Selected quad for the lemma: england_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
england_n aaron_n church_n moses_n 58 3 6.4491 4 false
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EEBO-TCP documents containing the quad

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Showing 1 to 28 of 28
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A58214 Reall persecution, or, The foundation of a general toleration, displaied and portrayed by a proper emblem, and adorned with the same flowers wherewith the scoffers of this last age have strowed their libellous pamphlets 1647 (1647) Wing R457A; ESTC R39746 2,970 1 View Text
A92212 Reall persecution or, The foundation of a general toleration, displaied and portrayed by a proper emblem, and adorned with the same flowers wherewith the scoffers of this last age have strowed their libellous pamphlets. Collected out of several books of the sectaries to discover to world their wicked and abusive language against godly Presbyterian ministers. 1647 (1647) Wing R457; Thomason 669.f.10[114]; ESTC R210691 3,011 1 View Text
A91068 Proper persecution, or the sandy foundation of a general toleration, discovered and portrayed in its proper colors. By the fruit ye shall know the tree; and by the waters the fountain. Read and consider what the envious man hath done. 1646 (1646) Wing P3673; Thomason 669.f.10[104]; ESTC R210661 3,013 1 View Text
A54827 Caroli tou makaritou paliggenesia Pierce, Thomas, 1622-1691. 1649 (1649) Wing P2165A; ESTC R31122 5,334 14 View Text
A90681 Caroli tou makaritou palingenesia. Pierce, Thomas, 1622-1691. 1649 (1649) Wing P2165; Thomason E1243_4; ESTC R33273 5,422 13 View Text
A72529 An advertisement to everie Godly reader of Mr. Thomas Brightman his book. namely [sic], A revelation of the apocalyps. In which advertisement is shewed how corruptly he teacheth, that notwithstanding all the sinns & abhominations that are in the Church of England, and by him shewed, yet that it is blasphemous to separate from it L'Écluse, Jean de. 1612 (1612) STC 15351.7; ESTC S124557 10,502 15 View Text
A29281 The mysterie of the true ministry unvailed as it was to be before, under, and shall be after Antichrists time, and the unlawfulness of the call of the now ministry. By a witness of the gospel, John Brayne. Brayne, John. 1649 (1649) Wing B4329; ESTC R224004 12,193 21 View Text
A59789 An answer to the Amicable accommodation of the difference between the representer and the answerer Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. 1686 (1686) Wing S3263; ESTC R37544 18,103 34 View Text
A79960 Monumentum Regale or a tombe, erected for that incomparable and glorious monarch, Charles the First, King of Great Britane, France and Ireland, &c. In select elegies, epitaphs, and poems. Cleveland, John, 1613-1658. 1649 (1649) Wing C4681; Thomason E1217_5; ESTC R208852 19,792 48 View Text
A41594 A discourse of the use of images in relation to the Church of England and the Church of Rome in vindication of Nubes testium against a pamphlet entitled The antiquity of the Protestant religion concerning images, directed against some leaves of that collection. Gother, John, d. 1704. 1687 (1687) Wing G1328; ESTC R15744 20,616 40 View Text
A64508 A third dialogue between the Pope and a phanatick, concerning affairs in England by the author of the first and second, who is a hearty lover of his prince and country. Hearty lover of his prince and country.; Ferguson, Robert, d. 1714. 1684 (1684) Wing T907A; ESTC R1259 29,364 58 View Text
A36199 Dr. Sherlock's Two knights of Brainford brought upon the stage in a congratulatory letter to Mr. Johnson : occasioned by the doctor's vindication of himself in taking the oath of allegiance to Their Majesties after the time, indulg'd by the law, was expired. 1690 (1690) Wing D1766; ESTC R31333 34,233 42 View Text
A18908 Antidoton or a soueraigne remedie against schisme and heresie: gathered to analogie and proportion of faith, from that parable of tares. Matth.13. Aug.ep.3.Nullorum disput.&c. We ought to haue no men their disputations (although men Catholike and praise worthie) in that count as we haue the canonicall scriptures: so that it should be vnlawfull for vs to improue and refuse some things in their writings, if happily we finde that they thought otherwise then the truth hath. Such a one am I in other mens writings, and so would I haue others to vnderstand of my writings. Clapham, Henoch. 1600 (1600) STC 5330; ESTC S111140 38,797 50 View Text
A01099 A shield of defence against the arrovves of schisme shot abroad by Iean de L'escluse in his advertisment against Mr. Brightman Here vnto is prefixed a declaration touching a booke intituled, The profane schisme of the Brovvnists. By Iohn Fovvler. Clement Saunders. Robert Bulvvarde. Fowler, John, Brownist.; Saunders, Clement. aut; Bulwarde, Robert. aut 1612 (1612) STC 11212; ESTC S102487 39,669 46 View Text
A33141 An Epistle to the authour of the Animadversions upon Fiat lux in excuse and justification of Fiat lux against the said animadversions. 1663 (1663) Wing C428; ESTC R16551 53,082 113 View Text
A47214 Veritas evangelica, or, The Gospel-truth asserted in sixteen useful questions which being seriously searched into, will open the way to find out assuredly the true and saving faith of Christ which is but one, as the apostle affirms / written by T.K. and now published by R.C. T. K. (Thomas Kemeys) 1687 (1687) Wing K256; ESTC R13531 80,587 135 View Text
A91187 A fresh discovery of some prodigious new wandring-blasing-stars, & firebrands, stiling themselves nevv-lights, firing our church and state into new combustions. Divided into ten sections, comprising severall most libellous, scandalous, seditious, insolent, uncharitable, (and some blasphemous) passages; published in late unlicensed printed pamphlets, against the ecclesiasticall jurisdiction and power of parliaments, councels, synods, Christian kings and magistrates, in generall; the ordinances and proceedings of this present Parliament, in speciall: the national covenant, assembly, directory, our brethren of Scotland, Presbyterian government; the Church of England, with her ministers, worship; the opposers of independent novelties; ... Whereunto some letters and papers lately sent from the Sommer-Islands, are subjoyned, relating the schismaticall, illegal, tyrannical proceedings of some Independents there, in gathering their new-churches, to the great distraction and prejudice of that plantation. / Published for the common good by William Prynne of Lincolnes Inne, Esquire. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1645 (1645) Wing P3963; Thomason E261_5; ESTC R212456 96,461 90 View Text
A03321 Daungerous positions and proceedings published and practised within the iland of Brytaine, vnder pretence of reformation, and for the presbiteriall discipline. Bancroft, Richard, 1544-1610. 1593 (1593) STC 1344.5; ESTC S100666 124,113 192 View Text
A26912 A defence of the principles of love, which are necessary to the unity and concord of Christians and are delivered in a book called The cure of church-divisions ... / by Richard Baxter ... Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1671 (1671) Wing B1239; ESTC R263 150,048 304 View Text
A26579 Covnterpoyson considerations touching the poynts in difference between the godly ministers and people of the Church of England, and the seduced brethren of the separation : argvments that the best assemblies of the present church of England are true visible churches : that the preachers in the best assemblies of Engl. are true ministers of Christ : Mr. Bernards book intituled The Separatists Schisme : Mr Crashawes questions propounded in his sermon preached at the crosse / examined and answered by Henry Ainsworth. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1642 (1642) Wing A809; ESTC R19104 173,009 159 View Text
A33192 Three letters declaring the strange odd preceedings of Protestant divines when they write against Catholicks : by the example of Dr Taylor's Dissuasive against popery, Mr Whitbies Reply in the behalf of Dr Pierce against Cressy, and Dr Owens Animadversions on Fiat lux / written by J.V.C. ; the one of them to a friend, the other to a foe, the third to a person indifferent.; Diaphanta J. V. C. (John Vincent Canes), d. 1672. 1671 (1671) Wing C436; ESTC R3790 195,655 420 View Text
A33129 Diaphanta, or, Three attendants on Fiat lux wherein Catholick religion is further excused against the opposition of severall adversaries ... and by the way an answer is given to Mr. Moulin, Denton, and Stillingfleet.; Diaphanta J. V. C. (John Vincent Canes), d. 1672. 1665 (1665) Wing C427; ESTC R20600 197,726 415 View Text
A25568 An answer to several remarks upon Dr. Henry More, his expositions of the Apocalypse and Daniel, as also upon his Apology written by S.E. Mennonite, and published in English by the answerer ; whereunto are annexed two small pieces, Arithmetica apocalyptica, and Appendicula apocalyptica ... S. E., Mennonite.; More, Henry, 1614-1687. 1684 (1684) Wing A3379; ESTC R10256 245,076 439 View Text
A26858 Against the revolt to a foreign jurisdiction, which would be to England its perjury, church-ruine, and slavery in two parts ... / by Richard Baxter ... Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1691 (1691) Wing B1182; ESTC R22132 311,021 600 View Text
A37249 De jure uniformitatis ecclesiasticæ, or, Three books of the rights belonging to an uniformity in churches in which the chief things, of the lawes of nature, and nations, and of the divine law, concerning the consistency of the ecclesiastical estate with the civil are unfolded / by Hugh Davis ... Davis, Hugh. 1669 (1669) Wing D417; ESTC R5997 338,525 358 View Text
A13827 Times lamentation: or An exposition on the prophet Ioel, in sundry sermons or meditations Topsell, Edward, 1572-1625? 1599 (1599) STC 24131; ESTC S118486 347,352 464 View Text
A42483 Hiera dakrya, Ecclesiae anglicanae suspiria, The tears, sighs, complaints, and prayers of the Church of England setting forth her former constitution, compared with her present condition : also the visible causes and probable cures of her distempers : in IV books / by John Gauden ... Gauden, John, 1605-1662. 1659 (1659) Wing G359; ESTC R7566 766,590 810 View Text
A71277 Athenæ Oxonienses. Vol. 2. an exact history of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in the most ancient and famous University of Oxford, from the fifteenth year of King Henry the Seventh, Dom. 1500, to the end of the year 1690 representing the birth, fortune, preferment, and death of all those authors and prelates, the great accidents of their lives, and the fate and character of their writings : to which are added, the Fasti, or, Annals, of the said university, for the same time ... Wood, Anthony à, 1632-1695. 1692 (1692) Wing W3383A; ESTC R200957 1,495,232 926 View Text
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