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death_n mortal_a sin_n venial_a 6,152 5 13.8485 5 false
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A17247 An exposition of the 28. verse of the third chapter of the epistle to the Romans Wherein is manifestly proued the doctrine of iustification by faith, and by faith onely. By Francis Bunny, one of the prebendaries of the Cathedrall Church of Durham. Bunny, Francis, 1543-1617. 1616 (1616) STC 4099; ESTC S117367 59,250 64

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they will not preferre themselues How then dare they so stand vpon their merits seeing these godly men haue no trust in their works but so wholy disable them Neyther is there in the Scripture any thing more plainly deliuered any Doctrine more often taught Scriptures are against doctrine of merits Tit. 3.5 then that which teacheth vs to deny our merits and to rest only vpon Gods mercy in Christ for the forgiuenesse of our sinnes Not by the workes of righteousnesse which we haue done saith Saint Paul but according to his mercies he saued vs. And againe God hath saued vs 2. Tim. 1.9 and called vs with a holy calling not according to our workes but according to his owne purpose and grace which was giuen to vs through Christ Iesus before the world was And againe By grace ye are saued through faith Ephes 2.8.9 and that not of your selues it is the gift of God not of workes lest any should boast himselfe And infinite testimonies tending to this end if it were needfull might be brought prouing plainly how little we may rest vpon our merits and how little soundnes is in our workes and therefore also shewing how little cause our aduersaries haue to write that eternall life is due to good workes not of mercy but of merit as LINDAN ANDRADIVS and the Colen Censurers doe teach The reason of this conceit they haue of their workes is because they suppose none but great sinnes hinder our perfection Leuicula vitiola Kemnitius alleageth out of Lindan a Popish Bishop Asspergines naeuuli sunt qui perse non maculant nec contaminant Kem. exam part 1. Veniall sins they lightly esteeme sed quasi puluisculo leuiter aspergunt vitam Christianam vt nihilominùs tamen per se sint perfecta vndique immaculata renatorum opera in hac vita Which if they bee the words of Lindan hee vseth so many diminitiues to lessen and make nothing our breach of Gods Law as thereby he sheweth himselfe to be a very graceles wretch without any feeling of the burden of sinne They are in English thus Little light petty sinnes are as sprinklings and small staines which doe not of themselues blot or defile but as it were with small dust doe lightly sprinkle a Christian life so as notwithstanding the workes of the regenerate are of themselues perfect and euery way vndefiled Indeed Andradius too though not in such scornfull termes as I may well call them teacheth the like Doctrine Andra. Orthodox explicat l. 5. Peccata saith he in quae iusti quotidie labuntur iustitiam euertere nullo pacto possunt ac proinde neque perfectam absolutam legis obedientiam quoquo modo impedire The sinnes whereinto euen the iust daily fall can by no meanes ouerthrow righteousnesse Cens Colon. explicat errorum Dialogi 5. and therefore cannot any thing hinder the full and perfit obedience of the Law The Censurers of Colen also though not so vnmodestly yet as vntruly as Lindan affirme speaking of veniall sins that Leuia illa nec impios nec malos efficiunt nec operum nostr●rum obsunt efficaciae Those light sinnes make men neyther wicked nor euill neyther doe they hinder the efficacie of their workes Which their Doctrine to bee most absurd and false wee may proue by many reasons The least sinnes hinder our obedience and staine it as first thus Euery breach of Gods Law maketh our obedience vnperfit but euery veniall sinne is a breach of Gods Law therefore euery veniall sinne maketh our obedience vnperfit My Maior I would thinke should need no proofe seeing that where breach of a Law is there is not absolute obedience to the same And Saint Iames telleth vs Whosoeuer shall keepe the whole Law Iam. 2.10 and yet faileth in one point hee is guilty of all But that euery veniall sinne is a breach of Gods Law is plaine For if there be no breach of Law then is not forgiuenesse needfull but forgiuenesse is needfull for the taking away of veniall sinnes as is most manifest by that place of Saint Iohn If wee acknowledge our sinnes 1. Ioh. 1.8.9 he is faithfull to forgiue vs our sinnes and to clense vs from all vnrighteousnesse Whereby we vnderstand that the sinnes that Saint Iohn speaketh of are by forgiuenesse to bee done away And that he speaketh of veniall sinnes not only Andradius Paiuas doth testifie Andro. Orthodox explicat lib. 5. pag. 421. Bell. de Amis grat l. 1 cap. 6. but Bellarmine also in plaine words So that by two witnesses of good credit among our Aduersaries it appeareth that veniall sinnes are no otherwise taken away then other sinnes are and therefore that our perfit obedience is by them so hindered as that it cannot stand before the iust Iudge Againe whatsoeuer sinnes are short of that obedience that God commandeth in this Law Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart Deut. 6.5 with all thy soule with all thy might are hinderances vnto the perfection of obedience but the sinnes which they call venial doe that for in committing of them our whole heart minde and soule is not bent to obserue Gods Law therefore such sinnes are a hinderance to our perfit keeping of the Law But to be short If veniall sinnes be no transgression of Law they are to be much blamed that call them sinnes For where there is no Law there is no transgression but if they bee a breach of Law as before I said they are of the nature of sinnes and vnlesse they be pardoned shall also haue the reward of sinne The godly feare their venial sins But what seeke I to proue that which euery man 's owne conscience if they be not too much besotted will tell them Was it not veniall sinnes as our Aduersaries account that made Paul cry out as he doth O wretched man that I am Rom. 7.24 who shall deliuer me from the bodie of this death He could neuer haue said of himselfe as he doth of being without reproofe concerning the Law if he had beene stained with notorious and such as they call mortall sinnes And shall Paul be so scarred with veniall sinnes and can wee imagine they make vs nothing the worse How much better were it for vs with good Bernard to confesse Passio tua vltimum refugium Ber. in Can. Ser. 22. singulare remedium Deficiente sapientia iustitia non sufficiente succumbentibus sanctitatis meritis illa succurrit O Lord thy passion is my last refuge a singular remedy For when wisdome wanteth Iustice sufficeth not and merits of holinesse faile that helpeth And thus I trust it doth appeare that howsoeuer our Aduersaries teach of veniall sinnes which they confesse are in the godly yet are they such staines in the garment of our righteousnesse as are not to bee shaken off with euery knocke of the brest or washed off with sprinkling a little holy-water or other such like tryfling