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A44802 One of Antichrists voluntiers defeated, and the true light vindicated. In answer to a book called Ignis fatuus, published by one R.I. Wherein he vindicates Edward Dod and Samuell Smith (of the county of Salop) in their lyes, folly, and wickedness, and hath added more of his own, with divers of his false doctrines, lyes and slanders, &c. brought to light, and reproved: As that the law of the spirit of life, is imperfect, and not fit to be a Christian rule, and also, humane nature may be taken for the regenerate part of man, and the soul, &c. And likewise calls idolatry, civillity, and heathernish complements courtesie. His vindication made voyd, and his weapons broken, and he taken captive, and left with E.D. and S.S. among the slime pits of Siddim near Sodom, with his Ignis fatuus. / By F.H., a witnesse to the perfect law, of the spirit of life. Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. 1660 (1660) Wing H3175; ESTC R16812 30,660 33

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I would have R. I. to understand that here was 17. yeares that he preached publickly before that and where was his ordination Many of the Brethren who was scartered abroad in the persecution that was at Jerusalem went every where preaching the word of God and when or where was these ordained and who ordained the Brethren that was persecuted after Stephens being put to death who travilled as far as Phenecia and Cyprus and Antioch preaching the word and the hand of the Lord was with them and a great number beleeved and turned unto the Lord Acts 17 19 20 21. Yet these things I bring not as to deny but that many went out with the consent of the Church and many were ordained Elders who were grown up in the truth and established who had received the Holy Ghost by whom many was confirmed and strengthned in the faith but what is all this R. I. to your ordination and who ordained you the Pope a Bishop or a Councell or a Parliament and what are they you irdaube such as learnes the art of speech seaven yeares at Oxford who hath read Homer and Aristotle Plato and Diogenes and learned to play on a Fiddle These are no Mechanicks but gifted men indeed and quallified and fit to be ordained and made Ministers Pastors and Elders to carry a broad the Traffique of Mistery Babylon but this R. I. is very peremptory and saith it is utterly unlawfull for any that are gifted to preach the word Contrary to the Apostles doctrine who saith as every one hath receiveth the gift so let him administer and not such as R. I. would have to be Ministers who hath learned an art to speak and this must be called a gift and a quallification and a fit man to be a Pastour and thus they have ordained one another and hath set up a trade of preaching and with their confused stories hath fill'd the world with darknesse And as concerning an infallible Spirit saith R. I. None except Christ who was without sin can challenge it or lay claime to it and I may say of such runnagates and wandering starrs as this F. H. and the Quakers are as John did 1 Joh. 2. 9. They are gone out from us because they were not of us Answer However this R. I. hath cleared himselfe and the rest of his brethren for being Ministers of Christ for they doe not only deny an infallible Spirit neither look to be made partakers thereof but quite shut out all the Saints from enjoying it and though in Christ the fullnesse of the Godhead dwelt who was full of grace and truth he is the Root from whence all that believe come to be made partakers of his virtue and so many of his members may lay claime to it as they have received it by a free gift according to the promise of Christ I will send you the Spirit of truth which shall lead you into all truth and the Apostle had received the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus who had freed him from the Law of sin and death and the sons of God had received it and they were led by it and the Ministers of Christ was made Ministers of it who hath made us able Ministers as it is written not of the letter but of the Spirit and that Spirit was infallible and true and that Spirit which they declared of was an unerring Spirit and as they were led by it they erred not but were kept by it that the evill one touched them not and they spoke from it and ordered the Church in it in the wisdome of God But what doth these men minister from who waits not to be made partakers of this but denyes that ever any had it or even shall have and so are but a company of dreamers and tells their dreame that they dreamed in the night or at best steales the words from their neighbour and saith Thus saith the Lord when God hath never spoken to them And though thou may say we are runnagates because we sit not dreaming over 30 or 40 families 20 yeares but travills from city and from country to country to publish the word of truth freely as the Apostles and Ministers of Christ did We must by such as this R. I. and his Brethren who hath gotten holes and nests in the earth to creep into be counted as runnagates and though John said they are gone out from us because they were not of us this he spoke of them who went out of the light in which he and the rest of the Disciples had fellowship with God and one with another and they that went out from this went into the spirit of the world and you are such as they that are gone out already and blasphemously calls the light of Christ Ignis fatuus and so all that fear the Lord will come out from you and out from Babylon where the blood of the prophets hath been shed and the witnesses kill'd you who deny an infallible Spirit is like to be in blindnesse and follow the spirit of errour for you have nought else to cleave unto And further R. I. saith When the Lord said by Joell that he would pour out his Spirit upon all flesh and his sons and daughters should prophesie the prophet speaks not of a ghostly power to open the Kingdome of Heaven given by Christ to his Apostles and Successors but of an extraordinary measure of enlightning grace and a more copious effusion of the Spirit and also to pastors to whom more is given more is required and this Text doth not prove that all sheep shall be Pastors and all schollars Teachers Answer Nay this Text doth not prove all Sheep to be Pastors neither all that are taught to be teachers for all are not Prophets neither Pastors nor teachers for as Christ said the Labourers are but few but this man is afraid that there should be too many and indeed there are too many hireling loyterers that are ready to supplant one another for filthy lucre and though many may be said to beleeve yet all have not received the Spirit of prophesie or a gift to be pastors but onely they to whom it is given of the Lord for the worke sake yet notwithstanding they who have received it ought not to be limitted either Son or daughter for them who doe quenches the Spirit and despises prophesie as this R. I. doth and how should he doe otherwise seeing he hath denyed the infallible Spirit from which all the Ministers ministred and all the prophets prophesied and spoke as they were moved by the holy Ghost But R. I. saith the Prophet spoke not of a ghostly power to open the Kingdome of heaven if by ghostly power he meane the Spirits power as I beleeve he will not deny then was it not by a spirituall power sons and daughters prophesied and did not this power open the Kingdome of Heaven and if it be a more Copious effusion of the Spirit which is given under the Gospell then
law written in the heart is imperfect and not fit to be a rule but to be ruled contrary to the Apostles doctrine and so this R. I. is tryed by his own infallible standard to be a deceiver who teaches contrary to that which he cals his law and testimony and the Law which is outward is the Law of the first Covenant which made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope did by which we draw nigh unto God Heb. 7. 19. Therefore the Lord said by the mouth of the Prophet Behold the dayes come that I will make a new Covenant with the house of Israel not according to the Covenant I made with you when I brought them out of the Land of Egypt when I was as a husband into them which Covenant they brake but I will write my Law in their hearts and put my spirit in their inward parts I will be to them a God and they shall be unto me a people Jer. 31. 33. Heb. 8. 9 10. Now this blind man who gropes as at noon day saith This is imperfect which is written in the heart and so faulty with him and therefore to be ruled over and the other which is outward is perfect and faultlesse and so ought to be a Rule but saith the Apostle contrary to R. I. If the first Covenant had been faultlesse there had been no place for the second which second the Apostle saith is a better Covenant and stands upon better promises but yet saith R. I. this is not the rule not fit to be a rule And furthermore the Apostle said as many as are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God and this was their rule and the Law of the Spirit of life made the Apostle free from the law of sin and death and was the new creatures rule by which they were led into all truth and as many as did walk in it out of all sin But nay saith R. I. It is not sit to be a rule for this is imperfect and is that thing to be ruled and for his proof brings Psal. 17. 4. By the word of thy lips I have kept me from the path of the destroyer and how doth this prove that the Law in the heart is to be ruled Thou ignorant man who litters forth nothing but deceit and error and so the Scriptures declares against thee for they say The Law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul The Commandement of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes Psal 19. 7 8. For the Commandement is a Lamp and the law is light Prov. 6. 23. And the Commands of the New Covenant are spirituall and not carnall and they are perfect and fit to be a rule to guide all them that beleeve in a perfect way and not as this R. I. saith unfit to be a Rule because of their imperfection and would in his blind distinctions cast a mist before peoples eyes and all may judge not only of this R. I. his mistake but of his wilfull impudence in preferring that which is visible and outward and may be seen which was given forth in time viz. the Commands outward and the letter outward above the Law of the Spirit of Life which is invisible spirituall and eternall And as I said to S. S. So I may say to thee Leane souls are they like to be who receives such damnable Doctrine as this for Articles of Faith But however Reader thou may take notice of R. I. in his Epistle to the Reader he saith The Quakers money is counterfeit coyne which he hath nailed on the Market post and instead thereof hath tendered other money and that thou may see what kind of other money the Priests is and what Image it hears by the Principles here discovered which is altogether Tin and drosse and Reprobate Silver which will be received by none but them whom the God of this world ha●h blinded the eyes of that they should not see the things that belongs unto their peace And Edward Dodd being sensible that he all his stuffe or he and all his arguments was carried Captive and become a booty and a prey he is glad that any will step in and rescue him and flatters R. I. and saith I am engaged to you to imbrace you as a precious friend that of so weake principles as mine have raised so perfect a structure so absolute rationall and demonstrative that more need not to be done Answ. R. I. his Vindication hath not redeemed E. D. his principles at all but rather hath laboured in vain and spent his strength for naught and hath brought forth such a birth as sober men will blush at made up of Ignorance Blasphemy Derision and lyes which they that have the lest moderation will abhorre and detest And the Principles of E. D. and R. I. are not only weak and feeble but wicked and impious as is manifest in what hath been declared And the structure that R. I. hath made is but builded with untempered Morter lyes falshood errour false Doctrine which the stormy wind of the Lord will Rent and scatter and confound and exalt his Truth above it all But E. D. saith What can be said to reduce such a people I know not since so many convincing arguments cannot prevaile Alass poor men whether would you reduce us or bring us back to the slime pits of Sodome where E. D. fell with his stuffe or turn us back again to Images Pictures and Crosses to Mass-houses Hirelings and Tythes to Lace Ribons and Cuffes which both E. D. and R. I. hath strongly pleaded for as faithfull Servants to their Master who would not have him loose a foot of his Territories however E. D. hath resolved to continue one in life and death with R. I. who hath shaken hands with the Prince of darknesse and made a Covenant with death which must be broken and though S. S. E. D. R. I. joyne hand in hand yet the wicked shall not goe unpunished for every one shall receive a reward according to their works And so I have done with R. I. his Book called Ignis fatu●● whose arguments false doctrines errours and lies are dissolved into nothing his Vindication made voyd his ignorance made manifest his false Doctrines brought to light and reproved by the word of truth Only I shall returne him a few of his lyes back again for him to review the second time and repent of them and remember the sentence for all Lyars is The Lake that burneth Rev. 22. 15. First That their worship differs not in whole nor in part in matter nor in manner from the Churches in the Primitive times Secondly According to the Scriptures their whole worship is framed Thirdly That Jezabel was never more madder against the Prophets then these Quakers are against Christs Ministers Fourthly The Quakers contemn Magistracy infect the Common-wealth with ●action Fifthly That the Quakers burnt some houses at Oxford Sixthly That Timothy Titus were setled in a Parochial way in their quarters Seventhly That F. H. complains of the darkness of the Sun when the fault is in his own eys Eightly The Quakers deny honour to Superiors to whom it is due and so blaspheme the name of God and his doctrine Ninthly F. H. would never have cryed out of deceit but a purpose to deceive the more Tenthly That the Quakers bid open defiance to the worship of God Eleventhly That I. N. did say That he was as just and holy and good as God Twelfthly That F. H. said That Christ Jesus was not glorified in Heaven with a real body Thirteenthly Humane nature is taken for the regenerate part of man and the soul Fourteenthly That the best men though regenerate bears Nettles Brambles and Pricks Fifteenthly There is an inward law called the law of the Spirit of life which is imperfect and not fit to beare rule but to be ruled Sixteenthly And the Scriptures leads us to the Spirit and enclines our hearts to the obedience of the rule Seventeenthly And F. H. preferreth Ignis Fatuus before the clear light of Gods word Eighteenthly lastly when he hath spoken all these lies publish'd them in Print to the world he blasphemously saith in his Epistle to the Reader Have not so much regard to the authority of the Writer as the truth of the matter written by him who was moved of the Lord thus to declare So all these lyes with many more and all these damnable Doctrines which he hath uttered forth against the truth these things he would fasten upon the Lords motion and so make him the Author of iniquity and a cloak for his ungodly speeches against them who love the truth as it is in Jesus who hath suffered many reproaches for its sake and hath been killed all the day long by this Generation amongst which R. I. is who hath bent his tongue to mischief and his lips to utter forth deceit and as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses so hath this R. I. resisted the truth being a man of a corrupt mind and concerning the faith reprobate but he shall not proceed much further for in what he hath written his folly will be manifest unto all men and them that fear the Lord will depart out of his foot-steps which leads to the chambers of death and from those dark paths in which R. I. treadeth which leadeth into utter destruction Westmorland the 15. of the 4. month 1660. THE END
of his sufferings as it is written Mat. 16. 21 from that time forward began Jesus to shew unto his Disciples how that he must goe unto Jerusalem and suffer many things and be kil'd and rise again the third day So that it is manifest that here was distance of time and space betwixt Peters confession of Christ and of his rebuking of him however the unbelief was gotten up in Peter and he that had need to be taught came to be a rebuker of him who was his Teacher this was another state then the former but of these things R. I. is ignorant and let the Serpent feed upon dust for I desire to give him no other food And further R. I. saith Though Saints sin not Devil-like unto death yet if any man say he hath not sinned ofter the similitude of Adam's transgression he saith John is a lyar and the truth is not in him for when all is done the best men are men still and the best earth is earth ever and will bear nettles and brambles me and if these things were well considered by F. H. he would not say and E. D. for pleading for sin or Satan for we plead against those who say they have no sin Answer This R. I. is so in love with sin that by his arguments which he makes one would judge that he accounts it as necessary as his dayly food and these are strange kind of Saints that R. I would make at the best they are but still sinners and unsanctified but they that are called to be Saints who are begotten by God the father and preserved in Christ Jesus they are sanctified and made clean through the washing of Regeneration through the sanstsification of Gods holy Spirit which divelleth in them by which they have power to mortifie the deeds of the flesh and to overcome and to be made partakers of the promises but here lyes the difference in R. I. his account betwixt his Saints and his Sinners The sinners sinneth devil-like yet the Saints sin not devil-like I say they that sin are in one nature notwithstanding R. I. his blind distinctions for they that sin are liker the Devill then God and liker his image then Gods Image for Gods Image consisteth in righteousness and ture holinesse and the devils image consisteth in unrighteousness sin and unholiness And now Reader thou may judge whose Image R. I. his Saints bears and if thou be one that can plead against them who are born of God and sinneth not and who are cleansed from all sin by the blood of Christ then R. I. will rank thee with E. D. and himself in his Bead-row of Saints as he calls it And if any man say he hath not sinned after the simititude of Adam's transgression he is saith John a lyar Nay it is R. I. that saith it and not John and so R. I. is the lyar for the Scripture saith on this wise Rom. 5. 14. Death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adams transgression So that it is manifest that there were many that death reigned over and yet they sinned not after the similitude of Adams transgression But this R. I. will accuse every man with whom he hath a mind to quarrel and will not only tell lyes himselfe but publish false Doctrine but he will bring the Saints for his author and John saith not If any man say he hath no sin And thou that sayest when all is done the best men and the best earth will bear nestles brambles and tricks as I said to E. D. so I may to thee thou hast given thy verdict for the Devill and not for God and his Saints for They that are born of God sin not and them that are cleansed by the bloud of Christ from all sin and are clear in his sight and are kept by his immortall word which dwells in them that the evill one touch them not but hath overcome the wicked one and the best earth is that wherein righteousnesse dwells which R. I. is altogether a stranger too and that brings forth no bryars no brambles nettles nor pricks for that ground is curst so this man by his devillish Doctrine hath made the coming of Christ of none effect and the bloud of Christ of none effect and so have denyed the work of redemption to the best of men and deliverance to the Creature who hath travelled in paine This dreamer is far contrary to the Prophet Daniell who saw by the Spirit of Prophesie which this R. I. so deadly hates both in men and women that if it be not allowed of by such as he it must not speak nor they by ir This Prophet I say testified of the coming of the just one and of his work that he should make an end of sin and finish transgression and bring in ever-lasting righteousnesse but saith R. I. The best men are men still and the best Earth earthever and the best saints sinners though they sin not devil-like nettles and brambles and pricks they will all bring forth Now if this doctrine be true how is the soul raised out of death and where is the restauration of the creature from under the bondage of corruption and where is the redemption of the seed which is heir of the promise Nettles and brambles bryars cumbers the ground and choakes the seed and these things F. H. hath well considered and I see more and more that thou art a pleader for sin and Satan and imperfection for a spirit of errour for Images Pictures and Crosses for Cuffs Ribbonds and Lace for Nettles Brambles and bryars and art a man that doth lay claime to the utmost borders of the Devils Kingdome and a greater servant of his Master I have not met with long whose reward will be according to his works And the lye being the chief cognisance of his Master in which he greatly gloryes in he goes on and saith Another errour of the Quakers is they do not beleeve the Scriptures to be true because they deny them to be the word of God for if they beleeve what the Scriptures say of themselves and they say of themselves that they are the word of God and for his proofs he cites Mar. 7. 13. Rom. 10. 8. 2 Cor. 2. 17. 1 Pet. 1. 25. Answer The Scriptures we own to be true and whatsoever the Scriptures say of themselves that we own them to be to wit a declaration Scriptures of truth holy Scriptures the words of God of Christ and of his Apostles a Treatise And for his proofs I could wholly referre them to the Readento examine them himselfe and to discover the ignorance of this R. I. who tenders these Scriptures aforementioned for sufficient proof as that the Scriptures calls themselves the word of God as for Mark 7. 13. making the word of God of none effect by your tradition He doth not say of making the word of God the Scriptures of none effect neither