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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06202 Ecclesiastes, othervvise called The preacher Containing Salomons sermons or commentaries (as it may probably be collected) vpon the 49. Psalme of Dauid his father. Compendiously abridged, and also paraphrastically dilated in English poesie, according to the analogie of Scripture, and consent of the most approued writer thereof. Composed by H.L. Gentleman. Whereunto are annexed sundrie sonets of Christian passions heretofore printed, and now corrected and augmented, with other affectionate sonets of a feeling conscience of the same authors. Lok, Henry.; Lok, Henry. Sundry Christian passions contained in two hundred sonnets. 1597 (1597) STC 16696; ESTC S104588 172,130 348

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feareth euery cloud that is in sky But little corne shall sow or reape to sell If alwaies he do guide his workes thereby So giue thou when thou maist and thinke thy store Increast thereby no whit impaird the more verse 5 As child in wombe so al things God makes grow vnknown to thee verse 6 Thē morn euen sow thou thy seed God knows which best shal be 5. As thou knowest not which is the way of the Spirit nor how the bones do grow in the wombe of her that is with child so thou knowest not the worke of God that worketh all Thinke this that euen that God which gaue to thee The present blessings that thou dost possesse Thy charitable workes from heauen doth see And will thy labours in due season blesse If thou thy faith by neighbours loue expresse And thinke that as the infants borne that bee Conceiued are do grow do liue do feed And be by birth in time from prison free By meanes vnknowne to mothers them that breed Se be assur'd that God which it hath wrought Can wealth restore by meanes to thee vnthought 6. In the morning sow thy seed and in the euening let not thine hand rest for thou knowest not whether shall prosper this or that or whether both shall be a like good Both rath and late at euery time and tide Then do vnto thy power some almes deed Without some others good let no day slide So oft as thou canst find aman hath need And who this can performe is blest indeed For man can not his worke so wisely guide To know to whom and when to giue is best But who for pittie giues and not for pride Though needlesly some fall among the rest Yet some no doubt is blessedly bestowd And in thy will of good good worke is showd verse 7 Sure life is sweete and all desire long time to see the sunne verse 8 Though long life last yet death maks hast times do vainly run 7. Surely the light is a pleasant thing and it is a good thing to the eyes to see the sunne And since but whilst thou liu'st thy goods are thine And what thou freely giu'st deserueth prayse Giue while thou mayst so mayst thou find in fine Well sau'd what well was spent in liuing dayes For godly worke with God aye present stayes Long mayst thou liue but must in end decline To death the end of euery liuing thing To yeeld to death yet needst thou not repine If liuing thou to man no good canst bring And hauing left some good by life to men More welcome death may be vnto thee then 8. Though a man liue many yeares and in them all he reioyce yet he shal remember the dayes of darknesse because they are many all that commeth is vanitie For death thou knowest vnto life is due And life doth but prepare a man to die Liues cares a daily death in vs renue To worke in vs consent to death thereby Which else no flesh with patience sure would try The many dayes or yeares which do insue Of wariest gouernment to happiest wight Cannot perswade him but that this is true That lightsome day will turne to darksome night That times most long haue end and what doth vade Is little better then a very shade verse 9 Reioyce in youth fulfill desire yet know God iudgeth all verse 10 To clense thy hart wicked flesh graue age vain youth doth cal 9. Reioyce ô young man in thy youth and let thine h●rt chere thee in the dayes of thy youth and wa●ke in the wayes of thine h●rt and in the sight of thine eyes but know that for all these things God will bring thee to iudgement Delight he then in what so ere he please In youth in beauty strength or wealthy store Let him delight himselfe in vse of these And cheare his hart as cause he hath therefore Yet let him thinke death knocketh at his dore And that they all do vanish with their wayes That God alone remayneth euer ●ure That only vertue with vs longest stayes And can eternall blessednesse procure When to the iudgement of a God seuere Our workes must come who all in mind doth beare 10. Therefore take away griefe out of thine heart cause euill to depart from thy flesh for childhood and youth are vanitie Let him and all the wise whilst yet they may Prepare themselues to beare with chearefull mind The fierce assaults in death that for vs stay And but by faith can strong resistance find Since all our other workes come short behind Let vs abandon euery wicked way And lay our treasure vp in heauen aboue Youth is a flowre that springeth out in May But euery frost or blast doth soone remoue But heauen and heauenly ioyes will still remaine When youth and earthly works proue meerely vaine Chap. 12. verse 1 Remember thy creator then in these thy youthfull dayes Ere croked age all pleasure to thy lothed life denayes 1. Remember now thy creator in the daies of thy youth whilst the euill dayes come not ANd since thou canst not shun deaths fatall day And as the tree doth fall so shall it rise Whilst yet thou mayst prepare a quiet way Vnto thy soule which in such danger lies If thou in time reliefe do not deuise The earth and earthly things do helpe denay Heauen is the harbor where thy soule doth dwell Let not thy hope on earth then longer stay But it and workes thereof from hart expell Delay no time in hope long life to haue Youth may age must ere long time go to graue Nor the yeares approach wherein thou shalt say I haue no pleasure in them To heauen thy progresse thou dost wish to make Then cloth thy selfe accordingly therefore The clogs of worldly loue and lust forsake And thinke them burdens to thee euermore And in thy life haue lights of vertue store Let thought of thy creator thee awake From sinnes of youth hart burdensome in age Remember God account of thee will take If thy repentance not his wrath asswage Yea leaue thou sinne ere lust leaue tempting thee Thy abstinence else can not vertue bee verse 2 Whilst sunne moone stars seeme light and rayny clouds are farre verse 3 Whilst keepers of thy house are strong whose pillers stedfast are 2. Wh●les the sunne is not darke nor the light nor the moone nor the starres nor the clouds returne after the raine The feeble members which haue lost their might Through which their senses did affection proue No maruell now if they take lesse delight In vaine prospects which they tofore did loue Since they the meanes do want doth liking moue The sunne moone stars heauens ornamēt earths light Can yeeld small comfort to the senslesse corse When all thy ioynts begin by day and night Do tyre thy life and breed the soules remorse No maruell if thou then proue continent But thou shouldst temp'rance euen in youth frequent 3. When the keepers of the house shall trēble
groueling is his resting place Then shall my soule with Debora imbrace In thankfull wise thy mercies I receiue And so pursue the fleshly Canaans race Till I the furie of the same bereaue And with my song thy seruants shall accord To yeeld due praise to thee the liuing Lord. SON LXXVI MY soule like silly Ioseph Lord was sold By fleshly brethren his vnkind alas To vanities the merchants which behold From far they saw to Egipt which do passe A seruant vnto Ismaels seed it was And sold from sin to death and so to hell Of humane frailtie Lord a looking glasse In which all foule affections long did dwell Yet lo alas when sin seekes most t' excell And haue my mind consent to traitrous lust With grace ô Lord that enemy repell And heare my praiers who in thee do trust Who though a space in bodies prison staies Yet Lord at length vouchsafe to heauen to raise SON XXVII SO blinde ô Lord haue my affections bin And so deceitfull hath bin Satans slight That to giue credit I did first begin To pride and lust as heauenly powers of might I offred all my sences with delight A sacrifice to feed those Idols vaine Of all the presents proffred day and night Nought vnconsumde I saw there did remaine Till that thy Prophets by thy word made plaine The falshood by the which I was deceiued How Satans kingdome made here of a gaine And wickednesse my hope and faith bereaued But now the sifted ashes of thy word Bewraies Bels Prists slaies dragon without sword SON LXXVIII A Wicked theefe that oft haue robd and slaine Thy graces of their frute my selfe of blisse Now on the crosse of conscience I remaine To die the death the which eternall is I see no way to quit my selfe of this Vnlesse thou Lord whose kingdome is aboue Remember me and cansell life amisse Out of thy memorie through Christ thy loue Who in my flesh with me like death did proue That guiltlesse he might guilties ransome bee Loue to my soule it was that did him moue The bands of death to bide to make vs free Blesse thou my tong increase thou faith in mee This night to be in paradise with thee SON LXXIX IN bondage long to Satan haue I bin A maker of the bricke of Babell towre By birth a thrall to grosse and filthie sin Whom lusts taskmasters doth attend ech houre Affection to the flesh doth cleane defloure The memorie and loue of promist lands The fiend euen Pharo seeketh to deuoure My soule and chaine me to his dreadfulll bands But Lord receiue me safe into thy hands Protect me from the rigor of his might Quench thou the force of lusts inflamed brands In my defence giue me true faith to fight Send Moyses Lord with powre of heauenly sword And Aaron to direct me by thy word SON LXXX A Moabit I was of cursed kinde Vnkinde vnto thy Church Lord and to thee Who sought by ayde of foolish Balaam blinde To captiuate the soule that should be free Incestuous frutes of that high climing tree Which doth subdue all reason and all grace A carnall kinsman by a neare degree Vnto the soule the which I haue in chase Whom I with lothsome sin sought to deface And bastardise with carnall fond affect Whose ofspring thou vnto the tenth mans race Didst once out of thy sanctuary reiect Yet now by faith made free of Iury land A suter here before thy throne do stand SON LXXXI LO how I groueling vnder burden lie Of sin of shame of feare Lord of thy sight My guilt so manifold dare not come nie Thy throne of mercy mirror of thy might With hidden and with ignorant sinnes I fight Dispairing and presumptuous faults also All fleshly frailtie on my backe doth light Originall and actuall with me go Against a streame of lusts my will would roe To gaine the shoare of grace the port of peace But flouds of foule affections ouerfloe And sinke I must I see now no release Vnlesse my Sauior deare this burden take And faith a ship of safetie for me make SON LXXXII FRom Iuda wandring Lord to Iericho From holie law of thine to carnall lust Whilst midst the prease of lewd affects I go I robbed am of rayment pure and iust And wounded lye Lord groueling in the dust Not any passer by can giue me aide In fleshly strength or friendship is no trust By highway seene to helpe me few haue staide But since my Sauior Christ on crosse hath paide A ransome rich to cure my bleeding sore By faith to craue the frutes I 'am not affraide In hope my health thereby for to restore Bind vp my wounds with balme leade me to rest Giue me such gifts of grace as like thee best SON LXXXIII THis slender Citie Lord of strength behold Wherein I dwell Bethulia my bower Of flesh whereto sin laies a battry bold And seeks with sword dearth my soules deuower Suppresse thou hellish Holofernes power Who prides himselfe in praie of children thine I haue no trust in mountaines wals nor tower For want of faithes true fountaine we shall pine Raise vp this female couragde heart of mine Strengthen my hand to reue this monsters hed Let me not tast deceiptfull follies wine Nor be polluted with worlds sinfull bed But constantly by faith fight in defence Of feeble flesh and driue thy enemies thence SON LXXXIIII NOt that my faith doth faint a whit is cause That I so instant am on thee to call O God of life but yeelding to thy lawes Before thy sight my soule these teares lets fall Which in thy bottle kept I know are all And quench the fury of thy burning ire Which sin enflamde and qualifie it shall The quarrell which hath set thy wrath on fire If feruently the childe due food desire Of father he will not giue him a stone If of the wicked iustice man require Importunely some iustice will be showne More righteous iudge and father thou to mee Art Lord indeed and far more kind wilt bee SON LXXXV THe many trials Lord that I haue found Since out of Egipt darknesse I am brought Might witnesse well how in thee still abound Powre mercy truth wherby thy workes are wrought But foule dispaire against my faith hath fought Amidst the wildernesse wherein I stay And daintier food my fond affections sought Then Manna which thou sentst me euerie day The desert Zyn doth fountaine pure denay Of grace wherewith to quench my fainting ghost Eternall death expects my soule as pray And lust assaults me with a hideous host Stretch forth hād Lord smite thou my hart of stone With rod of true repentance griefe and mone SON LXIII THou hast ô Lord of mercy me enricht With flocks of fauour and of graces great Since I in Bethell first the pillar pitcht Of praises to thy name and mercies seat Yet fleshly Esawes foule affections threat A ruine to the frute faith forth should bring With pleasing humors him for to intreat