Panacea, or, The universal medicine being a discovery of the wonderfull vertues of tobacco taken in a pipe : with its operation and use both in physick and chyrurgery / by Dr Everard, &c.
Everard, Giles.
Wing E3530; ESTC R1871
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The new art of gardening with the gardener's almanack containing the true art of gardening in all its particulars ... / by Leonard Meager.
Meager, Leonard, 1624?-1704?
Wing M1573B; ESTC T83110
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The florists vade-mecum being a choice compendium of whatever worthy notice hath been extant for the propagation, raising, planting, encreasing and preserving the rarest flowers and plants ... together with The gardiners almanack ... / by Samuel Gilbert.
Gilbert, Samuel, d. 1692?
Wing G712; ESTC R30408
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The compleat gardeners practice, directing the exact way of gardening in three parts : the garden of pleasure, physical garden, kitchin garden : how they are to be ordered for their best situation and improvement, with variety of artificial knots for the by Stephen Blake, gardener.
Blake, Stephen, Gardener.
Wing B3139; ESTC R18838
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Flora, seu, De florum cultura, or, A complete florilege, furnished with all requisites belonging to a florist by John Rea, Gent.
Rea, John, d. 1681.
Wing R421; ESTC R6376
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The compleat herbal of physical plants containing all such English and foreign herbs, shrubs and trees as are used in physick and surgery ... : the doses or quantities of such as are prescribed by the London-physicians and others are proportioned : also directions for making compound-waters, syrups simple and compound, electuaries ... : moreover the gums, balsams, oyls, juices, and the like, which are sold by apothecaries and druggists are added to this herbal, and their irtues and uses are fully described / by John Pechey ...
Pechey, John, 1655-1716.
Wing P1021; ESTC R19033
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Botanologia the Brittish physician, or, the nature and vertues of English plants, exactly describing such plants as grow naturally in our land, with their several names Greek, Latine, or English, natures, places where they grow ... : by means whereof people may gather their own physick under every hedge ... : with two exact tables, the one of the English and Latine names of the plants, the other of the diseases and names of each plant appropriated to the diseases, with their cures / by Robert Turner.
Turner, Robert, fl. 1640-1664.
Wing T3328; ESTC R232320
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Philosophical poems by Henry More ...; Psychōdia platonica
More, Henry, 1614-1687.
Wing M2670; ESTC R14921
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Blagrave's supplement or enlargement to Mr. Nich. Culpeppers English physitian containing a description of the form, names, place, time, coelestial government, and virtues, all such medicinal plants as grow in England, and are omitted in his book, called, The English-physitian, and supplying the additional virtues of such plants wherein he is defective : also the description, kinds, names, place, time, nature, planetary regiment, temperature, and physical virtues of all such trees, herbs, roots, flowers, fruits, excrescencies of plants, gums, ceres, and condensate juices, as are found in any part of the world, and brought to be sold in our druggist and apothecaries shops, with their dangers and corrections / by Joseph Blagrave ... ; to which is annexed, a new tract for the cure of wounds made by gun-shot or otherways, and remedies for the help of seamen troubled with the scurvy and other distempers ...
Blagrave, Joseph, 1610-1682.; Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654. English physician.
Wing B3121; ESTC R15907
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The English physitian, or An astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation being a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health, or cure himself being sick for three pence charge, with such things only as grow in England ... / by Nich. Culpeper.
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654.
Wing C7501; ESTC R24897
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The family dictionary, or, Houshold [sic] companion wherein are alphabetically laid down exact rules and choice physical receipts for the preservation of health ... directions for making oils, ointments, salves, ... chymical preparations, physical-wines, ales and other liquors and descriptions of the virtues of herbs, fruits, flowers ... and parts of living creatures used in medicinal potions, ... likewise directions for cookery, ... also the way of making all sorts of perfumes ... together with the art of making all sorts of English wines, ... the mystery of pickling and keeping all sorts of pickles ... : to which is added as an appendix the explanation of physical terms, bills of fare ... : with the art of carving and many other useful matters / by J.H.
Salmon, William, 1644-1713.; J. H.
Wing H66; ESTC R30331
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The natural history of Oxford-shire, being an essay toward the natural history of England. / By Robert Plot ...
Plot, Robert, 1640-1696.
Wing P2585; ESTC R231542
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The newe iewell of health wherein is contayned the most excellent secretes of phisicke and philosophie, deuided into fower bookes. In the which are the best approued remedies for the diseases as well inwarde as outwarde, of all the partes of mans bodie: treating very amplye of all dystillations of waters, of oyles, balmes, quintessences, with the extraction of artificiall saltes, the vse and preparation of antimonie, and potable gold. Gathered out of the best and most approued authors, by that excellent doctor Gesnerus. Also the pictures, and maner to make the vessels, furnaces, and other instrumentes therevnto belonging. Faithfully corrected and published in Englishe, by George Baker, chirurgian.; Thesaurus Euonymi Philiatri. English
Gesner, Konrad, 1516-1565.; Hill, Thomas, b. ca. 1528.; Baker, George, 1540-1600.
STC 11798; ESTC S103060
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An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham, Emperor of China deliver'd by their excellencies, Peter de Goyer and Jacob de Keyzer, at his imperial city of Peking : wherein the cities, towns, villages, ports, rivers, &c. in their passages from Canton to Peking are ingeniously describ'd / by Mr. John Nieuhoff ... ; also an epistle of Father John Adams their antagonist, concerning the whole negotiation ; with an appendix of several remarks taken out of Father Athanasius Kircher ; English'd, and set forth with their several sculptures, by John Ogilby Esq. ...; Gezantschap der Neerlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie aan den grooten Tartarischen Cham, den tegenwoordigen keizer van China. English
Nieuhof, Johannes, 1618-1672.; Goyer, Pieter de.; Keizer, Jacob de.; Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680. China monumentis. Selections. English.; Ogilby, John, 1600-1676.; Schall von Bell, Johann Adam, 1592?-1666.; Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie.
Wing N1153; ESTC R3880
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The first and seconde partes of the herbal of William Turner Doctor in Phisick, lately ouersene, corrected and enlarged with the thirde parte, lately gathered, and nowe set oute with the names of the herbes, in Greke Latin, English, Duche, Frenche, and in the apothecaries and herbaries Latin, with the properties, degrees, and naturall places of the same. Here vnto is ioyned also a booke of the bath of Baeth in England, and of the vertues of the same with diuerse other bathes, moste holsom and effectuall, both in Almanye and England, set furth by William Turner Doctor in Phisick. God saue the Quene; New herball
Turner, William, d. 1568.
STC 24367; ESTC S117784
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Atlas Chinensis being a second part of A relation of remarkable passages in two embassies from the East-India Company of the United Provinces to the vice-roy Singlamong and General Taising Lipovi and to Konchi, Emperor of China and East-Tartary : with a relation of the Netherlanders assisting the Tarter against Coxinga and the Chinese fleet, who till then were masters of the sea : and a more exact geographical description than formerly both of the whole empire of China in general and in particular of every of the fifteen provinces / collected out of their several writings and journals by Arnoldus Montanus ; English'd and adorn'd with above a hundred several sculptures by John Ogilby.
Montanus, Arnoldus, 1625?-1683.; Dapper, Olfert, 1639-1689.; Ogilby, John, 1600-1676.; Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie.; United Provinces of the Netherlands.
Wing D242; ESTC R5629
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Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris. or A garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed vp with a kitchen garden of all manner of herbes, rootes, & fruites, for meate or sause vsed with vs, and an orchard of all sorte of fruitbearing trees and shrubbes fit for our land together with the right orderinge planting & preseruing of them and their vses & vertues collected by Iohn Parkinson apothecary of London 1629.
Parkinson, John, 1567-1650.; Switzer, A., wood-engraver.
STC 19300; ESTC S115360
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A medicinal dispensatory, containing the vvhole body of physick discovering the natures, properties, and vertues of vegetables, minerals, & animals: the manner of compounding medicaments, and the way to administer them. Methodically digested in five books of philosophical and pharmaceutical institutions; three books of physical materials galenical and chymical. Together with a most perfect and absolute pharmacopoea or apothecaries shop. Accommodated with three useful tables. Composed by the illustrious Renodæus, chief physician to the monarch of France; and now Englished and revised, by Richard Tomlinson of London, apothecary.; Dispensatorium medicum. English
Renou, Jean de.; Tomlinson, Richard, Apothecary.
Wing R1037A; ESTC R221578
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A nievve herball, or historie of plantes wherin is contayned the vvhole discourse and perfect description of all sortes of herbes and plantes: their diuers [and] sundry kindes: their straunge figures, fashions, and shapes: their names, natures, operations, and vertues: and that not onely of those whiche are here growyng in this our countrie of Englande, but of all others also of forrayne realmes, commonly vsed in physicke. First set foorth in the Doutche or Almaigne tongue, by that learned D. Rembert Dodoens, physition to the Emperour: and nowe first translated out of French into English, by Henry Lyte Esquyer.; Cruydenboeck. English
Dodoens, Rembert, 1517-1585.; Lyte, Henry, 1529?-1607.
STC 6984; ESTC S107363
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Adam in Eden, or, Natures paradise the history of plants, fruits, herbs and flowers with their several names ... the places where they grow, their descriptions and kinds, their times of flourishing and decreasing as also their several signatures, anatomical appropriations and particular physical vertues together with necessary observations on the seasons of planting and gathering of our English simples with directions how to preserve them in their compositions or otherwise : ... there is annexed a Latin and English table of the several names of simples, with another more particular table of the diseases and their cures ... / by William Coles ...
Coles, William, 1626-1662.
Wing C5087; ESTC R8275
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A medicinal dispensatory, containing the whole body of physick discovering the natures, properties, and vertues of vegetables, minerals, & animals, the manner of compounding medicaments, and the way to administer them : methodically digested in five books of philosophical and pharmaceutical institutions, three books of physical materials galenical and chymical : together with a most perfect and absolute pharmacopoea or apothecaries shop : accommodated with three useful tables / composed by the illustrious Renodæus ... ; and now Englished and revised, by Richard Tomlinson of London, apothecary.; Dispensatorium medicum. English
Renou, Jean de.; Tomlinson, Richard, Apothecary.
Wing R1037; ESTC R9609
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America : being the latest, and most accurate description of the new vvorld containing the original of the inhabitants, and the remarkable voyages thither, the conquest of the vast empires of Mexico and Peru and other large provinces and territories : with the several European plantations in those parts : also their cities, fortresses, towns, temples, mountains, and rivers : their habits, customs, manners, and religions, their plants, beasts, birds, and serpents : with an appendix containing, besides several other considerable additions, a brief survey of what hath been discover'd of the unknown south-land and the arctick region : collected from most authentick authors, augmented with later observations, and adorn'd with maps and sculptures / by John Ogilby ...
Ogilby, John, 1600-1676.; Montanus, Arnoldus, 1625?-1683. Nieuwe en onbekende weereld.
Wing O165; ESTC R16958
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The travels of Monsieur de Thevenot into the Levant in three parts, viz. into I. Turkey, II. Persia, III. the East-Indies / newly done out of French.; Relation d'un voyage fait au Levant. English
Thévenot, Jean de, 1633-1667.; Lovell, Archibald.
Wing T887; ESTC R17556
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The Young-students-library containing extracts and abridgments of the most valuable books printed in England, and in the forreign journals, from the year sixty five, to this time : to which is added a new essay upon all sorts of learning ... / by the Athenian Society ; also, a large alphabetical table, comprehending the contents of this volume, and of all the Athenian Mercuries and supplements, etc., printed in the year 1691.
Dunton, John, 1659-1733.; Hove, Frederick Hendrick van, 1628?-1698.; Athenian Society (London, England)
Wing D2635; ESTC R35551
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The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Iohnson citizen and apothecarye of London
Gerard, John, 1545-1612.; Johnson, Thomas, d. 1644.; Payne, John, d. 1647?, engraver.; Dodoens, Rembert, 1517-1585. Cruydenboeck.
STC 11751; ESTC S122165
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Theatrum botanicum: = The theater of plants. Or, An herball of a large extent containing therein a more ample and exact history and declaration of the physicall herbs and plants that are in other authours, encreased by the accesse of many hundreds of new, rare, and strange plants from all the parts of the world, with sundry gummes, and other physicall materials, than hath beene hitherto published by any before; and a most large demonstration of their natures and vertues. Shevving vvithall the many errors, differences, and oversights of sundry authors that have formerly written of them; and a certaine confidence, or most probable conjecture of the true and genuine herbes and plants. Distributed into sundry classes or tribes, for the more easie knowledge of the many herbes of one nature and property, with the chiefe notes of Dr. Lobel, Dr. Bonham, and others inserted therein. Collected by the many yeares travaile, industry, and experience in this subject, by Iohn Parkinson apothecary of London, and the Kings herbarist. And published by the Kings Majestyes especial
Parkinson, John, 1567-1650.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver.
STC 19302; ESTC S121875
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