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A19425 None but Christ, none but Christ Intimating, that in Him, who is the Lord of Lords, and Prince onely, is to be found, the full and absolute cure of mans misery. Cotton, Clement. 1629 (1629) STC 5852; ESTC S117710 20,714 113

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cause it to liue for euer Ioh. 6.50 Ioh. 6.51 11 Naked But yet my e Isai 64.6 Gen. 3.7 Reu. 3.17.18 filthy nakednesse will appeare who shall couer that None but Christ f Reu. 3.17 whose white raiment shall not onely g Rom. 4.6 7. couer the shame of thy nakednesse that the h Hab. 1.13 pure eyes of God shall not i Num 23 21. behold it Reu. 3.17 18. but therein also hee hauing granted thee to be arrayed therewith will present thee therein glorious to himselfe without Reu. 19.8 Iude 24. spot or wrinckle or any such thing Col. ● 22 Ephes 5.27 11 Curse Me thinkes I k Hab. 3.16 tremble and quake for feare in my selfe when I heare that terrible thunderbolt of the Law Cursed is l Gal. 3.10 euery man that continueth not in m Deut. 27.26 29.21 all things which are written in the booke of the Law to doe them Who shall free me from it n Isai 53.4 5 6. None but Christ who hath not onely redeemed thee from the curse of the Law Gal. 3.13 being made a curse for thee but hath brought thee also within compasse of that promised true o Ephes 1.3 blessednesse made to faithful Abraham Gal. 3.9.14 13 Terror Now whilest I remaine thus held as it were at Gods suite vnder this terrible arest Cursed is euery one c. mee thinkes I see how all the creatures in heauen and earth Gen. 7.11 stand ready armed at his onely becke to reuenge the quarrell of his couenant vpon mee Leu. 26.25 Psal 76.7 who is there in heauen or earth that can set them againe at one with mee None but Christ who hauing by his owne blood reconciled God himselfe who is the Lord of Hosts Col. 1.20 Rom. 3.25 and so of all creatures vnto thee hee hath much more reconciled euery creature in heauen and earth vnto thee Isai 11.6 Hose 14 Losse Moreouer whilest in this case a dayly Pro. 16.26 and in a manner hourely necessitie lies vpon mee to vse the benefit of foode rayment recreation sleepe c. yea of breathing in the very ayre I am often thus secretly checked in conscience for the same as if the Lord should on this wise speake vnto mee Hos 2.8 9. Mal. 2.2 Friend who gaue you leaue and liberty to vse these my benefits or by what right or title doe you enioy them seeing you haue by your disobedience forfeited backe againe to me the true and lawfull vse I once gaue you of them Deut. 28. from 15. to 20. Gen. 1.29 30. In whom now or by whom may I recouer the free and so a comfortable vse of them againe By none but in and by Christ who beeing come a second Adam and the very true 1 Cor. 15.47 and lawfull heyre of all things Hab. 1.2 2.8 hath by the merit of his sufferings and obedience Rom. 5.19 recouered vnto thee being once a member of his mysticall body a iust right and title as to God himselfe Rom. 8.16 17. Ioh. 20.17 who is the Lord of all creatures 1 Cor. 3.22 1 Tim 4.4 Tit. 1 1● so a lawfull and sanctified vse of the creatures themselues Reade Hosea 2. from vers 18. to 23. 15 Wrath to come But it much astonisheth mee when I reade what p Isi 30.27.28 fearefull attributes are giuen vnto God as that hee is called a consuming fire Heb. 12.29 Euerlasting burnings Isai 33.14 and that when fire is kindled in his wrath it shall burne to the bottome of hell Deut. 32.22 Alas if his wrath be kindled but a litile Psal 2.12 q Psa 76.7 who shall fence me from it r Heb. 5.7 Mat. 26.38 None but Christ who not only saueth and deliuereth thee from the wrath to come 1 The. 1.10 Rom. 5.9 but more then that giues thee eternall life Ioh. 10.20 16 Deaths sting Yet death hath a ſ 1 Cor. 15.56 deadly sting wherewith to stab mee to the heart which is sinne who shall free mee from deaths t Reu. 21.8 deadly blow Rom. 6.23 u Re. 20 14. None but Christ in whom thou hast not only conquest ouer sinne and death 1 Cor. 15.57 hee hauing through death x Heb. 2.14 destroyed him that had the power of death which is the diuell bu● hath now brought imm●●tality and life for thee to light by the Gospell 2 Tim. 1.10 17 Vnbeleefe Besides all this my conscience conuinceth me of sin Ioh. 16.8.9 in that I beleeue not in Christ Oh for one graine of that precious faith Luk. 17.6 that faith of of Gods elect who shall worke it in me None but Christ who is therefore said to be both the Author and finisher Heb. 12.2 of our faith As also it is hee by whom wee beleeue in God 1 Pet. 1.21 who raised him from the dead 18 Impenitency But I haue an heart the Lord knowes which cannot repent Rom. 2.5 Who shall giue mee that repentance vnto saluation 2 Cor. 7.11 neuer to bee repented of None but Christ for to this end hath God exalted him a prince and a Sauiour Act. 5.31 to giue repentance to Israell and forgiuenesse of sinnes See 2 Tim. 2.25 19 Hardnesse of heart Zach. 7.12 Oh but I haue an heart hard as the adamant stone who can soften it None but Christ Ezek. 11.19 chap. 36.26 in whom this faithfull promise shall euer be yea Amen namely that God will take away thy stony heart out of thy flesh and in stead thereof will giue thee an hart of flesh Soake thy hart thorowly in this free and precious promise and expect the fruit with patience 20 Infirmity Much corruption will cleaue still euen to my best actions * Rom. 7.21 In whom may I find the remedy of this * 1 Tim. 2.5 1 Ioh. 2.2 In none but in Christ who not onely reconciles the iniquitie euen of thy holy offerings Exo. 28.38 Leu. 16.33 but hath for thee brought in also a To make both thy person Actions for euer acceptable before God euerlasting righteousnes Dan. 9.24 See 1 Cor. 1.30 2 Cor. 5.21 21 Doubtings But b Ps 88 15 Iam. 1.2 new feares and doubtings through diuers temptations arising through c Iob. 2.3 Sathans malice shall neuer bee wanting d Iob 7.13.15 daily to vex and e Psal 42.5.11 disquiet me alas who shall support mee vnder so manifold and different trials None but Christ who in that he suffered and Heb. 2.18 4.15.16 ● 25 was tempted not onely is able sufficiently to succour thee in all thy temptations Heb. 2.18 ch 4.15.16 Psa 34.19 but in the end also to free thee out of them all 2 Pet. 2.9 22 Accesse Oftentimes when I pray it seemes that God shuts his Mercy-gate both
not yet felt th● spirituall sicknesse and also somewhat to refresh the memory of th●se who haue here is in a short summe discouered vnto thee some of the maladies of thy soule shewing thee how Christ is both the Physician and medicine of them seuerally as the title giuen to the Booke None but Christ none but Christ giues thee to vnderstand Touching the which if thou wouldest I should yeeld thee a reason then know that I tooke it not vp at randome but as I found them the words and those the last words of a constant Martyr of Christ Iohn Lambert by name which as I conceiue beeing vttered by him as the triumphant voice of faith after that hee had through the power of Christ put to flight the feare of Hell Sinne and Death c. as by doubling of them may appeare So by way of imitation I thinke them not tying any to sillables well beseeming the thoughts and speeches also of euery Christian vpon safe and sure grounds as in their dayly so euen in their last conflicts to be taken vp and vsed Not as if heereby it were my meaning to exclude See Ioh. 3.16 Titus 3.5 or shut out either the Father or the holy Ghost from hauing an hand in the worke of our saluation as well as Christ but attributing the same to him onely Rom. 8.34 as to the sole meritorious cause thereof And so I bid thee heartily farewell Thine in Christ C.C. NONE BVT CHRIST 1 Fall I Am fallen in a Rom. 5.12 Amos 7.2.5 Adam I am falne I am fallen Oh! who shall raise mee None but Christ who as hee is set for thy vprising Lke 2.34 so is hee b Heb. 7.25 perfectly able to c Ioh. 10.28 29. keep thee that thou fall not againe from thine owne stedfastnesse Iud. 24. 2 Guilt By my fall I haue offended au d Ier. 23.24 Psa 139.7 infinite Maiestie and who shall plead for mee 1 Samuel 2.25 None but Christ who beeing also an e Isai 63.1 Act. ●0 28 Isai 53.5 6 infinite Maiesty Rom. 9.5 hath by his owne bloud fully satisfied the iustice of his Father for thy offence this way committed against him 1 Pet. 2.24 Ephesians 5.2 f Iam. 4.3 Rom. 5.10 8.7 3 Enmity This offence hath bred enmitie betweene God and me Col. 1.20 21. who is meete to reconcile vs None but Christ 2 Cor 5.19 who by his g Rom. 3.25 Col. 1.20.21 blood hath not onely made perfect peace betweene God and thee but hath so ratified and confirmed the same Ephes 2. ●6 17. that nothing shall bee euer able to disolue it 4 Strangenesse This enmity hath bred h Eph. 4.18 strangenesse betweene God and mee Coloss 1.21 and who shall bring me into fellowship with him again i Ioh. 1.3 5 ● 7. k 1 Cor. 1.9 1 Pet. 3.18 None but Christ hath who suffered for sinnes the iust for the uniust not onely that hee might bring thee to God but hath also so l Rom. 5.2 setled this fellowship betweene him and thee who art by faith ingrafted into him that none shall bee euer able to breake it off againe Ioh. 1.12 Gal. 3.26 27. Ier. 32.40 Rom 8.35 5 Filth But alas m Iob 15.16 Leu. 13.45 Psal 51.5 I am vncleane I am vncleane For behold I was borne in iniquitie and in sinne hath my mother conceiued mee and who now shall cleanse mee Iob 14.4 n Zac. 13.1 None but Christ who not onely is that Lambe of God who taketh away the o Signifying that original sinne which is the fountaine of all sinne See Luke 2.23 sinne or the world Ioh. 1.29 but was also borne holy and conceiued by the p And thus we find in our nature that holinesse which by nature we want holy Ghost Luke 1.35 to couer the impurity of thy conception and birth Heb. 2.10 6 Darknesse And thus as a woefull wight Isai 60.2 Mat. 4.16 Ioh. 1.5 1 Ioh. 5.19 sit I in double darknesse hauing iustly lost by this my sorrowfull downefall with the q 2 Cor. 44. Deu. 29 20 light of Gods Image Eph. 4.18 the light of Gods countenance and who now shall bee a light vnto mee r Luk. 1.79 None but Christ who is come a light into this world to the end that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not onely not abide in darknesse Ioh. 12.46 but might also haue the light of life Ioh. 8.12 7 Dead Not onely am I ſ Ioh. 1.5.8 Ephes 5.8 drenched in this wofull darkenesse but therein by nature I lie t Ephe. 2.5 Mat. 4.16 starke dead in trespasses and sinnes who shall now quicken me u Ioh. 5.25 None but Christ who is not onely come that thou mightest haue life 2 Tim. 1.1 that also in abundance Ioh. 10.10 but so to confirm thee in this life if thou beleeue in him that thou shalt neuer dye Ioh. 11.25 14 19. Beleeuest thou this 8 Corrupt But I sensibly feele to my vtter vndoing I feare that the diuell hath shed in to my whole man Rom. 6.6 Col. 2.11 the venome and poison of his cursed nature Ioh 8.44 Rom. 7.24 who shall cure me of it None but Christ who came not onely to lose the workes of the diuell in thee 1 Ioh 3.8 but which more is to make thee partaker of the diuine x Not of the substance but of the diuine qualities nature 2. Pet. 1.4 Heb. 12.10 9 Bondage And to this vile corruption am I by nature a seruant and z Ioh. 8.34 wretched bond-man who shall free mee from so wofull a slauery Rom. 7.15 None but Christ who came not onely to preach deliuerance to such miserable captiues as thou art Luke 4.18 but that in setting thee free thou mightest be a That is that we might haue not a fained ●●t a true liberty and freedom from all infernall foes free indeed Ioh. 8.36 10 Penury A man may haue light life and liberty and yet perish for lacke of foode who shall furnish my poore b Psa 106.15 affammished soule with that Reuel 3.17 None but Christ who first if thou beest athirst bids thee come to him and drinke of the water of life Ioh. 7.37 and that c Isa 55.1 Reu. 22.17 freely not for a while to quench thy thirst but that in drinking of the water which hee shall giue thee thou mightest d That is such shal never be so thirsty but the spirit of grace as an euerliuing fountaine will be at hand to satisfie their thirst See Ioh. 7.38 neuer be more athirst seeing it shall be in thee a well of water springing vp into euerlasting life Ioh. 4.13.14 7.38 And hee also is that bread of life which came downe from heauen Ioh. 6.48 51. of which if by faith thou spiritually eatest it shall not only preserue thy soule from famishing and death but shall
against mee and my prayers Lam. 3.8 who shall giue me accesse to the throne of Grace None but Christ thy onely mediator 1 Ioh. 2.2 1 Tim. 2.5 who by the vaile of his flesh hauing made thee a new and liuing way into the holy place Heb. 1● 19 20. sits at the right hand of God the Rom. 8.34 Father Rom. 8.24 making request for thee so as in stead of fearing to haue free accesse thou maiest with reuerence be bold to goe to the Throne of grace Heb 4.16 with confidence to haue all thy lawfull suits granted Heb. 10 19. for thy Mediators sake 1 Ioh. 5.14 Ioh. 14.13 23 Conscience But for all this I yet feele secret griping of conscience continually affrighting me with a world of accusing thoughts Rom. 2.15 who now shal be as able so willingly to appease and quiet them None but Christ who being stiled the Prince of Isai 9.6 peace and therefore our peace-maker in heauen and in earth Luk. 19.38 and 2.14 became first in his own person a preacher and publisher of peace both to them that were affarre off Act. 10.36 Ephe. 2.13.14 and to them that were neer yea and as if that had beene to little did at the last by the blood of his Crosse purchase for thee that peace of conscience which passeth all vnderstanding Col. 1.20.2 Act. 20.28 of which that none might depriue or strip thee off Ioh. 14.27 16.33 Looke into his last Will and Testament where thou hast this legacy by himselfe bequeathed thee to haue and to hold as thine owne for euer Therefore now comfort thy selfe with these words ¶ Here the afflicted began a little to pause and hauing receiued much refreshing and good satisfaction from those seuerall answers which a good conscience hitherto framed to his seuerall demands and doubtings ● Pet. 3.21 ceased from further obiectings and began thus to be a little cheared and reuiued Well then I finde and feele to my no litle ioy and contentment that there is None indeed but Christ in heauen or earth according as thou O good conscience hast still affirmed that can fully set mee a poore captiue free from my fearefull downfall and misery Mat. 1.21 Psal 73.25 1 Pet. 3.21 Luk. 4.18 1 Tim. 1.15 And then after some further pantings and breathings faith hauing put as it were a new life into him he brake foorth into this passion 2 Cor. 4.13 of admiration and thankfulnesse And it is true indeed O thou louer of men Pro. 8.31 Iob. 7.20 O thou preseruer of men ●●b 7.20 that thou hast set thine eyes and thy heart vpon such an one Iob. 14.3 7.17 Was thy loue to mee so ardent and thy compassion so exceeding abundant that from thy seat of Maiesty and glory ●oh 17.5 Pro. 8.22 thou wouldest for my sake bow the heauens yea after a sort euen thence Isai 64.1 break thorow the fulnesse of time being come in thine owne person to visit me Gal. 4.4 Luk 1.78 and to expose thine holy selfe to shame Isai 50.6 Luk. 22. ●4 Ioh. 19.34 and spitting to sweating blee●ing and last of all to dying that thou mightest preserue such an one as I from euerlastingly perishing Ioh. 3.14 15. Lord Psal 116.1 that I knew what by way way of thankefulnesse now to render thee Thou farre excellest aboue all the praise Nehe. 9.5 Psal 106.2 that a poore creature on earth can giue thee And yet for as much as thou hast said that who so offereth thee praise glorifieth thee Psal 50.23 O let my poore soule which from deadly thrall thou hast redeemed magnifie thee Luke 1.46 47. Psal 103.5 Let my spirit also which by the sauour of thy good oitnments thou hast so cheered and reuiued reioyce Cant. 1.2 Isa 61.10 and alwaies make her songs of thee Let my tongue mouth Isai 45.23 and vncircumcised lips confesse thee Sweetly O Lord Iesus hast thou Cant. 1. ● with the kisses of thy mouth kissed me therefore shall my knees euer bee bowed vnto thee Phil 2.9.10 Psal 119.106 Tit. 2.14 Rom. 12.1 2 Cor. 7.1 Yet I haue sworne and will also performe it that my selfe soule body life liberty c. and all shall thy grace assisting be● vowed and consecrated to thy honor and glory 1 Cor. 10.31 For thou Lord art holy Isai 57.15 inhabitest the eternity and yet dwellest with the contrite and humble spirit and with such an one as trembleth at thy word So as in mee sweet Lord is now fulfilled the saying that is written the sacrifices of a contrite spirit and a broken heart thou neither hast nor neuer wilt despise Psal 51.17 Well may I now say that thy name to mee a desolate wretch hath beene as an ointment poured out Cant. 1.3 and therefore hath thy seruant out of the abundance of his heart found in his heart after this sort 2 Sam. 7.27 to expresse and poure forth the loue and thankefulnesse of his soule Luk. 7.47 vnto thee To thee therefore O Father of mercies and God of all comfort and consolation 2 Cor. 1.3 who hast so loued mee vnworthy Ioh. 3.16 1.18 as out of thine owne bosome to send thy onely begotten Sonne for mee and all mankinde lost into the world Gal. 4.4 made of a woman that thus hee might become our true and very Immanuel Mat. 1.23 And to thee O Lord Iesus Christ Ioh. 10.18 who voluntatily laidest downe thy life for mee to preserue mee from eternall death And to thee also O holy Spirit by whose diuine light my blinde eyes haue beene illuminated to see as by the Law Eph. 1.17 18. Rom. 3.23 1 Ioh. 3.1 Ephes 2.4 3.19 my wofull misery so comfortably by the Gospell to behold this superexcellent and surpassing loue and mercie of the Father and the Sonne and thereto hast wrought that wonderfull grace of Faith in my heart Rom. 10.17 to beleeue that all this loue is and hath bin extended to me as wel as to any other Gal. 2.20 yea that it hath bin by thee O blessed Spirit shed abroad abundantly in my heart Rom. 5.5 and hast so sealed mee vp to the day of redēption that I shall not so vncomfortably Ephe. 1.13 4.30 as formerly I haue done call into question the certainty and assurance of my free adoption Gal. 4.6 To Father Sonne and holy Ghost I say one diuine Essence three distinct persons be ascribed in heauen and earth by Angels and men as is most due all wisedome power praise and glory eternally Amen and Amen A NECESSARIE aduertisement to the Reader AS it is an infallible truth that neither a mans person Gen 4.4 Rom 8.8 Heb. 11.4 Ioh. 14.6 nor actions can please God till himselfe be in Christ so it is as true