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death_n law_n sin_n transgression_n 7,400 5 10.9794 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13656 The mirror of diuine prouidence Containing a collection of Theodoret his arguments: declaring the prouidence of God to appeare notably both in the heauens and in the earth, and in all things therein contained: taken out of his workes De prouidentia.; De providentia. English. Selections Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus.; I. C., fl. 1602. 1602 (1602) STC 23939; ESTC S101993 23,638 96

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not passe the number of 40. daies which fast both Moyses Elias did performe in times past least men should doubt of the veritie of his humanitie and hungring he shewed himselfe to be a man in truth and not onely in outward shew and appearance The death of Christ HE was nayled on the Crosse and suffered not for his sinnes but for our redēptiō For whē man through transgressiō had cast himselfe in debt and was not able of himselfe to paie the same Christ taking the nature of man as it were mony to paie the ransome did rule and guide it with so great wisedome and Iustice that hee satisfied the law and paying the debt did set man againe at libertie For this cause hee suffered death vpon the Crosse which was by the lawe accursed as also the nature of man because it had transgressed the lawe that by taking vpon him the curse which was common to all and suffering that most shamefull death vndeserued he might deliuer all men from their deserued condemnation for though hee was not subiect vnto the curse as being free from all sins yet was hee content to suffer death which was the punishment due vnto sinne The Resurrection of Christ WHen Christ had thus broken the bondes of Death and wrought the saluation of man he returned againe into heauen and by the raising and carrying of his owne bodie did giue as it were an earnest or assuraunce vnto all the godlie of their resurrection and ascention This misterie of Christs Natiuitie and death was purposed from euerlasting WHereas some curiously doo seeke to know the vnsearchable wisdome of God and demaund wherefore God did not worke this from the beginning but hath let it ouerslip so many thousand yeres they are to learne first that it is ouer great presumption and arrogancie in them too curiously to searche out those things which God hath hid and reserued vnto himselfe Secondly for the thing it was determined long since euen from the beginning but deferred vntill this time as most fit and conuenient to set out his great wisedome and loue towards man How God had a care of all men euen from the beginning IT doth manifestly appeare by the whole storie of the olde Testament that God in his Prouidence had alwayes a care of all men not onely of those which came of Abraham but of all the of spring of Adam For by this one people of Israel hee brought all Nations from their Idolatrie to the knowledge of the true God for in blessing their good life with prosperitie and great victories he did declare his goodnesse and as it were allure all men to imbrace their doctrine and againe in punishing their wickednes and suffering them to be led captiues into straunge and farre countries hee did both shewe his iustice and vsed them as meanes to preach and set out the glorie of God and the truth of their doctrine vnto all nations which if they had remained stil in their own country could not haue bene done so plentifully and effectually The preaching of the Gospell vnto the Gentiles WHē that great misterie of our redemptiō was fulfilled and the time was come that the incarnation of Christ ought to be published through the whole world then did God dispearse and scatter abroad the remnant of his people which of his great mercy hee had chosen from among all nations euen from the beginning into all the coastes of the earth that all they which were deceiued with the multitude of Gods might learne that there was but one God the Creator of heauen earth as also that the Gospel which was to be preached by the holie Apostles might haue the easier passage But how can the Iewes be said to further the Gospel which they did by all meanes withstand and hinder THeir incredulitie stubburnesse did so litle hinder the truth of the Gospell that it was an occasion of great confirmation thereof whilest those things which they denied were so substantially prooued by so many testimonies out of the lawe and Prophets that both their errors were vtterly confuted and the Gentiles were notably confirmed in the trueth of Christ whom they sawe by so many Prophets and so long ago to be foretold So that God may well be said in all ages to haue had a great care and Prouidence not onely of the Iewes but of all mankind euen from the beginning Deo gloria FINIS
it was also as necessary that there should be Law-makers and magistrates to execute put the same in practise which could not possibly be this equalitie among all men remaining still And therefore it was needfull that there should be this difference of magistrates and subiects for God seeing that by sin there was brought in a wonderfull disorder and confusion of all things did prescribe an order in setting downe Lawes to suppresse and bridle the rage thereof the raines whereof he hath deliuered into the handes of the magistrate to put the same in practise wherevpon ariseth this necessarie distinction of maisters and seruants Magistrates to commaund and inferior subiects to obey Seruitude is very profitable and necessary AS in a ship the good order is the preseruation of such as saile therin whilest some doo rowe othersome do make fit the Cables others are busied about other thinges necessarie which they are commaunded to intend and the guide in the fore ende of the ship doth discrie the Rockes quicksands and shelues giuing warning to the maister who holding the sterne doth direct the ship and hath the rule authoritie ouer all the rest whose commandement they do readily obey whereby they are preserued and saile without feare or daunger which could not be if euery man should be occupied about one and the selfe same thing or without order do euery man what he thought best So likewise in a house where diuers workes are to be done which require the help of many men if there should be no one man to rule commaund the rest but that euery man might do what he list it were vnpossible for any familie to consist or stand So that it is verie necessary that there be both Maisters and Seruants The Seruant hath a more pleasant life then the Maister of the house WHereas some thinke it a sore and greeuous thing to serue and beeing wearied with continuall labour to take his portion measured out as his Maister shall thinke good if they will diligently consider all things and looke thoroughly into both their estates they shall find the Seruaunt to liue the more pleasaunt life For although hee be in bondage of bodie yet is his minde free and voyd of many cares wherewith the Maister is greatly ouer-charged Dearth scarcitie doth neuer breake his sleepe he neuer taketh care how to sell his commodities or is grieued when they lie vpon his hands and waxe cheape neither standeth hee in any feare of his Creditors or taketh thought how to discharge outpayments and to maintaine his familie He dare meete a Sergiant in the teeth and is not afraide of the frowning countenance of the Iudge but without all care of minde cateth his meate with a good stomacke sleepeth soundlye and is in good health wheras the maister with these and many moe cares is so vexed and tormented continually that he can neither eate his meate quietly in the day time nor take any rest in the night but passeth his time in great care and small pleasure Againe seeing the Maister dooth oftentimes labour as painfully as any Seruaunt but the Seruants are troubled with no care like vnto the maister there is no cause why they should bee thought miserable in respect of their labours which is common to their maisters with them but great cause why they may be said to liue more pleasantly as that they are voyd of all care of minde wherewith the maister is oftentimes spent consumed Ill Magistrates and Maisters THese men haue not their authoritie from God but the wickednes of such as be subiect hath drawne the same vpon them For when they would reape no profit by such as ruled well and honestly but through their lewd behauiour contumeliously did cast off their discipline they bereaued themselues of the Prouidence of God through wāt of whose counsell and direction they haue receiued these wicked Princes Magistrates that 〈…〉 of the ill gouern 〈…〉 might remember the other and learne how necessary it is to haue and obey honest and godly gouernors The seruants which haue a sound and goodminde are not hurt by seruing of ill maisters MAny seruants haue beene found to bee great louers of Vertue which serued with a readie and good mind doing that which was their dutie not compelled but frō their heart and haue had a great care of their masters whereby they haue not onely obtained liberty from their bondage but haue gotten great wealth and credit as rewards for their good faithfull seruice So that seruice is no hinderance to the attaining of vertue or wealth As may appeare by Abrahams seruaunt and Ioseph with many moe Whereof the one beeing sent by Abraham his Maister to choose a wife for Isaac his sonne is set foorth as a patterne of a faithfull Seruant and one that feared God And Ioseph by seruitude attained to greater wealth and honour then his brethren who neuer serued but were alwaies at freedome The wickednes of the Maister cannot hurt a godly Seruant AS may appeare in Ioseph whose godly and chaste mind notwithstanding the wantō allurements faire promises and great daunger in repelling his Mistresse vnlawfull lusts was not corrupted or defiled but continued sound and constant in vertue Likewise Abdias Seruant vnto wicked Achab and cursed Iezabel who sought the vtter destruction of all the seruaunts Prophets of God did preserue from death and nourish an hundreth Prophets whom he hid an two Caues notwithstanding the brutish crueltie of his Lord Neither did the great famine and dearth of victualls which was exceeding sore at that time by reason that it rained not in three yeares and six moneths any whit slacke his care in prouiding all things necessary for them Againe in the time of Zedechias the last king of the Iewes who would not giue eare vnto the words of the Lord but cast the Prophet Ieremy into a deepe and stinking dungeon Abdimelech one of the kings seruaunts an Ethiopian and an Eunuch not regarding the wickednes which raigned in the Court and the great hatred which was conceiued against the Prophet nor once calling to remembraunce his owne seruile condition and state went boldly vnto the King and reprooued his vniust sentence and crueltie against the Prophet of God mouing him with godlie perswasions to take Ieremie out of the Dungeon which beeing obtained this Eunuch was aduanced and did minister all things necessary during the whole time of the siege when the Iewes were led captiues into Babylon by Nabuchodonozor the king Daniel Ananias Azarias and Mizael though they were led captiues into Babylon and liued in bondage vnder a most wicked king yet could they not be brought to transgresse the lawes of the liuing God in any point either for desire of life or feare of death or any torments whatsoeuer Wherefore let no man condemne seruitude as euill or thinke that the wickednesse of the maister can ouerthrow the vertue of a good and godly seruant if he haue a mind well