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A14100 The garlande of godly flowers bewtifully adorned as most freshly they flourish in the gardeins of right faithfull Christian writers. Yéeldyng foorth a very comfortable sauour to the afflicted soule, wherby hée is salfly [sic] transported vnto the mercifull throne of the most glorious God. Carefully collected, and diligently digested into ordre, by Tho. Twyne, Gentleman. 1574. Twyne, Thomas, 1543-1613. 1574 (1574) STC 24408; ESTC S118788 34,454 128

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to goe a whoorynge with straunge thinges whilst wee seeke after thee as for thee thou art within vs if wée wilbée within thee wee neede not to searche thée far of for thou art with vs in our fayth vntill sutche time as wée deserue that thou maist bee with vs in personall apparance which graunt that I may beeholde For wée know as sayeth the holly Apostle that Christe through faythe dothe dwell within our hartes For why Christe is within our Faith the faith within our minde the minde within our hart the hart within our breast but clense thou them all most gratious God that my bodie may bée made a méete temple for thee to dwell in Thou hast fasshioned mee after thyne owne image conforme mee therefore my God most likely vnto thy similitude in all vertue and hollinesse in desier of peace in contemplation of veritie in loue of charitie let mée euermore retayne thee in memorie carie thée in my conscience holde thee in my harte and honour thee as present Heare mee O God in thy goodnesse turne not thy mercifull eare from my sorowfull crie O let the vncleanesse of my soule bee purified the darckenesse of my minde lightned the warmenesse of my harte heatened the coldenesse of my conscience warmed and the sleepinesse of my bodie wakened and I my self by all meanes prepared that I may bée thy seruant to doo thy heauenly pleasure as I am alreadie the woorke of thy cunninge fingers Amen A ¶ A man that beareth hatred against another how dare hee desier forgiuenesse of God forgiue then thy neighbour the hurt that hee hath doone thee and so shall thy sinnes bee forgiuen thee also when thou praiest ¶ The .xiiij. Flower ADuaunce thyself O Lorde in thine eternall power and draw thée néere to deliuer mee from the snares of the Deuill that haue intrapped mée and throwne mée almost vnto the grownd I haue bin plunged a longe time in the sea of sensualitie and I perceaue my deliuerāce cometh only from thée wherfore deliuer mée O Lorde of my saluation Thy power is aboue all powers thou hast made althynges subiect vnto thée for through thée Death hath no stinge nor Hell hath victorie eternall thankes bée vnto God who in our good Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christe hath giuen vnto vs a noble cōquest euer our enemies for which while I liue I wil giue most woorthy prayse as it best béeseemeth Henceforward looke thou carefully vnto the course of my life and holde fast my harte alwayes in thy feare that I bée not founde vnwoorthy of thy moste bountifull benefittes encrease in mée a care to continue in thy commaundements erecte a feruent faith and assured hope of thy promises and mercie within the tendre intrayles of my breast Sprinckle my hart with a dreadge of thy compassion and precepts mingled togither that I may not wander aside nor fall into the gulf of thy wrath but thy fauour may sustayne mee and thy loue may lift mee vp bryngyng my féete into thy roomthe of rest where I may not choose but fulfill thy godly heastes O how happie were I if I might neuer héereafter in thought woorde nor déede commit the thynge that should displease thy maiestie that life is the longyng of my soule and th' effect of my desier my hart mutch wisheth to sée that blessed time and my ioyes then should bée sutch as no toongue can tell Truely to know thée with the Sunne and the holly ghost is the true perfection of eternall life th' end of blissefulnesse the summe of all delightes no eye hath séene no eare hath heard nor hath it pearced into the deapth of any mans vnderstandyng to valew the inestéemable charitie delectation and pleasures of the same felicitie when wée shall béehold the maiestie of God face to face Verely moste glorious kinge I haue reposed this hope in my bosom and my harte daunceth within my breast for ioy therof and I doo assure my selfe through faith in thée that these eyes wherewith I reade these lines shall sée that glorie and this fleash wherwith I am cloked in corruption and meashed in mortalitie shal bee a membre of that immortall kyngdome This worlde is farst with wickednesse and there are manie staies that stoppe a man from righteousnesses blindyng him that hée may not see and hampryng him that hée may not stirre to doo the thyng that is acceptable vnto God sequestring his minde from all thoughtes studies and labours that may incite him vnto thée But my trust is in thée O God that thou wilt not suffer mée to fall into any outragious offēce that may demerite thy hot indignation O turne away mine eyes least I beeholde vanitie and guide my handes that I tutche no vniust thyng lift vp my mynde vnto contemplation of heauenly sightes and pull mée from terrestriall cogitations that are but transitorie I haue prayed for one thynge and I request the same moste hartely that thou wouldest preserue my youthe from flatterers and mine olde age from slaunderers for the one sorte of them would deuoure mée béefore I am ripe and the other would burie mée béefore I am dead and I haue alwayes hated them bothe vtterly Powre downe vpon mée O my louyng God the blessed dew of thy diuine and incomparable wisdome whiche is alwayes resident aboute thy heauenly seat that I may know my selfe throughly and honour thée woorthely consideryng the frame of mine owne infirmitie and that there is no goodnesse but it descendeth from thee that arte aboue When through the peruerse and froward inclination of my nature I fall into any wicked and vngodly imaginations leaue mée not good Lorde vnto them acquite mée from the disordinate lustes of the body let no desier of vncleanesse take holde vpon mee and giue mée not ouer vnto an vnshamefast impious and obstinate minde Set a sure bridle vpon my mouth that I speake no proude thynges agaynst thée suffer not my toongue to bée acquaincted with swearyng and let not the namyng of God bée continually in my lippes for in it are manie falles but mercifully giue thou mée aduisement what I shal speake ere euer I open my mouth Call not the woordes that I haue vaynely spoken vnto accoumpt impute them not vnto mée for sinne giue mée vnderstandynge to keepe prudent silence and when I speake let it either bée for temporall necessitie either to edefie others or els to beare righteous testimonie of the trueth let the veritie of my assertion consist in yea yea or nay nay Lorde héere stande I vile wretch béefore the throne of thy drad presence hopyng that I shalbée heard not in the fayntnesse of my faith but in the power of thy promises O weigh my weakenesse and graunt my desier as thou knowest moste méete for mée then can I want no wealth and my conscience shalbée replenished with all spirituall consolation Amen C ¶ Cast not thine eyes aside from the poore that thou giue him no occasion to speake euill of thee For if hee complayne in
not dispayer and a feruent loue vnto thee but yet that I may not presume giue mee vnderstandynge to amende myne owne vnrighteousnesse with discretion and admonish my neighbours of their faultes without dissimulation and that by my woordes and example they may take a paterne of doctrine and liuinge Establish mée in a right trade of wel pleasing thee that my life may bée conformable vnto thy woorthie will reueale vnto th' eies of my soule by inspiration of the holly spirite some sight or taste of thy heauenly ioyes that I may bée caried with delight to accomplish that whiche is pleasant vnto thée and profitable for myne owne selfe A droppe of thy grace shalbée the sea of my saluation a sparcle of thy loue shalbée the flame of my fayth a mote of thy mercie shalbée the heape of my health a sande of thy sight shalbée the banke of my bewtie a grayne of thy goodnesse shalbée the weight of my woorthinesse one fauour of thy celestiall face shalbée the fulnesse of mine eternall felicitie O Lorde God and holly Father cast downe thine eyes from thy sacred sainctuarie and from thy heauenly habitation and béeholde the most acceptable sacrafice whiche our high bishop Iesus Christe thy déere sunne our Lorde offreth vp vnto thy maiestie for our manifolde sinnes and bée mercifull vnto the multitude of our misdéedes Béeholde the precious blood of our most swéete Sauiour crieth yet vnto thée from the altar of the Crosse hee hangeth yet there and still is hée dying vnto thée who séest althynge in present that bée past béefore whose eyes the effectes of all times doone do euer abide as now in dooing consider him O mercifull God and for his sake take pitie vpon vs. I must néedes loue thée O my most déere redéemer Iesus Christe with all my hart with all my soule and with all my power that diddest vouchsaulf to die for my sinnes my soule cleaueth fast vnto thee for thou art hir strength and fortitude graunt vnto mee that I may ensue thy worthy steppes and bée partaker of thy heauenly kingdome accordyng as I haue shewen my sighinges vnto thée and put my whole trust in thée that art the porcion of mine inheritance Amen N ¶ Naked as wee came foorth of our moothers wombe euen so goe wee hence agayne and carie nothyng away with vs of all our labour Consider this woonderfull woorke of God and how that no man can make the thynge streight which hee maketh crooked ¶ The .xvij. Flower NO creature vnder heauen may bryng mée comfort but thou O Lorde of eternall glorie that art the healpe of mans health and surgeon of his soule thou strikest and healest thou bringest a man nigh vnto death and anon restoreth him to life again to th' intent hée may know his owne weakenesse and imbecillitie cleaue the more firmely vnto thy strength and vertue As for man hée is nothynge els but a shew of simple séede and a slip of slender strength and a bubble of boylyng brothe and a branche of fadynge flowers and an handfull of goodly grasse that to day flourisheth in the fielde and to morow is flunge into the fier a frame of moste frayle fleash in whom is no perpetuitie nor endurance Lorde let mée euermore beare this portrature in my minde of mine owne infirmitie considerynge still what I am remembryng alwayes what I would bée then shall I léese likyng of my selfe and longe after the loue of thee for I am the image of thy substance although the looking backe from thy lawes hath soyled mée sore with sinne As I am ful of imperfection of my selfe so supply thou my wantes in thee for when I haue indeuoured al I may my righteousnesse is thine and thou crownest mée with endlesse honour for that which procéedeth only from thee and is so litle agreeable vnto my corrupt nature that it is rather quight alas repugnant My sinnes O Lorde lie foorth in plentie béefore my face I can turne no way but they ouertake mée I woulde faine intreate thee to pardon them and I dare not draw néere thee for dread of them consider my necessitie most mightie God and deliuer mée and graunt most graciously vnto thy sinfull seruant the participation of thy most glorious maiestie What though my sinnes bée as the sandes of the sea and my wickednesse surmount the leaues of the woodde and my transgressions striue in numbre with the flowers of the sprynge yet take thou no reguarde O Lorde vnto the frowardnesse of my hart but like as thou hast many times shewed mercie so now bee pitifull and forgiue mée I haue hungred my souereigne Lorde and God to feede vpon thee that art the breade of life not with the iawes of my fleash but with the mouth of my faith vntil it mai please thée to féede mée at full with the entire contemplation of thy substance whiche I shall sée face to face and also bée séene in thy celestiall glorie when I am discharged of this farthel of frailtie this hope is the harbour of my delight and the assured lookynge for it is the cheifest flower of my Garlande Most gracious gouerner giue mée to drinke of that water wherof who so drinketh shall thirst the more as after the swéetenesse of heauenly thynges whose taste is vnspeakable pleasant and giue mée also to drinke of that water the drinkers whereof shall thirst nomore for euer for it floweth foorth from thée the fountain of immortalitie Truely Lorde there is no cause why I should longe to abide in this life if I were of sutch perfection as was thy Apostle Paule I should perceaue the wickednesse of this worlde and the glorie of thy kyngedome and wishe ernestly as hée did to bée dissolued from this body and to bée with Christe where as hée reigneth in eternitie O Lorde thou knowest my hartie desier is alwaies to serue thee graūt vnto mée of thy gracious goodnesse that I may liue in thy law and run in thy rule and walke in thy way and die in thy faith and that I may bée cléerely deliuered of the bondage of sinne and bee wholy out of dreade of death and dampnation Execute these thinges vpon mee O my moste louynge God and as it shall seeme best vnto thy pleasure most sittyng for my soule abridge the dayes of this Pilgrimage and commence the terme of my true life call mée from this Clay and clothe mée in the wéede of euerlastynge wealth where thou art resident with thy saynctes in eternall glorie Lorde if it so bée that the destruction day of all fleash bée at hande as it is hartely hoped then haue wee great cause to yéelde thée most humble thankes for shortning the time of our trouble and takyng away the occasions of offendyng that thine elect may possesse the longer frute of their ioyes and yéelde vp the summes of a shorter accoumpt O God what a ioyfull day shall that same bée when wée shall béeholde with our eyes those thynges whiche wée haue often
recorded in our hartes and heare with our eares whiche wée haue read with our eies and feele with our sence that whiche wée haue manifoldly conceaued in our mindes but all as it were in a cloude or veyle but then to enioye them in expresse and perfect kinde Mortefie the man of sinne I pray thée good Lorde which reigneth with in my mortall body that alwayes rebelleth agaynst my spirite depressinge mee downe euer in ignorance and enuiyng mée the fruition of thy noble bewtie let no feare of any corporall death deterre mée from the moste heauenly féelynge of sutche a ghostly contemplation If once the fulnesse of this effect were brought vnto wisshed ende wée should not néede with sutche desier to make sute for our sinnes for in thy kyngdome O most pure god there diuelleth no wickednesse nor infirmitie but eche toongue is busie in singyng thy prayse all laude and honour bée vnto thée O most mightie God for euer and euer worlde without ende Amen ¶ A COMPLAINT TO ALMIGHTIE GOD in bitternesse of soule of one wrapped in aduerfitie TOu art my creator for thou haste made mee thou arte my god for I doo honour thee O Lorde God of Hostes shew vnto mée thy sauynge health in the midst of the aduersities that haue ouerta ken mée for whilst I am oppresied with woes and erie vnto thee from the deapth of my harte and woulde fayne aspire with my voyce vnto the toppe of thy mercie I am waxed faynt with féeblenesse my throate is become sore and I am nothyng the néere of helpe Hast thou forgotten mée my lorde am not I thy wretched seruant and sunne of thy handmaiden Sumtime waies in the tendrenesse of thy most milde mercies withdraw thy scourges for I am alreadie feebled layde wast and vtterly forlorne Shew mée Lorde are my sinnes more haynous in thy sight then any mans else that thou hast singularly plagued mée aboue the rest And haue I not bought déere enough my secret offences Are they all pure that flowe in golde that walke in silkes that féede on deinties that sléepe on downe that abounde in possessions that kéepe companie with princes that liue in all worldly wealth and am I made poore abiect contēptible forsaken and castaway bicause I am only sinfull Turne thee O Lorde into my comfort and remembre that I am but fleash and blood set not thy might agaynst the infirmitie of my mould for I acknowledge that I haue aggrauated the frutes of thy wrath and the dayly déedes of my neclected duetie ly foorth béefore my face I cannot excuse my selfe of the greatest sinne there is no punishment that may bée made matche vnto my maliciousnesse it is to light whiche thou hast layde vpon mée for mine offences Weigh my sorowes O God I call vnto thée from the botome of a broken harte and a sighynge soule and a tormented minde cease of the sowernesse of thy pretence and mollifie thy moode into mercie conuerte my pouertie into sufficiencie my contempt into some reguarde take from mée thy descrued plague that I cannot prosper whiche some terme éeuell fortune and erect mée into a place where the good giftes may bee seene whiche thou hast béestowed vppon mée It is Lorde a gréeuous wounde to my hart when I béehold the good happe that some men haue and how euery thyng goeth awrie with mee that I take in hande not that I am sorie at their good successe but it irketh mee that I finde not the like Thei liue in good case in whom there is not that which resteth in mée they square in abundance and I lurke in want they take their ease and gayne I labour and liue by the losse they sléepe and waxe ritche I toyle and euer am poore they stande still and it commeth vnto them I runne after it and still it flieth from mée I haue bin fayerly promised but I sée no perfourmance at al that ensueth and they that should doo mee good either they cannot or they will not either I come to rathe or to late vnto them or els they feede mée with shales and another enioyeth the frute either they put mee of with delayes and O Lorde I perish in the meane season Note my sweete God how vncourteously I haue bin dealt withal for my friendship I haue found hatred sutch as I haue bin principall to procure them releife haue bin the chief causers to cast mee out of my liuinge I haue bin accused without cause for that I neuer ment I am supposed to bee other then I am I am hit in the teeth with other mens faultes and hard borne for things I can not mend I am heauelie friended of sutch as shoulde fauour mee they are readie to take from mee that which I haue which of duetie should giue mee that which I lacke and O God thou knowest mine innocency and how vndeseruedly they doo it I haue bin obedient to my power but my portion is alotted as I had bin otherwise I was borne as of thy seruant Sara but I am reputed as one of the sunnes of Agar it were almost infinite to shew how I haue bin afflicted and I am now oppressed with a burden that I cannot sustaine stayne vnlesse thou bée my singular good God and I hope herein thou wilt haue a speciall reguarde vnto mée Euer hetherto thou hast stirred vp woorthy vessels to relieue the woes and cure the cares of sutche as were wrapped in aduersitie hast thou raysed none to helpe mée O Lorde Surely I do constantly béeléeue that thou wilt not leaue mée vnlooked to although at this present I see almoste no signe of succour and the welspringes of my blood bée waxed drie towardes mée and thou hast multiplied the numbre of my kinnesfolkes aboue my fréeinds and slender bée the twyne whereon the stay of my simple liuyng dependeth Suffre then not to want I béeséeche thée that haue fréeindly looked vpon my penurie stande thou good Father vnto them that haue dealt with mée as their naturall childe let not their barnes bée the emptier nor their bagges the lighter nor their houses the desolater nor theyr hartes the heauier nor their heyres the poorer and when it shall please thée then haue mée also in remembrance as I stande not in doubt of thy gracious goodnesse Lorde let my hope take effect as the lookyng for that day hetherto hath bin cheif cause of the lengthnynge of this my lingrynge lothed life FJNIS ¶ Imprinted at London in Fléet-streete by William How dwellynge at Temple Barre