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A12100 Lectures or readings vpon the 6. verse of the 22. chapter of the Prouerbs concerning the vertuous education of youth: a treatise very necessary for all parents in this corrupt and declining age of the world. Shelford, Robert, 1562 or 3-1627. 1602 (1602) STC 22401; ESTC S114782 69,487 141

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honorable and heauenly deseruings at our hands wee cannot doe it If our gracious Prince to shew her puissance against a forraine power should call forth one or two of her subiects who are most beholding vnto her to iust and turnie in her presence for her honour would they not straine all their strength in this seruice yea and their liues too Now shall wee doe more for our Prince then we would for God Hath not our God called vs out by name to fight for his honour to bee a chosen and peculiar people vnto himselfe to stand on his parts to shew foorth his vertues and to bee zealous of good workes yea and that wee might the better performe this seruice hee hath furnished vs with his owne armour and weapons yea and his owne hand is with vs too though all men see it not and shall not we now doe valiantly for our God and shall not wee nowe endeuour our best to answere the expectation of our heauenly King O my deare brethren see the ende of your calling You are not called to shewe your owne strength or your owne vertues or your own holines but you are called to shewe foorth the strength and the vertues and the holines of the almightie and to bee zealous of good workes But what is this zeale that we may know it and followe it This zeale as the Spouse in the last chapter of the Canticles teacheth vs is no small matter but a most ardent and burning loue vnspeakable ouercomming all the affections in man Loue is strong as death and zeale is cruell as the graue the coales thereof are fierie coales and a vehement flame yea the flame of God as the Hebrew worde signifieth Much water cannot quench loue neither can the flouds drowne it Now then beloued you see the end of your redemption and calling it is not only to do good works but to be zealous of good works you are called and redeemed to the heate and fire of good works you are called and redeemed to such a burning loue of them that nothing may quench it nay euen as death and the graue ouercome all things so this zeale in vs of good workes should ouercome and cast downe before vs all the lets and impediments which stand vp against vs in the seruice of our God for loue is strong as death zeale is cruell as the graue Wherefore O you redeemed of the Lorde not with golde and siluer as Saint Peter speaketh but with the pretious bloud of his owne sonne lay this vnto your hearts and stirre vp your selues vnto Gods seruice you that haue eares to heare heare and you that haue zeale within you bee inflamed for euery one cannot I call vpon you all as the Apostle Saint Iohn writeth I call vpon you little children because you are well acquainted with your fathers deare loue and tendernesse towards you I call vpon you young men because your affections are strong in you and you are best able to beare the Lordes burthen and I call vpon you olde men because you by reason of your long experience haue most knowledge of your dueties giue the Lorde his due and right and abound in all manner of good workes which he hath ordained for vs to walk in to the glorie of his holy name Teach a child in the trade of his way and when he is olde he shall not depart from it Pro. 22.6 When I began to read this verse vnto you I told you it consisted of two parts of a precept and the reason of the precept Hitherto I haue spoken of the precept and of the necessarie circumstances belonging vnto it and now I am come to speake of the reason of it that so I might stirre vp the life of the precept in his working in you And when he is olde he shall not depart from it that is if thou faithfully instructest him in his way while hee is young he shall haue the benefit of it all his life after But now that parents might bee compassed about with a cloude of exhortations I haue thought good here not onely to presse forth the principall scope of this text but also to sucke out of the bowels thereof the more hidden and abstruse collections and to gather the like arguments out of other scriptures because the whole scripture is one and lendeth hand to it selfe 1. The first reason which should moue parents to take in hand this dutie of instructing their children in this trade of their waye is drawne from the necessitie of the precept because euery child naturally is conceiued and borne out of the way as the Prophet Dauid teacheth vs Psal. 51.5 Behold I was borne in iniquitie and in sinne hath my mother conceiued me And the Apostle Saint Paule sayth Ephes. 2. That we are by nature the children of wrath And Moses in the 6. chapter of Gen. teacheth vs that all the thoughts and imaginations of mans hart are continually euill and the Apostle sayth 1. Cor. 2. that the naturall man cannot perceiue the thinges which are of the spirite of God And againe Rom. 8. hee telleth vs that the wisedome of the flesh is enimitie against God for it is not subiect to the lawe of God neither indeed can be Wherefore now you see plainely how euery mothers child is borne into the world blind in his vnderstanding froward in his will and affections corrupt in all the motions of his hart dead in the life of God wholy possessed with sin so that except now his nature be changed by good education hee cannot possibly applye himselfe vnto any good waye but hee must needs all his life long runne astray and in the end fall headlong into hell fire Wherefore O you parents as you haue giuen your children the worse so giue them the better also as you haue brought them forth the children of wrath and death so now teach them howe they may become the children of grace and life teach your children in the trade of their way they must needes bee taught for except their education and teaching bee better then their birth they are cast away for euer and they may curse their parents that euer they brought them into the world 2. The second reason to moue parents to this vertuous teaching of their children is taken from the oportunitie thereof For if euer they will doe their children good nowe they must doe it while they bee children The Smyth must strike wile the iron is hot and the Plowman must plowe while his ground will worke and the Sayler must saile when hee hath winde and tide and as you see euerie trade hath his proper oportunitie so this trade also of education hath childhood for his fittest time to worke vpon If you doe not teach your children and traine them vp in good nourture while they bee yong all your laboure shall bee but lost afterwardes you shall strike vpon the colde iron you shall plowe in the
hee taketh pitie on yet respecting the vnspeakable miserie from which we are deliuered and the greate freedome into which wee are brought that is into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God and to the inheritance of the Saints and to be citizens of heauen this would deserue infinit duties of thankfulnes but now this was not our deare Sauiours case alas it was no ease for him to saue vs as the monument of this day can well witnesse vnto vs at what time he finished the terme of 32. yeares seruitude and halfe hauing troden the wine presse of the Almighty borne the fierce wrath of God his father sweat water and bloud with strong cryings and teares and now hauing passed the yron gates of death hee appeared vnto vs bringing saluation through no little sorrowe and therefore now as the matter thus standeth who is sufficient for these things and who shall giue vs thankfulnes and dueties and seruice for so great deserts 4. The fourth motiue are all those sweete graces and blessings both temporall and spiritual which are bestowed vpō vs by Christ in giuing himselfe for vs. For as the Apostle sayth Rom. 8. Seeing hee spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs how shall hee not with him giue vs all things also So then when God gaue vs his sonne and Christ gaue vs himself all good things were giuen vnto vs to Haue I beene as a wildernesse vnto Israel sayth the Lord Ierem. 2. Hath the Lord been barren vnto vs or as a land of darknesse is not hee that God who hath made the light of England to shine tenne times brighter then euer it did before is not hee that God who hath planted peace in all our borders hath not hee in our daies crowned the earth with foyson of all things hath not he made the plowman to touch the mower and the treader of grapes him that soweth seede hath not hee made the hilles to droppe fatnes and the furrowes to reioyce and sing hath not he made our desert like Eden and our wildernesse like the garden of the Lorde and is not hee that God who hath taken away from vs that famine of the word which heretofore oppressed the land more then the dearth of AEgypt and made our soules like a well watred garden and giuen vnto vs abundance of spiritual blessings and set our Priests and our Leuites as in times past Now beloued seeing it is thus and our eyes are full of Gods blessings which way soeuer wee turne vs can we forget our duetie towardes our gracious God who hath opened his hand so wide vnto vs Can a maide forget her ornament sayth the Lord or a bride her attire yet my people hath forgotten me daies without number O good brethren let vs not prouoke the Lorde to speake vnto vs by his iudgements complaining as hee did sometimes of the children of Israel Esay 1. Heare O heauens and hearken O earth for the Lord hath sayd I haue nourished and brought vp children but they haue rebelled against me And againe in the fift chapter What could I haue done any more vnto my vineyard that I haue not done vnto it and when I looked that it shoulde haue brought foorth grapes it brought foorth wilde grapes 5 The fift motiue is that great and plentifull reward which God that cannot lye and with whom is no variablenes nor shadow of turning hath in his word promised and will hereafter performe to all his faithful and diligent seruants Though the Lord hath alreadie deserued our seruice and ten thousand times more thē we cā do in sauing our soules which were lost yet such is the magnificent franknes of our God that hee will not receiue the least dutie at our hands for nought no not so much as a cup of cold water bestowed vpon his seruants for his sake but hee will render a double reward for it O is it not good seruing of such a master where all things are still comming in and where nothing is layde out and no time spent but bringeth in double gaine both in this life and in the life to come Verely I say vnto you sayth our Sauiour Christ Mark chapter 10. verse 29. there is no man that hath forsaken house or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my sake and the Gospels but he shall receiue an hundred fold now at this present houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and children lands with persecutions and in the world to come eternall life O if men would serue the Lord what plentie of al good things should we enioy Proue mee now herewith saith the Lord of hostes if I will not open the windowes of heauen vnto you and power you out a blessing without measure Malac. 3. Againe Esay 48. Oh that thou haddest harkened vnto my commandements then had thy prosperitie beene as the floud and thy righteousnes as the waues of the sea Furthermore the Prophet Dauid vseth most excellent similitudes to set foorth this estate worthie of due meditation Psal. 92. The hornes of the righteous shall bee exalted like Vnicornes they shall be annoynted with fresh oyle they shall flourish like a palme tree they shall grow like a Cedar in Lebanon they shall be fat and flourishing and they shall bring foorth fruite in their age that is they shall haue a power euen aboue nature loe thus shall the men bee blessed that serue the Lord and men shall say verily there is fruite for the righteous 6. The sixt and last motiue to stirre vs vp to this industrie in Gods seruice is the Lords ende and as it were the marke and butte whereat hee shooteth in sauing vs which is that wee should giue ouer our liues whollie vnto him in the zeale of good workes thereby to set foorth the praise of his glorious working towards vs. And this is expressed in the 130. Psalme But with thee is mercie that thou maiest bee feared And secondly in this our text Who gaue himselfe for vs that hee might redeeme vs from all iniquitie and purge vs to bee a peculiar people vnto himselfe zealous of good workes And thirdly S. Peter in his first Epistle and second chapter sayth That wee are a chosen generation a royall Priesthood a holie nation and a people set at libertie that wee should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called vs out of darknes into his meruailous light This is the end then of Gods redemption Now beloued shall the Lorde lose his ende by our negligence and bestow all his labour in vaine and shoote as it were at a wrong marke hath he culled and picked vs out of all the world to bee a speciall and peculiar people vnto himselfe to be zealous of good workes to excell all other in vertue and to holde out his glorious vertues vnto all the world and shall we now neglect the high caller and contemne his