A supplement to a late treatise, called An essay for the discovery of some new geometrical problems concerning angular sections, resolving what was there problematically proposed; and with some rectification made in the former essay, showing an easie method truly geometrical, without any conick section, or cubick æquation, to sect any angle or arch of a circle into 3. 5. 7. or any other uneven number of equal parts. By G. K.
Keith, George, 1639?-1716.
Wing K216A; ESTC R216625
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The Geometry of landskips and paintings made familiar and easie useful to limners in drawing, and gentlemen in choosing pictures, and beneficial to architects and carvers in proportioning the graces and statues of their buildings to the due distance of sight, and to country gentlemen in the more convenient framing of their platforms for seats and prospects / in a letter to a friend.
Wing G528; ESTC R42050
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An Excellent introduction to architecture being a book of geometrical practice, which is the first degree of all arts : wherein is contained variety of examples of that admirable science ...
Wing E3801; ESTC R40565
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The artificers plain scale, or, The carpenters new rule in two parts ... : also, how to take heights and distances severall wayes, and to draw the plot of a town or city / by Thomas Stirrup, Philomat.
Stirrup, Thomas.
Wing S5686; Thomason E1375_3
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Regulæ trium ordinum literarum typographicarum, or, The rules of the three orders of print letters viz. the Roman, Italick, English capitals and small : shewing how they are compounded of geometrick figures, and mostly made by rule and compass, useful for writing masters, painters, carvers, masons, and others that are lovers of curiosity / by Joseph Moxon ...
Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1691.
Wing M3019; ESTC R21244
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Mechanick dyalling teaching any man, though of an ordinary capacity and unlearned in the mathematicks, to draw a true sun-dyal on any given plane, however scituated : only with the help of a straight ruler and a pair of compasses, and without any arithmetical calculation / by Joseph Moxon ...
Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1691.
Wing M3009; ESTC R20066
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A sermon preached to the Honorable House of Commons, at their late solemne fast, Wednesday, Feb. 26. 1644. / By John Maynard, minister of the Word of God at Mayfield in Sussex, and a member of the Assembly of Divines.
Maynard, John, 1600-1665.
Wing M1452; Thomason E277_2; ESTC R200000
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The use of the geometrical playing-cards, as also a discourse of the mechanick powers by Monsi. Des-Cartes ; translated from his own manuscript copy ; shewing what great things may be performed by mechanick engines in removing and raising bodies of vast weights with little strength or force.; Traité de la mécanique. English
Descartes, René, 1596-1650.
Wing D1137; ESTC R17477
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Mr. De Sargues Universal way of dyaling, or, Plain and easie directions for placing the axeltree and marking the hours in sun-dyals, after the French, Italian, Babylonian, and Jewish manner together with the manner of drawing the lines of the signs, of finding out the height of the sun above the horizon, and the east-rising of the same, the elevation of the pole, and the position of the meridian ... / [edited] by Daniel King, Gent.; Maniére universelle pour poser l'essieu. English
Desargues, Gérard, 1591-1661.; King, Daniel, d. 1664?; Bosse, Abraham, 1602-1676.
Wing D1127; ESTC R17188
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A treatise of angular sections by John Wallis ...
Wallis, John, 1616-1703.; Wallis, John, 1616-1703. Treatise of algebra.
Wing W614; ESTC R186204
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The description and use of a joynt-rule fitted with lines for the finding the hour of the day and azimuth of the sun, to any particular latitude, or, to apply the same generally to any latitude : together with all the uses of Gunters quadrant applyed thereunto ... / contriv'd & written by J. Brown, philomath.
Brown, John, philomath.
Wing B5038; ESTC R33265
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The differences of the ages of mans life together with the originall causes, progresse, and end thereof. Written by the learned Henrie Cuffe, sometime fellow of Merton College in Oxford. Ann. Dom. 1600.
Cuff, Henry, 1563-1601.; R. M., fl. 1633.
STC 6103; ESTC S122001
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Horlogiographia optica. Dialling universall and particular: speculative and practicall. In a threefold præcognita, viz. geometricall, philosophicall, and astronomicall: and a threefold practise, viz. arithmeticall, geometricall, and instrumentall. With diverse propositions of the use and benefit of shadows, serving to prick down the signes, declination, and azimuths, on sun-dials, and diverse other benefits. Illustrated by diverse opticall conceits, taken out of Augilonius, Kercherius, Clavius, and others. Lastly, topothesia, or, a feigned description of the court of art. Full of benefit for the making of dials, use of the globes, difference of meridians, and most propositions of astronomie. Together with many usefull instruments and dials in brasse, made by Walter Hayes, at the Crosse Daggers in More Fields. / Written by Silvanus Morgan.
Morgan, Sylvanus, 1620-1693.; Goddard, John, fl. 1645-1671, engraver.
Wing M2741; Thomason E652_16; ESTC R202919
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Practical perspective, or, Perspective made easie teaching [brace] by the opticks, how to delineate all bodies, buildings, or landskips, &c., by the catoptricks, how to delineate confused appearences, so as when seen in a mirror or pollisht body of any intended shape, the reflection shall shew a designe, by the dioptircks [sic], how to draw parts of many figures into one, when seen through a glass or christal cut into many faces : usefull for all painters, engravers, architects, &c., and all others that are any waies inclined to speculatory ingenuity / by Joseph Moxon ...
Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1691.
Wing M3018; ESTC R37714
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Decameron physiologicum, or, Ten dialogues of natural philosophy by Thomas Hobbes ... ; to which is added The proportion of a straight line to half the arc of a quadrant, by the same author.
Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679.; Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. Proportion of a straight line to half the arc of a quadrant.
Wing H2226; ESTC R2630
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The circles of proportion and the horizontal instrument The former shewing the maner how to work proportions both simple and compound: and the ready and easy resolving of quæstions both in arithmetic, geometrie, & astronomie: and is newly increased with an additament for navigation. All which rules may also be wrought with the penne by arithmetic, and the canon of triangles. The later teaching how to work most quæstions, which may be performed by the globe: and to delineat dialls upon any kind of plaine. Invented, and written in latine by W.O. Translated into English, and set out for the public benefit, by William Forster.
Oughtred, William, 1575-1660.; Forster, William, mathematician.; Oughtred, William, 1575-1660. Addition unto the use of the circles of proportion. aut
STC 18899B; ESTC S120820
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Horometria: or the compleat diallist: wherein the whole mystery of the art of dialling is plainly taught three several wayes; two of which are performed geometrically by rule and compasse onely: and the third instrumentally, by a quadrant fitted for that purpose. With the working of such propositions of the sphere, as are most usefull in astronomie and navigation, both geometrically and instrumentally. / By Thomas Stirrup, philomath. Whereunto is added an appendix, shewing now the parallels of declination; the Jewish, Babylonish, and Italian houres; the azimuths, almicanters, &c. may be easily inscribed on any diall whatsoever, by rule and compasse onely. Also how to draw a diall on the seeling of a room, by W.L.
Stirrup, Thomas.; W. L.
Wing S5688; Thomason E667_1; ESTC R203655
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The new method of fortification, as practised by Monsieur de Vauban, Engineer General of France with an explication of all terms appertaining to that art / made English.
Vauban, Sébastien Le Prestre de, 1633-1707.; Swall, Abel.
Wing L1116; ESTC R15758
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Horometria: or The compleat diallist. Wherein the whole mystery of the art of dialling is plainly taught three several wayes; two of which are performed geometrically by rule and compass onely: and the third instrumentally, by a quadrant fitted for that purpose. With the working of such propositions of the sphere, as are most usefull in astronomy and navigation ... By Thomas Stirrup, philomath. Whereunto is added an appendix, shewing how the parallels of declination; the Jewish, Babylonish, & Italian houres; the azimuths, almicanters, &c. may be easily inscribed on any dial whatsoever, by rule and compasse onely. And to draw a diall on the seeling of a room, by W. Leybourn. Also, Dialling Vniversal, performed by an easie and most speedy way, ... by certain scales set on a small portable ruler, by G.S. practitioner in the mathematicks.
Stirrup, Thomas.; Leybourn, William, 1626-1716. Appendix, shewing how the parallels of declination; the Jewish, Babylonish, & Italian hours; the asimuths, almicanters &c. may be easily inscribed on any dial whatsoever.; Serle, George. Dialling universal.
Wing S5689; Thomason E956_2; ESTC R207639
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Giacomo di Grassi his True arte of defence plainlie teaching by infallable demonstrations, apt figures and perfect rules the manner and forme how a man without other teacher or master may safelie handle all sortes of weapons aswell offensiue as defensiue: vvith a treatise of disceit or falsinge: and with a waie or meane by priuate industrie to obtaine strength, iudgement and actiuitie. First written in Italian by the foresaid author, and Englished by I.G. gentleman.; Ragione di adoprar sicuramente l'arme. English
Grassi, Giacomo di.; Churchyard, Thomas, 1520?-1604.; I. G., Gentleman.
STC 12190; ESTC S103388
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The faithfull surveyour discovering divers errours in land measuring, and showing how to measure all manner of ground, and to plot it, and to prove the shutting by the chain onely ... / by George Atwell.
Atwell, George.
Wing A4163; ESTC R24190
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The Scots gard'ner in two parts, the first of contriving and planting gardens, orchards, avenues, groves, with new and profitable wayes of levelling, and how to measure and divide land : the second of the propagation & improvement of forrest, and fruit-trees, kitchen hearbes, roots and fruits, with some physick hearbs, shrubs and flowers : appendix shewing how to use the fruits of the garden : whereunto is annexed The gard'ners kalendar / published for the climate of Scotland by John Reid ...
Reid, John, Gardener.; Reid, John, Gardener. Gard'ners kalendar.
Wing R764_PARTIAL; ESTC R22175
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Six lessons to the professors of the mathematiques one of geometry the other of astronomy, in the chaires set up by the noble and learned Sir Henry Savile in the University of Oxford.
Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679.
Wing H2260; ESTC R22309
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The seaman's companion being a plain guide to the understanding of arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, navigation, and astronomy. Applied chiefly to navigation: and furnished with a table of meridional parts, to every third minute: with excellent and easie ways of keeping a reckoning at sea, never in print before. Also, a catalogue of the longitude and latitude of the principal places in the world with other useful things. The third edition corrected and amended. By Matthew Norwood, mariner.
Norwood, Matthew.
Wing N1345A; ESTC R218969
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A practicall abstract of the arts of fortification and assailing containing foure different methods of fortifications with approved rules, to be set out in the feild [sic] all manner of superficies, intrenchments, and approaches by the demy circle, or with lines and stakes / written for the benefit of such as delight in the practice of these noble arts by David Papillon ...
Papillon, David, 1581-1655?
Wing P303; ESTC R7889
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The compleat surveyor containing the whole art of surveying of land by the plain table, theodolite, circumferentor, and peractor ... : together with the taking of all manner of heights and distances, either by William Leybourn.
Leybourn, William, 1626-1716.
Wing L1907; ESTC R20856
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The elements of Euclid, explained and demonstrated in a new and most easie method with the uses of each proposition in all the parts of the mathematicks / by Claude Francois Milliet D'Chales, a Jesuit ; done out of French, corrected and augmented, and illustrated with nine copper plates, and the effigies of Euclid, by Reeve Williams ...; Huict livres des Eléments d'Euclide rendus plus faciles. English
Dechales, Claude-François Milliet, 1621-1678.; Euclid. Elements.; Williams, Reeve, fl. 1682-1703.
Wing E3399; ESTC R10241
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The catholique planisphaer which Mr. Blagrave calleth the mathematical jewel briefly and plainly discribed in five books : the first shewing the making of the instrument, the rest shewing the manifold vse of it, 1. for representing several projections of the sphere, 2. for resolving all problemes of the sphere, astronomical, astrological, and geographical, 4. for making all sorts of dials both without doors and within upon any walls, cielings, or floores, be they never so irregular, where-so-ever the direct or reflected beams of the sun may come : all which are to be done by this instrument with wonderous ease and delight : a treatise very usefull for marriners and for all ingenious men who love the arts mathematical / by John Palmer ... ; hereunto is added a brief description of the cros-staf and a catalogue of eclipses observed by the same I.P.
Palmer, John, 1612-1679.
Wing P248; ESTC R11098
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Perspective practical, or, A plain and easie method of true and lively representing all things to the eye at a distance by the exact rules of art ... / by a religious person of the Society of Jesus ... ; faithfully translated out of French, and illustrated with 150 copper cuts ; set forth in English by Robert Pricke ...; Perspective pratique. English
Dubreuil, Jean, 1602-1670.; Pricke, Robert.
Wing D2411; ESTC R1804
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The Romish Fisher caught and held in his owne net. Or, A true relation of the Protestant conference and popish difference A iustification of the one, and refutation of the other. In matter of fact. faith. By Daniel Featly, Doctor in Diuinity.
Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645.; Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645. Fisher catched in his owne net. aut
STC 10738; ESTC S101879
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The philosphical and physical opinions written by Her Excellency the Lady Marchionesse of Newcastle.
Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674.
Wing N863; ESTC R31084
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Mechanick exercises, or, The doctrine of handy-works by Joseph Moxon.
Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1691.
Wing M3015; ESTC R25166
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The description and use of the trianguler quadrant being a particular and general instrument, useful at land or sea, both for observation and operation : more universally useful, portable and convenient, than any other yet discovered, with its uses in arithmetick, geometry, superficial and solid, astronomy, dyalling, three wayes, gaging, navigation, in a method not before used / by John Brown, philomath.
Brown, John, philomath.
Wing B5041; ESTC R15524
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The manner of raising, ordering, and improving forrest-trees also, how to plant, make and keep woods, walks, avenues, lawns, hedges, &c. : with several figures proper for avenues and walks to end in, and convenient figures for lawns : also rules by M. Cook.
Cook, Moses.
Wing C6032; ESTC R20593
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Polygraphice, or, The arts of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, washing, varnishing, gilding, colouring, dying, beautifying, and perfuming in four books : exemplifyed in the drawing of men, women, landskips, countries and figures of various forms, the way of engraving, etching, and limning, with all their requisites and ornaments, the depicting of the most eminent pieces of antiquities, the paintings of the antients, washing of maps, globes or pictures, the dying of cloth, silk, horns, bones, wood, glass, stones and metals, the varnishing, colouring and gilding thereof according to any purpose or intent, the painting, colouring and beautifying of the face, skin and hair, the whole doctrine of perfumes, never published till now, together with the original, advancement and perfection of the art of painting / by William Salmon ...
Salmon, William, 1644-1713.
Wing S445; ESTC R16620
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The first booke of architecture, made by Sebastian Serly, entreating of geometrie. Translated out of Italian into Dutch, and out of Dutch into English; Tutte l'opere d'architettura. English
Serlio, Sebastiano, 1475-1554.; Peake, Robert, Sir, 1592?-1667.
STC 22235; ESTC S117091
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The sector on a quadrant, or A treatise containing the description and use of four several quadrants two small ones and two great ones, each rendred many wayes, both general and particular. Each of them accomodated for dyalling; for the resolving of all proportions instrumentally; and for the ready finding the hour and azimuth universally in the equal limbe. Of great use to seamen and practitioners in the mathematicks. Written by John Collins accountant philomath. Also An appendix touching reflected dyalling from a glass placed at any reclination.
Collins, John, 1625-1683.; Lyon, John, professor of mathematics. Appendix touching reflective dialling.; Sutton, Henry, mathematical instrument maker.
Wing C5382; ESTC R32501
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Lifes preservative against self-killing. Or, An useful treatise concerning life and self-murder shewing the kindes, and meanes of them both: the excellency and preservation of the former: the evill, and prevention of the latter. Containing the resolution of manifold cases, and questions concerning that subject; with plentifull variety of necessary and usefull observations, and practicall directions, needfull for all Christians. By John Sym minister of Leigh in Essex.
Sym, John.
STC 23584; ESTC S118072
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Lectiones Cutlerianæ, or, A collection of lectures, physical, mechanical, geographical, & astronomical made before the Royal Society on several occasions at Gresham Colledge : to which are added divers miscellaneous discourses / by Robert Hooke ...
Hooke, Robert, 1635-1703.
Wing H2617; ESTC R4280
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Certain errors in navigation detected and corrected by Edw. Wright ; with many additions that were not in the former editions.
Wright, Edward, 1558?-1615.
Wing W3689; ESTC R16243
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Three bookes of colloquies concerning the arte of shooting in great and small peeces of artillerie, variable randges, measure, and waight of leaden, yron, and marble stone pellets, minerall saltepeeter, gunpowder of diuers sortes, and the cause why some sortes of gunpower are corned, and some sortes of gunpowder are not corned: written in Italian, and dedicated by Nicholas Tartaglia vnto the Royall Prince of most famous memorie Henrie the eight, late King of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, defender of the faith &c. And now translated into English by Cyprian Lucar Gent. who hath also augmented the volume of the saide colloquies with the contents of euery colloquie, and with all the corollaries and tables, that are in the same volume. Also the said Cyprian Lucar hath annexed vnto the same three books of colloquies a treatise named Lucar Appendix ...
Tartaglia, Niccolò, d. 1557.; Lucar, Cyprian, b. 1544.
STC 23689; ESTC S101739
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Elements of philosophy the first section, concerning body / written in Latine by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury ; and now translated into English ; to which are added Six lessons to the professors of mathematicks of the Institution of Sr. Henry Savile, in the University of Oxford.; De corpore. English
Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679.
Wing H2232; ESTC R22309
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Of the dominion or ownership of the sea two books : in the first is shew'd that the sea, by the lavv of nature or nations, is not common to all men, but capable of private dominion or proprietie, as well as the land : in the second is proved that the dominion of the British sea, or that which incompasseth the isle of Great Britain is, and ever hath been, a part or appendant of the empire of that island writen at first in Latin, and entituled, Mare clausum, seu, De dominio maris, by John Selden, Esquire ; translated into English and set forth with som additional evidences and discourses, by Marchamont Nedham.; Mare clausum. English
Selden, John, 1584-1654.; Nedham, Marchamont, 1620-1678.
Wing S2432; ESTC R15125
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The light of navigation Wherein are declared and lively pourtrayed, all the coasts and havens, of the VVest, North and East seas. Collected partly out of the books of the principall authors which have written of navigation, (as Lucas Iohnson VVaghenaer and divers others) partly also out of manie other expert seafaring mens writings and verball declarations: corrected from manie faults, and inlarged with manie newe descriptions and cardes. Divided into tvvo bookes. Heerunto are added (beside an institution in the art of navigation) nevve tables of the declination of the sonne, according to Tycho Brahes observations, applied to the meridian of Amsterdam. Together with newe tables and instructions to teach men the right use of the North-starre, and other firme starres, profitable for all seafaring men. By William Iohnson.; Licht der Zee-vaert. English
Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638.
STC 3110; ESTC S117230
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Geography rectified, or, A description of the world in all its kingdoms, provinces, countries, islands, cities, towns, seas, rivers, bayes, capes, ports : their ancient and present names, inhabitants, situations, histories, customs, governments, &c. : as also their commodities, coins, weights, and measures, compared with those at London : illustrated with seventy six maps : the whole work performed according to the more accurate observations and discoveries of modern authors / by Robert Morden.
Morden, Robert, d. 1703.
Wing M2620; ESTC R39765
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The lighting colomne or sea-mirrour containing the sea-coasts of the northern, eastern and western navigation: setting forth in divers necessarie sea-cards all the ports, rivers, bayes, roads, depths and sands ... With the discoveries of the chief countries, and on what cours and distance they lay one from another ... As also the situation of the northernly countries, as islands, the strate Davids, the isle of Ian-Mayen, Bear-Island, Old-Greenland, Spitsbergen and Nova Zembla ... Gathered out of the experience and practice of divers pilots and lovers of the famous art of navigation. By Jan van Loon. Whereunto is added a brief instruction of the art of navigation, together vvith nevv tables of the suns declination, also an almanack extending untill the yeare 1661.
Colom, Jacob Aertsz, 1599-1673.
Wing C5401A; ESTC R230954
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Natural magick by John Baptista Porta, a Neapolitane ; in twenty books ... wherein are set forth all the riches and delights of the natural sciences.; Magiæ natvralis libri viginti. English. 1658
Porta, Giambattista della, 1535?-1615.
Wing P2982; ESTC R33476
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A discovery of D. Iacksons vanitie. Or A perspective glasse, wherby the admirers of D. Iacksons profound discourses, may see the vanitie and weaknesse of them, in sundry passages, and especially so farre as they tende to the undermining of the doctrine hitherto received. Written by William Twisse, Doctor of Divinitie, as they say, from whom the copie came to the presse
Twisse, William, 1578?-1646.
STC 24402; ESTC S118777
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A general collection of discourses of the virtuosi of France, upon questions of all sorts of philosophy, and other natural knowledg made in the assembly of the Beaux Esprits at Paris, by the most ingenious persons of that nation / render'd into English by G. Havers, Gent.; Recueil général des questions traitées és conférences du Bureau d'adresse. 1-100. English
Bureau d'adresse et de rencontre (Paris, France); Havers, G. (George); Renaudot, Théophraste, 1586-1653.; Renaudot, Eusèbe, 1613-1679.; Renaudot, Isaac, d. 1680.
Wing R1034; ESTC R1662
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The ornithology of Francis Willughby of Middleton in the county of Warwick Esq, fellow of the Royal Society in three books : wherein all the birds hitherto known, being reduced into a method sutable to their natures, are accurately described : the descriptions illustrated by most elegant figures, nearly resembling the live birds, engraven in LXXVII copper plates : translated into English, and enlarged with many additions throughout the whole work : to which are added, Three considerable discourses, I. of the art of fowling, with a description of several nets in two large copper plates, II. of the ordering of singing birds, III. of falconry / by John Ray ...
Ray, John, 1627-1705.; Willughby, Francis, 1635-1672. Ornithologiae libri tres. English.
Wing W2880; ESTC R9288
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Essays vvritten in French by Michael Lord of Montaigne, Knight of the Order of S. Michael, gentleman of the French Kings chamber: done into English, according to the last French edition, by Iohn Florio reader of the Italian tongue vnto the Soueraigne Maiestie of Anna, Queene of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, &c. And one of the gentlemen of hir royall priuie chamber; Essais. English
Montaigne, Michel de, 1533-1592.; Florio, John, 1553?-1625.; Hole, William, d. 1624, engraver.
STC 18042; ESTC S111840
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The elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Euclide of Megara. Faithfully (now first) translated into the Englishe toung, by H. Billingsley, citizen of London. Whereunto are annexed certaine scholies, annotations, and inuentions, of the best mathematiciens, both of time past, and in this our age. With a very fruitfull præface made by M. I. Dee, specifying the chiefe mathematicall scie[n]ces, what they are, and wherunto commodious: where, also, are disclosed certaine new secrets mathematicall and mechanicall, vntill these our daies, greatly missed; Elements. English
Euclid.; Dee, John, 1527-1608.; Candale, François de Foix, comte de, 1502-1594.; Billingsley, Henry, Sir, d. 1606.
STC 10560; ESTC S106699
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