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A05294 The answere that the preachers of the Gospel at Basile, made, for the defence of the true administration, and vse of the holy Supper of our Lord Agaynst the abhominatio[n], of the popyshe Masse. Translated out of Latin into Englyshe by George Bancrafte. 1548.; Responsio praedicatorum Basileensium in defensionem rectae administrationis Coenae Dominicae. English. Bancrafte, George, fl. 1548. 1548 (1548) STC 1544; ESTC S107183 30,936 108

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The Answere that the Preachers of the Gospel at Basile made for the defence of the true administration and vse of the holy Supper of our Lord ▪ Agaynst the abhominatiō of the Pa●yshe Masse Translated out of Latin into Englyshe by Geo●ge Ba●crafte 1548 ❧ Imprinted at London by Ihon Day and William Seres dwellyng in Sepul●hres Parish at the sign● of the Resurrectiō a litle aboue Holbourne Conduite ☞ Cum gratia priuilegio adimprimendum solum ¶ To the right worshipfull and his singuler good Master Siluester Butler George Bancrafte Wishethe prosperitye and healthe boeth of bodye and soule WHen I considered wyth my selfe the greate daūgerous abuses in the administracion of such sacramentes as our sauiour Iesus Christe left to his misticall bodie the churche of the fayethfull to be externe signes and tokens of suche giftes as God hath and doth dailie worcke in vs to his own glorie and saluacion of oure soules I can fynde perceiue and proue none to be somuche abused as the holy and sacred supper of our Lord. For wher as he ordined that holy sacramēt of his bodie and bloud to he eaten and dronken in remembraunce of his passion whose frute they taste therin which haue ther stedfaste fayth in hym And thereby shewe furth the Lordes death vntyll he come and as brede is made of many graines wyne of many grapes so the membres of the congregacion of Christes churche Haueinge one God one fayeth and one Baptisme are put in remēbraū●e in eateinge and drinkinge y● t●●y are one bodie whereof Christe is y● hed The beally bishopes of Babilon y● Romishe Antichrist haue anullyd extripate cleane abolished y● ordinaunce of Christ and vse of thappostelles in the administracion therof And haue of their owne brayne excogitated deuised and brought in to the churche a newe and straynge ordinaunce for the same whiche is as cōtrarie to christes wil and purpose touching that blessed supper as heauē to earth lyght to darknes lyfe to death and they call it the blessyd Masse but it maye be truely callyd a diluesh Masking for menes eies are masked there with y● thei cannot se the trueth but through that detestable abominacion haue bene brought to moste miserable perdiciō for they applie it to souldyoures in war for faire weather and rayne for the plage pockes a●● suche other diseases for beastes sicke of that morren for preseruacion of health and for remissiō of synnes boeth for the quicke and deade I wyl not speake how God is mocked therin and Christe had in derision they pley booe pepe wyth seste me or seste me not My pene abhoreth to write what duckinge knellenge lickinge kissing or Crossing and breathing these diuilles apes haue deuised in thys whorishe Masse ther desguisinge In apparell at Masse hath picked manye a pore mannes puts and hath robbid theire soules of the true frutes of the spirite for al suche somes of monie that men shoulde haue bestowed on theire poure parentes childrē and nedie neighbours was to litle for their vestimēres albes stoles chalices corporaces aulter clothes Massbockes and suche other wherein Christe hath no delite for Christe and the Appostelles vsede none suche disguisynge in the admininistracion of thys blessid Sacrament of Christes bodie and bloud but were conten●●d with such ramente as they were accustomed daylye to were so these shameles Idolaters shewing them selues of what generacion they are dare so bouldlye face out such manifeste lyes agaynste gods glorye y● plaine truth and ordinaunce of christ ▪ What shal I speake of these holi mumers I would haue saied holy Masse mongers that whan they here of any rich manes death they stocke together lyke rauennes to a dead Carrē Not to conforte them that mourne for the deade wyth hope of y● resurrection of the fleshe not to gyue thankes to God for them that are departed in the fayeth of Christe nor to praye that we departinge in the same fayeth maye wyth them receyue like rewarde but to get money with Requiem eternā and pro quorum memoria corpus Christi simuter with censinge dashing of holy water such other lyke Iuglinges so that the ryght vse of it is cleane altered as though● christ had neuer ordeined it in remembraunce of his death and passion and for as much as in thys treatise folowinge the true vse of the Lordes supper and al●o the deuelishe patchinge of the popishe Masse is in fewe wordes liuely declared I haue thought it good to trāslate the same into the englishe tonge to the edifinge of my dere bretherne in Christ praiinge God the father of oure sauiour Iesus Christ that these thinges may shortlie be reformed that the pore stocke of Christ be nomore deceyuede wyth suche craftye conueiaunce to kepe them in cōtenual blindedes for lucres sake to y● great daunger of their soules and pernicious derogaciō of gods glorie to whome be honour and glorye for euer AMEN FOr asmuche as God hath commaunded vs by his Appostle i. Pet. iii. Peter Oh ye fathers of oure countrie in wysdome grauitie and godlines to be readie at all tymes to gyue an answere to euery mā that as●eth vs a reson of oure fayth it is met● that we should more gladly answere to a questiō proponed beinge requirede of you oure moste Soueraigne Magistrates to whome we knowe also what is oure dutie in other thinges We haue affirmed and vpon sure grounde and reason proued in oure publike sermons that the popishe Masse is not an offering for the quicke and dead but a moste detestable abominatiō before god And therfore a man wyll not belyue how glad we are which loue the truthe that you oure moste prudent senatours require of vs an answer to thys question for we conceyue greate hope that God whyche moueth you to desire to atteine the knowledge of the light and truth wil of his infinite mercye encrese hys grace in you that after the example of the godlye kinges Ezechias and Iolias when the trueth diligently serched out and truly knowen you wyl take awaye abolishe and vtterlye distroye all such tradicions of man as are repugnante to the worde of God And al suche thynges as are taught and set fourth contrarie to the ordinaūce of god and holsome doctrine of Christe whiche thinges stire vp the anger and griuouse displeasure for God agaynste vs miserable creatures for in so doinge you shall norishe confirme and establishe peace vnitie and concorde in thys noble citie of Basell and bringe your subiectes to a sincere godly fourme of lyuinge that at y● daie of Iudgement the bloud and condempnacion of moste detestable sinners shall not be required at your handes being oure Magistrates and gouerners but rather you shal be rewarded of God and receyue in thys worlde prayse and glorye boeth of your subiectes of straingers for nothinge can rather win the fauoure of subiectes to their Maiestrates and rulers bringe them to obedience then the worde of God and his
do they serue me teachinge the doctrines and preceptes of men the proude herted Iewes did stande so well in there owne conceite for their tradicions and inuentions that for loue thei had to them they dispised hated and at last killide oure maister Christ Iohn xxi our aduersaris dare saye that Christ and the apostles taught manye thynges whyche are not wryten in the scripture and that Christe sayed hys Disciples coulde not beare awaie al that he had taught thys cauil repungnaūt to the true vnderstandinge of the scripture maye be an occasion and cause of greate errours for there wyth all lyes and herisies maye be confirmed they will saye albeit it is not written yet the appostles taught it by worde of mouth and also the scriptures of God shoulde be an vnperfecte doctrine which thyng to offirme is blasphemie agaynste the holy gost considering that thē all the doctrine of our fayth should be put in question Therefore surely so muche is contayned in holye scripture as is necessary vnto saluacion to eueri one that beleueth They saye coulde the churche erre so longe time as it hath If youre doctrnie be true the ▪ true churche hath not errede whiche hath the word of god only The church verely must be tried by the worde of God and not the worde of god by the churche whether the churche that beleueth be of manye or of fewe for the churche is knowē by the frutes and not because it cōsisteth of many and hath her begynynge of the worde of God and her frutes are tried by the worde whether the tr●e christan churche brought them forth or no if it be the true christen churche Iohn ● she heareth no nother voice but Christes her shepherde and bryde gro●e whiche the appostles preached to the church and if an angel came out of heauen teaching any other doctrine then thys let hym Gala. ● be accurssed if we loue and folow the doctrine that Christe taught and beinge hys disciples we shal not be excluded frome the true churche so longe as we kepe wyth vs the worde of God But he is puffed vp wyth pryde and doeth i. Timo. ● knowe nothinge at al that wil not obey the word of God he therfore which doth knowe nothinge can not teache vs religion and y● true worshippinge of god if the Masse be vsede as it hath ben hitherto it can in no wyse agree wyth the worde of God but is so muche repugnaunt as what thing is most The Masse therfore is a diuilishe Idolatrie and detestable abominacion against God and y● maynteners therof shal incurre his displeasure ▪ for euer thys thyng we wil proue two waies first because the popishe Masse is vsed in nothinge lyke the supper that Christ orde●ned and differeth nolesse frō it then blacke to white they synne therefore so grinouslye as dyd Achas y● made an aultar at Ierusalem eg●● ●vi lyke that which was at Damascō and caste the aultare of god out of the temple so they haue left the true vse of oure Lordes supper And in stede of it haue instituted and ordeinede the Masse of theyr owne folishe deuise and oppinion which is a great and blasphemouse abominaciō before god Moreouer we wyll proue by ther erroures and abusinge of y● masse whyche they call an offeringe for the quicke and deade that it is an horible abominacion for if the Masse were ordeined of Christe which is faulse yet by there abusinge of it they woulde make it a blasphemouse hemous abominacion before god vndoubtedly we ought to folowe truely and sencelye that thynge whiche is absolutly Deut. vi sufficient of it selfe alredie Firste let vs consyder and expende the maner and order that Christe vsed at the institucion of thys holly and sacrede supper and then we wyll confer the abuse with the truth But we ought to learne all these thynges of the Euangelistes and of Saynte Paule and of none other Verely the true Masse which is worthy al kindes of praieses is the Masse which Christe ordeyned at hys laste supper before he shoulde suffere Luk. ●● for when the houre was come he sate downe and the twelue appostles wyth hym and he sayed vnto thē I haue inward ly desired to eate thys passeouer wyth you before that I suffer for I say vnto you hence furth I wil not eate of it any more vntyll it be fulfilled in y● kingdome of God and he toke the cup and gaue thākes and saied take this a●d deuid it amonge you for I saye vnto you ● will not drinke of the frut of the vine vntyll the kingdom of god come and he toke breade and when he hadde giuen thankes he brake it and gaue it vnto thē saying this is my bodye whiche is giuen for you thys do in remembraūce of me Like wyse also whē he had supped he toke the cup sayinge thys cupe is the newe testament in my bloude whiche is shed for you These wordes Sainte Luke ●●●it ●h xxvi writeth the other euangelestes wrytte the same but they differ in some wordes as Math sayed Drinke all of thys for thys is my bloude whiche is the newe testamente that is shed for manie for Mar. ● the remission of synnes and saint Marke sayth they al dranke of it meaninge the cup. Saint Paule doth expounde Christes wordes sayinge thys doo as ofte as you drinke it in remembraunce of me for as often tymes as you shall eate thys breade and drinke thys cup ye shall shewe furth the Lordes death tell he come but let a man examyne himselfe and so let hym eate of the breade and drinke of the cup Saint Iohn doeth not declare the ordinaunce of thys sacrament ● But he teacheth from the .xiii. Iohn ●●●v xvii x Cap. to the ▪ xviii how Christ did vse his supper and what he did at it he washed hys disciples fete he preached to thē and commaunded them to be in charitie he exhorted them to pacience he strengthend confirmed and establyshed their fayth towarde god and praied for them to hys father but especially he rebuked Iudas the traitor S. Paule sayth we beinge many are one breade and one bodye in so muche we all are partetakers of one breade and y● Euangelistes reporte that Christe dyd finishe hys holy supper wyth thankes geueyng The some and grounde of the hole matter proponed cōsisteth in the sentences of scripture nowe rehersed but because Christ sayth serch the scripture we therfore wil are counsaile of the word of God in other plases and debate howe the Lordes supper ought to be vsede let vs first deuide thes questions into foure partes firste some thinges are common both to the ministre and receiuour of the Sacrament moreouer some thinges belonge only to the ministers thyrdly some thynges perteyne to the receyuer onely and finally some thinges must be obserued in the sacramente alone First let vs expende and consider what is the dutes of y● ministers and laitie
wise it shuld not be so highly estemed If they continewe still in these errours against the plaine trueth they will The belefe of a true christian Ro. iiii deny Christ For he that knoweth Christe is certainely assured that he is god and man the sauiour of the worlde that in hym as in the true sede of Dauid al nacions are blessed and that no mā can come to the father but by him For the father G● iii. Iohn vi doth so loue him that for hys sake his angre toward vs is pacified for he is our rightuousnes holines Lor. i. and redempcion that nomā is saued but bi his name only that he alone fulfilled the worke of our Act. iiii redempcion with out any helper And finally the he did sufficiētly satisfie Esa c. h for our sinnes on the crosse if we beliue truely on him This is y● Heb. x. ground of our christen faith wher on christes church is builded And Math. i he that denieth Christe to be hys perfecte and sufficient redemer by once sufferinge death on the crosse maketh him an vnsufficient priest and vnable redemer And therfore they deny Christ in that they deni his ful power and vertue in our redemptiō These Maskinge Masse priestes in their often offeringe of Christe denye that we are Iustified by fayth only ascribinge part of oure iustificacion to good workes cōtrarie to y● playne scriptures of Eph. 〈◊〉 God for we are saued by grace and not of workes And they magnifie and extolle the Masse aboue all other good workes makeinge them sēlues fellowe priestes wyth Christ wherin they shew of what ●eneracion they be euen as they sprynge of Lucifer the father of pride nowe let vs expende and cōsider whether Christe commaunded his disciples to make an offeringe of the sacrament of his holy supper or whether he offered hym selfe therein or no. Vndoubtedly Christes wordes diligently obserued and noted we maye perceyue easlye the Christ offred no sacrifice therein To take and breake bread doth not signifye to offre To geue thankes is not to do sacrifice for elles he hadde done sacrifice in fedynge fyue thousand with the fewe barlye loues to gyue his disciples to eate And to say do this in remēbraunce of me in shewynge fuxth the Lordes death vntyll he come is not an offering To belyue that Christ was giuen vs that he gaue his bodie to death for vs that he shed his bloud not at y● supper but on the crosse to redeme vs frō syn is not an offering Finally to proue the testamēt the beleue on that which was cōmaunded in the testament doth not signifie to offre How wyl you nowe proue your offerynge in the Masse We come to the Lordes table we take and eate trusteinge in Christes promesses howe do we thē gyue to him againe If a king shoulde gyue a ringe to a pore mā for a gage not that he shoulde be heire of hys landes and goods but that it should helpe hym and that he thereby shoulde remember his liberalitye mercye and y● people myght cōmende and prayse hym for that facte the pore man receyueth it to giue it agayne to y● king thynkinge to do hym a great pleasure to make hym riche wyth hys own gift wer not this a madmā So may alsuch be Iudged as offere to Christ agayne that whych he gaue vs for our owne vse and profite and that thereby we shoulde kepe in remembraūce his loue and mercye towarde vs. Christ did not lifte vp the sacramēt ouer his head as these proude papistes do They obiecte and saye that God cā giue some thynges and receyue them agayne as the sacrifices of tholde lawe Thoughe they were the giftes Esal x of God Yet they were gyuen to hym agayne and thoughe a cōtrite herte is the gyfte of god yet it is a sacrifice to God If we were cōmaunded to offer sacrifice as they were then theire obiection shoulde be of some strēgth and efficacie But wee haue no suche commaundemente neyther the scriptures make mencion of these popishe sacrifices For Christ is of greater power and reputaciō then that these proude popish prelates other can or oughte to offer hym to hys father Christe sitteth on the fathers ryght hande and once satisfied for the synnes of the Atc. vil true Christen church with a most sufficient and perfecte sacrifice Dare we then moste miserable wretches enterprise to do thys thynge agayne He that doth offre vp sacrifice is better thē the sacrifice They therefore are better thē Christe their sacrifice he offred vs a sacrifice to God and do we goo about to offer hyme He that offerreth vp sacrifice ought to be as pure as the sacrifice Oh howe pure they make Christ nowe He as a testament maker gaue his disciples the sacramēt in his supper none other wise thē as a writtē testamēt wherin by fayth in Christ we receiue Christes bodie bloude the vertue and frutes of the same If wee gyue hym hys testamente agayne as if he required it of vs should not we haue the testament maker in a contempt And should Aba ● not the promise in the testamente be of effecte Who ahboreth not thys kynde of blasphemie whē we consider the hyghnes of Christes priesthod and what this worde sacrifice contayneth in it we maye easlye perceyue what Iniury we do to thynke that we offer Christes bodye as the papistes do S. Paule declareth vnto vs y● pristhod of christ saiing it is mete the we ● v●●● haue suche a godly and vndefiled byshop made higher then heaues whych nedeth not to offre dayly First for hys owne sinnes and thē for the synnes of the people as the byshop of the olde lawe for Christ dyd thys once in offeringe vp hys owne bodye and in an other place he sayth Christe beinge the hyghe priest of the good thinges to come came by a greater and more perfecte Tabernacle whiche was not made wyth handes that is to saye was not of thys kynde of bulding Neither came he by y● bloud of gotes and calues but by hys owne bloude he entred once into thys holly place and founde eternall edempcion for we are made hollie bi godes fre mercie through the offering of christes bodie done once for all For Christe verely beinge one sacrifice offred vp for our sinnes sitteth on his fathers right hand lokeing for the thing that remayneh vntil his enemise bemade his fotestole for wyth one offring he made perfecte those that are sātified Saynt Paule teacheth vs by Melchisedech That Christ is king of peace rightuousnes By these places of scripture it is Manifest that Christ ought to be offred no more For Christes death is so perfect a sacrifice the by the one offering we are made cleane from sinne for euer And touchinge his bodie he is nomore in thys worlde There is to be noted that Saynt Paule sayeth that Christe is once offered The papistes saye often He saieth all
churche therefore wyth the Masse is obominable before god The praires of that congregacion are not harde of God whiche fereth not to cōe to y● cōmuniō of Esal ● Christes bodie bloud wyth hertes ful of enuye malice hatered and with hādes ful of bloud finally if any thyng be abominable before god it is the masse for it oppresseth y● christē liberte it hath brough in a greate multitude of Iueshe Gala. iiii ● cereimonies and hath no regarde to christen charitie s Paule speake ing of the consciens exhorteth vs to persiste in libertie and suffer not oure selues to be leade vnder the yoke of bōdage Also he teacheth vs that oure workes are vnprofitable without charitie Now let vs declare and opē the abuses of the ministers We frely knoledg and confesse that al thoughe manye ministers of the sacramente be vnmete and reprouide of god throughe theyr abominable and vicious liuing yet the sacramēts remayne sacramentes throughe the ministracion of the worde but thys we affirme that the vertue and efficacie of the sacramentes is not like neither y● holy gost worketh like effect whē a mā receiueth the sacramentes of an vngodlye and impudente sinner and when he receyueth them of agodlye and true christen man for albeit the sacramente is present yet ther is in it neither grace nor vertue for both y● sinner he y● cōsētth are equallie punished as both the byeres and sellers of Doues were driuen out of the temple so both the minister of the sacrament and the receyuer shal be gyltie of Christes Luke xv● bodye and bloude These minister is giltye because he doth minister vnwortheylye for truly i. Co. ii hys seruice is abominable before god for if ther were no worse thinges then the lyuynge of the ministers to make the Masse and an bominacion before God yet theire impuritie of lyfe is inoughe to make it vnpure and filthy before the face of God By what place of scripture can they proue that the Masse is holy accepted of god and a profitable worke for the quicke and deade of what ministrie so euer it be saied In dede by non for how can the deade helpe the dead eithere a synner make a synner rightouse euery man knowynge that synne pleaseth not god maye perceyue what theye can do with God for what so euer is not of fayeth is sinne Their Masse therfore ●● x●ii● is synne and abominable before God Nowe let vs consider what fūction and office Christe throughe hys owne exāple cōmitted to the ministres ● stewardes of the sacrament whē he washed his disciples fete it was done to teach the ministers of goddes worde that they shoulde not exauite them selues as Lordes and maisters ouer the laytye for Saynte Peter sayeth the●ders ought to be an example and mirrour to y● stocke of Christ for pride is a greate abominacion before God Christe iruly can not be pleased wyth seruauntes that are puffed vppe wyth pryde But where is ther any humilitie amōges them none at all I wyll not speake of there shauē crownes miters siluer staues by shoppes ringes or other such costlye and riche robes and ornamentes In deede thei are much more precious then Christes poure simple garmentes but truely the remembraunce of Christes passiō cannot be shewed furth after the ryght waye in such more thē princelie aparell For nother goulde nor siluer was sene at Christes death albeit they by this riche rayment haue inuēted and deuised a glisteringe pretence of misticall vnderstanding Saynt i. P● ●● Peter coulde not suffre excesse of apparrile in gentylwomen much lesse in the administracion of our Lorddes Supper and in them that should be an example to al othere in Godly conuersacion and lyuynge theire prydde can not be hyd for they beleue and laboure to perswadde other that by the Byshoppes anoynetynge a marke is printed in their soules whereby they are made of greater authoritie thē angels or s Marye y● virgin yea and this marke thē say they can by no meanes be put awaie They extole therfore them silues aboue al men and set them selues at libertye frome all burdenes and bondage that other mē are charged wyth all their wyl is to be Lordes ouer all mē all seruice due to thē Thei magnifi extolle ther prayers in there holly Masse and set the popes name before the kynges in theyr canon if a man yea a good and godly mā touche the Chalice nor the sacrament by chaunce it is a Capitall offence they iudge it an heinouse abominacion to ministre the sacrament to the laitie vnder boeth kindes And why because they are not anointede and made popishe priestes Their prid also is opened and shewed furth nothynge more then in their offring and sacrifice for they are fully perswaded that they offre to god his sonne Iesus Christe for remission of synnes boeth for quicke and deade This presūptuouse arogancie must nedes be an abomination before god amā cannot find in these proud papistes neither liberalitie in doinge of good dedes or seruice to other where vnto they are chiffelie chosine But it is theire propertie to serue dame Aueris and their owne bealis If rewarde be promised they are redye to synge Masse but if no reward come thē wyll they nother synge nor saye For no peny no pater noster Vndoubtedlye Eph. vi euerie couetouse man is an Idolater For where couetousenes reigneth as Saynte Paule sayeth there is Idolatrie which is abominacion before god These couetuouse popishe priests are therefore abominable before god And another sorte of these papistes wyll synge Masse not for monie but for feare of losing their fate promocions But what great synne is thys to do these thynges against their conscience For they do it fearinge leaste other wyse they shoulde wante a liuing Oh what mistrust haue they in God who fedeth and clotheth birdes and other liuinge creatures and thus haue they made a banket of the moste holly supper of our lord for fylthy lucre and gaynes If aman shoulde desier one of the laytie which is a good and godly mā to receiue the sacrament and he should haue for his laboure a couple of grotes or a testarne he wold not onely refuse it but greuously taking y● mater that any mā should haue suche an opinion in hym Notwithstādinge these Masse mongers thynke it greate honestie to receyue money for their Masskinge when it is to their greate shame and rebuke Thys saing of Saint Paule he that serueth the aulter muste lyue also therof doth not make for them for S. Paulle i. Cor. ix doth teach nothynge elses by thys sainge but that the preachers of the Gospel may without groudge of conscience prouide of the godes of the churche for suche thynges as they lacke And this argumēt is taken of the preistes of tholde lawe That as they had there liuinge for offringe of sacrifices so the ministres of the gospel should haue their liuinge for preaching of the same
For Saynt Paul did no more meane by thys texte that priestes shoulde synge Masse for the quicke and deade then he purposed to teache men howe to war Their entēt is not to serue Christ oure true aulter but the god ther ●eb iii. owne bealies wo be to them that mayntayne thys patched popishe Masse either with rewardes coūsayle or any other waye for in so doinge they geue no lesse occasion to these papistes to commite moste heinouse offences then the Pharesies rulars of the people did to Iudas the traytoure Here we omyte and passeouer theyr filthye whoredome continual hate maliciouse enuie vnfruitful Idelnes and suche othere abominacions whiche make thē reprouable both before god and man and through thys theyr vngodlye conuersaciō all men for the most parte are driuen from the true seruice of God a man therfore cannot think how much god aborreth thē theirdedes If these proude impudent papistes had neuer so little remorsse of conscience they would abhorre and be ashamed of them selues Fayne these Masse mongers the popes creatures to be godlie liberall and that they are not proude in their ornamentes and ceremonies but walke in christen libertie notwythstandinge the contrarie is playnly seene in them yet they woulde men shoulde haue suche oppinion in thē And let vs come to ther function and office wherin they can do nothing wel and truly nether wyth good wyll nor in knowledge Our lordes Supper ought neuer to be ministred with out the remembraūce of Christes death nor wythout a sermon or exhortaciō and that in a lāguage that the congregacion maye perfictly vnderstande to theyr edificacion ● Co● xii● as Christe also taught his disciples In the masse is nothing but mockes and they make Idolatrie of the Gospel and Epistiles which the holy goste gaue vs for our consolaciō correction and exhortacion But these popish priestes haue made of thē an externe pompe extollynge them selues aboue the Iues and Gentiles with there glistringe shewes of vaine ceremonies the Ieues and Genttiles therfore laught thē to scorne vsinge them as foles and mad-men The Enangelestes require an other kynde of working and exercise then sensinge wastinge of candles singing of pricksong and kissinge of golden bokes It were more mete to preache the grace of our lord Iesus Christ but Christ is not spoken of at al amōges thē and the lyght y● shoulde be set vpon the candelsticke is hide vnder the bushell Nowe where the worde of God is kepte vnder and hyd awaye ther is nothynge but darknes and errour we haue therefore plainly declared and proued that thys hinderaunce of Gods worde is an heinouse abominaciō in the syght of God And thys is out of question that euerie Masse wher in the word of god is not preached and that in a language that the congregacion maye vnderstande it is a moste pyuyshe Idolatrye But as they folowe not Christ in there sermons and preachinge so do thei not obserue his order maner of thankes giueinge and prayer For they haue suche a rable of vaine ceremonies that deuoute prayer can haue no place they haue also many collectes that true christen mē ought not to saye Many reade that which they vnderstand not When they Masse for monye other causes afore rehersed how can it be possible that they being whore mōgers and al togither carnally mynded shoulde praye and gyue thankes wyth a deuoute and pure consciēce Thoughe they also seme to them selues to be deuoute Math. ● men yet in prayinge they make much lip laboure and theyr Mal. ii hertes are far of Thei are therfor abominable before god For as he sayeth by Malachias there blessinge shal be accursed When they come to the distrubucion of the sacrament they breake it in there pieces one prece for the quicke another for them that are in heauen and the thyrde for the deade beinge in purgato●ie and at laste eate all them selues but it were more mete to fede others and be without thē selues They ordeine a feast and cal no gestes to it nor wyll eate of one lofe and one cupe amonge them selues but euerye man wyll haue hys owne aultare his owne lof and cup. Wherin do these thynges agre with our Lordes supper Neither Iwe nor gentile can mocke and delude Christes ordinaūces more then these vngodly wretches it is maruaile that the eareth openeth not to swalowe thē quicke in to hell Nowe touch ynge the laytye it were agaynste reasone to rebuke thē but rather to be sorye and beare wyth theire weaknes and ignoraunce Whosoeuer commeth to our Lordes table oughte to heare the worde of God as the apostles dyd But howe cā they here whē no mā preacheth They ought to make an answere and saye Amen to their prayer But thei nother know nor vnder stande what they saye and so they extol and magnifie noughtie and vaine tri●eles for frutfull and god li matters and for the liuely word of God they beleue in fonde folish fables It is necessarie the we praye to God that hys people maye be deliuered from the hūger of gods worde that they may knowe how miserabli they haue ben deceiued by these faulse preachers What shal the vnlearned people do whē lyes and erroures so muche preuaile and thei being captiues and prisoners vnder Antichrist godes enemie They receiue y● sacrament but once in the yere and in one kind contrary to Christes ordinaunce It muste therfore be vnthankfull and abominable before God when hys churche is spoyled and distroyed after suche sorte Finally there are some erroures and abominacions founde in the very sacramente For the materiall substaunce of it ought to be bread and wyne as it is in dede as S. Paul Cor. xi so calleth it both before the cōsecrati on after But the papistes teach the not her bread nor wyne remayne after the cōsecracion but accidentes only the is collour sauour taste ruddines and such other And which such manifest lies they blind mens eies to beleue that the thing is in the sacrament whiche is not there and that that is not in the sacrament which his ther in dede Allexander first pope of the name decred and ordiened That water shoulde be menglide wyth wyne whyche thynge is repungnaunie to Christes ordinaunce For he cōmaunded no suche thynge to be done If we wyll expend and consider the wordes of Christe oure Master touching this sacrament we maye easly perceiue what Sathan goeth aboute The papistes mūble in latine the belles make such ringinge that the heares can not vnderstand what is sayde or song They haue put to also in the consecraciō wordes that are not in the Gospel as Enim trulie Eleuatis oculis in celsi lifting vp his eies to heauē And Eternt Of the euerlasting Also Misteriū Fidel. The misterie of the fayeth But these are maters of smal weight thei leaue vnsaid wordes of grater importaūce which is Quod prouobis tradetur aut frangitur That shal be