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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02442 The spiritual pilgrimage of Hierusalem, contayninge three hundred sixtie fiue dayes iorney wherin the deuoute person may meditate on sondrie pointes of his redemption. With particular declaration of diuers Saints bodies and holy places which are to be seene in the said-voyage: As also sundrie deuout praiers and meditations verie healpful to the pilgrimes: With licence.; Devote manier om geestelijk pelgrimage te trekken tot het Heilige Land. English Paeschen, Jan van.; R. H., fl. 1605. 1605 (1605) STC 12574; ESTC S115004 54,778 182

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on the north is an Aulter where the three kinges made thē readie to make their offeringe Goirge lower is a Chappel ioyninge to the Rock wher Iesus vvas borne in this Chapel is a faire stene like a Starre with fiue or six beames vvhereon our Lady kenceled and adored hir sonne when he vvas newly borne ouer this stone is an Aultar Three steppes lower is the manger vvhere our lord vvas laid being of marble vnderset vvith tvvo pillers and a foote highe say here thy Beades Pray here to Christe new borne in the manger t● graunt thee grace to be new borne in him and that as he vvas pertaker of our humanitie so he vvil make vs partakrr of his diuinitie Behinde this Chappel is a hoale vvhere the Starre did lead the 3 kinges and abide there a while retorninge to the Chapel of Saint Katherin in this Church there is a place where some of the Innocent children were cast The nomber of the children vvhich Herod slevve were CXLiiij thousand Goinge from Bethelem Eastward about halfe amile is the place vvhere the virgin Marie vvent vvith Iesus and Ioseph when she should flie into Egipt thence yee goe into a plesant valley where the Angelles appeared eo the Sheppards and tould them tidinges of the birth of our Lord. The voiages towardes the mountaines of Iudea THese mountaines are ten miles north from Bethelem and the way very cragged there Zacharie dwelt and Elizabeth and there is yet the howse vvhere our Lady and Elizabeth met and greeted so louingly there is also a fountaine where our Lady fetched vvater vvhilst she remained there Aboute a shoote fartheris Zacharies house vvhere Saint Iohn Baptiste vvas borne A litel thence is a Church vvhere Saint Iohn vvas circumcised there is the Caue where Saint Iohn was kept prisoner by Herod Betwene Emaus Hierusalem you come to a Church caled Ad Sainctā Crucem vvhere is a Cloister of Greeke mōkes of S. Benetts ord●r Goinge to Hierusalem say the psalme Lauda Hierusalē Domiūm c vse some prayers in al the holy places accordinge to the conneniencie of thinges there done The. 235. day At the mount Oliuet where is a Chappel Meditate how Iesus often filled the hartes of his Disciples with ioy especially at his Ascēsion his mother his disciples and frendes both men and women accompained with infinite nombers of Angels and Patriarkes and of fathers from limbo ascended with great glorie The 36 day To the mount of Sion vvhere i● a Chappel ascending behinde the highe Aultar vvhere the holy Ghoste came downe vpon the Apostles Meditate how the father and the Sonne sent the holie Ghoste vnto the Apostles in the similitude of fierie tounges and rested vpon each of them and were there by confirmed in in faith so that they preached bouldly thorough out al the world Now prepare thy self to retorne againe to thy home comending thy self both body and sovvle to almightie god and goe novv once more to the holy Sepulcher to take thy laste leaue The. 337. day At the Sepulcher and the mount of Caluary say here the Prayer folwinge O My lord god and Sauiour Iesus I yeald thee humble thankes for my creation and redemption in this place and hast by thy vocation and inspiration caled me and brought me to the vnderstandinge and knowledge of thee and hauinge so patiently attēded me fallinge so often in to many sinnes and deliuered me from infinite periles and afflictions which I haue iustlie deserued I giue thee thankes for thy gifts and graces begune in me and I besech thee o lorde to reforme me and directe my waies that I may in the ende come to thy euerlasting glorie Amen An aduertisment AL the good and deuout Pilgrims hauing visited the holy places in their returning home looke oftē times backe againe so likewise the spitituall Pilgrime may well looke backe vnto the holie places especially he ought to consider our Sauiour hanginge on the crosse to the ende that the bitter death of thy Sauiour goe not out of thy harte First consider how the soule of our Sauiour hanging on the Crosse regarded all the sinnes both mortall and veniall of all the worlde for which he sighed most bitterlie Doe thou knock on thy breast and sigh for thy sinnes for which the Sonn of God hath sighed most biterlie The 2 8 day From Hierusalem to Rama Secondly meditate looking backe to the holie places making thy praier thinke what sorrow greife the hart of thy lorde-Iesus sufferred when hee thought and cōnsiderd what a smale nūber should participare of the fruits of his passion the which he so willing● he sufferred and with such excessiue loue as that he woulde rather sufferre for euerie man once againe then that anie through this defaulte shoulde remaine loste such was his ardent loue to the ingrateful and harde hartes of outs The 2 9 To Iapha Thirdelie meditate of the great bitternes which the soule of Christ endured on the Crosse when he considered that religious persons clarkes retired from the worlde would yeat soile thē selues with carnal works for which he trembled and weepte on the Crosse The 340 day In the oulde sellers of Iapha vvhere the Pilgrimes lodge Fourthlie consider the biternes of the soule of Christ when he considered that the estate of mariage woulde be defiled with foule and execrable sinnes whereby so great a multitude of maried people shoulde be damned The 341. day fiftly meditate vvhat sorrowe the soule of Iesus Christ was in on the Crosse to thinke how the state of virginitie shoulde be defiled so many virgins loosing the crowne of their virginities by consenting to foule and filthy thoughts and deeds for which he sighed piteously The 342 day sixtly consider the great sorrowe of the harte of our Sauiour Christ to thinke vpon the wonderfull vnthankefulnes of man to his heauenly father for al the benifites and passiō of his onelie sonne bestowed on v● with so greate loue The ●4 3 day From Iapha to the ship of Saint Peter recommending thee to S. Fraucis and to al his order recommēding thee to the holie Trinitie Geue thankes to our Lorde who hath conducted thee to these holie places and that he wil be our guide and conducte vs to his heauenly kingdome when the shippe beginneth to goe say Tedeū Seauētlhie meditate the bitter sorrow of the soule of our Sauiour considering that so manie Christians shoulde be dāned for there wicked life and then he cried My god my god vvhie hast thou forsaken me The 344. meditate in what greife the soule of Iesus was in to consider what nūber of people should remaine without the christian faith and therefore shoulde neuer see the face of God The 345. day meditate how the most noble soule of Iesus was exceding sorrowfull when he did consider that the grace of God shoulde be of so litle estimation with manie or altogether cleane reiected The ●46 day meditate of the sadnes of thē soule of Iesus
sufferedst thy self to be bound taken violētly of those ministers of malice and to be haled and trailed to Annas house there to be skorned abused and iniuriously strikē so that the blood followed I beseeche thee to pardō al my sinnes whatsoeuer paste and so bridel my tounge and my speech that I may speake nothinge to the offence of my neighbour but that euer my mouth and hart may sownde forth thy prayse and with al patience to suffer detractiōs reproches with humilitie and constancie in al aduersities To the house of Caiphas which is now a Church in which is the stone which was laied at the mouth of the sepuliber of our Lorde which is very great and beaute The 104. day Meditate how Annas sent Iesus bound in great despite garded with those peruerse ministers to Caiphas house where by the way he receaued many sore blowes spittinges and mockeries there beinge gathered al his mortal enemies who desiered his death and findinge not any sufficient cause sought for salfe witnes against him and not findinge these neither Caiphas adiured Christ to tel him if he were the sōne of God Where vpō Iesus answered Thou haste said notwithstādinge you shal see the sonne of man sit on the right hande of God and comming in the cloudes of heauen wheirvpon Caiphas said Blasphemauit he blasphemeth and asked the rest what they thought they answeared he is worthy of death The 165. day meditate what great sorrow Christ had in his soule when he was so iniuriously handled accused mocked haled beaten and striken in the house of Caiphas and how they couered his face bid him deuine who it was that strooke him And what great sorrowne he receaued when his Apostle denied him three times And how he looked on Saint Peter with his mercifull eies At the which S. Peter remembring him selfe leauing his Lord in the handes of the wicked he went out and wept bitterly The 196 day to a darke Chappelle on the South side of the quiet called the prisō of God Heare Iesu was put in prison and garded with 8 of the vilest and cruellest villanies that might be founde who did manie villanies and tormentes vnto him al that night And there is a piller of stone to the which our Lord was bounde Meditate with what incomprehensible patience and humilitie the great monarcke of heauen and earth suffered all these villanies and iniuries being al that night in the handes of these peruerse and wicked men The 3. Station O My Lord by the excessiue loue which constrained thee to be bounde to the end to loose me from the bondes of sinne geue me grace neuer to forgette thy great loue and the iniuries which thou sufferdest this night and that I may suffer paciently all wronges done vnto me that I may driue all slouthfullnes from me and exercise al workes of charitie towards my neighbour Amen VVithout the Chapel is the place Where S. Peter denied his master The. 197. day From Caiphas house to the house of Pilate Meditate how in Caiphas house Iesus heard the wicked Iewes consulting to accuse him before Pilate as a traitor to the Emperor a breaker of their lawes and a blasphemor against God And how in the morning they led him againe into the councell house and asked him if he were Christ which he denied not Where vpon they boūd his handes behinde him put Iron chaines about his neck And our good Lord suffered him selfe thus to be led through the streetes whither they woulde vntill he came to Pilats lodging Behinde the house of Caiphas is the feild caled Haceldama or Ager sanguinis vvhich vvas bought for ●o penece for the burial of straungers beinge 50 foote broade and. 72. foote longe In this is a Seller hauinge nine hoales thorough vvhich th y let downe d●rie stians that die there There ●udas repented him Also in th●t pit is a deepe hoale vvhere the Apostles hid them selves vvhen Iesus vvas takē In that place is a faire tree vvith a seate to sit on vvhere it is said that Esay vvas hanged by the ●eeles and vvas● wen a sonder thorough them del of his body to h● head vvith a widden sawe Belovv in a great valley is Natatoria Siloe vvhetherour Lorde bid the man that was blinde from his natiuitie g●e wa● he Lower is the valley of ●osaphat In ●h● valley is the selcher of our Lady cut out of a Rocke couered vvith a marble stone fairvvrought in the midel of a faire church Entringe into Hierusalem by Potta S●erquilinia in a litel streete there by is the house of Ioachim vvhere our Lady vvas borne This place the Infidels abuse for one of their Temples Alitel beneath is Probatica Piscina vvhere the vvood of the holy crosse for many yeares vvas bidē here the sick receiue their health A little lower is the house of those vvho led Christe to Pilate beinge 300 in nomber The 198. day In Pilats house Meditate how meekely Iesus stoode before Pilate hearing al paciently which he was accused of and that which was feigned against him the chiefe Preistes for enuie and malice the false witnesnes for bribes and mony the people for flatterie and fauour of their rulers and of the sorrowe of harte sweete Iesus had for them and for Iudas the Traitor whom he knew to be damned euerlastingly by reason of his dispaire although he confessed his fault and restored back the mony The 199. day Before Pilate in the councel house _____ Meditate how Pilate tooke Iesus from the Iewes into the councel house and asked of him if he were the king of the Iewes Iesus answered my kingdome is not of this world c Pilate said then thou art a kinge Iesus said I am c. Pilate said what is truth so rose went forth to the Iewes and said I finde no fault in this man The Iewes said he hath stirred vp the people teachinge from Galilee to this place Pilate hearinge he was of Herods Iurisdiction sent him to Herod who was then in Hierusalem The 200. day From Pilate to Herods house Meditate how Iesus as led to Herod with greate confusion who was glad of his comminge for many a day he longed to see Iesus because of his mirackles Herod asked Iesus many questions but our Lorde answered nothinge Herod and ●●s courte despised Iesus cloathinge him in white and fendinge him back to Pilate as a foole The 201. day From the ●alace of Herod 〈◊〉 the house of P●late M●ditate how Iesus came back to Pilate w●th great paine and confusion whom Pilat excused that nether he nor Herod had found any thinge in him worthie of death thinkinge to let him goe free in steede of Barrabas But the Iewees chose Barrabas and required Iesus to be crucified The. 202. day To the Chappel where Pilate caused Iesus to be whipped Meditate how Iesus benige stripped naked trēbled and was ashamed How meekely he suffred him self to be bound to a Piller and whipped so terribly that