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enemy_n army_n certain_a great_a 1,264 5 2.8186 3 true
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A08154 Nevves from Turkie and Poland. Or A true and compendious declaration of the proceedings betweene the great Turke, and his Maiestie of Poland, from the beginning of the warres, vntill the latter end VVith a relation of their daily millitary actions; shewing plainly how the warre continued and ended, peace was concluded, the troubles appeased, the articles of agreement confirmed, and a full league of amity ratified. Translated out of a Latine copie, written by a gentleman of quality, who was an actor in all the businesse: and now with his consent published. 1622 (1622) STC 18507.36; ESTC S118695 25,539 54

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the_o purpose_n and_o the_o rage_n and_o fury_n of_o our_o enemy_n nor_o end_v it_o so_o but_o for_o his_o glory_n sake_n we_o prevail_v with_o a_o great_a slaughter_n and_o little_a loss_n on_o our_o side_n so_o that_o it_o shall_v seem_v all_o their_o threaten_a and_o fury_n be_v in_o vain_a concern_v the_o attempt_n of_o our_o trench_n and_o the_o angel_n of_o the_o lord_n spread_v his_o wing_n over_o our_o tent_n on_o the_o other_o side_n our_o soldier_n be_v so_o courageous_a and_o animate_v as_o infuse_v with_o new_a spirit_n from_o the_o same_o god_n that_o they_o not_o only_o rush_v out_o of_o the_o port_n and_o passage_n of_o their_o quarter_n upon_o their_o enemy_n but_o hurry_v over_o the_o trench_n and_o ditch_n to_o forward_a the_o enterprise_n and_o so_o come_v to_o handiblowe_n and_o with_o extraordinary_a valour_n and_o slaughter_n send_v they_o home_o again_o in_o this_o skirmish_n we_o do_v not_o altogether_o go_v scotfree_a but_o see_v the_o perish_v of_o thousand_o of_o turk_n and_o tartar_n who_o carcase_n bespread_v the_o ground_n as_o it_o be_v and_o among_o who_o there_o perish_v the_o great_a bashaw_n surname_v koraken_n who_o new_o come_v to_o the_o emperor_n and_o be_v most_o dear_a unto_o he_o and_o well_o accept_v of_o he_o the_o same_o fate_n and_o trial_n have_v nassan_n bassaw_n with_o many_o chawse_n and_o spahy_n and_o a_o number_n unnumbered_a of_o common_a soldier_n after_o this_o slaughter_n the_o turk_n attempt_v no_o more_o the_o expugnation_n of_o our_o camp_n except_o that_o once_o they_o do_v invade_v the_o quarter_n of_o the_o cossack_n but_o with_o the_o like_a success_n yet_o many_o time_n they_o bring_v out_o their_o army_n to_o open_a view_n and_o as_o many_o time_n god_n of_o his_o mercy_n make_v way_n to_o our_o prevailing_n and_o we_o return_v victor_n the_o same_o day_n the_o bridge_n be_v finish_v which_o they_o have_v a_o while_n ago_o begin_v over_o the_o river_n that_o divide_v their_o camp_n but_o to_o what_o purpose_n be_v not_o know_v except_o to_o accommodate_v their_o passage_n the_o better_o now_o also_o return_v the_o lord_n siclentius_n who_o have_v be_v send_v into_o the_o palatinate_n of_o moldavia_n with_o answer_n to_o a_o letter_n which_o they_o send_v before_o but_o what_o other_o news_n he_o bring_v be_v not_o apparent_a it_o be_v also_o discover_v that_o a_o rumour_n be_v spread_v into_o the_o turk_n camp_n that_o the_o sacred_a majesty_n of_o sigismond_n the_o king_n our_o master_n be_v come_v into_o the_o field_n with_o a_o royal_a supply_n and_o general_a expedition_n which_o a_o little_a affright_v the_o tartar_n who_o be_v now_o to_o fight_v against_o fortification_n and_o arm_a man_n contrary_a to_o their_o barbarous_a custom_n of_o devour_v one_o another_o naked_a the_o 17._o of_o september_n our_o great_a lord_n general_n hold_v a_o martial_a counsel_n with_o the_o lord_n senator_n duke_n governor_n and_o captain_n to_o which_o be_v also_o call_v the_o lord_n sahaidace_n general_n of_o the_o cossacke_v with_o all_o his_o colonel_n and_o officer_n who_o with_o one_o voice_n and_o unanimity_n of_o spirit_n conclude_v and_o agree_v rather_o to_o die_v manful_o in_o the_o field_n then_o to_o go_v back_o one_o foot_n of_o ground_n to_o give_v the_o enemy_n cause_n of_o presumption_n and_o this_o be_v do_v with_o such_o general_a alacrity_n that_o although_o both_o the_o army_n i_o mean_v the_o polonian_n and_o cossack_n be_v in_o great_a distress_n and_o want_n yet_o they_o conclude_v that_o by_o god_n grace_n they_o will_v not_o be_v terrify_v with_o any_o enemy_n the_o 18._o of_o september_n certain_a troop_n of_o horse_n and_o company_n of_o foot_n make_v a_o sally_n out_o of_o the_o cossack_n quarter_n in_o the_o night_n upon_o the_o turk_n army_n which_o be_v do_v so_o secret_o and_o sudden_o that_o they_o over-turned_n many_o tent_n ransack_v diverse_a cabin_n and_o kill_v some_o hundred_o of_o man_n with_o javelin_n pole-axe_n and_o lance_n without_o the_o report_n of_o a_o piece_n or_o carry_v any_o artillery_n with_o they_o yea_o herein_o they_o be_v so_o fortunate_a that_o they_o return_v with_o great_a spoil_n without_o the_o loss_n of_o a_o man_n the_o next_o night_n they_o perform_v as_o much_o and_o with_o the_o like_a stratagem_n set_v upon_o the_o bridge_n they_o have_v new_o build_v &_o erect_v and_o slay_v corkan_n bassaw_n to_o who_o custody_n and_o charge_n it_o be_v commit_v they_o also_o kill_v many_o turk_n take_v nine_o prisoner_n and_o return_v with_o great_a spoil_n and_o a_o rich_a prey_n wherein_o be_v diverse_a garment_n fur_v with_o costly_a fur_n which_o i_o think_v the_o turk_n use_v among_o the_o tartar_n who_o upon_o many_o excursion_n make_v into_o russia_n by_o thousand●_n in_o these_o day_n return_v with_o a_o wonderful_a spoil_n sell_v they_o at_o a_o price_n to_o the_o turk_n and_o this_o be_v do_v even_o as_o they_o come_v along_o to_o take_v up_o their_o lodging_n in_o these_o province_n at_o this_o time_n his_o excellency_n the_o lord_n general_n be_v subject_a to_o a_o great_a sickness_n which_o so_o impair_v his_o health_n that_o he_o fear_v his_o life_n whereupon_o he_o summon_v all_o officer_n and_o refer_v his_o government_n to_o the_o lord_n camp_n master_n general_n with_o all_o military_a privilege_n and_o imperial_a function_n invest_v upon_o he_o as_o far_o as_o he_o can_v his_o dignity_n and_o authority_n yet_o be_v the_o whole_a army_n desirous_a to_o see_v the_o heroic_a prince_n himself_o mount_v on_o horseback_n as_o their_o commander_n general_n though_o as_o yet_o very_o young_a so_o that_o by_o this_o joy_n and_o good_a mind_n of_o the_o army_n he_o be_v much_o comfort_v and_o incite_v to_o thank_v they_o all_o and_o be_v the_o more_o gracious_a unto_o they_o when_o time_n shall_v serve_v the_o 24._o of_o september_n have_v lie_v quiet_a a_o great_a while_n a_o accident_n at_o home_n disquiet_v we_o all_o for_o our_o great_a lord_n general_n labour_v long_o in_o his_o sickness_n and_o be_v weary_v and_o spend_v again_o with_o intolerable_a convulsion_n and_o distemperature_n of_o the_o air_n yield_v to_o the_o command_n of_o a_o high_a general_n and_o so_o die_v in_o the_o camp_n the_o 25._o of_o september_n the_o emperor_n of_o turk_n make_v a_o great_a preparation_n to_o set_v upon_o we_o on_o all_o side_n draw_v out_o from_o their_o several_a quarter_n both_o horse_n foot_n and_o artillery_n to_o oppress_v and_o expugne_v we_o with_o a_o unresistable_a power_n and_o so_o they_o approach_v our_o trench_n with_o accustom_a clamour_n and_o out-cry_n but_o the_o same_o god_n that_o keep_v we_o from_o the_o beginning_n continue_v still_o our_o protector_n and_o all_o their_o attempt_n be_v annihilate_v turn_v rather_o to_o the_o destruction_n of_o many_o of_o their_o own_o soldier_n then_o to_o our_o detriment_n the_o 26._o of_o september_n baptista_n be_v dispatch_v who_o be_v send_v unto_o we_o from_o the_o palatine_a of_o moldavia_n with_o letter_n and_o other_o intelligence_n he_o come_v but_o the_o tuesday_n before_o with_o the_o lord_n of_o zielenskij_fw-la who_o assure_v we_o that_o the_o turk_n have_v a_o great_a desire_n to_o treat_v of_o a_o peace_n and_o therefore_o baptista_n have_v in_o charge_n to_o deal_v with_o the_o viceer_n for_o safe_a conduct_n of_o such_o commissioner_n as_o may_v be_v send_v to_o tractate_n about_o the_o peace_n and_o quietness_n of_o both_o army_n within_o three_o day_n our_o soldier_n set_v upon_o some_o part_n of_o the_o tartar_n quarter_n as_o be_v much_o displease_v that_o the_o passage_n be_v stop_v up_o by_o they_o whereby_o the_o soldier_n that_o go_v a_o forage_n and_o to_o gather_v fodder_n and_o litter_n for_o their_o horse_n be_v much_o diappoint_v so_o that_o in_o revenge_n they_o put_v many_o to_o the_o sword_n and_o set_v their_o quarter_n on_o fire_n the_o 27._o of_o september_n the_o turk_n have_v strong_o mount_v diverse_a great_a piece_n and_o place_v their_o gabbion_n about_o they_o as_o be_v the_o custom_n play_v fearful_o into_o the_o cossack_n quarter_n and_o spend_v all_o the_o forenoon_n in_o the_o send_v hundred_o of_o bullet_n among_o they_o but_o when_o they_o perceive_v that_o it_o small_o avail_v they_o desist_v and_o make_v a_o new_a attempt_n in_o their_o own_o person_n near_o unto_o they_o which_o when_o the_o cossack_n perceive_v either_o loath_a to_o be_v outbrave_v at_o their_o own_o wall_n as_o i_o may_v say_v or_o encourage_v by_o the_o thriving_n of_o many_o outroad_n and_o excursion_n they_o have_v former_o make_v or_o embolden_v by_o their_o own_o sufficiency_n or_o presume_v on_o the_o weakness_n and_o nakedness_n of_o their_o adversary_n i_o may_v add_v their_o barbarous_a hastiness_n and_o bestial_a howl_n and_o out-cry_n they_o sally_v out_o brave_o with_o the_o
in_o great_a company_n assault_v our_o bulwark_n which_o be_v yet_o unperfect_v and_o lay_v somewhat_o naked_a to_o opposition_n ascend_v the_o same_o and_o take_v as_o it_o be_v possession_n but_o with_o equal_a loss_n as_o it_o appear_v for_o the_o time_n until_o the_o noble_a lord_n steward_n of_o the_o kingdom_n who_o come_v there_o by_o chance_n with_o his_o troop_n of_o horse_n set_v upon_o they_o most_o valiant_o and_o by_o the_o assistance_n of_o the_o lord_n castellano_n plocen_n and_o p._n radomina_fw-la put_v they_o off_o the_o wall_n to_o a_o fore-flight_n as_o far_o as_o the_o wood_n excite_v even_o before_o the_o turk_n camp_n whether_o they_o follow_v they_o in_o the_o slaughter_n as_o for_o such_o turk_n as_o at_o first_o dare_v to_o approach_v our_o trench_n and_o scale_v our_o mount_n they_o all_o perish_v upon_o they_o we_o not_o lose_v above_o twelve_o man_n of_o arm_n in_o that_o service_n with_o some_o few_o other_o hurt_n except_o castellanus_fw-la plocen_n who_o with_o many_o wound_n return_v and_o die_v the_o next_o day_n but_o the_o assault_n against_o the_o cossack_n endure_v from_o noon_n to_o night_n we_o only_o last_v from_o the_o afternoon_n to_o sun_n set_v yet_o both_o continue_v with_o so_o fearful_a effect_n that_o the_o multitude_n of_o the_o slaughter_a be_v apparent_a and_o the_o enemy_n carcase_n lay_v in_o heap_n in_o the_o field_n yea_o it_o be_v remarkable_a how_o all_o that_o night_n the_o turk_n make_v a_o search_n with_o light_a firebrand_n and_o other_o lamp_n for_o some_o person_n of_o account_n among_o the_o dead_a body_n which_o as_o some_o of_o their_o own_o fugitive_n affirm_v be_v one_o of_o the_o viceer_n bassa_n who_o be_v miss_v and_o can_v not_o be_v find_v the_o eight_o of_o september_n there_o escape_v out_o of_o the_o turk_n hand_n a_o cossack_n who_o have_v long_o lie_v in_o fetter_n he_o come_v to_o we_o by_o night_n and_o tell_v we_o plain_o that_o the_o turk_n have_v load_v many_o camel_n with_o the_o encumbrance_n of_o the_o army_n and_o furnish_v the_o carriage_n horse_n as_o if_o they_o mean_v to_o make_v some_o retreat_n notwithstanding_o the_o same_o day_n very_o inconsiderate_o they_o come_v upon_o the_o cossack_n again_o who_o by_o the_o help_n of_o the_o german_n now_o among_o they_o both_o defend_v themselves_o and_o offend_v their_o enemy_n for_o here_o be_v brave_a commander_n partly_o under_o the_o regiment_n and_o conduct_n of_o captain_n drhusoff_n partly_o under_o captain_n lermund_n and_o of_o the_o other_o side_n in_o the_o right_a wing_n there_o be_v the_o cohort_n of_o his_o excellency_n the_o lord_n palatine_n the_o same_o day_n schandactus_n cut_v off_o by_o the_o sword_n according_a to_o the_o manner_n and_o custom_n of_o a_o military_a court_n who_o adjudge_v he_o to_o die_v a_o principal_a captain_n of_o the_o cossack_n call_v brondanka_fw-mi who_o the_o year_n before_o have_v abuse_v his_o prerogative_n and_o most_o perverse_o by_o factious_a devise_n and_o apparent_a theft_n have_v transcend_v the_o government_n of_o a_o commander_n in_o chief_a and_o fall_v to_o theft_n and_o robbery_n more_o than_o necessity_n or_o the_o present_n want_v enforce_v the_o same_o day_n a_o certain_a squire_n escape_v out_o of_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o turk_n who_o be_v unfortunate_o take_v prisoner_n at_o a_o battle_n in_o cicora_n and_o come_v unto_o we_o affirm_v confident_o that_o since_o the_o turk_n come_v into_o the_o field_n there_o be_v diminish_v at_o least_o twelve_o thousand_o of_o their_o number_n some_o slay_v outright_o some_o die_v of_o their_o wound_n some_o surprise_v in_o the_o camp_n and_o some_o fly_v away_o the_o nine_o of_o september_n the_o great_a turk_n after_o noon_n draw_v out_o all_o his_o army_n in_o battle_n array_n which_o lord_n magnus_n our_o general_n perceive_v detract_v no_o time_n but_o prepare_v for_o the_o fight_n so_o that_o both_o army_n even_o to_o sun_n set_v stand_v look_v upon_o one_o another_o without_o any_o man_n give_v the_o sign_n of_o the_o battle_n not_o dare_v to_o approach_v too_o near_o the_o fortification_n and_o bulwark_n of_o our_o trench_n but_o stand_v as_o remote_a as_o they_o can_v and_o far_a from_o danger_n in_o the_o mean_a while_n the_o janissary_n fall_v foul_a upon_o the_o quarter_n of_o the_o cossack_n again_o and_o continue_v little_o less_o than_o four_o hour_n in_o a_o dangerous_a skirmish_n for_o the_o german_n play_v their_o part_n on_o the_o other_o side_n as_o assisting_z the_o cossack_n in_o their_o warlike_a excursion_n quick_o when_o they_o press_v they_o with_o fury_n and_o impetuosity_n compel_v they_o back_o to_o their_o camp_n and_o we_o return_v to_o our_o trench_n but_o the_o same_o night_n another_o prisoner_n escape_v and_o come_v unto_o we_o affirm_v that_o of_o the_o spahy_n who_o be_v the_o forward_a in_o this_o expugnation_n as_o so_o command_v by_o the_o captain_n of_o the_o janissary_n lose_v two_o hundred_o of_o their_o company_n and_o of_o the_o janissary_n be_v slay_v with_o such_o as_o perish_v in_o the_o flight_n 1500._o the_o ten_o of_o september_n the_o turk_n be_v somewhat_o quiet_a as_o peradventure_o weary_v with_o the_o former_a day_n mischief_n and_o we_o far_o apparent_a the_o various_a chance_n of_o war_n and_o the_o wonderful_a essect_v of_o a_o battle_n the_o eleven_o of_o september_n the_o turk_n make_v a_o new_a appearance_n out_o of_o their_o tent_n with_o a_o goodly_a army_n and_o we_o be_v not_o behind_o to_o marshal_v our_o company_n to_o as_o brave_v a_o show_n but_o nothing_o be_v do_v that_o day_n and_o so_o we_o return_v on_o all_o side_n to_o lodging_n yet_o while_o we_o remain_v in_o this_o expectation_n the_o turk_n have_v transport_v their_o ordnance_n to_o the_o other_o side_n of_o the_o river_n from_o whence_o he_o play_v continual_o into_o the_o quarter_n of_o the_o cossack_n all_o that_o day_n but_o when_o he_o see_v they_o do_v they_o no_o more_o harm_n he_o quick_o draw_v they_o back_o again_o and_o place_v they_o more_o secure_o the_o same_o day_n some_o thousand_o of_o tartar_n show_v themselves_o on_o that_o side_n of_o the_o river_n also_o who_o with_o their_o accustom_a clamour_n and_o outcry_n attempt_v the_o break_n of_o our_o bridge_n but_o only_o two_o hundred_o foot_n whereof_o one_o be_v kill_v and_o two_o hurt_n with_o bullet_n press_v upon_o they_o with_o such_o volley_n of_o shot_n that_o they_o be_v quick_o put_v to_o flight_n god_n grant_v we_o may_v be_v thankful_a for_o these_o thing_n for_o without_o controversy_n god_n only_a hand_n have_v protect_v we_o that_o both_o on_o the_o one_o side_n the_o turk_n be_v more_o remiss_a than_o his_o former_a threaten_n and_o this_o present_a appearance_n promise_v and_o we_o on_o the_o other_o side_n we_o have_v have_v great_a courage_n and_o better_a success_n than_o we_o can_v any_o manner_n of_o way_n expect_v the_o twelve_o of_o september_n a_o little_a after_o midnight_n we_o determine_v to_o set_v upon_o the_o camp_n of_o our_o adversary_n leave_v our_o noble_a prince_n sufficient_o guard_v within_o the_o trench_n as_o not_o well_o at_o ease_n and_o so_o the_o army_n divide_v itself_o into_o part_n have_v instruction_n to_o come_v upon_o they_o unaware_o the_o one_o to_o compass_v the_o wood_n and_o set_v upon_o they_o in_o the_o rear_n and_o at_o their_o back_n the_o other_o to_o outface_v they_o in_o the_o front_n and_o side_n that_o something_o may_v be_v do_v every_o way_n but_o it_o please_v god_n to_o send_v so_o great_a a_o shower_n of_o rain_n that_o we_o be_v divert_v from_o our_o purpose_n at_o this_o time_n but_o i_o make_v no_o question_n of_o a_o better_a opportunity_n and_o that_o our_o adversary_n little_a know_v of_o this_o project_n and_o so_o we_o may_v once_o again_o see_v the_o stratagem_n on_o foot_n till_o when_o we_o retire_v to_o our_o trench_n secure_o the_o 15._o of_o september_n the_o turk_n and_o tartar_n with_o a_o great_a resolution_n and_o impetuous_a assault_n press_v both_o upon_o we_o and_o the_o cossack_n in_o three_o several_a part_n neither_o fear_v our_o artillery_n nor_o make_v account_n of_o our_o trench_n the_o great_a turk_n himself_o be_v a_o spectator_n on_o a_o eminent_a hill_n who_o youth_n apprehend_v the_o mischief_n but_o as_o a_o sport_n for_o without_o any_o manner_n of_o remorse_n for_o the_o perish_v of_o so_o many_o thousand_o they_o come_v forward_o like_o furious_a beast_n without_o discipline_n or_o order_n and_o so_o perish_v like_o beast_n when_o the_o artillery_n play_v upon_o they_o and_o we_o rush_v out_o as_o violent_o well_o arm_v and_o appoint_v in_o the_o smoke_n against_o they_o this_o battle_n last_v from_o noon_n to_o night_n and_o the_o god_n of_o battle_n for_o his_o mercy_n sake_n do_v frustrate_a and_o annihilate_v both_o
most_o part_n of_o their_o army_n and_o compulse_v they_o back_o drive_v they_o into_o their_o quarter_n with_o a_o great_a slaughter_n and_o a_o great_a speediness_n and_o the_o same_o day_n to_o the_o comfort_n of_o we_o all_o our_o noble_a prince_n who_o long_a untimely_a sickness_n as_o it_o be_v sad_a our_o heart_n recover_v some_o strength_n ride_v round_o about_o the_o army_n be_v entertain_v with_o great_a shout_n and_o acclamation_n of_o the_o soldier_n and_o show_v in_o himself_o apparent_a sign_n of_o recovery_n as_o have_v lie_v under_o the_o shake_n of_o a_o fearful_a ague_n almost_o ever_o since_o we_o encamp_v ourselves_o to_o who_o the_o king_n do_v daily_o send_v physician_n and_o messenger_n and_o will_v willing_o have_v come_v himself_o in_o person_n but_o that_o all_o his_o peer_n and_o counsellor_n will_v not_o hazard_v all_o at_o once_o consider_v what_o a_o formidable_a enemy_n have_v threaten_v he_o and_o fearful_a preparation_n in_o a_o manner_n circumcept_v he_o therefore_o they_o project_v to_o keep_v he_o as_o a_o second_o and_o that_o secure_o that_o if_o the_o turk_n shall_v prevail_v which_o god_n forbid_v against_o these_o force_n well_o order_v and_o marshal_v within_o these_o trench_n there_o may_v yet_o a_o new_a muster_n be_v make_v and_o army_n train_v who_o the_o presence_n of_o a_o king_n and_o worthiness_n of_o so_o great_a a_o commander_n may_v bring_v together_o and_o set_v upon_o the_o triumpher_n with_o fresh_a supply_n but_o oh_o thou_o god_n what_o a_o alteration_n be_v here_o he_o that_o threaten_v these_o polonian_n with_o insult_a ostentation_n by_o ambassy_n letter_n and_o a_o innumerable_a company_n of_o mahumetan_n and_o tartarian_n he_o that_o have_v denounce_v defiance_n against_o all_o christendom_n he_o that_o have_v speak_v presumptuous_a word_n against_o any_o force_n shall_v come_v by_o way_n of_o opposition_n he_o that_o adventure_v his_o person_n as_o far_o as_o his_o greatness_n may_v descend_v to_o be_v a_o spectator_n of_o this_o woeful_a tragedy_n wherein_o the_o minister_n of_o war_n and_o destruction_n must_v play_v their_o part_n and_o he_o which_o have_v bring_v one_o hundred_o cast_a piece_n into_o the_o field_n to_o batter_v all_o fortification_n into_o rubbish_n have_v now_o a_o answer_n return_v of_o strange_a contradiction_n have_v now_o his_o threat_n retort_v with_o as_o available_a menace_n have_v now_o his_o rage_n send_v back_o again_o with_o unexpected_a fury_n have_v now_o his_o presumption_n rebate_v with_o as_o noble_a a_o defiance_n have_v now_o his_o way_n block_v up_o and_o intercept_v that_o he_o can_v not_o so_o quick_o come_v over_o pallisado_n and_o trench_n have_v now_o cannon_n to_o cannon_n battery_n to_o battery_n and_o though_o not_o so_o many_o as_o himself_o bring_v yet_o so_o well_o appoint_v and_o so_o efficatious_a in_o the_o design_n that_o he_o be_v not_o so_o forward_o in_o his_o glory_n as_o he_o determine_v nor_o so_o furious_a in_o any_o execution_n as_o he_o promise_v nay_o if_o it_o have_v be_v as_o well_o know_v to_o we_o as_o himself_o he_o repent_v that_o ever_o he_o come_v into_o the_o field_n of_o walachia_n and_o as_o you_o shall_v hear_v hereafter_o both_o retract_v his_o first_o arrogancy_n and_o whisper_v a_o peace_n though_o he_o dare_v not_o speak_v it_o aloud_o for_o fear_v of_o the_o janissary_n but_o oh_o you_o son_n of_o man_n what_o say_v you_o to_o rumour_n and_o the_o credulity_n of_o uncertain_a report_n what_o say_v you_o to_o passion_n and_o the_o disorder_a bursting_n out_o of_o your_o own_o wish_n what_o say_v you_o to_o affrighting_n that_o because_o you_o hear_v of_o the_o great_a number_n will_v therefore_o present_o show_v the_o great_a partiality_n how_o often_o within_o this_o twelve_o month_n have_v bogdonia_n be_v ransack_v podolia_n distress_v polonia_n overrun_v sigismond_n slay_v and_o the_o army_n discomfit_v and_o yet_o thanks_o be_v to_o god_n the_o trench_n be_v never_o cast_v down_o the_o soldier_n disarm_v the_o troop_n slaughter_v the_o king_n in_o danger_n for_o he_o be_v scarce_o in_o the_o field_n at_o all_o or_o any_o fearful_a loss_n endure_v more_o than_o they_o that_o must_v be_v lose_v in_o so_o many_o conflict_n and_o such_o impetuous_a assault_n and_o thus_o much_o by_o way_n of_o transition_n now_o to_o our_o business_n again_o the_o same_o night_n that_o the_o prince_n have_v show_v himself_o the_o day_n before_o the_o cossack_n be_v set_v upon_o as_o you_o have_v hear_v sudden_o assault_v the_o quarter_n of_o their_o enemy_n especial_o the_o tartar_n who_o lie_v without_o any_o manner_n of_o discipline_n or_o strong_a fortification_n yea_o this_o they_o do_v twice_o in_o one_o night_n and_o that_o with_o such_o success_n that_o beside_o the_o slaughter_n and_o havoc_n they_o make_v they_o return_v with_o great_a spoil_n and_o booty_n yea_o great_a than_o the_o enemy_n can_v spare_v or_o be_v willing_a to_o loose_v this_o they_o do_v often_o and_o although_o sometime_o their_o action_n be_v obumbrate_v with_o some_o discomfiture_n yet_o do_v they_o never_o make_v any_o sally_n without_o the_o great_a slaughter_n of_o their_o enemy_n now_o be_v baptista_n come_v back_o again_o from_o the_o enemy_n camp_n bring_v letter_n from_o vesin_n bassha_n of_o safe_a conduct_n and_o admission_n as_o he_o himself_o have_v have_v experience_n by_o himself_o for_o such_o commissioner_n as_o the_o king_n of_o poland_n will_v put_v in_o trust_n for_o the_o dispatch_n of_o so_o high_a affair_n yea_o he_o say_v plain_o as_o far_o as_o he_o can_v conjecture_v that_o never_o be_v any_o thing_n so_o please_v to_o the_o turk_n and_o his_o soldier_n as_o the_o name_n of_o peace_n consider_v the_o time_n and_o the_o manner_n of_o the_o war_n especial_o that_o his_o reputation_n be_v save_v by_o the_o first_o seek_v it_o by_o the_o polonian_n wherein_o he_o use_v this_o policy_n to_o make_v the_o janissary_n believe_v he_o be_v of_o himself_o unwilling_a to_o darken_v the_o glory_n of_o the_o ottoman_a family_n by_o demand_v peace_n himself_o at_o any_o inferior_a nation_n in_o the_o world_n notwithstanding_o all_o this_o motive_n of_o quietness_n which_o baptista_n letter_n demonstrate_v may_v come_v to_o equal_a conclusion_n by_o orderly_a commissioner_n the_o grand_a signieur_n project_v with_o all_o the_o force_n bravery_n and_o policy_n he_o can_v to_o set_v upon_o the_o cossack_n again_o who_o be_v his_o ancestor_n enemy_n and_o more_o obnoxious_a unto_o he_o than_o any_o neighbour_n whatsoever_o and_o because_o he_o will_v make_v as_o it_o be_v sure_a work_n of_o the_o matter_n he_o acquaint_v tartar_n chrim_a who_o they_o say_v accompany_v he_o to_o the_o war_n with_o the_o same_o and_o he_o either_o of_o necessity_n obey_v or_o out_o of_o custom_n consent_v or_o for_o his_o own_o revenge_n willing_a quick_o accord_n and_o by_o break_v of_o day_n bring_v all_o his_o tartar_n to_o the_o place_n appoint_v for_o the_o expugnation_n whereupon_o they_o order_v the_o matter_n so_o that_o in_o the_o manner_n of_o a_o ring_n they_o compass_v our_o trench_n round_o about_o first_o play_v over_o their_o head_n into_o our_o camp_n with_o many_o great_a ordnance_n which_o be_v mount_v in_o three_o several_a place_n then_o transport_v they_o over_o the_o river_n thirty_o more_o which_o continual_o beat_v both_o upon_o we_o the_o lissavonians_n and_o the_o cossack_n tent_n and_o that_o for_o the_o space_n of_o diverse_a hour_n send_v likewise_o fiery_a spear_n burn_a dart_n and_o sulphury_a ball_n among_o we_o insomuch_o that_o our_o prince_n lie_v yet_o sick_a in_o his_o tent_n have_v the_o captain_n of_o his_o guard_n slay_v with_o a_o bullet_n among_o the_o lissavonians_n three_o of_o the_o best_a man_n of_o arm_n be_v kill_v outright_o and_o among_o the_o cossack_n one_o or_o two_o hurt_n after_o this_o with_o strange_a assault_n and_o fearful_a violence_n they_o press_v upon_o the_o two_o special_a passage_n of_o our_o camp_n whereat_o the_o one_o stand_v firm_a the_o lord_n camp_n master_n general_n with_o a_o great_a and_o strong_a battalion_n at_o the_o other_o the_o lord_n palatine_n culmensis_fw-la in_o the_o marketplace_n the_o lord_n doenhoff_n with_o many_o german_n in_o a_o word_n we_o be_v all_o in_o arm_n and_o the_o cannon_n play_v on_o both_o side_n as_o far_o as_o they_o can_v for_o hurt_v those_o in_o their_o own_o quarter_n at_o last_o on_o a_o sudden_a with_o accustom_a cry_n the_o tartar_n give_v on_o and_o be_v ready_a to_o scale_v the_o trench_n &_o enter_v in_o at_o the_o port_n then_o follow_v the_o janissary_n as_o their_o second_o and_o last_o the_o spahy_n and_o chawse_n on_o horseback_n who_o by_o their_o bravery_n make_v themselves_o sure_a of_o the_o entrance_n for_o the_o truth_n be_v we_o give_v ground_n and_o lose_v many_o man_n for_o they_o press_v so_o
field_n piece_n to_o intercept_v his_o return_n and_o so_o lie_v between_o the_o town_n and_o our_o camp_n be_v not_o 15._o nail_n a_o sunder_o they_o take_v up_o much_o ground_n and_o be_v disperse_v in_o many_o place_n yea_o many_o time_n resolve_v to_o set_v upon_o the_o town_n itself_o and_o if_o they_o can_v to_o take_v the_o spoil_n of_o the_o same_o but_o it_o be_v too_o strong_a for_o they_o and_o so_o they_o content_v themselves_o in_o the_o expectation_n of_o this_o booty_n and_o the_o return_n of_o the_o polonian_n to_o the_o campe._n when_o the_o town_n see_v the_o field_n thus_o overspr_v with_o tartar_n and_o that_o they_o be_v so_o well_o appoint_v to_o intercept_v the_o carriage_n they_o fortefied_a themselves_o the_o strong_a and_o yet_o mean_v not_o to_o keep_v themselves_o within_o their_o wall_n consider_v the_o necessity_n of_o relieve_v their_o camp_n but_o again_o understand_v that_o they_o lie_v upon_o every_o passage_n and_o must_v hazard_v the_o whole_a convoy_n with_o the_o provision_n in_o the_o interception_n the_o lord_n koskakorffskij_fw-la with_o the_o other_o captain_n think_v it_o best_a to_o put_v a_o trick_n upon_o their_o enemy_n and_o deceive_v they_o if_o they_o can_v by_o a_o petty_a stratagem_n which_o they_o thus_o effect_v when_o all_o thing_n be_v ready_a for_o their_o return_n within_o eight_o day_n after_o their_o departure_n from_o the_o camp_n they_o set_v forward_o back_o again_o with_o many_o wagon_n of_o wine_n and_o corn_n and_o so_o issue_v out_o with_o certain_a troop_n well_o appoint_v who_o they_o flank_v with_o light_a wagon_n full_a of_o straw_n and_o hay_n yet_o not_o so_o full_a but_o they_o go_v in_o a_o manner_n as_o fast_o as_o the_o horse_n which_o when_o the_o tartar_n perceive_v they_o bring_v up_o their_o piece_n and_o come_v forward_o with_o their_o shot_n to_o disrank_n these_o cartes_n very_o suppose_v the_o main_a booty_n be_v in_o the_o midst_n of_o the_o troop_n but_o the_o cartes_n go_v so_o fast_o and_o the_o horse_n upon_o the_o troth_n that_o they_o be_v quick_o from_o the_o shot_n of_o their_o ordinance_n and_o make_v the_o tartar_n weary_a to_o follow_v they_o yet_o as_o they_o be_v instruct_v they_o make_v diverse_a stand_v as_o if_o the_o wagon_n mean_v to_o take_v some_o rest_n and_o then_o as_o the_o tartar_n approach_v they_o will_v trot_v away_o again_o and_o thus_o they_o continue_v till_o night_n by_o which_o time_n the_o tartar_n be_v quick_o draw_v from_o the_o town_n and_o think_v it_o work_v enough_o to_o secure_v the_o field_n piece_n from_o surprise_v when_o night_n come_v then_o issue_v out_o the_o lord_n koskakorffskij_fw-la with_o the_o main_n convoy_n indeed_o which_o consist_v of_o corn_n oil_n wine_n honey_n and_o cattle_n and_o go_v a_o clean_a contrary_a way_n unknown_a to_o the_o enemy_n though_o somewhat_o about_o to_o a_o town_n call_v sarno_n kovonicie_n where_o he_o be_v accommodate_v to_o the_o river_n of_o ister_n and_o from_o whence_o he_o come_v to_o the_o camp_n as_o you_o have_v hear_v in_o safety_n and_o good_a order_n yet_o not_o without_o some_o opposition_n though_o far_o from_o loss_n and_o discomfiture_n for_o by_o that_o time_n the_o tartar_n know_v how_o they_o be_v deceive_v which_o they_o do_v by_o light_a horseman_n send_v of_o purpose_n by_o the_o polonian_n to_o divert_v they_o from_o follow_v those_o troop_n that_o issue_v out_o of_o camenece_n by_o day_n too_o far_o they_o send_v word_n to_o the_o turk_n of_o the_o deceit_n and_o they_o exasperate_v with_o very_a rage_n run_v down_o in_o whole_a company_n to_o beset_v the_o river_n on_o both_o side_n and_o bring_v their_o ordinance_n to_o play_v upon_o the_o boat_n who_o keep_v the_o stream_n but_o the_o most_o be_v pass_v by_o ere_o they_o come_v and_o the_o rest_n keep_v the_o channel_n which_o be_v here_o so_o broad_a that_o the_o ordinance_n play_v on_o the_o bank_n and_o can_v not_o do_v they_o much_o harm_n yet_o do_v the_o turk_n follow_v they_o as_o far_o as_o our_o trench_n but_o we_o have_v certain_a tower_n well_o fortefied_a on_o both_o side_n the_o river_n play_v out_o of_o they_o so_o violent_o that_o we_o cut_v off_o some_o of_o they_o in_o their_o speedines_n and_o those_o who_o be_v within_o reach_v of_o the_o shot_n of_o our_o trench_n be_v fain_o to_o recoil_v and_o so_o the_o turk_n and_o tartar_n return_v with_o great_a sorrow_n on_o all_o side_n to_o be_v thus_o disappoint_v and_o we_o entertain_v our_o friend_n with_o joy_n on_o every_o side_n to_o be_v thus_o relieve_v the_o same_o day_n before_o sunsetting_a ambassador_n come_v to_o our_o noble_a prince_n from_o the_o cossacke_n inhabit_v the_o shore_n of_o the_o black_a sea_n by_o the_o mouth_n of_o volga_n and_o those_o river_n that_o pour_v themselves_o as_o it_o be_v into_o the_o lap_n of_o moeotis_n palus_n and_o those_o border_n of_o russia_n the_o some_o of_o their_o ambascy_n be_v that_o they_o have_v raise_v a_o army_n of_o 20000._o in_o defence_n of_o the_o christian_n against_o either_o turk_n and_o tartar_n or_o any_o other_o enemy_n which_o shall_v blaspheme_v their_o religion_n they_o be_v arm_v and_o pay_v and_o within_o a_o day_n march_v of_o the_o camp_n whether_o they_o be_v entertain_v by_o the_o prince_n or_o no_o let_v all_o prince_n judge_n who_o know_v the_o benefit_n of_o auxiliary_a force_n and_o friendly_a supply_n come_v opportune_o and_o in_o case_n of_o necessity_n whether_o the_o news_n be_v welcome_a let_v a_o wound_a and_o distress_a person_n judge_v who_o be_v pull_v out_o of_o a_o ditch_n from_o starve_a &_o bring_v to_o good_a fire_n and_o better_a lodging_n whether_o we_o make_v use_v of_o their_o company_n and_o coadiutement_n let_v he_o judge_v that_o be_v overmatch_v with_o rage_a adversary_n be_v on_o a_o sudden_a supply_v with_o worthy_a second_n who_o venture_v their_o life_n in_o his_o defence_n in_o a_o word_n word_n whether_o the_o turk_n understand_v of_o their_o approach_n be_v not_o a_o little_a trouble_v consider_v they_o have_v be_v so_o often_o affront_v already_o let_v they_o judge_v that_o understand_v the_o nature_n of_o conflict_n and_o the_o condition_n of_o supply_n though_o it_o be_v but_o in_o ambuscado_n which_o have_v many_o time_n turn_v back_o fail_v and_o discomfitted_a troop_n and_o in_o a_o new_a trial_n recover_v the_o victory_n word_n whether_o the_o turk_n understand_v of_o their_o the_o second_o of_o october_n we_o take_v some_o prisoner_n and_o many_o come_v unto_o we_o of_o their_o own_o accord_n yea_o diverse_a captive_n christian_n find_v away_o to_o escape_v and_o deliver_v themselves_o from_o the_o turkish_a slavery_n and_o bondage_n and_o be_v unite_v again_o to_o the_o love_n and_o obedience_n of_o their_o mother_n country_n who_o all_o confident_o affirm_v that_o the_o turk_n be_v weary_a of_o the_o war_n and_o the_o tartar_n cry_v out_o of_o the_o wall_a town_n fortefied_a trench_n mount_v ordinance_n arm_v corslet_n long_a pike_n and_o other_o warlike_a preparation_n contrary_a to_o their_o barbarous_a and_o savage_a nakedness_n and_o yet_o do_v they_o not_o desist_v from_o their_o spoil_n and_o uncivil_a forage_n of_o the_o country_n especial_o if_o they_o can_v upon_o any_o advantage_n either_o set_v upon_o we_o or_o surprise_v we_o but_o yet_o we_o have_v no_o such_o advertisement_n from_o our_o commissioner_n nor_o dare_v disbandy_n ourselves_o upon_o any_o hope_n whatsoever_o only_a this_o i_o will_v be_v bold_a to_o affirm_v that_o if_o the_o turk_n do_v now_o desire_v a_o peace_n with_o we_o he_o will_v not_o be_v so_o forward_o to_o proclaim_v war_n against_o we_o hereafter_o or_o infringe_v the_o condition_n when_o they_o be_v once_o ratify_v from_o the_o three_o of_o october_n to_o the_o nine_o the_o time_n be_v spend_v in_o dispute_v about_o the_o peace_n for_o the_o hospodar_n of_o walachia_n with_o many_o prince_n of_o servia_n and_o bulgaria_n intrude_v themselves_o and_o desire_v the_o viceer_n and_o pasha_n of_o the_o turk_n to_o be_v include_v in_o the_o condition_n here_o some_o will_v have_v the_o king_n of_o poland_n to_o repair_v into_o the_o camp_n some_o again_o will_v have_v he_o to_o come_v in_o with_o the_o army_n of_o cossack_n that_o come_v from_o volga_n and_o the_o black_a sea_n some_o will_v have_v his_o standard_n royal_a to_o be_v advance_v in_o the_o army_n before_o he_o come_v in_o person_n some_o will_v have_v he_o secret_o to_o come_v in_o without_o any_o bravery_n or_o ostentation_n howsoever_o it_o be_v this_o be_v sure_a that_o he_o be_v neither_o mention_v nor_o public_o see_v until_o the_o treaty_n of_o peace_n and_o his_o march_v to_o leopolis_n wherein_o likewise_o i_o find_v some_o discrepancy_n about_o the_o time_n which_o may_v be_v the_o mistake_n of_o stilo_fw-it novo_fw-la
and_o stilo_fw-it antiquo_fw-la or_o else_o the_o error_n consist_v in_o the_o set_n down_o a_o general_a rise_n when_o yet_o most_o part_n of_o the_o army_n remain_v in_o the_o trench_n after_o the_o king_n be_v depart_v as_o you_o shall_v hear_v hereafter_o howsoever_o i_o find_v no_o variation_n for_o the_o substance_n of_o matter_n nor_o in_o truth_n any_o great_a matter_n after_o the_o peace_n to_o variate_v about_o and_o so_o to_o the_o purpose_n the_o nine_o of_o october_n the_o peace_n be_v conclude_v after_o the_o old_a condition_n and_o ratification_n with_o the_o accustom_a manner_n of_o proceed_n nor_o be_v there_o any_o manner_n of_o foederation_n leave_v out_o which_o may_v serve_v to_o glorify_v the_o commonwealth_n on_o either_o side_n from_o whence_o i_o only_o observe_v that_o by_o this_o mean_n this_o insult_a enemy_n who_o a_o little_a before_o or_o if_o you_o will_v the_o spring_n of_o the_o year_n threaten_a fire_n and_o sword_n and_o be_v so_o far_o from_o any_o condition_n of_o amity_n that_o he_o proclaim_v the_o devastation_n of_o our_o country_n and_o will_v have_v no_o denial_n but_o utter_a subjection_n tribute_n and_o slavish_a obedience_n by_o the_o force_n of_o arm_n see_v now_o the_o staff_n of_o his_o mightiness_n break_v a_o piece_n and_o that_o in_o a_o manner_n by_o compulsion_n he_o must_v make_v a_o peace_n with_o a_o inferior_a prince_n and_o when_o when_o we_o stand_v in_o need_n of_o provision_n want_v powder_n and_o shot_n see_v a_o returdance_n in_o such_o troop_n and_o payment_n of_o money_n as_o be_v promise_v by_o many_o christian_a prince_n have_v our_o commonwealth_n turmoil_v with_o the_o war_n of_o livonia_n and_o ourselves_o former_o weary_v with_o many_o convulsion_n now_o set_v upon_o afresh_o with_o the_o only_a enemy_n of_o christendom_n the_o great_a turk_n and_o barbarous_a tartar_n but_o this_o god_n can_v do_v and_o this_o god_n for_o we_o and_o the_o same_o god_n will_v i_o hope_v continue_v his_o mercy_n towards_o us._n the_o 11._o of_o october_n the_o emperor_n of_o turk_n send_v unto_o his_o majesty_n a_o messenger_n with_o these_o instruction_n that_o we_o shall_v first_o raise_v our_o camp_n and_o depart_v out_o of_o walachia_n a_o province_n subject_a and_o tributary_n to_o he_o which_o by_o no_o meane●_n we_o will_v agree_v unto_o project_v altogether_o the_o dignity_n of_o the_o kingdom_n and_o the_o commodiousness_n of_o the_o army_n both_o which_o may_v have_v be_v impair_v nay_o all_o quite_o overthrow_v if_o while_o we_o be_v puzzle_v thus_o in_o rise_v either_o the_o turk_n break_v their_o covenant_n may_v fall_v upon_o we_o or_o overtake_v we_o in_o the_o plain_n may_v press_v upon_o we_o with_o the_o great_a number_n and_o unprovided_a whereupon_o the_o turk_n leave_v the_o stand_a bridge_n which_o he_o make_v over_o the_o river_n remove_v his_o camp_n some_o half_a mile_n backwarder_n give_v we_o leave_v to_o make_v use_n of_o the_o bridge_n either_o for_o carriage_n too_o and_o fro_o or_o our_o orderly_a march_n but_o yet_o we_o stir_v not_o for_o all_o this_o no_o though_o the_o turk_n stay_v two_o day_n in_o that_o place_n insomuch_o that_o we_o have_v recourse_n one_o to_o another_o and_o take_v a_o liberty_n to_o flatter_v one_o another_o with_o formal_a welcome_n feast_v and_o kind_a embrace_n as_o be_v the_o custom_n of_o reconcile_a friend_n or_o if_o you_o will_v protect_v enemy_n the_o 12._o of_o october_n the_o grand_a signieur_n march_v five_o mile_n further_o to_o the_o river_n surname_v prath_n and_o there_o settle_v his_o whole_a army_n the_o same_o day_n we_o dispose_v of_o our_o ordnance_n in_o cart_n make_v of_o purpose_n and_o take_v the_o benefit_n of_o the_o turk_n bridge_n for_o the_o easy_a accommodate_v ourselves_o as_o you_o have_v hear_v yet_o be_v our_o king_n on_o foot_n and_o have_v march_v some_o few_o day_n before_o towards_o leopolis_n give_v we_o direction_n not_o to_o stir_v till_o the_o time_n appoint_v for_o the_o tartar_n be_v not_o yet_o appease_v but_o continue_v their_o accustom_a manner_n of_o theft_n and_o robbery_n both_o in_o burn_v of_o village_n and_o meet_v with_o as_o naked_a man_n as_o themselves_o so_o that_o when_o we_o depart_v indeed_o we_o go_v very_o strong_a send_v our_o munition_n and_o carriage_n two_o day_n before_o we_o throw_v down_o our_o trench_n where-about_a also_o there_o be_v some_o dispute_v whether_o we_o shall_v level_v they_o with_o the_o ground_n or_o no_o for_o they_o seem_v a_o good_a refuge_n if_o occasion_n serve_v to_o retire_v unto_o the_o 13._o of_o october_n the_o turk_n remove_v again_o a_o little_a beyond_o the_o river_n of_o prath_n and_o encamp_v themselves_o three_o mile_n further_o the_o same_o day_n our_o illustrious_a prince_n continue_v still_o with_o the_o main_a army_n arise_v at_o once_o and_o march_v to_o the_o further_a side_n of_o ister_n over_o the_o turk_n bridge_n by_o a_o town_n call_v zaranie_n in_o the_o province_n of_o checinen_n and_o in_o the_o field_n that_o belong_v to_o the_o castle_n where_o the_o prince_n take_v up_o his_o lodging_n leave_v the_o lord_n lermunth_n and_o all_o the_o german_a cohert_n to_o attend_v the_o carriage_n and_o cart_n and_o safe_a conduct_n the_o artillery_n to_o the_o place_n appoint_v for_o there_o be_v many_o straggler_n of_o the_o tartar_n and_o outlopers_a of_o the_o seruian_o and_o walachian_o that_o lie_v in_o wait_n for_o robbery_n and_o spoil_n neither_o spare_v we_o nor_o the_o turk_n themselves_o if_o they_o can_v overmaster_n either_o and_o so_o be_v no_o better_a than_o profess_a thief_n and_o therefore_o be_v this_o order_n take_v in_o our_o march_n not_o to_o be_v circumvent_v or_o make_v a_o spoil_n of_o in_o the_o break_n up_o of_o a_o campe._n all_o the_o next_o day_n be_v the_o 14._o of_o october_n we_o tarry_v at_o zaranie_n till_o the_o carriage_n come_v together_o which_o the_o day_n follow_v be_v the_o 15._o we_o send_v very_o early_o to_o camenicen_n whether_o we_o also_o approach_v with_o the_o main_a troop_n by_o sun_n set_v but_o the_o cossack_n take_v another_o way_n have_v many_o promise_n of_o gratification_n both_o from_o the_o turk_n and_o ourselves_o such_o be_v their_o valour_n deserve_v commemoration_n such_o be_v their_o enterprise_n compel_v acknowledgement_n that_o night_n the_o prince_n lodge_v in_o the_o castle_n and_o the_o next_o day_n the_o commissioner_n return_v with_o the_o article_n of_o agreement_n and_o many_o honourable_a person_n present_v themselves_o who_o be_v several_o welcome_v as_o actor_n on_o the_o former_a stage_n of_o war_n and_o turmoil_v and_o lover_n of_o their_o country_n for_o who_o sake_n as_o you_o have_v hear_v they_o adventure_v both_o estate_n and_o person_n and_o be_v ready_a to_o pour_v out_o their_o blood_n as_o they_o name_v it_o for_o the_o cross_n of_o christ_n after_o the_o serious_a matter_n be_v debate_v the_o ambassador_n dismiss_v and_o the_o affair_n settle_v they_o have_v some_o time_n to_o talk_v of_o other_o business_n and_o among_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o turk_n disposition_n concern_v who_o one_o of_o the_o basshawe_n have_v discover_v to_o the_o polonian_n while_o they_o be_v about_o their_o tractate_n of_o peace_n how_o irksome_a and_o distaste_v it_o be_v to_o the_o young_a emperor_n who_o many_o time_n in_o a_o frantic_a manner_n will_v excruciate_v and_o torment_v himself_o with_o action_n of_o distemperature_n as_o throw_v of_o his_o turbane_n beat_v his_o breast_n and_o kick_v his_o very_a basshawe_n who_o dare_v not_o reply_v but_o be_v subject_a to_o a_o very_a slavish_a prostitution_n and_o then_o will_v he_o fall_v to_o weep_v and_o wring_v his_o hand_n to_o think_v upon_o his_o inauspitious_a action_n and_o unfortunate_a attempt_n remember_v two_o especial_a time_n one_o when_o with_o seven_o thousand_o of_o our_o army_n we_o set_v upon_o 10000_o turk_n who_o make_v a_o brave_a sally_n on_o our_o trench_n but_o be_v beat_v back_o with_o violence_n to_o their_o own_o home_n at_o which_o he_o so_o storm_v that_o he_o call_v they_o slave_n vagabond_n and_o idle_a as_o if_o they_o have_v play_v the_o traitor_n of_o purpose_n to_o eclipse_v his_o glory_n and_o obumbrate_v his_o renown_n another_o when_o the_o cossack_n sally_v upon_o they_o and_o slay_v so_o many_o of_o the_o tartar_n that_o they_o be_v weary_a of_o kill_v and_o so_o return_v with_o a_o great_a prey_n and_o spoil_v into_o their_o own_o quarter_n but_o of_o all_o that_o fatal_a day_n the_o 18._o of_o september_n trouble_v and_o torment_v he_o when_o he_o resolve_v and_o set_v up_o his_o rest_n to_o overrun_v we_o at_o once_o and_o come_v forward_o with_o such_o impetuosity_n that_o we_o fear_v ourselves_o have_v not_o god_n fight_v for_o we_o and_o turn_v they_o back_o with_o a_o great_a slaughter_n yea_o such_o
man_n the_o one_o can_v pull_v down_o the_o proud_a and_o advance_v the_o humble_a and_o weak_a the_o other_o must_v confess_v the_o change_n of_o mortality_n &_o alteration_n of_o humane_a condition_n or_o knock_v his_o knee_n together_o with_o fear_n and_o tremble_a when_o with_o belshasher_n he_o see_v the_o hand_n write_v on_o the_o wall_n thus_o do_v the_o assyrian_a monarch_n banquet_n in_o the_o bound_n of_o the_o sanctuary_n and_o that_o in_o security_n when_o yet_o the_o same_o night_n the_o mede_n and_o persian_n besiege_v babylon_n and_o he_o be_v betray_v into_o his_o enemy_n hand_n with_o the_o loss_n of_o his_o life_n and_o kingdom_n and_o thus_o do_v the_o great_a turk_n threaten_v poland_n as_o hope_v thereby_o to_o make_v a_o way_n into_o europe_n and_o the_o northern_a sea_n when_o yet_o within_o three_o month_n he_o be_v utter_o disappoint_v and_o compel_v to_o entertain_v a_o peace_n when_o in_o a_o youthful_a jollity_n his_o heart_n scorn_v to_o entertain_v any_o thing_n but_o revenge_n or_o ambitious_a design_n now_o the_o god_n of_o all_o blessing_n make_v we_o thankful_a for_o so_o great_a a_o mercy_n that_o his_o benefit_n be_v not_o bestow_v in_o vain_a nor_o we_o the_o son_n of_o man_n more_o stupid_a and_o ingrateful_a than_o the_o bruit_n beast_n that_o acknowledge_v his_o kindness_n and_o everlasting_a goodness_n i_o have_v also_o gentle_a reader_n another_o letter_n for_o thou_o which_o depend_v immediate_o upon_o the_o former_a sort_v in_o every_o thing_n to_o the_o truth_n but_o that_o i_o find_v a_o little_a discrepancy_n in_o the_o rise_n of_o the_o camp_n which_o either_o may_v be_v mistake_v by_o the_o difference_n of_o stilo_fw-it novo_fw-la and_o antiquo_fw-la or_o by_o the_o king_n go_v to_o leopolis_n before_o the_o main_a camp_n break_v up_o and_o the_o tartar_n be_v absolute_o appease_v or_o draw_v away_o by_o the_o grand_a signieur_n i_o find_v it_o translate_v to_o my_o hand_n and_o write_v from_o leopolis_n to_o some_o man_n of_o honour_n else_o where_o but_o it_o have_v neither_o date_n nor_o superscription_n no_o nor_o the_o author_n have_v subscribe_v his_o name_n at_o which_o i_o do_v not_o wonder_v because_o it_o be_v but_o a_o copy_n nor_o will_v have_v thou_o wonder_v for_o it_o be_v a_o common_a thing_n in_o letter_n of_o news_n and_o occurrence_n wherein_o all_o man_n will_v be_v glad_a to_o participate_v their_o secret_n for_o the_o common_a good_a but_o not_o publish_v the_o author_n for_o fear_n of_o private_a traduce_v you_o shall_v have_v it_o therefore_o as_o i_o find_v it_o and_o when_o you_o have_v read_v it_o then_o judge_v whether_o it_o be_v worth_a the_o publish_n or_o no._n it_o thus_o begin_v the_o copy_n of_o a_o letter_n write_v from_o leopolis_n gracious_a and_o honourable_a lord_n the_o four_o of_o october_n we_o depart_v from_o lublinn_n from_o whence_o i_o signify_v the_o present_a occurrent_n and_o have_v now_o expose_v ourselves_o to_o a_o new_a journey_n we_o likewise_o anew_o dispose_v the_o order_n of_o our_o march_n for_o although_o the_o peace_n be_v conclude_v yet_o the_o tiding_n of_o the_o tartar_n and_o valachian_n approach_n increase_v who_o be_v not_o withdraw_v out_o of_o the_o field_n will_v not_o withdraw_v themselves_o from_o their_o beastly_a manner_n of_o spoil_n robbery_n rape_n and_o cruelty_n wherefore_o to_o prevent_v their_o revenge_n and_o secure_v ourselves_o the_o troop_n be_v thus_o marshal_v first_o certain_a cornet_n of_o horseman_n and_o scowtmaster_n be_v send_v out_o then_o the_o vanguard_n with_o a_o battalion_n on_o foot_n then_o the_o king_n majesty_n with_o his_o houshold-seruant_n and_o the_o banner_n impress_v the_o arm_n royal_a to_o wit_n a_o white_a eagle_n with_o a_o white_a cross_n divide_v and_o upon_o the_o same_o tecum_fw-la et_fw-la pro_fw-la te_fw-la this_o ensign_n consist_v of_o five_o hundred_o be_v gather_v at_o the_o charge_n of_o voluntary_a courtier_n and_o by_o they_o exquisite_o set_v out_o and_o order_v after_o these_o immediate_o follow_v the_o king_n majesty_n with_o a_o troop_n of_o three_o hundred_o dutch_a horse_n be_v his_o guard_n then_o come_v such_o carriage_n as_o belong_v to_o the_o king_n and_o then_o such_o as_o belong_v to_o the_o soldier_n and_o last_o of_o all_o follow_v the_o rear_n which_o consist_v most_o of_o master_n of_o pole_n the_o six_o day_n we_o come_v to_o zamoschia_n where_o there_o adhaer_v unto_o we_o about_o six_o thousand_o dutch_a horseman_n who_o colonel_n be_v the_o palatine_a of_o marcinburg_n and_o six_o thousand_o foot_n under_o the_o conduct_n of_o colonel_n arnhem_n so_o that_o thus_o strengthen_v we_o march_v with_o great_a safety_n yet_o not_o altogether_o without_o peril_n until_o we_o come_v to_o leopolis_n for_o on_o the_o one_o side_n we_o see_v the_o country_n on_o fire_n a_o most_o certain_a character_n of_o the_o tartar_n impression_n who_o burn_v all_o before_o they_o and_o we_o have_v now_o attain_v unto_o their_o ash_n on_o the_o other_o side_n we_o may_v easy_o see_v many_o straggle_a seruian_o and_o bulgarian_n who_o as_o the_o tartar_n delight_v in_o nothing_o but_o uniustifiable_a robbery_n in_o which_o manner_n for_o all_o the_o turk_n proclamation_n they_o continue_v till_o they_o be_v quite_o retire_v home_o the_o 8._o of_o october_n we_o lodge_v all_o night_n in_o a_o little_a town_n which_o have_v be_v burn_v by_o the_o tartar_n call_v podlitez_n and_o from_o thence_o determine_v the_o next_o day_n to_o go_v forward_o but_o fear_v cease_v upon_o the_o vanguard_n by_o reason_n the_o scowt_n return_v with_o news_n that_o our_o wagon_n be_v surprise_v and_o the_o noise_n go_v they_o be_v ransack_v by_o the_o tartar_n but_o thanks_n be_v to_o god_n it_o prove_v a_o false_a alarm_n only_o some_o 4000_o tartar_n and_o other_o of_o those_o nation_n appear_v with_o a_o warlike_a countenance_n and_o may_v have_v be_v suspect_v to_o take_v advantage_n of_o our_o straggler_n but_o see_v we_o so_o strong_a and_o so_o well_o order_v they_o give_v we_o leave_v to_o go_v forward_o and_o we_o leave_v they_o to_o their_o savage_a and_o unnatural_a immanity_n the_o day_n follow_v a_o council_n be_v call_v in_o a_o little_a town_n call_v kimerton_n and_o for_o as_o much_o as_o the_o main_a body_n of_o the_o tartar_n army_n be_v but_o three_o mile_n distant_a from_o we_o and_o that_o have_v do_v so_o well_o all_o this_o while_n we_o will_v be_v loath_a to_o make_v a_o shuffle_a end_n at_o the_o part_n we_o there_o encamp_v ourselves_o and_o abode_n a_o whole_a day_n and_o then_o take_v the_o neighbour_a people_n into_o our_o custody_n we_o march_v forward_o towards_o leopolis_n and_o have_v the_o twelve_o of_o october_n gain_v the_o sight_n of_o the_o city_n every_o man_n be_v cheer_v and_o solemn_o praise_v god_n for_o their_o former_a deliverance_n there_o come_v forth_o many_o of_o the_o gentility_n to_o salute_v and_o receive_v the_o king_n and_o after_o they_o follow_v multitude_n of_o people_n a_o old_a custom_n to_o applaud_v the_o action_n of_o conqueror_n or_o welcome_v such_o prince_n who_o else_o will_v be_v their_o own_o carver_n it_o be_v very_o worth_a the_o see_n for_o the_o king_n never_o ride_v with_o such_o pomp_n and_o confluence_n into_o any_o city_n and_o because_o it_o be_v remarkable_a and_o worthy_a of_o memory_n i_o will_v hereafter_o compile_v it_o into_o a_o large_a discourse_n and_o send_v it_o your_o honour_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n to_o satisfy_v those_o that_o desire_v to_o know_v the_o present_a estate_n of_o our_o affair_n i_o will_v brief_o make_v a_o summary_n collection_n and_o intimate_v our_o deliverance_n as_o they_o chance_v beyond_o all_o expectation_n a_o salvation_n be_v befall_v we_o for_o we_o be_v release_v from_o the_o extreme_a peril_n whereinto_o we_o be_v fall_v not_o by_o our_o own_o diligence_n and_o power_n but_o by_o the_o special_a providence_n of_o god_n who_o have_v do_v great_a wonder_n for_o us._n behold_v our_o matter_n be_v at_o the_o point_n of_o loss_n our_o soldier_n be_v weary_v and_o tire_v with_o turkish_a assault_n our_o powder_n and_o munition_n fail_v our_o people_n taste_v of_o hunger_n and_o and_o want_v kotkovite_n palatine_n of_o the_o wild_a and_o general_n of_o the_o army_n die_v in_o the_o camp_n our_o prince_n fall_v sick_a and_o sad_a our_o heart_n and_o many_o other_o inconvenience_n beside_o the_o slaughter_n of_o our_o man_n threaten_v our_o ruin_n and_o utter_a subversion_n but_o behold_v on_o a_o sudden_a how_o comfort_n appear_v about_o the_o 2._o of_o october_n a_o treaty_n of_o peace_n be_v offer_v and_o accept_v by_o the_o turk_n for_o which_o purpose_n we_o be_v content_v to_o depute_v certain_a commissioner_n who_o be_v according_o entertain_v and_o admit_v into_o the_o turk_n camp_n to_o wit_v the_o castellan_n of_o belsens_n and_o
the_o palatine_a of_o lubline_n who_o go_v roundly_o to_o work_v but_o after_o the_o turkish_a manner_n they_o stand_v upon_o high_a term_n of_o ostentation_n until_o some_o who_o stand_v in_o tractalion_n with_o they_o mitigate_v the_o heavy_a impose_v condition_n which_o continue_v until_o the_o 8._o of_o october_n in_o fine_a the_o next_o day_n i_o know_v not_o by_o what_o special_a work_n of_o god_n the_o turk_n cast_v a_o side_n all_o the_o propound_a condition_n and_o interiected_a cavil_n accept_v the_o pacta_fw-la antiqua_fw-la which_o also_o be_v on_o both_o side_n confirm_v and_o ratefied_a then_o be_v our_o commissioner_n admit_v to_o the_o emperor_n presence_n and_o kind_o receive_v and_o honour_v with_o gift_n he_o also_o send_v unto_o the_o illustrious_a prince_n vladislaus_n a_o live_a elephant_n with_o many_o other_o thing_n who_o again_o regratulate_v he_o with_o dog_n and_o certain_a pair_n of_o hand_n gun_n make_v in_o the_o low-countries_n and_o so_o the_o peace_n be_v publish_v and_o the_o article_n bring_v to_o the_o king_n to_o leopolis_n the_o camp_n remain_v yet_o firm_a and_o the_o cossacke_v continue_v in_o their_o quarter_n at_o last_o the_o turk_n retire_v his_o army_n and_o divert_v the_o tartar_n who_o all_o this_o while_n spoil_v and_o burn_v the_o country_n he_o also_o promise_v great_a gift_n to_o the_o cossacke_n which_o shall_v hereafter_o be_v send_v by_o legation_n and_o whatsoever_o be_v equal_o demand_v be_v on_o the_o turk_n part_v most_o princely_a grant_v all_o which_o point_v consider_v make_v this_o matter_n almost_o incredible_a for_o the_o like_a be_v not_o find_v in_o the_o turkish_a history_n and_o in_o especial_a that_o the_o emperor_n in_o person_n be_v in_o a_o expedition_n of_o such_o preparation_n shall_v condescend_v to_o such_o article_n of_o peace_n and_o be_v content_v to_o return_v home_o frustrate_v and_o disappoin_v but_o these_o be_v god_n secret_n to_o preserve_v we_o to_o the_o end_n that_o christendom_n shall_v not_o by_o our_o overthrow_n be_v further_o infest_a with_o turkish_a army_n for_o questionless_a if_o we_o have_v fail_v either_o in_o our_o camp_n or_o encounter_n he_o have_v pass_v without_o control_v and_o the_o plaint_n country_n will_v quick_o have_v be_v overrun_v by_o their_o multitude_n and_o outrageous_a tartar_n who_o think_v upon_o nothing_o but_o ruin_n and_o destruction_n what_o shall_v i_o insist_v more_o upon_o this_o matter_n great_a peace_n have_v embrace_v we_o and_o comfort_v light_v upon_o our_o head_n unlooked_a for_o our_o camp_n shall_v be_v break_v up_o and_o we_o daily_o expect_v the_o turk_n legate_n for_o who_o my_o illustrious_a prince_n vladislaus_n tarry_v we_o as_o suppose_v to_o conduct_v he_o to_o the_o king_n who_o will_v abide_v 8._o day_n at_o leopolis_n to_o give_v order_n for_o the_o discharge_n of_o the_o soldier_n and_o settle_v of_o other_o matter_n behooveful_a partly_o for_o these_o province_n partly_o for_o the_o good_a of_o moldavia_n and_o podolia_n with_o those_o of_o bogdonia_n who_o be_v all_o include_v in_o the_o article_n after_o the_o dispatch_n of_o these_o affair_n the_o king_n intend_v to_o return_v to_o warsaw_n as_o receive_v letter_n out_o of_o sweden_n which_o be_v not_o altogether_o please_v unto_o he_o in_o the_o mean_a while_o the_o gentleman_n and_o master_n be_v dismiss_v and_o many_o soldier_n who_o be_v yet_o in_o the_o expedition_n have_v order_n to_o return_v and_o a_o general_a commandment_n be_v go_v out_o to_o have_v prayer_n and_o procession_n in_o every_o church_n yea_o i_o be_o sure_a by_o to_o that_o time_n the_o news_n come_v cracow_n and_o other_o city_n they_o will_v not_o spare_v for_o bonfire_n and_o make_v a_o general_a rejoice_v in_o every_o place_n i_o know_v that_o these_o thing_n will_v be_v acceptable_a tiding_n to_o your_o honour_n the_o event_n of_o other_o cause_n i_o will_v hereafter_o signify_v send_v the_o condition_n of_o the_o peace_n or_o if_o you_o will_v the_o article_n of_o agreement_n and_o diligent_o write_v what_o else_o shall_v be_v worth_a the_o relate_n as_o i_o encounter_v with_o such_o as_o come_v out_o of_o the_o camp_n all_o i_o desire_v now_o be_v that_o this_o my_o diligence_n may_v be_v commend_v and_o dedicate_v unto_o your_o gracious_a favour_n i_o be_o promise_v a_o discourse_n of_o the_o departure_n of_o the_o tartar_n and_o how_o they_o take_v their_o leaf_n of_o the_o grand_fw-mi signior_n when_o it_o come_v it_o shall_v salute_v you_o with_o speed_n in_o the_o mean_a while_n gracious_a lord_n if_o i_o rest_v in_o your_o favour_n i_o have_v my_o desire_n datum_n leopolis_n 14._o october_n stilo_fw-it novo_fw-la condition_n of_o peace_n betwixt_o the_o emperor_n of_o the_o turk_n and_o his_o majesty_n of_o poland_n sul._n dato_n 9_o the_o of_o october_n 1621._o stilo_fw-it novo_fw-la 1._o inprimis_fw-la stanislaw_n salishowskis_n secretarius_fw-la regius_n shall_v ex_fw-la nunc_fw-la go_v with_o the_o turkish_a emperor_n unto_o constantinople_n there_o to_o attend_v the_o come_n of_o a_o great_a ambassador_n which_o the_o king_n majesty_n shall_v send_v and_o the_o say_a ambassador_n shall_v always_o remain_v at_o the_o sacra_fw-la porta_n like_o the_o ambassador_n of_o other_o christian_a potentate_n and_o in_o this_o respect_n a_o principal_a chawse_n shall_v present_o be_v dispatch_v to_o go_v with_o our_o commissioner_n unto_o his_o majesty_n and_o a_o great_a turkish_a ambassador_n follow_v to_o the_o end_n that_o pacta_fw-la antiqua_fw-la abutraque_fw-la parte_fw-la which_o be_v all_o record_v may_v be_v swear_v unto_o confirm_v and_o ratefied_a 2._o to_o the_o end_n that_o the_o cossack_n may_v not_o henceforth_o damnify_v the_o turkish_a empire_n both_o side_n bound_v themselves_o to_o prevent_v the_o same_o and_o so_o oft_o as_o the_o turkish_a emperor_n in_o this_o respect_n shall_v have_v cause_n to_o require_v the_o administration_n of_o justice_n the_o king_n majesty_n shall_v be_v oblige_v to_o perform_v the_o same_o in_o which_o respect_n the_o tartar_n likewise_o shall_v abstain_v from_o all_o manner_n of_o hostile_a invasion_n against_o the_o kingdom_n as_o in_o more_o especial_a the_o turkish_a emperor_n have_v undertake_v to_o hinder_v their_o passage_n at_o ochkora_n and_o if_o beyond_o expectation_n either_o part_n shall_v be_v damnify_v by_o the_o other_o restitution_n shall_v be_v make_v and_o the_o tartar_n punish_v but_o in_o the_o vast_a and_o undevided_a wilderness_n until_o their_o equal_a division_n and_o limitation_n follow_v it_o shall_v be_v free_a for_o the_o tartar_n and_o cossacke_n to_o hunt_v wild_a beast_n and_o it_o shall_v no_o whit_n impeach_v the_o pacta_fw-la convent_n although_o in_o this_o respect_n they_o may_v happen_v to_o fall_v together_o by_o the_o ear_n and_o seek_v their_o revenge_n 3._o when_o the_o tartar_n chrim_n shall_v go_v upon_o any_o expedition_n to_o serve_v the_o turkish_a emperor_n he_o shall_v not_o touch_v or_o damnify_v his_o majesty_n land_n and_o to_o the_o end_n that_o in_o this_o case_n either_o may_v know_v his_o bound_n there_o shall_v be_v commissioner_n ex_fw-la utraque_fw-la parte_fw-la ordain_v and_o by_o they_o certain_a limit_n appoint_v as_o also_o overseer_n for_o the_o black_a sea_n and_o those_o rover_n 4._o respublicae_fw-la pol●ni●a_fw-la yield_v and_o accord_v henceforth_o to_o pay_v unto_o the_o tartar_n the_o accustom_a tribute_n which_o he_o shall_v demand_v by_o his_o ambassador_n and_o in_o this_o respect_n the_o hospodar_n of_o walachia_n shall_v always_o be_v a_o understanding_n peaceable_a man_n and_o a_o christian_a and_o shall_v help_v to_o keep_v the_o tartar_n in_o office_n &_o government_n that_o they_o attempt_v nothing_o contra_fw-la pacta_fw-la or_o if_o they_o do_v to_o receive_v punishment_n according_a to_o the_o nature_n of_o the_o offence_n and_o trial_n and_o if_o his_o majesty_n shall_v have_v such_o occasion_n then_o shall_v the_o tartar_n assist_v he_o against_o his_o enemy_n in_o a_o word_n they_o shall_v be_v oblige_v to_o serve_v the_o kingdom_n 5._o it_o be_v grant_v that_o chochim_n shall_v be_v deliver_v unto_o the_o hospodar_n of_o walachia_n with_o all_o the_o appurtenance_n former_o belong_v to_o that_o fort._n 6._o unto_o all_o those_o which_o be_v the_o turk_n enemy_n shall_v the_o king_n and_o kingdom_n of_o poland_n be_v likewise_o enemy_n and_o a_o friend_n unto_o all_o his_o friend_n and_o in_o the_o same_o manner_n shall_v the_o turkish_a emperor_n be_v oblige_v to_o the_o crown_n of_o poland_n 7._o all_o these_o condition_n be_v swear_v by_o the_o say_a commissioner_n and_o they_o be_v write_v in_o polish_v turkish_a and_o latin_a and_o the_o follow_v great_a ambassador_n in_o like_a manner_n facta_fw-la renovatione_fw-la on_o both_o part_n shall_v confirm_v the_o same_o and_o continue_v the_o maintain_n of_o the_o ancient_a pacta_fw-la by_o their_o oath_n they_o be_v also_o under_o write_v by_o the_o viceer_n of_o the_o army_n of_o