Vade mecum, or The necessary companion Containing, 1. Sir S. Morland's Perpetual almanack, in copper plates, with many useful tables proper thereto. 2. Christian and regal years compar'd from the Norman conquest. 3. The reduction of weights, measures. 4. The ready casting up any number of farthings, half-pence, pence, shillings, nobles, marks, and guinneys. 5. The interest, and rebate of money, the forebearance, discompt, and purchase of annuities. 6. The rates of post-letters, both inland and outland, with the post-stages. 7. The usual and authorized rates or fares for coach-men, carr-men, and water-men.
Playford, John, ca. 1655-1685 or 6.; Morland, Samuel, Sir, 1625-1695.; Mayne, John, fl. 1673-1675.
Wing P2506; ESTC R218277
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The compleat tradesman, or, The exact dealers daily companion instructing him throughly in all things absolutely necessary to be known by all those who would thrive in the world and in the whole art and mystery of trade and traffick : and will be of constant use for all [brace] merchants, whole-sale men, shopkeepers, retailers, young tradesmen, countrey-chapmen, industrious yeomen, traders in petty villages, and all farmers and others that go to countrey fairs and markets, and for all men whatsoever that be of any trade, or have any considerable dealings in the world / composed by N.H., merchant in the city of London.
N. H.
Wing H97; ESTC R42683
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The mystery of husbandry, or, Arable, pasture and wood-land improved Containing the whole art and mystery of agriculture or husbandry, in bettering and improving all degrees of land ... : directions for marling, dunging, mudding, sanding ... : proper times for sowing, chusing good seed, and ploughing ... : how to keep corn and other pulse from being destroyed by birds, vermin, lightening, mildew ... : To which is added The countryman's alamack. / by Lenard Meager.
Meager, Leonard, 1624?-1704?
Wing M1573A; ESTC R32066
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A concordancy of yeares Containing a new, easie, and most exact computation of time, according to the English account. Also the vse of the English and Roman kalender, with briefe notes ... Newly composed and digested, by Arthur Hopton, Gentleman. The contents follow after the epistles.
Hopton, Arthur, 1587 or 8-1614.
STC 13778; ESTC S104205
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Pharmacopœia Londinensis, or, The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the Fellows, now living of the said colledg ... / by Nich. Culpeper, Gent.; Pharmacopoeia Londinensis. English
Royal College of Physicians of London.; Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654.
Wing C7525; ESTC R2908
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The compleat gard'ner, or, Directions for cultivating and right ordering of fruit-gardens and kitchen-gardens with divers reflections on several parts of husbandry, in six books : to which is added, his treatise of orange-trees, with the raising of melons, omitted in the French editions / by the famous Monsr De La Quintinye ... ; made English by John Evelyn ... ; illustrated with copper plates.; Instruction pour les jardins fruitiers et potagers. English
La Quintinie, Jean de, 1626-1688.; Evelyn, John, 1620-1706.
Wing L431; ESTC R212118
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