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death_n law_n sin_n wage_n 5,559 5 11.2143 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09628 Tvvelve rules, and vveapons concerning the spirituall battel Together with a briefe exposition vpon the sixteene Psalme: with two most worthie epistles, written in Latin by that most worthy and noble gentleman Iohn Picus Earle of Mirandula. And translated into English for the benefite of all good Christian souldiers in the spirituall battaile.; Selections Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, 1463-1494.; W. H., fl. 1589. 1589 (1589) STC 19898A.3; ESTC S110418 18,502 40

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TWELVE RVLES AND VVEAPONS CONCERNING THE SPIRITVALL BATTEL Together with a briefe exposition vpon the sixteene Psalme With two most worthie Epistles written in Latin by that most worthy and noble Gentleman Iohn Picus Earle of Mirandula And translated into English for the benefite of all good Christian Souldiers in the Spirituall battaile Imprinted at London by Iohn Windet for Iohn Daldern and are to be sold in Canon lane at the signe of the vvhite horse 1589. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVL MY VERY GOOD VNCLE SIR NICHOLAS BAGNOLL KNIGHT KNIGHT MARshall of Ireland one of her Maiesties councell of Estate in that Realme THat our life is a fight and battell vpon the earth my very good vncle both the holy Scriptures our daily experiēce doe teach vs but how litle wee regarde the warre whereunto we are waged the sacred honorable vow and profession of Souldiers that we haue taken the noblenes excellēcie of the Generall that commaundeth vs the iustnes and importance of the quarrell entred into by vs the inexplicable reward and triumph if we conquere proposed vnto vs the might malice and pollicie of the forces bent against vs the endlesse dishonor and ruine that we run into if they doe vanquish vs the ambushes that to that ende they lay for vs the stratagems that they vse towards vs the hote and violent charges that they geue vs the volue of mischiefes that they discharge at vs the defection that they practise in vs the battery that they plāt against vs the breach that they make in the innermost houlde of vs and the fierce nd furious assaults wherewith they assaile vs their ample and often conquestes our most miserable captiuities do too too much testifie From the which though dayly raunsomed by the bountie of our Generall to allure vs to more value and vigilancie wee vngratefull and vngratious to our perpetuall shame if we amend not become more dastardlie and secure Whereof foure causes proceeding from one Fountaine the wante of Gods grace may me thinkes be aptly produced The first ignorance of the warre and enemies that doe encounter vs. The second defect of fortitude resolution in the function vndertaken by vs. Thirdly the lack of armour and weapon and other necessaries that should furnish vs. Fourthly the want of martiall skill and discipline that in any part and action of our seruice should direct vs. For the first we ought to consider that there are three mightie campes enuironing of vs the flesh the world and the infernall forces for we fight not onely against flesh and bloud but also against principalities against powers against the worldly gouerners the princes of the darkenes of this world and against spirituall wickednesses which are in the high places These vnder Sathan their soueraigne whose kingdome is calamitie whose scepter is sinne whose lawes are lies whose triumphe is torments whose wages to his souldiers is eternall woe and curtesie to his captiues is endlesse death and destruction doe warre with vs in foure seuerall places First generally against our head and hole armie then particularly against the legion and Phalange wherein wee are inrolled next peculiarly against the statiō which we are appointed vnto lastly they rayse ciuill warres in our selues Our Sauiour and soueraigne Christ Jesus whose kingdome is euerlasting blisse whose scepter is righteousnesse whose law is trueth whose triumphe is glorie whose wages is celestiall ioy and whose mercie to his elect is eternall life and saluation hath himselfe in person encountred with these our enemies and breaking their force strength to the r confusion and ouerthrowe hath after his most royall and blessed victory ascended into the Capitoll and triumphant part of his kingdome the heauenly and celestiall Hierusalem leauing vs such directions as if we follow we shall also become through him victorious and so accompanie him euerlastingly in his triumph Jn the meane time as it is laide downe by the Cronicler of this conquest S. Iohn Reuel Cap. 12. The dragon in his rage and furie preuayling neither against the head nor against the whole bodie of this armie the better part whereof now in triūph with their Generall is out of gunshot pursueth his malice against the remnant of the host which keepe the commaundements of God and haue the testimonie of Iesus Christ These he assayleth first in a generalitie euen the whole Militant Church for whose good estate wee ought to labour and striue in praiers and supplications vnto God both defend and enlarge the boundes thereof to our vttermost power Next with force and fraude by himselfe and his instruments his vicar generall Antichrist and his deluded kings and potentates he attempteth the ouerthrow of euery principall part and phalange of her most excellent maiestie and her dominions her highnes being in the same the Lords lieutenant in whose most blessed gouernment and legions most conspicuous we are enrolled wherein we ought with all care fortitude and industry to resist both his practises secrete and his open hostilitie Thirdly in the station appointed vs and functiō that we are called vnto he stirreth troubles to afflict vs enuy and malice to spight vs detraction and slaunders to annoy vs perils to enuiron vs the flesh to puffe and yet to pine vs the world to allure and yet to abhorre vs troubles we must ouercome with patience enuy and malice with vertue perils with magnanimitie the flesh with the spirite the thornes and nettles of this world with the lillies and roses of the future the hatred of men with the loue of God Lastly he worketh a rebellion in our selues stirring vp the vices and corruptions of the first Adam of whom we are borne in the flesh whose workes are adulterie fornication vncleannes wantonnes couetousnes idolatrie witchcraft hatred debate emulations wrath contentions seditions heresies enuy murders drunkennes gluttony and such like against the vertues and perfections of the second Adam of whom wee are regenerated in the spirite whose fruite is loue ioy peace long suffering gentlenes goodnes faith meekenes and temperancie He besiegeth vs from without with an army of temptations vnder the banner of worldly vanitie and assaultetb vs within with our owne sclanes vnder the ensigne of fleshly frailty Against these villaines let vs redouble our vigor with indignation and slaying them with the sword of the spirite let vs sally out and discomfite vnder the standard of our Soueraigne both the worlde and the deuill and all their complices let vs herein shew our selues resolute vertuous and valyant and say with the Spaniard No virtud sino vencar no verdadera gloria sino victoria There is no vertue but in vanquishing there is no true glory but in victorie Let vs labor to be endued with perfect fortitude let vs consider that it beseemes not a noble and generous minde to ground his value either vpon hope of gaine for that is marchant-like and mercenarie or vpon feare of punishment for that is abiect and compulsarie or vpon