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An act for the better advancement of the Gospel and learning in Ireland
England and Wales.
Wing E1093; ESTC R10055
a_o act_n for_o the_o better_a advancement_n of_o the_o gospel_n and_o learning_n in_o ireland_n for_o the_o encouragement_n and_o increase_n of_o learning_n and_o the_o true_a knowledge_n and_o worship_n of_o god_n and_o the_o advancement_n of_o the_o protestant_a religion_n in_o ireland_n be_v it_o enact_v by_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n and_o by_o the_o authority_n thereof_o that_o all_o honour_n castle_n lordship_n manor_n land_n tenement_n hereditament_n revenue_n rent_n and_o profit_n which_o do_v heretofore_o belong_v unto_o the_o late_a archbishop_n of_o dublin_n and_o which_o do_v belong_v unto_o the_o late_a dean_n dean_n and_o chapter_n of_o st._n patrick_n in_o ireland_n or_o to_o either_o or_o any_o of_o they_o and_o the_o farm_n of_o ardbrackan_n with_o the_o parsonage_n of_o trim_n belong_v to_o the_o bishopric_n of_o meath_z in_o ireland_n shall_v be_v and_o be_v hereby_o settle_v establish_a and_o vest_v in_o and_o upon_o henry_n ireton_n precedent_n of_o the_o province_n of_o munster_n in_o ireland_n william_n basile_n esq_n attorney_n general_n in_o ireland_n for_o the_o state_n col_n robert_n venables_n sir_n robert_n king_n knight_n col_n henry_n cromwell_n john_n cook_n esq_n doctor_n henry_n jones_n doctor_n jonathan_n goddard_n col_n hierome_n sanky_n doctor_n john_n harding_n james_n whitelock_n esq_n john_n owen_n clerk_n robert_n stapleton_n gent._n jenkin_n lloyd_n and_o ralph_n cudworth_n clerk_n to_o hold_v to_o they_o the_o say_v henry_n ireton_n william_n basile_n robert_n venables_n sir_n robert_n king_n henry_n cromwell_n john_n cook_n henry_n jones_n jonathan_n goddard_n hierome_n sanky_n john_n harding_n james_n whitelock_n john_n owen_n robert_n stapleton_n jenkin_n lloyd_n and_o ralph_n cudworth_n their_o heir_n and_o assign_v for_o ever_o in_o trust_n to_o and_o for_o such_o use_n intent_n and_o purpose_n for_o the_o settle_n and_o maintenance_n of_o the_o college_n now_o in_o or_o near_o the_o city_n of_o dublin_n common_o call_v trinity_n college_n and_o of_o a_o master_n fellow_n scholar_n and_o officer_n there_o and_o for_o the_o erect_n settle_v and_o maintenance_n of_o one_o other_o college_n in_o the_o say_a city_n of_o dublin_n and_o of_o a_o master_n fellow_n scholar_n and_o officer_n therein_o and_o of_o public_a professor_n in_o the_o university_n there_o and_o also_o for_o the_o erect_n establish_v and_o maintenance_n of_o a_o free-school_n and_o of_o a_o master_n usher_n scholar_n and_o officer_n there_o in_o such_o manner_n as_o by_o the_o say_a trustee_n or_o any_o five_o or_o more_o of_o they_o by_o and_o with_o the_o consent_n and_o approbation_n of_o the_o lord_n lieutenant_n of_o ireland_n signify_v under_o his_o hand_n and_o seal_n shall_v be_v from_o time_n to_o time_n direct_v and_o appoint_v and_o the_o say_a lord_n lieutenant_n of_o ireland_n be_v hereby_o authorize_v and_o appoint_v by_o warrant_n in_o write_v under_o his_o hand_n and_o seal_n from_o time_n to_o time_n to_o place_n in_o the_o say_a university_n college_n and_o free-school_n respective_o such_o person_n to_o be_v governor_n master_n public_a professor_n fellow_n scholar_n and_o officer_n and_o to_o appoint_v unto_o they_o and_o every_o of_o they_o such_o yearly_a allowance_n stipend_n or_o salary_n out_o of_o the_o premise_n during_o their_o respective_a life_n or_o for_o such_o lesser_a time_n as_o he_o in_o his_o judgement_n shall_v think_v fit_a and_o likewise_o to_o remove_v and_o displace_v such_o of_o they_o as_o he_o at_o any_o time_n shall_v hold_v expedient_a and_o also_o by_o like_a warrant_n in_o write_v under_o his_o hand_n and_o seal_n to_o cause_v such_o conveyance_n grant_n and_o assignation_n of_o the_o premise_n or_o any_o part_n of_o they_o to_o be_v make_v by_o the_o say_a trustee_n or_o any_o five_o or_o more_o of_o they_o unto_o such_o person_n or_o person_n as_o the_o say_a lord_n lieutenant_n by_o such_o warrant_n as_o aforesaid_a shall_v from_o time_n to_o time_n direct_v and_o appoint_v and_o the_o say_a trustee_n or_o any_o five_o or_o more_o of_o they_o be_v hereby_o authorize_v and_o appoint_v to_o make_v such_o conveyance_n grant_n and_o assignation_n of_o the_o premise_n or_o any_o part_n thereof_o as_o they_o shall_v be_v from_o time_n to_o time_n direct_v by_o the_o say_a lord_n lieutenant_n as_o aforesaid_a and_o all_o such_o grant_n conveyance_n and_o assignment_n as_o shall_v be_v make_v by_o the_o say_a trustee_n as_o aforesaid_a shall_v be_v good_a and_o effectual_a in_o the_o law_n and_o the_o say_a trustee_n or_o any_o five_o or_o more_o of_o they_o by_o and_o with_o the_o consent_n and_o approbation_n of_o the_o say_a lord_n lieutenant_n of_o ireland_n signify_v by_o write_v under_o his_o hand_n and_o seal_n be_v hereby_o authorize_v and_o appoint_v to_o consider_v of_o and_o to_o put_v in_o write_v such_o rule_n direction_n statute_n ordinance_n and_o instruction_n as_o they_o in_o their_o judgement_n shall_v think_v fit_a for_o the_o erect_n settle_v maintain_v and_o government_n of_o the_o say_a university_n college_n and_o free-school_n and_o of_o the_o master_n publique-professor_n fellow_n scholar_n and_o officer_n there_o and_o to_o be_v in_o they_o and_o every_o of_o they_o and_o the_o same_o to_o send_v over_o in_o write_v to_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n there_o to_o receive_v such_o alteration_n addition_n or_o confirmation_n as_o by_o the_o say_a parliament_n of_o england_n shall_v be_v think_v fit_a and_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n and_o until_o such_o alteration_n addition_n or_o confirmation_n shall_v be_v make_v by_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n the_o say_a lord_n lieutenant_n of_o ireland_n be_v hereby_o authorize_v and_o appoint_v by_o warrant_n in_o write_v under_o his_o hand_n and_o seal_n to_o put_v in_o execution_n all_o or_o any_o of_o the_o rule_n direction_n statute_n ordinance_n and_o instruction_n as_o shall_v be_v so_o agree_v upon_o and_o put_v in_o write_v as_o aforesaid_a and_o the_o same_o shall_v be_v good_a and_o effectual_a to_o the_o intent_n and_o purpose_n aforesaid_a until_o other_o order_n for_o the_o alteration_n addition_n or_o confirmation_n of_o they_o or_o any_o of_o they_o shall_v be_v give_v by_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n as_o aforesaid_a provide_v always_o that_o this_o act_n shall_v not_o extend_v to_o take_v away_o the_o right_n estate_n or_o interest_n of_o any_o person_n or_o person_n whatsoever_o other_o then_o of_o the_o say_v late_a archbishop_n bishop_n of_o meath_z and_o of_o the_o say_a dean_n dean_n and_o chapter_n and_o of_o any_o that_o have_v be_v in_o arm_n against_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n or_o voluntary_o assist_v or_o adhere_v to_o the_o enemy_n thereof_o and_o other_o than_o such_o who_o claim_v by_o any_o lease_n grant_v or_o conveyance_n from_o the_o say_v late_a archbishop_n bishop_n of_o meath_z or_o from_o the_o say_a dean_n dean_n and_o chapter_n and_o from_o any_o that_o have_v be_v against_o the_o parliament_n such_o grant_n lease_n or_o conveyance_n have_v be_v make_v since_o the_o first_o day_n of_o october_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n god_n one_o thousand_o six_o hundred_o forty_o and_o one_o die_v veneris_n 8._o martii_fw-la 1649._o order_v by_o the_o parliament_n that_o this_o act_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v hen_n scobell_n cleric_n parliamenti_fw-la london_n print_v by_o edward_n husband_n and_o john_n field_n printer_n to_o the_o parliament_n of_o england_n 1649._o