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A01118 Christ Iesus triumphant A fruitefull treatise, wherin is described the most glorious triumph, and conquest of Christ Iesus our sauiour, ouer sinne, death, the law, the strength and pride of Sathan, and the world, with all other enemyes whatsoeuer agaynst the poore soule of man: made too be read for spirituall comfort, by Iohn Foxe, and from Latin translated intoo English by the printer.; Christus triumphans. English. Selections Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Day, Richard, b. 1552. 1579 (1579) STC 11231; ESTC S116950 29,170 80

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CHRIST IESVS Triumphant A fruitefull Treatise wherin is described the most glorious Triumph and Conquest of Christ Jesus our Sauiour ouer Sinne Death the Law the strength and Pride of Sathan and the World withall other enemyes whatsoeuer agaynst the poore Soule of Man ¶ Made too be read for spirituall comfort by John Foxe and from Latin translated intoo English by the Printer 1. Cor. 15. ¶ Death where is thy styng Hell where is thy victory The styng of Death is Sinne and the strength of Sinne is the law But thankes be vnto God who hath geuen vs victory through our Lord Iesus Christ. AT LONDON Printed by Iohn Daye and Richard his Sonne dwelling at Aldersgate 1579. Cum gratia Privilegio Regiae Majestatis CHRIST TRIUMPHANT Psal. 91. Thou shalt goe vpon the Lion and Adder the young Lion and the Dragon shalt thou treade vnder thy feete To the worshipfull M. William Kyllegrewe Gentleman of her Maiesties priuie Chamber Grace and Peace in Christ Jesus WOrship full Sir whē I gladly remember and with no small comfort report your great goodnes and vnfained fauour toward me but a straunger vntoo you and a cold seely suter in the Court I cā not but be ashamed of my selfe that habilitie doth not affourde my hand somuch too requite as my hart willeth my toung too vtter how deepe indetted I am vntoo you But you did it of a good deede not for a good meed and at the request of a Godly-man in sute of an honest cause Wherefore consideryng that your due and full reward is layed vp vntil an other day in an other place by an other man of all fulnes and habilitie Christ Jesus the high steward and pay-master of all I am to request your worship till that time come whiche I trust shall not be long too accept my good hart whiche in all honest possible dutie is and shal be yours bounden too commaunde A small regard for such a desert I confesse yet as kinde and dutifull a myte as the greatest valure of a farther summe And sith that the most precious iewell in this world whiche Man can shew or geue too Man is vnfayned Loue then truly the Loue that creepeth when it can not goe is aswell too be accounted of and esteemed as Loue nay perhaps the rather then when it caryeth a higher looke and a loftyer countenaunce For to say the truth Benefites whiche are liberall for the gift and gratefull for the repay are in that respect sayd too be great or litle as the affection of the hart is great or litle This consideration therefore as also your zeale in Religion your loue of learnyng your place vnder the Prince and the occasion ministred by these worthy yet but worldly Triumphes for the Princely entertaynment of most Noble Casimirus that famous souldier of Christ his Churche moue mee too offer vntoo you and in you too all Godly harted Courtiers what soeuer CHRIST JESUS Triumphant whose superexcellent workes ouerreach all hand hart and thought What his entertaynement shal be I leaue vntoo him-selfe who must geue the grace too entertaine hym What he hath deserued at our handes he presenteth him-selfe in this litle Booke too declare What enemies whose enemyes of what power they be whom he hath vtterly subdued and in whose cause or too what end and for whose benefite he ventered the pykes so farre too shead his precious hart bloud albeit wee haue often heard and therefore should well know yet sith wee as often forget and therefore are still too learne hee commeth now intoo the Court too shew beyng the supreme defender and most mightie Champion of the Churche with greater maiestie and cause of Triumph than any Monarch or Potentate whatsoeuer But how shall hee be receaued What Royall preparation shall be made for his ioyfull wellcome Runne a good race for sooth not with armed horse but with a prepared hart and whether Non ad Pacis Aram sed ad Pacis Anchoram Authorem that is not too the altar of Peace as they dyd but too the Author and Anker of perfect Peace Christ Jesus him-selfe and let vs fight a good fight not with a reached out arme but with the strong hand of Fayth herehence shall wee purchase more glory in his sight and be farther in his remembraunce when wee come intoo his kingdome than if wee had atchiued ten thousand feates of armes But so it falleth out that wee rather regarde this outward shewe and glorious world than the spirituall and inuisible creature and all of vs especially Courtyers with all modestie be it spoken without all offence and affection rather hunt or hauke after the fauour of the Prince than after the loue of God thereby like foolish builders plantyng our Tabernacles on the sand neglectyng too follow our buildynges on the stedfast rocke Herein as I would gladly auoyde all teastie and froward misinterpretors so am I openly and faythfully too protest that all Obedience Honor Triumph and Majestie is secondly too be geuen too our PRINCE whom GOD preserue but especially too Jesus Christ our full redeemer Hereof this litle Treatise made by that excellent instrument of GODS Churche in England M. Foxe doth put your worshyp and all other Christian Courtyers in mynde and remembraunce whiche when I had Translated and Imprinted no one came so readely too my mynde my Gracious Prince and right honorable Lord excepted too whome I might dedicate and offer these my first fruites as too your worships fauour which if it shall accept of my good meanyng my meanyng is too be as seruiceable as all honest dutie shall require Thus fare your worshyp well in Christ Jesus Amen Your worshyps too commaunde Richard Daye To the Christian Reader comfort in Christ Jesu SUch is the force of flesh Christiā Reader especially whē the spirite doth make resistāce that what wee would not and should not that we doe A suttle and most wily Serpēt who in securitie is well pleased to be secure and to them that sleep is also fauorable too vnderlay a cushion But whē the stronger-man Jesus Christ cōmeth vpō them both and with Gods finger awaketh the one and dispossesseth the other thē hee playeth the old Deuill and windyng his tale plumpe rounde with greater force doth hisse at leape at and bruse the stronger-mans heele because the stronger man brake his head And herein consider the wisedome of Gods spirite in these speaches of brusing the heele and breaking the head as therein liuely expressing the victory of Jesus Christ Sathans ouerthrow and the speciall comfort of a mournyng Conscience For it was Sathans power of God too bruse Christ his heele to beat buffet hisse at spit at scourge and persecute him in the flesh too shame him on the Crosse to goare his side too pearce his head hart and hands too shead his bloud yet the same Jesus Christ Triumphantly rose agayne with the same hys flesh ascended with the same and with the same doth
there remayne at Gods right hand Lord of Heauen and Earth In takyng of which brused heele albeit hee sometymes fainted in the infirmitie of the flesh as it were calling his foote backe agayne at the first touch or steppe because of the sharpe sting whiche he felt for his own reuerēce cryed at the entraunce of his Passion saying Father if it be possible let this cuppe passe yet he willingly for our onely cause and benefite continued too be brused on the heele manfully spoyled the enemy of his harnesse wherein hee trusted troad vnder the red Dragon and finally brake and crusht his head that is the rigor of the Law the strength of Sinne and the sting of Death In the same case and cause of quarell which he had with our Master he laboreth to master vs vsing his force in and vpon our flesh geuing vs often in conflict a foyle or a fall but it is the fall of the fleshe not of the spirite of the body not of the soule of Adam the old and out ward mā not of Christ the inward and the new For the same heele or flesh brused by the fall through the Lawe in it selfe the corruption that yet remayneth euen in the elect rebelling agaynst the Law of our mynde albeit it hold vs Captiue and make vs as dead through trespasse sor it standeth not with the riches of Gods mercy and grace neither with the kyndnesse whiche he shewed vnto vs in Christ Jesus that wee should bee perfect in this fleshe yet it hath no dominion it quickeneth and riseth agayne and is made too sit in heauenly places Where note Christian Reader that the Holy Ghost sayth it is made to sit it setteth not it selfe How then or of whom commeth the healing of this bruse the recouery of this fall the deliuery from this body of Death and albeit our enemies make often and strong inuasions or incursions yet whence is the finall victory I thanke my God sayth S. Paul through Jesus Christ our Lord. First he thanketh a note of grace and free gift not of desert or duetie For who geueth an other thankes for that which of necessitie and desert is his owne Secondly he geueth thankes to God not to himselfe and he thāketh not God but in Christ Jesu our lord So that in our selues there is nothyng in God the Father standeth the gift but Jesus Christ is all in all For God will not neither can he be pleased but onely when Christ maketh intercession Marke the course and doctrine of the Scripture It is God in deede who hath raysed vs vp together and hath made vs sit together in the heauenly places But did he this for that wee pleased him or for that some great Saint did make intreatie no he made vs sit there sayth the Text in Jesus Christ in no other And why so in Jesus Christ Forsooth that he might shew in ages too come the exceedyng riches of his grace through his kyndnesse toward vs in Christ Jesus So that his kyndnesse grace riches and whatsoeuer his blessings which we haue or shall haue at his handes it is onely for his welbeloued Sonnes sake who onely made vs who were farre of neare vntoo his Father and reconciled vs that were in hatred and children of wrath by his Crosse and precious bloud Without hauyng him in thy mynde or hart it is an horrible and fearefull thyng but too thinke of God A God of wrath and seuere iustice but onely in his Sonne Christ in whom he is well pleased Pleased he is we all cōfesse and not only for original sinne alone as some do affirme thereby teachyng that what sinne we cōmit after our baptisme we our selues or the priest for vs hauyng his hyer must redeeme and not Christ but also for all other Sinne in course of lyfe cōmitted For by grace are wee saued sayth the text not washed and that through Fayth Which Fayth commeth not by oftē workyng well for thē we might well argue that wee are saued by woorkes when wee are saued by Fayth whiche is the fruite of our workes but it is the gift of God sayth the Scripture in the same place and not of our woorkes And why least any man shold boast of himselfe For thy woorkes therefore and for thy Fayth thanke God and thanke God through Jesus Christ. He onely is that good and pitifull Samaritane who when we haue taken the foyle or the fall being sore wounded in this conflict of the flesh Spirite and so cast as forlorne too the hedge doth wash and heale our sores and woundes with his most pure blessed oyle his sweet hart bloud paying the vttermost farthyng of our debt too him be all honor glory and triūph for euer Amen Of this I thought good too admonish thee Christiā Reader desirous with thee to reioyce at the wō derfull woorkes of mercy wrought by this our great Champion Jesus Christ whose victory is our victory though we sinne of infirmitie yet he is perfect Read and accept this comfortable Treatise which I haue translated therein shalt thou finde faithfully set before thine eyes what Christ hath done for vs in his Passion and what he requireth of vs againe for being made partakers of the fruites of his Passion The same Lord Jesus Christ blesse thy body and soule to lyfe euerlastyng Amen In whom I most hartely byd and wishe thee too farewell Richard Daye ¶ CHRIST JESUS TRIUMPHANT SO often as inwardly in spirit I behold the transitorie and frayle estate of our mortall Nature throughly vexed with infinite miseries perils iniuries and lamentations so that nothing weé haue of sure accompt nothing freé but all subiect too the seruitude tyranny slauery of most raging enemies it seémeth too meé allmost vnspeakeable how deépe indetted weé are too CHRIST JESUS our Sauior and Triumpher most victorious Untoo whom when of bounden dutie we haue geuen all that is ours and our selues wholy and more then wholy yet in no respect are weé aunswerable to his wonderfull desertes so far do those thyngs which this our heauenly Champiō hath compassed and performed for our cause surpasse not onely our strength and Nature but also all conceit of hart and thought the great riches whereof welnere exceéde all credit and beleéf If so be therefore wee commanly and very much esteéme of the woorthy exploits atchiued by renowmed Captaines of this world if with so great ioye and desire weé hunger after them beyng Printed in Bookes grauen in Tables painted on walles or set foorth and represented on a stage if we greédely harken after them and wonder at them if weé geue all triumph all pompe honor and prayse vnto them how then ought weé be affected toward this our heauenly Conqueror whose worthy actes most wonderfull stratagemes do with such infinite brightnes darken all glory and so farre exceéde the Nature of humane thynges that Heauen is not farther distant from the Earth
Potētates of this trāsitory world what than is méete that wée yéeld vnto him who so far surmounteth obscureth the Maiestie and Grace of most mightie Monarches that they are no otherwise to be coūted happy but so farre foorth as they truly feare and serue him Wée haue now made manifest vnto you that all the tyranny of DEATH is extinguished and wée deliuered from the seruile yoke thereof by the meanes and conquest of this our Triumphant PRINCE When I say DEATH I vnderstand also thereby the whole armie or violence of mischiefes which any wayes annoy our life both those which were the cause of DEATH and thofe also that accompany and follow it For DEATH of it selfe is nothing els but the punishment wages for SINNE accordyng to Paules saying euen as the strength of SINNE is the law For where no Law is there is no Transgression but where there is Transgression there the wrath of GOD is reuealed from Heauen against all vngodlynes of mē which withhold the truth in vnrighteousnes And to this wrath wée were all sometime subiect being dead in Sinne seruing Sathan the Prince of this world vnder whose king dome wée were all wretched and miserable For what greater thrall or more extreme miserie could there happen thā that SATHAN troubling and disturbing all things as he listed should beare all the sway and alone vsurpe the kyngdome being not cōquerable by any force of Nature or power of Prince All thinges beyng thus in a desperate case the more glorious did the power of this our graund Chāpion appeare who with a maruelous victorie and singular ouerthrow by suffering subdued the Enemy and hauing vanquished the tyrannie of DEATH by Death opened the euerlastyng gate of immortalitie too all that would come and enter therein Wherfore he willing to cōmunicate the fruite of this his benefit with all who draweth all vntoo himselfe cryeth in the Gospell saying Come vnto mee all yee that labor and are heauy laden and I will refresh you And as he doth accept all sortes of mē in that he inuiteth and allureth all so he excepteth no kinde of burthē or grief who promiseth that he will refreshe vs in all and disburthen vs of them all Goe too therefore good Brother in Christ whosoeuer thou art that gronest vnder any burthē acknowlege the voyce of him that calleth thée how much the more thou art afflicted so much the more boldly hasten vntoo him who is ready to helpe all but especially he came to visite and comfort the poore afflicted If the Wrath of GOD terrifie thée thou hast there an attonement and Peacemaker who hauing slayne Hatred by his crosse and Passion offereth vnto thée a sure sanctuary too flée vntoo If his Law touch or sting thée or the féeling of thy SINN disquiet thée he hath taken away the hand writyng of ordinaunces that was agaynst vs and hath spoyled the Principalities and Powers and hath made a shew of them openly and hath triumphed ouer them in him selfe Is the feare and horror of Death dreadfull vntoo thée DEATH hath now lost his sting in him and doth now feare thée more then thou her But perhaps SATHAN the worker of all euill thoughtes and cogitations doth not a litle assault thée tush let him rage and raung as long as hee list how can he greatly hurt thée when as his Head being brused and broken he can but hisse at thy héele Peraduenture also thy Faith is shaken and tryde or some other storme of Temptation comming from some other where violently vppon thée doth disturbe the tranquilitie of thy mynde fight therefore and put on the whole armor of Christian warfare or if the battaile be ouer hot and excéede thy strēgth yet fall to Prayer or if thou canst not pray at the leastwise sigh and grone vnto the LORD The inward sighing and groning of that Hart shooting vp before the LORD is a strong harty prayer Thou must striue and labor too doe what thou canst and art able but this whiche thou art able is not of such value of it selfe as it is estéemed of GOD who both accepteth and crowneth in vs the affection of a willing hart ready mynde like as if it were an action or déede Otherwise that whiche the rigorous Iustice of GOD doth exact of vs too our saluation and too the vanquishyng of these foresayd Enemies were excéedyng great too too farre aboue thy strength or reach But that which thou séely mā beyng borne of mā wast not able to performe that a mā borne of GOD the Sonne of God CHRIST JESUS hath fully accōplished He hath fulfilled euery iot of the Law thorough wōderfull humility obediēce he hath abated the pride of the world opened the gates of heauē which our sinfull life had shut vp dispossessed Sathan of his kingdome vtterly weakened the power of Death takē away the sting of Sinne torments of Hell. Finally he performyng euery poynt of perfect righteousnes and being but one aunswered that for all which was required of euery one And beside that this heauenly Prince hath wrought these and so many wonderfull workes with incredible Triumph which doe amaze and astonish euen Nature it selfe it is also to be considered how much more famous and Triumphant he is not onely in that he had no fellow or mate to assiste him but in that whatsoeuer he tooke vpon him he compassed it and obtained the victory not for himselfe but for vs onely and our behalfe Wherein the Triumph of this our MONARCH séemeth farre vnlike the victories of other Princes not onely in the excellencie and valure of the things done but also in the very manner of the doyng For the victories of earthly Potentates as they are alwayes atchiued with crueltie and violence so are they oftentymes very iniurious but neuer without great daūger much manslaughter Wherby it commeth to passe that their Triumphes are nothing in the end but a publique pylage and misery of the world wherein while some do laugh many wéep and howle nether partie deseruing so to doe nether the vanquisher nor the vanquished Now albeit that vpon iust cause the warre was taken in hand it falleth out notwithstandyng in such Triumphes I cā not tell how that the victory for the most part betideth vntoo hym who did least of all in battalle For albeit Princes be sometyme present in the cōflict yet surely they are farthest from perill whose notwithstandyng the victory is sayd to be Farre otherwise stādeth the case betwene vs and our heauenly Conqueror For they to whom the matter chiefly appertained beyng frée from all daunger and at ease sat as idle lookers on an other mans labor and payne He alone who deserued nothing aboad all the perill Who if he would haue voutchsaued they also venteryng themselues to the battaile to haue bene but a partaker onely of their labor or a Captaine of their Warre or any waye but a
furtherer of the victory it might haue séemed a rare example in a Prince and a singular affection whiche he bare vntoo them Yet he is not so contented he standeth not in another mans cause or quarell onely as on idle looker on taking héede too himselfe that he be there where least daunger is no no he himselfe alone ventreth the pykes he treadeth the Wine presse alone and like a most vigilant Captaine the rest sléeping soundly putteth himselfe alone in daunger not for his frendes onely but euen for his bitter enemies neither doth he winne by fighting but by suffering and so farre he is from violence bloudshed that not so much as a voyce was heard in the stréetes shewyng thereby to the worlde a most straunge and new kynde of Conquest Howsoeuer worldlinges account of it séeme it neuer so blockish or doultish yet if one put vp an iniurie receiued doth not forthwith render like for like or one shrewd turne for an other but cōmitteth the matter the reuēge therof intoo the handes of GOD he most truely may be termed a Conqueror There is no spéedier or more glorious a victory then Obedience wholy referring and framing it selfe to the will of the LORD There is yet another propertie in this heauenly Champion not somuch glorious for himselfe as commodious and profitable for vs all certes farre wide differing from the example of our common warriors For albeit they be sometime Conquerors yet the victorie tarieth not with them long but are them selues also at other tymes put too the foyle Moreouer such is the Nature of those things which are wonne that they can be recouered agayne by the enemie at one time or other Finally if there be any daunger in the battaile it is all layed vpon the souldiers necke if there come any profit by the victorie it is not cōmon but if perhaps any portion thereof be alloted to the many which is very rare though it come hardly and with grudgyng yet it may be written and scored vpon the wales for very good lucke But the most happy and blessed Champion encountryng himselfe alone with them who were much stronger then wée so ioyned incredible mercy and loue with his force and power in subduyng our enemies that of the victory hee chalenged nothyng as due too him but his sweating trauaile and vnspekeable tormentes the pyllage spoyle bootie and all the cemmoditie whatsoeuer he would haue wholy and alone and fréely to redound to vs Wherfore when we haue throughly pondered in mynde and hart all those thynges which CHRIST hath brought to passe in this most happy battaile which truly are aboue all measure wonderfull let euery one forthwith thus persuade himselfe that the excellencie of this prowes and glory of this victory is not somuch proper too him as common too vs with him Finally let vs all thinke thus that whatsoeuer was priuately cōpassed by him is a publique benefite for vs all and let vs not somuch looke vntoo the glory and magnificence of his déeds as learne the vse of them for in the former consisteth the prayse of CHRIST in the other our saluation And yet too say the truth CHRIST is in nothing more duly or rightly praysed than in the vse of his benefites when as wee apply them too our selues for our speciall comfort with thankesgeuyng neither am I able to say whether he more desire to help thée and do thée good than for his goodnesse to be praysed of this I am sure that thou hast more néede of his helpe than he of thy prayse You shal finde many which count the highest and chiefest point in Religion too be the often meditation and remembraunce of CHRIST crucified for vs hanging on the crosse especially if therwithall they with teares lament hys paynes which he suffered or with detestation curse the Jewes that made him suffer This their deuoute and religious affection is not to be misliked or disalowed whiche without doubt is very godly But as I deny not that a great part of Religion doth consist therein so againe wée Christians must take carefull heéde that weé rest not here onely as in the chief ground of Religion but rather take it as a steppe or degreé too a farther matter more properly belongyng to our saluation For the Crosse of CHRIST was not therefore erected that thou shouldest be onely a beholder thereof but rather a follower not too geue theé a shew but a remedie and a dayly help for thy necessitie Thou beholdest Christ nayled too the crosse why doest thou not rather call too mynde the cause why this most milde LAMBE of GOD did geue himselfe too so great tormentes why he rose agayne why he ascended vp intoo Heauen there reigning triumphantly at the right hand of his father whiche when thou shalt finde and well vnderstand that they haue bene all done for thy sake it shall be thy dutie on the otherside too accustome thy selfe to the wise vsage thereof applying the same too thine owne priuate comfort and commoditie But thou wilt demaunde How shall I doe this I will tell theé and our Lord JESUS CHRIST geue theé his SPIRITE of all comfort and consolation Amen Tho Uhearest and remembrest that JESUS CHRIST the sonne of GOD was crucified on the Crosse for thy sake Herein first thou beholdest the exceéding loue and mercy of GOD toward theé secondly thou vnderstandest what a horrible thing SINNE is in his sight whereof their could be no satisfaction made but onely by the woundes and bloud of his onely begotten sonne Of whiche two the former ought to inflame theé with the loue of GOD the other too keépe theé in his feare and bridle theé from custome of Sinn But if thou chaunce too fall intoo SINNE as the infirmitie of mans flesh is very slyppery wherin either the Law accuseth theé or the horror of DEATH casteth theé downe or the examples of Scripture doe make theé tremble or thy senses and Cogitations of thy mynde disquiet and trouble theé or if SATHAN styrre all occasions of terrors agaynst theé as he is alway at hand too vexe such as labor earnestly in holynes and Christian Religion Here thou hast not onely perpetuall grace and pardon purchased for theé but thou mayest also boldly gloriously triumph and crow ouer Death the Law SATHAN and thyne owne giltie CONSCIENCE For by what power and right these Euils are ouercome in CHRIST by the same thou mayest thinke they are ouercome in theé But when thou hast pondered all other thinges in thy mynde as deéply as may be yet of all the vses and benefites which wée gather and enioy by the mysterie of CHRIST his Passion and Triumph of victory this is the most ample and most excellent namely if thou so apply too thy selfe all the deédes vertue and glory of CHRIST as though thou being wholy clothed with his righteousnes didst now as LORD of Heauen and Earth raigne and triumph aboue with him and in