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A14794 Domus ordinata A funerall sermon, preached in the citie of Bristoll, the fiue and twentith day of Iune, 1618. at the buriall of his kinswoman, Mistresse Needes, wife to Mr. Arthur Needes, and sister to Mr. Robert Rogers of Bristoll. By Iohn Warren, minister of Gods word at Much-Clacton in Essex. Warren, John, Vicar of Great Clacton. 1618 (1618) STC 25094; ESTC S100741 20,600 48

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left Gen. 48. So many a one which in this life seemeth to bee at the right hand of God by his many externall blessings shall after death bee turned to the left hand of the vengeance of God and contrarily many that seeme now by their many calamities to be at the left hand of the curse of God shall there be brought vnto the right hand of his vnspeakable glory There are the prisoners at rest and heare not the voyce of the oppressor There are the small and the great and the seruant is free from his maister Iob. 3.18.19 Some few shall be so happy as both heere and there to bee at the right hand of God Thinke now what thou art thinke what change will follow and let this meditation helpe thee to prepare thy selfe for death to put thy house thy closet-house in order And thus much for those things which help forward the closset-house to be well ordered by meditation Now to those things which helpe it forward and consist in action And those I will reduce to foure heads of which I will very briefly speake The first is that whosoeuer will haue the house of his soule prepared against death suffer in his soule no such traitors or weapons as may helpe death against him those traytors those weapons are our sinnes The sting of death is sin 1. Cor. 15.56 as it appeareth in many a dying man and woman dying with great impatience not so much because they must die as that they are netled with the remembrance of such and such horrible sins for which as yet their peace is not made then they curse the time not that they die in but wherein they euer knew such a man or such a woman that hereby it easily appeareth where the sting of death lyeth and is felt either before death or after death this maketh the diuell so busie now and then euery day to crowde one sinne or other into our soules consciences as if he were now setting in a staffe now a dagger now a sword now a gunne now one weapon now another which hee might haue ready in our owne soules to wound our selues withall If therefore wee will order our selues aright let vs looke into the house of our soules and see what weapons stand which may helpe the diuell and not vs as all vnrepented sinnes doe and let vs cast them out take out blasphemy cursing oppression impatience hypocrisie fling them from you that so you may put your house your closet house in order and thrice miserable are they who giue the diuell leaue euery day to crowd what weapons of sin he list into their soules Secondly in the house of the soule and conscience there must be gotten a true and liuing faith whereby not onely the weapons of the diuell must bee cast out but that Christ may enter and dwell and keepe possession in the soule vntill it shall bee brought to glory Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Reuel 14.13 All these dyed in the faith Heb. 11 13. Dying Iacob out of faith could say Lord I waite for thy saluation Gen. 49. As hee that was stung by the fiery serpents was to looke vnto the brasen serpent and so recouer so he that is stung by sinne and death must haue a liuing faith to beholde Iesus Christ withall and hee shall bee cured Iohn 3. Miserable wordlings when wealth and Physitians faile their hope faileth A Christian alwayes getteth faith that thereby Christ may dwell with him here that by Christ his sinnes may bee couered that by the touch not of the hemme of Christ his garment but of Christ himselfe all the bloody issues of his sinnes may bee dryed vp that when the eyes of his body grow dim by approaching death hee may yet by the eyes of faith see Christ Iefus at the right hand of the Father making intercession for him labour therefore that thou mayest bee faithfull that so by faith thy house thy closet-house may be put in order Thirdly the third action of the soule to put it in order against death is that it bee alwayes willing to open the doore to God to yeelde it selfe into the hands of God when God calleth I know there was a time when Dauid prayed against death saying What profit is there in my blood when I goe downe to the pit Psalm 30.9 I know Ionah prayed earnestly against it Io. 3. and so did this good King Hezekiah of whom wee speake There may be some secret cause for the quieting of the conscience after some great sin or recouering the glory of God by the sinne of his seruant impeached or some such like Nollē me hae in veste vt videat Thais loth I am to die before my conscience be fully setled or I haue againe satisfied the Church of God after such a sin or at such a time as the Church hath most need of me so as it cannot be well without me Yet for all this the Saints of God haue alwaies opened to God most willingly when the time hath come that God would haue them so olde Simeon Lord now lettest thou thy seruant departe in peace according to thy word Luk. 2.29 On the contrary a wicked mans soule must be fetcht twitcht from him This night shall they fetch away thy soule from thee Lu. 12. Malus est miles qui imperatore gemens sequitur He is a bad souldier who followeth his Generall with sighes sobs When one cōmeth knocketh at your doores to speake with you if you perceiue him as hee is comming and know him to be a friend you must vse you open the doores before hee can well knock but if it bee one you desire not to speak with then though you are within yet will you answer not besides your dores shall be fast barred or locked So when God commeth to some man and knocketh at his doore by sicknesse calleth Thou soule of man come forth and I must talke with you away skuds the soul barres the door with violent desires to prolong life with impatience at God his knocking by no meanes will open till God breaketh in vpon it but when he cōmeth to another man full of grace and knocketh at his body by sicknes calling such a soule come forth the Lord will speake with thee presently answer is cheerfully made Lord Iesus receiue my spirit Act. 7.59 Hilarion that holy Saint as Saint Ierome writeth when hee was about to die and felt in his soule an vnwillingnesse to die hee thus spake to his soule Egredere anima quid times nonaginta tribus annis seruiuisti Christo mori times Goe forth my soule why fearest thou ●ninty three yeares hast thou serued Christ and art thou affraid to die Thus must the soule be prepared willingly to die that so the closset-house may bee put i● order against death Fourthly as the bird flyeth to heauen-ward not without wings and the mariner passeth not the Sea without sailes so that the house of our soules may be put in order against death must wee alwaies pray that if it may be when God shall close our mouthes hee may close them not cursing or altogether busied about the worlde but euen praying and calling vpon the name of the Lord. Thus the good conuerted theese dyeth praying Lord remember mee when thou cammest into thy kingdome Luke 23.42 Thus out blessed Sauiour Father into thy hands I commend my spirit Luk. 23.46 Thus they stoned Steuen who called vpon God and sayd Lord Iesus receiue my spirit Act. 7.59 Thus as Eliah was taken into heauen with a fiery chariot so much we so must our soules ascend in the middest of denout prayers Thus most thou order thy closset-house Conclusion Thus then haue wee seene the sentence of death to haue beene irreuocable against vs all and that we ought therefore to put our house in order and how now in a worde to conclude When any of vs was in our mothers wombe that she began to look bigge with her burthen there was made preparation for v● before wee were borne there were cloues prouided a midwife and other wiues bespoken other things prepared against our birth into this world The day of our death in this world is but the day of our birth into another worlde Wee come out of the narrowe compasse of our mothers wombe into this more spacious roome fuller of brightnesse wee goe into another which yeeldeth vs as many more pleasing obiects thē the womb of this world yeeldeth as this worlds womb yeeldeth more then our mothers womb In the mothers wombe we somewhat although but a little God wot helpe our selues by drawing nourishment to our selues with our vegetatiue faculty before we come into this world to the midwife and other wiues Beholde the spirit of God will be as the midwife the blessed Angels will bee as the helping wiues the bundle of life eternal is insteed of other clouts prouided to wrape vp our soules in in in the time of our comming vnto the other world onely now whiles we are in the wombe of the world or rather of the Church of God let vs by faith and charitie our beleeuing and charitable powers suck such moisture of grace as that afterwardes wee may ioyfully be receiued as a childe borne into heauen when wee shall haue put our houses in order for wee shall die ane not liue Laus Deo FINIS
Domus ordinata A FVNERALL SERMON Preached in the Citie of Bristoll the fiue and twentith day of Iune 1618. at the buriall of his kinswoman Mistresse Needes wife to Mr. Arthur Needes and sister to Mr. Robert Rogers of Bristoll By Iohn Warren Minister of Gods word at Much-Clacton in Essex IN DOMINO CONFIDO LONDON Printed by Nicholas Okes and are to be solde by Iohn Harison dwelling in Pater-noster-row at the signe of the Vnicorne 1618. To the Right Honourable my very good Lord Richard Lord Dacres of the South grace and peace RIght Honourable That which vnwilling I was to offer vnto the view of the world vntill it was wrested from mee by the earnest desires of my good friends am I now willing to send forth as a remembrance of my dutifull affection to you Thus I satisfie their desires in publishing this Sermon and mine owne in dedicating the same vnto your Lordship For howsoeuer distance of place is large betweene vs yet neither is my affection to your Lordship so long since begun now diminished neither haue I found your Lordship vnmindefull of mee whom you haue prosecuted with good fauours It may be I shall bee condemned for sending to one in the prime of his age a discourse of death But this well perused will make you die not the sooner but the happier Olde age is already come to death this Sermon teacheth how to meete with death before it commeth The same spirit of God which saide Eccles 12.1 Remember thy Creator in the daies of thy youth doth knowe that it is fit in young yeares also to remember our end Oh that they were wise Deut. 32.29 then they would vnderstand this they would consider their latter end was the wish of God for the Israelites It is the way to bee wise to number our dayes Psalm 90.12 Amongst the Nobles of Egypt whiles they banquited was carried the picture of death and these wordes spoken Looke vpon this Herodot in Enterpe and so eate and reioyce as that you remember your selfe shall once be such The traine of birdes guideth their flight and the remembrance of our ends may direct our life Euen in yong yeares then let this booke be as Philip of Macedon his boy saying Memento Philippe quod homo es Remēber you are mortall And my earnest prayer is that as it may be accepted as a token of my dutifull respect to your Lordship and to your honourable Lady so it may bee some little furtherance that you both may still and still liue honourably and in a good age die Christianly All which your good beginnings doe largely promise Much-Clacton Iuly the 26. 1618. Your Lordships in all duty to be commanded Iohn Warren To the Christian Reader IT is not for any exellencie which I esteeeme to be in this my worke that I thus publishit Such hath beene the respect which I haue alwayes borne vnto my louing and kinde Vncle Mr. Mathew Warren at this time one of the Sheriffes of Bristoll and such haue the curtesies beene which I found at his hands at the hands of my cosen Mr. Robert Rogers brother to this disceased Gentlewoman at the hands of both their wiues and also of many citizens in that famous Citie that I cannot to satisfie them in divulging this which by no small number of them with more then ordinary importunity hath beene requested They earnestly protested to haue receiued much fruit at the hearing That it may now bring forth fruit in thee Reader let it bee in thy hands as a Deaths head to remember thy end take it as the clock striketh as thou thinkest vpon thy worldly store and as thou remembrest thy conscience apply it line by line and then as Dauid stood triumphing with the head of dead Goliah in his hand so when the time of thy dissolution commeth although others at the like time are either senselesse or else yell houle thou shalt dye as ioyfully as if death had no venome crying out triumphantly in the midst of the pangs of death 1. Cor. 15 O death where is thy sting When the seruants in the citie of Tyre had slaine their Lords and Masters they agreed to chuse him amongst them to bee king who should first espy the Sunne rising the next morning Iustin lib. 18. when they were all assembled to this purpose whiles all the rest stood with their faces looking into the East onely Strato looked vpon the high moūtaines westward for doing whereof although hee were at the first derided yet when by this means he first destroied the reflection of the Sun-beames then was this face of his iudged not to be Seruilis ingenij ratio from a speculation of a seruile braine but of some more noble spirit Malac. 4. So whiles some looke for Christ the Sunne of righteousnesse in the wildernesse some in the markets some in other places if you looke religiously to the Sun-setting of your life towardes your death it may be a meanes for you with great ioy first to discerne the Sunne of righteousnesse fauourably shining vpon you These things if thou hast any furtherance to obtaine by this samll work thou wilt first thanke God for his gifts next those citizens of Bristoll who were the meanes that it came to thy view and lastly thou wilt pray for mee that the dew of heauen may descend vpon my labours to thy further good and in this hope I commend thee to God and this small worke to thy good vsage Thine in Christ Iohn Warren The Preface before the reading of the Text. THat the name of the iust might be had in remembrance it is the laudable custome of our Church at funerall meetings to recite the vertues of the deceased as the widdowes shewed the coats and garments which Dorcas made whiles she was with them Act. 9.89 yet are there two things which will make mee very sparing at this time in the performance of this duty first least our consanguinity and nearenesse in blood and kinred should make any thinke I speake more out of partiality then out of iudgement Secondly because how neere soeuer I was vnto her in blood yet in respect of conuersation I was a stranger Yet thus much may I truely say that she is generally reported to haue beene towards her neighbours full of curtesie towards her husband full of such loue as himselfe witnessed to me that although they liued together many years shee neuer sought for any thing towards him but loue and peace towardes God religious insomuch that I visiting her but the day before her death when she could scarsely speak to man she was very desirous to speake vnto God by prayer and comforted herselfe saying I know that he who was the God of Daniel is my God not doubting but the same God will deliuer her from all paines and sorrowes which we all with ioy remembring leaue her in the hands of God and that we may thither also come at the last
we are not assured vntill our death either of the time place or meanes of our death only this we are sure of we shall die and not liue Now as wee haue propounded wee must come to the third point obseruable before wee leaue these wordes and that is the euent of this prediction Hezekiah is here tolde from God when where and how he shall die doth it so come to passe dyeth hee presently of this sicknesse and in this place wee finde it otherwise For in the third verse of this chapter presently vpon this message Hezekiah turned his face vnto the wall and prayed vnto the Lord and the Lord answereth in the fift verse I haue heard thy prayer and seene thy teares behold I will adde to thy dayes fifteene yeares How will he adde to his dayes The dayes of man are determined thou hast appointed him bounds which hee cannot passe Iob. 14. Shall Hezekiah then liue fifteene yeares longer then God had determined God forbid but God will adde to the time past of his life fifteene yeares yet to come It may be that the time past of his life was the longest time that hee could haue liued according to the course of nature A candle burneth so long as the tallow thereof doth endure when the tallow is consumed then it goeth out yet if to the last wicke of the candle you put a little oyle it will burne a little longer then otherwise it would So the life of man endureth as long as that calidum humidum or moyst heat is duly preserued in the body of man but when that moyst heate or hot moysture is corrupted wholly then is the life of man naturally extinguished as it may be it was in Hezekiah then God addeth olem potentiae the oyle of his power to prolonge his life fifteene yeares beyond the naturall period of his time But yet this question remayneth vnsatisfied concerning the euent of this prediction God foretolde to Hezekiah that hee should speedily die in this place of this disease Hezekiah now hath his life prolonged for fifteene yeares How is God true then in the prediction or how doth God alter his determinations For the answering whereof true it is which God himselfe doth say I am God and I am not changed Malak 3.6 For hee is not as man that hee should repent 1. Sam. 15.29 But briefly to satisfie this perplexed question Gregory the great hath an excellent speech Nouit Deus mutare sententiam sed nunquam nouit mutare decretum God knoweth how to change his sentence but not his decree The decree of God was that Hezekiah by praying should obtaine the continuance of his life for fifteene yeares To make Hezekiah fall to his prayers God sendeth the Prophet with this menacing message yet as in all menaces of God is there a secret exception vnlesse Hezekiah earnestly pray So that there was an exception to be vnderstood although not expressed Yee may see the dealing of God with King Abimelech God threatened him because hee had taken from Abraham his wife Beholde thou art but dead Gen. 20. Ye see the sentence in shew is resolute yet was there a secret condition to bee vnderstood for you shall finde it expressed in the seauenth verse of the same chapter thus If thou deliuer her not againe thou shalt die the death Thus must we vnderstand the message sent to Niniueh yet forty dayes and Niniueh shall be destroyed Iona. 3. vnderstand sinfull Niniueh shall bee destroyed Niniueh shal be destroied if it do not repent but the sins of Niniueh shal be forgiuen if it doe repent So although God himself in thine own cōscience tell thee that for thy horrible sins thou shalt be eternally tormented yet if thou shalt seriously repent God for Christ his sake will change his sentence that so hee may bring to passe his decree of sauing thee And thus much shall suffice to haue spoken of the first part of my text I come now to the second the exhortation 2. Put thy house in order Seeing God hath sent to Hezekiah the message of death 1. There must be a preparation for death hee sendeth also vnto him the aduice to prepare himselfe for death An admonition necessary for vs all Plerique inter mortis metum vitae tormenta miseri fluctuant vt viuere nolint mori nesciunt saith Seneca Many miserable men wauer betweene the sorrowes of life and the feare of death to liue they are vnwilling yet how to die they know not We vndertake no very long iourney without long preparation of things necessary death is our longest iourney and in that voyage the soule will neede much preparation a forehand No great and dangerous warre is vndertaken without great and long preparation of armes and vittailes In death there is a sorer conflict Dauid lamenting Abner said Died Abner as a foole dieth 2. Sam. 3.33 And many notable men die as fooles because they prepare not themselues for death You may not come to receiue Christ in the blessed Sacrament of the Lords supper without good preparation and can ye thinke that yee shall be admitted to the presence of the glory of Iesus Christ to the multitude of Angels to the innumerable societie of the blessed Saints without due preparing of your selues against the time of death the time of your entrance 2. There must be then a preparation against death but how surely Order is the best preparation In the generall Chaos of all things there was confusion But to bring all things to perfection God tooke order for Order and of all things since Ordinatione tua perseuerant They continue euen to this day by thy ordinances sayde Dauid to God Psalm 119.91 The Church of God is acies ordinata as an army with banners Cant. 6.9 In the Church of God it is Saint Paul his rule Let all things be done honestly and in order 1. Cor. 14.40 which that it may be obserued hee saith other things will I set in order when I come 1. Cor. 11.34 For Order conserueth all things confusion is but disorder To prepare a man therefore against death he must set all things in order as Iacob set all things carefully in order when hee was to meete his brother Esau Gen. 32. And though Iob say that in the shadow of death is no order Iob. 10.22 yet if before death all things be set in order all will bee comfortable therefore to preuent the miseries of death saith Esay to Hezekiah Put thy house in order 3. Not a corner of thy fielde or a part of thy house but put thy house in order I and my house will serue the Lord saide Ioshua Ioshu 24.15 That thou mayst bee in order Put thy house in order But what house or how to bee put in order Men in their dwelling houses furnish some chiefe roomes and the other roomes will need the lesse decking There be three especiall roomes in this house of man which being put in order the whole house