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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11295 [Certaine points of christian religion] Saintbarb, Richard. 1589 (1589) STC 21556; ESTC S113423 55,419 187

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the veritie of Gods Prophesies is thereby to be seene First in respect of the persons of Marie and Christe Isay 7.14 Matth. 1.23 Secondly of the time when the scepter should departe from Iuda Gene. 49.10 Mat. 2.1 Thirdly of the place in Bethelem Micah 5.2 Math. 2.6 Question What learne you out of the fourth article he suffred vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell Answere First vnder whome he was iudged to death vz. vnder that feareful and false iudge Pontius Pilate to deliuer vs from that feareful iust and eternall iudgement of God his father Mat. 26. and 27. Secondly the great sufferings that Christ suffred both in body soule namely in body he was crucified killed dead and buried and in his soule and bodie in the garden and vppon the crosse he suffred the torments of hel Matth. 26.46 Heb 9.25.26 1. Pet. 3.18 Thirdly the endes why hee suffered these things That was to make a sufficient sacrifice and a ful satisfaction for al our sinnes thereby to auoide the horrible punishment due vnto vs. 1. Pet. 3.18 Gal. 3.13 14. Fourthly to fulfill all prophesies and promises sacrifices and figures of his death and our saluation Gen. 3.15 Esay 33. the whole Iohn 19.30 Question Now let vs come vnto the second point of Christs exhaltation in glorie and excellencie in perfection What learne you in the sixt article the third day he rose againe from the dead Answere First that Christ did rise out of the graue with the same body on the third day according to his owne Prophesies and the figure of Ionas Matth. 12.39 and 16.21 Secondly by the power of his resurrection he sheweth vnto vs that hee hath ouercome the power of the diuell sinne death and hell Mat. 18.4 5. 1. Pet. 3.21 22. Heb. 2.14 15. Thirdly that hee hath purchased for vs righteousnes vnto iustification to eternall life Rom. 4.25 1. Pet. 1.3 Fourthly by the vertue of his death he causeth sinne to die in vs and by the vertue of his resurrection hee causeth vs to rise vnto newnes of life Rom. 6.4 5. 1. Pet. 4.1 2. Fifthly his rising is an assured pledge that our bodies shall rise againe to immortalitie 1. Cor. 15.12 16. Question What is the imputation of righteousnes Answere It is an accounting of Christs righteousenes to bee our owne thorough faith whereby we are presented both iust and blameles before God both his and our father Phil. 3.9 10. 2. Cor. 5.27 Question What learne you in the sixth article he ascended into Heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God Answere First that he is ascended into Heauen from out of this earth in his manhoode according to the Prophesies of his assention Psalm 65.19 Acts. 1.9 10 11. Ephe. 4.8 Secondly his ascension is a pledge that we shall likewise ascende after him for he assended to prepare a place of glorie for his people Iohn 14.3 Ephe. 2.6 Thirdly he is ascended to make intercession for vs to God his father Rom. 8.38 He. 7.24 25 26 27. Fourthly that all power is giuen vnto him and how he is of equall authoritie with God his father Matth. 8.18 Ephe. 1.20 First to enrich his Church and to defende her against the gates of hell Ephe. 4.7 8. Secondly to punish the wicked to destruction 1. Cor. 15.24 to 29. Question What learne you in the seauenth article from thence hee shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead Answere First that there is a day appointed for the iudgement of the quicke and dead according to the Prophecies of the worde of God but when this ioyfull and fearefull day shall be the verie Angels doo not knowe neither yet the sonne of man Actes 17.31 Marke 13.32 Iohn 5.27 28 29. Secondly who is the iudge that must iustifie the godly and iudge the wicked namely Iesus Christ Actes 10.42 2. Corinth 5.10 Thirdly it ministreth to the godlie First this comfort that their sauiour and elder brother is their iudge to iustifie them and at that day shall deliuer them from all sinne feare of death hell and diuell and all other miseries Rom. a8 33.34 Luke 21.28 Secondly that to the great terror of the godlesse who feare not God nor loue either Christ or his Gospell he shall bee their iudge to their fearefull and iust destruction 2. Thes 1.6 7 8 9. Reuel 6.12 to 17. The end of the second part ¶ The third parte of the Catechisme Question NOw let vs come vnto the third parte of our Catechisme and shewe mee what is the same Answere Our sanctification Question What is sanctification Answere It is a setting free at libertie from the power of sinne vnto the freedome of righteousenes that therein his people might walke continuallie receiuing from Christ their daily strength Iohn 8. Rom. 6. Phil. 3. Question Where shall wee finde the same deliuered at large vnto vs Answere In the third parte of the articles of our faith Question Into how many partes shall wee diuide this point Answere Into three as First who sanctifieth that is the Holie Ghost as in the 8. article appeareth Secondly whom he sanctifieth vz. his Church and the meanes whereby he sanctifieth it as in the 9. article Thirdly of the spiritual benefites and graces that belongeth to the Church onely in the 10 11 and 12 articles Question Which is the first Article of the 3. part of the Articles of our faith Answere This I beleeue in the holy Ghost Question What learne you out of the same Answere First that the holie Ghost is God proceeding from the Father and the Sonne the thirde person in Trinitie and nothing inferiour to the Father nor the Sonne either in substaunce or glorie but of the same substance and glory with them Matth. 28.19 Acts. 5.3 4. Secondly it is he that instructeth sanctifieth comforteth and confirmeth the elect in the trueth of the promises of the Gospell of Christ vnto saluation and euerlasting life Eph. 1.13 Tit. 3.4 5 6. 2. cor 1.21 22. Thirdly the holy Ghost executeth the great prouidence of God ouer all his creatures whereby they continue in their estate ordereth the euent and successe of things that nothing commeth to passe by chance or any way els but by his disposition apointmēt Gene. 1.2 Psal 145.7 to 11. Fourthly that the sinne against the holie Ghost shal not be forgiuen in this life nor in the life to come Matth. 12.31 32. Heb. 6.4 5 6 7 8. Question Whom doth the holie Ghost sanctifie comfort and confirme Answere All the people of God in Christ who are called the Church of God spouse of Christ Ephe. 5.26 27. 1. cor 1.2 Question Rehearse the Article Answere I beleeue that there is a catholique Church a communion of Saints Question What is the Church of God Answere It is all the elect of what sexe and estate soeuer which haue been are and shall be vnto the endes of the world which are called by the onely working of the holie
will of God then must we seeke to learne the same and vse all the meanes to come vnto the knowledge thereof Rom. 12.1 2. Eph. 5.17 1. Thes 4.1 Question Now let vs come to the second parte of the praier and see what we are to learne out of the first petition therein Giue vs this day our daily bread Answere First what daily bread dooth signifie namely all things needfull for this life Gene. 3.9 2. Reg. 22.23 Psal 104.14 15. Secondly who must giue vs the same namely God Matth. 6.32.33 Psal 127.1.2 3. and 128.1 2 3 4. Thirdly that God onely must blesse all our labors that wee may receaue profit thereof Deut. 28. Pro. 3.7 8 9 10. 2. Thes 3.8.12 Fourthly we must be contented with that which God giueth vs and bee thankfull for the same though neuer so small and simple Phil. 4.11 12. 1. Timo. 6.6 7 8 9 10. Fifthly in that we must praie for the good estate and preseruation of our brethren and that all that is theirs may prosper it teacheth vs not to spoile them of any thing that is theirs nor to hurt the same 1. Timo. 4.4 Iohn 6.11 1. Thes 4.6 Pro. 3.27 28. Question How many things learne you in the fift petition forgiue vs our trespasses as wee forgiue them that trespasse against vs Answere First how all men are sinners and none free from sinne but all doo breake the lawe of God both in thought word and deed Pro. 20.9 and 24.16 1. Iohn 1.8 Secōdly how we haue need therfore to seek continuallie for pardon at the hands of God who onely doth pardon and that thorough Christs death and bloud Psal 32.5 51.1 to 7. Thirdly this teacheth that man cannot by his merits satisfie Gods wrath insomuch as he must seeke forgiuenes Esay 64.6 Psalm 130.3 4. and 143.2 Fourthly it sheweth that we must both forgiue and forget if wee will haue our sinnes both forgiuen and forgotten of God Gene. 50.21 Col. 3.13 Mat. 6.14 15. Mat. 18.35 Question What learne you in the sixt and last petition And lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill Answere First that although God dooth trie our faith and obedience by satan and his euill suggestions yet that he would assist vs with his spirit of strength and holines that we neuer be ouercome of them Ephe. 6.12 to 19. 1. Peter 5.8 Reuel 12.8 9 10. Secondly it sheweth how Christians are at warre with a cruell Lion a subtill serpent and a continuall accuser therefore not to sleepe in securitie 1. Pet. 5.8 Reuel 12.8 9 10 11 12. Thirdly how wee must ouercome not in our strength and wisdome for they are our enemies and friends to the diuell but onelie by the armor of God and strength of Christ Rom. 8.7 1. Cor. 1.20 Ephe. 6.10.11 12 13 14. 1. Cor. 5.55 to 58. Cor. 1.11 1. Ioh. 5.4 Fourthly the diuell can doo nothing without God giue leaue and that God wil tempt his children no farther than he wil strengthen and deliuer them 1. Cor. 10.13 Psal 34.18 19. Iob. 1.12 1. Sam. 16 14. Matth. 8.31 Acts. 16.18 Fifthly what it is to be giuen ouer to temtation and euill that is when GOD giueth man ouer vnto himselfe and punisheth sinne with sinne and hardnes with hardnes of heart Acts. 28.25 26. Matth. 13.14 Ro. 1.24 Rom. 9.17 18 1. Reg. 22.21 22 23. Question What learne you in the conclusion For thine is thy kingdome the power and the glorie for euer and euer Amen Answere First ernestly to seeke after the glory of god Matth. 6.33 1. Chro. 29.9 10. Ro. 11.36 Secondly we may assure our selues that God will graunt vs our godly desires for all power and glorie is his and cannot be taken from him Psal 50.15 Thirdly that his kingdome shall neuer cease but remaine euerlasting and glorious 2. Chro. 29.11 12 13. Deu. 4.31 Luk. 1.33 Fourthly that by this worde Amen wee are taught with what godly mind and feruent zeale we should praie and with what assurance to haue our praiers granted 1. Timo. 1.17 Reuel 7.12 Question What are the spirituall benefits and graces that belong to the Church of Christ Answere They are these three chiefely First the forgiuenes of sinnes Secondly the resurrection of the bodie Thirdly life euerlasting Question Rehearse the tenth article Answere The forgiuenes of sinnes Question What is forgiuenes of sinnes Answere A full remoouing of the guiltines and the punishment of our sinnes by the death and bloud of Christ which is our reconciling vnto God Rom. 3.24 Ephe. 1.7 Col. 1.12 13.14 Question What is reconciliation with God Answere It is a perfect restoring vnto the fauor of God through the obedience of our only mediator Iesus Christ 2. Cor. 5.19 20 21. Titus 2.14 Question What learne you out of this Article Answere First that we are all vile sinners and therefore neede to séeke for pardon Matth. 18.24 Iob. 14.4 1. Iohn 1.8 Secondly that the remission of sinnes comes only by the suffrings of Christ 1. Pe. 1.18 19 20 21. Matth. 26.26 27. Thirdly that our sinnes being freelie forgiuen shall bee no more laid to our charges to condemne vs for Christ hath both died for vs and iustified vs. Rom. 8.32 33 34. Iere. 31.34 Heb. 10.16 17 18 19 20. Question What learne you in the eleuenth article the resurrection of the bodie Answere First that our mortall bodies that are consumed either in the earth vppon the earth or in the sea shall arrise againe at the last day of iudgement according to the prophesies and the word of God Esay 26.19 20 21. Dan. 12.2 3. Iohn 5.28 Secondly that the resurrection of our bodies comes by the benefit we haue of Christs resurrection and the power of God 2. Cor. 4.14 Phil. 3.20 1. Cor. 15. Thirdly that our bodies shall arise glorious and immortall Phil. 3.20 21. Question What learne you in the twelft article And life euerlasting Answere First that all the faithfull shall haue euerlasting life Matth. 25.46 Iohn 14. Iohn 17. Secondly that eternall life is the free gift of God Rom. 8.23 Matth. 25.24 Thirdly by whome that is onely through faith in Christ Iohn 6.47 Pet. 1.4 5 6 7 8 9. c. Question Why is there no mention made in the articles of our faith of the resurrection of the wicked with their punishment of bodie and soule in hell fier euerlastingly Answere Because this summe of faith respecteth onelie the benefits of faith belonging to the faithful in Iesus Christ Question Why Shall not the wicked rise and be punished euerlastinglie Answere Yes verily their bodies shall arise and bee ioyned to their soules and so punished in hel fier for euermore Actes 24.15 Iohn 5.28 29. 2. Thes 1.8 Reuel 20.8 Question Now for good works tell me can wee not merit Heauen of our selues by our owne good works Answere No verely for so to think were first to denie the grace of God Ephe. 2.8 Secondly to say that Christ died in vaine and so no sauiour Gal.
2.21 Thirdly it fighteth against faith Ga. 2.16 Question Yea but the Apostle saith God will reward euerie man according to his workes Ro. 2. Answere It is true God promiseth rewards for good deedes not for the worthines of them but for the grace wherewith God dooth imbrace the beleeuers and doth crowne his own gifts in them also to incourage vs to walke obediently and fruitefullie in all holines before him and his people Matth. 25.33 c. Rom. 2.6 7. Question The Apostle S. Paul biddeth vs to worke out our saluation with feare and trembling Phil. 2.22 Answere The same Apostle on the other side telleth vs that saluation faith and good works are the free gifts of God Ephe. 2.10 Titus 3.4 5. Question Why then dooth hee bid vs doo the same if we haue not power to doo it Answere The Apostle in these words seeketh to take away all careles securitie from Christians and least that Christians shoulde take too much vpon them he setteth downe in the next verse following that God must worke both the wil and deede and that of his owne good pleasure without merit withal in these words he ministreth a comfort to his people in shewing them where they may haue a remedy to helpe their weaknes and inhabilitie Phil. 2.13 Question If our sinnes deserue eternal death then our good works deserue eternall life Answere This is no good conclusion for if a man should reason thus This man can kill himself therefore he can giue himselfe life may we not thinke him madde But this obiection Paul the Apostle answereth thus The wages of sinne is death but the gift of GOD is eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord withal al good gifts proceed frō God euil things from vs. Euill things are perfectlie euill our good works are imperfect and maimed The reward of the best of which is death Ro. 6.23 1. Cor. 13.9 Question What then doo you conclude Answere First that eternall life is the free gift of God by his mercies Eph. 2.8 Ti. 3.3 5. Ro. 6.23 Secondly that by Christs death and obedience we purchase it Ro. 5.6 to the end Thirdly by faith as the instrument to apprehend the same Iohn 3.16 Gal. 2.16 Fourthly that we must glorifie God in all good works for our saluation Matth. 5.16 1. Pet. 2.12 ¶ A Praier before Catechising O Gratious GOD and deare Father we most humbly and earnestly intreate thee for thy infinit mercies sake in thy beloued and onely sonne Iesus Christ our free redeemer and sauiour that thou wouldest blesse this thy worke commanded and deliuered vnto vs thy poore and miserable seruants in thy holy word make the same profitable vnto vs that wee may bee fruitful in al knowledge strong in faith and sanctified in our life and conuersation that thereby thy name may by vs bee glorified thy children comforted and our soules and bodies in Iesus Christ saued graunt vs these things O mercifull father for Christs sake Amen A Praier after Catechising O Good God and louing father who art full of mercie vnto the sinfull sonnes of men and most gratious vnto thy elect people which thou hast chosen freely in Christ Iesus we thank thee in that thou hast drawne vs out of ignorance and blindnes and called vs vnto the vnspeakeable light and excellent knowledge of thy self as a deare and rich father in Iesus Christ our redeemer wee beseech thee increase our knowledge more and more and make our hearts which are by nature stony and hard so soft and pliable both to heare receiue obey thy waies in all reuerence and faithfulnes vnto our liues ende that we may praise thy euerlasting mercies in Iesus Christ Amen A Praier before meales THE Lorde bee thanked and giue vs grace to be thankefull the Lord bee mercifull vnto vs and forgiue vs our sinnes the Lord sanctifie these his good creatures for our vses and sanctifie vs vnto his holy Maiestie through a liuely and pure faith in Iesus Christ our onely sauiour Amen A thankesgiuing after meales TO thee O good God who hath created vs by thy wisdome and power redeemed vs when we were lost by thy rich mercie and sanctified vs when wee were poluted and defiled in sinne by thy free holines and hast presently fed vs by thy plentifull and vnspeakeable goodnes bee all honour glorie and power in Iesus Christ Amen ❧ Faultes escaped in the Printing Fol. 9. a line 12. where read were Fol. 11. a. line 9. not onely Angels read not Angels Fol. 47. b. line 19. ought to tie read ought not to tie Fol. 59. a. line 20. brought read bought FINIS