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A08472 A confession of the most auncient and true christe[n] catholike olde belefe accordyng to the ordre of the .xij. articles of our co[m]mon crede, set furthe in Englishe to the glory of almightye God, and to the confirmacion of Christes people in Christes catholike olde faith. By I.O. Old, John, fl. 1545-1555. 1556 (1556) STC 18798; ESTC S113446 30,820 82

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blood not by the carnal companie of man but by the holy goost And that he was borne of the same virgin very man howbeit holy and pure without synne For all men elles are according to their owne nature bothe conceaued in synnes and borne the children of wrathe vnto deathe And in this behalfe I do playnly Original ●●nne confesse original synne For inasmuche as all mankynde aswell the infauntes which haue not yet commytted actuall faultes as others of further age are originally poisoned Psal 51. with sinne and therfore subiecte vnto deathe as the wages of synne from Ro. 6. the which synne and deathe mankynde could not be in any wise delyuered and redemed but by Christ alone for that cause it was requisite that Christ which should put awaye the same poison shoulde he conceaued and borne holilie and purely without al spotte of synne to thintēt he might 1. P● 1. Ephe. 5. Ro. 3. 5. offre a pure and a cleane sacrifice for all bothe olde and yong to make vs pure and free Cōcerning the fourth Article I beleue and confesse that the same sonne The 4. Article of God and of Mary our Lord Iesus Christ in going about the busynesse and affaires of our saluacion did perfitly and fully declare the waye of saluacion here vpon earthe And that he to shewe vs more certainly that he is the only Lorde of life and deathe which is only hable to helpe and at whose hādes al helpe must be sought cured all maner of diseases ceassed the rageing stormes of the wyndes and of the sea suppressed the power of satan troade downe all power of aduersaries forgaue synnes and raised vp the dead vnto life And after all this he gaue him self willingly and of his owne accorde vnto deathe And was shamefully and spitefully brought furthe and deliuered by the Iewes cruelly tormēted of the gentiles and last of all giltlesly nailed vpon the crosse And here I confesse that this same our Lorde Iesus Christ very God very mā suffred not for him self but for vs and for our synnes sake most greuous paynes vndeserued stripes and bitter sorowes in his humayne nature which coulde dye he was vndoubtedly dead and buried in his soule he suffred most extremely the bitter sharpenesse of Goddes iudgemēt and the very paines of hel that he might deliuer vs ther from And I most faithfully and certainly beleue that this blessed passion and deathe of the innocent sonne of God Iustifica●ion is the only perfite and eternal righteousnesse and iustificacion of man before God and the true satisfaccion raunsome and payment for the synnes of all the hole worlde And therfore forasmuche as I am throughly instructed in this most certain and sure strong argumēt of this our true and vndoubted christen catholike faithe I plainly confesse that man can in no wise be iustified pourged of his synnes or fynde any shifte to satisfie or to be clensed of them either by any workes or merites of mā but only by the free grace of God that that is to saye by the most blessed passion and giltles deathe of the crucified sonne of God And that we are made partakers of the innocencie and merite of the deathe bloodshead of Christ at suche tyme as we doo constauntly and faithfully beleue that the sōne of God is our owne and that he suffred that bitter deathe for our synnes to make vs righteous and blessed For I will in no wise contemne or recken as of non effecte the most fauourable free grace of God which opened it self most expressely plainly in the passiō deathe of Iesus Christ But I thinke rather verily and surely beleue and cōfesse that we should openly cast away and compt the deathe of Christ to be of nō effecte in case we should seke or thinke to be clensed saued iustified frō our synnes by any other meanes than through faithe by that only bloodshead deathe raūsom of Iesus Christ in asmuche as we heare the holy Apostle S. Paule saye I despise not the grace of God for yf righteousnesse Gala 2. 3. come by the lawe than Christ dyed in vayne And also If the enheritaunce come of the lawe than it is not of promyse But God gaue vnto Abrahā by promise so that they which haue fayth are blessed with faythful Abrahā As many therfore as in the olde lawe from our furst father Adames tyme vnto the cōming of Christ were blessed and iustified I beleue verely saye that they were made blessed holy and iustifyed through faithe of free pardon and grace by none other but by Iesus Christ the blessed sede alone Touching the fyfthe article I beleue and confesse that Iesus Christe The. 5. article very God and very man in the selfe same bodye that was hanged on the crosse and from thence taken downe and buried rose agayne frō the dead For althoughe our synnes be perfitly purged by the Lordes deathe and a most full satisfaction made therby for the same yet hope of lyfe is restored vnto vs and faythe in him is engendred in vs by his resurrection For yf he hade not rysen agayne we coulde not haue thought that deathe had ben ouercome And so we could not haue beleued that he hade satisfyed for our synnes For deathe is the hyre of synne And death remaynyng in his force synne must also be thought to remayne Moreouer Boddes spirite and faythe wherby Christes deathe and merites are applyed vnto vs be the gyftes of Christ raysed from the deade Of Christ I saye which hathe washed vs cleane from our synnes in his owne blood and so is become the propiciacion or mercy seate for our synnes and not for our sinnes only but for the synnes of all the hole worlde and nowe hauyng dyed for our synnes and being rysen agayne for our iustificacion he reygneth and trihumpheth ouer deathe Notwithstanding his very fleshe bones that is to saye his very humayne body with his reasonable and humaine soule was not deified that is to saye not chaunged turned in to his God-head but only clarified And the clarificacion dothe not consume waste nor take awaye the propreties of a very humaine body either the substaunce or facion therof but only despecheth deliuereth the body and the state of the body frō all diseases whether they be corrupcions or infirmities that is to saye from feare dreade sorowe heauynesse from all carke and care from hate from carnall loue couetous desires from false Ioyes and griefes frō affections troubles hōgre colde heate wearynesse and from al maner of infirmities saintnes smerte and specially from mortalitie and corruptiō And on the other parte it maketh the body and the facion of the body glorious cleare immortal and vncorruptible Suche a maner of body S. Paules wonted phrase is to call a glorious a spiritual body not that it is afterwarde no more fleshe nor that it is chaūged and turned in to the spirite 1.
wil some saye God is merciful It is true His mercie is on thē that feare him throughout al generacions But wittingly and willingly to heape synne vpō synne in hope of goddes mercy is most shamelesly to abuse the goodnes of God and stampe vnder foote the graces of his spirite according to the hardnesse of the hart that can not repent to laye wrathe together in stoare against the daye of wrathe at the open declaracion of the iust iudgement of God which shall rendre to euery one according to this dedes Neuertheles I say not this to dryue myne olde neighbours and countrey men in to desperacion for setting vp or hearing of that wicked Masse but to moue them vnto earnest repētaūce to powre out their continual hūble hartie praiers greuous gronynges before the throne of Goddes grace aswel for pardon of their deserued euil as for the repulse of this massing mischief out of the realme to thintent thei may also haue a good hope of god des mercie that he for his sonne Christes sake will defende and deliuer his persecuted flocke by sō doughty Daniel as he did Susanna according to his promise by the prophet Dauid Now for the comfortles troubles safe of the Psal 12. nedy and bicause of the depe sighing of the poore I will vp saithe the Lorde Alas whā was ther more comfortles trouble Whā was ther more nede Whā was ther more cause of depe sighing than now Repēt therfore for Goddes sake repent and praye And forasmuche as we nother knowe nor acknowlage any other Purgatory purgacion or purgatorie clensing awaye of synnes but only the blood of Iesus Christ I haue euer taught and still doo affirme that the soules of thē which be departed this life are pourged or scowred no where elles nother in any purgatory fire nor popes scalding house but I saye that the powches of them that be alyue are rather emptied and scowred by purgatorie purgacion through these false lyeng lickepeny dreames A faithfull mannes soule as sone as it departeth from the body go the straight to heauen and the vnfaithfull mannes soule straight to hell as it shall anon be declared more plainly In like maner the religious life of cloystre men and women is not to be compted meritorious for the remission Cloistre religion of synne nor among the states of an holy life as it is vsed vnder the papacie but rather an idle supersticious and an Antichristian life a very enemye to the religiō and doctrine of Christ and his apostles and good for no honest vse in the common weale as their filthy dedes foūde in the kinges visitacion are not yet out of remembraunce Concerning the eleuenth Ariticle Th● 11. Article I beleue and confesse that these our bodies wherin we doo worke in this worlde either good or euil shal ryse agayne from the deade and non other for them nor in their stede that is to saye that this same fleshe of ours being raysed vp at the later daye shal by the power of God risepfitly in dede and that dead folkes soules being returned thā to their raised bodies shal-be ioyned and coupled to them again that all maner of folkes be the good and badde shall ryse and appeare accordig to S. Paules sayeng We must 2. Cor. 5. nedes be all presented before the iudgement seate of Christ that euery one may receaue the workes of his body according to that he hathe done in the body whether it be good or badde Neuerthelesse the righteous shall after thexample of their head Christ be gloriously clarified in their bodies vnto vncorrupcion eternal lyfe and euerlasting ioye that no tongue can expresse Than shal the righteous shyne lyke the sūne in the kingdome of the father where cōtrary wyse the vnfaithfull folkes shall not be clarified but shal be made immortal vncorruptible that they may endure eternal sorowes paines heauynesse tormentes worlde without ende But this resurrecciō of the dead shal be in the last daye whan our Lord shal come as we said before to iudge bothe the quicke the deade Finally as to the .xii. Article I beleue confesse that after this our transitorie The. 12. Article lyfe ther shal an eternal euerlasting lyfe folowe which God of his owne mere grace fauour prepared for mankynde before the beginning of the worlde hathe promised it in Christ to al them that be faithful and wil bothe truly faythfully performe bestowe it vpō thē So that whā a faithful persone departeth his soule goeth nother into any iudgemēt nor into any fire ne into the slaughterhouse of any maner of payne nother doth it fall on siepe for it can not slepe nor dyeth t the bodie for it cā not dye but only it departeth frō the body is by the power of Christ takē vp receaued into euerlasting ioye blisse And cōtrarywise almightie god of his iustice hath p̄pared ordained after this lyfe eternal death also that is to saye eternal euerlasting payne eternal tormētes sorowes euerlasting dānacion for al them that are vnfaithfull and can not repent so that whan an vnfaithfull person dieth out of the fauour of Christ and perisheth in his sinnes his soule also as sone as it is out of the bodie is straight caried to hell and put in to euerlasting sorowes and tormentes And albeit the vnfaithfull mannes soule shall at the resurreccion of the dead returne to his bodye and be ioyned again vnto it yet it shal be dryuen away with the body and with the deuil him self frō the sight and presence of God in to euerlasting paynes euē as the faithfull people shall at the last daye be receaued bothe bodye soule in to euerlasting ioye Amen Lo my good brothren and louing frendes This is my belief this is my faithe this is the pith and sūme of the chief most maters that I euer taught among my parisheners and neighbours during the tyme of my ministerie And I am sure that this is no new fangled nor erroneous doctrine neither any kīde of heresie but the most vndoubted true the very catholike christen faithe and the most aunciēt and substauntical learning and doctrine beleued and preached by the prophetes and apostles as they receaued learned it of the Lorde God him selfe And although tyrānes and papistes with other phantastical spirites of errour do conspire conuent murther emprison racke rage neuer so craftily neuer so maliciously neuer so slaunderously and neuer so furiously against the preachers and ministers of this faithe yet the deuil him self and the gates of hell shall neuer preuaile against it Therfore seing it hathe pleased our most mercifull God to geue vnto me most vnworthy wretche his gracious light of this faithe and particular charge in this ministerie Considering also that Iesus Christ wolde not that the candelles appointed to serue his householde with their light shoulde be shoued vnder a bushell but
be set openly vpon a candlesticke to geue light to all them that be in the house I thought it my duetie in conscience to put you in remembraunce of the true christen catholike faithe nowe in these daungerous dayes of persecucion by writyng which I ministred vnto you in open doctrine to the comforte and saluaciō of so many as contynue stedfast beleuers and obedient folowers of the same At that tyme the hooded chaplaines of Antichrist not only wolde not speake ones against my doctrine either in Lichefelde Couentrie or elles where but also allowed it cōmēded it thāked god in wordes at least for it And som offred me for my paynes money and large rewardes which I thāke God I haue kept my handes cleane from yet hitherto as I reporte me to their owne consciences At that tyme they confessed thēselues throughly persuaded manifestly cōuicte by the only streynght power of Goddes opē worde wtout further cōstraīt And so were they chearished and louingly vsed intreated with all lenitie and gētilnesse not susteining the losse of one halpeny of their lyuinges nor trouble of their bodies for any poynt of religion But what charitie gētilnesse is shewed now a daies vnto suche poore ministres as be in my case with what face streinght of shameles lyes merciles tyrāny they defēde their popishe pedlarie drowsie dregges of Antichristes alelomes God knoweth vnto whō I committe both my selfe the truth of my doctrine which neuertheles is not mi doctrine but the doctrine of al the true catholike christē churche which I haue by goddes pleynteous mercie sucked out of her spiritual pappes by faithe wherby God hathe made me hable now thus to vttre and speake To be shorte at a worde I ꝓteste cōstaūtly affirme in the sight of almighty God the knoweth that thoughtes of all Psal 8. Act. 10. men of his sōne Iesus Christ which is ordained to be the iudge bothe of the quicke of the dead that I neuer taught nor preached any thing vnto my parisheners or elles where touching any of these Articles aforesaid during the tyme of my ministerie by the kinges licence but that aswell I was boūden by force of my ministerie to preache and teache in payne of my dānaciō as also my parisheners hearers to beleue doo after in payne of their damnacion ▪ Wherfore I pronounce with the Gal. 1. holy apostle If any man preache any other gospell than that we haue preached and taught cursed be he Seing than that Christe taught and spake among them by me let thē not esteme that maner of speaking teaching though it were homely and plainly as the worde or speche of mā but as it was in dede the very worde gospel voice of Iesus Christ which is not only the power of God to saue Ro. 1. al that beleue but also the thing wherby euery one of vs shal be iudged at the great daye of reckonyng Seing also that the true preachers of Christes gospell among whō God of his mercie appointed me to be one are a good sauour vnto God bothe in them that are saued and in them that perishe in them that perishe the sauour 1. Cor. 2. of deathe vnto deathe and in thē that are saued the sauour of life vnto life I beseche you for the vnspeake able mercies of God as you tendre the saluaciō of your owne soules cast not awaye that most pleasaunt heauenly poysye of the swete smelling gospel of God but holde it harde to the nose senses of your soules that the stynking carion of Masses other filthie foile of blasphemous popishe idolatrie and wicked life poison you not vnto euerlasting deathe Geue no credence to those idle belied bussarde bishoppes and priestes wethere cocke bishoppes priestes which in blessed kīg Edwardes daies semed to be fauourours of the gospel furtherours of the kinges pcedinges as they termed it and now for their owne filthy gaynes sake pleasing of mē they shutte vp the kingdom of heauē the glorious gospel of Christ before men nother entring in them selues Maith 23. nor suffring them that wolde but som of them contrary to their owne conscience persecute it and yet for cake pudding wolde turne again like wethercockes which waye so euer the wynde bloweth as a man will haue them and being blynde guydes take vpō thē to leade the blynde vntil both fall in to the dike of ppetual dānaciō Deceaue not your selues with the example of your forefathers elders Elders which were conceaued and borne in synne brought vp in ignoraunce as well as you but rather doo after the commaundemēt of the pure spottles lambe of God Iesus Christ which was before your fathers and is the very eternal truth it self as ye hearde before by S. Augustin and Saint Cipriane Folowe not the faciō of this frentike worlde nor the rashe opiniō and The multitude Ephe. 4. trade of the madde multitude which walke in the vanitie of their owne mynde and not after Christ nor in the consideracion of any iudgement to com but rather be you renewed in the spirite of your mynde and put on the new man that after God is made through righteousnesse and true holynesse considering that all our troubles and veraciōs are the rodde correccion of our most louing heauenly Hebr. 13. 1. Cor. 11. father God that we shoulde not be damned with the wicked worlde Be not carefull for meate clothe and wealthe of the worlde either for Care of worldly lyuing your selues or for your wyues children or familie but seing the almightie eternal God him selfe is the father of the fatherles and the prouider and defendour of the widowe and seing also he forsaketh not the godly nor suffreth the righteous mannes sede to begge their bread but openeth his hande and filleth euery lyuyng creature with the largesse and pleyntie of his blessing cast all your care vpon Christes backe which shall fede your sede and householdes and shall neuer see the righteous lefte destitute Drede not the daungerous tyrānie Tyrannes of Antichristes souldiours nor the bragging othes or chittre chattre power of the pratīg pye or any such other seing the nature of that kynde of birdes haunteth not hennes nestes for loue of the henne but to fill their belies with the yolke of her egges and seing that all the heares of our head are nombred ye may be assured that they shal doo no more against vs thā theternal purpose and hande of God hath determined For God is faithful which will not suffre vs to be tēpted aboue our habilitie but shall geue vs a waye out with the temptacion that we maye be hable to abyde it Be not afraide brethren Goddes iron rodde is as strong to beate them backe as euer it was He that dwelleth in heauen laugheth them to scorne and will combre their stomackes one daye so sore that they shall not knowe which