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death_n mortal_a sin_n venial_a 6,152 5 13.8485 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06652 The actes of Christe and of Antichriste concernyng bothe their life and doctrine: diligently gathered and now taken out of his workes, by Thomas Becon. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1577 (1577) STC 1711; ESTC S116649 51,783 140

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Mediatour Aduocate and Intercessour by whom alone wee haue free and gracious accesse vnto God the Father and easely obtaine of hym all good thynges Antichriste setteth forthe vnto vs other Mediatours Aduocates and Intercessours euen the soules and spirites of them that are departed and commaundeth vs to call vpon them to make intercession vnto theim that thei for vs maye call vpon God praie vnto hym and make Intercession vnto hym that by this meanes our praiers maie be the soner heard and our petitions the more easely graunted Thus Antichrist goth about to make Christ Iacke out of office 11 Christe hangyng on the Crosse and ready to giue vp his Spirite into the hādes of his heauenly Father saied It is finished signifiyng hereby that by the one and alone Sacrifice of his Passion and death al thyng is wrought and perfectly doen whatsoeuer appertaineth vnto the saluation of mankinde so that now there remaineth no more any Sacrifice or oblation for synne as the Apostle saieth With one onely Oblation hath Christe made perfect for euer them that are sanctified Againe We are sanctified by the offeryng vp of Christes bodie doen once for all Antichriste hath sette vp diuerse Sacrifices for synnes but namely the vile and abhominable sacrifice of the Masse whiche he calleth a propiciatorie expiatorie and satisfactorie Sacrifice for the synnes of the quicke and the deade necessary Ad salutem This Sacrifice he braggeth to bee of like dignitie and of equall price with that Sacrifice whiche Christ the high and euerlastyng Bishop offered on the Altar of the Crosse yea to bee the verie same againe that he and his Chaplens in that Sacrifice of the Idolatrous Masse doe daiely offer vp the Soonne of God to the Father of heauen for the daily synnes of the people Antichrist moreouer is not ashamed to saie that Christe by the Sacrifice of his death doen on the Altare of the Crosse did onely put awaie originall synne but he and his shauelynges by the Sacrifice of their Masse putteth awaie all other synnes at all tymes bothe actuall veniall mortall c. 12 Christe in his blessed Testament teacheth that wee are purged cleansed and made pure from all synne by his bloud Antichriste for the mainteinaunce of his idle Cleargie that thei might liue of the laboure and sweate of other mennes hands and browes hath deuised an other Purgatorie after this life wherein the soules of them that haue not doen due satisfaction for their sinnes in this worlde muste bee moste miserably tormented vntill either thei by sufferyng moste greeuous paines haue satisfied the iustice of God or els thei bee deliuered by the Sacrifice of the Masse offered for theim or by some other charitable deedes of mercie Is not this to counte the bloud of the Testamente as an vnholie thyng and to doe dishonour to the Spirite of grace 13 Christe teacheth that the Churche whiche is the felowship of Sainctes and companie of faithfull people is built vppon hym self whiche is the true rocke is gouerned by his Spirite heareth his voice and is ruled by the same Antichrist saieth that the Churche is not builte on Christe alone but also on Peter and his successours againe that it is not onely gouerned by the woorde of GOD but also by the Decrees of the Churche of Rome 14 Christe saieth that thei whiche are his Shepe and belong vnto his Shepefold that is vnto his holy congregation heare not the voice of straungers but flee frō them giuyng eare onely to the voice of their owne Shepehearde Antichrist saieth that thei whiche are of the Churche maie not onely heare the voice of Christe but also the woordes of the Bishop of Rome whiche is Christes Uicare and knowledge hym to bee the vniuersall Bishoppe whose voice to heare and whose decrees to obey we are bound vnder paine of euerlastyng damnation 15 Christe ordained in his Churche to sette forthe the Gospell of our saluation and to gouerne his flocke Apostles Prophetes Euangelistes Pastoures teachers c. Antichrist appointed in his Churche Monkes Friers Chanons Nonnes Ankers Ankresses Recluses Priestes Sacrificers Soulecariers Purgatorie rakers Pardonners Proctours Somners Apparitours Commissaries Officialles c. 16 Christe in his holie Lawe freely per mitteth all spirituall Ministers Bishops Deacons c. to marrie Antichriste in his Deuilishe decrees forbiddeth and condemneth the mariage of spirituall Ministers 17 Christe by his holie Apostle calleth Mariage honourable and the bedde vndefiled yea that emongest all men none excepted Antichrist shameth not to call the mariage of the Spirituall Ministers an vncleane filthie and fleshly kinde of liuyng 18 Christe gaue equall power to all the Ministers of his Churche Antichriste denieth that and saieth that the Bishoppe hath more aucthoritie then the Prieste and the Archebishoppe more then Bishoppe and the Pope more then thei all 19 Christe in his blessed Newe Testamente appointeth Deacons to be Ministers vnto the poore and to see that thei lacke no good thyng And the Bishoppes or Spirituall Ouersears he ordained them to preach the worde to enstruct the people to minister the Sacramentes c. Antichrist ordaineth Deacons to saie mattens of the daie to reade the Gospell at Masse to stande on the Priestes right hand to helpe hym in all thinges to haue a shauen crowne to liue vnmaried c. Archdeacons he hath also appointed certaine tymes in the yere to visite the churches to see if the church and churchyarde be in good state if the Uestmentes Alter clothes Copes Banner clothes Crosse clothes Curteines Towels Boxes Pyxes Chrismatories Fontes holy water bucket holy bread basket Bels Candelstickes Sensers Crosses Cruettes and suche like ornamentes of the Churche be well and sufficiently repared againe if the Hosts be well kept of the Curate that they be not moulde fustie euill sauoured cankered worme eaten c. As for prouision makyng for poore and needie people there is no mention That ought to bee collected of the Archdeacons among the mercifull Christians for the ayde and reliefe of the poore members of Christe in their visitation is nowe vnfrutefully deuoured spent and consumed of the Archdeacons themselues and of their Officers so that the office of an Archedeacon at this time in the kingdome of the Pope is now come altogether vnprofitable and to muche chargeable to the Churche of God. 20 Christ appointed his Apostles to bee the ministers and seruauntes of his holy Churche Antichrist ordaineth his Priestes and Prelates to be Lordes and Masters ouer Gods people yea he maketh them to be of greater authoritie and power thā Emperours Kinges Princes c. of higher dignitie than all the Angelles in heauen or than the blessed Uirgin Mary Moreouer he doeth so greatlie aduaunce the dignitie of his smered shauelynges that he calleth them the maker of their maker And to set forthe their royall and kingly priesthode he maketh