Selected quad for the lemma: england_n

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england_n act_n parliament_n time_n 3,483 5 3.6009 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A35908 A Dialogue between two members of the new and old East-India companies 1600 (1600) Wing D1342; ESTC R8917 3,106 2

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a_o dialogue_n between_o two_o member_n of_o the_o new_a and_o old_a east-india_a company_n old_a memb._n sir_n we_o be_v now_o in_o a_o fair_a way_n to_o be_v upon_o equal_a term_n with_o you_o if_o our_o bill_n of_o incoporation_n pass_v which_o i_o make_v no_o doubt_n of_o new_a sir_n if_o that_o bill_n shall_v pass_v i_o must_v allow_v you_o will_v have_v a_o act_n of_o parliament_n upon_o much_o easy_a term_n than_o we_o have_v but_o sir_n i_o do_v make_v a_o doubt_n upon_o that_o which_o you_o seem_v to_o be_v so_o positive_a in_o and_o my_o reason_n be_v from_o the_o justice_n and_o the_o nature_n of_o the_o thing_n itself_o old_a why_o sir_n be_v there_o not_o as_o much_o reason_n and_o justice_n we_o shall_v be_v establish_v by_o parliament_n as_o you_o can_v pretend_v to_o new_a real_o sir_n i_o think_v not_o for_o you_o may_v remember_v the_o occasion_n it_o be_v the_o continual_a complaint_n of_o the_o irregularity_n and_o abuse_n by_o your_o company_n which_o be_v the_o sole_a reason_n for_o erect_v a_o new_a one_o instance_n how_o the_o kingdom_n in_o general_n be_v offend_v with_o your_o management_n and_o think_v it_o high_o reasonable_a to_o give_v you_o early_o notice_n of_o your_o be_v dissolve_v it_o be_v this_o sir_n that_o drive_v the_o nation_n under_o the_o necessity_n of_o settle_v the_o trade_n in_o other_o hand_n beside_o sir_n it_o be_v not_o so_o fair_a a_o practice_n in_o you_o when_o the_o government_n propose_v to_o raise_v two_o million_o upon_o the_o establishment_n of_o that_o trade_n to_o make_v offer_v to_o advance_v the_o whole_a sume_fw-la and_o when_o it_o come_v to_o the_o pinch_v nothing_o to_o be_v do_v but_o on_o the_o contrary_a you_o see_v the_o member_n of_o the_o new_a company_n be_v so_o far_o from_o hesitate_v or_o trifle_v with_o the_o king_n business_n when_o we_o be_v under_o such_o strait_n and_o difficulty_n that_o as_o one_o man_n they_o all_o embark_a in_o the_o interest_n of_o the_o government_n and_o complete_v the_o whole_a without_o any_o obstruction_n do_v you_o make_v sir_n no_o difference_n between_o the_o new_a and_o the_o old_a and_o pray_v sir_n let_v i_o enlarge_v a_o little_a far_o by_o ask_v you_o one_o question_n more_o suppose_v that_o you_o have_v advance_v the_o two_o million_o for_o the_o service_n of_o the_o government_n and_o thereby_o have_v be_v confirm_v by_o parliament_n shall_v you_o not_o have_v think_v yourselves_o secure_v from_o the_o danger_n of_o any_o other_o act_n to_o erect_v a_o new_a company_n in_o a_o year_n or_o two_o afterward_o to_o trade_n to_o the_o same_o place_n with_o very_a near_o the_o same_o privilege_n answer_v i_o fair_o old_a to_o speak_v the_o truth_n i_o shall_v have_v think_v ourselves_o very_o secure_a new_a then_o where_o be_v the_o justice_n in_o your_o endeavour_n to_o obtain_v a_o act_n in_o prejudice_n of_o other_o which_o you_o will_v have_v construe_v to_o be_v very_o hard_a if_o in_o the_o same_o case_n it_o have_v be_v do_v to_o yourselves_o old_a but_o sir_n we_o be_v a_o extraordinary_a case_n and_o if_o you_o will_v but_o consider_v the_o whole_a that_o be_v to_o say_v the_o many_o loss_n we_o have_v sustain_v by_o sea_n of_o late_a year_n the_o tax_n we_o have_v pay_v during_o the_o war_n and_o the_o discouragement_n we_o have_v be_v under_o for_o some_o time_n i_o be_o of_o opinion_n you_o will_v not_o think_v it_o unreasonable_a for_o we_o to_o have_v a_o act_n of_o establishment_n as_o well_o as_o you_o new_a sir_n i_o must_v confess_v that_o you_o have_v meet_v with_o great_a loss_n and_o be_v under_o great_a difficulty_n and_o disappointment_n these_o be_v motive_n to_o some_o sort_n of_o compassion_n but_o excuse_v i_o sir_n if_o i_o think_v you_o be_v not_o altogether_o meritorious_a of_o such_o a_o recompense_n as_o you_o seem_v to_o aim_v at_o and_o further_o pray_v give_v i_o leave_v to_o set_v the_o hare_n head_n against_o the_o goose_n gibblet_n sir_n as_o you_o have_v have_v great_a loss_n so_o you_o must_v have_v have_v extravagant_a profit_n or_o you_o can_v never_o have_v make_v such_o large_a dividend_n nor_o have_v be_v master_n of_o so_o great_a estate_n old_a well_o well_o for_o all_o this_o i_o doubt_v not_o but_o the_o bill_n will_v pass_v new_a sir_n as_o i_o say_v before_o i_o do_v doubt_n it_o and_o upon_o good_a ground_n too_o please_v to_o observe_v my_o reason_n in_o the_o first_o place_n by_o these_o mean_v we_o shall_v great_o lessen_v the_o credit_n of_o the_o nation_n for_o by_o the_o same_o rule_n that_o this_o act_n pass_v we_o may_v reasonable_o expect_v to_o have_v another_o company_n set_v up_o in_o a_o year_n or_o two_o time_n so_o consequent_o no_o dependence_n to_o build_v a_o trade_n upon_o any_o thing_n the_o people_n will_v grow_v weary_a and_o not_o please_v with_o what_o they_o have_v trust_v give_v credit_n to_o nothing_o the_o government_n will_v be_v bring_v into_o such_o a_o condition_n that_o when_o ever_o they_o be_v in_o want_n of_o money_n they_o must_v infallible_o meet_v with_o disappointment_n sir_n the_o credit_n of_o the_o nation_n must_v be_v keep_v sacred_a or_o else_o it_o can_v be_v of_o no_o force_n beside_o sir_n pray_v what_o have_v the_o new_a company_n do_v to_o fall_v under_o any_o discouragement_n when_o they_o advance_v their_o money_n no_o doubt_n but_o they_o rely_v upon_o the_o sanction_n of_o their_o act_n parliament_n and_o till_o such_o time_n as_o they_o become_v criminal_n to_o the_o state_n or_o a_o grievance_n to_o the_o people_n or_o prove_v destructive_a to_o the_o trade_n of_o england_n in_o general_n i_o think_v they_o have_v all_o the_o reason_n in_o honour_n for_o the_o nation_n and_o in_o justice_n for_o themselves_o to_o expect_v their_o right_n to_o be_v preserve_v and_o not_o in_o the_o least_o to_o be_v infringe_v upon_o a_o man_n may_v make_v a_o reply_n how_o long_o it_o be_v since_o your_o company_n make_v restitution_n for_o your_o past_a crime_n or_o what_o be_v it_o that_o you_o have_v do_v late_o to_o represent_v yourselves_o worthy_a of_o such_o a_o boon_n from_o the_o government_n even_o to_o the_o prejudice_n of_o itself_o methinks_v the_o cause_n bespeak_v itself_o but_o however_o i_o have_v another_o reason_n to_o differ_v in_o opinion_n from_o you_o that_o be_v that_o two_o company_n be_v inconsistent_a and_o will_v ever_o be_v clash_v one_o against_o another_o tend_v very_o much_o to_o the_o keep_n up_o heat_n and_o difference_n among_o we_o certain_o prove_v the_o ruin_n of_o both_o in_o the_o end_n and_o the_o trade_n in_o a_o little_a time_n will_v be_v irrecoveraly_n lose_v therefore_o i_o be_o contrary_a to_o you_o as_o to_o the_o pass_v your_o bill_n old_a so_o upon_o the_o whole_a matter_n you_o think_v we_o shall_v make_v nothing_o of_o our_o bill_n new_a not_o so_o neither_o i_o be_o of_o opinion_n that_o it_o will_v produce_v a_o good_a issue_n between_o both_o company_n in_o order_n thereto_o i_o be_o persuade_v that_o the_o member_n of_o the_o new_a company_n in_o respect_n of_o the_o good_a and_o quiet_a of_o the_o nation_n will_v condescend_v so_o far_o though_o much_o to_o their_o disadvantage_n and_o great_o against_o their_o inclination_n to_o mix_v with_o your_o member_n as_o to_o make_v such_o proposal_n for_o a_o accommodation_n that_o if_o your_o company_n can_v come_v up_o to_o they_o in_o fairness_n this_o division_n will_v centre_n in_o a_o union_n old_a no_o no_o that_o will_v never_o do_v for_o this_o be_v a_o work_n of_o time_n and_o require_v abundance_n of_o thought_n beside_o the_o new_a company_n will_v never_o yield_v to_o the_o demand_n we_o shall_v make_v for_o our_o dead_a stock_n but_o pray_v since_o you_o talk_v of_o a_o union_n which_o way_n can_v you_o propose_v it_o new_a why_o sir_n thus_o suppose_v the_o new_a company_n be_v so_o generous_a as_o to_o let_v your_o old_a member_n into_o one_o million_o with_o what_o they_o have_v already_o which_o be_v one_o half_a of_o their_o stock_n and_o trade_n and_o submit_v your_o fort_n and_o castle_n to_o be_v value_v by_o the_o lord_n and_o commons_o this_o be_v a_o expedient_a to_o make_v a_o unite_a stock_n and_o as_o consider_v no_o body_n know_v the_o state_n of_o your_o effect_n so_o well_o as_o yourselves_o or_o at_o least_o be_v not_o inclinable_a to_o believe_v they_o so_o valuable_a as_o you_o will_v have_v they_o account_v you_o must_v even_o make_v the_o most_o of_o they_o as_o fast_o as_o you_o can_v and_o divide_v your_o profit_n among_o yourselves_o than_o you_o be_v sure_a not_o to_o he_o wrong_v by_o other_o by_o these_o mean_v the_o difference_n between_o both_o may_v be_v adjust_v the_o two_o company_n may_v be_v make_v into_o one_o in_o 14_o day_n as_o well_o as_o 14_o year_n but_o how_o long_o you_o will_v be_v in_o get_v in_o your_o effect_n and_o pay_v your_o debt_n be_v a_o time_n i_o can_v at_o present_v fix_v neither_o can_v i_o tell_v what_o the_o dividend_n will_v be_v when_o the_o account_n be_v balance_v but_o however_o i_o think_v myself_o oblige_v to_o say_v one_o word_n by_o way_n of_o advice_n to_o you_o and_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o adventurer_n in_o the_o way_n of_o take_v leave_n be_v lead_v no_o long_o by_o the_o nose_n do_v suffer_v yourselves_o to_o be_v buffet_v from_o post_n to_o pillar_n by_o pin_v your_o faith_n upon_o such_o that_o propose_v no_o more_o than_o to_o find_v a_o way_n out_o for_o themselves_o like_o rat_n that_o quit_v the_o house_n before_o it_o fall_v in_o a_o word_n have_v a_o care_n according_a the_o proverb_n that_o you_o be_v not_o leave_v with_o a_o dog_n to_o hold_v old_a i_o protest_v you_o have_v speak_v so_o much_o that_o i_o be_o confound_v i_o be_o afraid_a there_o be_v too_o much_o truth_n in_o what_o you_o have_v say_v and_o for_o my_o own_o part_n i_o will_v stand_v it_o no_o long_o i_o will_v go_v direct_o to_o the_o coffee-house_n this_o minute_n and_o dispose_v of_o my_o whole_a parcel_n that_o i_o may_v sleep_v quiet_o and_o be_v excuse_v in_o my_o attendance_n at_o westminster_n on_o friday_n so_o farewell_n for_o one_o hour_n or_o two_o i_o will_v give_v you_o a_o account_n what_o i_o have_v do_v when_o i_o return_v new_a well_o fare_v you_o well_o god_n send_v you_o a_o good_a deliverance_n old_a well_o brother_n new_a company_n man_n i_o have_v do_v the_o business_n i_o have_v sell_v all_o and_o thank_v you_o for_o your_o advice_n and_o to_o morrow_n i_o will_v lay_v it_o out_o every_o bit_n in_o new-stock_n for_o in_o truth_n i_o see_v no_o reason_n for_o the_o bill_n to_o pass_v new_a well_o brother_n i_o believe_v you_o will_v find_v your_o account_n in_o it_o and_o in_o less_o than_o eight_o and_o forty_o hour_n i_o doubt_v not_o but_o to_o find_v more_o convert_v and_o so_o adieu_a london_n print_v and_o sell_v by_o the_o bookseller_n