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Certain seasonable considerations and reasons humbly offered against reviving the act intituled, An Act for the Better Propagation and Preaching of the Gospel in Wales ... presented to the supreme authoritie the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England : with wholesome proposalls, touching the future disposall of the powers given by the said act.
Wing C1754; ESTC R36296
certain_a seasonable_a consideration_n and_o reason_n humble_o offer_v against_o revive_v the_o act_n entitle_v a_o act_n for_o the_o better_a propagation_n and_o preach_v of_o the_o gospel_n in_o wales_n and_o redress_v of_o some_o grievance_n there_o present_v to_o the_o supreme_a authority_n the_o parliament_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n with_o wholesome_a proposal_n touch_v the_o future_a disposal_n of_o the_o power_n give_v by_o the_o say_v act._n this_o act_n ve_v in_o the_o commissionere_fw-la name_v in_o that_o act_n a_o double_a power_n 1._o ecclesiastic_a 2._o civil_a ecclesiastic_a to_o amove_v from_o and_o confer_v ecclesiastical_a promotion_n etc._n etc._n and_o to_o dispose_v of_o the_o church_n revenue_n observation_n 1._o wales_n have_v be_v many_o age_n since_o happy_o incorporate_v with_o england_n and_o govern_v by_o the_o same_o law_n as_o well_o those_o of_o the_o church_n as_o civil_a by_o this_o act_n be_v govern_v by_o distinct_a law_n which_o in_o this_o conjunction_n of_o time_n may_v not_o give_v that_o public_a satisfaction_n 2._o if_o this_o act_n be_v for_o the_o better_a propagation_n of_o the_o gospel_n in_o wales_n than_o the_o general_a act_n for_o all_o england_n be_v it_o must_v be_v either_o because_o of_o the_o matter_n of_o this_o act_n or_o the_o manner_n of_o proceed_n thereupon_o or_o some_o other_o peculiar_a circumstance_n the_o matter_n thereof_o be_v to_o amove_v from_o and_o confer_v ecclesiastical_a promotion_n etc._n etc._n 3._o the_o very_a same_o matter_n be_v vest_v in_o the_o honourable_a committee_n for_o plunder_v minister_n at_o westminster_n for_o the_o disposal_n of_o promotion_n in_o england_n and_o the_o person_n of_o that_o committee_n be_v all_o member_n of_o parliament_n the_o great_a part_n of_o the_o commissioner_n in_o the_o aforesaid_a act_n for_o wales_n yea_o all_o that_o meet_v to_o act_v by_o virtue_n thereof_o except_o two_o person_n be_v not_o member_n of_o parliament_n and_o in_o regard_n of_o their_o several_a relation_n and_o interest_n if_o not_o judgement_n be_v the_o rather_o subject_a to_o partiality_n 4._o neither_o be_v their_o meeting_n in_o wales_n a_o lessen_v of_o charge_n their_o meeting_n in_o southwales_n be_v at_o swanzey_n in_o north-wale_n at_o wrexam_fw-la 70_o mile_n distant_a from_o the_o person_n that_o be_v many_o time_n summon_v to_o attend_v they_o the_o committee_n for_o plunder_v minister_n be_v far_o more_o certain_a and_o quick_a for_o their_o dispatch_n and_o more_o moderate_a for_o fee_n allow_v to_o their_o officer_n 5._o it_o be_v unusual_a in_o the_o english_a government_n to_o make_v native_n judge_n in_o their_o own_o county_n &_o under_o favour_n at_o this_o time_n most_o unseasonable_a the_o late_a difference_n have_v render_v neighbour_n and_o countryman_n less_o affectionate_a to_o each_o other_o than_o former_o and_o such_o power_n may_v occasion_v private_a vindication_n more_o than_o discharge_v public_a trust_n especial_o as_o it_o be_v observe_v in_o many_o of_o the_o welsh_a nation_n so_o impower_v 6._o the_o commissioner_n name_v in_o the_o say_a act_n be_v to_o act_v in_o any_o part_n of_o southwales_n &_o north-wales_n so_o that_o it_o iss_v possible_a that_o those_o commissioner_n live_v in_o the_o remote_a place_n of_o southwales_n may_v summon_v person_n live_v in_o the_o remote_a part_n of_o north-wales_n and_o so_o those_o of_o north-wales_n the_o inhabitant_n of_o southwales_n 7._o the_o person_n of_o southwales_n nominate_v commissioner_n in_o the_o say_a act_n be_v for_o the_o most_o part_n from_o two_o county_n 1_o brecknock_n caermarthen_n pembroke_n and_o cardigan_n have_v but_o 5_o commissioner_n inhabit_v in_o they_o the_o manner_n of_o proceed_v direct_v by_o the_o act_n be_v 1._o that_o 5_o commissioner_n may_v examine_v and_o eject_v etc._n etc._n 2._o that_o 12_o upon_o the_o ejecteds_n complaint_n may_v review_v and_o determine_v 3._o that_o 12_o upon_o the_o ejected_n appeal_v be_v to_o transfer_v and_o certify_v the_o proceed_n to_o the_o committee_n for_o plundered_a minister_n it_o be_v humble_o observe_v 1._o that_o 12_o do_v very_o rare_o meet_v the_o time_n and_o place_n of_o meet_v not_o usual_o publish_v nor_o general_o know_v the_o propagator_n live_v very_o remote_a one_o from_o another_o and_o the_o itinerants_n residence_n appoint_v for_o approver_n altogether_o uncertain_a one_o while_o in_o one_o country_n another_o while_n in_o another_o country_n and_o in_o no_o place_n certain_a 2._o if_o they_o meet_v it_o be_v probable_a that_o the_o same_o 12_o that_o adjudge_v a_o cause_n will_v not_o transfer_v and_o certify_v against_o their_o own_o judgement_n and_o in_o case_n of_o refusal_n there_o be_v no_o provision_n in_o the_o act_n to_o enforce_v they_o and_o during_o the_o three_o year_n time_n this_o act_n continue_v notwithstanding_o the_o many_o hundred_o that_o be_v eject_v we_o find_v few_o or_o any_o cause_n upon_o a_o appeal_n though_o importunate_o desire_v certify_v by_o the_o commissioner_n 3._o in_o case_n the_o commissioner_n do_v transfer_v and_o certify_v the_o proceed_n before_o they_o to_o the_o committee_n for_o plundered_a minister_n yet_o the_o act_n disable_v the_o appellant_n to_o examine_v any_o more_o witness_n and_o it_o be_v possible_a that_o the_o deposition_n so_o transfer_v and_o certify_v be_v not_o lay_v down_o and_o certify_v according_a to_o the_o examinants_n intention_n many_o if_o not_o most_o of_o the_o person_n examine_v against_o eject_v minister_n be_v illiterate_a man_n ignorant_a of_o the_o english_a tongue_n whereof_o many_o do_v complain_v and_o thereby_o may_v be_v uncapable_a to_o make_v their_o just_a defence_n and_o if_o any_o do_v appeal_v whether_o the_o remedy_n may_v prove_v worse_o than_o the_o disease_n consider_v how_o difficult_a it_o will_v be_v for_o a_o poor_a man_n disable_v of_o mean_n to_o defray_v necessary_a charge_n incident_a thereto_o to_o recall_v &_o annihilate_v that_o sentence_n or_o judgement_n give_v be_v it_o never_o so_o injurious_a the_o very_a fift_n allow_v the_o eject_v minister_n wife_n by_o the_o act_n of_o parliament_n be_v either_o deny_v they_o or_o allow_v according_a to_o the_o sequestrator_n undervaluation_n whereby_o they_o be_v so_o far_o disable_v of_o mean_n to_o appeal_v that_o many_o of_o they_o be_v ready_a to_o perish_v for_o want_v of_o bread_n 4._o that_o these_o triennial_a power_n be_v of_o dangerous_a consequence_n if_o the_o person_n entrust_v misuse_v nonuse_a or_o abuse_v their_o power_n and_o those_o several_a power_n continue_v for_o three_o year_n may_v prove_v a_o temptation_n for_o honest_a man_n to_o act_v contrary_a to_o their_o principle_n wherefore_o it_o have_v be_v the_o wisdom_n of_o commonwealth_n to_o prevent_v those_o inconvenience_n by_o change_v their_o power_n often_o and_o not_o give_v they_o too_o much_o power_n at_o once_o or_o give_v they_o but_o a_o short_a time_n to_o act_n the_o better_a to_o mind_v they_o that_o their_o power_n be_v not_o perpetual_a and_o that_o they_o must_v short_o give_v a_o account_n of_o their_o stewardship_n for_o at_o the_o the_o three_o year_n end_v the_o oppressor_n may_v be_v so_o rich_a and_o powerful_a empire_n it_o be_v worthy_a to_o be_v remember_v that_o these_o 3_o latens_fw-la odâum_fw-la juvenile_fw-la concilium_fw-la &_o pââvatum_fw-la lucrum_fw-la overthrow_v the_o flourish_a estate_n of_o the_o roman_a empire_n and_o the_o oppress_v so_o poor_a and_o unable_a that_o the_o party_n injure_v may_v easy_o suppress_v and_o silence_v the_o cry_n of_o the_o party_n injure_v wherera_n judge_n have_v their_o commission_n but_o quam_fw-la diuse_n benè_fw-la gesserint_fw-la or_o durante_fw-la benè_fw-la placito_fw-la the_o council_n of_o state_n continue_v but_o for_o a_o year_n without_o new_a election_n and_o all_o mayor_n sheriff_n &_o bailiff_n be_v annual_o choose_v and_o appoint_v and_o liable_a to_o give_v a_o account_n of_o their_o action_n in_o the_o precedent_a year_n of_o their_o power_n and_o it_o be_v likewise_o desire_v to_o be_v consider_v that_o oppression_n and_o the_o abuse_n of_o power_n have_v be_v the_o great_a billow_n of_o the_o several_a war_n and_o commotion_n not_o only_o in_o wales_n but_o also_o in_o this_o whole_a nation_n the_o civil_a power_n by_o the_o say_a act_n vest_v in_o the_o commissioner_n be_v a_o power_n 1_o to_o be_v arbitrator_n 2_o to_o be_v a_o committee_n of_o indemnity_n arbitrator_n in_o these_o word_n a_o power_n to_o inquire_v and_o redress_v high_a misdemeanour_n oppression_n and_o injury_n often_o escape_v unpunished_a because_o of_o remoteness_n from_o london_n and_o want_v of_o mean_n in_o the_o party_n complain_v to_o be_v redress_v by_o due_a course_n of_o law_n and_o the_o person_n complain_v and_o complayn_n submission_n under_o their_o hand_n and_o seal_n to_o determine_v the_o same_o it_o be_v humble_o observe_v sine_fw-la quicquid_fw-la âgas_fw-la prudenter_fw-la agas_fw-la &_o respicio_fw-la finem_fw-la sapiens_fw-la incipit_fw
à _fw-la sine_fw-la 1._o that_o upon_o this_o power_n of_o inquire_v and_o redress_v the_o party_n complain_v on_o may_v by_o this_o power_n be_v compel_v to_o submit_v or_o not_o if_o not_o this_o power_n be_v for_o no_o other_o use_n than_o to_o occasion_n expense_n of_o time_n and_o money_n in_o attendance_n upon_o summons_n and_o in_o case_n the_o commissioner_n therein_o name_v have_v no_o power_n to_o try_v any_o matter_n by_o bill_n indictment_n information_n or_o original_a writ_n or_o by_o verdict_n demurrer_n or_o examination_n of_o witness_n on_o oath_n or_o to_o force_v the_o performance_n of_o their_o adwards_n this_o power_n must_v needs_o prove_v useless_a troublesome_a and_o chargeable_a and_o that_o which_o can_v attain_v to_o no_o reasonable_a end_n the_o law_n reject_v as_o a_o thing_n inutile_fw-la and_o useless_a 2._o if_o the_o party_n complain_v upon_o may_v by_o this_o act_n be_v compel_v to_o submit_v than_o the_o justice_n of_o assize_n and_o of_o peace_n office_n be_v swallow_v up_o by_o this_o power_n and_o without_o verdict_n cause_v always_o determinable_a by_o verdict_n be_v adjudge_v which_o brige_v a_o contest_v betwixt_o the_o judge_n and_o justice_n power_n and_o the_o commissioner_n it_o vide_fw-la the_o lord_n cook_n exposition_n of_o the_o 29_o chapter_n of_o magna_fw-la charta_fw-la in_o his_o 2_o part_n instiâutes_v foe_n 51_o concern_v the_o arbitrary_a proceed_n of_o empson_n and_o dudley_n who_o be_v just_o execute_v for_o it_o their_o jurisdiction_n be_v not_o distinguish_v and_o suitor_n thereby_o confound_v and_o liable_a to_o unnecessary_a charge_n and_o trouble_n and_o by_o such_o a_o power_n a_o arbitrary_a power_n of_o a_o star-chamber_n may_v probable_o be_v exercise_v judgement_n and_o decree_n attain_v and_o the_o ancient_a way_n of_o trial_n by_o jury_n destroy_v the_o commissioner_n those_o that_o act_n be_v not_o breed_v in_o the_o law_n and_o therefore_o not_o so_o competent_a to_o judge_v of_o adwards_n and_o penal_a law_n as_o judge_n be_v neither_o be_v the_o commissioner_n as_o ludge_n be_v upon_o their_o oath_n in_o discharge_v this_o great_a trust_n for_o any_o thing_n appear_v in_o the_o say_a act_n and_o by_o the_o law_n all_o arbitrator_n ought_v to_o be_v indifferent_o choose_v the_o person_n name_v in_o the_o say_a act_n be_v not_o choose_v by_o the_o country_n who_o be_v ignorant_a thereof_o until_o the_o act_n be_v publish_v most_o of_o the_o county_n have_v no_o representative_n in_o parliament_n to_o speak_v for_o they_o at_o the_o pass_v thereof_o who_o have_v since_o declare_v their_o dislike_n of_o the_o execution_n thereof_o it_o be_v observe_v 3_o that_o remoteness_n from_o london_n be_v not_o much_o more_o from_o any_o part_n of_o wales_n than_o from_o some_o part_n of_o wales_n to_o those_o place_n where_o the_o commissioner_n meet_v and_o the_o uncertainty_n and_o unfrequency_n of_o their_o meeting_n extraordinary_a delay_n and_o excessive_a fee_n have_v give_v cause_n for_o many_o to_o believe_v that_o this_o course_n be_v the_o remote_a and_o most_o chargeable_a way_n for_o redress_v of_o grievance_n as_o to_o their_o power_n of_o committee_n of_o indemnity_n it_o be_v likewise_o humble_o observe_v 1_o that_o the_o party_n complain_v upon_o the_o complayn_n refusal_n to_o submit_v to_o the_o commissioner_n arbitration_n may_v receive_v encouragement_n to_o implead_v the_o party_n complain_v before_o the_o commissioner_n as_o committee_n of_o indemnity_n who_o may_v as_o committee_n of_o indemnity_n though_o not_o as_o arbitrator_n enforce_v submission_n and_o obedience_n what_o have_v happen_v there_o this_o three_o last_o year_n of_o that_o nature_n be_v not_o proper_a to_o be_v here_o insert_v since_o the_o act_n of_o oblivion_n have_v pardon_v both_o the_o offence_n and_o offender_n act._n qui_fw-la facit_fw-la per_fw-la alium_fw-la facit_fw-la per_fw-la se_fw-la and_o act_n of_o parliament_n that_o a_o man_n shall_v be_v judge_n in_o his_o own_o cause_n be_v a_o void_a act._n 2_o the_o act_n of_o oblivion_n have_v by_o most_o matter_n proper_o determinable_a by_o the_o committee_n of_o indemnity_n there_o the_o continuance_n of_o that_o power_n can_v prove_v for_o no_o other_o use_n than_o to_o inincourage_v litigious_a person_n to_o molest_v their_o neighbour_n and_o indeed_o nothing_o be_v proper_o determinable_a before_o they_o but_o what_o must_v relate_v to_o those_o that_o now_o act_v under_o they_o by_o colour_n of_o their_o several_a power_n military_a civil_a and_o ecclesiastical_a 3_o those_o of_o southwales_n have_v the_o command_n of_o the_o military_a power_n now_o on_o foot_n there_o the_o power_n of_o justice_n of_o peace_n commissioner_n for_o propagation_n for_o arbitration_n and_o indemnity_n commissioner_n of_o monthly_a assessment_n and_o of_o sequestration_n of_o papist_n and_o delinquent_n estate_n and_o for_o the_o most_o part_n of_o very_o near_a kin_n and_o alliance_n to_o each_o other_o lessor_n and_o lessee_n by_o their_o near_a friend_n and_o agent_n of_o the_o most_o and_o best_a ecclesiastic_a promotion_n and_o sequester_v estate_n there_o the_o power_n civil_a martial_a and_o ecclesiastic_a in_o the_o same_o person_n subservient_fw-fr to_o one_o another_o to_o the_o too_o hasty_a and_o visible_a improvement_n of_o particular_a man_n fortune_n and_o how_o these_o way_n of_o accumulate_v all_o these_o power_n in_o thirteen_o county_n into_o the_o hand_n of_o a_o few_o particular_a person_n upon_o any_o pretence_n whatsoever_o be_v consistent_a with_o the_o wisdom_n and_o policy_n of_o a_o state_n and_o the_o welfare_n of_o wales_n be_v humble_o leave_v to_o your_o honour_n grave_a consideration_n 4_o it_o be_v worth_a the_o take_a notice_n of_o that_o those_o person_n from_o wales_n that_o appear_v in_o solicit_v the_o continuance_n of_o this_o act_n be_v for_o the_o most_o part_n either_o person_n former_o nominate_v in_o the_o say_a act_n or_o perner_n of_o the_o profit_n of_o the_o ecclesiastic_a revenue_n or_o have_v relation_n to_o those_o that_o enjoy_v the_o same_o and_o it_o be_v humble_o desire_v that_o the_o worthy_a member_n of_o parliament_n will_v take_v notice_n of_o the_o carriage_n of_o three_o of_o the_o itinerant_a approbationer_n at_o the_o parliament_n door_n friday_n the_o 25_o of_o march_n instant_n to_o beg_v the_o renew_n of_o the_o act_n and_o whether_o it_o better_a become_v they_o to_o be_v preach_v the_o word_n in_o wales_n where_o there_o be_v a_o scarcity_n of_o preacher_n than_o to_o spend_v their_o time_n in_o london_n to_o solicit_v the_o continuance_n of_o their_o former_a power_n and_o advantage_n quaerie_n 1_o power_n touch_v the_o ecclesiastical_a power_n it_o be_v humble_o pray_v it_o may_v be_v consider_v whether_o the_o commissioner_n name_v in_o the_o say_a act_n walk_v with_o such_o rigidness_n in_o the_o eject_v of_o the_o former_a minister_n and_o schoolmaster_n that_o small_a offence_n of_o 10_o or_o 20_o year_n stand_v be_v fresh_o arreign_v as_o capital_a crime_n and_o small_a crime_n unpardonable_a without_o respect_n to_o their_o ability_n part_n and_o readiness_n to_o conform_v and_o become_v more_o serviceable_a for_o the_o future_a to_o the_o church_n &_o state_n under_o the_o present_a establish_a government_n and_o whether_o humane_a prudence_n if_o not_o christian_a charity_n shall_v have_v induce_v they_o to_o continue_v the_o most_o able_a conformable_a and_o best_a qualify_v of_o they_o that_o never_o personal_o act_v against_o the_o parliament_n at_o least_o wise_a until_o they_o can_v provide_v better_o in_o their_o room_n and_o not_o to_o leave_v the_o country_n naked_a and_o not_o above_o three_o or_o four_o to_o supply_v some_o county_n and_o whether_o there_o be_v 700_o parish_n beside_o chapel_n of_o ease_n in_o southwales_n and_o above_o 600_o of_o they_o unsupplied_a to_o the_o famine_n of_o the_o word_n of_o god_n and_o that_o many_o of_o the_o itinerant_n and_o schoolmaster_n now_o employ_v and_o suffer_v to_o officiate_v be_v not_o more_o scandalous_a than_o some_o of_o those_o eject_v and_o some_o that_o bear_v arm_n against_o the_o parliament_n and_o a_o papist_n in_o the_o town_n of_o brecknock_n that_o keep_v school_n and_o whether_o jesuit_n and_o seminary_n priest_n be_v not_o discharge_v in_o monmouthshire_n without_o be_v proceed_v against_o according_a to_o the_o law_n of_o the_o land_n quaerie_n 2_o whether_o the_o commissioner_n for_o propagation_n make_v a_o account_n but_o of_o 19000_o l._n or_o thereabouts_o for_o the_o tithe_n etc._n etc._n in_o the_o say_v 7_o county_n for_o 2_o year_n and_o do_v by_o answer_n say_v the_o fift_n and_o contribution_n be_v not_o full_o know_v nor_o allow_v and_o that_o they_o have_v not_o money_n to_o pay_v the_o minister_n approbationer_n if_o so_o what_o propagation_n or_o better_a supply_n the_o say_a county_n be_v like_a to_o have_v for_o the_o future_a if_o their_o power_n be_v renew_a and_o how_o well_o they_o have_v dispose_v of_o the_o tithe_n whether_o or_o no_o the_o petitioner_n offer_v 20000_o l._n for_o the_o tithe_n for_o one_o year_n which_o be_v more_o by_o 20000_o l._n then_o the_o commissioner_n account_n for_o 2_o year_n as_o by_o the_o particular_n and_o reply_n of_o the_o petitioner_n of_o the_o 6_o county_n of_o southwales_n and_o county_n of_o monmouth_n lodge_v with_o the_o honourable_a committee_n of_o plunder_v minister_n may_v more_o full_o appear_v quaerie_n 3_o it_o be_v humble_o desire_v that_o the_o honourable_a parliament_n will_v take_v notice_n that_o the_o commissioner_n answer_n be_v report_v before_o a_o copy_n thereof_o grant_v the_o petitioner_n a_o particular_a book_n of_o account_n of_o 60_o sheet_n of_o paper_n mention_v in_o the_o report_n before_o a_o sight_n and_o copy_n thereof_o likewise_o grant_v though_o the_o petitioner_n move_v for_o it_o a_o information_n against_o john_n gunter_n report_v before_o he_o be_v summon_v to_o answer_v the_o same_o or_o have_v a_o copy_n thereof_o the_o particular_n and_o reply_v lodge_v by_o the_o petitioner_n with_o the_o honourable_a committee_n whereupon_o the_o petitioner_n crave_v a_o commission_n to_o examine_v witness_n leave_v out_o of_o the_o report_n though_o once_o order_v to_o be_v report_v and_o this_o report_n make_v before_o any_o one_o witness_v examine_v or_o commission_n issue_v forth_o and_o until_o commission_n be_v issue_v forth_o and_o witness_n examine_v whereby_o matter_n of_o fact_n may_v appear_v it_o be_v humble_o less_o to_o your_o honour_n consideration_n whether_o your_o honour_n will_v think_v fit_a to_o continue_v the_o same_o power_n on_o the_o same_o person_n since_o their_o proceed_n for_o the_o last_o 3_o year_n have_v give_v so_o little_a satisfaction_n to_o the_o country_n and_o the_o state_n in_o relation_n to_o the_o vast_a revenue_n there_o receive_v proposal_n humble_o offer_v touch_v the_o future_a disposal_n of_o the_o power_n give_v by_o the_o say_v act._n 1._o it_o be_v therefore_o humble_o offer_v to_o your_o honour_n grave_a consideration_n whether_o or_o no_o it_o be_v not_o more_o of_o public_a conveniency_n that_o the_o power_n ecclesiastic_a give_v by_o the_o say_a act_n be_v vest_v in_o the_o honourable_a committee_n for_o plunder_v minister_n the_o lord_n commissioner_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n of_o england_n for_o the_o time_n be_v and_o sir_n john_n thorowgood_n and_o other_o the_o trustee_n name_v in_o a_o act_n of_o the_o 8_o of_o june_n 1649._o entitle_v a_o act_n for_o provide_v maintentanance_n for_o preach_a minister_n and_o other_o pious_a use_n in_o the_o same_o manner_n as_o it_o be_v already_o in_o england_n ver_v upon_o the_o say_v honourable_a person_n be_v person_n of_o know_a integrity_n and_o honour_n and_o not_o of_o such_o personal_a relation_n in_o wales_n with_o such_o special_a power_n and_o direction_n therein_o for_o the_o better_a carry_v on_o and_o manage_v of_o so_o great_a and_o weighty_a a_o work_n as_o to_o your_o honour_n wisdom_n shall_v seem_v meet_a 2._o that_o as_o to_o the_o power_n give_v by_o the_o say_a act_n to_o the_o commissioner_n therein_o name_v to_o act_n as_o committee_n of_o indemnity_n for_o as_o much_o as_o the_o parliament_n have_v by_o their_o several_a act_n of_o the_o 23._o of_o june_n and_o the_o 8._o of_o october_n 1652._o vest_v the_o same_o in_o samuel_n moyer_n esq_n and_o other_o the_o commissioner_n therein_o name_v as_o well_o in_o england_n as_o in_o wales_n it_o be_v humble_o leave_v to_o consideration_n whether_o the_o same_o power_n may_v not_o be_v still_o continue_v in_o the_o say_a person_n 3._o as_o to_o the_o power_n give_v by_o the_o say_a act_n for_o arbitration_n for_o as_o much_o as_o the_o parliament_n have_v appoint_v judge_n justice_n of_o peace_n and_o other_o magistrate_n in_o wales_n and_o elsewhere_o to_o execute_v the_o law_n of_o the_o land_n by_o safe_a and_o settle_a rule_n entrust_v in_o discreet_a person_n breed_v in_o the_o knowledge_n of_o the_o law_n it_o be_v likewise_o leave_v to_o consideration_n whether_o the_o same_o power_n may_v not_o still_o continue_v in_o they_o and_o no_o otherwise_o in_o the_o same_o manner_n of_o former_o finis_fw-la