Vindiciæ regum; or, The grand rebellion that is, a looking-glasse for rebels, whereby they may see, how by ten severall degrees they shall ascend to the height of their designe, and so throughly rebell, and utterly destroy themselves thereby. And, wherin is clearly proued by holy Scripturs, ancient fathers, constant martyrs, and our best modern writers, that it is no wayes lawfull for any private man, or any sort or degree of men, inferior magistrates, peeres of the kingdom, greatest nobility, lo. of the councel, senate, Parliament or Pope, for any cause, compelling to idolatry, exercising cruelty, prastizing [sic] tyranny, or any other pretext, how fair and specious soever it seems to be, to rebell, take armes, and resist the authority of their lawfull king; whom God will protect, and require all the blood that shall be spilt at the hands of the head rebels. And all the maine objections to the contrary are clearly answered. / By Gr. Williams, L. Bishop of Ossory.
Williams, Gryffith, 1589?-1672.
Wing W2675; Thomason E88_1; ESTC R204121
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Truth vindicated, against sacriledge, atheism, and prophaneness and likewise against the common invaders of the rights of Kings, and demonstrating the vanity of man in general. By Gryffith Williams now Lord Bishop of Ossory.
Williams, Gryffith, 1589?-1672.
Wing W2674; ESTC R222610
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The chariot of truth wherein are contained I. a declaration against sacriledge ..., II. the grand rebellion, or, a looking-glass for rebels ..., III. the discovery of mysteries ..., IV. the rights of kings ..., V. the great vanity of every man ... / by Gryffith Williams.
Williams, Gryffith, 1589?-1672.
Wing W2663; ESTC R28391
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Hiera dakrya, Ecclesiae anglicanae suspiria, The tears, sighs, complaints, and prayers of the Church of England setting forth her former constitution, compared with her present condition : also the visible causes and probable cures of her distempers : in IV books / by John Gauden ...
Gauden, John, 1605-1662.
Wing G359; ESTC R7566
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