_o use_v invent_v and_o limit_v in_o a_o new_a manner_n and_o not_o agreeable_a to_o the_o ancient_a common_a law_n of_o the_o land_n be_v utter_o extirpate_v and_o extinct_a by_o that_o act_n for_o it_o appear_v by_o the_o express_a letter_n of_o the_o act_n that_o it_o be_v the_o intent_n of_o the_o parliament_n to_o extinguish_v and_o root_v they_o out_o and_o to_o restore_v the_o ancient_a common_a law_n of_o the_o land_n vide_fw-la plus_fw-la ibidem_fw-la case_n co._n l._n 5._o 32._o a._n pettiser_n case_n 5_o upon_o a_o fieri_fw-la facias_fw-la of_o the_o good_n of_o the_o testator_n devastavit_fw-la devastavit_fw-la the_o sheriff_n return_v nulla_fw-la bona_fw-la etc._n etc._n and_o thereupon_o another_o writ_n issue_v to_o he_o to_o inquire_v by_o enquest_n whether_o or_o no_o the_o executor_n have_v waste_v etc._n etc._n he_o return_v they_o have_v and_o thereupon_o execution_n be_v award_v of_o their_o own_o good_n but_o this_o award_n of_o execution_n be_v reverse_v by_o writ_n of_o error_n because_o that_o practice_n have_v be_v take_v up_o of_o late_a day_n whereas_o the_o ancient_a course_n be_v and_o since_o the_o judgement_n in_o this_o case_n be_v take_v up_o again_o to_o sue_v a_o fieri_fw-la facias_fw-la to_o the_o sheriff_n to_o levy_v etc._n etc._n of_o the_o testator_n good_n and_o if_o it_o appear_v to_o he_o that_o the_o executor_n have_v waste_v etc._n etc._n then_o of_o their_o own_o good_n and_o in_o such_o case_n a_o action_n upon_o the_o case_n will_v lie_v against_o the_o sheriff_n if_o he_o make_v a_o false_a return_n whereas_o in_o the_o other_o case_n no_o such_o action_n lie_v because_o the_o sheriff_n make_v his_o return_n by_o inquest_n perpetuity_n perpetuity_n 6_o all_o perpetuity_n be_v new_a invention_n be_v against_o the_o reason_n and_o policy_n of_o the_o common_a law_n case_n co._n l._n 6._o 40._o b._n 3._o in_o sir_n anthony_n mildmaye_v case_n co._n l._n 9_o 128._o a._n 4._o in_o sunday_n case_n for_o at_o the_o common_a law_n all_o inheritance_n be_v fée-simple_a to_o the_o end_n that_o neither_o lord_n shall_v be_v defeat_v of_o their_o escheat_n ward_n etc._n etc._n nor_o purchaser_n or_o farmer_n shall_v lose_v their_o estate_n or_o lease_n or_o be_v evict_v by_o the_o heir_n of_o their_o grantor_n or_o lessor_n nor_o such_o infinite_a occasion_n of_o trouble_n contention_n or_o suit_n shall_v arise_v and_o therefore_o it_o may_v be_v true_o aver_v that_o the_o policy_n and_o rule_n of_o the_o common_a law_n in_o this_o point_n be_v in_o effect_n subvert_v by_o the_o statute_n de_fw-fr donis_fw-la make_v in_o 13_o e._n 1._o which_o ordain_v a_o general_a perpetuity_n by_o act_n of_o parliament_n for_o all_o such_o as_o have_v then_o make_v it_o or_o will_v afterward_o put_v it_o in_o ure_n by_o force_n whereof_o all_o the_o possession_n of_o england_n in_o effect_n be_v entail_v according_o which_o be_v the_o cause_n of_o the_o say_v and_o divers_a other_o mischief_n howbeit_o divers_a attempt_n be_v make_v for_o remedy_n thereof_o in_o divers_a parliament_n and_o many_o bill_n exhibit_v according_o but_o they_o be_v always_o upon_o one_o pretence_n or_o other_o reject_v indeed_o the_o truth_n be_v that_o the_o lord_n and_o commons_o know_v that_o their_o estate_n tail_n be_v not_o forfeitable_a for_o felony_n or_o treason_n as_o their_o estate_n of_o inheritance_n be_v before_o the_o say_a act_n and_o principal_o in_o the_o baron_n war_n in_o the_o time_n of_o h._n 3_o and_o find_v also_o that_o they_o be_v not_o chargeable_a with_o the_o debt_n or_o encumbrance_n of_o their_o ancestor_n and_o that_o the_o sale_n alienation_n or_o lease_n of_o their_o ancestor_n do_v not_o bind_v they_o for_o the_o land_n which_o be_v so_o entail_v to_o their_o ancestor_n do_v always_o reject_v such_o bill_n and_o this_o continue_v all_o the_o residue_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o e._n 1._o and_o the_o reign_v of_o e._n 2._o e._n 3._o r._n 2._o h._n 4._o h._n 5._o h._n 6._o and_o until_o about_o the_o 12_o of_o e._n 4._o when_o the_o judge_n upon_o consultation_n have_v among_o they_o do_v resolve_v that_o a_o estate_n tail_n may_v be_v dock_v and_o bar_v by_o a_o common_a recovery_n and_o that_o by_o reason_n of_o the_o intend_a recompense_n the_o common_a recovery_n be_v not_o within_o the_o restraint_n of_o the_o say_a perpetuity_n make_v by_o the_o say_a act_n of_o 13_o e._n 1._o whereby_o it_o appear_v that_o many_o mischief_n do_v arise_v upon_o the_o change_n of_o a_o maxim_n and_o rule_n of_o the_o common_a law_n which_o they_o who_o alter_v it_o can_v not_o discern_v when_o they_o make_v the_o say_a change_n for_o rerum_fw-la progressus_fw-la ostendunt_fw-la multa_fw-la quae_fw-la in_o initio_fw-la praecaveri_fw-la seu_fw-la praevideri_fw-la non_fw-la possunt_fw-la vide_fw-la 8._o marshalsea_n marshalsea_n 7_o in_o sir_n geo._n reynels_n case_n in_o the_o 9_o report_n 2._o co._n l._n 9_o 97._o a._n 2._o one_o of_o the_o reason_n why_o the_o office_n of_o marshalsea_n can_v not_o be_v grant_v for_o year_n be_v because_o it_o be_v a_o ancient_a office_n and_o have_v be_v always_o grant_v for_o life_n or_o at_o will_n to_o the_o end_n the_o person_n to_o who_o it_o be_v grant_v may_v be_v certain_o know_v and_o therefore_o to_o grant_v it_o for_o year_n when_o it_o be_v never_o know_v to_o be_v so_o grant_v before_o be_v a_o innovation_n may_v prove_v dangerous_a and_o of_o ill_a consequence_n to_o the_o commonwealth_n dock_v a_o entail_n dock_v 8_o the_o dock_n of_o a_o entail_n by_o a_o common_a recovery_n in_o 12_o e._n 4._o be_v not_o new_a invention_n case_n co._n l._n 10._o 37._o b._n 2._o in_o mary_n portingtons_n case_n but_o consonant_a to_o the_o opinion_n of_o the_o sage_n of_o the_o law_n even_o from_o the_o make_n of_o the_o statute_n de_fw-fr donis_fw-la as_o appear_v by_o divers_a authority_n in_o our_o book_n viz._n in_o 42_o e._n 3._o 53._o in_o 44_o e._n 3._o 21_o 22._o octavian_n lumbards_n case_n in_o 48_o e._n 3._o 11._o b._n jefferey_n bencher_n case_n in_o 12_o h._n 4._o 13._o b._n in_o 1_o e._n 4._o 5._o in_o 5_o e._n 4._o 2._o b._n which_o resolution_n and_o opinion_n in_o law_n together_o with_o divers_a other_o of_o the_o like_a kind_n do_v as_o it_o seem_v produce_v the_o judgement_n in_o 12_o e._n 4._o and_o therefore_o such_o bar_v of_o a_o estate_n tail_n be_v not_o then_o to_o be_v esteem_v a_o innovation_n or_o new_a invention_n but_o the_o judge_n and_o sage_n of_o the_o law_n then_o perceive_v what_o contention_n and_o mischief_n have_v creep_v into_o the_o quiet_a of_o the_o law_n by_o such_o fetter_a inheritance_n upon_o consideration_n of_o the_o say_a act_n and_o of_o the_o former_a exposition_n thereof_o by_o the_o sage_n of_o the_o
like_a this_o be_v term_v by_o the_o ancient_a philosopher_n original_a justice_n which_o in_o adam_n innocence_n be_v clear_a and_o lightsome_a but_o since_o his_o fall_n both_o in_o himself_o and_o his_o posterity_n much_o darken_a and_o encumber_v with_o original_a sin_n this_o be_v also_o the_o law_n whereof_o saint_n paul_n make_v mention_n in_o his_o epistle_n to_o the_o roman_n where_o he_o say_v when_o the_o gentile_n which_o have_v not_o the_o law_n 15._o rom._n 2.14_o 15._o do_v by_o nature_n the_o thing_n contain_v in_o the_o law_n these_o have_v not_o the_o law_n be_v a_o law_n unto_o themselves_o which_o show_v the_o work_n of_o the_o law_n write_v in_o their_o heart_n their_o conscience_n also_o bear_v witness_n and_o their_o thought_n in_o the_o mean_a while_n accuse_v or_o excuse_v one_o another_o the_o law_n of_o reason_n be_v that_o law_n which_o deduce_v conclusion_n from_o know_a principle_n by_o ratiocination_n or_o discourse_n of_o sound_a reason_n which_o principle_n be_v term_v rule_n or_o maxim_n of_o reason_n positive_a law_n be_v such_o law_n as_o be_v frame_v by_o the_o light_n of_o the_o two_o former_a for_o the_o regular_a government_n of_o some_o particular_a common_a wealth_n and_o therefore_o these_o law_n be_v sundry_a and_o divers_a according_a to_o the_o several_a constitution_n of_o particular_a place_n and_o country_n of_o this_o sort_n be_v the_o common_a law_n of_o england_n which_o be_v the_o municipal_a law_n of_o this_o nation_n and_o receive_v its_o light_n principal_o from_o the_o law_n of_o reason_n be_v many_o time_n direct_v and_o control_v by_o the_o rule_n and_o maxim_n thereof_o now_o of_o these_o maxim_n some_o be_v take_v out_o of_o foreign_a science_n as_o theologie_n grammar_n logic_n physic_n moral_a philosophy_n politic_n and_o oeconomique_n the_o rest_n be_v proper_a to_o the_o law_n itself_o as_o law-construction_n and_o fiction_n in_o law_n all_o which_o will_v more_o plain_o appear_v by_o the_o precept_n and_o example_n hereafter_o follow_v i_o maxim_n of_o reason_n take_v out_o of_o theologie_n 1_o summa_fw-la ratio_fw-la est_fw-la quae_fw-la pro_fw-la religione_fw-la facit_fw-la it_o be_v the_o high_a reason_n that_o make_v for_o religion_n name_v statute_n which_o restrain_v alienation_n of_o ecclesiastical_a live_n bind_v the_o king_n though_o not_o name_v 1regular_o statute_n bind_v not_o the_o king_n case_n co._n l._n 8._o 14._o a._n in_o the_o case_n of_o ecclesiastical_a person_n co._n l._n 11._o 70._o a_o magdalen_n college_n case_n co._n l._n 2._o 44._o b._n in_o the_o bishop_n of_o winchester_n case_n unless_o he_o be_v particular_o name_v yet_o the_o king_n be_v include_v within_o the_o general_a word_n of_o 13_o el._n 10._o which_o prohibit_v ecclesiastical_a person_n to_o make_v grant_n of_o their_o live_n because_o the_o parliament_n which_o make_v that_o statute_n adjudge_v such_o grant_n to_o be_v cause_n of_o dilapidation_n and_o decay_v of_o spiritual_a live_n and_o hospitality_n and_o of_o the_o utter_a impoverishment_n of_o successor_n incumbent_n in_o the_o same_o whereupon_o will_v necessary_o follow_v decay_n of_o true_a religion_n and_o the_o spiritual_a worship_n of_o god_n for_o it_o be_v record_v in_o history_n that_o among_o the_o ten_o persecution_n which_o the_o primitive_a church_n suffer_v there_o be_v two_o the_o most_o grievous_a the_o one_o under_o dioclesian_n the_o other_o under_o julian_n the_o apostate_n the_o first_o endeavour_v to_o destroy_v all_o the_o professor_n and_o preacher_n of_o the_o word_n of_o god_n occidit_fw-la omnes_fw-la presbyteros_fw-la but_o notwithstanding_o that_o religion_n still_o flourish_v for_o sanguis_fw-la martyrum_fw-la est_fw-la semen_fw-mi ecclesiae_fw-la yet_o that_o be_v a_o grievous_a persecution_n but_o the_o persecution_n under_o the_o other_o viz._n julian_n be_v much_o more_o grievous_a and_o dangerous_a because_o as_o the_o history_n say_v occidit_fw-la presbyterium_fw-la for_o it_o rob_v the_o church_n and_o spoil_v spiritual_a person_n of_o their_o revenue_n and_o thereupon_o ensue_v great_a ignorance_n in_o religion_n and_o the_o service_n of_o god_n and_o therefore_o great_a decay_n of_o the_o christian_a profession_n for_o none_o will_v apply_v himself_o or_o his_o child_n or_o any_o other_o commit_v to_o his_o charge_n to_o the_o study_n of_o divinity_n when_o after_o long_a and_o painful_a study_n they_o shall_v have_v nothing_o to_o live_v upon_o see_v more_o in_o the_o book_n at_o large_a abeyance_n ecclesiastical_a live_n be_v in_o abeyance_n 2_o the_o fee_n simple_a of_o a_o parsonage_n or_o vicarage_n be_v say_v to_o be_v in_o aveyance_n and_o this_o be_v provide_v by_o the_o providence_n and_o wisdom_n of_o the_o law_n a._n co._n inst_z pars_fw-la 341._o a._n for_o that_o the_o parson_n and_o vicar_n have_v curam_fw-la animarum_fw-la and_o be_v bind_v to_o celebrate_v divine_a service_n and_o administer_v the_o sacrament_n and_o therefore_o no_o act_n of_o the_o predecessor_n shall_v make_v a_o discontinuance_n to_o take_v away_o the_o entry_n of_o the_o successor_n and_o to_o drive_v he_o to_o a_o real_a action_n whereby_o he_o shall_v be_v destitute_a of_o maintenance_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n ibid._n co._n ibid._n 3_o upon_o consideration_n of_o all_o the_o book_n of_o the_o law_n church_n ecclesiastical_a person_n can_v injure_v the_o church_n this_o diversity_n be_v well_o observe_v by_o sir_n edw._n cook_n that_o a_o parson_n or_o vicar_n for_o the_o benefit_n of_o the_o church_n and_o his_o successor_n be_v in_o some_o case_n esteem_v in_o law_n to_o have_v a_o fee_n simple_a qualify_v but_o to_o do_v any_o thing_n to_o the_o prejudice_n of_o his_o successor_n in_o many_o case_n the_o law_n adjudge_v he_o to_o have_v in_o effect_n but_o a_o estate_n for_o life_n 226._o bract._n f._n 226._o causae_fw-la ecclesiae_fw-la publicis_fw-la causis_fw-la aequiparantur_fw-la and_o ecclesia_fw-la fungitur_fw-la vice_fw-la minoris_fw-la meliorem_fw-la facere_fw-la potest_fw-la conditionem_fw-la svam_fw-la deteriorem_fw-la nequaquam_fw-la 143._o brit_n 143._o vide_fw-la co._n inst_z pars_fw-la 1_o 2._o b._n 4._o 2d_o littl._n §._o 146._o co._n inst_z pars_fw-la 1._o 102._o b._n 40_o e._n 3._o 27._o 5_o e._n 4._o 8._o 6_o e._n 3_o 51_o 52._o 10_o e._n 4._o 2._o a._n 21_o h._n 7._o 2d_o 4_o a_o abbot_n prior_n bishop_n dean_n archdeacon_n prebend_n disclaim_v ecclesiastical_a person_n can_v disclaim_v parson_n vicar_n or_o other_o sole_a corporation_n that_o be_v seize_v in_o auter_n droit_fw-fr can_v disclaim_v because_o they_o alone_o can_v divest_v any_o fee_n which_o be_v vest_v in_o their_o house_n or_o church_n for_o a_o abbot_n and_o prior_n have_v their_o convent_n the_o bishop_n his_o chapter_n the_o parson_n and_o vicar_n their_o patron_n and_o ordinary_a and_o the_o like_a of_o other_o sole_a corporation_n without_o who_o assent_n they_o can_v pass_v away_o no_o inheritance_n and_o the_o reason_n of_o this_o be_v because_o the_o wisdom_n of_o the_o law_n will_v never_o suffer_v one_o sole_a person_n to_o be_v trust_v with_o the_o disposition_n of_o the_o inheritance_n of_o his_o house_n or_o church_n ecclesiae_fw-la suae_fw-la conditionem_fw-la meliorem_fw-la facere_fw-la possunt_fw-la sine_fw-la consensu_fw-la deteriorem_fw-la non_fw-la possunt_fw-la sine_fw-la consensu_fw-la vide_fw-la infra_fw-la max._n 178._o pl._n 1._o 186._o co._n l._n 6_o 49._o b._n boswel_v case_n co._n inst_z pars_fw-la 1_o 344._o a._n glan_n l._n 13._o cap._n 18_o 19_o 20._o mirror_n c._n 5._o §_o 5._o bract._n 238._o 240_o 244_o etc._n etc._n 291._o fleta_n l._n 83._o c._n 11_o 16_o 17._o britt_n 222_o 223_o 224._o 6_o e_o 3._o 28._o 39_o 52._o 39_o e._n 3._o 24._o 43_o e._n 3._o 25._o 45_o e._n 3._o quare_fw-la impedit_fw-la 39_o 31_o e._n 1._o quare_fw-la impedit_fw-la 186._o 5_o by_o the_o common_a law_n there_o ought_v to_o be_v in_o every_o parish_n persona_fw-la idonea_fw-la to_o serve_v the_o cure_n idonea_fw-la the_o parson_n or_o vicar_n ought_v to_o be_v persona_fw-la idonea_fw-la for_o so_o it_o appear_v by_o the_o word_n of_o the_o quare_fw-la impedit_fw-la quod_fw-la permittat_fw-la praesentare_fw-la idoneam_fw-la personam_fw-la which_o epithet_n idonea_fw-la include_v ability_n in_o erudition_n and_o doctrine_n honesty_n in_o his_o conversation_n and_o diligence_n in_o his_o function_n and_o all_o this_o to_o instruct_v the_o people_n of_o god_n in_o true_a religion_n and_o good_a conversation_n and_o to_o avoid_v contention_n and_o to_o the_o intent_n that_o he_o who_o have_v so_o great_a a_o charge_n may_v effectual_o and_o peaceable_o intend_v it_o the_o common_a law_n provide_v that_o after_o institution_n he_o shall_v not_o be_v subject_a to_o action_n and_o so_o neglect_v his_o duty_n by_o lose_v his_o time_n in_o suit_n and_o vexation_n of_o law_n king_n not_o to_o be_v remove_v after_o institution_n by_o a_o common_a person_n nor_o after_o induction_n by_o the_o king_n and_o therefore_o at_o the_o common_a law_n if_o a_o stranger_n have_v present_v his_o clerk_n and_o
action_n bring_v become_v no_o deed_n either_o by_o rasure_n addition_n or_o other_o alteration_n or_o by_o break_v the_o seal_n etc._n etc._n in_o this_o case_n although_o it_o be_v once_o a_o deed_n yet_o the_o defendant_n may_v safe_o plead_v non_fw-la est_fw-la factum_fw-la for_o without_o question_n at_o the_o time_n of_o the_o plea_n which_o be_v in_o the_o present_a tense_n it_o be_v not_o his_o deed_n 36_o h._n 8._o dyer_n 59_o in_o a_o action_n of_o debt_n upon_o a_o obligation_n against_o hawood_n the_o defendant_n plead_v non_fw-la est_fw-la factum_fw-la and_o before_o the_o day_n of_o appearance_n of_o the_o inquest_n the_o mouse_n have_v eat_v the_o label_n unto_o which_o the_o seal_n be_v fix_v by_o the_o negligence_n of_o the_o clerk_n in_o who_o custody_n it_o be_v here_o the_o justice_n charge_v the_o juror_n that_o if_o they_o find_v the_o deed_n to_o be_v deed_n of_o the_o defendant_n at_o the_o time_n of_o the_o plea_n plead_v they_o shall_v then_o give_v a_o special_a verdict_n which_o they_o do_v according_o case_n co._n l._n 6_o 15._o a._n 1._o trepor_n case_n 9_o if_o a._n tenant_n for_o life_n and_o b._n in_o remainder_n in_o fee_n confirmation_n lease_n and_o confirmation_n join_v in_o a_o lease_n to_o c._n immediate_o after_o the_o delivery_n of_o the_o deed_n it_o be_v the_o lease_n of_o a._n during_o his_o life_n and_o the_o confirmation_n of_o b._n and_o after_o the_o death_n of_o a._n it_o be_v the_o lease_n of_o b._n and_o the_o confirmation_n of_o a._n according_a to_o the_o opinion_n of_o dyer_n and_o brown_n mich._n 6_o &_o 7_o eliz._n fol._n 234_o 235._o case_n co._n l._n 6._o 22._o ambrosia_n george_n case_n 10_o if_o a_o man_n marry_v a_o inheritrix_n of_o land_n hold_v of_o the_o king_n in_o capite_fw-la and_o have_v issue_n by_o she_o a_o daughter_n and_o afterward_o the_o feme_fw-fr thy_fw-mi father_n a_o daughter_n i●_n ward_n during_o the_o life_n of_o her_o father_n the_o daughter_n shall_v not_o be_v in_o ward_n because_o she_o be_v yet_o heir_n apparent_a to_o her_o father_n but_o if_o the_o father_n take_v another_o wife_n and_o have_v issue_v a_o son_n then_o shall_v the_o daughter_n be_v in_o ward_n to_o the_o king_n because_o the_o son_n be_v now_o his_o heir_n apparent_a and_o not_o the_o daughter_n and_o no_o heir_n apparent_a shall_v be_v in_o ward_n during_o the_o life_n of_o the_o father_n case_n co._n l._n 7._o 18._o a._n calvin_n case_n 11_o the_o time_n of_o the_o birth_n of_o a_o man_n or_o woman_n be_v chief_o to_o be_v consider_v to_o make_v they_o a_o subject_a bear_v or_o not_o postnati_a antenati_a &_o postnati_a and_o be_v as_o it_o be_v of_o the_o essence_n of_o a_o subject_a bear_v for_o a_o man_n can_v be_v a_o subject_a to_o the_o king_n of_o england_n unless_o at_o the_o time_n of_o his_o birth_n he_o be_v under_o the_o ligeance_n and_o obedience_n of_o the_o king_n of_o england_n albeit_o the_o kingdom_n of_o the_o king_n under_o who_o ligeance_n he_o be_v bear_v do_v afterward_o descend_v to_o the_o king_n of_o england_n and_o this_o be_v the_o reason_n that_o antenati_a in_o scotland_n for_o that_o at_o the_o time_n of_o their_o birth_n they_o be_v under_o the_o ligeance_n and_o obedience_n of_o another_o king_n be_v alien_n bear_v in_o respect_n of_o the_o time_n of_o their_o birth_n etc._n etc._n late_o ●●ttle_o in_o ●und_v tender_a 〈◊〉_d late_o 12_o tender_v of_o the_o rent_n upon_o the_o land_n before_o the_o distress_n case_n co._n l._n 8._o 147._o 2._o 4._o the_o 6_o carpenter_n case_n make_v the_o distress_n tortuous_a tender_a after_o the_o distress_n and_o before_o the_o imparkment_n make_v the_o detainer_n but_o not_o the_o take_v tortuous_a tender_a after_o the_o imparkment_n make_v neither_o the_o one_o nor_o the_o other_o tortuous_a for_o than_o it_o come_v too_o late_o in_o regard_n the_o cause_n be_v then_o put_v to_o the_o trial_n of_o the_o law_n to_o be_v there_o determine_v 13_o distinguenda_fw-la sunt_fw-la tempora_fw-la &_o concordabis_fw-la leges_fw-la b._n co._n l._n 9_o 16._o b._n anna_n bedingfeilds_n case_n ●ile_n ●state_n to_o the_o ●st_a issue_n in_o ●ile_n 14_o thomas_n bowl_n in_o consideration_n of_o marriage_n with_o anne_n hide_v case_n co._n lib._n 11._o 80._o a._n 4._o lewes_n bowl_n case_n covenant_n to_o stand_v seize_v of_o the_o manor_n of_o d._n to_o the_o use_n of_o himself_o and_o anne_n for_o their_o life_n and_o after_o to_o their_o first_o issue_n male_a and_o the_o heir_n male_a of_o his_o body_n and_o after_o to_o the_o heir_n male_a of_o the_o body_n of_o thomas_n and_o anne_n etc._n etc._n in_o this_o case_n before_o issue_n have_v thomas_n and_o anne_n be_v seize_v of_o a_o estate_n tail_n execute_v sub_fw-la modo_fw-la viz._n until_o issue_n and_o then_o by_o operation_n of_o law_n the_o estate_n be_v divide_v viz._n thomas_n and_o anne_n become_v tenant_n for_o life_n the_o remainder_n in_o tail_n to_o the_o issue_n the_o remainder_n to_o the_o heir_n male_a of_o thomas_n and_o anne_n etc._n etc._n ●ords_n ●landerous_a ●ords_n 15_o a_o man_n bring_v a_o action_n upon_o the_o case_n for_o these_o slanderous_a word_n thou_o be_v a_o arrant_a knave_n a_o cosener_n &_o a_o traitor_n case_n co._n l._n 10._o 131._o a._n 1._o ja._n osborn_v case_n be_v all_o speak_v together_o at_o one_o and_o the_o same_o time_n and_o upon_o not_o guilty_a plead_v the_o juror_n find_v for_o the_o plaintiff_n and_o assess_v damage_n general_o for_o all_o the_o word_n herein_o they_o do_v well_o for_o all_o those_o word_n take_v together_o make_v but_o one_o scandal_n and_o albeit_o no_o action_n lie_v for_o these_o word_n thou_o be_v a_o arrant_a knave_n a_o cosener_n speak_v apart_o by_o themselves_o yet_o be_v speak_v at_o one_o and_o the_o same_o time_n and_o couple_v with_o the_o other_o word_n and_o a_o traitor_n which_o be_v indeed_o actionable_a they_o aggravate_v they_o and_o make_v they_o worse_o howbeit_o if_o at_o one_o time_n the_o defendant_n call_v the_o plaintiff_n traitor_n and_o at_o another_o time_n he_o call_v he_o arrant_a knave_n and_o cosener_n and_o the_o plaintiff_n bring_v a_o action_n upon_o the_o case_n and_o allege_v the_o say_v several_a word_n speak_v at_o several_a time_n as_o several_a cause_n of_o action_n the●e_n if_o upon_o not_o guilty_a plead_v the_o juror_n assess_v damage_n entire_o judgement_n shall_v be_v arrest_v for_o all_o for_o he_o ground_n his_o action_n upon_o two_o several_a scandal_n whereas_o one_o of_o they_o be_v not_o actionable_a etc._n etc._n villain_n 〈◊〉_d perquisite_a ●y_a the_o purchase_n of_o a_o villain_n 16_o if_o a_o man_n have_v a_o villain_n in_o right_a of_o his_o wife_n 1._o co._n inst_z pars_fw-la 124._o b._n 1._o and_o the_o villain_n purchase_v land_n he_o shall_v have_v that_o perquisite_a in_o her_o right_n but_o if_o the_o villain_fw-fr purchase_n it_o after_o issue_n have_v than_o the_o baron_n shall_v have_v the_o perquisite_a to_o he_o and_o his_o heir_n because_o by_o the_o issue_n he_o be_v entitle_v to_o be_v tenant_n by_o the_o courtesy_n in_o his_o own_o right_n 49_o quod_fw-la prius_fw-la est_fw-la tempore_fw-la potius_fw-la est_fw-la jure_fw-la vide_fw-la max._n 62._o pl._n 10._o 19_o remitter_n remitter_n 1_o one_o of_o the_o reason_n of_o a_o remitter_n be_v 3._o co._n inst_z pars_fw-la 1_o 347._o b._n 3._o because_o that_o title_n which_o be_v first_o and_o more_o ancient_a be_v always_o more_o sure_a and_o worthy_a and_o therefore_o many_o book_n in_o stead_n of_o remitter_n say_v that_o he_o be_v en_fw-fr son_fw-fr primer_n estate_n or_o en_fw-fr son_fw-fr melior_fw-la droit_fw-fr or_o en_fw-fr son_fw-fr melior_fw-la estate_n etc._n etc._n or_o the_o like_a for_o quod_fw-la prius_fw-la est_fw-la verius_fw-la est_fw-la &_o quod_fw-la prius_fw-la est_fw-la tempore_fw-la potius_fw-la est_fw-la jure_fw-la etc._n etc._n best_a confirmation_n ●st_n best_a 2_o the_o lessée_v for_o life_n make_v a_o lease_n for_o thirty_o year_n 3._o co._n ib._n 296._o a._n 3._o and_o after_o the_o lessor_n and_o lessée_v for_o life_n make_v a_o lease_n for_o 60_o year_n to_o another_o which_o lease_n for_o sixty_o year_n the_o lessor_n do_v first_o confirm_v and_o after_o the_o lessor_n confirm_v the_o lease_n for_o thirty_o year_n and_o after_o the_o tenant_n for_o life_n die_v within_o the_o thirty_o year_n in_o this_o case_n the_o lease_n for_o thirty_o year_n be_v determine_v by_o the_o death_n of_o the_o tenant_n for_o life_n and_o the_o lessée_v for_o sixty_o year_n may_v enter_v for_o that_o albeit_o the_o lease_n for_o sixty_o year_n be_v the_o late_a in_o time_n yet_o be_v it_o of_o great_a force_n in_o law_n because_o the_o lessor_n who_o have_v power_n to_o confirm_v which_o of_o they_o he_o will_v do_v first_o confirm_v the_o second_o lease_n inter_fw-la unwel_n and_o lodge_n
as_o it_o be_v by_o way_n of_o excuse_n to_o give_v the_o special_a matter_n in_o evidence_n as_o to_o say_v that_o it_o be_v se_fw-la defendendo_fw-la or_o in_o defence_n of_o his_o house_n in_o the_o night_n against_o thief_n and_o robber_n or_o the_o like_a case_n co._n l._n 3._o 11._o b._n 4._o in_o sir_n will._n herbert_n case_n 16_o the_o liberty_n of_o a_o man_n be_v of_o such_o high_a esteem_n in_o the_o consideration_n of_o law_n that_o he_o can_v not_o at_o the_o common_a law_n he_o imprison_v etc._n at_o the_o common_a law_n to_o capias_fw-la for_o 〈◊〉_d etc._n etc._n unless_o he_o be_v guilty_a of_o commit_v some_o force_n for_o the_o law_n be_v the_o preserver_n of_o the_o common_a peace_n of_o the_o land_n abhor_v all_o force_n as_o one_o of_o her_o capital_a enemy_n and_o therefore_o as_o concern_v such_o as_o commit_v force_n the_o common_a law_n subject_n their_o body_n to_o imprisonment_n as_o to_o one_o of_o the_o high_a execution_n of_o law_n whereby_o they_o lose_v their_o liberty_n until_o they_o have_v make_v agreement_n with_o the_o party_n and_o fine_a to_o the_o king_n for_o which_o cause_n it_o be_v a_o rule_n in_o law_n that_o in_o all_o action_n quare_fw-la vi_fw-la &_o armis_fw-la a_o capias_fw-la lie_v and_o where_o a_o capias_fw-la lie_v in_o process_n there_o after_o judgement_n a_o capias_fw-la ad_fw-la satisfaciendum_fw-la lie_v and_o there_o also_o the_o king_n shall_v have_v a_o capias_fw-la pro_fw-la sine_fw-la and_o with_o this_o agree_v 8_o h._n 6._o 9_o 35_o h._n 6._o 6._o 22_o e._n 4._o 22._o 40_o e._n 3._o 25._o 49_o e._n 3._o 2._o and_o divers_a other_o book_n but_o at_o the_o common_a law_n if_o a_o common_a person_n have_v sue_v a_o recognizance_n or_o judgement_n for_o debt_n or_o damage_n he_o can_v not_o have_v the_o body_n of_o the_o defendant_n nor_o his_o land_n unless_o in_o some_o special_a case_n in_o execution_n but_o be_v only_o in_o such_o case_n to_o have_v execution_n either_o of_o his_o good_n and_o chattel_n by_o fieri_fw-la facias_fw-la or_o of_o his_o grain_n or_o other_o present_a profit_n which_o increase_v upon_o the_o land_n by_o levati_fw-la facias_fw-la both_o which_o writ_n be_v to_o be_v sue_v within_o the_o year_n after_o the_o judgement_n or_o recognizance_n acknowledge_v and_o if_o he_o have_v neither_o the_o one_o of_o the_o other_o within_o the_o year_n the_o plaintiff_n or_o conusée_v be_v then_o put_v to_o his_o writ_n of_o debt_n etc._n etc._n and_o then_o by_o the_o statute_n of_o westm_n 2._o cap._n 45._o a_o scire_fw-la facias_fw-la be_v give_v and_o by_o cap._n 18._o cum_fw-la debitum_fw-la fuerit_fw-la recuperatum_fw-la etc._n etc._n a_o elegit_fw-la of_o the_o moiety_n of_o the_o land_n which_o be_v the_o first_o act_n that_o subject_v land_n to_o the_o execution_n of_o a_o judgement_n or_o recognizance_n and_o with_o this_o agree_v f._n n._n b._n 265._o q._n and_o then_o by_o the_o statute_n of_o 13_o e._n 1._o de_fw-la mercatoribus_fw-la 27_o e._n 3._o cap._n 9_o and_o 23_o h._n 8._o cap._n 6._o in_o case_n of_o a_o statute_n merchant_n or_o staple_n all_o the_o land_n which_o the_o conusor_n have_v the_o day_n of_o the_o conusance_n shall_v be_v extend_v in_o who_o hand_n soever_o they_o come_v etc._n etc._n also_o by_o the_o statute_n of_o malbridge_n cap._n 23._o and_o of_o west_n 2._o cap._n 11._o a_o capias_fw-la be_v give_v in_o account_n for_o at_o the_o common_a law_n process_n in_o account_n be_v distress_n infinite_a and_o after_o by_o the_o statute_n of_o 25_o e._n 3._o 17._o the_o like_a process_n be_v give_v in_o the_o debt_n as_o in_o account_n before_o which_o two_o last_v recite_v statute_n the_o body_n of_o the_o defendant_n be_v not_o liable_a to_o the_o execution_n in_o account_n or_o debt_n etc._n etc._n neither_o yet_o be_v the_o land_n liable_a in_o debt_n as_o aforesaid_a save_v in_o the_o king_n case_n and_o in_o the_o case_n of_o a_o heir_n in_o by_o descent_n and_o chargeable_a by_o the_o obligation_n of_o his_o ancestor_n etc._n etc._n case_n co._n l._n 4._o 40._o 2._o 3._o darleys_n case_n 17_o in_o p._n 25_o e._n wotherel_n bring_v a_o appeal_n against_o dorley_n of_o murder_n the_o defendant_n plead_v not_o guilty_a and_o he_o be_v find_v guilty_a of_o homicide_n offence_n life_n shall_v 〈◊〉_d be_v twice_o 〈◊〉_d in_o jeopardy_n for_o the_o same_o offence_n and_o have_v his_o clergy_n and_o after_o he_o be_v indict_v of_o murder_n and_o thereupon_o arraign_v at_o the_o queen_n suit_n and_o he_o plead_v the_o former_a condition_n in_o the_o appeal_n at_o the_o suit_n of_o the_o party_n and_o it_o adjudge_v a_o good_a bar_n because_o the_o life_n of_o a_o man_n be_v so_o precious_a in_fw-ge judgemedt_fw-ge of_o law_n that_o it_o shall_v not_o be_v twice_o put_v in_o jeopardy_n for_o one_o and_o the_o same_o offence_n the_o like_a be_v agree_v in_o brook_n case_n h._n 28_o el._n and_o p._n 33_o el._n in_o vaux_n his_o case_n which_o see_v co._n l._n 4._o 45._o a._n murder_n n●●_n compos_fw-la ●●tis_fw-la shall_v not_o lose_v his_o ●ife_n for_o felony_n 〈◊〉_d murder_n 18_o every_o act_n that_o a_o man_n de_fw-fr non_fw-fr sanae_fw-la memoriae_fw-la do_v case_n co._n ibid._n 124._o in_o beverleys_n case_n either_o concern_v his_o life_n his_o land_n or_o his_o good_n also_o every_o act_n that_o he_o do_v be_v either_o do_v in_o pais_fw-fr or_o in_o a_o court_n of_o record_n all_o act_n which_o he_o do_v in_o a_o court_n of_o record_n concern_v his_o land_n and_o good_n shall_v bind_v himself_o and_o all_o other_o person_n for_o ever_o also_o all_o act_n which_o he_o do_v concern_v his_o land_n and_o good_n in_o pais_fw-fr in_o some_o case_n shall_v bind_v himself_o only_o during_o his_o life_n and_o in_o some_o case_n shall_v bind_v for_o ever_o etc._n etc._n but_o as_o for_o his_o life_n the_o law_n of_o england_n be_v that_o he_o shall_v not_o lose_v that_o albeit_o he_o kill_v a_o man_n and_o thereby_o make_v himself_o subject_a to_o be_v indict_v for_o felony_n or_o murder_n etc._n etc._n law_n the_o death_n of_o a_o ●an_v grievous_o punish_v by_o the_o law_n 19_o the_o law_n surprise_v the_o life_n of_o a_o man_n case_n co._n ibid._n 2._o 4._o in_o beverleys_n case_n that_o it_o inflict_v grievous_a punishment_n upon_o they_o that_o be_v guilty_a of_o take_v away_o and_o destroy_v it_o for_o the_o malefactor_n in_o that_o case_n shall_v 1._o lose_v his_o life_n 2._o lose_v it_o after_o a_o ignominious_a and_o odious_a manner_n viz._n by_o hang_v for_o he_o shall_v be_v hang_v betwixt_o heaven_n and_o earth_n as_o unworthy_a of_o both_o 3._o he_o shall_v lose_v his_o blood_n both_o in_o respect_n of_o his_o ancestry_n for_o he_o be_v esteem_v as_o a_o terrae-silius_a without_o any_o ancestor_n and_o also_o in_o respect_n of_o his_o posterity_n for_o his_o blood_n be_v corrupt_a and_o he_o leave_v behind_o he_o neither_o heir_n nor_o posterity_n 4._o he_o lose_v his_o land_n 5._o his_o good_n and_o in_o such_o case_n also_o the_o king_n shall_v have_v annum_fw-la diem_fw-la &_o vastuna_fw-la to_o the_o intent_n that_o his_o wife_n and_o his_o child_n shall_v be_v cast_v out_o his_o house_n demolish_v his_o tree_n eradicate_v and_o stock_v up_o his_o meadow_n break_v up_o and_o plough_v and_o all_o that_o he_o have_v for_o his_o comfort_n delight_n and_o sustenance_n waste_v and_o destroy_v because_o he_o have_v in_o such_o a_o felonious_a manner_n offend_v against_o the_o law_n and_o all_o this_o be_v ut_fw-la poena_fw-la ad_fw-la paucos_fw-la metus_fw-la ad_fw-la omnes_fw-la perveniat_fw-la etc._n etc._n shewid_v upon_o a_o ar●●st_n the_o cause_n 〈◊〉_d be_v shewid_v 20_o the_o law_n so_o provide_v for_o the_o preservation_n of_o a_o man_n liberty_n case_n co._n l._n 6._o 54._o 2._o 4._o in_o the_o countess_n of_o rutland_n case_n that_o no_o general_a arrest_n be_v deem_v legal_a without_o show_v the_o particular_a cause_n wherefore_o he_o be_v arrest_v and_o therefore_o the_o sheriff_n or_o any_o other_o by_o his_o authority_n which_o make_v a_o arrest_n of_o the_o person_n of_o another_o ought_v upon_o the_o arrest_n to_o show_v at_o who_o suit_n out_o of_o what_o court_n for_o what_o cause_n he_o do_v it_o and_o when_o the_o process_n be_v returnable_a to_o the_o intent_n that_o if_o it_o be_v upon_o a_o execution_n he_o may_v pay_v the_o money_n and_o so_o free_a his_o body_n from_o imprisonment_n and_o if_o it_o be_v upon_o a_o mesne_fw-la process_n may_v either_o agree_v with_o the_o party_n or_o put_v in_o bail_n according_a to_o the_o law_n and_o so_o make_v his_o appearance_n according_o etc._n etc._n ●●mmit_v ●he_n coll._n of_o ●ys_n can_v ●●mmit_v 21_o a_o act_n of_o parliament_n case_n co._n lib._n 8._o 120._o a._n 3._o doctor_n bonham_n case_n that_o give_v power_n of_o
a_o man_n deliver_v to_o his_o servant_n at_o christmas_n a_o gold_n ring_n to_o give_v it_o for_o a_o new_a year_n gift_n to_o a_o stranger_n he_o may_v countermand_v it_o notwithstanding_o the_o gift_n but_o if_o i_o say_v that_o j._n s._n have_v enfeoff_v i_o of_o certain_a land_n and_o in_o recompense_n thereof_o i_o give_v he_o this_o money_n and_o withal_o deliver_v it_o to_o a_o stranger_n to_o be_v deliver_v over_o in_o that_o case_n i_o can_v countermand_v it_o because_o this_o gift_n do_v not_o take_v effect_n as_o a_o free_a gift_n but_o as_o a_o satisfaction_n and_o interest_n etc._n etc._n el._n dier_n 177._o 31._o 2_o el._n 6_o the_o licence_n grant_v to_o master_n bartue_n to_o go_v beyond_o sea_n to_o recover_v the_o debt_n of_o charles_n brandon_n duke_n of_o suffolk_n decease_v provide_v revocable_a licence_n not_o revocable_a if_o he_o shall_v entertain_v any_o fugitive_n of_o england_n that_o then_o it_o shall_v cease_v be_v not_o countermandable_a until_o he_o do_v entertain_v fugitive_n because_o till_o then_o he_o have_v the_o licence_n in_o nature_n of_o a_o interest_n be_v indeed_o grant_v unto_o he_o for_o a_o certain_a time_n viz._n until_o the_o proviso_n be_v break_v 7_o hob._n 1●_n sir_n dan._n norton_n against_o simmes_n the_o under-shrivewick_a revocable_a 101_o matter_n of_o substance_n more_o than_o matter_n of_o circumstance_n 2._o co._n inst_z p._n 1._o 114._o b._n 2._o 1_o in_o a_o writ_n of_o mesne_n the_o plaintiff_n say_v prescription_n write_v of_o mesne_n prescription_n that_o the_o defendant_n and_o his_o ancestor_n have_v acquit_v he_o and_o his_o ancestor_n etc._n etc._n and_o upon_o a_o special_a verdict_n the_o jury_n find_v that_o the_o plaintiff_n grandfather_n buy_v the_o land_n of_o one_o agnes_n and_o that_o before_o that_o purchase_n acquital_n be_v use_v but_o not_o since_o and_o in_o this_o case_n it_o be_v adjudge_v both_o in_o banco_n and_o afterward_o by_o writ_n of_o error_n in_o b._n r._n that_o albeit_o the_o verdict_n be_v find_v against_o the_o letter_n of_o the_o issue_n yet_o for_o that_o the_o substance_n of_o the_o issue_n be_v find_v viz._n a_o sufficient_a title_n by_o prescription_n the_o plaintisse_n shall_v recover_v his_o acquital_n decimandi_fw-la m●dus_fw-la decimandi_fw-la so_o if_o a_o modus_fw-la decimandi_fw-la be_v allege_v by_o prescription_n and_o the_o jury_n find_v a_o continuance_n of_o the_o prescription_n till_o 20_o year_n and_o after_o 20_o year_n a_o payment_n in_o specie_fw-la in_o this_o case_n albeit_o the_o jury_n find_v not_o the_o prescription_n as_o it_o be_v allege_v viz._n for_o the_o whole_a time_n yet_o for_o as_o much_o as_o the_o substance_n of_o the_o issue_n be_v find_v viz._n the_o prescription_n that_o shall_v not_o be_v prejudice_v by_o such_o cess_a for_o 20_o year_n which_o be_v but_o a_o circumstance_n etc._n etc._n for_o if_o the_o matter_n and_o substance_n of_o the_o issue_n be_v find_v it_o be_v sufficient_a 2._o co._n ib._n 227._o a._n 4._o co._n ib._n 154._o b._n 3_o marton_n c._n 2._o 2_o if_o the_o mesne_n recover_v a_o rent_n when_o it_o be_v a_o rent-service_n redisseisie_n mesne_fw-la redisseisie_n and_o after_o the_o rent_n become_v a_o rent_n seek_v by_o surplusage_a and_o after_o the_o tenant_n do_v redisseise_a he_o of_o the_o rent_n in_o this_o case_n the_o mesne_n shall_v have_v a_o re-disseisin_a upon_o the_o statute_n of_o morton_n 20_o h._n 3._o for_o the_o substance_n of_o the_o rent_n remain_v still_o though_o the_o quality_n be_v alter_v etc._n tenant_n after_o issue_n etc._n etc._n so_o if_o tenant_n in_o special_a tail_n recover_v in_o assize_n ibidem_fw-la co._n ibidem_fw-la and_o after_o become_v tenant_n in_o tail_n after_o possibility_n etc._n etc._n and_o then_o be_v redisseised_n he_o shall_v have_v a_o re-disseisin_a upon_o the_o same_o statute_n for_o albeit_o the_o state_n of_o inheritance_n be_v alter_v yet_o the_o same_o free_a hold_n remain_v challenge_n challenge_n 3_o if_o there_o be_v a_o challenge_n for_o cozenage_n 4_o co._n ib._n 157._o a._n 4_o he_o that_o take_v the_o challenge_n must_v show_v how_o the_o juror_n be_v cousin_n but_o yet_o if_o the_o cozenage_n which_o be_v the_o effect_n and_o substance_n be_v find_v it_o suffer_v for_o the_o law_n prefer_v that_o which_o be_v material_a before_o that_o which_o be_v formal_a mortgage_n mortgage_n 4_o upon_o a_o mortgage_n 343._o co._n ib._n 212._o a._n 4_o litt._n §._o 343._o where_o there_o be_v a_o time_n and_o place_n limit_v for_o the_o payment_n of_o the_o money_n although_o it_o be_v pay_v at_o a_o day_n before_o it_o grow_v due_a or_o at_o another_o place_n than_o which_o be_v limit_v in_o the_o deed_n of_o mortgage_n yet_o if_o the_o mortgagee_n receive_v it_o that_o be_v sufficient_a payment_n for_o the_o time_n and_o place_n of_o payment_n be_v but_o circumstance_n which_o shall_v not_o prejudice_v so_o that_o the_o substance_n viz._n the_o payment_n etc._n etc._n be_v perform_v there_o be_v the_o same_o law_n of_o a_o obligation_n etc._n etc._n ●ast_n condition_n to_o ●●lean_a estate_n ●o_o the_o wife_n without_o impeachment_n of_o ●ast_n 5_o if_o a_o feoffment_n be_v make_v upon_o condition_n 352._o co._n ib._n 219._o b._n 4_o litt._n §._o 352._o that_o the_o feoffée_n shall_v give_v the_o land_n to_o the_o feoffor_a and_o his_o wife_n in_o tail_n the_o remainder_n to_o the_o heir_n of_o the_o feoffor_a and_o the_o feoffor_a die_v before_o the_o feoffment_n in_o this_o case_n littleton_n say_v §_o 352._o that_o the_o feoffée_v aught_o to_o make_v a_o estate_n for_o life_n to_o the_o wife_n without_o impeachment_n of_o waist_n etc._n etc._n and_o yet_o if_o the_o wife_n shall_v accept_v of_o any_o estate_n for_o life_n without_o this_o clause_n without_o impeachment_n of_o waist_n it_o be_v good_a because_o the_o estate_n for_o life_n be_v the_o substance_n of_o the_o grant_n and_o the_o privilege_n to_o be_v without_o impeachement_n of_o waist_n be_v a_o collateral_a circumstance_n and_o only_o for_o the_o benefit_n of_o the_o wife_n and_o the_o omission_n of_o it_o only_o for_o the_o benefit_n of_o the_o heir_n so_o likewise_o if_o the_o wife_n in_o that_o case_n take_v husband_n before_o request_v make_v and_o then_o they_o make_v request_n and_o the_o state_n be_v make_v to_o the_o husband_n and_o wife_n during_o the_o life_n of_o the_o wife_n this_o be_v a_o good_a performance_n of_o the_o condition_n albeit_o the_o estate_n be_v make_v to_o the_o husband_n and_o wife_n where_o littleton_n say_v it_o be_v to_o be_v make_v to_o the_o wife_n but_o it_o be_v alone_o in_o substance_n see_v that_o the_o limitation_n be_v during_o the_o life_n of_o the_o wife_n etc._n etc._n sea_n obligation_n make_v beyond_o sea_n 6_o a_o obligation_n make_v beyond_o the_o sea_n may_v be_v sue_v here_o in_o england_n in_o what_o place_n the_o plaintiff_n will_v 4_o co._n ib._n 261._o b._n 4_o as_o if_o it_o bear_v date_n at_o bordeaux_n in_o france_n it_o may_v be_v allege_v to_o be_v make_v in_o quodam_fw-la loco_fw-la vocat_fw-la bordeaux_n in_o france_n in_o islington_n in_o the_o county_n of_o middelsex_n and_o there_o it_o shall_v be_v try_v for_o whether_o there_o be_v such_o a_o place_n in_o islington_n or_o no_o be_v not_o traversable_a in_o that_o case_n because_o the_o place_n where_o it_o be_v make_v be_v only_a circumstance_n and_o not_o of_o the_o substance_n of_o the_o bond_n etc._n etc._n ●●●stance_n ●●do_fw-it &_o for●●_n word_n of_o ●orme_n not_o of_o ●●●stance_n 7_o these_o word_n modo_fw-la &_o forma_fw-la prout_fw-la etc._n etc._n be_v in_o many_o case_n but_o word_n of_o form_n in_o plead_v and_o not_o word_n of_o substance_n 3_o litt._n §._o 483._o co._n ib._n 281._o b._n 3_o for_o if_o a_o man_n bring_v a_o writ_n of_o entry_n in_o casu_fw-la proviso_n of_o a_o alienation_n make_v by_o the_o tenant_n in_o dower_n to_o his_o dis-inheritance_n and_o count_v of_o the_o alienation_n make_v in_o fee_n and_o the_o tenant_n say_v that_o he_o alien_v not_o modo_fw-la &_o forma_fw-la prout_fw-la the_o demandant_n have_v declare_v and_o thereupon_o they_o be_v at_o issue_n and_o it_o be_v find_v by_o verdict_n that_o the_o tenant_n alien_v in_o tail_n or_o pur_fw-mi d'auter_n vie_fw-fr in_o this_o case_n the_o demandant_n shall_v recover_v yet_o the_o alienation_n be_v not_o in_o manner_n as_o the_o demandant_n have_v declare_v and_o this_o rule_n hold_v always_o true_a when_o the_o issue_n take_v go_v to_o the_o point_n of_o the_o writ_n or_o action_n for_o than_o modo_fw-la &_o forma_fw-la be_v but_o word_n of_o form_n but_o otherwise_o it_o be_v when_o a_o collateral_a point_n in_o plead_v be_v traverse_v as_o if_o a_o feoffment_n be_v allege_v by_o two_o and_o this_o be_v traverse_v modo_fw-la &_o forma_fw-la and_o it_o be_v find_v the_o feoffment_n of_o one_o there_o modo_fw-la &_o
induction_n to_o the_o bar_n or_o conveyance_n thereunto_o it_o be_v not_o necessary_a that_o such_o conveyance_n or_o induction_n shall_v be_v so_o certain_o plead_v as_o the_o effect_n itself_o ought_v to_o be_v so_o in_o dive_v and_o maninghams_n case_n in_o the_o commentary_n it_o be_v sufficient_a to_o begin_v at_o the_o liberate_n and_o not_o to_o recite_v the_o whole_a record_n of_o that_o suit_n because_o that_o be_v sufficient_a to_o lead_v to_o the_o matter_n of_o the_o sheriff_n bond_n which_o the_o statute_n make_v void_a and_o be_v upon_o the_o matter_n but_o méerly_a circumstance_n so_o likewise_o if_o tenant_n by_o elegit_fw-la make_v a_o avowry_n in_o a_o replegiare_n have_v let_v the_o land_n to_o a_o stranger_n render_v rend_v etc._n etc._n he_o