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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B12393 Certaine godly and verie comfortable letters, full of christian consolation. Written by M. Ed Dering vnto sondry of his friends. And nowe published, for the proffite of the Church of God Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576. 1590 (1590) STC 6682.5; ESTC S116582 40,526 65

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desire that wholy and altogither it should not be in this Jt is onely the worlde that hath taken vp enimitie against vs and striueth dailie to separate vs from the Lorde But what is in the worlde why the perswasions of it should please vs especiallie you who haue had experience of it whose life God hath filled with worldlie things You knowe what is the comfort of houses and landes you haue weighed them well and found them light You knowe the gladnes of a mother and haue in your sight Sōnes Daughters the triall of it is in you hath entred deepe euē as they haue bin the fruite of your owne wombe but in them you haue no such ioye as in the spirit of adoption by which you knowe your selfe to be the childe of God You knowe the treasure of a good husband with whom you haue had peaceable and louinge dayes but howe much is it a greater ioye of vnspeakeable gladnes to feele your selfe ioyned to Jesus Christ made a chaste member of his glorious body with whom you shal be ioyned for euer You haue seene a great many yeares of the age of man and haue measured the length of them so that if you might liue the dayes of Abraham yet you might account your houres and see the time at hande when in the ende of your course you shall take your rest and what were this to immortalitie To be short and to pretermit manie things wherewith God hath made your life as a blessing you haue seene fauour Credite Landes Authoritie Friendes Seruauntes the pleasures of these God hath giuen you You haue seene fulnesse of such delights but this and all els that you haue seene what is it to the grace of God the fellowshippe of Saintes the forgiuenes of your sinnes the loue of his countenance the assurance of your life the brightnes of his glorie your eternall blessinges Sith then in the world is no sure refuge the more I haue seene the fruit of your faith the more assuredlie J knowe the constancie of your minde readie to leaue the worlde to approch nearer vnto God and to account all these thinges to be but dunge to the ende you may winne Iesus Christ in whom you shal be so much more blessed as light is more bright then darknesse health is more excellent then sicknesse and life more precious then cruell death This good Madame you haue long knowen and with prayse professed it among men And nowe especiallie reape the fruite of it in these dayes of Gods visitation in which in a weake body you haue had a sharpe sickenesse to teach you that your life is in the handes of God the nature of your body that it is but dust so that you should not loue it but in the Lorde nor be pleased with it but as it pleaseth him readie to laye it downe when he shall call you This is that great and high commandement To loue God aboue all and this is the greatest obedience required of man to be readie to dye at the will of God Vnto which commaundement when I doe beseech you willinglie to yeelde I feele in my selfe howe the nature of man striueth against it all those delightes of which I spake before the pleasures of this present life they arise against it although we had no other comfort yet life it self is sweete vnto vs we are loth to make our beds in the darke our eyes they would yet see the sunne our eares would heare the sounde of worldly elements though our fleshe be grasse yet grasse hath a flower our fraile bodyes haue vanishinge fantasies agreeable vnto them as earth vnto earth and from which most hardlie you shall pull it away the Patriarkes Prophetes were sometime afraide Paule and Peter were not alwayes bolde they loued euer that life which they sawe in hope but they did feele the death whichc did fight in their members And howe should I then saye vnto you a weake woman feare not death or if I say it howe can you performe it beeing so weake a vessell of fleshe and bloud yet good Madame giue me leaue to intreate you J hope you shall haue a heart to graunt it J most humblie beseeche you feare not death The Apostles were men as we are yet Paule obteyned at last to be dissolued be with Christ if we be weaker then he the graces of God shal be more exalted in vs and we also shall say at the last Let thy seruaunt O Lord departe in peace It is the Lorde that hath promised this blessing vnto vs let vs heare it with faith and it will make death vile in our eyes it is enough if we knowe God will giue this victorie to his people lett vs be bolde though we feare a litle while yet feare shall be cast out and we shall say with a free spirit O death where is thy stinge c. trie your selfe therefore euery day and if your harte be bolde reioyce good Madame reioyce for euer the last and greatest enimie which is death is troden vnder your feete and what els can hurt you all other things of the world they are but seruauntes of death and serue to make his power more fearfull vnto vs friendes or kinsefolke golde siluer pretious stones or al other pleasures all labour vnto one ende to make vs more loth to die vanquish death and you haue vāquished all height depth life and death all is yours you are Christes And see I beseeeh you what glorie you haue gotten you are but a weake and sicke woman whom God hath shut vp into your chamber and tyed to your bedde and yet the great tyrant of the world that holdeth in bondage Kings Princes and woundeth them all with feare terror he is confounded before you the Lord of life he hath crushed him in pieces vnder you A blessed day that brought you first into this battell a blessed sickenesse that made you endure the fight most blessed ende in which you get the victorie for who hath giuen you this strength or who raigneth in you in such a day but he who hath saied and done it O death I wil be thy death and if he be in you who hath abolished death and in whose sight death shall neuer haue any rule what treasure what depth of ioy and gladnes shall he bring with him while you liue you shal liue in him no man shall take your ioy from you and whē you die you shall die in him and death shal be no death but you shall passe to eternall life and all that is fearfull shal be farre from you the burthen of sinne the malice of the deuill the terrour of hell the dreadfull words goe ye cursed into eternall fire All this is abolished troden down in the crosse of Iesus Christ who reigneth in you giueth you his spirit that you feare not death and all things that fill with ioy not the earth onely
but the heauens also you haue destroyed death you shall feele thē all within you the fellowship of Saints Angels the forgiuenes of sinns the resurrection of the body the life euerlasting and the God of glorie your eyes lightened with a pure faith shall see these things in so perfect beautie that you shall cast out death the feare of it yea you should thinke your time wearines if your dayes should be prolonged and you should bee yet many yeares a soiorner in this bodie in which you are a straunger from the presence of the Lorde And the nearer your time approcheth the gladder you shal be of the ende of your iourney when your harte shall feele it And when the earthlie house of this tabernacle shal be destroyed you haue a building giuen of God a house not made with hands but eternall in the heauens In this faith you shall not onely not feare death but you shall sigh and moane as Paule saith till you see your glorie and the lot of the saints that is in light where there is no more sorrow nor care nor feare nor death but the God of all mercie and father of our lord Jesus Christ shal be before vs for euer Thus Madame as my duetie is J haue written vnto you and God will blesse it as his promise is that it shall be for the best in the wisdome of his word we shal be strengthned in his grace that death sicknesse shal be forgotten all the desirs of our heart shal be with him And the Lord God for his Sonnes sake so haue mercie vpon vs that all euill taken from vs we may reioyce in him and see his blessed age that is in immortality is sealed in our heartes with his blessed spirit To whom be glorie for euermore Amen From Saint Ellens the tenth of Ianuarie Anno Domini 1576. Yours bounden in the Lord Iesu the onely forgiuenes of all our sinnes Ed. Deringe A Letter written by M. Edward Deringe to his Lord Maister the Duke of Northfolke Gratia et pax a Deo patre et domino nostro Iesu Christo THE longe good will that I haue borne vnto you as to one that earnestlie professed the Gospell and the great duetie I owe vnto you as to my Lord Master make that nowe I should write vnto you not knowing whether opportunitie shal be such that hereafter J may doe you any seruice God the author of all life he hath shutte both you and me vp in his handes that there is great likelihood our liues in this worlde they are but short The Prince that executeth the iudgement of the Lord she hath found you out in your great sinnes and sickenes that raigneth ouer all fleshe it hath taken now longe holde vpon me So that as I saide we are both in the handes of the Lord we are summoned paremtorilie death hath giuen an assault and the weake holdes of our life they are violentlie shaken Nowe therefore my good Lord let it vs take counsell togither and as a wise Maister learne of a faithfull seruaunt what is best to be done the worst that our sinnes can doe vnto vs is to lay vpon vs the iust rewarde of death my disease which thus afflicteth me for many thousand sinns it can but take away my life which J haue so abused And all your deepe dissimulation and hypocrisie your great ambitions your faithlesse religion which haue so bewitched you what can they doe more then this The remedie nowe is to make of necessitie a vertue that is to beare it wisely which you must needes abide J haue I thanke God founde that grace that I can loue this saying Cupio dissolui esse cum Christo the Lord also open your hearte and guide your vnderstandinge that with all saintes you may doe likewise and praye Veni Domine Iesu And now for asmuch as this is the last duetie that J am like to doe vnto you as God shall giue grace I will so aduice you as I may testifie myne owne faith and make you strong against the daye of triall trusting that our God shall so remember vs both in mercie that after a little while we shall see better dayes and raigne with him that abideth King for euer There is now but one thing necessarie for you to learne in this life that is how you may willinglie desire to die a hard lesson for a natural mā for death is our last enimie his assault most violent to the triall of our faith but Christ who hath ouercome death and hell hee hath broken the strength of this battell and set vp the songes of triumph vnto all that beleeue that we may haue the fulnesse of ioy and say with gladnes ô death where is thy sting Nowe that this ioye may be yours and this gladnes your inheritāce prepare your selfe not in your own wisdō for that hath alredie deceiued you but in the wisdome of god that your hope may be sure Jf you will now haue the hart that shal cōdemne the force of death cōsider wherfore you are called to die It is laid to your charg that you haue delt traytrously with your Prince with your coūtry with the religiō of God and vpon these crimes you are cōdemned to die If you be guiltles ô my Lord blessed are you blessed is your portion he hath spokē it that neuer will change Jf whē you do well you suffer wrōgfully take it patiētly for this is acceptable to god but if you be guilty you haue not your hope in death for that you haue deserued but your hope is this that you die so as it becōmeth you which if god shal grāt vnto you then blessed is the howre that God shall bring vpon you you shal make that change which god for his Christes sake lay speedily vpon all his children you shal die once that you may liue euer Now that you may know how you ought to die learne this of the lord which he hath so plainly taught you The first part of your true repētāce must be an hūble cōfessiō what soeuer your own conscience can vtter more thē is reuealed O my Lorde speake opēly the trueth sathan is enimie vnto vs his slightes are many if you will treade the malicious serpent vnder your feete triumph with Christ who hath spoiled hell tell the trueth my Lord conceale nothing so shall you shunne the diuel If my words seeme but light to perswade you heare the wisest counsellour that euer raigned in Israel He that hideth his sinne saieth Salomon shall neuer prosper but he that cōfesseth forsaketh them shall finde mercie Whē Acan had transgressed in Israel deserued death when he was brought into iudgemēt Ioshua said vnto him My Son J beseech thee giue glory to the lord God of Israel make cōfession vnto him shew me now what thou hast done Loe my Lord this is to giue glorie vnto God to cōfesse your sin
am bounde and so my not comminge vnto you shall greeue me the lesse Nowe touchinge your owne case I knowe you are wyse to see that the Lord giueth you newe instructions to be wise in him and to giue ouer your selfe vnto him For as God hath blessed you many wayes and giuen you a good callinge in the worlde So he visiteth you euery day and humbleth you with many chastisementes before him God hath giuen you husbande children famelie and other blessings but you enioye none of them without a crosse sometime one thing sometime another and commonly your owne weake and sicklie body makes you that you can not haue your ioye as you would Yea J doubt not but it is so abridged vnto you that sometime it grieueth you that you cannot eyther haue care ouer your house as you wishe or attende on your children as you desire or reioyce with your husbande as otherwise you might But this griefe God recompenceth with great benefite for our Sauiour Christ is our good warrant that this is the lot of Gods saintes to enioye his blessinges with afflictions so that the more that you bee sorrowsull the more you be sure that the liuing God hath giuen you your portion And so your sorrowe is ioye vnto you Besides this the mingling of your ioye with sorrowe and wealth with woe is a happie tempringe vnto you of heauen with earth that you should neither loue nor rest in this aboue that which is meete but acknowledge all is but vanitie so loue it as transitorie things and haue your great delight with the Lord alone who is vnto you health prosperitie ioye and eternall life This good Maistres K. you knowe but yet this I also put you in minde of for though God haue blessed you yet you are but a weake woman and haue neede in the common frayeltie of mans nature to be stirred vp with exhortatiō Remember therefore euer that which is the ende of all Feare God and keepe his commandements For this is the whole scope of our life which when we haue brought to his appointed ende wee shall see the hope which we haue long looked for and when immortalitie hath brought happines into light and scattered away our feare we shall saye then Blessed be the daye in whiche firste wee learned to feare the Lorde And the Lorde blesse you with his holy spirit that you may in the middest of other care haue pleasure in this and in other sorrowe reioyce in the Lord and alwayes reioyce Cōmende me J pray you to your litle ones Nan Besse and Marie And the Lord make you and maister K. gladde parentes of good children Amen From Tobie the last of Februarie 1575. Yours in the Lord Iesus Ed. Dering To Maistres K. THe grace of our Lord Iesu Christ bee with you euer Amen I thanke you good Maistres K. for your letter and for your medicine and for your good will to him to whom you before did owe so little Touching my disease I did soddainlie cogh and spit much bloud so that when with much forcing my selfe I refrained it ratteled in my throte as if I had bene a dying next day in the like sorte J did and once since the taking of these medicines for the staying of it it is nowe stayed but J feele a great stopping of my winde and much prouocation to coughe whiche if I did J should spit bloud as before I pray you aske your Phisicion what he thinketh good to bee done And good Maistres K. against all diseases and sicknesses of the body doe as you doe and increase it with an vnfayned testimonie of your owne heart Committ your health your sickenes your body your soule your life and your death to him that died for vs and is risen againe A sicke body with such an ayde hath greater treasure then the Queenes Iewell-house Praye still and pray for me J see the goodnes of God such towardes me as I thanke God except sinne I waighe not all the worlde a f●ather and with as a gladde a minde I spitt bloud I trust as cleare spitle To those that loue God all thinges are for the best hee hath a harde heart that beleeueth not this For the Church I commit it to the Lorde the Lorde graunt with that affection that I owe vnto it and for all my labour in it I thanke God I am guiltie neither of couetousnes nor ambitiō but as God hath giuen me grace J sought onely his glorie J write this vnto you good Maistres K. because you knowe it and that you may the more effectuallie remember him that will knowe you when the worlde your health your corruptihle bodie death and sinne it self haue done their worste Cōmende me to Maister K. your little ones to Maister R. The Lorde blesse vs all that we make our bodies shake not our bodies vs. Vale in Christo Iesu 25. Iul. 1575. Tuus in Christo Ed. Dering To Maistres K. TTe Lord God who sheweth mercie to whom hee will shewe mercie and haue compassion on whom he will haue compassion accordinge to his loue with which he loued vs before the worlde was made looke vpon vs and leade vs in our wayes that in righteousnes and holines peace and ioye of the holy Ghost wee may finishe our compas and come vnto him Amen If I could good Maistres K. doe as J should then my wayes were perfect among men but it is with mee as with manie other small hinderances to an vnwillinge minde are occasions great enough to keepe vs from doing well This hath made me to pretermitt manie dueties which had bene better done And J dare not make anie other excuse why J haue not written vnto you oftener for though I haue in a wearie bodie many thinges to doe and could make excuses whiche you would easilie beleeue yet sure I am if slought and negligence were vtterlie gone a fewe lines were so soone written that J could not want time for so little labour this is true sit erranti medicina confessio Touching my sicknes hee that sent it he doeth rule it and as he will so farre let it goe J feele yet difficultie of breath and coughinge and I see palenes and leanes abyding still yet I thanke God I am so well as wee supposed all to haue seene you at Henden this next Monday but God hath changed our waye and by occasion we haue differred it trusting yet to see you verie shortlie if the Lord will to whom we commit both your wayes and ours And nowe good Maistres K. further J neede not write vnto you for whiche cause yet especiallie you craue my letters I knowe whom you haue beleeued vpon what grounde you stande who hath sealed your perswasion in you he is able to keepe that you haue committed vnto him euen vntill that day that the things of the worlde are changed before vs all Affliction may be great and make vs murmur prosperitie may abounde and make vs proude the