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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14135 A briefe declaration of the sacraments expressing the fyrst oryginall how they came vp, a[n]d were institute with the true and mooste syncere meaning and vnderstandyng of the same very necessarye for all men, that wyl not erre in the true vse and receauing therof. Compyled by the godly learned man Wyllyam Tyndall.; Fruitefull and godly treatise expressing the right institution and usage of the sacramentes Tyndale, William, d. 1536. 1548 (1548) STC 24445; ESTC S118858 29,454 82

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gaue thankes and broke it and sayde Take and eate thys is my bodye that shal be geuen for you thys do in the remembraunce of me And lykewyse he toke the cup when supper was done saying Thys cuppe is the newe testamente in my bloude thys do as often as ye drynke it in the remembraunce of me Here ye se by these wordes that it was ordeyned to kepe the death of Chryst in mynd to testyfy that his body was geuen and hys bloud shed for vs And Luke .xxij. Thys is my body that is geuen for you thys do in the remembraunce of me And thys Cuppe is the new testament in my bloud whych shal be shedde for you Loo here ye see agayne that it was instituted to kepe the deathe of Chryste in mynde and to testifye wherfore he dyed euen to saue vs from synne death and hell that we shuld seke non other meanes to be delyuered with For there is none other Actes .4 For as the chylderen of Ireaell stonge of the fyrye serpentes colde haue none other remedy to saue them from present deathe then to go and beholde the brason serpēt hanged vp by moyses in the wyldernes whych lokyng on only healed them euē so yf the styng of daeth whych is synne i. Corr. xv haue wonded the soule with the workyng of the lawe in the conscyences there is none other remedye then to runne to Chryste whyche shedde hys bloude hangyng vppon the crosse And to hys euerlastyng testament and mercyfull Promysse that it was shedde for vs for the remyssyon of our Synnes if thys be stonge wyth conscyence of synne and they coketryse of thy Poysoned nature hath beholde her self in the glasse of the ryghtuous lawe of God there is non other salue or remedi thē to rūne to Chryst immediatli and to the Father throw hym And to say father I haue synned agaynst the and the godly and holy and ryghtuous law and agaynst my brother whom I ought of all ryght to loue for thy sake as wel as my self for geue me o father for the dere sonne Iesus bloude sake accordyng to the moste mercyfull promyses and testament and I wyll axe my brother for geuenes yf the peace I meane be not made alredy and wyll make to my ▪ powre such satysfactyon to hym as shal seame ryght in hys eyes yf he be reasonable or as the congregacyon shuld assygne or faythful men therto apoynted by the congregacyō or such as I he shall agre vppō wyll indeuoure my selfe to do so no more 〈◊〉 the helpe of the grace And wyl submit my selfe to the holsō ordynaunce of the congregacyon acordȳge to the doctryne of the sone Iesus and of hys faythfull apostles for ther is none other name vnder heuen then Iesus geuen to mē that we may be saued by Act .4 Here of ye se that the sacrament is an absolucyon of oure sīnes as ofte as we receiue it where it is truly taught and vnderstande receued a ryght Here of ye se also that as the Ebrewes wrote they re storyes and couenaunts and signes geuing ther signes suche names as cold not but keape them in mynde And as god the father dyd folowe the ensample of the people or they folowynge hym and cōmaunded hys Promysses ▪ couenauntes and prophesyes to be wrytē in gestes Signes and cecrmonyes geuynge them names that colde not but kepe hys couenauntes in mynde Euen so chryste wrote the couenaunt of hys bodye and bloud in bread and wyne geuynge them that name the ought to kepe the couenaunt in remembraūs And hereof ye se that our sacramentes are bokys of storyes only and that ther is none other vertu in thē then to thestyfye the couenauntes and promysses made in chrysts bloud And here of ye perceyue that where nought is vnderstand by the sacrament or ceremonyes ther they be clene vnprofitable And as the circumcisyon in the flesh ther hartes stylle vncyrcumcysed But hatynge the lawe of god and beleuynge in ther oune ymagynacyons were circūcysed vnto theyr great dampnacyon And as they baptised in the flesh only the harte styll vnclene nether beleuyng in chryst for the forgeuenes of ther sīnes Nether loue ther neyboure for chrystes sake are baptysed also vnto ther greatter dampnacyon for though god haue ryght to all men bycause he hath creaed and made man ▪ yet to all such persones by the reason of the sygne and bage and of there owne consent graunt and promysse hath he more ryght to callynge of them the kepyng of hys law And that they trust in hym onlye or to dampne them bycause when they knowe theyr duety or myghte if they wolde the sygne mouynge them and geuynge them an occasyon to axe therafter and yet do not Euen so all that comme to the sacramēt for anye other purpose then it was ordeyned and instytuted for that is to say so fette absolucyon of theyr synnes with a sette purpose to synne no more as nye as they can and to call to memorye the Benefyttes of the Passyon of Chryste with the medytacyon to weak the flesh and strenght the Spyrite agaynste her And to geue thankes ▪ agayne that is to saye to calle to mynde Howe muche he is bounden for Chrystes sake to loue hys neyghbour to helpe hys neade and to beare hys infyrmitye and to forgeue hym if he haue offended and desyre forgeuenes promysyng to amende where vnto Chryste byndeth all that wyll be partakers of hys Bloude The same I saye came therto to theyr greatter dampnatyon I passe ouer wyth sylence the wycked and dampnable Doctryne of these Seruauntes of Mammon whych for lucre peruerte the true vse of the sacramente and hyd it from the people for neante teachyng it to be a sacryfyce instituted of God to helpe the soules of the deade in purgagatory and that it wyll make men ryche and brynge them to such promocyon as Chryst neuer promysed hys discyples but forbadde it them Some wyll say Thys sacrament neaded not Baptisme is Inough Baptysme as a receyuyng into relygyon ther is the couenantes made what we shall do and what we shall haue And Baptyme as a sygne wherby god hath ryght to vs and we to god and to chryst and wherby euery man hathe ryght to call other to do ther dutes and to rebuk them that wyll not Nether owr saluacyon so greately standeth in ther or any other sacramente that we coulde not be saued wyth owt them By preachynge the worde only Neuer the later god as ryght is wyll haue hys benefittes kept in memory to hys glory our benefyte and namely thys benefytte of all benefittes wherin onely the pythe of our saluatyon resteth therfore though the affecte of it be sygnyfyed by baptysme And though we be Baptysed to beleue in the death of Chryst and to dye wyth hym by mortyfyeng of the flesh yet doth thys sacrament thorow the rehearsynge of the couenaunt and breakyng of the breade pouryng oute of wyne much more