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death_n serpent_n sin_n sting_n 4,692 5 12.2188 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68133 Occasionall meditations by Ios. Exon ; set forth by R.H. Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656.; Hall, Robert, 1605-1667. 1631 (1631) STC 12688.5; ESTC S103693 60,258 379

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those his faithfull Seruants that haue left their bloud their spirits their liu●● in these precious Papers and haue willingly wasted themselues into these during Monuments to giue light vnto others LXXII Vpon the red Crosse on a doore OH signe fearefully significant this Sicknesse is a Crosse indeed and that a bloudy one both the forme and the colour import Death The Israelites doores whose lintells were besprinkled with blood were passed ouer by the destroying Angell here the destroying Angell hath smitten and hath left this marke of his deadly blow Wee are wont to fight cheerefully vnder this Ensigne abroad and be victorious Why should we tremble at it at home Oh GOD there thou fightest for vs heere against vs Vnder that wee haue fought for thee but vnder this because our sinnes haue fought against thee wee are fought against by thy iudgements Yet Lord it is thy Crosse though an heauy one It is ours by merit thine by imposition O Lord sanctifie thine affliction and remoue thy vengeance LXXIII Vpon the change of Weather I Know not whether it be worse that the Heauen looke vpon vs alwayes with one face or euer varying for as continuall change of Weather causes vncertainty of health so a permanent setlednesse of one season causeth a certainty of distemper perpetuall moysture disolues vs perpetuall heate euaporates or inflames vs cold stupefies vs drought obstructs and withers vs Neither is it otherwise in the state of the minde if our thoughts should bee alwayes Volatile changing inconstant wee should neuer attaine to any good habite of the Soule whether in matter of iudgement or disposition but if they should bee alwayes fixed wee should run into the danger of some disperate extremity to bee euer thinking would make vs mad to bee euer thinking of our crosses or sinnes would make vs hartlesly deiected to bee euer thinking of Pleasures and Contentments would melt vs into a loose Wantonnesse to bee euer doubting and fearing were an Hellish seruitude to bee euer bold and confident were a dangerous presumption but the interchanges of these in a due moderation keepe the Soule in health O GOD howsoeuer these Variations bee necessarie for my Spirituall condition Let mee haue no Weather but Sunne-shine from thee Doe thou lift vp the light of thy countenance vpon mee and stablish mee euer with thy free Spirit LXXIIII Vpon the sight of a Marriage WHat a comfortable and feeling resemblance is heere of CHRIST and his Church I regard not the persons I regard the institution Neyther the Husband nor the Wife are now any more their owne they haue eyther of them giuen ouer themselues to other not onely the Wife which is the weaker vessell hath yeilded ouer her selfe to the stronger protection and participation of an abler head but the Husband hath resigned his right in himselfe ouer to his feebler consort So as now her weaknesse is his his strength is hers Yea their very flesh hath altered property hers is his his is hers Yea their very Soule and Spirit may no more bee seuered in respect of mutuall affection then from their owne seuerall bodyes It is thus O Sauiour with thee and thy Church Wee are not our owne but thine who hast married vs to thy selfe in truth and righteousnesse What powers what indowments haue wee but from and in thee And as our holy boldnesse dares interesse our selues in thy graces so thy wonderfully-compassionate mercy vouchsaues to interesse thy selfe in our infirmities thy poore Church suffers on Earth thou feelest in Heauen as complaining of our stripes canst say Why persecutest thou mee Thou againe art not so thine owne as that thou art not also ours thy Sufferings thy Merits thy Obedience thy Life Death Resurrection Asscension Intercession Glory yea thy blessed Humanity yea thy glorious Deity by vertue of our right of our Vnion are so ours as that wee would not giue our part in thee for ten thousand Worlds Oh gracious Sauiour as thou canst not but loue and cherish this poore and vnworthie Soule of mine which thou hast mercifully espoused to thy selfe so giue mee Grace to honour and obey thee and forsaking all the base and sinfull riuality of the World to hold mee onely vnto thee whiles I liue here that I may perfectly inioy thee heereafter LXXV Vpon the sight of a Snake I Know not what horror wee finde in our selues at the sight of a Serpent Other Creatures are more loathsome and some no lesse deadly then it yet there is none at which our bloud riseth so much as at this Whence should this bee but out of an instinct of our old enmitie Wee were stung in Paradise and cannot but feele it But here is our weaknesse It was not the body of the Serpent that could haue hurt vs without the suggestion of sinne and yet wee loue the sinne whiles wee hate the Serpent Euery day are wee wounded with the sting of that old Serpent and complaine not and so much more deadly is that sting by how much it is lesse felt There is a sting of guilt and there is a sting of remorse there is mortall venome in the first whereof wee are the least sensible there is lesse danger in the second The Israelites found thēselues stung by those fiery Serpents in the Desart and the sense of their paine sent them to seeke for Cure The World is our Desart and as the sting of Death is Sinne so the sting of Sinne is Death I doe not more with to finde ease then paine If I complaine enough I cannot faile of cure O thou which art the true brazen Serpent lifted vp in this Wildernesse raise vp mine eyes to thee and fasten them vpon thee thy mercy shall make my soule whole my wound soueraigne LXXVI Vpon the ruines of an Abby IT is not so easie to say what it was that built vp these Walles as what it was that pull'd them downe euen the wickednesse of the Possessours Euery stone hath a tongue to accuse the Superstition Hypocrisie Idlenesse Luxury of the late owners Me thinkes I see it written all along in Capitall letters vpon these heapes A fruitfull Land maketh hee barren for the iniquity of them that dwell therein Perhaps there wanted not some Sacriledge in the Demolishers in all the carriage of these businesses there was a iust hand that knew hovv to make an vvholsome and profitable vse of mutuall sins Full little did the Builders or the in-dwellers thinke that this costly and warme Fabricke should so soone end violently in a desolate rubbish It is not for vs to be high-minded but to feare No Roofe is so hye no Wall so strong as that sinne cannot leuell it with the Dust Were any pile so close that it could keepe out ayre yet it could not keepe out iudgement where sinne hath beene fore-admitted In vaine shall wee promise stability to those Houses which wee haue made witnesses of and accessaries to our shamefull vncleannesses The firmnesse of any building is not