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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00945 Certaine very proper, and most profitable similies wherein sundrie, and very many, most foule vices, and dangerous sinnes, of all sorts, are so plainly laid open, and displaied in their kindes, and so pointed at with the finger of God, ... Collected by Anthonie Fletcher, minister of the word of God, ... This present yeere of our happines 1595. Fletcher, Anthonie. 1595 (1595) STC 11053; ESTC S116009 166,265 184

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thing that is right For he that instructeth others with wholesome doctrine and doth so staine and blemish himselfe with vile and naughtie v●●es that his life and doctrine be opposite and cleane contrary the one to the other so that it is séene and perceiued of all that there is no agréement betwéene them he is like vnto a sieue or a boulter wherewith meale is sifted or boulted which sendeth foorth the finest floure and best of the wheate and kéepeth the bran and woorst to it selfe The Lord coupleth togither in the priestes of the old law Doctrine and Truth regarding both their teaching and liuing He is a true and trustie teacher which doth himselfe that same that he teacheth The disciples of the Pharysies could espie so much though they loued it not when they said to Christ We know that thou art true and that thou teachest the way of God truely They confesse though with a wicked purpose that he did not onelie teach but also liue after the truth Wherein all christians ought to imitate Christ WHen in mans body the hart doth not impart vnto the members the vitall spirits but the arteries are stopt and shut vp and the blood forsaketh the veines it is a signe of death That man is either already dead or else he will die shortly Euen so when kings and princes of the earth are tyrannicall towards their loyall subiects withdrawing from them pittie mercy loue and liberalitie it threatneth and doth prognosticate the ruine of their kingdomes But through the mercy clemencie and loue of princes their kingdomes do mightily florish and the princes themselues do inioy great tranquillitie securitie and peace God put thankfulnes into the harts of all the true and faithfull subiects of England and else where within hir Maiesties dominions for our most gratious dread soueraigne Quéene Elizabeth for certainly that saieng of Salomon in his Prouerbes was neuer more truely verified in anie king or Quéene since the foundation of England then it hath béene in hir highnes Mercie and truth do kéepe the king and with clemency the kings throne is strengthened and established So all the worlde must be faine to saie Mercie and truth do kéepe good Quéene Elizabeth and clemencie doth strengthen hir throne Hir highnes doth that same that Artaxerxes speaketh of himselfe in the booke of Ester When saith he I did rule and gouerne many nations and had brought the whole world vnder my dominion I would not abuse the greatnes of my power but would gouerne my subiects with clemencie and lenitie All the world must néedes confesse the same of hir Maiestie towards all hir subiects Hir seate hath alwaies béene inuironed and compassed about with mercy which as Hieronimus saith doth lift man vp to Godward All the world is not able to lay to hir highnes charge so much as one dram of crueltie which as the same author affirmeth doth cast man downe to hell ward Euen as among the pretie swéete Bées that Bée onely which leadeth and ruleth all the rest either hath no sting or at the least doth not vse it So clemencie and mercy agréeth with none more in al the world then with a prince God giue grace to all hir Maiesties subiects so loyally louingly obediently and faithfullie to beare and behaue themselues that the mighty God of Israell may affoorde vs hir Maiesties life happy raigne chearefull countenance many yéeres Amen For in the chéerefulnes of hir countenuance is life INgratitude is a thing that the Lord could neuer abide It is a scorching winde that drieth vp the fountaines of piety and the streames of grace Whereas euery thing that is weighty and heauie tendeth and preaseth downward yet notwithstanding the cloudes that are full of water and swelled with moisture do ascend vpward bicause the sunne taketh them from the earth and with his force draweth them vp on high Which being lifted vp in the aire are gathered togither and thickened and so do couer and hide the brightnes of the sunne by whose helpe and attraction they were taken and caried vp but notwithstanding their malice they being dispersed and scattered abroad the sun that conquerer and ouercommer of darknes thrusteth through his beams breaketh the cloudes and giueth light with his shine Euen so the Israelites when they lay in Egypt a long time in obscuritie thraldome bondage and slauerie to Pharao and his people and were euen nailed as it were to the earth of all contempt and crueltie were then taken vp and set in great and high dignitie by the sunne of righteousnes but afterward they went about to obscure and extinguish the brightnes and light of God himself by whose benefit they had gotten that honor and dignitie which they had a●d without whom they were nothing but bond slaues of miserie and wretchednes but séeing they were like foule blacke cloudes they were dispersed scattered and vanished away And the glorie of Christ against their wils in spite of them togither with the brightnes of his name did break out and shine abroad and giue light throughout all the world I would to God that this ingratitude and vnthankfulnes had neuer a corner in England nor in any English hart it hath pleased the almightie by his faithfull seruant Elizabeth by his owne grace Quéene of England to deliuer our countrie from no lesse bondage thraldome and seruitude than he did the Israelites by Moses and Aaron and yet we finde to too manie that haue béen bred in England and owe their liues to hir highnes to murmure no lesse against hir happines than the Israelites did against the lords seruants Moses and Aaron The seruitude and slauerie of the Israelites was not greater nor woorse vnder Pharao that tyrant in Egypt than the bondage of England was vnder the Pope neither ought we to be lesse thankfull for our deliuerie from the slauerie of Rome than they should haue béen if they had well remembred themselues from the slauerie of Egypt We read in the booke of Wisdome that the hope of the vnthankfull man shall waste and consume like winters ice c. And t●…e Dauid the prophet saith O my soule praise the Lord and forget not all his benefits The Lord grant that we neuer forget any of the Lords benefits and that we may euer be thankfull to his diuine maiestie for the great benefit that he hath bestowed vpon England in his most faithfull seruant Elizabeth by his owne prouidence and appointment our most gratious Quéene and soueraigne whose life health and happines O Lord continue long Amen Amen Amen EVen as a moth or worme doth not bréede in the Cedar being a goodly and odoriferous trée alwaies fresh and florishing the wood whereof doth not rot So enuie is not bred in the hart of a wise and vertuous man but in the minde of a man that is wicked and vngodly and is gréeued and tormented at the happines and welfare of other men