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enemy_n foot_n horse_n lieutenant_n 1,268 5 9.4061 5 true
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A63718 A trve relation of the proceedings of the Scottish armie now in Ireland by three letters / the first sent from General Major Monroe to Generall Leslie his excellence ; the second writ by the Major and aldermen of London-Derry to Generall Major Monroe ; the third sent by the Earle of Antrvm to Generall Major Monroe ; which letters were sent by Generall Major Monroe to Generall Leslie his excellence. Monro, Robert.; Leven, Alexander Leslie, Earl of, 1580?-1661.; Antrim, Randal MacDonnell, Earl of, 1609-1683.; Thornton, Robert, 17th cent. 1642 (1642) Wing T3026; ESTC R4135 7,868 12

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wednesday_n the_o four_o of_o may_n the_o captain_n be_v send_v away_o with_o a_o convoy_n and_o the_o townsman_n detain_v till_o trial_n shall_v be_v have_v of_o their_o behaviour_n as_o also_o the_o garrison_n of_o carlingford_n flee_v away_o for_o fear_n and_o the_o captain_n of_o the_o king_n ship_n make_v booty_n there_o and_o man●ed_v the_o castle_n of_o carlingford_n this_o day_n i_o do_v write_v to_o dundaak●_z to_o sir_n henry_n ●●gburne_a to_o come_v to_o the_o newrie_n to_o learn_v of_o he_o the_o estate_n of_o the_o country_n beyond_o he_o who_o come_v to_o we_o on_o thursday_n the_o five_o of_o m●y_n of_o who_o i_o can_v learn_v nothing_o who_o be_v return_v we_o enter_v in_o e●amination_n of_o the_o townsman_n if_o all_o be_v papist_n and_o the_o indifferent_a be_v sever_v from_o the_o bad_a whereof_o 60._o with_o two_o priest_n be_v shoot_v and_o hang_v the_o indifferent_a be_v banish_v which_o be_v do_v find_v the_o place_n comodious_a for_o our_o army_n i_o resolve_v to_o place_n lieutenant_n colone●l_n sinkler_n with_o his_o man_n to_o maintain_v the_o place_n have_v join_v with_o they_o ●00_n of_o my_o lord_n ards_n and_o my_o lord_n clannebowies_n man_n till_o the_o rest_n of_o their_o own_o regiment_n may_v be_v send_v to_o they_o by_o woter_n from_o carrickfergus_n and_o in_o my_o simple_a judgement_n your_o exce●lence_n shall_v find_v that_o place_n a_o convenient_a part_n to_o draw_v the_o three_o of_o the_o army_n there_o be_v near_o the_o strength_n of_o the_o enemy_n in_o the_o county_n of_o ardmach_n tyrant_n monacan_a and_o cavan_n otherwise_o it_o will_v be_v impossible_a ●o_z transport_v your_o army_n from_o carrickfergus_n for_o lack_v of_o ca●iage_n and_o toilsome_a way_n for_o in_o this_o last_o march_n five_o of_o my_o carriage_n be_v break_v be_v but_o field_a piece_n which_o be_v the_o only_a cannon_n for_o use_n in_o this_o service_n and_o our_o horse_n also_o in_o the_o most_o part_n of_o the_o country_n will_v not_o be_v useful_a but_o rather_o a_o toil_n to_o the_o foot_n to_o guard_v they_o for_o it_o will_v be_v a_o war_n in_o my_o judgement_n very_o strange_a for_o in_o the_o whole_a march_n i_o have_v never_o any_o alarm_n give_v we_o be_v quarter_v in_o the_o field_n untrench_v friday_n the_o six_o of_o may_n have_v settle_v the_o garrison_n i_o resolve_v to_o march_v towards_o the_o enemy_n to_o ardmach_n and_o have_v send_v forth_o one_o strong_a party_n of_o horse_n and_o dragoneer_n towards_o their_o army_n they_o think_v the_o whole_a army_n be_v march_v retire_v back_o on_o ardmach_n and_o burn_v the_o town_n puttingall_n the_o british_a to_o the_o sword_n and_o retire_v to_o the_o strait_n of_o tyron_n whereupon_o we_o be_v scarce_o of_o victual_n and_o our_o body_n weaken_v our_o soldier_n burden_v with_o unnecessary_a trash_n of_o baggage_n i_o resolve_v to_o return_v with_o the_o army_n home_n march_v through_o my_o lord_n evanke_v country_n mackartan_a and_o slawtneils_n be_v only_o the_o considerable_a enemy_n in_o the_o country_n of_o down_n and_o in_o our_o march_n i_o resolve_v myself_o with_o 800._o musketeer_n to_o put_v they_o from_o their_o strength_n in_o the_o mountain_n of_o monrue_a and_o to_o rob_v they_o of_o their_o cattle_n which_o we_o do_v i_o march_v through_o the_o mountain_n on_o the_o right_a hand_n and_o the_o army_n horse_n and_o foot_n and_o artillery_n march_v through_o the_o valley_n on_o the_o left_a hand_n where_o we_o join_v together_o on_o sunday_n the_o eight_o at_o night_n four_o mile_n from_o the_o pass_n of_o durdrum_fw-la border_v betwixt_o my_o lord_n evank_n land_n and_o mackartans_n monday_n the_o nine_o we_o divide_v our_o army_n in_o three_o colonel_n home_n with_o 500_o command_v musketeer_n two_o troop_n of_o dragoneer_n and_o one_o troop_n of_o horse_n to_o connoway_n the_o artillery_n cattle_n and_o baggage_n safe_a way_n towards_o mackartane_n own_o house_n the_o rest_n of_o the_o horse●_n lieutenant_n colonel_n montgomrie_n and_o 200._o command_v muskateer_n be_v send_v about_o the_o mountain_n to_o run_v through_o betwixt_o kilwarn_a wood_n and_o killernie_a wood_n to_o the_o rendezvous_n the_o next_o day_n at_o mackartane_n house_n and_o hear_v mackartane_a with_o his_o force_n and_o cattle_n be_v lie_v in_o one_o strait_a in_o the_o wood_n of_o killernie_n i_o march_v thither_o myself_o with_o the_o body_n of_o the_o foot_n and_o colour_n and_o have_v quarter_v on_o monday_n at_o night_n within_o three_o mile_n of_o the_o enemy_n come_v upon_o they_o the_o next_o morning_n unaware_o without_o sound_n of_o drum_n so_o they_o be_v scatter_v and_o have_v command_v further_o three_o body_n of_o musketeer_n to_o several_a part_n appoint_v one_o rendezvous_n for_o all_o we_o bring_v together_o to_o our_o quarter_n at_o night_n above_o four_o thousand_o cattle_n and_o join_v all_o together_o at_o night_n at_o mack●r●anes_n house_n and_o divers_a be_v kill_v of_o the_o rebel_n be_v scatter_v on_o all_o hand_n and_o one_o strong_a body_n of_o they_o on_o one_o pass_n in_o the_o wood_n foregathered_a with_o the_o horseman_n and_o lieutenant_n colonel_n montgomrie_n where_o the_o foot_n behoove_v to_o guard_v the_o horse_n they_o be_v unskilful_a in_o their_o l●ding_n have_v lose_v four_o horse_n and_o five_o man_n wednesday_n the_o 11._o hear_v the_o enemy_n be_v resolve_v to_o fight_v with_o we_o in_o the_o wood_n we_o march_v with_o our_o artillery_n and_o command_v man_n in_o the_o vanguard_n our_o two_o division_n march_v after_o with_o command_a man_n in_o the_o flank_n we_o be_v force_v to_o make_v several_a stop_v to_o clear_v the_o passage_n they_o have_v stop_v with_o wood_n to_o keep_v we_o up_o our_o cattle_n march_v next_o to_o the_o army_n be_v guard_v with_o pike-man_n and_o muskateer_n on_o all_o quarter_n our_o baggage_n next_o to_o they_o our_o horseman_n and_o dragonee●s_n in_o the_o rear_n of_o all_o the_o rebel_n be_v draw_v up_o on_o the_o hill_n perceive_v our_o order_n of_o march_n dare_v not_o engage_v with_o we_o so_o come_v free_a off_o we_o quarter_v at_o night_n in_o drumbo_n and_o the_o next_o morning_n divide_v our_o cattle_n such_o as_o remain_v unstolen_a by_o the_o horseman_n and_o plunderer_n be_v a_o infinite_a number_n of_o poor_a contemptible_a countryman_n which_o can_v not_o be_v reduce_v to_o order_n and_o on_o thursday_n the_o twelve_o we_o return_v to_o our_o several_a quarter_n all_o our_o victual_n be_v spend_v except_o our_o cow_n at_o my_o return_n i_o receive_v one_o letter_n f●om_n my_o lord_n marquess_n of_o argile_n crave_v advice_n where_o he_o shall_v land_v his_o man_n in_o the_o county_n of_o antrum_n likewise_o one_o other_o letter_n from_o the_o earl_n of_o antrum_n rather_o to_o entrap_v i_o then_o to_o approve_v himself_o a_o loyal_a subject_n the_o three_o i_o receive_v from_o the_o town_n of_o london-derry_n show_v their_o necessity_n which_o letter_n i_o have_v answer_v several_o as_o i_o can_v best_o for_o the_o time_n and_o for_o answer_v to_o your_o excellence_n of_o this_o four_o of_o may_n i_o find_v company_n come_v over_o and_o no_o provision_n with_o they_o which_o questionless_a except_o it_o be_v prevent_v will_v breed_v disorder_n amongst_o we_o for_o there_o be_v not_o provision_n here_o for_o the_o force_n already_o come_v to_o give_v they_o bread_n and_o if_o i_o have_v not_o have_v meal_n that_o come_v from_o scotland_n and_o some_o biscuit_n borrow_v from_o the_o king_n ship_n i_o have_v not_o intend_v the_o expedition_n for_o the_o newrie_n and_o i_o do_v think_v in_o sixteen_o day_n time_n the_o most_o part_n be_v out_o of_o the_o garrison_n that_o the_o major_n shall_v have_v have_v store_n of_o bread_n for_o a_o new_a expedition_n in_o readiness_n to_o go_v into_o the_o county_n of_o antrum_n to_o assist_v the_o marquis_n of_o argiles_fw-la force_n at_o their_o land_n against_o the_o rebel_n be_v dangerous_a for_o they_o except_o we_o be_v able_a to_o divert_v the_o enemy_n towards_o the_o band-water_n in_o regard_n my_o lord_n antrum_n be_v join_v strong_a with_o the_o rebel_n make_v a_o pretext_n of_o lay_v down_o of_o arm_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n do_v what_o he_o can_v to_o cut_v our_o throat_n and_o except_o the_o man_n come_v sudden_o i_o can_v draw_v to_o the_o field_n to_o assist_v argile_n neither_o can_v i_o get_v sinclers_n regiment_n well_o provide_v who_o be_v at_o the_o newrie_n for_o in_o ten_o day_n time_n all_o the_o provision_n thereabouts_o will_v be_v eat_v up_o till_o more_o force_n join_v with_o they_o to_o enlarge_v his_o freedom_n and_o my_o lord_n linsy_n man_n i_o have_v quarter_v in_o broad_a island_n and_o ylmagy_n where_o they_o have_v house_n but_o no_o victual_n and_o if_o all_o shall_v be_v trust_v to_o the_o major_a of_o carrickf●rgus_n his_o furnish_n one_o
a_o true_a relation_n of_o the_o proceed_n of_o the_o scottish_a army_n now_o in_o ireland_n by_o three_o letter_n the_o first_o send_v from_o general_n major_n monroe_n to_o general_n leslie_n his_o excellence_n the_o second_o writ_n by_o the_o major_a and_o alderman_n of_o london-derry_n to_o general_n major_n monroe_n the_o three_o send_v by_o the_o earl_n of_o antrum_n to_o general_n major_n monroe_n which_o letter_n be_v send_v by_o general_n major_n monroe_n to_o general_n leslie_n his_o excellence_n london_n print_v for_o john_n bartlet_n 1642._o general_n major_n monroe_n his_o letter_n to_o general_n lesley_n right_o honourable_a have_v receive_v your_o letter_n of_o the_o four_o of_o may_n from_o captain_n fraser_n at_o my_o return_n to_o carrickfergus_n on_o thursday_n the_o twelve_o at_o night_n please_v your_o excellence_n to_o be_v inform_v true_o of_o the_o passage_n of_o our_o first_o expedition_n towards_o the_o newrie_n have_v break_v up_o from_o carrickfergus_n the_o twenty_o seven_o of_o april_n at_o night_n we_o march_v to_o millone_n be_v nine_o mile_n from_o carrickfergus_n and_o a_o mile_n beyond_o belfast_n where_o we_o remain_v the_o twenty_o eight_o till_o after_o midday_n that_o my_o lord_n connoway_n colonel_n chitchester_n with_o a_o thousand_o command_v foot_n do_v join_v with_o we_o and_o three_o troop_n of_o horse_n and_o two_o troop_n dragooner_n with_o our_o small_a piece_n and_o one_o big_a piece_n of_o five_o pound_n bullet_n take_v off_o the_o castle_n of_o carrickfergus_n and_o be_v force_v to_o leave_v a_o part_n of_o our_o provision_n for_o ten_o day_n behind_o we_o for_o want_v of_o carridge_n horse_n we_o break_v up_o boden_n as_o we_o may_v be_v serve_v to_o quarter_v that_o night_n at_o drumbo_n have_v direct_v from_o carrickfergus_n one_o of_o the_o king_n ship_n towards_o carlingford_n with_o some_o provision_n of_o meal_n cheese_n and_o ammunition_n for_o which_o we_o have_v no_o transport_n by_o land_n give_v he_o order_n to_o secure_v the_o water_n mouth_n at_o carlingford_n be_v the_o water_n pass_v to_o the_o newrie_n the_o other_o ship_n i_o direct_v towards_o colraine_n and_o london-derry_n with_o some_o relief_n to_o they_o both_o and_o to_o bring_v intelligence_n from_o thence_o against_o our_o return_n the_o twenty_o nine_o we_o march_v towards_o lessnagarvie_n where_o we_o join_v with_o eight_o hundred_o foot_n and_o two_o troop_n of_o horse_n of_o my_o lord_n clannebowies_n and_o my_o lord_n ards_n command_v by_o lieutenant_n colonel_n montgomrie_n and_o lieutenant_n colonel_n hamilton_n and_o be_v in_o all_o about_o three_o thousand_o four_o hundred_o foot_n in_o two_o division_n viz._n connoway_n chitchester_n clannebowies_n and_o ardis_n make_v one_o division_n sinkler_n command_v man_n he_o and_o i_o be_v a_o thousand_o six_o hundred_o we_o make_v up_o the_o other_o division_n and_o march_v day_n about_o in_o the_o vanguard_n and_o give_v out_o the_o order_n night_n about_o my_o lord_n connoway_n and_o i._n we_o have_v also_o with_o we_o three_o troop_n dragooner_n at_o fifty_o a_o piece_n and_o five_o troop_n of_o horse_n at_o forty_o a_o piece_n and_o all_o be_v put_v in_o order_n we_o march_v towards_o the_o wood_n of_o kilwarline_n where_o the_o enemy_n lie_v in_o one_o pass_n with_o 2500._o man_n and_o sixty_o horse_n command_v by_o my_o lord_n eu●ck_v mack●rtane_a sir_n con_n macginnische_n and_o sir_n rorie_n macginnische_n they_o have_v cast_v off_o one_o bridge_n on_o the_o pass_n and_o retire_v from_o it_o to_o another_o pass_n in_o the_o wood_n i_o command_v our_o horseman_n to_o go_v about_o and_o to_o draw_v up_o on_o their_o flank_n in_o the_o wood_n have_v way_n to_o pass_v but_o one_o horse_n after_o another_o in_o the_o mean_a time_n our_o command_a muskateer_n and_o four_o of_o our_o fielding-peece_n be_v bring_v over_o the_o pass_n and_o make_v good_a one_o pass_v till_o our_o whole_a army_n be_v set_v over_o and_o then_o our_o canon_n force_v they_o to_o give_v ground_n till_o we_o make_v open_v the_o second_o pass_v be_v straight_o have_v moss_n and_o bog_n on_o every_o side_n at_o length_n our_o command_a muskateer_n charge_v the_o front_n and_o the_o cavilree_n on_o the_o flank_n till_o they_o be_v force_v with_o loss_n to_o retreat_n in_o disorder_n athwart_o the_o wood_n and_o bog_n on_o several_a hand_n in_o which_o time_n our_o whole_a army_n come_v over_o the_o pass_n and_o then_o our_o command_a muskateer_n skirmish_v with_o they_o for_o three_o mile_n in_o the_o wood_n on_o both_o flank_n while_o the_o body_n of_o the_o army_n be_v make_v passage_n free_a to_o carry_v through_o the_o canon_n and_o horseman_n at_o night_n we_o encamp_v all_o horse_n and_o foot_n in_o one_o body_n the_o whole_a night_n in_o arm_n in_o the_o midst_n of_o the_o wood_n in_o this_o skirmish_n sir_n rorie_n mackginnische_n and_o mackartans_n two_o active_a man_n brother_n be_v kill_v with_o one_o hun●red_v and_o fifty_o more_o with_o the_o loss_n of_o two_o man_n on_o our_o side_n and_o four_o wound_v about_o sir_n rorie_n be_v find_v divers_a letter_n which_o furnish_v we_o with_o intelligence_n of_o all_o their_o design_n in_o oppose_v we_o in_o that_o field_n and_o of_o their_o intention_n elsewhere_o saturdy_n the_o last_o of_o april_n we_o march_v in_o the_o former_a order_n through_o the_o wood_n towards_o lochbricklane_n where_o be_v come_v on_o the_o plain_a our_o horseman_n on_o the_o wing_n kill_v divers_a of_o they_o retire_v and_o some_o take_a prisoner_n be_v hang_v thereafter_o and_o be_v come_v late_o to_o quartar_n we_o can_v not_o engage_v that_o night_n with_o the_o intake_n of_o the_o island_n where_o there_o lie_v a_o wicked_a garrison_n in_o a_o fast_a place_n environ_v within_o a_o loch_n be_v a_o refuge_n in_o safety_n and_o their_o boat_n d●awne_v sunday_n the_o first_o of_o may_n be_v eight_o mile_n from_o the_o newrie_n i_o command_v the_o cavalry_n and_o dragoneer_n to_o march_v for_o block_v up_o the_o newrie_n till_o our_o come_n and_o they_o be_v go_v i_o pursue_v the_o island_n from_o the_o land_n with_o canon_n and_o musket_n for_o a_o time_n and_o find_v the_o rogue_n despirate_n i_o adventure_v upon_o promise_n of_o reward_n six_o highland-m●n_n with_o their_o arm_n pike_n and_o sword_n to_o swim_v under_o me●cy_n of_o our_o own_o canon_n to_o bring_v away_o their_o boat_n whereof_o three_o swimmer_n die_v two_o retire_v and_o the_o six_o alone_o bring_v away_o the_o boat_n be_v shoot_v through_o with_o a_o fielding-piece_n she_o be_v clamp_v up_o with_o salt_n hide_v and_o be_v man_v again_o take_v in_o the_o i_o will_v the_o whole_a sixty_o therein_o put_v to_o the_o sword_n and_o our_o prisoner_n which_o they_o have_v release_v and_o leave_v a_o sergeant_n and_o twelve_o muskateer_n there_o we_o march_v towards_o the_o newrie_n and_o have_v summon_v the_o town_n and_o castle_n to_o come_v in_o to_o our_o mercy_n or_o no_o mercy_n the_o town_n give_v over_o the_o castle_n hold_v out_o allege_v he_o be_v able_a to_o keep_v it_o seven_o year_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n we_o grant_v a_o time_n to_o the_o next_o morning_n to_o he_o to_o advise_v during_o which_o time_n i_o full_o recognize_v the_o house_n and_o perceive_v that_o i_o can_v take_v it_o in_o by_o pittard_n or_o by_o fire_n on_o monday_n the_o second_o of_o may_n prepare_v our_o faggot_n and_o make_v ready_a our_o battery_n before_o tuesday_n at_o midday_n resolve_v to_o take_v it_o in_o rather_o by_o terror_n of_o our_o canon_n then_o by_o fire_n or_o pittard_n which_o will_v make_v the_o place_n unprofitable_a for_o we_o next_o if_o it_o be_v take_v so_o sir_n edward_n traver_n a_o man_n of_o good_a account_n be_v there_o prisoner_n have_v die_v also_o by_o they_o or_o with_o they_o so_o have_v all_o thing_n in_o readiness_n quaint_v they_o again_o there_o be_v no_o quarter_n for_o they_o but_o he_o and_o his_o garrison_n to_o march_v forth_o without_o arm_n with_o white_a stick_n in_o their_o hand_n and_o he_o shall_v have_v a_o free_a convoy_n and_o their_o life_n spare_v these_o of_o the_o town_n shall_v have_v no_o other_o quarter_n then_o to_o come_v forth_o in_o our_o reverence_n and_o our_o prisoner_n to_o be_v safe_o deliver_v unto_o we_o which_o they_o once_o accord_v unto_o but_o get_v intelligence_n sir_n philome_o be_v near_o hand_n for_o their_o relief_n they_o resolve_v to_o delay_v till_o the_o next_o morning_n which_o be_v refuse_v we_o force_v up_o their_o outer_a gate_n and_o be_v ready_a to_o pittard_a the_o second_o be_v not_o for_o fear_v of_o the_o prisoner_n who_o cry_v for_o mercy_n and_o that_o the_o gate_n shall_v be_v make_v up_o instant_o as_o be_v do_v and_o the_o castle_n that_o night_n guard_v by_o we_o and_o the_o prisoner_n guard_v in_o the_o town_n on_o