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death_n punishment_n sin_n wage_n 4,100 5 11.0461 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10964 The general session conteining an apologie of the most comfortable doctrine concerning the ende of this world, and seconde comming of Christ, written by Thomas Rogers. The first part, wherein for the comfort of the godlie is proued not onely that God wil, but also that he doth iudge this world. Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1581 (1581) STC 21233.3; ESTC S106670 65,044 146

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manner Tho. Hil Read the litle treatise intituled A viewe of examples if thou haue the French tongue reade also the Booke intituled Des grands redoutables iugemens punitions de dieu aduenus au monde c. and there thou shalt see that punishments haue bine executed vpon some one or other for the violating of euerie commandement of the Lord. The which and such like examples God he sendeth daie by daie that men should know consider how that maie happen vnto euerie forsworne blasphemous wicked person which happeneth to anie Finalie God as he iudgeth particularlie some for some special sinnes so he iudgeth vniuersalie al men when he taketh them out of this worlde by death For the wages of sinne is death Of which sith euerie man is guiltie no man escapeth the punishment of sinne which is death For it is the condition of al times Thou shalt die the death And it is appointed vnto men that theie shal once die For so much as al men haue sinned But the law of the spirite of life which is in Christ Iesus hath freed vs from the lawe of sinne and of death whie therfore doe we die and are not forth-with clothed with immortalitie I aunswere with Bernard It is that the trueth of God maie be fulfilled For seeing God loueth mercie and trueth man is to die because he prophecied that he should yet shal rise-againe least God seeme to forget his mercie So therfore death although it beare not dominion alwaie yet notwithstanding it abideth for the trueth of Gods sake or for à time in vs euen as sinne although it nowe raigneth not in our mortal bodies yet are wee not without the same The thirde manner of God his iudgements is both by himself by man too As when he not onelie suffreth y e Magistrate to punish the bodies but also himselfe tormenteth y e minds of malefactors by himselfe Exāples of which his iustice I wil recite two one shalbe of à murtherer executed at Vienna named Paul the other of Muntzer the traitor put to death in Germanie For Paul hauing not onelie robbed his owne master of that monie which with great paines and toile he had gathered for the reliefe of him and his in necessitie but also murthered to make his waie sure first his felowe workman then à maide seruant then his master next his mistres and last of al à poore young infant à maiden childe and being miraculouslie by God himselfe apprehended at Ratisbone à citie distant from Vienna 50 Germane miles deliuered into the hands of the magistrate by them conueied to the place where that horrible fact was perpetrated and there according to the lawes of that countrie adiudged vnto à most bitter death amid his paines which were most greeuous to fleshe and blood he openlie confessed y t al his bodilie torments did not so much afflict his flesh as the last wordes of the poore infant and innocent whome among the rest he had murthered did torment his minde For when he came with bloodie hands to kil her y e sweet babe entreated him earnestlie to saue her promising y e best thinges which she had for a recompence of his mercie in these words O Paul good Paul do not thou kil me and thou shalt haue al my poppets whensoeuer thou wilt Those words from the time hee had murthered her were as corosies at his heart and at his death as the paines of hel to his soule so testifieth à good and à godlie wtiter Muntzer also being readie to be put vnto death for raising the poore Countrie-men in Germanie against their leige Lordes and gouernours was so vexed in minde that such as stoode by him when he was to be executed might sensiblie heare his heart to pant shake and beate-againe so did God for his part shewe his iudgement vpon him for his wickednes as witnesseth D. George Maior CHAP. 12. Whether al the wicked are punished in this worlde and whie theie are suffered in the opinion of man to florish IF God then so fauour iustice some wil saie he should iudge and punish al the wicked in this world He should in deede and he doth For there is not à wicked man vpō the earth whome God in his iustice one waie or oother either by his Magistrates or by himselfe either by his secrete or by his open iudgements either by an accusing conscience or by casting him of into à reprobate minde either by sickenes or by pouertie by aduersitie or by prosperitie doth not punish But it maie be obiected to haue à guiltie conscience is an heauie crosse and to be vtterlie forsaken of the Lorde and possessed of Satan is of al the sorest plague which can fal-vpon man in this world aduersitie also is à grieuous punishment but that prosperitie can be à crosse that is a Paradoxe in the opinion of the world I grant it is so For so theie haue alwaies thought Therefore the Romans with Cicero the enimies of Iob the aduersaries of Paul in their owne eies were the Turks as theie thinke themselues are happie And why The Romans had al the world as it were in subiection Iob his enimies liued at their heartes ease Paul his aduersaries were not touched with aduersitie as theie thought y e Turks doe florish Wheras contrariwise y e Iewes with Cicero Iob euen of his friendes Paul of the barbarous people Christians of the Turkes are iudged accurssed But whie The nation of the Iewes are vanquished are carried from their natiue countrie are deteined in captiuitie said Cicero Iob was in miserie And who euer perished being an innocent or when were the godlie destroied saide the fained friends of Iob Paul had a viper vpon his hande Therefore he is à murtherer and though hee haue escaped the sea yet vengance wil not suffer him to liue saide barbarous people Christians are but fewe for number and for power nothing so mightie as they haue bene theie endure much affliction and trobles in respect of others therefore they are not the sonnes of God saith Mahomet These are the rash and sinister opinions of the world When god sendeth prosperitie hee loueth but when aduersitie doth come hee hateth But the godlie are of an other minde For albeit when such as feare God enioie prosperitie they thinke it an argument of his fauor yet when the wicked haue the same in their iudgemēt it is a token of his displeasure Therefore Augustine in à certaine place doth saie The men of this world are vnhappilie happie that is in their wealth theie are poore in their health sicke and in their felicity they are accurssed For when the Lord seemeth not to be angrie at al with the wicked he is most displeased So Bernard when God is not angrie as mē thinke he is most angrie And this may appeare to be true both in the Romans in respect of the