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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15703 A nevve anatomie of vvhole man aswell of his body, as of his soule: declaring the condition and constitution of the same, in his first creation, corruption, regeneration, and glorification. Made by Iohn Woolton minister of the Gospell. Woolton, John, 1535?-1594. 1576 (1576) STC 25977; ESTC S120280 46,530 114

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kinde of worshipping of god exacting an obedience vnto the same in proposing vnto him that law of the tree of knowledge of good euill In the which he gaue vnto man formed after his image as it were a remēbrance that he should be both obedient thākfull vnto him for his blessings and that he would afterward translate him vnto the place of endlesse ioy felicity where he might cōtinually beholde the very essentiall image of God most brightly shining in his son our sauiour Iesus Christe So that immortality being annexed in the tre of life did both admonish mā inhabiting this elimentall regiō and being endued vvith profoūde knovvledge of things diuine humaine that he should vse that tree as a remedy against sicknes diseases mortality it self and thervvithal that he should have a manifest assurāce of a better life Into the vvhich godly men shoulde be remoued out of and aboue all elimentall regions vvherin he might behold god face to face inioying infinite blessednesse where Gods maiestie shal be all in all to his glory and our endlesse comfort And these be the proprieties of the image of God imprinted and ingraffed in mans substaunce at suche time as he breathed into him the beames of hys lighte Whereof it is requisite that our mindes should be well informed and instructed when we ponder and examine vvith our selues what manner of image that vvas which Adam had howe it was spoyled defaced in mans fall after what manner it is repaired in vs by the holy ghost and of the glorious perfection thereof in the world to come ¶ The second part of the Anatomy shewing the ruine and de struction of Gods image in Man. SECONDARELY LET vs consider howe this image of God was destroyed in mās fall In so muche that there scarce remaine any remnants of that notable monunent and building of mans best estate For when man who was left in the hands of his owne counsaile in the liberty of his will did eat of the fruit which was forbidden him and shaking off all feare of God vnto whom all creatures owe obedience did transgresse his iust and good lawe And being seduced with the Dragons voyce turned him selfe ftom God casting away all pietie reuerence and feare whiche was due to the eternall maiestie He then lost the image of god and death seazed vppon man according to the commination of god before vttered became the image of the diuell and so losing the holy ghoste hee fell into the horrible wrath of god and euen then tasted certen beginnings of the same he sawe the miseries of minde will and harte and death euerlasting threatned in the lavv For being infected with the poyson of sinne he coulde not reteyne any longer the image of iustice wisedome and lyfe which was stamped in him But whole man vvas miserably deformed corrupted and lost all his ornamentes and qualities in so much that he who was before in his vvhole substance qualities powers a bright glasse of iustice and holines became the maske and dounghill of the filthy dragon of hell and the childe of vvrath and euerlasting death And to deale somewhat in perticularities the good thinges and ornamentes vvhich our firste parentes and all their progeny loste in this heauy fall and lamentable shipwracke vvere partly naturall partly gratuite and as Bonauenture saith Man was vtterly spoyled of his gratuit gyftes and wounded in th●naturals For in his minde he loste the perfit knovvledge of his God So that alvvayes after it was full of darkenes ignorance folishnesse and rebellion againste God And in externall and corporall thinges also that light is exceeding shadovved and obscured For who is novve able to discerne and vevve the nature of lyuing creatures but halfe so well as vvas out father Adam before his fall The vvill of man also quite turned avvay from God loste all good inclination habilitie to obey him so that we feele our selues a very conspiracy open rebellion against his maiesty as S. Paule dolefully deploreth saying I feele in my members another law fighting against the lawe of God O miserable man that I am who shall deliuer me from the death of this body c. In mans hart the loue of god is vtterly extinct and flames of raging affections doe burne vvhereof almighty god complaineth in this vvise The lumpe or masse of mans harte is euill from his mothers wombe This destruction of Gods image in mans nature and the putting on of the filthie forme of Satan is plainely set foorth in the accions of Adam streight after his fall as vvell in him selfe as in all his posteritie When as he beeing pricked vvith the sting of a guilty cōscience did both runne avvay from God and savve his miserable nakednesse whereof he vvas ashamed For the very nakednesse vvhiche man did see in him selfe most euidently doth not onely signifie the outwarde but also the inwarde deformitie both of body and soule By meanes therefore of Adams fall the image of God vvas destroyed in mans nature all his povvers and faculties were either depraued or vtterly loste He vvas spoyled of all his gyftes in minde will hart And the vvhole masse or lumpe of man was with gods vvrath with the tyranny of the diuell vvith all sicknesse sorowes of body mind corrupt wher by we to our great grief feele the burthē of sinne the biting and gnawing of a wounded conscience pityfull passions of the soule and finally in this vvorlde the destruction and dissolution of oure bodies into dust of the earth These euils and greuous woundes Adam savve and felte after he had entred into league and society vvith the diuell And therwithall tasted of gods horrible vvrath the pauors and torments of eternall death and the strength of the lavve vvhereof the Apostle speaketh By the law commeth knowledge of sinne and the law worketh wrath Through the bitternesse and vveight of these greate dolors and torments he must needes haue presently perished and incurred eternall damnation if the mercifull Lorde had not taken pitty on the miserie of man by the supplicatiō of his sonne Christ in respect of whom he vttered the promise of the gospel made ioyful mentiō of the blessed seede of the woman and turning away his angry countenance loked vpon man with the eyes of his mercy Besides al these things Adam sawe the fruite of his fal and the detestablenes of his offence not without great sorow and heauines of hart For his first begotten sonne Cayne that Parriside bathing his hāds in his brothers blood did abūdātly declare the calamitie of nature corrupted the crueltie of sinne blindnes bred naturally in his brest the prauitie of his vvill and wickednes of his hart Almightie god him selfe lamēteth this soule fall of man in Paradise appointeth condigne punishmēts for the same and therwithall protesteth that himselfe was not the author of this corruption
to passe in all ages that Errors springing vp haue bene paynted vvith goodly colours vvhereby manye haue bene sedused and deceyued But ignorance and blindnesse bred in man naturally is not altogether remoued out of his minde The reason therof is because in this life mans restitution is not perfected but attempted only and the disease of originall sinne remayneth after this spirituall Regeneration The olde nature or olde man remayneth albeit some mortification be begon For so the Apostle sayth We knowe in part we prophesie in part but vvhen that vvhiche is perfect is come that vvhich is vnperfect shal be done away And heereof it commeth to passe that ignorances of God and spirituall thinges not knovven vnto vs by nature do oftentimes exceedingly encomber and vnquiet euen the man regenerate So that lighte and darknes in mans minde doo contende and striue one with another as the Apostle moste grauely teacheth in these vvordes The fleshe coueteth agaynst the spirite and the spirite agaynst the fleshe these are contrarie one to another And nowe and then the ignorance darknes of the minde doth extinguish the small light kindled eyther vvith grosse securitie or curious philosophie or carnall reason as vve knowe it came to passe in Aaron Salomon and Hieroboam vvho vvilfully shooke of this diuine light and gaue them selues to the vvorshipping of Idols Let vs not maruell therfore that there is yet remayning suche great imbecilitie in those that be regenerate neither yet because some excellent men accompted lightes of the Church doo often times erre fall very grossely seeing the cause thereof is so apparant to vvitte first the sicknes of originall sinne remayning yet in the posteritie of Adam and secondly the craft furor and power of the diuell vvho vvithout gods especiall vvōderfull grace is able to doo muche agaynst seely and vveake man. As the minde hath receyued certayne seedes or nourishments of regeneratiō in this life by gods grace euen so vvill is partaker of some povver and abilitie to apprehende diuine and spiritual things to couet after them assent vnto them which promptnes facultie it had not before regeneration as the Apostle most excellently vvriteth after this maner It is God that worketh in vs the vvill and the deede according to his good will. And elsewhere he freely confesseth that he hath will in diuine thinges and as a spirituall man to be delighted with gods law But yet the vvill is not perfectly restored in this life For the filth dregges of originall sinne albeit they are forgiuen by Christe are yet abyding in vs and can not wholly bee rooted out of this our Nature First therefore let vs consider the vveakenes of Will euen in those that be regenerate vvithout Gods speciall and peculiar assistance as vve see dayly in the confessions afflictions and deathes of the godly Secondly our vvyll is by our ovvne malice and the subtiltie of Sathan bothe letted deformed and ouercommen Whiche imbecilitie and vveakenes so deepely and daungerously fastened vnto vs the godly doo both taste and feele and also bevvayle and lament praying still vvith earnest groning that they may bee ridde oute of this thraldome into blisse and peace euerlasting The voyce of the Apostle is vvorthy to bee hearde which sayth Wyll is ready vnto mee but I am not able to doo it For I doo not that good thinge vvhiche I vvoulde doo but that euill which I vvould not that I doo If I doo that which I vvoulde not it is not nowe I but sinne dwelling in mee And a little after I see annother Lawe in my members resisting the lawe of my Minde and leading mee captiue vnder the lawe of sinne vvhiche is in my members O vnhappie man that I am who shall deliuer mee from the body of this death I geue God thankes throughe Iesus Christe our Lorde Therefore in my minde I serue the lawe of God but in my fleshe the lawe of sinne In the vvhich vvords the Apostle affyrmeth that he had a good will stirred vp by the holy ghost But he addeth that the old Adam sticking in him did alwayes plucke him avvay to sinne and wickednes He further shevveth the author of regeneration in this life and the perfecter therof in the life to come euē Iesus Christ our sauiour redemer And yet God hath vvith his spirite of strength and fortitude assisted many thousandes of his martyres in giuing testimonie to the truth vvith vvonderfull patience and boldnesse vvhiche is the proper and peculiar worke of the holy ghost vvho is thereof called a Comforter And that voice of the Apostle is most sweete and delectable God is faythfull who vvill not suffer you to be tempted aboue that ye are able to beare but in the middle of your temptation he will prouide that you shall be able to beare it God is always present with his seruants in their agonies and doth most gratiously and plentifully giue them corage strength in cruell torments that they become victors and conquerors In thinges externall conioyned vvith vertue and honesty mannes will after regeneration is vvithout all doubt more pliable then it was before For the man regenerate hath the light of Gods word shining in his minde wherby he perceiueth and embraceth more readily both things diuine and humaine It is a great vertue in Scipio that hee conteyneth him selfe frō Endibilis But it was without the light of the liuing god his vvyll vvas therefore vntovvarde in spirituall thinges he was an idolator and in his accions onely respected externall honesty that hee might not doe any thing against comelynes But in Ioseph refusing vnlawfull company with his maisters wife there shineth a more excellent and diuine vertue For he had the knowledge of the lyuing god and a vvil regenerate whereby hee did more commodiously practise things externall he had the holy ghost his guide and leader hee feared God and was loth to deface his honor glory hee assuredly beleeued that God vvould be with him and comfort him in perilles and daungers There is also a greate difference betweene those that be not regenerate in thinges external for one excelleth another in vertue in discipline in exercises Moreouer there is often tymes seene great imbecilitie in the godly vvho doe horribly deforme thēselues in externall vices the cause is the sinne yet remayning in their nature which is no smal or light euill Wherevnto the diuill addeth his poyson and malice especially against the godly Whereby it commeth to passe that no man Christe excepted be he neuer so learned or godly is pure and cleane from foule spottes and offences And hereof come so many offences and faults of the best most excellent men in the church of God in their externall accions as Loth vvho defiled him selfe with dronkennesse and incest Dauid with adultery and murder Hely with negligence in the education of his children c. So