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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18174 A short catechisme, or playne instruction, conteynynge the su[m]me of Christian learninge sett fourth by the kings maiesties authoritie, for all scholemaisters to teache. To thys catechisme are adioyned the Articles agreed vpon by the bishoppes [and] other learned and godly men, in the last conuocatio[n] at London, in the yeare of our Lorde, M.D.LII. for to roote out the discord of of [sic] opinions, and stablish the agreme[n]t of trew religion: Likewyse published by the Kinges maiesties authoritie. 1553.; Catechismus brevis Christianae disciplinae summam continens, omnibus ludimagistris authoritate Regia commendatus. English. Ponet, John, 1516?-1556, attributed name. aut 1553 (1553) STC 4812; ESTC S119226 42,500 192

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They are certayne customeable reuerēt doings and Ceremonyes ordeyned by Christe that by them he might put vs in remēbrāce of his benefits we myght declare oure profession that we be of the nomber of thē which are partakers of the same benefites and whyche fasten all theyr affiaunce in hym that we are not ashamed of the name of Christ or to bee termed Christes Scholers Master Tell me my sonne how these two sacramentes be ministred baptisme and that whyche Paule calleth the supper of the Lord. Scholer Hym that beleueth in Christ professeth the Articles of the Christian religion myndeth to be baptised I speake nowe of thē that be growē to ripe yeres of discretion sith for the yōg babes theyr parentes or the churches professiō sufficeth the minister dyppeth in or washeth with pure cleane water onlye in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy ghost thē commendeth him by praier to God in to whose churche he is now openly as it wear enrowled that it mai please God to graunte hym hys grace whearhy ▪ he may answer in belefe and life agreablye to his profession Master What is the vse of the Lordes supper Scholer Euē the very same that was ordayned by the Lord himself Iesus Christ ▪ Which as S. Paul sayeth y ● same nyghte that he was betrayed tooke breade and when he had geuen thankes brake it sayde Thys is my body which is brokē for you Do thys in the remembraūnce of me In like maner whē supper was ended he gaue thē the cuppe sayenge Thys cuppe is the newe testamēt in my bloud ▪ Do thys as ofte as ye shall drinck thearof in the remēbraunce of me Thys was the maner and order of the Lordes supper whyche we ought to holde kepe that the remēbraunce of so great a benefite the passyon and deathe of Christ be alwaye kepte in mynde that after that the worlde is ended he may come and make vs to fit wyth hym at hys owne borde Master What doth baptisme represēt set befor oureyes Scholer That we are by the spirite of Christ new borne and cleansed from syn that we be members and partes of his churche receiued into the communion of sainctes For water signifieth the spi rite Baptisiue is also a fygure of our burial in Christ and that we shall be raysed vp agayne wyth hym in a newe lyfe as I haue before declared in Christes resurrection Master What declareth betokeneth the supper vnto vs whych we solemnly vse in the remembraunce of the Lorde ▪ Scho. The Supper as I haue shewed a lytle before is a certayne thankfull remembraunce of the deathe of Christe for asmuch as the bread representeth his bodi betrayed to be crucifyed for vs The wyne standeth in steade place of his bloude plentuouslye shed for vs. And euen as by breade and wyne oure natural bodies are susteined and nourished so by the body that is y ● flesh bloude of Christ the soule is fedde through fayth and quickened to the heauenlye and godly lyfe Master Howe come these thynges to passe Scholer Theese thynges come to passe by a certayne secreate meane and liuelye working of the spirit when we beleue that Christ hath ones for all gyuen vppe his bodye aud bloude for vs to make a sacrifice and moost pleasaūt offring to his heauenly father and also when we cōfesse and acknowledge him oure onlye sauyour hie Bishoppe mediatoure and redemer to whome is dewe all honour and glory Master All this thou doest well vnderstande For me thinketh thy meanynge is that faith is the mouthe of the soule whearby we receiue thys verye heauenlye meate full both of saluatiō and immortalitye dealt among vs by the meanes of the holy ghost Now sythe we haue entreated of the sacramentes passe forward to the other partes of Gods seruyce Scholer I will do your cōmaūdemēt Thear remaine two thinges belongyng to the perfection of Gods seruice First our Lord Iesus Christes wil was that ther shoulde be teachers and Euangelistes that is to saye preachers of the gospell to this entent that hys voyce myght continually be hard soūd in his church He that coueteth as all oughte to couet to beare the name of a Christiane maye haue no doubte that he ought wyth moste earnest affection and feruēt desyre endeuour himselfe to heare and soke into his mynde the worde of the Lord not lyke the words of anye man but lyke as it is in dede the word of almigh tie god Secōdarily bicause all that is good and that ought of a Christian to be desyred cometh vnto vs frō God and is by him graunted thearefore of hym we ought to require al things and by thankesgeuinge acknowledge them all receyued of him Which thing he so well liketh that he estemeth it in stede of a passing pleasauut sacrifice as it is most euidēt by the witnesse of the prophets Apostles Master Hast thou any certayne and appoynted maner of prayeng Scho. Yea forsoth euen the very same that oure Lorde taught his disciples and in them all other Christians Who beynge on a tyme required to teache them some sort of praier taughte them this Whē ye pray quod he say Our father whych art in heauen hallowed be thy name Thi kingdom come Thy will be done in earthe as it is in heauen Gyue vs thys day our dayly breade and forgyue vs our trespasses as we forgyue thē that trespasse agaynste vs. And lead vs not into temptaciō But delyuer vs from euell For thyne is the kyngdom power glory for euer Amē Maist. How thinkest thou●… is it lawfull for vs to vse any other wordes of prayer Scho. Althoughe in thys short abridgement are suffiently conteyned all thinges that euery Christian ought to praye for yet hathe not Christe in thys prayer tyed vs vp so shorte as that it we are not lawfull for vs to vse other woordes and maner of prayer But he hathe set out in this prayer certain principall poyntes whearvnto all our prayers should he referred But let eche mā aske of God as hys present nede requireth Whatsoeuer ye aske the Father in my name saith Christ he shall gyue it you Master For as much as there is in all this praier nothing doubtfull or beside the purpose I woulde heare thy mynde of it Scholer I do well perceyue what y ● wordes do signifie Master Thinkest thou then that there is in it nothynge ●…arcke nothynge hidde nothyng hard to vnderstād Scholer Nothing at al. For neither was it Christes plesure that there shuld be any thynge in it dareke or farre from our capacity specyally sithe it belongeth egally to all and is as necessarye for the lewd as the learned Mast. Therefore declare vn to me in fewe woordes eche parte by it selfe Scholer When I say oure father which art in heauē thys do I thincke with my selfe
as we forgiue c. fo 61. ●… Couetise Couetise of an others ●…ol ●… b. Crede The Creede fol. 4. a. ●…ol 13. b. Wvhy the Crede is called a symbole fol. 4. b. D Death Christes death f●… 20. b Dome The day of dome 36. b. Epiousion Epiousion fol. 60. a. E Eue. The names of Adam and Eue. fol. 16. a. Example Christ an exāple of life ●…nto vs. fol. 33. b. F Faith Iustificaciō bi faith 40 ●… Trem faith and works vnseparat●… fol. 41. a. Faythe the mouthe of the soule fo 5●… b. Faith in praier fo 64. b. Father Wvhy we call God father fol. 15. a. Wvhat we gather of oure father fol 54. b Feede ●…ow we fede vpō Christes body blud fol. 51. a. Forgiuenesse Forgiuenesse of trespasses passes fol. 60. b. Charitable forgiueness●… one to an other ceasseth brawles fol. 61. b. G God Wvhat God is fol. 3. b. One God fol. 5. a. Cakynge the name of God fol. 5. a. God is ech wher fo 56. a God alwaye present to helpe vs. fol. 56. ●… Knowledge desyre fear and loue of God fo 65. b Gadlessnesse Gadlessnesse fol. 66. a. Godly The blisse of the G●…ly fol. 68. b. Good Good not euell to be r●… dred for euell fol. 62. ●… Gospell The lawe and the Gospel fol. 4. ●… H Hallowe ●…ow Gods name is to be hallowed fol. 57. ●… Heauen Wvhat is ment by which ●…t in heauen fol. 55. a. Holly Ghost The holy Ghost 4●… ●… Why the holy Ghost is called holy fol. 4. b. 〈◊〉 resteth the holy Ghostes sanctificaciō fol. 44. a ▪ Honoure Honour of Christ. 34. b Hipocrisy Superstition and hipocrisie fol. ●…6 a I Ignorance Ignorance broughte in by corruption of nature fol. 10. a Image Images fol. 5. a. The image that mā was made after fol 16 a Gods image def●…ed in man fol 10 b Iu●…ificationr Causes of our iustification 39. a I●…stification by fayth fol. ●…0 a K Keye Keyes to by●…de loose fol. 43. a. Kyngdome ▪ Christes kyngdome not yet perfect fol ●…7 b Christes kingdō fo 58 a Why this is added fo thine is the kingdō f 63 b L Lawe The Law and the Gospell fol 4 a Lawes of the fyrst table fol 4 b Lawes of the seconde table fol. 5 b The summe of the lawe by Christ. fol ▪ 9 b Why the law was writen in tables fol 10 b None ●…ade ryghteous by the lawe fol 11 ▪ b Why the law was geuen to one people ▪ fo 12 b The morall lawe commune to all fol 1●… b 〈◊〉 ▪ Honest frame of lyfe fol. 65 a M Man The making of mā f 15. ●… The image that mā w●…s made after fol 16 a Mans fall fol 17. a Measure Measure an other by thy selfe fol 67 a Mouthe ▪ Fayth the mouth of the soule fol. 1 b Murther ▪ Murther fol 6 b N Nature The lawe of nature ▪ fol 10 a 67 a O Originall syn Originall syn fol 18 b P Parentes Honour of parēts fo 6 b Passyon Christes passio●… fo 20 b Prayer Prayer fol 52 b The Lords praier f 53 a ●…●…herher we may vse anye other prayer but the pate●… noste●… 53 b Nothyng in the Lordes prayer ha●…d to vnderstād fol 54 b Faith in praier fol 64 b What to be asked in praer fol 64 b Preacher Office of Preachers fol 52 a Presence ▪ Christes bodylye presence fol 27 b Present ▪ How Christe is absent and present in the world fol 25 a God alwaye present to help vs fol 56 b Professyon All Christian ▪ shoulde knowe theyr profession fol 1 a Q Question ▪ Teaching by questions fol. 1 a. R Redemp●…ion The meanes of redēption fol. 9 a Religion ▪ Children to be taughte trew religion fol 2 a. Christian religion fo 2 ●… Partes of Christian religion fo 3 a Resurrectyo●… ▪ Christes resurrectiō 20 ●… The resurrectiō of Christ necessarye fol ▪ 22 b The resurrection fo 36 ●… Rewarde The reward of the godly and vngodly fol 9 a Righteous None made ryghteous by the law fol 11 b S Sabbat The sabbat fol. 5. a. 46. ●… ▪ Sacrament ▪ ●…vhat Sacramētes are fol. 48. a. Sanctificatyon ●…vherin re●…eth the holly Ghostes sanctificacion fol. 44. a. Scripture The scriptures preserued from the begynnyng fol. 4. a. Sede The sede of the 〈◊〉 fol. ●…0 a. Serpente The Serpentes heade ▪ fol 19 b Seruice Partes of Gods t●…ewe inward seruice fol. 46 a Outward seruice of god fol 47. b Sin●…e Sins forgiuen by Christes death onlye fol 12 a Sonne Christe compared to the sonne fol 28 a Spirite The spirit sent downe fol 22 a Superstition Superstition and hipocrisye fol 66 a. S●…pper The vse of the Lordes Supper fol 49 b The meanynge of the Lordes Supper fo 50 Symbole ▪ ●…hy the Crede is cal●…ed a Symbole fol 4 b T Table Lawes of the fyrste ta●…le fol. 4 b Lawes of the second●…●…able fol v b ●…vhy the law was writen in tables fol 10 b T●…utation ●…entation fol ●…2 b Theft Theft fol 7 b V Vice Vices to be rooted dut●… that vertues may be planted in theyr place fo 69 ●… Vniuersall Why the chirch is called vniuersall fol 45. a. W Weakenesse Our weaknesse fol 62 ●… Wyll Gods wyll to be done fol 58 b. Wyne The wyne fol 51 a Wytnesse False witnesse fol 8 ●… Worke ▪ Trew faith and worke ●… v●…separate 41 a Worlde ▪ The makyng and preseruation of the worlde fol 14 b The ende of the world fol 35 ¶ The ende of the Table THE CATHECHISME IT is the deutie of them al whō Christe hath redeemed by hys death that they not onelye be seruauntes to obey but also Children to in herite so to know which is the true trade of lyfe that God lyketh that thei maye be able to aunswere to euery demaunde of Religion and to rendre accompte of theyr fayth and profession And this is the playnest waye of teachinge whyche not onelye in Philosophye Socrates but also in oure Religiō Apolina●…ius hath vsed that bothe by certaine questyons as it were by poynctinge the ignoraunte might be instructed and the skilful put iu remembraūce that thei forgette not what thei haue learned Wether fore hauinge regarde to the profyte which we ought to seke in teaching of youth also to shortnes that in our●… hole Scholyng ther should be nothyng either ouer flowyng or wantyng haue cōueied the whole sōme into a dialogue that the matter it selfe might be the plainer to perceiue we the lesse stra●… in other matters besyde the 〈◊〉 ▪ Thus thē beginneth y ● Master to appose his scoler Master Sith I know dear 〈◊〉 that it is a great part of my deutie not onely to se that thou bee instructed in ●…d letters but also earne●…y and diligētly to examin what sort of Religion thou 〈◊〉 in this thy tender 〈◊〉 I thought it b●…st to 〈◊〉 thee by certaine questi●… to the intent I may perfectly knowe whether thou hast wel or
● same ¶ Of the Sacramentes OUr Lord Iesus Christ hathe knytte together a companye of newe people with Sacramentes moste fewe in nombre moste easye to be kepte moste excellent in signification as is baptisme and the Lords Supper THe Sacramentes were not ordeyned of Christe to be gased vpō or to be caried about but that we shuld rightly vse thē And in suche onlye as worthelye receyue y ● same they haue a wholsome effecte and operacion and yet not that of the work wrought as some me speake Which word as it is straunge and vnknowen to holye Scripture so it engendreth no Godly but a very supersticious sense But they that receyue the Sacramentes vnworthelye purchace to theym selues Damnacion as Sayncte Paule sayeth SAcramentes ordeyned by the Worde of God be not onelye ●… Badges and tokens of christian mennes profession but rather they be certaine sure witnesses and effectuall signes of grace Goddes good wyll toward vs by the whiche he dothe worke inuisibly in vs and doth not only quycken but also strengthen and confirme our faith in him The wickednes of the Ministers doeth not take awaye the effectuall operation of gods ordynaunces ALthough in y ● visible church the euell be euer mingled w t the good and sometyme the euill haue chiefe aucthority in the ministration of the word and sacraments Yet forasmuch as the●… dooe not the same in their owne name but doe Minister by Christes commission and aucthoritie we may vse their ministery bothe in hearing the worde of God and in the receiuing the sacraments Nether is the effect of goddes ordiuaunces taken awaye by theyr wickednes nor the grace of gods giftes diminished from suche as by faithe and rightlye receiue the Sacramentes mynystred vnto them which be effectuall because of Christes institution promise althoughe they be ministred by euell men Neuerthelesse it appertayneth to the Disciplyne of the Church that enqui●…ie be made of suche and that they be accused by those y t haue knowledge of theyr offences and fynallye beynge founde guilty by iust iudgmente be deposed Of Baptisme BAptisme is not onlye a sygne of profession marke of difference ●… wherby Christian men are discerned from other y ● be not chri●…aned but it is also a sygne and seale of our new byrth wherby as by an instrument they that receyue Baptisme ryghtlye are grafted into the church y ● promyses of forgeuenesse of sinne and our Adopcyon to be the sonnes of God are visibly signed and sealed faith is confyrmed and grace increasced by vertue of praier vn to god The custom of the church to Christen yong childrē is to be commended and in anye wyse to be reteyned in the Church Of the Lordes Supper THe Supper of y ● Lord is not onely a signe of the loue that Christians oughte to haue amonge them selues one to an other but rather it is a sacrament of oure redempcion by Christes deathe Insomuche that to suche as rightlye worthelye and wyth faythe receiue the same the bread whiche we breake is a communyon of the bodi of Christ. Like wise the Cuppe of blessinge is a Communion of the bloude of Christe TRansubstantiatyon or the chaunge of the substaunce of bread ▪ and wine into the substance of Christes bodye bloud can not be proued by holy wrytte but is repugnaunte to the plaine wordes of scrypture hath geuen occasion to many superstycions FOr asmuche as the trueth 〈◊〉 mānes nature requireth that the bodye of one and the selfe same manne canne not be at one tyme in diuerse places but muste nedes be in sōe one certein place therfore the body of Christ cā not be present at one ▪ time in manye and dyuerse places And because as holye Scripture doeth teach Christe was taken vp into heauē and there shall continue vnto the ende of the worlde a faythfull man oughte not eyther to bele●…e or open●…ye to confesse the reall bodylye presence as they terme it of Christes f●…esh and blo●…d ▪ in the Sacramente of the Lordes Supper THe Sacrament of the Lords Supper was not commaunded by Christes ordynaunce ●…o be kepte caryed aboute lyfted vp nor worshipped ¶ Of the perfecte oblation of Christ made vpon the crosse THe offringe of Christe made once for euer is the perfect redemption the pacif●…ynge of goddes displeasure and satisfaction for al the sinnes of the whole worlde bothe origynall and actuall and there is none other satisfaction for synne but that alone Wherefore the sacrifices of masses in the which it was commonlye sayde that the Pr●…est did offre Christ for the quick ▪ and the dead to haue remission of payne or syn were forged fables and daungerouse deceiptes ¶ The state of syngle lyfe is cōmaūded to no man by the worde of God BIshoppes priestes and Deacons are not commaunded to vowe the state of syngle lyfe without mariage nether by gods law are they compelled to ab●…ein from matrimonye ¶ Excommunicate persons are to be auoided THat personne whiche by open denunciacion of the church is rightly cut of from the v●…ti of the Churche and excōmunicat●… oughte to bee taken of the whole multitude of the faythfull as an Heathen and publicane vntill he be openly reconciled bipenance receiued into y ● church by a iudge that hathe authorytye thereto Traditions of the churche IT is not necessarye that traditions and ceremonyes be in all places one or vtterly lyke For at all tymes they haue bene dyuers and may be chaunged accordyng to the diuersitie of countries and mēnes maners so that nothinge be ordeyned agaynste gods word WHosoeuer through his ●…uate iudgment wyllingly and purposedly ▪ doth opēly breake the tradicions and ceremonies of the churche whiche be not repugnāt to the word of god and be ordayned and approued ●…y common a●…cthority oughte to ●…e rebuked openlye that other may fere to do the lyke as one that offendeth against the cōmon ordre of the church and hurteth tha●…ctority of the Magistrate woundeth the consciences of the we●… brethren ¶ Homelies THe Home lies of late geuen set out by the Kinges aucthority be godly and holsome cōteining doctrine to be receyued of al men and therfore are to be red to the people diligently distinctly ▪ and playnlye ▪ Of the boke of Praiers and Ceremonies of the Churche of Englande THe boke whiche of verye late time was geuen to the church of England by the kinges authority and the Parliament conteining the manner and fourme of praying and ministring the sacramēts in the church of Englād likewise also the boke of ordringe Ministers of the church setforth by y ● foresaid authority are godly and in no point repugnant to the holsome doctrine of the Gospell but agreable there unto furthering and beutyfieng y ● same not a litle and therefore of all faythful membres of the churche of England and chiefly of the ministers of the word they ought to be recei ued and allowed with all readynes of minde and