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death_n reign_v sin_n sin_v 4,155 5 9.6123 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16596 A double summons the one, to vnfained repentance. The other, to the worthie receiuing of the Lords Supper. Deliuered in two notable sermons: made, by that worthy martyr of Christ, Iohn Bradford: who suffered in Smith-field An[n]o. Domini. 1555.; Two notable sermons Bradford, John, 1510?-1555.; Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589. 1617 (1617) STC 3503; ESTC S116484 55,784 167

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Was there any loue like to this loue God indeede hath commanded his charitie and loue to vs herein that when wee were very enemies vnto him he would giue his owne Sonne for vs. That wee being men might become as you would say Gods God would become man That we being mortall might become immortall the immortall God would become mortall man That we earthly weretches might be Citizens of Heauen the Lord of Heauen would become as a man would say earthly That we being accursed might be blessed God would be accursed That we by our father Adam being broght out of Paradise into the puddle of al pain might be redeemed and brought into Paradise againe God would be our Father and an Adam thereunto That wée hauing nothing might haue al things God hauing al things would haue nothing That we being vassailes and slaues to all euen to Sathan the Fiend might be Lords of all and of Sathan the Lord of all would become a vassaile and a slaue to vs all and in danger of Sathan Oh loue incomprehensible Who can otherwise thinke now but if the gracious good Lord disdained not to giue his owne Sonne his owne hearts ioy for vs his very enemies before wée thought to begge any such thing at his hands yea before we were who I say can thinke otherwise but that with him hee will giue vs all good things If when we hated him and fled away from him hee sent his Son to séek vs who can thinke otherwise then that now we louing him and lamenting because wee loue him no more but that he wil foreuer loue vs Hee that giueth the more to his enemies will not he giue the lesse to his friends God hath giuen his owne Sonne then which nothing is greater euen to vs his enemies and wée now being become his friends wil ne deny vs faith and pardon of our sins which though they be great yet in comparison they are nothing at all Christ Iesus would giue his owne selfe for vs when we willed if not and will he now deny vs faith if wee will it This will is his earnest that he hath giuen vs truly to looke indeed for the thing willed And looke thou for it in deed for as he hath giuen thée to will so will he giue thee to doe Iesus Christ gaue his life for our euils and by his death hee deliuered vs. O then in that hee liueth now and cannot dye will hee forsake vs his heart bloud was not too deare for vs when we asked it not what can then be now too deare for vs asking it Is he a changeling Is he mutable as man is Can he repent him of his gifts Did he not foresée our falls Payd not he therefore the price Because hee sawe wee should fall sore therefore would he suffer sore Yea if his suffering had not béene enough he would yet once more come againe God the Father I am sure if the death of his Sonne incarnate would not serue would himselfe and the holy Ghost also become incarnate and dye for vs. This death of Christ therefore look on as the very pledge of Gods loue towards thee whosoeuer thou art how déep soeuer thou hast sinned Sée Gods hands are nayled they cannot strike thee his féete also hée cannot run from thée his armes are wide open to embrace thee his head hangs downe to kisse thée his very heart is open so that therin look nay euen spy and thou shalt sée nothing therein but loue loue loue loue to thee hide thee therefore lay thy head there with the Euangelist This is the clift of the Rock wherin Helias stood This is for all aking heads a pillow of downe Anoint thy head with this oyle let this oyntment enbalme thy head and wash thy face Tarry thou on this firme Rocke and I le warrant thee Say with Paul What can separate me from the loue of God Can death can pouertie can sicknesse hunger or any misery perswade thee now that God loueth thee not Nay nothing can separate thee from the loue wherwith God hath loued thee in CHRIST IESVS whom he loueth he loueth to the end So that now where abundance of sin hath bin in thee the more is the aboundance of grace But to what end Certainly that as sinne hath reigned to death as thou seest to the killing of Gods Son so now Grace must reigne to Life to the honouring of Gods Son who is now aliue and cannot dye any more So that they which by faith feele this cannot any more dye to God but to sin whereto they are dead and buried with CHRIST As Christ therefore liueth so doe they and that to God to righteousnesse and holinesse The life which they liue is In fide Filij Dei In the faith of the Sonne of God Whereby you see that now I am slipt into that which I made the third part of penance namely newnesse of life which I could not so haue done if that it were a part of it selfe indeed as it is an effect or fruit of the second part that is of faith or trust in Gods mercy For he that beléeueth that is is certainely perswaded sin to be such a thing that is the cause of all miserie and of it selfe so greatly angreth God that in heauen nor in earth nothing could appease his wrath saue alonely the death and precious bloud-shedding of the Sonne of God in whom is all the delight and pleasure of the Father hee I say that is perswaded thus of his sin the same cannot but in heart abhorre and quake to doe or say yea to thinke any thing willingly which Gods Lawe teacheth him to be sinne Againe he that beleeueth that is is certainly perswaded Gods loue to be so much towards him that where through sinne he was lost and made a fire brand of hell the eternall Father of mercy which is the omni sufficient God and néedeth nothing to vs or of any thing that we can do to deliuer vs out of hell and to bring vs into heauen did send euen his owne most deer Sonne out of his bosome out of heauen into hell as a man would say to bring vs as I sayd from thence into his own bosome and mercy we being his very enemies hee I say that is thus perswaded of Gods loue toward him and of the price of his redemption by the deare bloud of the Lamb immaculate IESVS CHRIST the same man cannot but loue God again and of loue doe that and heartily desire to doe better the which might please God Thinke you that such a one knowing these things by faith wil willingly insist wallow in his wilfull lusts pleasures and fantasies Will such a one as knoweth by faith Christ Iesus to haue giuen his bloud to wash him from his sins play the Sow to nuzle in his puddle of filthy sin and vice againe Nay rather then hee will bee defiled againe by his wilfull sinning he will wash often the feet of his affections watching
ouer the vice stil sticking in him which as a spring continually sendeth out poison enogh to drowne and defile him if the sweet water of CHRISTS passion in Gods sight did not wash it and his bloud satisfie the rigor of Gods iustice due for the same This bloud of Christ shed for our sinnes is so deare in the sight of him that beleeueth that he will abhorre in his heart to stamp it and tread it vnder his feet He knoweth now by his beliefe that it is too much that hitherto he hath set too little by it and is ashamed thereof Therefore for the residue of his life he purposeth to take better heed to himselfe then before he did Because he seeth by his faith the grieuousnes of Gods anger the foulnesse of sinne the greatnesse of Gods mercy and of Christs loue towards him hee will now bee heedy to pray vnto God to giue him his grace accordingly that as with his eyes and tongue hands feet c. hee hath displeased God doing his own wil euen so now with the same eyes tong c. he may displease his owne selfe and doe Gods will Willingly will hee not doe that which might renew the death of the Son of God He knoweth he hath too much sinne vnwillingly in him so that thereto he will not adde willing offences This willing witting offending and sinning whosoeuer doth flatter himselfe therein doth euidently demonstrate and shew that he neuer yet indeed tasted of Christ truly He was neuer truely perswaded or beleeued how foul a thing sin is how grieuous a thing Gods anger is how ioyfull and precious a thing Gods mercie in Christ is how exceeding broad wide high and deep Christs loue is Perchance he can talk and preach of faith but yet truly in part he neuer felt it For if he did once feel this rauishing Consolation indeed then would he be so far from continuing in sin willingly and wittingly that wholly heartily hee would giue ouer himselfe to that which is contrary I meane to a new life renewing his youth euen as the Eagle doth For as we being in the seruitude of sin demonstrate our seruice by giuing ouer our members to the obeying of sin from iniquity to iniquity euen so we being made free from sin by faith in Iesus Christ and endued with Gods Spirit a Spirit of liberty must needes demonstrate this freedome and libertie by giuing ouer our members to the obedience of the Spirit by the which we are lead and guided from vertue to vertue and all kind of holinesse As the vnbeleeuers declare their vnbelief by the working of the euill spirit in them outwardly the fruits of the flesh euen so the beleeuers declare their faith by the working of Gods Spirit in thē outwardly the fruits of the spirit For as the Diuell is not dead in those which are his but worketh still to their damnation so is not God dead in them which be his but worketh still to their saluation The which working is not the cause of the one or the other being in any but onely a demonstration a signe a fruit of the same As the Apple is not the cause of the Apple tree out a fruit of it Thus then you see briefly that newnesse of life is not in deed a part of penance but a fruit of it a demonstration of the iustifying faith a signe of Gods good Spirit possessing the heart of the penitent as the old life is a fruit of impenitency a demonstration of a lip-faith or vnbeliefe a signe of Sathans spirit possessing the heart of the impenitent which al those be that be not penitent For meane I know none He that is not penitent the same is impenitent he that is not gouerned by Gods Spirit the same is gouerned by Sathans spirit For all that be Christians are gouerned with the Spirit of Christ which spirit hath his fruites All other that be not Christs are the Diuels He that gathereth not with Christ scattereth abroad Therefore my dearely beloued I beseech you to consider this and deceiue not your selues If you bee not Christs then pertain you to the diuel of which things the fruits of the flesh doth assure you as whoredome adultery vncleannesse wantonnesse Idolatry witchcraft enuy strife contention wrath sedition murther drunkennesse gluttony blasphemy slothfulnesse idlenesse vaine talking slandering c. If such like fruite as these grow out of the trees of your hearts surely surely the Diuell is at Inne with you you are his birds whom when he hath well fed he will broach you and eat you chaw you and champ you world without end in eternall woe and misery But I am otherwise perswaded of you all I trust you bee all CHRIST IESVS his people and his children yea and his brethren by faith As ye see your sins in Gods Law and tremble and sigh sorrow and sob for the same euen so you see his great mercies in his Gospell and free promises therfore are glad merry and ioyfull for that you are accepted into Gods fauour haue your sins pardoned and are endued with the good spirit of God euen the Seale and signe MANVEL of your election in Christ Iesus euen before the beginning of the World The which Spirit for that hee is the Spirit of life giuen to you to worke in you with you and by you here in this life satisfaction and holinesse whereunto you are called that yee might bee holy euen as your heauenly Father is holy I beseech you al by admonition and warning of you that you would stirre vp the giftes of God giuen to you generally particularly to the edifying of his Church that is I pray you that you would not molest the good Spirit of God by rebelling against it when it prouoketh and calleth you to goe on forwards that the which is holy might yet be more holy he which is righteous might be more righteous as the euill spirit moueth and stirreth vp the filthy to be yet more filthy the couetous to be more couetous the wicked to be more wicked Declare you now your repentance by workes of repentance Bring forth fruits and worthy fruits Let your sorrowing for your euils demonstrate it selfe departing from the euils you haue vsed Let your certaintie of pardon of your sinnes through Christ and your ioy in him be demonstrated by persuing of the good things which Gods word teacheth you You are now in Christ Iesus Gods workmanship to doe good works which God hath prepared for you to walke in For the grace of God that bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appeared and teacheth vs that we should denie vngodlinesse and worldly lusts and that we should liue soberly righteously and godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of the mighty God and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ which gaue himselfe for vs to redeeme vs from all vnrighteousnesse and to purge vs a peculiar people vnto himself feruently giuen vnto good works