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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10579 A lytle treatise after the maner of an epystle wryten by the famous clerk Doctor Vrbanus Regius, vnto a specyall frynde of hys wherin he declareth the cause of the great co[n]trouersy that hath bene [and] is yet at this day in the chrysten relygyon and also the dyuersyte betwene the ryght worshyppyng [and] seruice of God and the ceremonis inuented by mannis institucion, very fruteful and profytable. Rhegius, Urbanus, 1489-1541.; Holbein, Hans, 1497-1543, artist. 1548 (1548) STC 20849; ESTC S115824 20,519 56

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were wyse ynough of her self in godly matters to what ende then shulde God haue sent Christe the Apostles What nede shuld we haue of the holy scriptures Naye whosoeuer wyll neyther fayle nor erre must nedes loke on Goddes worde euen there no where elles shall he fynde the right truthe and the ryght waye We reade that Christ is the lyght Iohn ● to illumyne the worlde wherof it must nedes followe that she is darke ignoraūt in godly matters And Iohn .xiiij. Ioh. 14. sayth Christ I am the waye the truthe and the lyfe no man cometh vnto the father but by me But what maner of light waye he is and howe a mā may obtayne hym for his owne must be learned onely out of the gospell And Paule saith .ij. 2. Tim. 3 Tim. iij. That the scripture is able to instructe vs vnto saluation Is not this cleare plain ynough that whosoeuer wil knowe the truthe how he shal be saued must learne it out of the scrypture He saith not that he shall folowe hys owne mynde and good intencion Moreouer Moises writeth Deu. xij Deu. 12. that nomā shall do what semeth hī good whiche is as much to say he that will do well be good righteous serue God must learne it of God in his worde and not of his owne wysdome or of menne And Christ sayth Mat. 15 that God is worshypped in vayne wyth mennes preceptes this is spoken playne ynough Yf ye will serue God truely than do it not wyth mennes tradicions for it is in vayne But do it accordinge to the worde of God and than can ye not erre nor do amysse For asmuche nowe as no man by his owne inuented wayes mannes institutions can truely serue God be delyuered from his synnes and be made righteous but muste before all thinges haue Christe to the same We wyll shewe and declare howe and after what sorte the same is done whereby euerye man shal easely perceiue what an Erronious doctryne hath ben preached a great whyle in the Christianitie Therfore note that a man maye be made good and ryghteous after two sortes Marke well First before the worlde euē as a scole-maister kepeth a boye in awe and constrayneth hym weth the rodde and feare of correction to walke regularely and to hurte noman or euen as a magistrate correcteth the euyll doers so strayghtly that the many mē outwardely leade an honeste lyfe for feare of punisshemēt they steale not they kyll nomē they paye theyr debtes they are not ouerous to their neyghbours neyther concernynge his body wyfe nor chylde so that it may be saide they are good honest men suche behaueour and honest conuersacion is good and God doth also require it Therfore hath he in the worlde ordeyned the sworde to the temporall powers Sapi. 6. Rom. 13. 1. Petr. 2 Titu 3. Pro. 20. and. 24. and chastysement of children to thintent that the people maye leade an honest good and stil lyfe not after their owne lustes but that they maye be compelled so to walke that the neighbour maye perceyue it that good peace and outwardely and honest conuersacion maye continue amonge men But yet this is nothynge elles but worke holynes cyuyle policye and wordely ryghteousnes whiche also may be founde well ynough amonge the infydelles which through the lawe of nature in their opinion iudge it good righteous that a man leade an honenest lyfe and conuersacion committe none adultery do no murther steale not lye not and deceaue no man c. to saye for there is no thefe hanged for his thoughtes because he mindeth or intendeth to steale as longe as he doth not accomplysshe the dede But all this is not suffycient before God for he seeth in the harte and wyll that men shall behaue them selues godly in truthe and from the botome of the harte so that the harte mouth and hāde be good ryghteous When is that done Whan ye haue a luste in youre harte to be honeste sober chaste frendlye towardes all men And whan ye haue a lothsomnes and prkesomnes to euil as dronkenes vnclenlynes thefte maliciousnes murther and suche lyke But this is nature not able to do of her selfe Iob. 4.15.25 Psa 14.53 143 Rom. 3. Psal 51. because that the lust of euyll cleaueth so fast vnto vs frō our original natiuite powred into our nature through the fyrste synne in so moch that the scripture doth openly call vs euill peruerse euen from our mothers wōbe Therfore must the harte fyrst be clensed from such vnclenlynes gette pure thoughtes lustes and affections afterwardes may a mā do right good workes than is a man made right good righteous both inwardely and outwardely Nowe teacheth the scrypture that our hart is purifyed by none other thynge but by the true faith in Christe Actu xv Faith commeth by the workinge and illuminatiō of the holy goost Actu 15. by the hearynge of the gospell Rom. x. Rom. 10 Wherfor he that wyll truely be made righteous must purely and syncerely heare and receyue the gospell of Christe or elles he cōtinueth a natural man without grace What is the gospell Marke well It is a predication of Christe what he is and what he doth Math. 9 and .15 Luc. 19. Ioh. 3.12 Roma 5 1. tim 1.2 1. Ioh. 4 Gene. 2. Rom. 6. and .5 as that he was sent from the father of mere loue and fauoure to helpe the synner But howe doth he helpe The synner stycketh faste in synne which he can not amende or put out him selfe he stycketh in death for death is the rewarde of synne Whosoeuer committeth sinne hath after the righteous iudgement of God deserued to dye both temporally and perpetually and to be the deuils owne vnto damnaciō out of which captiuitie noman is able to escape by hys owne power or strēght Man is in such myserable and pyteous case because of his fyrst birth of Adam 1 Co. 15. that he is a synner borne condemned to death and damnation captiue vnder the power of the deuyll in the kingdome of darkenes with body and soule to euerlastinge payne Nowe yf there shulde come a man and paye for the sinne which is deathes stinge and make vs cleane ryghteous destroye the fearfull death make that we myght lyue for euer in body and soule ouercome the deuill make vs fre from his power so that neyther synne deuyll nor death might hurte vs animore were not this well holpen Nowe are not we able to do the same neyther any angell but onely God can do it wyll also do it wherfore he hath sent his onely begotten sonne to become man euen as we a very man in all pointes onely synne excepte which dyed for oure synnes and hath by the onely sacryfyce of his body vpon the crosse and the shedinge of his bloude made amendes for oure sinnes made a perfect satisfaction reconsiled vs to
those thinges which we haue to do before God in whose name we must call and praye to God and than God hath promised to heare vs. Hebr. All this teacheth vs the Epistle to the Hebrewes and other scriptures and they do not shewe vs any other mediatour nor aduocate before God Of this it followeth that it is an vnsure false and erronious doctryne which the pope and his adherentes teache namely that they make Christ fearfull as though we must haue other mediatours in heauen to bringe vs fyrst to Christ Where is here the truste and confydence in Christ Nowe iudge your selues I pray you Do ye thinke yet that we striue for nought with the Papacye Is not the matter waighty ynough It toucheth our saluacion which is god him selfe what thing is there greater Yf we suffre oure selues to be brought to this beleue that we must and maye by oure owne workes satisfaction put out synnes deserue the grace of God be iustifyed and saued then haue we therby denyed the power of the death of Christe and his precious bloude Tell me then nowe where to wyll ye vse the death bloude of Christ yf it shoulde not wasshe awaye synnes puryfye and yustyfye vs Therfore let euery man pondre wyth hym selfe in his conscience and waye the whole matter for it is not so lyght as men thinke Yf we fall from our doctrine of faith then fall we from Christe then haue we no redemer then haue we no sacryfyce for our synnes than lyeth synne death and perpetuall damnation styll vpon vs than is God yet angry and not appeased there is no grace but mere wrath indignacion Hebr. x. and a fearfull lokynge for the iudgement Hebr. x. For noman nedeth to loke for any grace at Goddes hāde without Christ our onely mercy seate Thus is Christe with his merites obscured and darkened yea taken awaye from vs by the popystycall doctryne and oure trust and confydence tourned to oure owne workes Howe can we abyde this Yea saye they but the hier powers wyll not suffer this doctrine Answere I can not tell Marke well I suppose that they woulde suffre it well ynough yf it were exactely opened and declared vnto them And although they woulde not abyde it yet may here euery Christē man thinke that it is expedient for him to take holde on God and the trueth without contēpt of the hyer powers and in this case not to follow the wordly cōmaundemēt Act. 4.5 This doth also the spirituall or ecclesiastical law admytte for it is written .x. Distinc x. non lycet It becōmeth not the Emperour to pretende any thynge contrary to the lawe of God nor to do any thinge that is contrary to the rulers of the Euangelycall Prophetical or Apostolical truth Item agayne .xi. q. iii. Si dominus Yf it be euyll which the Emperour cōmaundeth than answere Act. 4.5 we must obeye God rather then men but in suche thinges as are not contrary to the commaundemēt of God we must obeye More ouer .x. q. iij. Qui resistit Whan the Emperour commaundeth oun thinge God another What doth the christen mā iudge There is God whiche is of greater power O Emperour pardon vs here ye treathen captiuitie god treateneth hel Ephe. 6. 2 Cor. 10 Sapi. 5. Here must ye take youre faith as a shelde by the whiche ye maye quenche all the fyery dartes of your enemies Marke well Yet saye they further The popisshe doctrin is olde yf she were not true thā must the churche erre Answere Yf ye be a christen man then beleue ye Christe stedfastely in his wordes of the gospell and ye do al so take the same worde for the very true doctryne of God Nowe if she be ryght and true then must it nedes be false and erronious whatsoeuer is contrary to the same what nede men to care much for the lenght of tyme The lēght of tyme cānot make a false thinge true Yf the scripture therfore be the true waye then must he nedes erre that forsaketh the same waye and walketh an other way whether he be great or small many or fewe holy or synners Yet saye they moreouer That these are the last dayes in the whiche we ought to beware of false Prophetes What yf the luterians for so do they call vs were the same false Prophetes Answer Serche the scripture Iohn 5. and iudge hardely whō ye hitte let him be hitted The scripture sayth 1. Tim. 4 2. Tim. 3 2. Pet. 3 Iudi. 1. 2. Tess 2 that the false Prophetes of the later dayes shall forbydde matrymonye and meates whyche God hath created they shall denye Christe that bought them that is they shall denye the same beinge they shall haue a shyne or a colloer of godlynes but they shall denye the power therof Marke well Yf ye fynde these tokens in the Lutherians as ye call thē then take them for false Propetes But if ye fynde them not by them than loke aboute you and ye shall soone perceyue who erreth Wherfore do the Lutheriās as ye call them suffre so muche sclaunderinge and persecution Euen for this cause 1. Cor. 7. Hebr. 13. that they wil haue matrimony fre and at lybertie euen as it is fre for euery man in the worde of God They wyll that for meates sake no mans conscience shall be burdened so that they geue the honoure onely to Christ that he through his passion hath bought vs out of euerlastinge death and that he puryfyeth vs all frō synne by his bloude Therfore do they reiecte the massynge sacrifyce whatsoeuer is done to that intent that therby mē wyll be deliuered from sinne and death They are also reuyled because they leade a commune simple lyfe in the state of wedloke as an honest laye man without any shyne of a pryuate holines with out shauen crounes graye amyses surplices stoles and such lyke abillemētes for the whiche thinges sake the estate of priesthode hither to in the worlde hath bē counted as holy contrary wyse the common state of layemen as vnholye and prophane For the spirituall fathers haue drawē to them selues appropriated to them selues the Christian offyces wherby their estate hath ben counted the State of perfection and holynes and the State of the laytie hath ben counted heathen and prophane for they woulde offer alone to God as the priestes in the olde testamēt offered for the people They haue estemed their prayer of greater valoure a great deale then the prayer of the leaye men And yet it is but bought solde and compelled gere which for the moost parte is done wythout faith and earnest zeale without spirite and trueth for moneys and legacyes sake For yf there were neyther money nor substaunce the monasteryes chauntryes and churches shoulde sone be styll without prayenge syngynge and massynge They haue kept the whole sacrament to them selues and geuen vs the one halfe And of these their manyfolde