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A45368 A cordial for Christians traveling heavenward being the substance of some sermons upon the eight chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Romans / preached in the city of Edinburgh by a minister of the Gospel there. Hamilton, Alexander, d. 1696. 1696 (1696) Wing H475; ESTC R35978 131,544 244

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them for though they be free of the sting of Death which is the Venome of the Curse of the Law in it yet they are not altogether free of the fears of the sting of Death 2ly The Godly tho they be free of the reigning Power of Lust yet they are not free of the solicitations of it Paul complains of this Rom. 7. 3ly Tho' the Godly be not Children of the Kingdom of Darkness and Slaves to Satan yet here-away they are subject to many vexing Temptations from him and therefore this present condition should make us more willing and desireous to dye that we may be freed from this state of Bondage And 2ly It lets us see that considering Christians that have a view of this Bondage cannot send without Faith Observe 2ly That the Children of God shall certainly get this glorious Liberty because here it is taken for granted and fully and clearly promised in the Word and therefore we should al 's firmly believe it There are three things that Christians should firmly believe as to this Liberty As 1st A total freedom from the indwelling Presence of sin 2ly A total freedom from Satans Temptations 3ly A total freedom from Death I shall give the Scripture Grounds that the Christian hath allowed to him for founding his Faith and Hope of all these three upon For the First Grounds to found the Faith of a Christian to make him believe and expect the total removal of sin are these 1st Christ designed its total removeal by his Death we cannot think that he can be frustrate of his Design see Eph. 5.25 26. 2ly His Death did merite the crucifixion and killing of the Old Man Rom. 6.6 3ly His Resurrection is a Pledge thereof see Rom. 8.11 For the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead did it to assure him and the Believing World that he could and would raise up all his Members perfectly from a Death in Sin 4ly The Spirits Presence begining this Work says he will perfect it because his great Design when he enters into the Child of God's Heart is not to make a partial but a total conformity between him and Christ 5ly The Priviledge of Justification says it must be for if all our guilt be pardoned and our Remission be compleat according to the Promise of the new Covenant Ezek. 18 and Ezek. 33. Where it is said that all Iniquity shall be forgiven and none shall be mentioned Then Corruption must be removed for a loving God and a loving Mediator will remove such an hurtful Evil from Believers since the state of Justification tells it may he done without reflection on his Justice A 6th Ground of Faith for the removal of sin is this that Baptism is the External Seal confirming the Promise for its total removal and therefore it s said we are buried as to our old Man with Christ by our Baptisme Rom. 6.4 For the Second piece of the Christians Liberty Viz. A freedom from Satans Temptations the Grounds to found our Faith of that upon Are 1st The Promise made to Eva that the Seed of the Woman should trample down the Head of the Serpent from which Paul infers Rom. 16. That God would tread Satan under their feet shortly A 2d Ground is Christ by his Death hath taken away Satans Plea against us Heb. 2.14 15 For all his ●lea was that we were Enemies to God and therefore it were but just that we should be given up to him to delude and vex us But now Christ by his Death hath destroyed him that is he hath enervate the strength of his Plea by reconcileing us to God and therefore he is said Col. 2.15 to spoil Principalities and Powers and to triumph over them on the Cross by setting at liberty their Captives A 3d Ground is Christs Personal Victory over Satans Temptations and Persecutions which Victory he attained in our Nature by making use of the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God and exercising the Graces of the Spirit and by wrestling in Prayer with the Father see Mat. 4. and Mat. 26.41 He overcame by Faith Love Patience Meekness Submission and Zeal and this Victory was given to him to be a Pledge to him and his Spiritual Seed that are incorporate in him of their total Freedom from his seduceing and vexing Temptations A 4th Ground is the strength of Christs Spirit that is stronger in Believers than the Devil that is in the World For the Third piece of the Liberty of the Christian it stands in his delivery from death and there are these following Grounds upon which the Christian may build the Faith of his Delivery from it First Ground is Gods Covenant-relation to him it was from this Relation that God had to Abraham that Christ inferred the necessity of the Resurrection Math. 22. 2d Ground is the Believers Union with Christ that necessarly draws with it a conformity of the Members with the Head in respect of Immortality these that sleep in Jesus God will bring with him 1 Thess 4.4 A 3d. Ground is th● the Believers Body is a consecrate Temple to the Holy Ghost and therefore it cannot be always subject to Corruption A 4th Ground is Christ ha● power to raise the Body Phil. 3 last A 5th Grou● is He hath undertaken to the Father to do it he says he will raise them up at the last Day John 6 4● A 6th Ground is Christs Death which gives assurance of Immortality 1st Because it is a full sa●faction for sin and it is unpardoned sin that ca● keep folk eternally under Deaths Power It w● by means of his Death for the Redemption of Transgressions that those that are Called receive th● Promise of the Eternal Inheritance see Heb. 9.15 Besides God the Father gives an Promise of Etern● Life in the Covenant and Christs Death is a Ratification of that Covenant he that spared not his own So● will he not with him freely give us all things Ro● 8.32 Likeways Christ gives us Eternal Life in h● Testament and his death is an Evidence of the unalterableness of his Purpose to Confer it 6ly Th● Resurrection is a Ground of Faith for it because 〈◊〉 is the absolution of our Soverty Rom. 4 last and 〈◊〉 Pledge of our Resurrection Christ is the first Fruit● of them that sleep 1 Cor. 15. A 7th Ground is his Ascension into Heaven if he had not obtained Eternal Redemption by his Blood and Suffering which includes immortality Justice had given him no access to Heaven he could not have entered into that holy Place by his own Blood except he had obtained immortality for us by that Blood which he as Soverty undertook to do see Heb. 9 12. The 8th Ground is his Session at the Fathers Right Hand which is given him as a Pledge of his Victory over all his Peoples Enemies whereof Death is one Psal 110.1 The 9th Ground is Christ's Intercession for Salvation to his People to the uttermost which includes in it the
recommends it to us as 〈◊〉 way to make use of Rom. 3.25 1 Cor. 1 30. Use since God Justifies the People of God may contemn the Worlds Censures the Devils suggestions and the groundless Challenges of our own Conscience When he adds that it is the justification of Gods Elect he holds out First The freedom of it 2ly The continuance of it it is a state of standing favour it is called the Grace wherein we stand Rom. 7.1 Verse 34. Who is he that condemneth It is Christ that dyed yea rather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us HEre the Apostle comforts the Afflicted Persecuted Christian with this That not only he can Answer the Law-Charge but also with this that he is free from a Condemnatory Sentence by the Judge This freedom does appear from these considerations First Christ is the Judge 2ly The Gospel and not the Law is the Rule of Judgement Jo. 12.48 3ly Consider the qualities of their Pardon it is total irrepealable well confirmed by Christs Death the Oath and promise of God 4ly Look to the satisfaction on which this Remission is founded it is compleat in its Nature exactly Answering all the comminatory parts in the Law He exhausted the whole Curse Gal 3.14 The punishment of all our sin was laid on him Isa· 53.6 The Expiatory Vertue of the Sacrifice was perfect Heb· 10.14 1.3 2ly This Satisfaction was Gods choice Heb. 10.6 3ly God approves of it Eph. 5.2 This appears by his Resurrection in setting him at his own right Hand 4ly Christ is an ●ntercessor ready to vindicate it from all Aspersions of its insufficiency for us 5ly The Father declares that this Satisfaction is ours by Right Use to reprove the People of God that have a slavish fear of Condemnation This arises either from our ignorance of the forementioned Grounds or our unbelief of them Or 2ly It arises from our Conscience accusing us for our great sins before Conversion or for them after Conversion or from our declineing from a good frame Or this fear of Condemnation may arise from some singular Cross that we are under or from the frightful Apprehension we have of Death This misbelieving Fear brings us under a Spirit of bondage through the fear of Death and makes us neglect our duty of longing for Christs second return Use of Exhortation to the confidence of Absolution at his 2d Coming and if we would have this confidence at his coming labour to keep the Anointing with you labour to abide in him 1 John 2. ●7 28. Observe next that this freedom from Condemnation belongs only to the Called the Elect of God for of such only doth the Context speak the unconverted Folks are under Law-Wrath John 3. last and their contempt of the Gospel brings them more under condemnation John 3 19 Neither can it be otherways because these that are uncalled h● no interest in Christs Person and so cannot w● Paul have fellowship with his Sufferings for at 〈◊〉 only our effectual Calling that brings us to a fe●lowship with Christs Person 1 Cor. 1.9 This repro● the unconverted for wanting the fear of Condemnation this Security arises from a stupidity of Conscience not accusing them for sin 2ly It arise from the abuse of their Prosperity or it may a● from their ●ning to their Morality or to the ●nency of Gifts or to their leaning to a great Name amongst the Godly To such Persons ordinarly the Gospel-Offer is very unsavory because they cannot see their need of it and ordinarly such Persons a● supprised with horrible Awakenings of Conscience under great Crosses or at the hour of their Death Directions how secure People may win to an awakening 1st They would examine their Life by the Rule of the Law 2ly They would be of considering the old Covenant of Works 3ly Th● would consider that not one Word of the Gospel confirms their Security 4●y They would consider that Justice spared not Christ when he was inputatively guilty 5ly They would consider th● Gods Holiness Justice and Veracity and his respect to the Glory and Credit of the Redeemer ●gadges his Wrath to pursue the rejecters of Christ 6ly We would consider the Marks of Gods indignation upon the Souls and Bodies of Men upon Inferiour Animals and upon the Works of Creation which are imprinted upon them for sin This will give them a visible Evidence of Gods hatred at sin This may secure expected Punishment from God if Grace prevent not 7ly They would retire them s●lves from the Worlds noise and make a Reflection on their inward Temper and beg the convinceing Spirit of God to through the Work of Conviction on their heart The Apostle in laying down the Grounds upon which Faith triumphs over the fear of Condemnation holds out these four Viz. Christs Death Resurrection Session at the Right Hand and Intercession Christs Death may well be a ground of freedom from this fear because 1st It was the Punishment threatned in the Covenant of Works against our sin and he never having been a transgressor of that Covenant for he never personally transgressed it neither could Adam's Transgression be imputed to him because he sprang not from him by the way of natural Generation I say he being thus Innocent his Death behooved to be a dying in our stead 2ly This Death may free us of this fear because he endured the Spiritual Death threatned in the Old Covenant he took it off us and laid it on himself he suffered in his Soul also well as in his Body as Witnesseth the History of his Passion which shews us that his Father withdrew his Comforts from him when he cryed out My God Why hast thou forsaken me And likewise it tells us his Soul was subjected to Trouble to Soul-Grief Fear and Agony 2ly His Resurrection is a good Ground to secure us against this Fear because it is the Fathers absolution of him as our Soverty 3ly The Session at the right Hand secures us against this Fear because i● is a Preludium of his being Judge and a certain Pledge given him of the Father of his total Victory over all the opposition made to h● Peoples Salvation Psal 110.1 Likeas it is a furth● Testimony of the Fathers acquiesceing in that satisfaction he payed to Justice for the sins of his People Heb. 1.3 4ly His Intercession secures us from this fear because it is a Ground that may sufficiently comfort us by assureing us of the continuance of our Friendship w●th God and our standing in our justified state notwithstanding of our da● sinful infirmities 1 John 2.1 2. But because this Text speaks of the great Articles of our Creed we would inferr some comfortable Inferences from them And 1st From his Death inferr the greatness of his Love to us Job 15.12 2ly Inferr the strong Confirmation of the new Covenant therefor his Blood is called The Blood of the New Testament in the Institution of
prepare for them an Heavenly City now Believers in Christ are Abraham's Spiritual Seed with whom that Covenant was made and therefore they must go to Heaven and cannot be condemned to go to Hell 2d Ground of their freedom from Condemnation is their freedom from the Law Believers are not under the Law but under Grace Rom. 6 They are married to Christ and so are not under the Dominion of their old Husband the Law They are not under the Law as an Covenant tho they be under it as an Rule of Life and so they cannot be under the commination of that Covenant because of the Transgressions of it now where the Law does not condemn the Judge cannot condemn 3d. Ground of Certainty is the Believers interest in Christ's Sacrifice Heb. 12.24 It is said we are come to the blood of sprinkling we have a real Interest in his Sacrifice because he is One that had our nature 2ly That Sacrifice by God's Appointment and his own Consent was offered up for Believers and he had a Spiritual S●bness to them Now since Believers have an interest in this Sacrifice this cannot but secure them from Condemnation if you consider the expiatory Vertue thereof which expiatory Vertue is evinced from these few Considerations 1st Consider the infinitely wise God chose this Sacrifice to expiate the Sins of Believers Heb. 10.5 2ly He accepted of this Sacrifice as a proper and effectual Mean to produce this end Eph. 5.2 3ly This Sacrifice had an Intrinsick Worth in it and was spotless 4ly It was offered up by the Heavenly-Fire of the Eternal Spirit Heb. 9.14 5ly The Offerer was the High-Priest of the New Testament himself inaugurate in his Office by God himself Heb. 7.21 6ly The Sufferings he was put to by being thus a Sacrifice were the accomplishments of the Commination of the Law An Fourth Ground of Certainty is the absolution of Christ the Believers soverty in his Resurrection and this absolution more fully cleared by his Session at God's Right Hand Rom. 4 and last and Heb. 1. and 3. A 5th Ground of Certainty of the Believers freedom is the promulgate Gospel which plainly asserts that the Believer is not condemned John 3.18 and 5.24 And this Truth of the Gospel is confirmed by external Miracles and by the Internal Operations of the Spirit of God A 6th Ground is the Priviledges that this Gospel declares are conferred on Believers as 1st The Priviledge of Justification and that secures the Believer from Condemnation 1st Because it is God's Deed Rom. 8 33. and 34. 2ly It is an Act of Grace Rom. 3.24 We are justified freely by his Grace now Grace must reign over Sin and Death Rom. 5. and last 3ly It is an Act founded on Christ's Righteousness which is called the Righteousness of God viz. of his Invention and Approbation 2 Cor. 5. and last And therefore this Priviledge of Justification cannot but secure the Believer from Condemnation 4ly This Act of Justification draws with it the total and irrep●alable Pardon of all Sin Rom. 4.5 6. compared with Psal 32.1 2· For the Apostle Rom. 4 clears from that Psalm that the Gospel-Righteousness is not a Righteousness of Works for it draws with it as its attendant the Remission of Sins A 2d Priviledge that the Gospel secures to a Believer is Adoption John 1.12 and this cannot but secure the Believer from Condemnation because a sure Title to eternal Life depends on it and follows the same Rom. 8.17 1 Joh. 3.1 2. A Third Priviledge that the Gospel assures us Believers have Is that they are sanctified by the Spirit of God which is their being made meet for Heaven Col. 1.12 It is the Earnest of it Eph 1 14. Now this cannot but secure them from Condemnation because God cannot separate a man that hath his Image from himself seing the Image of God is given by him to prepare a man for Communion with himself A 7th Ground is the Believer is unite to Christ not only because Christ hath the same Humane Nature with him but because he is mystically and spiritually one with him 1 Cor. 6.17 The Believer is a piece of Christ mystical therefore the Church of Believers is called his fullness Eph. 1. last Now this Union with Christ secures from Condemnation because the Love of the Father that is terminate on Christ primarly and principally must also necessarly terminate on them see Jo. 17. last An 8to Ground of certainty is That Christ is Judge and the Rule whereby he proceeds is not the Law but the Gospel John 12.48 49 and 50. Use of Consolation from this Doctrine is 1st To these who are under the conviction of Sin Guilt and Death and who have fled for Refuge to Christ such are not allowed to have the Spirit of Bondage again to fear Condemnation Rom. 8.15 2ly To such who are under paternal Chastisements for Sin because these are our evidences of our freedom from Condemnation 1 Cor. 11.32 And therefore they should not be looked on as Prooffs of our lyableness to Condemnation 3ly It is comfortable to those that are Assaulted with Satan's Fiery Darts suggesting to them that they will be condemned and yet giving them no sufficient ground to found that Assertion on If a mans Conscience tell him that he believes on Christ from this Text he may easily repell all these horrid Temptations 4ly It is very comfortable at the hour of Death for Death wants its Sting to an Believer 1 Cor. 15.55 Death is but a sleep to a Believer Death doth not seperate a Believer from the Love of God Rom. 8. last But it is the Believers passage to immediate Communion with God and therefore Paul 2 Cor. 5.8 Desires to be absent from the body and present with the Lord. The former Scriptural-Grounds assuring the Believer that he is free from Condemnation they are fit to be applyed by these Believers that know they have Faith and whose fears of Condemnation arise more from their reflection on their Guilt Corruption and Misery then from any Jealousie that they want Faith But for such whose fears of Condemnation arise from the weakness of their Faith I would have them consider many Scripture Instances which clear that a weak Faith maybe very profitable if it be true As the Faith of the Leper who believed Christ's Power but questioned his Willingness M●th 8 and as the Faith of the Prodigal who believed his Father might put him amongst the Servants but could not make him a Son see what Opinion Paul hath of the Faith of the Hebrews Heb. 6.9 compared with the 12. and 13. and compared with the 5. and 12. Secondly There is an use of Tryal to try whether we have an Interest in this Priviledge or no. And 1st Try it by your Faith whether ye believe the promises of God whose performances are very improbable like as Abraham did Then are we Abraham's spiritual Seed and so have Interest in the Covenant made with him 2ly Try
your Interest in this priviledge by your being Married to Christ that is by forsaking your own personal Righteousness which is by the Law and betaking your selves to Christ's Rom. 7.4 3ly Try your Interest by your Union with Christ If you would know that Union with Christ ye must try it by this whether ye be new Creatures or no 2 Cor. 5.17 4ly ye must try it by the mark in the Text which is that such as are in Christ They walk not after the flesh that is they have not an walk that evidences the dominion of Lust over them Pride Covetousness Malice and Self-love do not Influence their Conversation And 2ly They do not regulate their Life by the Laws of Corruption which are directly opposite to the Laws of God whereof some of them may be repeated As 1st The Natural Man thinks it fit to depend upon himself and not upon God and to please himself and not God 2ly The Natural Man denys the Being of God and mistakes the perfection of God and his walk evidences his Atheism Psal 14.1 and his denyal of God's perfection Psal 36.1 3ly It is a Principle of the Natural Man that he Exerciseth himself in Superstitious Worship In being formal in appointed Worship as meritorious with God see Luke 18. about the Pharisee 4ly It is his principle that we may warrantably use unlawful means to obtain our end That false policy is better then tenderness of Conscience 5ly It is a Principle of his that Folk should rather Sin then suffer Affliction 6ly It is a Principle of the Carnal Man that we should not love our Neighbour with a pure and single Love but with a Selfish Love not designing singly his good but aiming still at our own Advantage in what kindness we do to him 7ly It s the walker after the flesh his Principle that we should not live in Subjection to Superiours from Conscience but because of fear of force and because of Expectation of Advantage 8ly It 's his Principle that his Felicity stands in sensual good 9ly He is not content with what satisfies Nature but with what satisfies Lust and Lust being unsatiaable he cannot but always be discontented Now this Walk after the Flesh does not only import a Walk that evidences reigning Lusts in the Heart and a Walk that is the practical improvement of those pernicious Principles formerly mentioned and such like but it is a Walk tending to corrupt Ends a Walk wherein a Mans Imaginations Desires and Purposes are all levelled at the gratifying of some one predominant Lust or other And 5ly we would try our interest in this priviledge by our walking after the Spirit Which is a walk first which stands in obedience to the motions of the Spirit Rom. 8 13. Gal. 5.18 2ly It stands in giving God spiritual Worship Phi●ip 3.3 and Jo. 4 24. 3ly It stands in having a Walk flowing from Spiritual Principles viz. Faith 2 Cor. 5.7 Love Eph. 5.2 4ly It stands in eying an spiritual Rule in our Walk viz. The Law in its spiritual meaning in having a spiritual frame in conforming our selves to that Law that we may do what we do in the strength of Christ's Spirit And 5ly It stands in designing spiritual Ends viz. The Glory of God the Edification of our Neighbour and our own Salvation From the Restriction of this priviledge to such as Walk after the Spirit We may infer an Use of Reproof to many who walk after the flesh and yet will apply this priviledge to themselves The causes of their security may be 1st They lean to their Superstitious Services Mica 6 7. Isa 1 11. And to their External Acts of Worship Isai 58 3. Jer. 7 10. 2ly They Lean to their present impunity Psal 50 21. And 3ly They lean to their own Gifts Matth. 7.22 Observe that the Apostle divides all the Members of the Visible Church in these Two sorts of Men viz. Who walk after the Flesh and Who walk after the Spirit Importing to us that all those that Walk not after the Spirit they certainly walk after the Flesh From this one may infer That all Moralists and Civilians Whatever pretences they have for Innocency in Walking since they are unacquainted with a walking after the Spirit they are certainly to be reckoned as Walkers after the Flesh Observe next from the words That when the Apostle would give a discovery to persons of their spiritual state and of their Interest in the priviledge of Non-condemnation he brings this Discovery not from a particular Act of their Walk whether good or bad but from the Tract of their Walk for a Godly Man may be overcome with an Temptation at a time and do an evil Act which may be called an Act of the Flesh and an godless Man may do an Act materially good but a Godly Man cannot Walk after the Flesh neither can a godless man walk after the Spirit Verse 2. For the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the Law of Sin and Death SOme take the meaning of those words to be That the Gospel doth free the Apostle Paul from the Law and Covenant of Works and its Threatning And therefore since the Gospel frees him from the Laws Threatning It cannnot but secure all that are in Christ from Condemnation seing he has no priviledge by the Gospel but what all that are in Christ actually have for the Gospel confers priviledges of this sort and nature equally on all Believers And if the words be taken in this sense they are a proof of the first part of the first verse to this purpose as if the Apostle had said Ye may be very sure that there is no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Because I who am a Believer by the promulgate Gospel am delivered from the Threatning of the Covenant of Works And so these that ascribe this sense to the words they say that by the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is meaned the Gospel called the Law of Faith 3d. Rom. And it gets that Name because as a Law hath Authority in it to oblidge to Obedience so the Gospel has the stampt of Divine Authority on it obliging to Obedience Likeways It is called a Law of the spirit of life because the Gospel and not the Law which is as to this a Dead Letter is the Ministration of the Spirit see Gal. 3.5.2 Cor. 3.8 and we are receivers of the spirit by the hearing of Faith Gal 3.2 and it is said the Gospel is the Law in Christ Jesus because Christ Jesus is the principal Subject about which it Treats Or these words in Christ Jesus may be added not to denote that the principal Subject of the Gospel is Christ Jesus but to denote that the Spirit of Life which is conveyed by the Gospel is to be had from Christ Jesus 2ly Those that ascribe this sence to the words they say that by the Law of sin and death is meant the
Law of God with it's sanction and Threatning For as it is a perfect Rule of Righteousness it discovers sin As the Apostle says by the Law is the knowledge of sin and by reason of the Threatning subjoined to the Law it brings the sinner under a lyableness to Death and upon thir Accounts it is concluded by thir Divines who ascribe this sence to the Text That the Law of God gets this Name of the Law of ●in and Death But yet when we consider the Text more narrowly we think it has an other meaning For it is very clear from the preceeding Chapter That by the Law of sin the Apostle means Corruption and we do not find the Apostle in other places of Scripture giving that name of the Law of sin and death to the Law of God And therefore by the Law of the spirit of life is meant the powerful influence of the spirit of life upon Believers which frees Paul from Corruption these 3. ways 1st By dwelling in Pauls heart he makes up a spiritual Union betwixt Christ and him and so frees him from the guilt of Corruption because by the spirit making up that Union he winns to a justified state 1 Cor 6.11 2ly He frees Paul from his Corruption because by his power he breaks the dominion of sin And 3ly By his presence and efficacious working he will in his own time abolish the remainders of Corruption out of Paul's heart The Cohesion of this Verse with the former seems to be the Apostles proving the latter part of the Verse thus That those that are in Christ must walk after the Spirit and not after the Flesh because the Spirit of Life breaks the Dominion of Sin in them as it did in Paul Or 2ly This Second Verse may be added to illustrate the first part of the first Verse viz. That there is no condemnation to the man who is in Christ and it may be set down to prevent an Objection against that Truth that the man that is in Christ is free of condemnation For it may be said that the man that is in Christ hath the Law of Sin and Death and since he hath the remainders of Corruption in him how can he be free from Condemnation It is Answered That the Spirit of Life frees the Believer from the Law of Sin and Death because by uniting a man to Christ it frees him from the Guilt of Corruption and by the Spirits presence as a Spirit of Life in God●s own time he will be freed from the remainders of Corruption From what has been said we may soon see That our discerning of the remainders of Corruption in us inevitably brings us under many fears of Condemnation The fight of Indwelling Sin more forcibly puts us under a fear of Condemnation than the feeling of all our numerous Miseries can do and therefore it were fit for a Believer to strengthen his hope of the total abolition of Sin in him and this may be done 1st By considering our Union with Christ and Christ's Exaltation to Glory which necessarly says that all the Members must have a sinless conformity with the Head 2ly This Hope may be strengthned by considering that the guilt of our Corruption is already pardoned in our Justification for the 1st Verse says There is no condemnation to the man that is actually in Christ And 3ly This Hope may be strengthned in this that the breaking of the Dominion of Corruption in us by the Spirit of Life is a Pledge given us of God to assure us of its total abolition Observe 2ly That Paul was a man deeply exercised with the sense of remaining Corruption in him as appears by the last part of the former Chapter and now he wins to a great deal of freedom to apply Gospel-Priviledges and this tells you that the freedom of the Actings of Faith is very consistent with the sense of Indwelling Sin Observe 3ly Paul used many Means for Mortification he watched he prayed he kept himself out of the way of Temptation yet he ascribed not his freedom from Corruption to the use of these Means but to the Principal Author of his freedom viz. The Spirit of Life who did bless these Means for that end Take notice of that Name that 's given to the Influencing Spirit that liberats Paul from the Law of Sin and Death it is called The Law of the Spirit of Life Because that as a Law hath a Moral Efficacy to draw those that live under it into Obedience So the gracious Spirit of God where he has an indwelling hath an strong Efficacy to bring the Person in whom he dwells to follow his Conduct And this leads us into an 4. Observation anent the mighty Working of the Spirit and his Grace in the Hearts of Believers and this mighty Power of the Spirit and his Grace evidences it self in these few things following amongst many moe As 1st In the actings of Faith under many Tryals which must argue a great Power that makes a man believe notwithstanding of great and manifold Guiltinesses and of long Continuance notwithstanding of Corruptions notwithstanding of violent Assaults from Satan yea notwithstanding of Desertions Chastisements and Death And therefore it is said Eph. 1.19 That there is an exceeding greatness of Power that works in Believers 2ly The Power of Grace kythes in that it can make a man forgoe those Sins his natural Complexion enclines him to whereunto he has been much accustomed and which have brought him great worldy Advantage 2ly Graces Power appears in that it makes a man forsake his own Righteousness and betake himself to Christs which deed will be very much opposed by Pride and Self-love 4ly It s Power appears in this in tha● it can make Christians with Paul not to look t● things seen that is to depise the allurements of the World which have a sensible certainty and are very grateful to our external Senses 5ly It evidences it self in making People patient under manifold sore continuing and extream Miseries even such o● whom is legible God's Quarrel with us for our Sins the Exercise of Patience under such must be an Effect of great Power See Cor. 1.10 11. And that because Patience will be opposed by our natural Pride Self-love and Unbelief Use of Information To let you see to whom you may ascribe the great Works of the mortified Believer even to the mighty efficacious Worker the Spirit of Life that is in Christ Jesus Use of Encouragement to the despondent Believer who ●s feared when he considers the Greatness and Spirituality of his Work he thinks that Work is so far above him he will not get it accomplished But the Answer is His Encouragement should spring from his looking to the mighty Power of that indwelling Spirit in him and albeit he may find hims●lf very weak to manadge his Spiritual Work if he compare the greatness of his Work with the strength of that measure of inherent Grace he has for the time yet he
would not be discouraged for although the present measure of inherent Grace that is in him be not able to do his work and overcome the opposition made to it yet there is an abundance of strength in the Spirit of Life that principally resides in the Head and is derived from him to all his Members to manadge all the Christians Work and to overcome all the opposition made to it Take notice 5ly Of the name the Spirit gets here he is called the Spirit of Life or a quickning Spirit and he is called so for Three Reasons 1st Because he raised Christ from the dead 2ly Because he raises us from the Death of Sin And 3ly Because he is to raise the Christian at the last day to immortal Glory From this we infer that those in whom the Spirit dwells must have Spiritual Life that is they must live so as to make his Will their Rule and his Glory their End and his Love their chiefest Comfort 6ly Take notice That the Spirit of Life is said to be in Jesus Christ and that 1st Because Christ did merite the Spirit of Life to his People 2ly Because the Spirit of Life did evidence principally It's quickning vertue in his raising Christ from the dead He did this that believers might have a pledge by this deed that he could raise them from the death of sin and of the grave 3. He is said to be in Christ Jesus because he is given to him principally and primarly and in a greater measure then to Believers the Father gave not the Spirit by measure to him John 3.34 And the Spirit is given to believers from Christ and for his sake and this directs Believers how to strengthen their Faith as to the expectation of the Spirits grace and influence to their Hearts Unbelief will say in their Hearts they should not expect the Spirits presence seeing they cannot deserve it The Answers is that Christ hath deserved it from them tho they have not deserved it themselves 2ly Unbelief will object the difficulty of the Spiritual and Corporal Resurrection a work so difficult how can the accomplishment thereof be expected The answer is That this Spiri● of life hath performed ane greater work in raising Christ from the dead then he should perform tho he should raise thee who are the Believer from the death of sin and the grave 3ly Unbelief in Believers will object against their undertaking great Spiritual work for God because they do not find such strength of the Spirits grace in them as many be proportioned to the greatness and Spirituality of that work But the Answer is They should not take their encouragement to the work from the greatness of the strength of their present inherent grace but from the greatness of the strength of that Spirit of life that primarly and principally resides in Christ and therefore Paul 1 Tim. 2.1 He bids Timothy be strong in the grace that is in Jesus and in the Philip 4. He says he can do all things through Christ that strengthneth him and in 2 Cor. 12. He says he rejoyces in his infirmity that the power of Christ may rest upon him And therefore an exercised Believer with indwelling sin if he would have the most comfortable look of Christ let him look to him as having the fullness of the Spirit of life in him for Christ is not only lovely to a Believer as his Blood has an Expiatory vertue to cleanse away our guilt but as he has an fullness of the Spirit whereby he is able to quicken the Believer and raise him from the Death of sin to a Spiritual life Observe the designation of Corruption it is called the Law of Sin to hold out its moral evil 2ly It is called the Law of Death to hold out the prejudice it doeth to us It gets the name of the Law of sin to hold out the impetuous activity of it to make us commit Actual sin notwithstanding all the restraints that God puts upon us by his prohibitions by his Threatenings by his Judgements and Crosses by his Checking and Restraining-providences by his Allureing mercies by his awakening-Smarting challenges of our conscience 2ly This Corruption is very powerful to overcome the restraints of Men made against it No humane law with it's most Vigorous execution can altogether stop its Impetuousness Indwelling sin is so impetuous that it doeth overcome the restraints the the sinner puts on himself he will break his own Vow 's purposes and promises From the Impetuousness and efficacy of this indwelling sin we may inferr the folly of them that think to get it Mortified by their own strength without the efficacy of the Spirit of life convoyed to us in the humble use of appointed means 2ly It says they are fools who look upon their resolutions to live blamelesly as a sufficient guard against Scandalous sins Indwelling sin is so impetuous in its acting that it will break out notwithstanding of that resolution if it be not mortified by the Law of the Spirit of life Next the Text holds out the prejudice we lustain by Corruption here it is called the Law of Death and that first because the strength of Corruption and it's Actings marr Spiritual Life 2ly Because although the Guilt of Corruption be Pardoned to ● Believer yet the intrinsick Demerite of Eternal Death sticks to it 3ly Because that Natural Death necessarly is Connected with it For though the Death of a Believer be not the effect of a Curseing Law as the just Punishment of Corruption yet the Tota● removeal of Corruption from the Believer is to be brought about by Death the Dissolution of Nature If this were well considered by Believers it would make us humble under the Sense of Indwelling sin and would make us painful for its Mortification an● make us exceedingly long for it's Total Abolition Observe Paul applyes this Priviledge of freedom from indwelling sin to himself and th● Application is worthy of Observation if y● look to its Qualities As 1st It 's an Application that is attended with a due Sense of sin the Moral ill and prejudice of it an Christian exercised with the exceeding sinfulness of indwelling sin and the prejudice following on it is a fit applye of this benefite 2ly This Application is an humble Application he expects freedom from indwelling sin not from any paines he can take to Mortif● it but from the Law and Efficacy of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus 3ly Paul's Application of this benefite is from Knowledge he know's the Guilt of indwelling sin is removed by his Justification and he knowes the presence of it is to be removed alsewell as the Dominion of it to be broken by the Efficacy of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus Paul did expect this benefite on rational Grounds which he understood Not like many ignorant Christians that expect benefites fra● God and yet they have not distinct Grounds to found their Expectation on 4ly This Application was
warrantable and no ways presumptuous He did not intend it as a mean securely to make him neglect his duety but he rather used it as an Encouradgement for to make him walk after the Spirit and not after the Flesh Observe That Paul assured himself of his freedom from the Law of Sin and Death that he might with the greater freedom apply the Priviledge of Non-condemnation to himself spoken of in the first part of the first Verse And if we would be free of the fears of Condemnation we would be assured of the removal of indwelling sin because that the fear of Condemnation followes the presence of it because the Law connects Sin and Death together 2ly Because Corruption where it is unfits folk for Communion with God and mean Measures of Communion awaken fears of Condemnation And 3ly Some●ime God afflicts the Christian to restrain indwelling in from outbreaking and these Afflictions heighten ●hese fears For this Reason people would be assured of sins total removeal by considering that our Union with Christ speaks the necessity of it that we must ●e sinless as he is he hath undertaken it his Blood ●oth merite it Eph 1.7 Titus ● 14 and his ●esurrection is the Pledge of it Verse 3. For what the Law could not do in that it was weak through the Flesh God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinfull Flesh and for Sin Condemne● Sin in the Flesh THis Verse and the following are brought in t● clear the first part of the first Verse viz. Tha● there is no Condemnation to the man that is in Chris● They are an illustration of that great truth that th● Believer in Christ though in part sinful is not lyab● to any Condemnation and these Verses cle● this truth because they hold out that the meth● that God takes to justifie the sinner is not inconsistent with his Law and Justice The words hold out the way and Method t● Infinite Wisdom has found out to Justifie a sinn● though not by the Law yet consistent with the La● The words contain in them First the necess● of this Method it was necessary to God to fall on because the Law could not justifie the man for he ● in an Estate of Corruption the Law could not d● for it was weak through the Flesh 2ly The words ● out the Method it self which may be taken up these three 1st The Preparation for it 2ly T● Action it self in order to it 3ly The Conseq● and Effect of that Action The Preparation lyes in these words God ●ding his own Son in the likeness of sinfull Flesh for Sin In which words ye may Observe Person made use of for to bring about sinners Justification consistent with Law described from the relation he has with God the Father his own Son 2ly Observe his Mission he sent his own Son 3ly Observe his Incarnation he sent him in Flesh that is in Human Nature he is n●t said to be sent in the likeness of Flesh as though he had assumed only the appearance of Human Nature but he is said to be sent in the likeness of sinfull Flesh because the Nature he assumed was like our sinfull Nature because he was subject to these Infirmities that our sinfull human Nature is subject to 4ly Observe his Condition after his Incarnation and that stands in two 1st He was Sinless he had not sinfull Flesh but the likeness of sinfull Flesh 2ly He was Subject to the Infirmities of our Nature on that account he is said to be sent in the likeness of sinful Flesh 5ly Ye may take notice of the end of this Mission exprest in these words And for Sin 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieing these two 1st That our sins all our sins especially the sinfullness of our Nature was the moveing and procuring cause of Christ's taking on him our Nature with the sinless Infirmities thereof Or rather 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may admitt that sense that they have 1 Peter 3.18 That the Abolition and Destruction of sin both as to its Guilt power and presence is the final cause of the Mission Incarnation and Infirm condition of the Son of God 2ly Take notice of the Action it self in which consists the way and method that God uses to bring about the Sinners Justification consistent with his Law and that is exprest in these words He or God the Father condemned Sin in the Flesh Some make the Exposition of the Words to be That God sentenced or appointed sin to be totally extirpate out of our Nature But it seems rather to be of Gods punishing sin in Christ's Humane Nature Condemnation of sin is here taken for the punishment of sin Punishment ordinarly following on Condemnation and this is the method that God takes to justifie the Sinner because the punishment was inflicted upon Flesh that is on Humane Nature a peice of that Nature possest by the Redeemer whereof we all partake now this is Ascribed to God the Father that God condemned sin in the Flesh for though Men were the Instruments of Christ's Sufferings yet God the Father had the principal sinless hand in bringing these about He was delivered to suffering by the determinate Counsel and foreknowledge of God Acts 2 23. Rom. 4.25 It is said he was delivered viz. to Death for our offences And that Delivery must be ascribed to the Father because it is made a ground of our Encouragement to believe on him Rom. 8.32 The Delivery of the Son to Death is ascribed to the Father Next this punishment of Sin on Christ must be referred to God the Father because he offered himself up a Sacrifice to God the Father Eph 5.2 Beside the Father is said to make him sin or a sacrifice for sin 2 Cor 5. last And in the third place the Father is said to punish sin in Humane Nature because it was convenient for the manifestation of Divine Justice and preservation of the Honour and Credite of the Law that the punishment inflicted for the Transgression of the Law should be inflicted on that same Nature that transgressed the Law though not on the same individual persons that did transgress and it contributes very much to make the satisfaction imputable to sinners that the Satisfier share of the same Nature with them In the third place take notice of the effect and consequent of this Action of God the Father viz. His Condemning or Punishing sin in the Human Nature of Christ and it is this That the Righteousness of the Law is fulfilled in Believers It is not said that it is fulfilled by them for if that could have been done Christ needed not to have suffered for them But the meaning is that the Righteousness of the Law is fulfilled for their behoof This Righteousness of the Law 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is nothing else but the just Punishment due to sin by Vertue of Gods Law and the Threatnings thereof all one with that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom 1. and last For that is
meant of the Righteousness of God that is the Punishment due to sin by vertue of Gods justice for it is all one Punishment that is due by vertue of divine justice or by Vertue of the Threatning Law Now this Punishment due by Law is said to be fulfilled in us by Gods Punishing sin in Christ For though God did dispense so far with the severe Threatning of the Law as that he would not inflict that severe Punishment on the Transgressor himself yet these severe Punishments for kind that were Threatned by the Law against Transgressors God in Punishing Christ he inflicted these upon him and therefore Heb. 2.14 It is said that he behooved to become man that he might bear Death the particular Punishment threatned against the sin of man by the Law And therefore the Scripture asserts that Christ bore no other Curse but the Curse of the Law for the Law threatning was the Rule by which Justice did proceed in inflicting punishment on the Mediator And therefore it is said Gal. 4 4 He was made under the Law Now for the necessity of this Method that God has fallen upon to justifie the Sinner in a way consistent with Law The Words express it thus Because the Law as a Covenant could not justifie the sinner it being weak and insufficient to do it by reason of the corrupt state of Man and this is clear First because neither the Natural Law delivered to Adam nor the Moral Law delivered on Mount Sinai could justifie the sinner because both these Laws though the same as to the matter did require that the Acts of Obedience should First Be Perfect 2ly Constant If the Creature were to obtain Justification thereby Now the Acts of Obedience of the sinner cannot by reason of Corruption be perfect without Defects because they cannot flow from the love of God in the heart Love being imperfect where any Corruption remains 2ly Neither can Obedience be constant where Corruption remains And if it be said that the disobedient sinner may be justified by Law by bearing the punishment threatned by it It is Answered frail Nature is not able to bear the extremity of Punishment threatned by the Law neither is it able of it self to overcome Death which is the particular Punishment threatned by it against sin Likeas corrupt m●n cannot bear the extream Punishment due to sin sinlesly for the extremity of Misery irrirates their Corruption to murmure and repine against God under their sufferings Vse 1st To diswade Folks from seeking Justification by the Law for if we do this we say Christ dyed in vain Gal. 2. and last And 2ly Our doing of this makes Christ to become of no effect to us Gal. 5 3 4. It keeps us from submitting to the Righteousness of God and approving of his device Rom. 10.3 It makes the motions of sin which are by the Law bring forth Fruits unto Death and it marrs our bringing forth Fruit unto God by vertue of our Marriage with Christ Rom. 7.4 It makes all our external Obedience in order to this end useless for our good Paul reckoned all his Obedience while he was in a Legal state loss and dung Phil. 3.8 And it brings us under a spirit of Bondage Gal. 4. and last But if it be said shall the Believer cast at the Law It is Answered he should live under it as a Rule of Life but not as a Covenant If it be said For what then should he obey the Law if not to be justified by his Obedience Answer he should do it 1st To please God Col. 1.10 2ly To Glorifie their Heavenly Father John 15.8 3ly Because it is the Way to promote Holiness Rom. 6.19 and the Way to the enjoyment of Salvation It is the notifieing Evidence that they have right to Life Rev. 22.14 For though Obedience to the Law cannot justifie us from the charge of being in part Transgressors of the Law yet it may justifie us from the Charge of Hypocrisie Obedience may justifie us as to the reality of our Faith and we may obey in order to that end that by it we may know we have true Faith 1 John 2.3 But it is only the Righteousness of Christ that justifies our Person in a Legal Way Likeas we may obey that by our Obedience we may attain to further manifestations of the love of God John 14.21 Likeways we may obey to edifie our Neighbours 2. Use of Reproof to the Unconverted that seek to be justified by the Law and such are they who do expect that they shall be free of wrath and merite Heaven either for their Morality or external Righteousness as the Scribes and Pha●isees did Or 2ly Such as are formal Hypocrites that lean to their external Acts of Worship see Isay 58.23 Or 3ly Such as are superstitious leaning to their Arbitrary Devotions Or 4ly Such as these who continue in their Prophanity and yet lean to Acts of Charity Or 5ly Such as lean to their Legal Sorrow Or 6ly Such as lean to the Exercise of their Gifts for promoting of the Gospel Matth. 7.22 Or 7ly Such as lean to their Zeal to promote a Good Work contrary to Nehemiah's Practice Nehem. 13.22 2ly This reproves the Godly who degenerate into a Legal Frame and this they do when they Found their Expectation of Heaven their Immunity from wrath the acceptation of their Persons Prayers and Services upon any Performance of their own when they think because of their Charity their Repentance their Devotion and exact walking God is obliged to them to free them from Hell and give them Heaven It is true Gods free Promise to Believers in Christ makes these things the Rewards of Grace to the Obedience of his own but that is not done for the Intrinsick Worth of the Acts of our Obedience Rom. 8.18 because the Reward is counted of Grace and not of Debt Rom 4. and their greater alse well as their lesser Rewards are given on the account of their Adoption and not as an Hyre for their Work Col. 3.24 Now we come to speak to the Method it self And 1. To the Preparation for this Method God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful Flesh and for sin Where Observe that the Person made use of for the Justification of the sinner is Gods own Son or his only begotten Son John 1.18 It was convenient it should be so First That we might be more certain of the Revelation of the Gospel made by him John 1.18 2ly The World was made by him John 1.2 Heb. 1.2 And therefore it is fit the world should be restored by him to its primitive Beauty which it lost by the Son of man 3ly The Elect behooved to be sanctified and the sanctifieing Spirit is the Spirit of his Son 4ly God intended to Adopt his Elect and Adoption must be founded on our Union with the only Begotten Son of God Gal. 4.5 5ly This contributes to the Expiatory Vertue of his Sacrifice and the prevalency of his
obligation to God and our dependencies on him and if ye consider that Infinite Wisdom Goodness and Power which qualifie him to be the supream moral Governour of the World 2ly If ye look to the matter of the Law it is Righteous to acknowledge the Creator as our God to give him the prescription of his own manner of Worship to be reverend in that Worship to give him a part of our time to do the Relative Duties to our Superiours because o● our dependance on him and benefite by them sincerely to design the preservation of our Neighbours Life Chastity Goods and Name as we do design the preservation of our own and that because ou● Neighbours participate of the same nature and spring from the same common Root of Mankind Because the good of Humane society tends much to Gods Glory To be content with our Lot as being prescribed be the good and wise God The practice of these Duties are Righteous because the very light of nature approves them The practice of the Duties of the first Table of the Law having a Native tendency to fit a Man to Converse with his God in which stands his Felicity And the practice of the duties of the second Table of the Law being necessary for the preservation of humane society clearly evinces That that practice is Righteous From the Righteousness of the preceptive part of the Law we infer First That every sin has in the bosome of it a Rebellion against the Authority of God 2ly Of its own nature it 's Unrighteousness 3ly We see that every true Christian with Paul must consent to the Law and approve it as good and Righteous Now as to the Righteousness of the Threatning annext to the Law the punishment threatned is most Righteous For the Law threatens the sinner with Death Natural Spiritual and Eternal Now it is a Righteous thing that no less punishment should be due for sin nor that threefold Death becaue● God who is Essentially just and necessarly the Moral Governour of the World hath appointed it and he cannot err 2ly His Deputy within us Our Conscience approves this punishment is due for sin 3ly The Intrinsick evil that is in sin deserves it It being an ungratitude against our Benefactor Unrighteousness upon the matter and Rebellion against the just Authority of our Ruler From the Righteousness and dueness of punishment by the Threatning we infer That we should not repine when God punishes us for sin Now we come to clear That the Righteousness of the Law is perfectly to be found in Christ and this stands upon the connection of the former verse with this It is expresly said that Christ was put to suffering That the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us 1st Then look to Christ's Active obedience to the Laws Precepts it is such an obedience as makes the sinner Righteous Rom. 5.19 2ly The perfection required by the Precepts of the Law is to be found in Christ Rom. 10.4 He is the End of the Law for Righteousness that is a perfect conformity to the preceptive part of the Law is to be found in Christ as a Basis for our Justification 3ly Christ's Righteousness is perfect standing in a perfect obedience to all the Commands he was under Because he is allowed to stay with the Father in Heaven he could not enjoy that perfect Felicity constantly if he had been disobedient to the Father in the least Jo. 16.10 This obedience of Christ's flows from a principle of Love to the Father Jo. 14. last it tends to a good end viz. to please God Jo. 8.29 it is constant and uninterrupted Ibid. From this we may see 1st That Christs obedience makes him an excellent Pattern for our Imitation 2ly It holds out that our Justification through Christ hath a solid Basis it doth establish the preceptive part of the Law Rom. 3. last and 10.4 3ly We must not now study Obedience to be justified thereby seing Christ's compleat Obedience may be sufficient matter for our Righteousness Next a perfect conformity to the Commination of the Law is to be found in Christ 1st If ye look to the Extremity of his Suffering He was obedient to Death even the Death of the Cross Phil. 2.8 2ly The quality of his Sufferings he bore the whole Curse of the Law Gal 3.13 They were the Effects of vindictive Wrath. 3ly If ye look to the Effects of his sufferings As first Perfect expiation of sin Heb. 10.14 The procuring of Eternal Salvation Heb. 5.9 4ly If ye look to the Evidences of the compleatness of his Sufferings As first his Resurrection as being the absolution of our Soverty Rom. 4.25 2ly His Session at God's right Hand as being his Reward see Heb. 1.3 From the perfect conformity of Christ to the Threatning of the Law We see how the Justification of a Believer by the Gospel fully secures the Beleiver from Law-Vengeance 2ly We see we are bound to do and suffer for Christ who has fully satisfied the Threatning of the Law for us 3ly We see it is very unsafe for our selves and injurious to Christ to judge that either our Actions or Sufferings can come in as Partial Causes with Christ's Satisfaction to the Threatning of the Law to procure the Expiation of Sin We have spoken to the Righteousness of the Law in it self As it is prescribed and required by the Law 2ly We have spoken to it as performed acted and done by Christ We must speak to that Righteousness performed by Christ as imputed to us and possest by us And First It is imputable to us because the punishment Born to satisfy the Threatning of the Law was Born by one in our Nature the Father punished sin in Christ's Flesh and his Flesh was our Flesh 2ly Christ was the second Adam and our Legal Soverty 3ly We have an Mystical and spiritual Union with him we are called his Spiritual Seed Isai 53.10 as being born according to his Image by the power of his Word and Spirit Likeas The soveraign Lord and supream Governour of the World declares in the Gospel That he accepts Christ's satisfaction to the threatning of the Law in the place of a compleat satisfaction from Sinners Here is a strong perswasive to invite sinners to make use of Christ because he is in himself a compleat legal Righteousness and can invest them sickerly and securly with it 2ly It calls on Actual Believers seing they have a sure pretension to an compleat Legal Righteousness it calls on them I say to expell the fears of Law Vengeance out of their Mind it calls on them to have an quiet and peaceable Consciencece Boldness in Prayer and the lively hope of Glory Verse 5. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit BY these that are after the flesh are meaned such in whom there is no new Nature and who give a ready and full obedience to
and it lyes in the undergoing to all Eternity the Effects of his displeasure as a just Revenging God punishing all disobedience to his Law And that this Eternal death is surely connected with the prophane course of a Carnal Mind Appears 1st Because that the Law binds over all the Transgressors of it to endure this Death The Wages of sin is death Rom. 6.23 Now there 's non can evite the Accomplishment of this Law-Threatning but such as are in Christ and the Carnal-minded Man is not so while he remains Carnally Minded 2ly It appears that the course of the Carnal minded Man tends to Death because while he is in that course of Life the Gospel and all it's promises are unsavoury to him and so he cannot be in case to follow the Counsels therein proposed for escaping Eternal Death Use 1st Seing that such persons are running to Death it serves to reprove them that are in this case that are very secure and fearless expecting that they will go to Heaven notwithstanding of their wicked course of Life This security of theirs may arise 1st From their Morality leaning to that 2ly From their Formality 3ly From their immunity from present Trouble 4ly From the exercise of their common Gifts 5ly From their Carnal Policy they make a Covenant with Death and Hell Isai 28. They think they have wit to escape the Wrath of God let it burn never so hot 6ly This security comes from the Flattery of bad Ministers and false Friends A second Use of Exhortation And that First To the Carnally minded That they would consider what is the danger of their Condition and what is the remedy thereof And 2ly To Ministers and other Godly People to pity such and do what they can in their station to prevent the danger of their Folks A Third Use is to instruct us in the miserable condition of such who not only are lyable to Death but the whole tendency and labour of their Body and toil of their Mind during the course of their Life while they are in that state is to involve them more and more under Eternal Death Next Observe To be Spiritually Minded is Life and Peace and therefore the Man that walks after the Spirit is free of Condemnation The Life of Grace follows on Spiritual Mindedness and the Life of Glory is connected with it see Rom. 8.13 This is a singular advantage to have spiritual Life For 1st It is the best kind of Life the Animal is better then the Vegetative Life the Rational is better than the Animal and the spiritual Life is better then the Rational 2ly It is the end of Christ's Death John 4.10 3ly It is the same Life that he possesses 1 John 5.11 4ly Tho it be obscure to Sense yet it is sure to Faith Col 3.2 5ly It is a Life from God springing from his Gracious presence It makes a Man live with God to entertain Converse with God and disposes him to live to God to give him much Self-denying Obedience Now spiritual-mindedness encreaseth this Life because to be spiritually-minded is vigorously to act this Life and the vigorous acting of it encreases it From this we may see That Christians may blame their own Carnality for the want of the encrease of spiritual Life 2ly Since the Apostle to prove that Spiritual Mindedness is inconsistent with the state of Condemnation adduces this Argument that spiritual Life attends spiritual Mindedness from this he warrands the Christian to conclude from his spiritual Life that he cannot be condemned and indeed it is a good Ground for such an Conclusion for spiritual Life is begun G●ory Likeas the Christian is hereby taught to be induced to spiritual Mindedness because it is attended with this advantage the encrease of spiritual Life Tho the World look on spiritual-mindedness as folly yet this again should make them look on it as true Wisedom The next Advantage following on spiritual Mindedness is Peace which includes in it Peace with God peace with our own Conscience and freedom from the disturbance of Lusts The spiritual-minded Man has Peace with God because he has an Union with Christ he has peace with his own Conscience because he lyes near the Communication of saving Light whereby he may discern his Interest in Gospel-Priviledges 3ly He acquires freedom from disturbance frae his Lusts because Spiritual-mindedness lessens a Mans inclination to Sin Verse 7. Because the carnal mind is Enmity against God For it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be HEre the Apostle proves That the unrenewed Man is lyable to Death and Condemnation Because the Carnal Mind is Enmity against God That is it is an irreconcileable Enemy to God and this he proves because the Carnal Mind cannot comply with the Law nor be subject to it There are three Things observable in the Text 1st That the carnal and unrenewed Man is God's irreconcileable Enemy 2ly That the unrenewed Man cannot be subject to the Law nor comply with it And 3ly The Man that is God's Enemy is lyable to Death For here the Apostle proves from the Enmity that the carnal Man hath against God that former Assertion That to be carnally minded is Death For the First Observation That the Unrenewed Man is God's Enemy it appears from his carriage towards Gods Law 1st He contemns its Authority 2ly He vilifies the Rewards that are promised to the Obedience of it 3ly He defies the Threatnings of it Deut. 29.19 4ly He dislikes the Matter of it Secondly It appears from his Carriage towards Gods Spirit As 1st He rejects his Testimony for the Gospel 2ly He resists his Motions 3ly He traduces his special Operations whether his Works of Miracles or his Works of Sanctification in the hearts of the Godly Thirdly It appears from his Carriage towards the Gospel he slights the Acts of Grace contained therein Matth. 22.5 He rejects the revealed Mysteries thereof 1 Cor. 2.4 He is an Enemy to the settlement of the Ordinance of the Gospel and a great Enemy to the serious Preachers of it Fourthly This Enmity kythes by his Carriage towards the Providence of God for as the Corrupt man is ready to deny the Being of God Psal 14.1 So he is ready to deny the Being of Providence Zeph. 1.12 And 2ly He is a great Reflecter upon Providence Mal. 3.13 And Fifthly this Enmity appears in his Carriage towards the Godly his Calumniating and Persecuting the innocent Godly tells that he hates the Image of God And Sixthly He is an Enemy to God because he desires never to think on him he would fain have God far from him he saith to God Depart from me Job 21. Vse This speaks the Folly of the unrenewed Man who loves to be at enmity with so powerful and good a God 2ly It speaks the Wickedness of his Heart since he keeps emnity at so holy a God 3ly It speaks his Ingratitude since he is an Enemy to his Benefactor 4ly It lets us
Intercession 6ly It makes him capable to exerce his mediatory Kingly Power over all the Creation for their good and safety Eph. 1. and last Psal 2. He hath by Inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than the Angels and it is of the Son it is said His Throne is for ever and ever Likeas it is by his Soneship he is capable for the comfort of Believers to be the Judge of the quick and the dead John 5.22 Observe 2ly Christs Mission He was sent of the Father 2nd this Mission imports 1st The Fathers great Love to the believing World John 3.16 1 John 4.9 2ly It imports that Christ his acting the Work of our Redemption was the Effect of a former Decree and was no casual or fortuitous Thing but was the accomplishment of a Divine Purpose Acts 4 28. and therefore that Providence is not to be stumbled at 3ly It imports that Christ had Gods Warrand for what he did Jo. 6.27 and he confirmed his Commission by Miracles Jo. 5.36 And therefore they that reject Christ contemn the Fathers Authority 4ly It secures us of Christs Fidelity that he will pursue the Accomplishment of the Fathers Designs for the infinitly Wise God would chuse none but those that would be trustie to him John 6.38 and 8.29 And from this we may gather his success Isa 44.1 4 Observe 3ly The Incarnation of the Son of God He was sent in Flesh he was not sent in the likeness of Flesh but in the likeness of sinful Flesh he was made real Flesh John 1.14 He was made of a Woman Gal. 4. He was manifest in the Flesh 1 Tim. 3.16 He was the man Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 2.5 and this was done 1st That he might communicate the Gospel Revelation to us in a way condescending to our Infirmitly Heb. 1.1 2ly That we might have one in our Nature to cast a Pattern to us for Obedience to God Phil. 2.7.8 3ly That he might be capable to bear the particular Punishment threatned by the Law viz. Death Heb. 2.14 And That his suffering being the suffering of Humane Nature might be imputable to us See the Text God punisht sin in his Flesh or in his Humane Nature that the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in Believers 4ly That he might be a Sympathiseing Intercessor Heb. 2. last and 4.15 and that by vertue of the Experience of these Temptations we are subject to And 5ly That the Father might make him a Pledge to us of our Victories and Blessings he would make him in our own Nature to overcome Death and all our Spiritual Enemies that his Victory might be a Pledge to us that God can make frail man overcome death and all their Spiritual Enemies though they have a frail Nature And 6ly That we might have an easie Passage to God the Father because we go to him through his own Son dwelling in our Nature Joh. 14 6. Heb. 10.20 We go through the vail of his Flesh to the Father That is the Passage Observe 4ly Christ was not made sinful Flesh but was made like unto sinful Flesh This holds out Christ's sinlesness this behoved to be that he might be a perfect Patern for our Obedience that he might be a spotless and acceptable Sacrifice that he might be the Truth of these his Types viz. the Legal Sacrifices that were to be offered without blemish that his Sufferings might be for the behoof of others seing he knew no sin himself 2 Cor. 5. and last That he might be a prevalent Intercessor Heb. 7.26 He was free of Original Sin being conceived by the Holy Ghost in the Womb of the Virgin and so not springing from the first Adam by way of ordinary Generation And it was not consistent with Justice that he should want Original Righteousness by vertue of Adam's breach of the Covenant of Works seeing he was not a Person engaged in that Covenant either Virtually or Formally for as I said he came not of Adam by ordinary Generation Observe 5ly He was made in the likeness of sinful Flesh which imports these two 1st A subjection to the common Infirmities of Mankind such as Hunger Weariedness and Mortality And this should sweeten these Miseries to Believers because we may expect his sympathy with us under them for he had personal Experience of them Likeas this may sweeten our Lot under them that God gives us an Instance in his Person that these Infirmities are consistent with special Love and after-happiness as we see in Christ's case 2ly The Phrase being made in the likeness of sinful Flesh imports not only Christ's Subjection to the common Infirmities of our Nature that all men are subject to but it imports his lyableness to extream Sufferings for our sins As our Soverty Observe 6ly From the Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which imports the final cause of Christs Mission Incarnation and Humiliation That the Abolition of Sin is the End why God sent his Son into the World to dye which holds out the odiousness and hurtfulness of Sin seing all this ado was made for the removal of it And therefore we should be watchful against the committing of it grieved when either we or others do commit it and restless and painful for the mortification of it Now follows God's Action by which he brought about the Justification of the Sinner consistent with Law exprest in these Words He viz. God the Father condemned that is punished upon a Judicial Sentence past against Christ as Soverty He condemned Sin in the Flesh The Text holds out Three things anent Christ's Sufferings 1st Their Quality they were Punishments for they were not Miseries sent on him by God to express his Soveraignty but the Effects of Divine Justice 2ly The Words hold out who is the Principal Author and Inflicter of them and that was God the Father 3ly They hold out the Subject of his Sufferings and that was his Flesh or Humane Nature The Text says He condemned Sin in the Flesh That is in the Flesh of his own Son Flesh being here put for frail Nature For the First of these That Christ's Suffering is a Punishment for sin Appears 1st Because he was the Truth of the Levitical Sacrifices The sacrificed Beast was substitute in the room of the guilty Sinner for the Sinner confest his Sin over the head of the Sacrifice 2ly Christ is said to bear the Curse of the Law Gal. 3.13 3ly He is said to dye in our stead Rom. 5.8 4ly He is said to be a Propitiation through his Blood Rom. 3 25. 5ly He is said to give his Life a Ransom for many 1 Tim. 2.6 6ly He is said to bear our sins in his own Body on the Tree 1 Peter 2.24 God is said to make him sin for us 2 Cor. 5. and last To lay our iniquity on him Isa● 53.6 This tells us 1st That it was not only to give us a Patern for Patience that he suffered or to give an Confirmation to the Truth of
the former Verse He in this Verse preoccupies an Objection that they might have made against the Application of the Priviledge of Non-condemnation It might have been said that since Believers must dye what benefite can be expected by them as enjoying that Priviledge It is Answered they must dye because of inherent Sin For God to shew his indignation against all sin appointed Death Likeways they must dye for the abolition of it God appointing the dissolution of our Nature to be the Method for its perfect cure yet the comfort is that tho the body dye yet the Soul lives because of Christs Righteousness And a second Comfort is that the Souls Life is an Pledge of the Resurrection of the Body Here we may see that Christ dwe●ls in his Peoples Hearts by his Spirit 1 John 3. last And ye may Observe 1st That there may be Inherent Sin in those in whom Christ dwells though it reign not Rom. 7. last The Lord does not perfect our Cure all at once he leaves this evil Neighbour in our Hearts to embitter the Worlds Comforts to us to try our Faith of Justification and to call us to a vigilant and dependant frame upon himself Observe 2ly That the Godly must dye For albeit Christ hath removed the whole Curse of the Law and satisfyed Justice compleatly for all our sins and has the Fathers Promise that he shall free his People from all the bad Consequences of sin yet a present total freedom from all these Consequences that followes on sin upon their first believing is not promised by the Father to him or to them It is secured that it shall be done in Gods time and way but mortality is not removed from them presently If ye shall say they are freed from the Curse of the Law in Justification why then and they not freed presently from all the effects of that Curse Answer Mortality continues on the Justified not by vertue of a curseing Law as though it would be a Reflection upon Justice if God should deliver the Believer upon his first Faith altogether from Mortality But Mortality is continued by the Soveraign God for wise Ends not to make a particular satisfaction to Justice for our sin that Christ hath left unmade but because God will have the whole Mystical Body its perfection to be all at once and he will have his People to live in this World by Faith and therefore he makes the Mortality of Believers a vail to hide their promised Felicity from Sense And that the Mortality of Believers is not continued upon them as the Effect of a curseing Law is clear from what the Apostle says 1 Cor. 15. That their Death wants its Sting Next we see Death inflicted as a Chastisement upon some of the Godly See 1 Cor. 11.30 31 32 And it is clear in the Instance of Josia who dyed in peace and yet was chastised with a violent Death for his rash engagement in a War Now God inflicting Death upon Believers testifies his Fatherly Displeasure against sin but not his Justice against them as a just Judge for Affliction is sent upon them as an Accomplishment of the Threatning annext to the Covenant of Grace but not as an Accomplishment of the Law-curse Psal 89.32 This is much for the Comfort of Believers Use of this is since Believers must die They would prepare for Death and if they would be prepared they would make use of these Directions 1st Labour to be sure of the indwelling Spirit for that is the only sure mark of an interest in Christ they would not lean to an empty profession a great measure of common gifts or meer Morality A 2d Direction is They would found their Title to Life only upon the Righteousness of Christ and not upon their own merite A 3d. is They would be willing to dye and therefore they would mortify their Covetousness and their Security and they would labour for a firm Faith in Divine Providence whereby they may committ the disposal of all their concerns and the concerns of the Church to God as Joseph did Gen. last 4th Direction is They would labour to have peace of Conscience at Death and for this effect they would beware of lying under impenitency for old or new contracted Guilt Likeas they would labour for a Testimony from their Conscience that they have readily accepted of the Gospel-Offer 2ly They would labour to have the Conscience witnessing their singleness in their Conversation at Death as Hezekiah had in his sickness Isai 38. Likeas they would have the Conscience witnessing their Diligence in Duty That so an entrance may be Administred to them abundantly to the Everlasting Kingdom of our Lord Jesus 2 Pet. 1.4 A 5th Direction is They would fix themselves in the faith of the Immortality of the Soul which Immortality appears from its conception of immaterial Objects 2ly From its Oper●tions independent on the Body as in Extasies 3ly From the Moral Government of God in the World by Laws and Judgement considered jointly with the impartial Justice of God with the Miseries of the Godly and the Prosperity of the Wicked A 6th Direction is We would build our selves up in the faith of the Resurrection of the Body Observe 3ly That the Godly have a spiritual life in their Soul as appears by the spiritual sense they have of spiritual things They have an Hunger and Thirst after spiritual Food They have a spiritual sigh of spiritual Mysteries by Faith and they have a spiritual feeling of sin and misery Now this spiritual Life continues after Death as appears from Luke 16.23 and 23 43. Phil 1 23. 2 Cor 5 1 The Apostle supposeth that the continuance of this Life after Death is a sufficient comfort to the Godly under their present Mortality and these considerations may clear the sufficiency of this Comfort if ye consider First The great Good that is in it 1st There is a freedom in it from Trouble and Vexation Rev. 14.13 Isai 57.1 2ly The perfection of Holiness is in it Heb. 12.23 And s● there is freedom from Co●ruption and horrid Temptations much uninterrupted Peace and Joy in expectation of a future Blessedness 3ly The● have much good Company in it they have the fellowship of Angels and Saints Heb 12.22 23 They have the fellowship of the Patriarchs Luke 16.25 They have the fellowship of Christ Philip. 1.23 2 Cor. 5.8 Use of this is Godly Folks would comfort themselves with this Consolation under their Mortality 1st Because this Comfort is a pure Comfort unmixed with Trouble 2ly It is a sure Comfort as appears by the Scriptures formerly cited 3ly It is a near Comfort they have it partly in possession and they are to have a great measure of it immediatly on their Death This speak the great misery of these Mortals who altogether want spiritual life they want the great support that can Support Sinners under the View of Mortality Likeas this calls to the Godly to have a great measure
blessedness together with this that it carries 〈◊〉 the bosom of it a removal of all Evil engageth 〈◊〉 to long for it It is our diffidence of the certain● of this happiness and our Carnal Minds whereb● we are strongly affected to Bodily and external goo● These two make us unconcerned and indifferent as 〈◊〉 our going hastily to Heaven 2ly This Patie● waiting for Heaven imports our expectation of 〈◊〉 we would believe that it is keeped for us 1 Pet. ● 2ly We should believe we are keeped for it 1 P● 1 5. 1 Pet 4 last 2 Tim. 1 12. This firm expect●tion of Heaven is necessary for defending us agai● Worldly Allurements and fixing our Love to Go● 3ly This Patient waiting imports in it an end●ing of Crosses without Fretting without Faintin● we should not fret under Persecutions under Per●nal Chastisements under the labour and toil of Duty under the singularity of Crosses under the Assaults of Satans Temptations which may be violent strange and frequent we should kyth our Patience in the want of fretting under Crosses by our Love to God complyance with our present Duty and our loathness to take sinful courses for our relief 4ly This Patient waiting for Heaven imports a protracted and continued hope See Psal 71 14 Col. 1 19 1 Pet. 1 13 Heb 3.14 It is necessary because it is long betwixt the promise of it and the performance of it 2●y Our Work continues and therefore our hope should continue 3ly Our Tryals may continue and therefore our Hope should continue 4ly We have good reason to continue our hope under continuing Tryals because God has born through formerly the Saints under alle long Tryals and the experience we have had of Gods through bearing us in our former Tryals should make us believe that he will carry us through all the Tryals that is befor our hand Use of this is If we would wait patiently for Heaven as the Text bids us we must strive for an all of Patience Col. 1.10 and for this effect we should acquire much of the Art of Self-denyal Verse 26. Likeways the Spirit also helpeth our Infirmities HEre the Apostle gives us an other Ground of Comfort under the Cross viz That tho the Saints be compassed with Infirmities yet the Spirit supports them under those and doth as the word in the first Language imports join himself with them in bearing of their Burthen Observe The Saints under Crosses have Infirmities both Moral and Physical Moral Infirmities such as Discontent as Jonah had Impatience which Job had a share of Unbelief with David Psal 77 Partial Atheism Psal 73 Pride with Hezekiah Isai 39. Passionate revenge with David in the case of Nabal Selfishness with those People that lived in the days of Hagai who Builded their own houses and forgot to Build the house of God weariedness in Labour and toil in Duty with Moses who wearied in the toil and labour of the Government of the People Partial Hypocrisie with David in the matter of Vriah 1 Pet. 2 1 2ly They are subject to Physical Troubles because they meet with Challenges for their old and new Sins under the Crosses which makes them apprehend their Crosses to be wrathful and makes them fear their continueing and grouth In the 3d place They are subject to Bodily Frailty and Sickness and Death which certainly contributes to make the Cross the more uneasy The Saints subjection to these manifold Moral Infirmities should b● a motive to humble them and to make them watchful lest they break out into gross Transgressions by them For when I say the Saints are subject to those Infirmities my meaning is not that the tract of their life is spent in outward Acts signifying the Predominancy of these ills in their heart for the Godly Man does no Iniquity in that sense See Psal 119 2 1 Jo. 3.8 But when I say they are subjs●ct to Infirmities my meaning is That Corruption tho it be broken in its Power in Believers yet it is partially Acting with their Graces There is another Use And that is Since the Saints are subject to physical Throuble then they need not wonder that besides the Persecution they sustained for the Testimony of the Truth they are lyable to manifold personal troubles since the Saints have been tryed with those before them Observe 2ly That the Spirit supports the Saints under their Infirmities he keeps them from despair under their most violent Temptations Psal 42.5 Psal 73 23. and 73.3 Lam. 3.13 The Spirit supports the Saints by giving them a prospect of Heaven Eph. 1.18 this cures their impatience and discontent 2ly He supports them by discovering the Truth of their Grace 1 Cor. 2.12 this was the way he supported Job 2ly He supports them against Temptations to Sin by discovering the odiousness of Sin to them this was it whereby he keeped David from yeilding to the Temptations of fretting against the prosperity of the Wicked the Spirit did convince him that if he gave way to that Temptation it were upon the matter an denying of the necessity and advantage of Piety Psal 73 17. 4ly The Spirit keeps a man from sinning under the Cross by fixing a man in such thoughts as may best preserve him from these sins he is presently tempted to and therefore when the Spirit would preserve David from despair Psal 77. He fixes his thoughts on the former kindnesses of God towards him He called to mind the former days 5ly He supports the Saints by strengthening the habits of Grace Eph. 3.17 and this makes their Gracious Work more easy 6ly He applys the promises to them and so makes them cheerful in their duty notwithstanding of their Infirmities 7ly He gives them access to God in Prayer as the Text afterwards tells us Vse 1st This lets us see That common Courage will not bear us through our Infirmities 2ly This refutes the Worlds Atheism because it evinceth that there is an efficacy in the Spirit that supports the Saints under their Infirmities 3ly It bids Crossed Christians under their Infirmities be careful to obtain and entertain the Spirits presence by shunning Legality Worldlyness and Sensuality greiving the Spirit Repelling his motions and quenching them we should Pray much to God for the Spirit Luke 17 18. We should labour to attain the Spirits presence by the use of Ordinances next we should be careful to refer our through-bearing to the Spirit and not to our selves Verse 26. For we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit it self also maketh Intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered THE Apostle doth instance the particular help the Spirit affords us in Prayer To prove that the Spirit is the helper of our Infirmities under the Cross Observe 1st That Prayer is a very suitable Exercise to Crossed Christians 2ly We are very ignorant what to Pray for or how to Pray 3ly This indisposition for Prayer is removed by the Spirit And 4ly Where the Spirit removes