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death_n truth_n zeal_n zealous_a 20 3 8.8436 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16936 The ghost of Richard the Third expressing himselfe in these three parts, [brace] 1. His character, 2. His legend, 3. His tragedie : containing more of him then hath been heretofore shewed, either in chronicles, playes, or poems. Brooke, Christopher, d. 1628. 1614 (1614) STC 3830.3; ESTC S250 31,774 94

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And things meerely without afflict thee so If Conscience fright and silent Shame be fear'd Thou art no King but of the popular Heard T is Shame where parts agree to make a Iarre To bring Disturbance and Distraction VVhat Nature hath established to marre Is to deface the Habit she puts on To bring thy Actions to thy conscience Bar So to be doom'd to swift perdition But hauing sear'd thy conscience seal'd thy Blame T' vnrip the wombe againe why this were shame No Richard in thine owne powers still be free And what seemes best thinke absolutely well Confirme thy strength make good thy pollicy Nor gainst thy name and dignity rebell Proue not a Zelist in fond Purity Nor paint a Heauen nor counterfeit a Hell But wind into thy selfe there set thy rest So plot and execute what thou think'st best Maintaine thy power diminish not thy sway Nor bound thy selfe being a boundlesse King But of thy State still propagate the Sea And take the Tribute of each petty Spring Frame thine owne Circle and then boldly say This is my Center hether will I bring The lynes of all my Actions faire or foule And see what power or will or can controule Breake ope thy black Abissus and take thence Worlds of aduantages against the world Be false and cruell still with impudence And calmes with ●empests on thy Brow be curl'd From thy owne Heauen deriue thy influence And Fiend-like feare be into darknes hurl'd Thy Sun to Sun thy Starres to Starres aduance And let thy pompe in golden mountaines dance So then resolued hauing thus debated My tirannous Will had laid the bloody traine And in my doome the Princes liues were dated Whose ominous being did impeach my raigne I thought my selfe not absolute instated Nor could make free vse of my purchast gaine Till without Riuall I might shew my brow One King in state one Sunne the Heauens allow Now was my Frostie coldnes fully thaw'd And my resisted fire found open vent Now I digested what so hard was chaw'd And turn'd it to familiar nourishment Then Buckingham my artificiall Bawde My Hand my Factor and my Instrument I grounded on to worke this last Designe And giue the Fire to this my secret Myne Legions of Diuels seconded my Thought To ioyne him with me in this dangerous Mayne Whose powrefull hand my counsell would haue wrought T' effect the complot of this Murth'rous Traine But here he stopt would by no meanes be brought To adde this fowlenes to his former Staine And like on 's Nayles within an vlcerous Sore Touch't to the quick he shrinkes and will no more My Motion did repeale his banish't feare And Feare Sollicites his num'd Conscience His coldnes mou'd my heate which heate did beare The churlish temper of Impatience And now his Loue from memory I teare Turne his obsequious seruice to offence For Polliticians are no longer Friends When Friends can adde no more to their mayne Ends. So did he vanish for he now had spent The Marrow of his Trust and Flatterie And so I vs'd each seruile Instrument VVhen it had lost his steeled facultie I squeaz'd him dry and his true seruice spent I pay'd with emptie handed Vsury For like a Pol●itick well taught full growne I felt no want or fulnes but mine owne Besides he had both power and Subtiltie And knew where I was weakest fortify'd Then of my selfe so much in him did lie That he had got the Raines to curb my Pride Nor stood it with my kingly Dignitie To proue his Slaue that erst had been his Guide For his owne neck he made the fatall noose They loue no Traytors that doe Traytors vse Great Buckingham thus pay'd with hatefull Frownes I chose for him the Maleconted Mate One that will kill his dearest Syre for Crownes In hope t' aduance his long deiected State The hope of Heauen and paines of Hell he drownes In smiles of Fortune and auspitious Fate And of this Ranke one Tyrrell I did frame To doe this deed whose horror wants a Name This vpstart Gentleman being styl'd a Knight VVhose Back and Belly had consum'd his Good Puts forth his long-hid-head into the light To crowne his valour in this Act of Blood Ages to come a Catalogue may cyte Of such braue spitits whose hated Crests doe bud VVith homicidiall honor and doe beare A Sable conscience in a Shield of Feare And note what State was kept when this was wrought The Close-stoole was my Seate most eminent A filthy Carpet fits an ordur'd Thought The Sences loathing and Sinnes Excrement So Tyrrell tooke som State whose pride had sought Two loathed Sla●es which o'ercloy'd Time did vent Into this Sinke of Shame in which damn'd Fact Tyrrell commanded and the Groomes did act The Euen before the Night that this was done The head-strong windes did rage with hydeous Storme As red as Blood discends the fearefull Sunne And Nature had put on a dismall Forme Chaos was threatned by th'ecclipsed Moone And Rauens and S●rich-owles bode th' ensuing harme Then burst there forth whiles darknes shooke Hels Chaine An angry Comet with a smoaky Traine The fatall howre vsher'd by this Ostent Astonish't all and in the Princes bred Oraculous Presages of th' Euent That they like Lambes were to the Slaughter led Their spotlesse Liues must cleare the Element The angry Comet thirsted to be fed With their hart bloods they knew these stormes would cease VVhen they were lodged in their Graues in peace Thus they Diuin'd and though by zealous Prayer They sought t' auoid the danger then so neere Yet such vaine hopes doe turne into despayre For Fate respects nor zeale Truth Loue nor Feare Heau●ns causes knit doe neuer breake their square But runne directly to th' effects they beare And though hard Fates can neuer be withstood Yet Death confounds the Bad life crownes the Good Thus Heauens iust Law order'd by vpright Hand They that liue iustly that true Course do runne Which they that leaue apparantly withstand And doe pursue their owne Confusion These innocents being mark't for Angells Band Keeping Heauens Course as constant as the Sunne Although by my most bloody hand they fell Yet in their Fall they rose I Damn'd in Hell These Deuilish Slaues whose darke deeds fly the light When Sleepe in binding deawes had steep't the Sences With glaring Eyes cloak't in the vale of Night Rush't in to act this Murder on the Princes Whose horrid Semblance Death might well affright And whose attempt euen Hell it selfe Conuinces Medusa's Adders in their Hayre were ●old Not Gorgons Head more vgly to behold As they approch the Bed where they repose Their drumming Harts panted their Feares Alarm's To see the sweetnesse Nature did disclose that such Beauty should lye ope to harmes There twyn'd the Lilly and the blushing Rose And as they clasp't like leaues their Innocent Armes They seemed in the obiect of such Glory T' inuite some Pen to lyneate their Story The Humors and the Elements combin'd To forme in