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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07719 A short analysis of a part of the second chapter of S. Iames, from the 14. verse to the end of the same With a briefe confutation of the Rhemists annotations therevpon written. By Iohn Morgan. 1588 Morgan, John, fl. 1588. 1588 (1588) STC 18103; ESTC S107508 19,383 50

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heauen for to receiue the godly hell fire for the punishmēt of the wicked but a third place saith he we are alltogether ignorant of neither do we find it in the holy Scriptures To the like effect he writeth De verbis Apostoli Sermone 14 where he acknowledgeth the right hand and the left hand of God that is the kingdome of heauen the paines of hell the middle place he vtterly denieth wherein infants might be placed because there is no mētion therof in the Gospell The foundation of Popish Purgatorie is the distinction of mortall venial sinnes whereas the word of God plainly determineth that euery sin is mortall deserueth eternall death Cursed is euery one that abideth not in all things that are written in the Lawe to fulfill them Deut. 27. The soule that sinneth shall dye Ezek. 18. The reward of sinne is death And as for that distinction which S. Iohn maketh cap. 5.1 Epist of a sin to death A sin not to death hath nothing common with that of the Papists for all sin that by the mercy of God is pardonable he calleth a sin not vnto death for which God is intreated that giueth life to them that haue so sinned and that sinne he counteth vnto death which is irremissible as obstinate and wilfull apostacie Heb. 6. Blasphemie against the holy Ghost Math. 12 for which it is not lawfull to pray thus by the iudgemēts of Gods word are all sins mortal which the Iesuits call veniall and all that they count mortall by Gods spirit are counted venial for by the iustice of God all sins are mortall but by his mercy they are all pardonable except that sinne vnto death whereof S. Iohn speaketh Rhemists Annotat. Iames 2. vers 4. Ver. 14. What shall it profit if a man say he hath faith This whole passage of the Apostle is so cleere against iustification or saluation by only faith damnably defended by the Protestants and so euident for the necessitie merit or concurrence of good works that their first Author Luther and such as exactly follow him boldly after the manner of Heretikes when they can make no shift nor false glose for the text 〈◊〉 ●he Booke to be Canonicall Scriptural But Caluin and his companions disagreeing from their ministers confesse it to be holie Scripture But their shifts and 〈◊〉 gloses for answere of so plaine places be as impudent as the denying of the Epistle was in the other who would neuer haue denied the Booke thereby to shew them-selues Heretikes if they had thought those vulgar euasions that the 〈◊〉 and Caluinists do vse whereof they were not ignorant could haue serued in both sorts the christian Reader may see that all the Heretikes vaunting of expresse Scriptures and the word of God is no more but to delude the world whereas indeede be the Scriptures neuer so plaine against them they must either be wrested to sound as they say or else they must be no Scriptures at all and to see Luther Caluin Beza and their felowes sit as it were in iudgement of the Scriptures to allow or disalow at their pleasures it is the most notorious example of Hereticall pride and miserie that can be See their Prefaces and Censures vpon this Canonicall Epistle the Apocalypse and other Aunswere IF the Doctrine deliuered by S. Paule defended by the auntient Fathers be damnable of our iustification by faith only we haue no skill of such sharpe censures Was it damnably vttered by Basile in Homil. de Humilit This is sound and perfect reioycing in God when as a man is not lifted vp with his owne righteousnesse but knoweth him-selfe to be voyde of true iustice but to be iustified by faith alone in Christ for verely to beleeue alone is righteousnes And Nazianzene Take away your merit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and as for the necessitie and concurrence of good works we yeeld that good works are necessarie to saluation and the fruits of faith do alwayes concurre that a good trée doth bring forth good fruits If they be to be counted Heretikes which haue doubted of the authoritie of this Epistle Eusebius then lib. 2. cap. 23. counting the same in plaine words a Bastard Luther then hath a companion with him in this his opinion The Councell of Laodicea cap. 59. did leaue the booke of Reuelation out of the number of Canonicall bookes Dionisius Alexandrinus writeth as Eusebius reporteth lib. 7. cap. 25. that many of his predecessors vtterly refused reiected the booke of Reuelation Now if that which you obiect against Luther were true his error therin common to him with others must neither preiudice the authoritie of that Epistle nor the credit of those who reuerence the same as a portion of Gods word reade it and expound it in their Churches Who haue wrested the Scriptures you or we might heere be at large set downe to your shame the gloses of the Zuinglians and Caluinists as you call them wherein do they differ frō your Angelicall Thomas vpon this chapter or the ordinarie glosse vpon this scripture saying that Abraham was iustified without works by only faith but yet the offering of his some was a testimonie of his faith and righteousnesse Nay it is not Caluin and Beza that sit as Iudges vpon the Scriptures to allow or disalow at their pleasures Ambrose Catharine vpon the Epistle ad Galat. cap. 2 It is the Popes proper priuiledge to canonize Scriptures or to reproue Scriptures this indéed is the most notorious example of hereticall pride and miserie that can be whereas you bid vs see the Prefaces of Luther and others I referre you to Luthers Preface before his works and there you shall sée the modestie of Luthers spirit Before all things I pray the Godly Reader and beséech him for our Lord Iesus Christ his sake that he would reade these things with iudgement nay rather with much pitie and let him knowe that sometimes I was a Monke Rhemists Annotation Verse 21. Abraham was he not iustified by workes It is much to be noted that S. Augustine in his booke De fide operibus cap. 14. writeth that the Heresie of only faith iustifying or sauing was an old Heresie in the Apostles time gathered by the false interpretation of some of S. Paules profound disputation in the Epistle to the Romanes wherein hee commended so highly the faith in Christ that they thought good workes were not auayleable adding further that the other three Apostles Iames Iohn and Iude did of purpose wright so mutch of good workes to correct the said error of only faith gathered by the misconstruction of S. Paules words yea when S. Peter Epist 2. cap. 3. warneth the faithfull that many things be hard in S. Paules writings and of light vnlearned men mistaken to their perdition The sayd S. Augustine affirmeth that he meant of his disputation concerning faith which so many Heretikes did mistake to condemne good works and in his Preface of his Commentarie vpon the