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england_n act_n parliament_n time_n 3,483 5 3.6009 3 false
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A29168 A complete history of England from the first entrance of the Romans under the conduct of Julius Cæsar unto the end of the reign of King Henry III ... : wherein is shewed the original of our English laws, the differences and disagreements between the secular and ecclesiastic powers ... and likewise an account of our foreign wars with France, the conquest of Ireland, and the actions between the English, Scots and Welsh ... : all delivered in plain matter of fact, without any reflections or remarques by Robert Brady ... Brady, Robert, 1627?-1700. 1685 (1685) Wing B4186; ESTC R19638 1,289,549 1,106

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nullus_fw-la celebret_fw-la nuptias_fw-la temporibus_fw-la ab_fw-la ecclesia_fw-la interdictis_fw-la scilicet_fw-la à_fw-la prima_fw-la dominica_n de_fw-la adventu_fw-la usque_fw-la post_fw-la epiphaniam_fw-la &_o à_fw-fr dominica_n de_fw-fr septuagesima_fw-la usque_fw-la ad_fw-la octavam_fw-la paschae_fw-la &_o à_fw-la tribus_fw-la diebus_fw-la ante_fw-la ascentionem_fw-la usque_fw-la octavam_fw-la pentecostes_fw-la three_o of_o our_o present_a vacation_n be_v much_o like_o these_o as_o to_o time_n viz._n the_o vacation_n after_o michaelmas_n term_n the_o vacation_n after_o hillary_n term_n and_o the_o vacation_n after_o easter_n term_n which_o be_v establish_v by_o canon_n though_o not_o every_o where_n and_o in_o all_o place_n according_a to_o the_o same_o exact_a time_n but_o be_v in_o some_o country_n long_o in_o some_o short_a though_o without_o any_o great_a variation_n the_o four_o long_a or_o autumnal_a vacation_n be_v make_v by_o necessity_n the_o harvest_n and_o vintage_n where_o there_o be_v one_o and_o other_o autumnal_a work_n be_v a_o sufficient_a cause_n for_o the_o cessation_n of_o law-business_n and_o leave_v man_n free_a to_o follow_v their_o own_o affair_n debet_fw-la judicialis_fw-la strepitus_fw-la diebus_fw-la conquiescere_fw-la feriatis_fw-la qui_fw-la ob_fw-la reverentiam_fw-la dei_fw-la noscuntur_fw-la esse_fw-la statuti_fw-la licet_fw-la diebus_fw-la feriatis_fw-la gratia_n vindemiarum_fw-la vel_fw-la messium_fw-la ob_fw-la necessitate_v hominum_fw-la indulgentur_fw-la procedi_fw-la valeant_fw-la si_fw-mi de_fw-fr partium_fw-la processerit_fw-la voluntate_fw-la and_o the_o gather_n in_o of_o harvest_n and_o other_o autumnal_a business_n be_v the_o chief_a motive_n for_o 21._o for_o stat._n 32._o hen._n 8._o c._n 21._o abbreviate_a our_o trinity_n and_o michaelmas_n term_n the_o first_o of_o they_o in_o the_o end_n and_o the_o alike_o the_o stat._n 17._o car._n 1._o c._n 6._o practise_v of_o the_o law_n in_o normandy_n and_o england_n alike_o latter_a in_o the_o beginning_n we_o will_v add_v here_o that_o the_o practice_n of_o the_o law_n in_o bring_v all_o sort_n of_o writ_n of_o assize_n and_o in_o proceed_n and_o trial_n thereupon_o be_v very_o near_o if_o not_o altogether_o the_o same_o both_o here_o and_o in_o normandy_n save_o that_o the_o practice_n here_o be_v very_o much_o enlarge_v and_o lengthen_v in_o about_o two_o century_n of_o year_n though_o the_o original_a manner_n of_o it_o be_v not_o much_o alter_v this_o be_v evident_a by_o the_o second_o and_o three_o book_n of_o glanvil_n from_o the_o whole_a four_o book_n of_o bracton_n but_o more_o especial_o the_o 16_o the_o 17_o the_o 18_o the_o and_o 19_o the_o chapter_n of_o it_o and_o from_o the_o whole_a four_o book_n of_o fleta_n who_o in_o most_o thing_n exact_o follow_v bracton_n but_o more_o particular_o in_o his_o 5_o 6_o 7_o 8_o and_o 9_o chapter_n of_o that_o book_n and_o if_o what_o justice_n fitz-herbert_n in_o the_o preface_n to_o his_o natura_fw-la brevium_fw-la say_v and_o sir_n edward_n coke_n in_o the_o preface_n to_o his_o eight_o part_n of_o his_o report_n and_o upon_o littleton_n sect._n 101._o fol._n 73._o b._n be_v allow_v as_o i_o think_v it_o be_v general_o that_o original_a writ_n be_v the_o foundation_n upon_o which_o the_o law_n depend_v and_o true_o call_v the_o principle_n of_o the_o law_n then_o certain_o the_o foundation_n and_o principle_n of_o we_o and_o the_o norman_a law_n be_v very_o little_a if_o any_o thing_n at_o all_o different_a this_o be_v what_o may_v be_v affirm_v from_o great_a reason_n than_o usual_o either_o historian_n or_o lawyer_n upon_o these_o topic_n bring_v for_o assure_v any_o thing_n they_o assert_v but_o sir_n edward_n coke_n in_o his_o preface_n to_o the_o three_o part_n of_o his_o report_n observe_v and_o assert_n from_o william_n de_fw-fr rovil_n a_o commentator_n upon_o this_o treatise_n which_o he_o expound_v most_o by_o the_o feudal_n and_o imperial_a law_n in_o his_o preface_n to_o it_o where_o he_o say_v from_o the_o history_n call_v chronica_fw-la chronicorum_fw-la confessor_n the_o custom_n of_o normandy_n not_o from_o edward_n the_o confessor_n that_o our_o edward_n the_o confessor_n be_v the_o maker_n or_o giver_n of_o these_o custom_n to_o normandy_n but_o let_v we_o observe_v the_o authority_n of_o this_o historian_n for_o immediate_o after_o rovill_n deliver_v from_o he_o for_o as_o great_a a_o truth_n and_o to_o be_v believe_v upon_o the_o same_o term_n that_o the_o conqueror_n be_v not_o only_o testamentary_a heir_n by_o donation_n of_o edward_n the_o confessor_n but_o also_o next_o heir_n by_o blood_n to_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n by_o his_o wife_n maud_n the_o daughter_n of_o baldwin_n earl_n of_o flanders_n and_o niece_n of_o edward_n the_o confessor_n which_o be_v never_o hear_v from_o any_o other_o author_n and_o therefore_o he_o may_v well_o be_v think_v singular_a in_o one_o as_o well_o as_o the_o other_o nay_o idle_a and_o not_o to_o be_v believe_v and_o therefore_o all_o the_o judge_n of_o ireland_n pass_v by_o this_o story_n as_o a_o surmise_n only_o in_o their_o argument_n upon_o the_o case_n of_o tenor_n fol._n 36._o but_o though_o sir_n edward_n lay_v a_o great_a stress_n upon_o this_o author_n there_o yet_o he_o himself_o be_v of_o another_o opinion_n in_o another_o coke_n another_o reading_n de_fw-fr finibus_fw-la p._n 3._o and_o preface_n to_o his_o three_o book_n of_o report_n a_o fond_a assertion_n of_o sir_n edward_n coke_n place_n viz._n that_o the_o conqueror_n find_v the_o custom_n and_o law_n contain_v in_o the_o grand_a customer_n here_o and_o that_o from_o hence_o he_o carry_v they_o into_o normandy_n for_o say_v he_o there_o if_o the_o norman_n have_v any_o law_n that_o do_v resemble_v the_o law_n of_o england_n out_o of_o doubt_n when_o the_o conqueror_n have_v subdue_v this_o kingdom_n perceive_v the_o equity_n and_o excellency_n of_o the_o law_n of_o england_n never_o attempt_v normandy_n attempt_v see_v what_o i_o have_v say_v before_o the_o law_n of_o england_n be_v by_o the_o conqueror_n carry_v into_o normandy_n to_o alter_v or_o change_v the_o same_o but_o to_o the_o end_n his_o country_n man_n the_o norman_n may_v know_v the_o law_n of_o england_n under_o which_o from_o thenceforth_o he_o resolve_v they_o shall_v live_v and_o therefore_o for_o their_o benefit_n and_o safety_n he_o cause_v some_o of_o the_o law_n and_o ordinance_n of_o england_n to_o be_v write_v in_o the_o normand_n tongue_n and_o afterward_o see_v and_o well_o perceive_v the_o happy_a success_n where_o such_o law_n be_v observe_v abolish_v his_o old_a law_n out_o of_o normandy_n and_o establish_a part_n of_o our_o english_a law_n there_o and_o it_o can_v be_v true_o say_v that_o the_o ibidem_fw-la the_o ibidem_fw-la english_a law_n be_v in_o the_o norman_a tongue_n for_o the_o law_n of_o england_n be_v leges_fw-la non_fw-la scriptae_fw-la but_o divine_o cast_v into_o the_o heart_n of_o man_n and_o build_v upon_o the_o immovable_a rock_n of_o reason_n groundless_a this_o assertion_n be_v groundless_a this_o assertion_n be_v so_o groundless_a and_o precarious_a it_o deserve_v no_o confutation_n it_o have_v no_o authority_n or_o testimony_n nor_o other_o reason_n than_o his_o own_o fancy_n to_o support_v it_o for_o it_o will_v have_v be_v a_o great_a difficulty_n than_o the_o conquest_n of_o england_n to_o have_v impose_v the_o english_a law_n upon_o so_o stubborn_a a_o people_n as_o the_o norman_n be_v especial_o at_o that_o time_n when_o the_o conqueror_n have_v much_o to_o do_v to_o keep_v they_o in_o subjection_n nay_o tradition_n and_o the_o mutable_a and_o various_a construction_n of_o they_o in_o stead_n of_o a_o law_n if_o the_o common_a law_n of_o england_n as_o it_o be_v general_o affirm_v by_o the_o great_a man_n of_o the_o long_a robe_n be_v lex_n non_fw-la scripta_fw-la tradition_n the_o english_a law_n lex_fw-la non_fw-la scripta_fw-la more_o excellent_a than_o act_n of_o parliament_n &c_n &c_n and_o learn_v by_o tradition_n especial_o by_o sir_n john_n davis_n in_o his_o preface_n to_o his_o irish_a report_n where_o he_o contend_v and_o often_o aver_v that_o the_o common_a law_n of_o england_n be_v jus_fw-la non_fw-la scriptum_fw-la and_o more_o excellent_a than_o our_o write_a law_n namely_o statute_n or_o act_n of_o parliament_n also_o that_o it_o be_v a_o peculiar_a invention_n of_o this_o nation_n and_o deliver_v over_o from_o age_n to_o age_n by_o tradition_n nay_o that_o it_o be_v a_o tradition_n and_o learned_a by_o tradition_n as_o well_o as_o by_o book_n which_o make_v i_o wonder_v how_o the_o norman_n learn_v it_o so_o quick_o as_o to_o be_v judge_n of_o it_o and_o judge_v cause_n by_o it_o immediate_o upon_o the_o conquest_n when_o it_o be_v probable_a they_o understand_v not_o the_o english_a tongue_n it_o may_v be_v it_o be_v divine_o cast_v into_o their_o heart_n and_o they_o understand_v it_o by_o revelation_n but_o to_o return_v a_o little_a to_o the_o whimsy_n of_o rovill_n in_o his_o preface_n to_o the_o
pictaviensis_fw-la write_v the_o act_n of_o william_n the_o second_o duke_n of_o normandy_n and_o king_n of_o england_n common_o call_v the_o conqueror_n he_o be_v first_o a_o soldier_n a._n soldier_n order_n vit._n f._n 503._o d._n f._n 504._o a._n afterward_o a_o priest_n and_o a_o long_a time_n chaplain_n to_o william_n and_o archdeacon_n of_o lisieux_n he_o write_v such_o thing_n as_o he_o see_v and_o be_v present_a at_o but_o end_v c._n end_v ib._n f._n 521._o c._n his_o history_n in_o the_o year_n 1070._o ingulphus_n 3._o ingulphus_n hist_o croyland_n f._n 513._o b._n n._n 40._o ib._n f._n 514._o lin_v 3._o abbot_n of_o croyland_n sometime_o secretary_n to_o william_n the_o conqueror_n when_o duke_n of_o normandy_n who_o father_n also_o have_v bear_v office_n in_o the_o court_n of_o edward_n the_o confessor_n he_o write_v the_o history_n of_o crowland_n abbey_n 11.20_o abbey_n ib._n f._n 518._o b._n 11.20_o and_o as_o they_o fall_v in_o many_o other_o matter_n he_o translate_v many_o charter_n and_o chirographs_n out_o of_o saxon_a into_o the_o latin_a of_o those_o time_n wherein_o he_o render_v many_o saxon_a word_n and_o thing_n by_o the_o legal_a phrase_n and_o dialect_n of_o the_o norman_n he_o be_v install_v 8._o install_v ib._n f._n a._n 515._o lin_v 8._o abbot_n 1076._o and_o write_v some_o part_n of_o his_o history_n at_o least_o after_o the_o survey_v finish_v for_o he_o 10._o he_o ib._n f._n b._n 516._o n._n 10._o take_v a_o copy_n of_o the_o land_n belong_v to_o croyland_n abbey_n out_o of_o it_o gulielmus_fw-la gemeticensis_n a._n gemeticensis_n order_n vit._n prologue_n li._n 3._o f._n 458._o a._n a_o monk_n of_o gemeticum_n now_o jumegy_n a_o monastery_n in_o normandy_n abbreviate_v dudo_n and_o write_v the_o act_n of_o the_o succeed_a duke_n and_o b._n and_o the_o epistle_n to_o duke_n william_n f._n 215._o a._n b._n dedicate_v his_o work_n to_o william_n the_o conqueror_n the_o act_n of_o henry_n the_o first_o impute_v to_o he_o be_v probable_o write_v by_o some_o other_o sigebertus_n 1113._o sigebertus_n rob._n de_fw-fr monte_fw-fr a._n 1113._o gemblacensis_fw-la a_o french_a man_n bear_v and_o benedictine_n monk_n of_o gemblour_n in_o brabant_n he_o write_v a_o chronography_n from_o the_o year_n 381_o to_o the_o year_n 1112_o in_o which_o he_o die_v it_o be_v continue_v by_o robert_n 150._o robert_n trithem_n p._n 150._o de_fw-fr monte_fw-fr to_o the_o year_n 1210._o paul_n the_o deacon_n or_o warnefrid_n a_o monk_n of_o cassino_n now_o st._n germano_n in_o the_o kingdom_n of_o naples_n by_o nation_n a_o italian_a or_o lombard_n 80._o lombard_n sigebert_n de_fw-fr script_n ecclesiast_fw-la c._n 80._o for_o his_o learning_n be_v call_v into_o the_o service_n of_o the_o emperor_n charles_n the_o great_a florentius_n 66._o florentius_n bal._n the_o script_n ang._n cent._n 2._o c._n 66._o bavonius_n a_o monk_n of_o worcester_n write_v a_o general_a history_n from_o adam_n unto_o the_o year_n 1118_o which_o be_v continue_v unto_o the_o year_n 1141_o by_o another_o monk_n of_o the_o same_o monastery_n and_o die_v 1119._o 19_o o._n hen._n 1_o there_n eadmerus_n 12.199_o eadmerus_n selden_n praefat_fw-la ad_fw-la eadm_n f._n 1st_a ex_fw-la pit_n aetate_fw-la 12.199_o surname_v canter_n or_o chanter_n bear_v in_o england_n a_o monk_n of_o canturbury_n of_o the_o order_n of_o st._n benedict_n afterward_o abbot_n of_o st._n alban_n and_o last_o bishop_n of_o st._n andrews_n in_o scotland_n be_v a_o great_a friend_n and_o intimate_v of_o anselm_n archbishop_n of_o canturbury_n a_o companion_n with_o he_o in_o his_o exile_n and_o privy_a to_o all_o his_o counsel_n and_o action_n he_o be_v 1121._o be_v simon_n dunelm_n 1121._o make_v bishop_n of_o st._n andrews_n 1121_o in_o the_o 21_o st_o year_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o hen._n 1_o st_o and_o be_v a_o monk_n of_o canturbury_n in_o the_o conqueror_n time_n be_v in_o the_o company_n and_o presence_n of_o archbishop_n lanfranc_n when_o he_o receive_v the_o first_o news_n of_o william_n death_n as_o he_o testify_v of_o himself_o f._n 3._o lin_v 42._o ordericus_n vitalis_n a_o monk_n etc._n monk_n f._n 548._o a._n 824._o a._n b._n etc._n etc._n of_o vticum_n or_o the_o monastery_n of_o st._n ebrulf_n now_o st._n eurole_v in_o normandy_n bear_v in_o england_n anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1075._o and_o live_v 67_o year_n at_o norm_a at_o praefat._n ad_fw-la script_n norm_a eleven_o year_n old_a be_v enter_v into_o that_o monastery_n a._n d._n 1086._o and_o there_o live_v 56_o year_n his_o history_n be_v chief_o ecclesiastic_a but_o intermix_v with_o much_o secular_a story_n and_o continue_v unto_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 1121._o he_o die_v an._n dom._n 1142._o simon_n antiqu_n simon_n selden_n in_o pr●fat_n ad_fw-la script_n x._o antiqu_n dunelmensis_n end_v his_o history_n anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1130._o in_o the_o 30_o the_o year_n of_o hen._n the_o 1_o st_z and_o die_v not_o long_o after_o he_o be_v a_o monk_n and_o precentor_n of_o that_o church_n of_o duresm_n and_o a_o learned_a man_n in_o that_o age_n but_o transcribe_v much_o out_o of_o florentius_n of_o worcester_n the_o continuer_n of_o florence_n fine_a florence_n by_o his_o own_o testimony_n f._n 672._o in_o fine_a a_o monk_n of_o the_o same_o monastery_n who_o continue_v his_o history_n from_o the_o year_n 1117_o to_o the_o year_n 1142_o he_o live_v and_o write_v in_o the_o time_n of_o king_n stephen_n william_n a_o benedictine_n monk_n of_o malmesbury_n dedicate_v his_o history_n to_o robert_n duke_n of_o gloucester_n natural_a son_n to_o henry_n the_o first_o who_o begin_v to_o reign_v anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1100_o and_o die_v 1135_o he_o write_v unto_o the_o year_n 1144_o as_o appear_v in_o his_o end_n his_o towards_o the_o late_a end_n novel_n he_o write_v from_o the_o first_o come_v in_o of_o the_o saxon_n to_o his_o own_o time_n henry_n archdeacon_n 192._o archdeacon_n balaeus_n f._n 192._o of_o huntingdon_n write_v a_o history_n of_o the_o king_n of_o england_n and_o retire_v to_o rome_n and_o live_v there_o some_o time_n for_o that_o purpose_n he_o be_v in_o his_o time_n account_v a_o learned_a man_n and_o continue_v his_o history_n unto_o the_o year_n 1154_o he_o flourish_v in_o the_o reign_v of_o henry_n the_o first_o and_o king_n stephen_n history_n after_o who_o death_n he_o only_o mention_n the_o come_n in_o of_o hen._n 2_o d._n and_o so_o end_v his_o history_n and_o take_v much_o of_o his_o history_n and_o transcribe_v in_o many_o place_n florence_n of_o worcester_n verbatim_o roger_n de_fw-fr hoveden_n fine_a hoveden_n selden_n in_o praesat_n x._o script_n antiq_fw-la he_o be_v one_o of_o the_o king_n domestic_a clerc_n ben._n abb._n p._n 60._o b._n in_o fine_a be_v a_o priest_n in_o oxford_n and_o a_o domestic_a in_o the_o court_n of_o henry_n the_o second_o in_o many_o or_o most_o thing_n he_o follow_v and_o transcribe_v simeon_n dunelmensis_n and_o add_v many_o thing_n out_o of_o other_o author_n and_o write_v well_o and_o faithful_o he_o write_v the_o annal_n and_o memorable_a passage_n of_o the_o roman_n saxon_n dane_n norman_n and_o english_a to_o his_o own_o time_n quadrilogus_fw-la or_o the_o author_n of_o the_o book_n entitle_v prologue_n entitle_v in_o the_o prologue_n de_fw-fr vita_fw-la &_o processu_fw-la sancti_fw-la thomae_fw-la cantuariensis_n &_o martyris_fw-la super_fw-la libertate_fw-la ecclesiastica_fw-la collect_v it_o out_o of_o four_o historian_n who_o be_v contemporary_n and_o conversant_a with_o he_o in_o his_o height_n of_o glory_n and_o low_a depression_n viz._n herbet_n de_fw-fr hoscham_n johannes_n carnotensis_n william_n a_o monk_n of_o canturbury_n and_o alan_n prior_n of_o tewksbury_n and_o they_o be_v bring_v in_o or_o name_v as_o relator_n of_o matter_n of_o fact_n interchangeable_o print_a at_o paris_n by_o master_n john_n philippi_n a_o alman_n in_o the_o street_n of_o saint_n james_n libri_fw-la in_o fine_a istius_fw-la libri_fw-la at_o the_o sign_n of_o st._n barbara_n anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1495_o on_o the_o second_o of_o april_n the_o page_n be_v not_o number_v nor_o but_o few_o of_o the_o chapter_n gervase_n the_o monk_n of_o canturbury_n commend_v his_o reader_n to_o three_o of_o these_o in_o his_o relation_n of_o the_o act_n of_o this_o thomas_n col._n 1637._o n._n 40._o for_o their_o further_a satisfaction_n viz._n to_o herbert_n john_n and_o william_n and_o in_o the_o act_n of_o the_o council_n of_o clarendon_n and_o northampton_n in_o labb_n tom._n 10._o col._n 1425._o 1433._o etc._n etc._n and_o other_o this_o book_n be_v much_o use_v by_o the_o name_n of_o quadripartita_fw-la historia_fw-la ranulphus_fw-la de_fw-la glanvill_n 2._o glanvill_n sub_fw-la effigy_n claud._n d._n 2._o chief_a justice_n of_o england_n in_o the_o time_n of_o henry_n the_o second_o write_v the_o l●gibus_fw-la &_o consuetudinibus_fw-la angliae_fw-la these_o in_o a_o ms._n book_n in_o cotton_n library_n be_v entitle_v henry_n the_o second_o law_n 20._o law_n hoved._n
quarter_n a_o farthing_n white-loafe_n well_o bake_v be_v to_o weigh_v sixteen_o shilling_n and_o a_o farthing_n loaf_n of_o the_o whole_a grain_n as_o it_o come_v from_o the_o mill_n be_v to_o weigh_v twenty_o four_o shilling_n when_o wheat_n be_v at_o eighteen_o penny_n the_o quarter_n than_o a_o farthing_n white-loafe_n be_v to_o weigh_v sixty_o four_o shilling_n and_o a_o farthing_n loaf_n of_o the_o whole_a grist_n as_o it_o come_v from_o the_o mill_n be_v to_o weigh_v ninety_o six_o shilling_n this_o be_v the_o high_a and_o low_a price_n of_o wheat_n mention_v in_o the_o historian_n and_o the_o intermediate_v weight_n of_o bread_n be_v proportionate_a to_o the_o intermediate_v price_n of_o wheat_n and_o the_o assize_n do_v rise_v and_o fall_v as_o the_o price_n of_o wheat_n do_v rise_v and_o fall_v according_a to_o six_o penny_n in_o every_o quarter_n and_o this_o assize_n be_v proclaim_v through_o the_o whole_a kingdom_n the_o king_n keep_v his_o negligence_n his_o ibid._n n._n 40_o 50._o a._n d._n 1203._o king_n john_n luxury_n and_o negligence_n christmas_n at_o caen_n in_o normandy_n where_o lay_v aside_o the_o thought_n of_o warlike_a attempt_n he_o feast_v splendid_o every_o day_n with_o his_o queen_n and_o lay_v in_o bed_n till_o noon_n ubi_fw-la postpositis_fw-la incursionibus_fw-la bellicis_fw-la cum_fw-la regina_fw-la epulabatur_fw-la quotidie_fw-la splendidè_fw-la somnosque_fw-la matutinales_fw-la usque_fw-la at_o prandendi_fw-la horam_n protraxit_fw-la after_o easter_n the_o king_n of_o france_n raise_v a_o great_a army_n and_o take_v many_o of_o his_o castle_n the_o place_n of_o strength_n he_o keep_v up_o the_o other_o he_o level_v with_o the_o ground_n king_n john_n be_v tell_v what_o the_o king_n of_o france_n have_v do_v he_o only_o reply_v let_v he_o alone_o whatever_o he_o now_o take_v i_o will_v one_o day_n have_v again_o home_o the_o english_a nobility_n obtain_v leave_n to_o go_v home_o the_o english_a earl_n baron_n and_o other_o nobleman_n hear_v what_o he_o say_v and_o observe_v his_o irremediable_a sloth_n obtain_v 2._o obtain_v f._n 209._o lin_v 2._o leave_v to_o go_v home_o and_o leave_v he_o but_o with_o few_o knight_n or_o military_a man_n in_o normandy_n hugh_n de_fw-fr gournay_n yield_v to_o the_o king_n of_o france_n the_o castle_n of_o montfort_n with_o the_o whole_a honour_n which_o king_n john_n have_v give_v unto_o he_o who_o remain_v all_o this_o time_n secure_a at_o roven_n so_o as_o people_n say_v he_o be_v bewitch_v ita_fw-la quod_fw-la ab_fw-la omnibus_fw-la diceretur_fw-la ips●m_fw-la fore_fw-la sortilegiis_fw-la &_o maleficiis_fw-la infatuatum_fw-la for_o he_o be_v as_o brisk_a and_o merry_a as_o if_o he_o have_v lose_v nothing_o to_n king_n philip_n besieges_n and_o take_v his_o castle_n and_o to_n nor_o no_o ill_n have_v happen_v to_o he_o the_o king_n of_o france_n proceed_v and_o invest_v le_fw-fr chasteau_fw-fr du_fw-fr vau_fw-fr de_fw-fr ruil_n within_o the_o jurisdiction_n of_o roven_n with_o a_o mighty_a force_n robert_n fitz-walter_n and_o saber_n de_fw-fr quincy_n in_o who_o keep_v it_o be_v deliver_v that_o noble_a castle_n so_o soon_o as_o he_o appear_v before_o it_o normandy_n be_v defenceless_a defence_n defenceless_a ibid._n 10.20_o normandy_n and_o his_o other_o transmarine_a dominion_n leave_v without_o defence_n and_o his_o other_o transmarine_a dominion_n the_o king_n of_o france_n go_v where_o he_o will_v without_o contradiction_n and_o receive_v many_o castle_n under_o his_o power_n and_o protection_n at_o the_o same_o time_n he_o besiege_v the_o excellent_a castle_n upon_o the_o rock_n in_o andeli_fw-la which_o king_n richard_z build_v but_o by_o the_o incomparable_a courage_n and_o fidelity_n of_o roger_n de_fw-fr lasci_n to_o who_o defence_n the_o castle_n be_v commit_v he_o prevail_v little_a against_o it_o sed_fw-la probitate_fw-la rogeri_n de_fw-fr lasc●_n &_o fidelitate_fw-la incomparabili_fw-la in_fw-la illa_fw-la obsidione_fw-la parum_fw-la profecit_fw-la in_o this_o juncture_n some_o norman_n revolt_v from_o the_o king_n of_o england_n and_o other_o dissemble_v and_o stay_v with_o he_o king_n john_n religious_a john_n ibid._n he_o come_v into_o england_n and_o accuse_v his_o nobility_n for_o desert_v he_o he_o severe_o tax_v both_o they_o and_o the_o religious_a see_v his_o condition_n and_o that_o he_o have_v no_o force_n to_o support_v he_o ship_v himself_o and_o land_a at_o portsmouth_n in_o die_v sancti_fw-la nicholai_n on_o the_o 6_o of_o december_n and_o then_o accuse_v the_o earl_n and_o baron_n that_o they_o have_v leave_v he_o among_o his_o enemy_n beyond_o sea_n and_o that_o through_o their_o neglect_n he_o lose_v his_o castle_n and_o territory_n there_o he_o take_v of_o they_o the_o seven_o part_n of_o all_o their_o moveable_n neither_o do_v he_o in_o this_o tax_n spare_v conventual_a or_o parochial_a church_n for_o he_o have_v say_v the_o monk_n rapine_n monk_n ibid._n n._n 30._o hubert_n and_o fitz-peter_n be_v the_o instrument_n of_o his_o rapine_n those_o who_o execute_v this_o rapine_n upon_o the_o ecclesiastic_o hubert_n archbishop_n of_o canturbury_n and_o upon_o the_o laics_n geofry_n fitz-peter_n justiciary_a of_o england_n who_o spare_v no_o man_n in_o this_o execution_n qui_fw-la in_fw-la executione_fw-la dicta_fw-la nulli_fw-la pepercerunt_fw-la the_o king_n of_o france_n take_v his_o obedience_n his_o ibid._n n._n 30_o 40._o king_n philip_n attempt_n to_o bring_v his_o transmarine_a dominion_n under_o his_o obedience_n advantage_n when_o king_n john_n be_v absent_a come_v with_o great_a force_n before_o the_o several_a city_n and_o castle_n of_o his_o dominion_n declare_v to_o the_o citizen_n and_o castellans_n their_o king_n have_v leave_v they_o and_o that_o he_o be_v chief_a lord_n of_o their_o country_n and_o see_v the_o king_n of_o england_n have_v desert_v they_o he_o must_v preserve_v the_o principal_a dominion_n that_o be_v his_o own_o from_o injury_n and_o therefore_o friendly_a desire_v they_o to_o receive_v he_o as_o their_o lord_n when_o they_o have_v no_o other_o yield_v upon_o what_o condition_n they_o consent_v to_o yield_v and_o if_o they_o will_v not_o submit_v to_o his_o proposition_n he_o swear_v if_o they_o fight_v against_o he_o and_o be_v subdue_v he_o will_v hang_v or_o flay_v they_o alive_a at_o length_n after_o many_o dispute_v they_o unanimous_o consent_v they_o will_v give_v hostage_n for_o one_o year_n truce_n and_o if_o the_o king_n of_o england_n relieve_v they_o not_o in_o that_o time_n they_o will_v recognize_v he_o their_o lord_n and_o render_v their_o city_n and_o castle_n to_o he_o on_o the_o morrow_n after_o grant_v after_o ibid._n ●_o 50_o a._n d._n 1204._o a_o parliament_n call_v at_o oxford_n and_o a_o aid_v grant_v epiphany_n or_o the_o 2d_o of_o january_n the_o king_n and_o great_a man_n of_o england_n convene_v in_o parliament_n at_o oxford_n in_o crastino_n circumcisionis_fw-la rex_fw-la &_o magnates_fw-la angliae_fw-la convenerunt_fw-la ad_fw-la colloquium_fw-la apud_fw-la oxonium_fw-la where_o be_v grant_v to_o the_o king_n a_o military_a aid_n of_o two_o mark_n and_o half_a of_o every_o knight_n fee_n nor_o do_v the_o bishop_n or_o abbat_n or_o ecclesiastic_a person_n depart_v without_o promise_n of_o the_o same_o the_o knight_n that_o be_v in_o the_o city_n of_o philip._n of_o scriptor_n norm_a f._n 1057._o b_o the_o knight_n and_o burgess_n of_o roven_n capitulate_v with_o king_n philip._n roven_n and_o burgess_n enter_v into_o covenant_n with_o the_o king_n of_o france_n dated_n june_n 1._o and_o give_v 40_o hostage_n for_o the_o performance_n of_o they_o that_o if_o the_o king_n of_o england_n do_v not_o make_v peace_n with_o the_o king_n of_o france_n according_a to_o his_o like_n or_o remove_v he_o from_o the_o place_n where_o he_o be_v before_o roven_n within_o 30_o day_n they_o will_v deliver_v the_o city_n the_o covenant_n be_v long_o and_o contain_v many_o thing_n stipulate_v between_o the_o king_n of_o france_n and_o the_o knight_n and_o burgess_n which_o be_v to_o be_v perform_v upon_o rendition_n of_o the_o city_n he_o city_n paris_n f._n 211._o n._n 40._o roven_v yield_v to_o he_o which_o for_o want_v of_o assistance_n come_v under_o the_o king_n of_o france_n his_o power_n the_o castle_n upon_o the_o rock_n in_o andeli_fw-la siege_n andeli_fw-la ibid._n andeli_fw-la castle_n surrender_v after_o a_o year_n siege_n after_o almost_o a_o year_n siege_n a_o great_a part_n of_o the_o wall_n fall_v down_o the_o foundation_n have_v be_v underdig_v and_o the_o defendant_n want_v victual_n fall_v into_o the_o king_n of_o france_n his_o hand_n but_o before_o the_o delivery_n roger_n constable_n of_o chester_n choose_v rather_o to_o die_v with_o his_o sword_n in_o his_o hand_n then_o be_v starve_v with_o several_a other_o of_o his_o stout_a companion_n when_o they_o have_v not_o meat_n for_o one_o meal_n leave_v lasci_n the_o great_a courage_n and_o bravery_n of_o roger_n de_fw-fr lasci_n mount_v their_o horse_n and_o sally_v out_o and_o kill_v many_o of_o
jacobus_fw-la two_o d_n d.g._n angliae_fw-la scotiae_fw-la fran_n et_fw-la hiber_fw-la rex_fw-la fidei_fw-la defensor_fw-la etc_n dieu_fw-fr et_fw-fr mon_fw-fr droit_n r._n white_a sculp_v sam_n lowndes_n excu_fw-la honi_fw-fr soit_fw-fr qvi_fw-fr mal_fw-fr y_fw-fr pense_fw-fr a_o complete_a history_n of_o england_n from_z the_o first_o entrance_n of_o the_o romans_z under_o the_o conduct_n of_o julius_n caesar_n unto_o the_o end_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o king_n henry_n iii_o comprehend_v the_o roman_n saxon_a danish_a and_o norman_a affair_n and_o transaction_n in_o this_o nation_n during_o that_o time_n wherein_o be_v show_v the_o original_a of_o our_o english_a law_n the_o difference_n and_o disagreement_n between_o the_o secular_a and_o ecclesiastic_a power_n the_o true_a rise_n and_o ground_n of_o the_o contention_n and_o war_n between_o the_o baron_n and_o our_o ancient_a king_n and_o likewise_o a_o account_n of_o our_o foreign_a war_n with_o france_n the_o conquest_n of_o ireland_n and_o the_o action_n between_o the_o english_a scot_n and_o welsh_a during_o the_o same_o time_n all_o deliver_v in_o plain_a matter_n of_o fact_n without_o any_o reflection_n or_o remark_n by_o robert_n brady_n doctor_n in_o physic_n in_o the_o savoy_n print_v by_o tho._n newcomb_n for_o samuel_n lowndes_n over_o against_o exeter-exchange_n in_o the_o strand_n mdclxxxv_o honi_fw-fr soit_fw-fr qui_fw-fr mal_fw-fr y_fw-fr pense_fw-fr dieu_fw-fr et_fw-fr mon_fw-fr droit_n g_o iii_n r_n to_o the_o most_o excellent_a majesty_n of_o james_n the_o second_o king_n of_o england_n scotland_n france_n &_o ireland_n defender_n of_o the_o faith_n etc._n etc._n great_a sir_n i_o presume_v humble_o to_o ask_v leave_n and_o beg_v the_o honour_n to_o prefix_v your_o royal_a name_n to_o this_o history_n not_o write_v according_a to_o the_o ordinary_a method_n by_o which_o the_o reader_n be_v bind_v to_o depend_v upon_o the_o integrity_n and_o faith_n of_o the_o author_n for_o the_o truth_n of_o the_o thing_n relate_v but_o prove_v by_o authentic_a testimony_n it_o be_v not_o my_o own_o invention_n but_o matter_n of_o fact_n lay_v down_o and_o warrant_v by_o such_o as_o live_v in_o the_o very_a time_n when_o the_o thing_n be_v do_v or_o near_a to_o they_o or_o by_o sufficient_a record_n and_o my_o intention_n in_o write_v after_o this_o manner_n be_v to_o show_v and_o convince_v man_n of_o impartial_a and_o unbiased_a mind_n that_o they_o can_v by_o read_v ordinary_a historian_n know_v what_o the_o ancient_a government_n of_o this_o famous_a kingdom_n be_v and_o that_o many_o have_v be_v delude_v into_o several_a popular_a error_n by_o only_o observe_v the_o sound_n and_o common_a mistake_a signification_n of_o word_n by_o the_o true_a understanding_n whereof_o and_o of_o thing_n do_v in_o the_o time_n i_o write_v of_o they_o may_v have_v obtain_v a_o right_a notion_n of_o the_o government_n and_o state_n of_o the_o kingdom_n then_o which_o at_o this_o day_n be_v much_o change_v from_o what_o they_o be_v to_o the_o great_a ease_n and_o repose_v of_o the_o king_n as_o well_o as_o benefit_n and_o advantage_n to_o the_o people_n and_o the_o present_a constitution_n be_v a_o even_o rule_n to_o both_o as_o his_o due_a power_n and_o their_o just_a right_n be_v by_o law_n maintain_v and_o secure_v and_o be_v such_o as_o by_o your_o own_o great_a management_n with_o the_o assistance_n of_o your_o loyal_a subject_n may_v make_v you_o to_o be_v belove_v and_o honour_a at_o home_n and_o fear_v abroad_o for_o what_o man_n be_v there_o of_o the_o mean_a loyalty_n and_o ingenuity_n that_o do_v or_o will_v but_o observe_v your_o wisdom_n justice_n courage_n and_o faithfulness_n to_o your_o royal_a word_n that_o have_v not_o a_o prospect_n of_o our_o future_a happiness_n and_o grow_a greatness_n that_o therefore_o your_o health_n and_o vigour_n may_v be_v such_o as_o to_o complete_a our_o hope_n and_o expectation_n in_o make_v the_o british_a name_n and_o nation_n great_a and_o that_o you_o may_v by_o your_o most_o excellent_a conduct_n and_o admirable_a courage_n carry_v the_o glory_n of_o they_o not_o only_o over_o the_o channel_n but_o through_o christendom_n and_o to_o both_o the_o indies_n that_o your_o life_n may_v be_v long_o and_o easie_n your_o reign_n ever_o prosperous_a and_o successful_a and_o that_o after_o the_o period_n of_o mortality_n you_o may_v receive_v a_o eternal_a crown_n of_o glory_n be_v and_o always_o shall_v be_v the_o most_o hearty_a wish_v and_o sincere_a prayer_n of_o your_o majesty_n most_o faithful_a and_o obedient_a servant_n and_o dutiful_a subject_a robert_n brady_n to_o the_o reader_n the_o general_a preface_n to_o this_o history_n may_v seem_v difficult_a and_o tedious_a to_o some_o man_n but_o when_o it_o shall_v be_v read_v with_o advertency_n and_o full_o understand_v it_o will_v appear_v a_o impregnable_a rock_n against_o the_o pretend_a sovereignty_n and_o power_n of_o the_o people_n in_o this_o nation_n which_o the_o republican_n can_v never_o climb_v over_o to_o show_v the_o condition_n of_o the_o bulk_n of_o the_o people_n and_o what_o the_o ordinary_a inhabitant_n of_o this_o nation_n be_v before_o the_o conquest_n and_o after_o it_o be_v necessary_a to_o take_v notice_n and_o inquire_v into_o the_o quality_n of_o they_o in_o every_o county_n as_o they_o be_v to_o be_v find_v in_o the_o great_a record_n of_o this_o nation_n if_o any_o one_o think_v this_o a_o needless_a work_n let_v he_o consider_v i_o have_v prejudice_n to_o deal_v with_o and_o man_n season_v with_o other_o opinion_n which_o they_o have_v learned_a and_o be_v instruct_v in_o from_o their_o childhood_n by_o man_n and_o author_n they_o pay_v a_o great_a deference_n unto_o who_o never_o make_v it_o their_o business_n to_o search_v into_o the_o original_n of_o thing_n but_o rest_v satisfy_v with_o some_o slight_a popular_a notion_n and_o superficial_a knowledge_n of_o they_o and_o therefore_o to_o discover_v their_o great_a not_o to_o say_v dangerous_a mistake_v and_o to_o put_v to_o silence_v such_o as_o though_o they_o be_v convince_v will_v not_o own_v it_o but_o scribble_n the_o same_o thing_n over_o again_o and_o publish_v they_o in_o a_o new_a dress_n i_o have_v be_v force_v to_o be_v very_o much_o long_o both_o in_o that_o preface_n and_o the_o history_n itself_o than_o at_o first_o i_o design_v see_v such_o satisfaction_n as_o the_o reader_n ought_v to_o receive_v can_v not_o be_v expect_v from_o a_o short_a account_n of_o thing_n and_o without_o a_o due_a relation_n of_o all_o their_o circumstance_n from_o they_o both_o there_o be_v a_o clear_a demonstration_n that_o all_o the_o liberty_n and_o privilege_n the_o people_n can_v pretend_v to_o be_v the_o grant_n and_o concession_n of_o the_o king_n of_o this_o nation_n and_o be_v 496._o be_v co._n 2_o instit_fw-la f._n 496._o derive_v from_o the_o crown_n and_o from_o the_o preface_n alone_o it_o be_v as_o manifest_v that_o the_o ordinary_a people_n and_o bulk_n of_o the_o nation_n be_v in_o most_o thing_n of_o the_o same_o condition_n as_o well_o before_o the_o conquest_n as_o after_o and_o their_o quality_n be_v not_o different_a though_o under_o the_o norman_n they_o be_v obnoxious_a to_o great_a rigour_n and_o and_o more_o severity_n in_o the_o same_o way_n of_o live_v or_o as_o now_o we_o will_v call_v it_o servitude_n it_o be_v not_o this_o sort_n of_o people_n that_o contend_v for_o liberty_n but_o the_o military_a man_n the_o earl_n baron_n and_o tenant_n in_o capite_fw-la and_o such_o as_o hold_v of_o they_o by_o military_a service_n especial_o such_o as_o be_v dissolute_a and_o poor_a have_v be_v draw_v in_o and_o manage_v by_o cunning_a ambitious_a man_n of_o the_o same_o order_n with_o the_o assistance_n of_o the_o bishop_n and_o clergy_n who_o in_o all_o those_o time_n of_o contention_n labour_v to_o cast_v off_o their_o feudal_n dependence_n upon_o the_o crown_n and_o to_o have_v their_o temporal_n and_o the_o investiture_n of_o church_n from_o other_o than_o layman_n and_o to_o be_v whole_o free_a from_o subjection_n to_o secular_a power_n the_o laic_n also_o contend_v about_o their_o feudal_n and_o military_a service_n and_o performance_n and_o the_o relaxation_n of_o those_o law_n and_o tenor_n as_o most_o plain_o appear_v by_o henry_n the_o first_o his_o charter_n the_o charter_n of_o king_n john_n found_v upon_o it_o and_o the_o charter_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o three_o which_o be_v only_o a_o enlargement_n and_o further_a explication_n of_o that_o of_o king_n john_n which_o in_o the_o main_n be_v but_o concession_n of_o the_o more_o moderate_a use_v of_o the_o feudal_n or_o military_a law_n by_o which_o their_o fee_n tenor_n and_o incident_n to_o they_o be_v make_v more_o easy_a and_o certain_a for_o until_o the_o tenant_n in_o capite_fw-la and_o other_o military_a tenant_n may_v have_v licence_n to_o alien_a part_n of_o their_o estate_n keep_v enough_o
and_o quiet_o well_o and_o in_o peace_n and_o whole_o or_o entire_o all_o those_o custom_n and_o grant_n and_o liberty_n of_o i_o and_o my_o heir_n to_o they_o and_o their_o heir_n as_o free_o quiet_o and_o full_o in_o all_o thing_n as_o my_o grandfather_n king_n henry_n give_v and_o grant_v and_o by_o his_o charter_n confirm_v ethem_n witness_v richard_n de_fw-fr lacy._n here_o we_o see_v none_o but_o holy_a church_n the_o earl_n and_o baron_n and_o king_n tenant_n and_o vassal_n can_v receive_v the_o benefit_n of_o this_o confirmation_n or_o charter_n as_o will_n more_o evident_o appear_v from_o the_o consideration_n of_o king_n john_n charter_n on_o the_o 20_o of_o july_n 1213._o king_n john_n be_v f._n be_v reign_v of_o king_n john_n f._n 486._o f._n absolve_v from_o his_o excommunication_n and_o at_o his_o absolution_n he_o make_v a._n make_v ibid._n 48._o a._n oath_n ●he_n will_v love_n defend_v and_o maintain_v holy_a church_n and_o the_o clergy_n against_o all_o their_o adversary_n to_o the_o utmost_a of_o his_o power_n that_o he_o will_v recall_v the_o good_a law_n of_o his_o ancestor_n and_o especial_o those_o of_o king_n edward_n and_o abolish_v the_o wicked_a one_o that_o he_o will_v judge_v all_o his_o man_n or_o tenant_n according_a to_o the_o just_a judgement_n of_o his_o ●court_n on_o the_o 25_o of_o d._n of_o ibid._n f._n 488._o b._n c._n d._n august_n the_o archbishop_n meet_v the_o bishop_n abbat_n prior_n dean_n and_o baron_n at_o london_n at_o st._n paul_n where_o he_o tell_v they_o what_o oath_n the_o king_n have_v take_v at_o his_o absolution_n and_o that_o he_o have_v find_v the_o above_o the_o it_o be_v there_o recite_v and_o be_v the_o same_o as_o in_o the_o appendix_n above_o charter_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o first_o which_o be_v read_v to_o they_o and_o they_o all_o swear_v that_o upon_o a_o fair_a opportunity_n they_o will_v strive_v to_o death_n for_o those_o liberty_n and_o the_o archbishop_n promise_v his_o most_o faithful_a assistance_n to_o the_o utmost_a of_o his_o power_n in_o september_n c._n september_n ibid._n f._n 494._o a._n b._n c._n the_o next_o year_n the_o baron_n meet_v at_o st._n edmund_n bury_n under_o pretence_n of_o prayer_n and_o devotion_n where_o the_o charter_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o first_o be_v again_o produce_v the_o same_o they_o receive_v from_o stephan_n archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n at_o london_n which_o contain_v law_n and_o liberty_n grant_v by_o king_n edward_n to_o holy_a church_n and_o the_o great_a man_n of_o england_n with_o some_o addition_n of_o his_o own_o here_o they_o all_o swear_v upon_o the_o great_a altar_n that_o if_o the_o king_n refuse_v to_o grant_v they_o those_o liberty_n they_o will_v make_v war_n upon_o he_o and_o withdraw_v themselves_o from_o his_o fealty_n until_o he_o shall_v by_o charter_n seal_v with_o his_o seal_n confirm_v all_o they_o demand_v and_o they_o agree_v that_o at_o christmas_n they_o will_v all_o go_v to_o the_o king_n together_o to_o demand_v the_o aforesaid_a liberty_n may_v be_v confirm_v and_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n to_o provide_v themselves_o with_o horse_n and_o arm_n that_o they_o may_v compel_v the_o king_n to_o make_v good_a his_o oath_n make_v at_o his_o absolution_n they_o keep_v their_o e._n their_o ibid._n foe_o 494._o d_o e._n time_n and_o come_v to_o the_o king_n at_o their_o time_n appoint_v and_o demand_v the_o confirmation_n of_o the_o liberty_n and_o law_n of_o king_n edward_n cum_fw-la aliis_fw-la libertatibus_fw-la sibi_fw-la &_o sacerdotio_fw-la &_o regno_fw-la &_o ecclesiae_fw-la the_o same_o with_o regno_fw-la &_o sacerdotio_fw-la regno_fw-la angliae_fw-la &_o ecclesiae_fw-la anglicanae_n concessis_fw-la with_o other_o liberty_n grant_v to_o they_o the_o secular_a and_o ecclesiastic_a state_n of_o the_o kingdom_n as_o they_o be_v contain_v in_o king_n henry_n charter_n the_o king_n desire_v respite_n until_o the_o close_a of_o easter_n that_o he_o may_v consider_v in_o so_o weighty_a a_o matter_n how_o to_o secure_v his_o crown_n and_o dignity_n and_o be_v startle_v at_o their_o appearance_n in_o such_o a_o manner_n find_v surety_n the_o archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n the_o bishop_n of_o ely_n and_o william_n marshal_n who_o engage_v with_o he_o that_o on_o the_o day_n prefix_v he_o shall_v with_o reason_n satisfy_v they_o in_o easter_n c.d._n easter_n ibid._n f._n 495._o a.b._n c.d._n week_n they_o meet_v at_o stanford_n with_o horse_n and_o arm_n and_o have_v draw_v into_o their_o party_n almost_o all_o the_o nobility_n of_o england_n who_o make_v up_o a_o very_a great_a army_n in_o which_o there_o be_v number_v 2000_o knight_n beside_o other_o horseman_n and_o foot_n the_o baron_n that_o be_v the_o chief_a incendiary_n be_v in_o number_n forty_o four_o there_o name_v and_o every_o one_o of_o they_o of_o norman_a extraction_n under_o their_o head_n stephan_n archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n at_o that_o time_n the_o king_n be_v at_o f._n at_o ibid._n e._n f._n oxford_n expect_v their_o come_n on_o monday_n after_o easter_n they_o rendezvouse_v at_o brackley_n in_o northampton_n shire_n to_o who_o he_o send_v the_o archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n and_z william_n marshal_z earl_n of_o pembroke_n with_o other_o wise_a man_n to_o know_v what_o liberty_n they_o desire_v and_o they_o deliver_v unto_o they_o a_o schedule_n in_o write_v which_o for_o the_o most_o part_n contain_v the_o ancient_a custom_n of_o the_o kingdom_n affirm_v that_o if_o the_o king_n will_v not_o forthwith_o grant_v and_o confirm_v they_o under_o seal_n they_o will_v compel_v by_o seize_v his_o castle_n land_n and_o possession_n they_o bring_v the_o schedule_n to_o the_o king_n and_o read_v to_o he_o all_o the_o article_n contain_v in_o it_o which_o when_o the_o king_n hear_v he_o in_o fury_n ask_v why_o the_o baron_n with_o those_o unjust_a exaction_n do_v not_o demand_v the_o kingdom_n and_o say_v they_o be_v vain_a thing_n without_o foundation_n and_o affirm_v by_o oath_n he_o will_v never_o grant_v such_o thing_n as_o will_v make_v he_o a_o servant_n or_o slave_n the_o archbishop_n and_o william_n marshal_v etc._n marshal_v ibid._n f._n 496._o a.b.c.d._n etc._n etc._n return_v to_o they_o and_o acquaint_v they_o with_o what_o the_o king_n have_v say_v they_o immediate_o choose_v robert_n fitz-walter_n their_o general_n and_o give_v he_o the_o title_n of_o the_o marshal_n of_o the_o army_n of_o god_n and_o of_o holy_a church_n and_o possess_v themselves_o of_o london_n by_o the_o assistance_n of_o the_o rich_a citizen_n and_o then_o send_v letter_n to_o the_o earl_n baron_n or_o knight_n that_o real_o or_o seem_o adhere_v to_o the_o king_n exhort_v they_o with_o threat_n that_o if_o they_o will_v not_o desert_v the_o perjure_a king_n as_o they_o call_v he_o and_o faithful_o close_a with_o they_o in_o assert_v their_o liberty_n they_o will_v proceed_v against_o they_o as_o public_a enemy_n beat_v down_o their_o castle_n burn_v their_o house_n and_o destroy_v their_o warren_n park_n and_o hortyard_n upon_o these_o menace_n most_o that_o pretend_v to_o be_v the_o king_n friend_n leave_v he_o and_o go_v to_o london_n and_o confederated_a with_o they_o the_o king_n see_v himself_o thus_o desert_v a_o day_n of_o meet_v be_v agree_v between_o they_o for_o a_o conference_n at_o runemede_o a_o meadow_n between_o windsor_n and_o stanes_n where_o both_o army_n b._n army_n ibid._n f._n 497._o a._n b._n be_v draw_v up_o and_o the_o king_n see_v no_o probability_n of_o his_o prevail_a by_o arm_n grant_v the_o law_n and_o liberty_n they_o desire_v and_o the_o witness_n to_o these_o charter_n or_o grant_n be_v all_o of_o norman_a descent_n no_o english_a saxon_n among_o they_o we_o see_v all_o these_o liberty_n and_o law_n be_v the_o grant_n and_o concession_n of_o our_o ancient_a king_n and_o no_o otherwise_o demand_v nor_o other_o pretence_n make_v to_o they_o and_o the_o only_a security_n desire_v be_v that_o they_o may_v be_v seal_v with_o their_o seal_n and_o as_o sir_n henry_n spelman_n tell_v we_o what_o be_v 1._o be_v glossar_n f._n ●_o 326._o col._n 1._o determine_v by_o king_n and_o council_n in_o that_o age_n and_o confirm_v by_o his_o seal_n have_v without_o doubt_n the_o force_n of_o law_n this_o charter_n of_o king_n john_n as_o to_z the_o main_a of_o it_o and_o what_o the_o baron_n contend_v for_o be_v only_o a_o relaxation_n of_o the_o feudal_n military_a law_n and_o be_v contrive_v and_o grant_v chief_o for_o the_o ease_n of_o military_a man_n such_o be_v all_o baron_n knight_n and_o considerable_a freeholders_n at_o that_o time_n this_o appear_v by_o the_o body_n of_o the_o charter_n itself_o notwithstanding_o what_o have_v be_v ignorant_o and_o malicious_o say_v to_o darken_v it_o and_o that_o the_o baron_n who_o cause_v it_o to_o be_v draw_v up_o never_o intend_v it_o shall_v be_v of_o much_o advantage_n
fuisse_fw-la invenietur_fw-la qui_fw-la eam_fw-la tenet_fw-la de_fw-fr abbate_n teneat_fw-la &_o recognoscat_fw-la quod_fw-la si_fw-la noluerit_fw-la eam_fw-la abbas_n in_fw-la dominio_fw-la habeat_fw-la &_o vide_fw-la ne_fw-la clamour_n inde_fw-la amplius_fw-la at_o i_o redeat_fw-la testae_fw-la 1096._o testae_fw-la he_o be_v consecrate_v a._n d._n 1081_o and_o die_v 1096._o willielmo_n episcopo_fw-la dunelm_n the_o king_n to_o sheriff_n to_o he_o be_v sheriff_n william_n cahain_n greeting_n i_o command_v you_o that_o you_o cause_v the_o shire_n of_o hamton_n to_o come_v together_o and_o by_o the_o judgement_n thereof_o know_v if_o the_o land_n of_o isham_n pay_v rend_v to_o the_o monk_n of_o ramsey_n of_o that_o be_v of_o ramsey_n st._n benet_n in_o my_o father_n time_n and_o if_o it_o shall_v be_v find_v so_o let_v the_o abbot_n have_v it_o in_o demeasn_a or_o the_o possession_n of_o it_o but_o if_o it_o shall_v be_v find_v to_o be_v teinland_n he_o that_o hold_v it_o let_v he_o hold_v it_o of_o the_o abbot_n and_o let_v he_o acknowledge_v to_o hold_v it_o so_o if_o he_o will_v not_o let_v the_o abbot_n have_v it_o in_o demeasn_a and_o see_v that_o no_o complaint_n about_o this_o matter_n return_v to_o i_o again_o rex_fw-la angliae_fw-la ibidem_fw-la angliae_fw-la ibidem_fw-la willielmo_n vicecomiti_a salutem_fw-la mando_n &_o praecipio_fw-la tibi_fw-la ut_fw-la abbatem_fw-la ailsi_n facias_fw-la habere_fw-la isham_n sicut_fw-la ipse_fw-la dirationavit_fw-la eam_fw-la in_o hamtona_n &_o sicut_fw-la testimoniata_n &_o jurata_fw-la ad_fw-la opus_fw-la sancti_fw-la benedicti_fw-la t._n r._n big_a the_o king_n of_o england_n to_o william_n the_o sheriff_n greeting_n i_o require_v and_o command_v thou_o that_o thou_o make_v abbot_n ailsi_n to_o have_v isham_n as_o he_o recover_v it_o by_o proof_n in_o northamptonshire_n and_o as_o it_o be_v witness_v and_z swear_v to_o be_v to_o the_o use_v of_o saint_n bennet_n witness_v roger_n bigod_n this_o be_v the_o whole_a proceed_v after_o proof_n by_o the_o shire_n it_o belong_v to_o the_o abbot_n a_o writ_n of_o possession_n be_v direct_v to_o the_o sheriff_n and_o then_o he_o have_v seisin_n of_o the_o land_n rex_fw-la angliae_fw-la baronet_n angliae_fw-la the_o original_a in_o the_o custody_n of_o sir_n tho._n hare_n baronet_n episcopo_fw-la eliensi_fw-la &_o baronibus_fw-la &_o justiciariis_fw-la &_o vicecomiti_fw-la &_o omnibus_fw-la fidelibus_fw-la suis_fw-la francis_n &_o anglis_fw-la de_fw-la grantebridge_n scira_fw-la salutem_fw-la sciatis_fw-la quia_fw-la barnadus_n abbas_n de_fw-fr ramseia_n dirationavit_fw-la in_o curia_fw-la sva_fw-la apud_fw-la sanctum_fw-la ivonem_fw-la coram_fw-la justicia_fw-la mea_fw-la quam_fw-la illuc_fw-la miseram_fw-la one_a in_o the_o time_n of_o hen._n one_a terram_fw-la de_fw-fr stowa_n &_o grettona_n versus_fw-la paganum_fw-la peverellum_fw-la quam_fw-la ipse_fw-la paganus_fw-la clamabat_fw-la tenere_fw-la de_fw-la ecclesia_fw-la de_fw-fr ramseia_n et_fw-la recognitum_fw-la ibi_fw-la fuit_fw-la quod_fw-la nullum_fw-la jus_o in_fw-la terra_fw-la illa_fw-la reclamare_fw-la poterat_fw-la sed_fw-la remansit_fw-la terra_fw-la illa_fw-la ecclesiae_fw-la de_fw-la ramseia_n &_o abbati_n solida_fw-la &_o quieta_fw-la de_fw-la tota_fw-la calumnia_fw-la pagani_n &_o successorum_fw-la suorum_fw-la et_fw-la hoc_fw-la dirationamentum_fw-la warrantizo_fw-it &_o per_fw-la chartam_fw-la meam_fw-la confirmo_fw-la time_n roger_n bishop_n of_o salisbury_n be_v elect_v 110●_n and_o consecrate_a 1107._o and_o be_v bishop_n 39_o year_n and_o justiciary_a of_o england_n many_o year_n in_o his_o time_n et_fw-la ideo_fw-la volo_fw-la &_o praecipio_fw-la quod_fw-la ecclesia_fw-la de_fw-la ramseia_n &_o abbas_n eam_fw-la amodo_fw-la in_o pace_n &_o quiet_a &_o liberè_fw-la teneat_fw-la sicut_fw-la dominium_fw-la ecclesiae_fw-la ejusdem_fw-la ita_fw-la ne_fw-la ulterius_fw-la ei_fw-la respondeat_fw-la nec_fw-la alicui_fw-la de_fw-la successoribus_fw-la suis_fw-la nec_fw-la alteri_fw-la qui_fw-la per_fw-la illum_fw-la clamet_fw-la testae_fw-la *_o r._n episcopo_fw-la sarisher_n &_o pagano_n sil_fw-fr johannis_n &_o w._n de_fw-fr hoctuna_fw-la apud_fw-la westmonasterium_fw-la the_o king_n of_o england_n to_o the_o bishop_n of_o ely_n the_o baron_n justiciaries_n sheriff_n and_o all_o his_o feudatary_n of_o cambridgeshire_n french_a and_o english_a greeting_n know_v you_o that_o because_o barnard_n abbot_n of_o ramsey_n have_v recover_v at_o his_o court_n at_o st._n ives_n before_o my_o justice_n which_o i_o send_v thither_o the_o land_n of_o stow_n and_o gretton_n against_o payn_n peverel_n which_o he_o claim_v to_o hold_v of_o the_o church_n of_o ramsey_n and_o it_o be_v there_o find_v by_o the_o jury_n that_o he_o can_v claim_v no_o right_n in_o that_o land_n and_o that_o the_o whole_a belong_v to_o the_o church_n and_o abbot_n of_o ramsey_n free_a from_o any_o claim_n of_o payn_n or_o his_o successor_n and_o this_o recovery_n i_o warrant_v and_o by_o my_o chart_n confirm_v and_o therefore_o i_o will_v and_o command_n that_o the_o church_n of_o ramsey_n and_o the_o abbot_n from_o henceforward_o shall_v hold_v they_o peaceable_o quiet_o and_o free_o as_o the_o demeasn_a of_o the_o say_a church_n so_o as_o it_o shall_v not_o answer_v any_o more_o to_o he_o or_o any_o of_o his_o successor_n or_o any_o claim_v by_o he_o witness_v roger_n bishop_n of_o salisbury_n and_o payn_n fitz-john_n and_o william_n of_o hoctun_n at_o westminster_n the_o king_n send_v one_o of_o his_o own_o justice_n to_o take_v the_o assize_n or_o verdict_n to_o prevent_v the_o partiality_n of_o the_o jury_n which_o may_v have_v be_v before_o the_o abbot_n himself_o or_o his_o steward_n the_o like_a confirmation_n almost_o be_v make_v by_o queen_n maud_n under_o her_o seal_n in_o another_o case_n in_o the_o absence_n of_o this_o king_n it_o be_v suppose_v as_o regent_n the_o inhabitant_n of_o the_o hundred_o of_o peritune_n now_o pirton_n in_o oxfordshire_n pretend_v the_o manner_n or_o hundred_o of_o levechenor_n now_o lewknor_n in_o the_o same_o county_n ought_v suit_v and_o service_n to_o their_o hundred_o and_o be_v not_o hundred_o of_o itself_o the_o abbot_n of_o abendon_n prove_v the_o contrary_a in_o the_o king_n court_n in_o the_o castle_n of_o winchester_n sed_fw-la quia_fw-la rex_fw-la tunc_fw-la in_o normannia_n erat_fw-la regina_fw-la quae_fw-la tunc_fw-la praesens_fw-la aderat_fw-la taliter_fw-la hoc_fw-la sigillo_fw-la svo_fw-la confirmavit_fw-la carta_n 2._o carta_n registrum_fw-la magnum_fw-la de_fw-fr abbendon_n in_o bibloth_n cotton_n claudius_n b._n 2._o reginae_fw-la de_fw-fr levechenora_n matildis_n angliae_fw-la regina_fw-la roberto_n episcopo_fw-la lincolniensi_fw-la &_o thomae_fw-la de_fw-fr sancto_fw-it johanne_n &_o omnibus_fw-la baronibus_fw-la francis_n &_o anglis_fw-la de_fw-la oxenefordscira_n salutem_fw-la sciatis_fw-la quod_fw-la faritius_fw-la abbas_n de_fw-fr abbendona_n in_o curia_fw-la domini_fw-la mei_fw-la &_o mea_fw-la apud_fw-la wintoniam_fw-la in_o castle_n in_o in_o the_o exchequer_n or_o treasury_n there_o which_o be_v then_o in_o winchster_n castle_n thesauro_fw-la ante_fw-la rogerum_fw-la episcopum_fw-la salesburiensem_fw-la &_o robertum_fw-la episcopum_fw-la lincoln_n &_o richardum_fw-la episcopum_fw-la lundon_n &_o willielm_n de_fw-fr curceio_n &_o adamum_n de_fw-fr porto_n &_o turstinum_n capellanum_fw-la &_o walterum_fw-la de_fw-la glocest_n &_o herbertum_n camerarium_fw-la &_o willielmum_fw-la de_fw-la oyleio_fw-la &_o gosfridum_n fill_v herberti_n &_o willielmum_fw-la de_fw-la enesi_fw-la &_o radulphum_fw-la basset_n &_o goisfridum_n de_fw-fr magna_fw-la villa_n &_o goisfridum_n ridel_n &_o walterum_fw-la archidiaconum_n de_fw-fr oxeneford_n &_o per_fw-la exchequer_n per_fw-la domesday_n book_n keep_v in_o the_o treasury_n of_o the_o exchequer_n librum_fw-la de_fw-la thesauro_fw-la disracionavit_fw-la quod_fw-la levecanora_fw-la manerium_fw-la suum_fw-la nichil_fw-la omnino_fw-la debet_fw-la in_o hundredo_fw-la de_fw-la perituna_fw-la facere_fw-la sed_fw-la omne_fw-la quae_fw-la debet_fw-la facere_fw-la tantumodo_fw-la in_o hundredo_fw-la de_fw-la levecanora_fw-la facere_fw-la debet_fw-la in_o quo_fw-la hundredo_fw-la habet_fw-la ecclesia_fw-la de_fw-la abbendona_n xvii_o hidas._n testae_fw-la rogero_n episcopo_fw-la salesb_n &_o willielmo_n de_fw-fr curci_n &_o adamo_n de_fw-fr porto_n apud_fw-la winton_n maud_n queen_n of_o england_n to_z robert_z bishop_n of_o lincoln_n and_o thomas_n st._n john_n and_o all_o the_o baron_n of_o oxfordshire_n french_a and_o english_a greeting_n know_v you_o that_o ●aritius_fw-la abbot_n of_o aberdon_n in_o the_o court_n of_o my_o lord_n and_o i_o at_z winchester_z in_o the_o exchequer_n before_o roger_n bishop_n of_o salisbury_n robert_z bishop_n of_o lincoln_n and_z richard_z bishop_n of_o london_n william_n de_fw-fr curcey_n adam_n the_o port_n turstin_n our_o chaplan_n walter_n of_o glocestre_n herbert_n the_o chamberlain_n william_n d'oy_o geoffrey_n fitz_n herbert_n william_n de_fw-fr enesi_fw-la ralph_n basset_n geoffrey_n magnaville_n geoffrey_n ridel_n and_o walter_n the_o archdeacon_n of_o oxford_n prove_v by_o domesday_n book_n or_o the_o book_n which_o be_v keep_v in_o the_o treasury_n of_o the_o exchequer_n that_o his_o manner_n of_o levecanor_n ought_v no_o suit_n or_o service_n to_o the_o hundred_o of_o peritune_n but_o whatever_o it_o ought_v to_o do_v be_v only_o to_o be_v do_v in_o the_o hundred_o of_o levecnor_n in_o which_o the_o church_n of_o abbendon_n have_v seventeen_o hide_n
f._n 390._o b.n._n 20._o he_o go_v with_o richard_n the_o first_o into_o the_o holy-land_n and_o die_v at_o the_o siege_n of_o acon_n a._n d._n 1190._o fitz-stephen_n or_o gulielmus_fw-la stephanides_n carnotensis_n stephanides_n pitsius_fw-la a_o d._n 1190._o this_o be_v write_v by_o johannes_n carnotensis_n be_v bo●h_o one_o person_n and_o the_o very_a same_o with_o gulielmus_fw-la cantuariensis_n the_o monk_n of_o canturbury_n above_o mention_v he_o live_v in_o the_o year_n 1190_o in_o the_o begin_n of_o richard_n the_o first_o his_o book_n have_v this_o title_n vita_fw-la sancti_fw-la some_fw-mi archiepiscopi_fw-la &_o martyris_fw-la cantuariensis_n ecclesiae_fw-la and_o be_v to_o be_v find_v in_o cotion_n library_n under_o the_o effigy_n of_o julius_n a._n xi_o among_o other_o small_a piece_n p._n 113._o the_o life_n of_o thomas_n that_o go_v under_o the_o name_n of_o fitz-stephen_n seem_v to_o have_v be_v write_v by_o john_n carnotensis_n for_o in_o the_o quadripart_n history_n what_o be_v write_v from_o he_o be_v often_o in_o the_o same_o word_n in_o that_o life_n attribute_v to_o fitz-stephen_n and_o never_o in_o william_n of_o canturbury_n gul._n neubrig_n 330._o neubrig_n bellarmin_n de_fw-fr script_n ecclesiast_fw-la p._n 330._o be_v bear_v a._n d._n 1135._o and_o continue_v his_o history_n to_o a._n d._n 1197._o 8_o o._n ric._n 1._o gervasius_n dorobernensis_n 13._o dorobernensis_n selden_n praefat._n ad_fw-la authores_fw-la 10._o f._n 13._o a_o benedictine_n monk_n of_o canturbury_n he_o be_v live_v in_o the_o time_n of_o king_n john_n anno_fw-la 1200_o and_o repute_v a_o very_a good_a historiographer_n have_v collect_v a_o great_a many_o historian_n from_o who_o he_o write_v british_a saxon_a and_o norman_a story_n he_o be_v make_v a_o monk_n by_o thomas_n becket_n and_o