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A dialogue betwixt Jack and Will, concerning the Lord Mayor's going to meeting-houses with the sword carried before him, &c.
Ridpath, George, d. 1726.
Wing R1461; ESTC R5776
a_o dialogue_n betwixt_o jack_n and_o will_n concern_v the_o lord_n mayor_n go_v to_o meeting-house_n with_o the_o sword_n carry_v before_o he_o etc._n etc._n london_n print_v in_o the_o year_n 1697._o a_o dialogue_n betwixt_o jack_n and_o will_n concern_v the_o lord_n mayor_n go_v to_o meeting-house_n with_o the_o sword_n before_o he_o etc._n etc._n jack._n how_o do_v you_o friend_n will_n have_v you_o hear_v the_o news_n will._n what_o news_n do_v you_o mean_v jack_n we_o have_v little_a cause_n to_o fear_v ill_a news_n now_o we_o have_v peace_n jack._n no_o i_o be_o sure_a i_o have_v a_o piece_n of_o ill_a news_n to_o tell_v you_o do_v not_o you_o hear_v that_o my_o lord_n mayor_n go_v to_o salters-hall_n on_o sunday_n last_o with_o the_o sword_n carry_v before_o he_o will._n to_o salters-hall_n what_o to_o do_v to_o a_o play_n or_o a_o ball_n there_o jack._n pox_n on_o you_o for_o a_o nump-skulled_a fellow_n to_o a_o play_n or_o a_o ball_n on_o sundays_n will._n why_o all_o this_o fury_n jack_n i_o be_o sure_a i_o have_v read_v a_o play_n that_o be_v act_v at_o whitehall_n on_o a_o sunday_n in_o the_o bless_a martyr_n time_n present_a king_n queen_n prince_z and_o god_n know_v how_o many_o star_n and_o garter_n but_o indeed_o i_o do_v know_v whether_o the_o sword_n be_v carry_v thither_o in_o state_n or_o no._n jack._n come_v come_v will_n you_o love_v to_o play_v the_o rogue_n you_o know_v the_o lord_n mayor_n go_v thither_o on_o no_o such_o account_n will._n why_o so_o how_o shall_v i_o know_v d'_fw-fr you_o think_v i_o be_o a_o conjurer_n what_o do_v he_o go_v thither_o for_o then_o be_v it_o to_o hear_v archbishop_n laud'_v book_n of_o sport_n i_o hear_v my_o lord_n mayor_n be_v a_o brisk_a man_n perhaps_o he_o love_v sport_n and_o pastime_n and_o be_v a_o good_a gamester_n for_o you_o know_v we_o use_v to_o say_v of_o such_o that_o they_o play_v a_o sunday_n jack._n plague_n on_o you_o leave_v off_o your_o banter_n i_o tell_v you_o he_o go_v thither_o to_o a_o conventicle_n will._n pish_o what_o be_v that_o your_o ill_a news_n i_o be_v afraid_a you_o will_v have_v tell_v i_o that_o he_o have_v go_v to_o treat_v the_o pope_n nuncio_n at_o dinner_n at_o guildhall_n or_o that_o you_o have_v have_v some_o such_o frightful_a story_n to_o tell_v i_o as_o that_o the_o town_n be_v on_o fire_n again_o and_o we_o shall_v have_v be_v force_v to_o be_v at_o the_o expense_n of_o a_o new_a monument_n which_o will_v have_v ruin_v the_o orphan_n to_o all_o intent_n and_o purpose_n jack._n well_o well_o friend_n will_n though_o the_o town_n be_v not_o a_o fire_n i_o be_o sure_a the_o church_n be_v will._n nay_o then_o friend_n jack_n my_o lord_n mayor_n do_v very_o well_o to_o carry_v the_o wooden_a sword_n away_o from_o it_o for_o that_o will_v have_v add_v fuel_n to_o the_o flame_n jack._n prithee_o leave_v off_o thy_o fool_n and_o let_v we_o discourse_v the_o point_n in_o good_a earnest_n thou_o always_o pretend_v to_o be_v a_o true_a churchof_a england-man_n and_o do_v it_o you_o think_v that_o the_o lord_n mayor_n go_v to_o a_o conventicle_n with_o the_o sword_n be_v a_o injury_n to_o the_o church_n of_o england_n will._n why_o true_o jack_n whether_o thou_o believe_v it_o or_o not_o i_o be_o as_o much_o for_o the_o church_n of_o england_n as_o any_o man_n alive_a and_o for_o my_o part_n i_o think_v that_o my_o lord_n mayor_n go_v to_o meeting_n with_o the_o sword_n be_v a_o very_a noble_a act_n for_o it_o seem_v to_o i_o that_o by_o carry_v the_o sword_n thither_o he_o design_n to_o make_v a_o conquest_n of_o they_o for_o the_o church_n of_o england_n jack._n well_o i_o see_v you_o love_n to_o banter_n but_o you_o know_v that_o by_o go_v thither_o with_o the_o sword_n he_o make_v a_o surrender_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n authority_n to_o a_o pitiful_a little_a conventicle_n will._n why_o prithee_o man_n if_o the_o sword_n be_v all_o no_o matter_n if_o it_o have_v be_v burn_v a_o dozen_o year_n ago_o thou_o know_v very_o well_o that_o in_o the_o late_a bless_a reign_v it_o be_v the_o peculiar_a doctrine_n of_o the_o pulpit_n that_o the_o church_n have_v no_o other_o weapon_n but_o prayer_n and_o tear_n and_o why_o do_v make_v all_o this_o pother_n about_o a_o wooden_a sword_n sure_o thou_o be_v not_o afraid_a it_o will_v produce_v as_o strange_a effect_n as_o the_o old_a rusty_a sword_n in_o westminster_n abbey_n with_o which_o they_o say_v the_o norman_a duke_n conquer_v england_n jack._n thou_o talk_v like_o a_o mad_a man_n it_o be_v not_o the_o very_a individual_a sword_n that_o i_o mean_v but_o it_o be_v the_o badge_n and_o ensign_n of_o authority_n that_o be_v carry_v away_o from_o the_o church_n to_o a_o nasty_a lousy_a conventicle_n a_o pox_n on_o they_o damn_v they_o i_o hope_v to_o see_v they_o fast_o in_o the_o pinfold_n yet_o once_o more_o before_o i_o die_v and_o then_o we_o will_v make_v they_o pay_v for_o their_o insolence_n and_o contempt_n of_o the_o church_n will._n prithee_o do_v rage_v so_o thou_o have_v be_v so_o out_o of_o humour_n ever_o since_o lewis_n fourteen_o be_v necessitate_v to_o resign_v his_o new_a conquest_n and_o abjure_v king_n james_n that_o thou_o be_v fit_a for_o bedlam_n than_o any_o place_n else_o come_v i_o tell_v thou_o that_o my_o lord_n mayor_n carry_v the_o sword_n thither_o neither_o add_v to_o the_o authority_n of_o the_o meeting_n nor_o derogate_v from_o the_o authority_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n but_o rather_o enlarge_v her_o pale_a but_o after_o all_o the_o doâ_n and_o stirâ_n you_o make_v about_o the_o church_n i_o believe_v i_o may_v say_v to_o you_o as_o the_o little_a boy_n say_v to_o his_o mother_n mother_n what_o need_v you_o talk_v so_o much_o of_o the_o church_n you_o do_v go_v so_o often_o to_o it_o jack._n that_o be_v nothing_o to_o you_o will_v do_v you_o make_v out_o your_o assertion_n and_o then_o i_o will_v say_v something_o to_o thou_o will._n have_v but_o patience_n and_o i_o will_n thou_o know_v that_o the_o dissenter_n be_v allow_v their_o meeting_n by_o act_n of_o parliament_n which_o i_o hope_n be_v another_o kind_n of_o authority_n than_o my_o lord_n mayor_n sword_n and_o most_o honest_a man_n think_v it_o but_o reasonable_a they_o shall_v have_v that_o liberty_n notwithstanding_o the_o threaten_a word_n of_o the_o d_o n_o of_o c._n that_o if_o king_n william_n do_v not_o take_v away_o the_o damn_a act_n of_o toleration_n they_o will_v send_v he_o back_o again_o to_o the_o bog_n of_o holland_n jack._n prithee_o let_v your_o story_n alone_o and_o come_v to_o the_o matter_n i_o own_o that_o a_o act_n of_o parliament_n be_v a_o better_a authority_n than_o my_o lord_n mayor_n sword_n will._n thou_o know_v also_o that_o that_o liberty_n be_v allow_v they_o on_o condition_n that_o they_o subscribe_v to_o the_o doctrine_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n jack._n i_o do_v will._n why_o then_o it_o be_v certain_a that_o my_o lord_n mayor_n can_v not_o go_v thither_o with_o nor_o without_o his_o sword_n if_o the_o dissenter_n do_v not_o qualify_v themselves_o according_a to_o the_o term_n of_o the_o act._n jack._n no_o he_o can_v not_o will._n be_v it_o not_o plain_a then_o that_o if_o my_o lord_n mayor_n sword_n signify_v any_o thing_n it_o come_v to_o defend_v the_o doctrine_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n at_o the_o meeting_n as_o well_o as_o in_o the_o church_n and_o be_v not_o his_o presence_n there_o with_o the_o ensign_n of_o authority_n a_o evidence_n that_o the_o doctrine_n of_o our_o church_n be_v preach_v there_o whereas_o in_o former_a time_n the_o meeting_n be_v look_v upon_o to_o be_v quite_o another_o thing_n than_o the_o church_n of_o england_n so_o that_o i_o think_v it_o be_v plain_a to_o any_o man_n understanding_n that_o his_o be_v there_o be_v only_o a_o declaration_n that_o the_o pale_a of_o the_o church_n be_v enlarge_v and_o that_o we_o now_o own_v they_o for_o brethren_n that_o by_o the_o heat_n of_o some_o ill_a man_n be_v former_o account_v our_o enemy_n jack._n nay_o but_o you_o mistake_v the_o matter_n the_o meeting_n have_v only_o a_o liberty_n but_o we_o be_v the_o church_n establish_v by_o law_n their_o meeting_n must_v not_o be_v account_v the_o church_n because_o they_o have_v neither_o bishop_n nor_o ceremony_n nor_o benefice_n will._n prithee_o jack_n do_v talk_v such_o nonsense_n the_o meeting_n be_v as_o much_o establish_v by_o law_n as_o the_o church_n of_o england_n if_o a_o act_n of_o parliament_n be_v a_o law_n and_o you_o know_v that_o it_o be_v only_o the_o act_n of_o parliament_n that_o defend_v you_o in_o the_o practice_n of_o those_o thing_n wherein_o you_o differ_v from_o
they_o and_o our_o wise_a lawgiver_n find_v the_o mischievous_a consequence_n of_o have_v one_o party_n of_o protestant_n impower_v to_o destroy_v another_o that_o differ_v from_o they_o only_o in_o circumstantial_o as_o if_o they_o have_v be_v heretic_n schismatic_n and_o god_n know_v what_o think_v fit_a to_o take_v those_o edg-tool_n out_o of_o the_o hand_n of_o a_o set_v of_o man_n that_o know_v not_o how_o to_o use_v they_o but_o to_o the_o wrong_n of_o their_o neighbour_n and_o to_o throw_v the_o nation_n into_o convulsion_n and_o have_v grant_v liberty_n to_o our_o brethren_n to_o worship_n god_n in_o the_o very_a same_o ordinance_n that_o we_o do_v though_o they_o do_v observe_v all_o those_o mode_n and_o form_n which_o by_o ourselves_o be_v account_v indifferent_a jack._n how_o do_v you_o mean_v indifferent_a be_v it_o a_o thing_n indifferent_a to_o observe_v the_o direction_n and_o command_n of_o the_o church_n that_o be_v fine_a work_n indeed_o will._n by_o indifferent_a i_o mean_v a_o thing_n that_o may_v be_v do_v or_o leave_v undo_v and_o so_o the_o law_n mââns_v otherwise_o it_o will_v never_o have_v leave_v i_o at_o my_o liberty_n to_o go_v to_o a_o meeting_n where_o there_o be_v no_o ceremony_n or_o to_o a_o church_n where_o there_o be_v ceremony_n jack._n i_o be_o sure_a the_o church_n be_v apostolical_a and_o enjoin_v those_o thing_n upon_o her_o member_n on_o pain_n of_o excommunication_n both_o as_o to_o belief_n and_o practice_n if_o we_o may_v believe_v her_o canon_n will._n thou_o be_v in_o a_o grand_a mistake_n jack._n i_o grant_v you_o there_o be_v once_o such_o a_o set_a of_o man_n as_o arrogate_a to_o themselves_o the_o name_n of_o the_o church_n that_o do_v so_o but_o you_o know_v that_o the_o great_a divine_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n do_v always_o account_v those_o thing_n indifferent_a even_o in_o queen_n elizabeth_n time_n read_v but_o the_o lord_n bishop_n of_o salisbury_n letter_n and_o you_o will_v there_o find_v plain_a proof_n of_o it_o under_o the_o hand_n of_o our_o great_a bishop_n to_o the_o divine_n in_o switzerland_n and_o for_o what_o have_v be_v do_v since_o you_o know_v that_o it_o be_v a_o court_n and_o a_o popish_a faction_n that_o enjoin_v those_o thing_n on_o such_o and_o such_o penalty_n mere_o to_o widen_v the_o difference_n among_o protestant_n that_o they_o may_v swallow_v up_o both_o our_o religion_n and_o liberty_n but_o the_o church_n of_o england_n have_v alter_v her_o mind_n since_o jack._n how_o the_o church_n of_o england_n alter_v her_o mind_n what_o d'_fw-fr you_o make_v she_o akin_a to_o mahomet_n as_o if_o her_o religion_n depend_v upon_o the_o moon_n and_o be_v as_o changeable_a as_o she_o will._n prithee_o not_o so_o fast_a jack_n i_o know_v what_o i_o say_v the_o church_n of_o england_n have_v alter_v her_o mind_n often_o than_o once_o and_o no_o disgrace_n to_o she_o neither_o protestant_n hold_v no_o church_n nor_o council_n infallible_a we_o have_v indeed_o a_o infallible_a rule_n the_o scripture_n but_o so_o long_o as_o we_o be_v clog_v with_o humanity_n we_o be_v either_o like_a to_o come_v short_a of_o it_o or_o shoot_v beyond_o it_o and_o in_o both_o these_o case_n must_v alter_v our_o mind_n or_o set_v ourselves_o in_o opposition_n to_o the_o almighty_a jack._n this_o be_v fanatical_a cant._n when_o do_v the_o church_n of_o england_n alter_v her_o mind_n will._n nay_o jack_n if_o you_o be_v so_o forgetful_a i_o will_v tell_v you_o the_o church_n of_o england_n in_o queen_n elizabeth_n time_n pray_v she_o to_o cut_v off_o mary_n queen_n of_o scot_n the_o heir_n apparent_a or_o presumptive_a at_o least_o to_o the_o crown_n and_o a_o crown_v head_n too_o because_o she_o be_v at_o the_o head_n of_o a_o popish_a plot._n in_o charles_n the_o second_v time_n the_o church_n of_o england_n damn_v all_o they_o that_o be_v but_o for_o exclude_v the_o duke_n of_o york_n upon_o the_o like_a account_n in_o queen_n elizabeth_n time_n the_o church_n of_o england_n make_v a_o act_n of_o parliament_n that_o the_o king_n and_o parliament_n may_v limit_v and_o alter_v the_o succession_n it_o be_v the_o 13_o of_o eliz._n as_o i_o take_v it_o in_o charles_n the_o first_o and_o second_v time_n they_o account_v it_o damnable_a doctrine_n to_o recede_v in_o the_o least_o from_o the_o hereditary_a lineal_a succession_n in_o charles_n the_o first_o and_o second_v time_n she_o hold_v it_o damnable_a not_o to_o believe_v the_o doctrine_n of_o passive_a obedience_n and_o nonresistance_n and_o all_o her_o clergy_n be_v swear_v to_o it_o in_o her_o sense_n but_o in_o the_o end_n of_o james_n the_o second_v reign_v when_o he_o come_v to_o touch_v their_o own_o copyhold_n than_o the_o church_n bellow_v so_o loud_o that_o she_o be_v hear_v as_o far_o as_o the_o hague_n she_o put_v on_o a_o blue_a cloak_n and_o jack-boot_n and_o fight_v against_o her_o sovereign_n with_o jack_n and_o spear_n and_o after_o all_o settle_a king_n william_n our_o present_a glorious_a monarch_n on_o the_o throne_n contrary_a to_o all_o her_o former_a avow_v principle_n so_o that_o you_o must_v either_o own_o that_o the_o church_n of_o england_n have_v alter_v her_o mind_n or_o declare_v yourself_o a_o rank_a jacobite_n and_o disow_v any_o church_n but_o their_o faction_n and_o to_o tell_v you_o the_o truth_n it_o be_v that_o wretched_a cabal_n that_o blow_v all_o these_o spark_n of_o contention_n among_o the_o hotheaded_a party_n of_o our_o church_n and_o i_o know_v you_o keep_v company_n with_o they_o jack._n thou_o have_v say_v a_o great_a deal_n to_o convince_v i_o but_o pray_v let_v i_o see_v how_o the_o church_n of_o england_n have_v alter_v her_o mind_n as_o to_o that_o point_n of_o the_o dissenter_n will._n why_o they_o have_v alter_v it_o in_o give_v they_o their_o liberty_n by_o a_o law_n whereas_o they_o former_o persecute_v thâm_o jack._n how_o strange_o do_v you_o talk_v it_o be_v the_o parliament_n that_o give_v they_o the_o liberty_n and_o not_o the_o church_n if_o she_o have_v do_v it_o it_o must_v have_v be_v by_o convocation_n will._n nay_o jack_n you_o talk_v strange_o and_o not_o i_o be_v not_o all_o the_o people_n of_o england_n represent_v by_o the_o parliament_n jack._n who_o doubt_v that_o will._n be_v not_o the_o church_n then_o represent_v in_o parliament_n jack._n that_o be_v another_o thing_n the_o church_n be_v the_o bishop_n and_o their_o clergy_n will._n grant_v it_o be_v so_o the_o bishop_n you_o know_v do_v actual_o sit_v in_o parliament_n in_o the_o house_n of_o lord_n so_o that_o you_o must_v own_v the_o church_n be_v well_o enough_o represent_v there_o where_o all_o her_o father_n meet_v and_o you_o likewise_o know_v that_o the_o clergy_n as_o freeholder_n have_v their_o vote_n in_o choose_v member_n of_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o so_o that_o there_o the_o clergy_n be_v sufficient_o represent_v nay_o better_a and_o more_o universal_o than_o in_o any_o convocation_n then_o you_o know_v the_o laity_n of_o the_o church_n be_v true_o represent_v in_o parliament_n whereas_o they_o have_v no_o room_n in_o the_o convocation_n which_o be_v only_o the_o officer_n of_o the_o church_n and_o can_v no_o more_o be_v call_v the_o church_n itself_o than_o officer_n without_o soldier_n can_v be_v call_v a_o army_n so_o that_o when_o you_o inveigh_v against_o the_o liberty_n give_v to_o our_o dissent_v brethren_n you_o inveigh_v against_o the_o church_n of_o england_n herself_o who_o by_o her_o bishop_n and_o other_o representatives_n in_o parliament_n have_v grant_v they_o that_o liberty_n and_o though_o they_o have_v reserve_v thâ_n sacramental_a test_n as_o a_o quitrent_n to_o make_v all_o ââose_n who_o come_v into_o any_o place_n of_o power_n and_o trust_n acknowledge_v their_o be_v member_n of_o that_o body_n of_o protestant_n who_o be_v know_v by_o the_o name_n of_o the_o church-yet_a they_o have_v not_o restrain_v any_o of_o those_o member_n from_o frequent_v other_o meeting_n where_o the_o doctrine_n of_o the_o church_n be_v preach_v either_o with_o or_o without_o the_o ensign_n and_o badge_n of_o their_o office_n so_o that_o those_o gentleman_n who_o by_o their_o order_n will_v go_v to_o restrain_v a_o act_n of_o parliament_n may_v do_v well_o to_o consider_v how_o they_o will_v be_v able_a to_o justify_v themselves_o if_o the_o parliament_n shall_v call_v they_o in_o question_n for_o it_o which_o they_o be_v more_o like_a to_o do_v than_o to_o turn_v his_o lordship_n out_o for_o act_v conformable_o to_o the_o law_n and_o the_o practice_n of_o other_o corporation_n to_o who_o london_n ought_v rather_o to_o set_v a_o pattern_n for_o assert_v the_o liberty_n of_o the_o subject_a than_o to_o follow_v they_o jack._n nay_o now_o thou_o speak_v big_a will._n will._n i_o have_v reason_n for_o what_o i_o say_v it_o