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Caroli tou makaritou palingenesia.
Pierce, Thomas, 1622-1691.
Wing P2165; Thomason E1243_4; ESTC R33273
caroli_n ÏÈ£_n μακαÏιÏÈ£_n ÏαλιγγενεÏια_n london_n print_v for_o rich_a royston_n at_o the_o angel_n in_o ivy_n lane_n m._n dc.xl.ix_n caroli_n ÏÈ£_n μακαÏιÏÈ£_n ÏαλιγÏενεÏια_n i_o come_v but_o come_v with_o tremble_a lest_o i_o prove_v th'unequall_a greece_n of_o semele_n and_o jove_n as_o she_o be_v too_o obscure_a and_o he_o too_o bright_a my_o theame_n too_o heavy_a and_o my_o pen_n too_o light_a and_o whilst_o like_o midas_n i_o presume_v to_o sit_v in_o wise_a apollo_n chair_n without_o his_o wit_n be_v it_o not_o just_a to_o expect_v that_o he_o who_o dare_v high_a than_o midas_n shall_v wear_v long_a ear_n may_v i_o not_o fear_v patroclus_z fate_n and_o feel_v the_o dangerous_a honour_n of_o achilles_n steel_n just_o like_o that_o busy_a elf_n who_o vent'rous_a pride_n find_v none_o but_o titan_n titan_n coach_n can_v guide_v why_o he_o will_v not_o stand_v in_o verse_n can_v i_o enclose_v he_o who_o the_o great_a liberty_n of_o prose_n want_v room_n to_o hold_v and_o who_o unwieldy_a name_n be_v big_a enough_o to_o fill_v the_o trump_n of_o fame_n a_o individual_a species_n like_o the_o sun_n at_o once_o a_o multitude_n and_o yet_o but_o one_o one_o of_o such_o vast_a importance_n that_o he_o fall_v the_o festival_n of_o heaven_n and_o england_n hell_n one_o who_o for_o eminence_n be_v these_o two_o thing_n hominum_fw-la thing_n de_fw-fr catone_n vetus_fw-la dictum_fw-la ultimus_n romanorum_fw-la primus_fw-la hominum_fw-la the_o last_o of_o christian_n and_o the_o first_o of_o king_n one_o so_o diffusive_a that_o he_o live_v to_o all_o and_o one_o that_o die_v the_o whole_a world_n funeral_n for_o charles_n be_v thus_o dismount_v and_o the_o swain_n high_a shall_v bóótes_n leap_v into_o the_o wain_n be_v not_o old_a beldame_n nature_n true_o say_v to_o advance_v her_o heel_n and_o stand_v upon_o her_o head_n do_v not_o the_o judge_n and_o law_n too_o for_o a_o need_n the_o stirrup_n hold_v whilst_o treason_n mount_v the_o steed_n be_v not_o god_n word_n and_o his_o providence_n beside_o use_v as_o a_o laquay_n whilst_o the_o white_a devil_n ride_v sure_o all_o thing_n thus_o into_o confusion_n hurl_v make_v though_o a_o universe_n yet_o not_o a_o world_n and_o so_o our_o soveraigne_n like_o our_o saviour_n passion_n become_v a_o kind_n of_o doomsday_n to_o the_o nation_n if_o dead_a man_n do_v not_o walk_v it_o will_v be_v admire_v the_o breath_n of_o all_o our_o nostril_n thus_o expire_v what_o it_o be_v that_o give_v we_o motion_n and_o can_v i_o who_o want_v myself_o write_v he_o a_o elegy_n though_o virgil_n turn_v evangelist_n and_o write_v not_o from_o his_o tripod_n but_o god_n altar_n teach_v though_o all_o the_o poet_n of_o the_o age_n shall_v sit_v in_o inquest_n of_o invention_n and_o club_n wit_n to_o make_v word_n epigram_n shall_v they_o combine_v to_o crowd_v whole_a stock_n of_o fancy_n in_o each_o line_n sell_v the_o fee-simple_n to_o advance_v one_o sum_n as_o eglis_n speak_v but_o once_o and_o then_o live_v dumb_a it_o be_v all_o as_o inarticulate_a and_o weak_a as_o when_o those_o man_n make_v sign_n that_o can_v speak_v but_o where_o the_o theme_n confound_v we_o longin_n we_o ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d longin_n it_o be_v a_o sort_n of_o glorious_a merit_n proud_o to_o fall_v short_a despair_v sometime_o give_v courage_n any_o one_o may_v lisp_v he_o out_o who_o can_v be_v speak_v by_o none_o none_o but_o a_o king_n no_o king_n unless_o he_o be_v as_o wise_a as_o just_o as_o good_a as_o great_a as_o he._n when_o late_o posterity_n shall_v run_v to_o advise_v with_o time_n impartial_a register_n how_o wise_a this_o great-one_a be_v they_o will_v find_v it_o there_o enrol_v that_o he_o be_v never_o in_o his_o nonage_n but_o bear_v old_a view_v he_o whilst_o prince_n of_o wales_n and_o it_o appear_v his_o wisdom_n do_v so_o antedate_v his_o year_n that_o he_o be_v full_a in_o the_o '_o bud_n and_o his_o soul_n divine_a nestor_n may_v be_v great_a grandfather_n to_o thou_o view_v he_o again_o where_o he_o so_o ripe_a be_v grow_v as_o not_o to_o rise_v but_o drop_v into_o a_o throne_n how_o do_v those_o ray_n of_o majesty_n which_o be_v scatter_v in_o other_o king_n concentre_v here_o as_o if_o he_o have_v get_v king_a sapour_n sphere_n and_o prove_v how_o each_o intelligence_n his_o orb_n have_v move_v wise_a charles_n like_v they_o sit_v steer_v at_o two_o helm_n king_n of_o himself_o but_o father_n of_o his_o realm_n and_o just_o as_o if_o old_a trismegistus_n cup_n have_v by_o his_o thirsty_a soul_n be_v all_o drink_v up_o his_o understanding_n do_v begird_v this_o all_o as_o it_o be_v ecliptic_a or_o meridional_a suppose_v a_o diet_n of_o all_o christian_a king_n and_o bishop_n too_o convene_v to_o weigh_v the_o thing_n of_o church_n and_o state_n nay_o add_v inferior_a man_n those_o of_o the_o sword_n the_o pencil_n and_o the_o pen_n from_o the_o sceptre_n to_o the_o sheephook_n charles_n in_o all_o must_v have_v be_v umpire_n ecumenical_a he_o live_v a_o perpendicular_a the_o thread_n his_o wisdom_n be_v humility_n the_o lead_n by_o which_o he_o measure_v man_n and_o thing_n take_v aim_n at_o action_n crooked_a and_o at_o action_n plain_a he_o and_o all_o from_o he_o into_o cube_n do_v fall_v and_o yet_o as_o perfect_a as_o the_o circle_n all_o it_o be_v he_o take_v nature_n breadth_n &_o depth_n &_o hight_v know_v the_o just_a difference_n betwixt_o wrong_n and_o right_o he_o see_v the_o point_n of_o thing_n can_v just_o hit_v what_o must_v be_v do_v what_o may_v what_o be_v just_a what_o fit_a as_o if_o like_o moses_n he_o have_v have_v resort_n unto_o god_n council_n ere_o he_o be_v of_o his_o court._n hence_o his_o religion_n be_v his_o choice_n not_o fate_n rule_v by_o god_n word_n not_o interest_n of_o state_n other_o may_v thank_v their_o star_n he_o his_o inquest_n who_o sound_v all_o side_n anchor_v in_o the_o best_a his_o crown_n contain_v a_o mitre_n he_o do_v twist_v moses_n and_o aaron_n king_n and_o casuist_n when_o the_o mahometan_a or_o pope_n shall_v look_v on_o his_o soul_n be_v best_a interpreter_n his_o book_n his_o book_n his_o life_n his_o death_n will_v henceforth_o be_v the_o church_n of_o england_n best_a apology_n thus_o dove_n and_o serpent_n kiss_v as_o if_o they_o mean_v to_o render_v he_o as_o wise_a so_o innocent_a his_o own_o good_a genius_n know_v not_o whether_o be_v his_o heart_n more_o single_a or_o his_o head_n more_o clear_a virtue_n be_v his_o prerogative_n and_o thus_o charles_n rule_v the_o king_n before_o the_o king_n rule_v us._n he_o know_v that_o to_o command_v his_o only_a way_n be_v first_o to_o teach_v his_o passion_n to_o obey_v and_o his_o incessant_a wait_v on_o god_n throne_n give_v he_o such_o meek_a reflection_n on_o his_o own_o that_o be_v force_v to_o censure_n he_o express_v a_o judge_n office_n with_o a_o mother_n breast_n and_o when_o some_o sturdy_a violence_n begin_v t'unsheath_v his_o sword_n unwilling_a to_o be_v draw_v he_o but_o destroy_v and_o so_o soft_a mercy_n can_v the_o malefactor_n to_o preserve_v the_o man._n even_o hell_n be_v blind_a journeyman_n those_o son_n of_o night_n who_o look_v on_o scarlet-murder_n and_o think_v it_o white_a unwilling_o confess_v the_o only_a thing_n which_o make_v he_o guilty_a be_v that_o he_o be_v king_n he_o be_v incarnate_a justice_n and_o it_o be_v say_v astraea_n live_v in_o he_o yet_o die_v a_o maid_n we_o want_v a_o emblem_n for_o he_o phoebus_n must_v stand_v still_o in_o libra_n to_o speak_v charles_n the_o just_a and_o yet_o though_o he_o be_v such_o that_o nothing_o less_o then_o virtue_n be_v mean_o stretch_v to_o a_o just_a excess_n fly_v from_o his_o soul_n he_o like_o the_o sun_n be_v know_v to_o see_v all_o excellence_n except_o his_o own_o his_o modesty_n be_v such_o that_o all_o which_o he_o '_o ere_o speak_v or_o think_v of_o his_o self_n be_v calumny_n but_o yet_o so_o mix_v with_o state_n that_o one_o may_v see_v it_o make_v he_o not_o less_o kingly_a but_o more_o free_a he_o be_v not_o like_o those_o prince_n who_o to_o express_v a_o learned_a surfeit_n a_o sublime_a excess_n send_v to_o dispeople_v all_o the_o sea_n of_o fish_n depopulate_v the_o air_n to_o make_v one_o dish_n such_o skilful_a luxury_n as_o only_o serve_v to_o make_v their_o mind_n more_o plentiful_o starve_v whatever_o dainty_n fill_v his_o board_n by_o chance_n his_o only_a constant_a dish_n be_v ãâã_d be_v evagr._fw-la l._n 1._o c._n 21._o de_fw-la monachis_fw-la quibusdam_fw-la ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d temperance_n his_o virtue_n do_v so_o limit_v he_o his_o court_n imply_v his_o cloister_n and_o his_o very_a sport_n be_v self-deniall_n nay_o though_o he_o be_v see_v so_o robe_a in_o purple_a and_o so_o match_v to_o a_o queen_n as_o make_v