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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15520 A Christian dictionarie Opening the signification of the chiefe words dispersed generally through Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, tending to increase Christian knowledge. Whereunto is annexed, a perticular dictionary for the Reuelation of S. Iohn. For the Canticles or Song of Salomon. For the Epistle to the Hebrues. By Tho: Wilson minister of the Word, at Saint Georges in Canterbury. Wilson, Thomas, 1563-1622. 1612 (1612) STC 25786; ESTC S121081 469,452 830

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vs and blesse vs verse 6. Prou 10 22. The blessing of the Lord maketh rich Thus the word Blesse is taken in good part 5 To flatter and please ones selfe and to boast of his doings to others Psal 10 2. The couetous blesseth himselfe Heere it is taken in euill part 6 The contrary namely cursing an Euphismos when vnseemly things are spoken in seemly words Iob 1 5 Least my sonnes haue blessed God so it is in the Originall that is Blasphemed 1. Kings 20 10. He hath blest God and the King so it is in the Originall for he hath Blasphemed Heere also it is taken in ill part To Blesse abundantly sig To heape benefits plentifully vpon one Heb 6 14. Surely I will aboundantly blesse thee Blessed sig All them which be in the estate of an happy life which consists in Gods loue and fauour Some bee such by nature as Adam in Paradise had naturall happinesse Some are blessed by grace as all the godly euen heere in this life Mat 5 2 3 4. Some are blessed by glory as the glorifyed Saints in Heauen Reuel 14 13. Blessednes sig The happy condition of such as are in the fauour of God hauing their sinnes forgiuen them by saith in Christ. Rom 4 6. Blessed is the man whose sinnes be forgiuen Blessing sig Gods prospering of vs and of our affayres and labours when all haue good successe and turne to our good Psal 3 8. His blessing is vpon his people 2 All good thinges be they spirituall or bodily earthly or heauenly They are in Scripture phrase called Gods blessings euen euery good guift from God to men Eph 1 4. Blessed be God who hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessings Deut 28 2. All these blessings shall come vpon thee blessed shalt thou bee in thy Cattle c. 3 A gift from man to man Gen 33 11. I praythee take my blessing Cup of Blessing sig Cup of Thankesgiuing which we take with giuing of thankes to God for the guift of his sonne 1. Cor 10 16. Blinde sig pro Such as by byrth or casualty lacke their naturall sight 2 Such as be ignorant and lacke knowledge which is the eye of the minde Rom 2 20. A guide to the blinde Math. 15 14. The blinde leade the blinde To make Blinde sig To keepe men from seeing the truth when the light of it is set before them Psal 69 23. Let their eyes be blinded 2 To encrease Ignoraunce for the abuse of former knowledge as happened to them spoken of 2. Thess. 2 11. and Esay 6 10. Blindnesse sig Want of knowledge or ignoraunce in matters of Saluation eyther in whole as in all natural men Eph 4 18. Thorow the ignorance that is in them or in part as in men regenerate who doo see and know but in part 1. Cor 13 12. We know in part we see as in a glasse Bloud sig Death or slaughter Psal 51 14. Deliuer mee from bloud Math 27 24. I am innocent of the bloud of this man Gen. 4 10. Will I require his bloud 2 Reuenge or punishment due for the shedding of blood Math 27 25. His blood be vpon vs our children 3 Cruelty Habak 2 12. Woe vnto him that buildeth a Citty with blood Esay 1 5. Your hands are full of blood 4 The slaine man Iosh. 20 5. If the auenger of blood pursue after him 5 The price of bloud Actes 1 13. The fielde of bloud that is purchased with the price of blood 6 Cause of their owne destruction Acts 18 6. Your blood be vpon your owne head 7 The vnpure beginnings of our birth and conception Iohn 1. 13. Not of blood Ezek. 16 6. 8 The first man of whom all men came as of the first stocke Acts 17 26. God hath made of one blood all mankinde 9 The iuice of the Grape Gen 49 11. And his Cloake in the blood of Grapes To betray innocent Bloud sig To deliuer by Treason an innocent person vnto death Mat. 27 4. Betraying the Innocent bloud Bloud of Christ. sig The death and whole sufferinges of Christ. One part of his sufferings being put for all Eph 1 7. By whom we haue redemption through his blood And often in the Romans and Hebrewes and throughout Paules Epistles is the bloud of Christ one part of his sufferinges put Sinecdochically for the whole sufferings visible and inuisible Therefore it is absurd to stick to the Letter concluding from thence that Christs outward visible suffering were sufficient For from the Letter of Scripture it wil follow that if this blood-shedding was enough therefore his flesh might be spared and all the paines felte therein also his soule with the heauinesse and sorrow thereof whereof there was as great need as of the rest For Christ suffered nothing in vaine our soule hauing sinned yea and that principally it was therefore to be redeemed no lesse then our bodies Blood of the Couenant sig The blood of Beasts sacrificed vnder the Law as signe and pledge of the olde Couenant which was administred in figures prefiguring or being type of the bloud of Christ wherewith the New Couenant is ratified Exod 24 8. Then Moses said Behold the bloud of the Couenant B. O. Body sig That part of man which is made of flesh bones 1. Cor 15 43. The Body is sowne in weaknesse 2 The whole man Rom 6 12. Let not sinne raigne in your mortal bodies that is in your selues which be mortall A Sinecdoche 3 Pith and substance Col 2 17. But the bodie is in Christ. 4 The vnregenerate part of man 1. Cor 9 28. I beat downe my body that is the Old-man Bodie of Christ. sig The one part of Christs man-hood distinct from his soule Heb 10 5. A body c. 2 Whole Christ with all his good things Mat. 26 26. 1. Cor. 10 8. This is my body that is a Sacramentall signe of me and of all that is mine Christs body is not made of bread 3 His Church which is his misticall body consisting of the faithfull onely Ephes 1 22. Head to the Church which is his body Col. 1 18. He is the head of the body of the Church The wicked are not of this body 4 The man-hoode of Christ onely 1. Pet. 2 24. Who bare our sinnes in his body Body of death and body of sin sig Sinne being as it were a body hauing many lusts as members annexed to it and a deadly thing deseruing and leading to death such as serue it Rom. 6 24. Who shal deliuer me from the body of this death Rom. 6 23. The wages of sinne is death Body of flesh sig The humane Nature of Christ. Col. 1 22. That body of his flesh 2 The Old-man and masse of corruption Col. 2 11. Putting off that sinfull body of the flesh Booke sig The whole Scripture or some part of it written together in one Volume Reuel 22 18. The Booke of this prophesie Luke 4 17. He tooke the Booke The Booke
goods whence our liueli-hood ariseth as Water springes out of a Fountaine Prouer. 5 10. Let thy Fountaines flow forth c. 7 Eyes which as a Spring or Fountaine sends forth teares as a witnesse of hearts griefe Iere. 9 1. Mine eyes a Fountaine of Teares For. sig Euery thing that hurteth the Inheritance or vineyard of the Church be it false doctrine or corrupt manners Cant. 2 15. Take away the Foxes 2 False Prophets which craftily vndermine the safety and state of Religion and of the Church Ezec. 13 4. O Israell thy Prophets are as Foxes in the wast places 3 All crafty and guilefull persons which with their carft and cunning seeke to deceiue and hurt others Luke 13 32. Tell that Foxe little Foxes sig All occasions and appearances of euils Cant. 2 15. These little Foxes to be a portion for Foxes sig To be cast out vppon the Mountaines without buriall that Foxes and Beastes may feede vppon them Psalme 63 10. They shall bee the portion for Foxes F. R. Frame of the hart sig The inward secret thoughts inclinations and purposes of the Soule as it is expounded by Moyses himselfe Gen. 6 5. The whole Frame that is the thoughts of mans hart are euill continually according to the Translation of Tremellius it should thus be read Free sig pro Such as bee Bond-men but are exempt from the yoake of slauery 1 Cor. 7 22. 2 Beleeuers whom Christ hath set free and deliuered from the Curse and rigor of the Law and not onely from yoake of Legall Ceremonies also frō the ●y●anny of sinne by his death and spirit so as they are no more vnder the bondage of sin though sinne be still in them nor neede feare the condemnation due to it also they serue God with a free ingenious spirit as Children their Father Rom. 5 7. He that is dead is Free from Sinne. Rom. 7 6. Free from Sinne that is from the Dominion of Sinne verse 14 Rom. 8 2. Free from Sinne and Death that is from the condemnation due to it as verse 1. Psalme 51 11. Iohn 8 38. This Freedome is wholy of Grace not at all of Nature Sée Will. Beleeuers are Free and not Free therefore they cry both who shall Free me from Sin Rom. 7 24. and also they tryumphantly say Christ hath freede me from the Law of Sin Rom. 8 2. They are freed wholy from the guilt and punnishment of Sinne but from corruption of sinne they are freed in part onely so farre as that it doe not raigne ouer them the Lords Frée man sig A true Christian who though he bee bond and Seruant vnto man is yet set Free by the Lord Iesus from th● seruitude of Sathan and Sinne. 1 Corin. 7 22. Frée from all men sig One that is not beholden vnto other men to liue at their cost 1 Cor. 9 19. Though I bee Free from all men Frée among the dead sig One separate from the liuing left for dead Psal. 88 5. Free among the dead like to the slaine which lie in the Graue Friend sig pro One whom we do entirely loue aboue others and vse more familiarly and priuately then we doe others as Dauid did Ionathan Pro. 18 24. A friend is neerer then a Brother 2 One to whom God imparteth his minde and secrets so familiarly and fully as one Friend dooth to another Genesis 18 17. Shall I hide this thing from Abraham Hence it is that Iames 2 29. calleth Abraham the Friend of God also the Apostles are called Christs Friendes Iohn 15 15. You I haue called Friends because what I had of my Father I haue made knowne to you Friendship of y● world sig The loue and vnmeasurable desire of carnall and worldly things Iames 4 4. The friendship or the Amity of the Wo●ld is the enimity with God Frozen in their dregs sig Stubborne Sinners which obstinately sticke in their sinnes mocking both God and Man Zephe 1 12. I will visit them that be frozen in Dregges Ier. 48 11. Fruit. sig pro The encrease which commeth of the Land of Trees of Cattle and of other Creatures Deutro 28 4. Blessed shall bee the fruit of thy Ground and of thy Cattle 2 The couersion of men to God by the ministry of his Seruants Iohn 15 16. I haue appointed that ye go and bring forth Fruite and verse 2. 3. He that abideth in me bringeth forth Fruit. In this sence the Gospell was fruitfull in all the World Coloss. 1 6. Conuersion of Sinners to the Faith is as delightful to God as sweete Fr●●● is to men A Metaphor 3 All and euery one of Gods Graces works in his Children because they come from his spirite as Fruite from a Tree and doe so please him as good Fruit is pleasing to vs. Gal. 5 22. The fruits of the Spirit is loue peace ioy c. Phil. 1 11. Filled with the Fruits of righteousnesse A Metaphor 4 The due recompence and merite of our euill workes Micha 7 13. For the Fruits of their inuentions Prouerb 31. They shall eate the Fruite of their workes 5 False doctrine the proper Fruit of a Falfe Prophet Math. 7 16. By their Fruits ye shall know them 6 The profit and commodity that comes of well doing Prouer. 31 31. Giue her of the Fruite of her hands Rom. 6 22. Ye haue your Fruit in holinesse 7 Any godly deede tending to the spirituall profit of others Phil. 4 17. I desire the Fruit c. eyther speech it selfe or the reward which comes of good or euill speech Prouer. 12 14. A man shall be filled with good thinges by the Fruit of his mouth Fruits of righteousnesse sig All good works done by iustified and righteous persons Phil. 1 11. Aboundiug with the Fruites of righteousnesse fruits worthy of repentance sig A godly and iust life meete for such as haue repentance Mat. 3 8. Bring forth Fruits worthy of repentance Fruit of the wombe sig Children Deut. 28 4. Blessed shall be the Fruite of thy womb Psal. 127 3. and 132 11. Gen. 30 2. and in Deut. 28 4. Children be called the Fruit of the body being deriued from the body of their Parents as Fruit springs from a Tree Also delightful vnto them as Fruit to our mouth Fruitfull sig Profitable as vnfruitfull signifies vnprofitable Titus 3 14. Colo. 1 6. And is Fruitfull 2 Abundant Col. 1 10. Fruitfull in good workes F. U. Full. sig The proud and such as bee swollen with high conceite of their owne sufficiencie and woorth so as they feele no neede of Christ. Luke 6 26. Woe vnto them that are Full. Reuel 3 17. affords vs an example heereof 2 Much or abundantly rich and plentifull Acts 6 5. Stephen Full of the Holy Ghost and of faith that is endued with a great portion of faith In Luke 1 28. it would not bee read Full of grace but Freely beloued as the Greek word signifies and Chrisost expounds it 3 That which is perfect or hath no want 2.
of a Law Hence come these phrases The Law of the minde the Law of the members the Law of sin the Law of God the Law of the Spirit Rom. 7 23 25. This is the large signification of Law 2 The Decalogue or ten Commaundements Rom. 7 7. Except the Law had said Thou shalt not lust Also Verse 14 22. And Rom. 8 22. and 3 20. This is called the Morrall Law because it teacheth duties both to God and our Neighbor 3 The whole Doctrine of the worde comprehending the promises of free saluation by Christ. Psal. 19 7. The Law of God is perfect conuerting the soule Iames 1 25. 4 Bookes of Moses Psalmes and Prophets euen the Scripture of the Old-Testament which containe the Doctrine of the Law and the promises of the Messiah Rom 3 19. Whatsoeuer the Law saith Law sometime signifies the whole Old-Testament Iohn 10. 34. and 15 25. Sometime but the fiue Bookes of Moses Gal. 3 21. 5 The condition of keeping or fulfilling the Law exactly in euery point or the workes of the Law being perfectly obserued Rom. 3 21. The righteousnesse of God is manifest without the Lawe And 4 13 14. Gal. 3 10 11 12. 6 Naturall instinct and light of reason commanding honest thinges and forbidding the contrary or the Law of Nature written in a mans hart Rom. 2 14. They are a Law to themselues 7 Legall Ceremonies 1. Cor. 9 20. To them which were vnder the Law 8 The second Table of the Law the precepts thereof Rom 13 8. Hee that loueth another fulfilleth the Law Gal. 5 14. 9 Institution or ordinance of Aaron Heb. 7 12 The Law also is changed Law of Faith sig The Doctrine which teacheth righteousnesse by faith in Christ. Rom. 3 27. Our reioycing is excluded by the Lawe of faith that is by the Doctrine which offereth promiseth saluation on this condition if we beleeue Law of liberty sig The word and Doctrine of God freely reproouing sinne in all estates without difference or respect of persons therefore it is called the Law of liberty As also because it belongs cheefly and properly to such as are freed and set at liberty from sinne by the grace of Christ. Iames 1 25. Who so looketh into the perfect Law of liberty Esay 58 1. Law of workes sig The Doctrine which teacheth to get righteousnesse and saluation by working according to the Law Rom. 3 27. Not by the Law of workes Law of righteousnesse sig The righteousnesse which is commanded in the Law Rom. 9 31. But Israell which followed the Law of Righteousnesse or the Doctrine which promiseth righteousnesse and life to him who perfectly keepeth the Law Law of Christ. sig The precepts of Charity Gal. 6 2. Fulfill the Law of Christ. This is called in Iohn a new law Iohn 13 34 35. Law of commandements sig The precepts touching Ceremoniall rites Ephe. 2 15. The Law of Commandements which standeth in ordinances Law spirituall sig A Doctrine requiring obedience from the thoughts and the most inward desires of the soule and not in outward workes onely Rom. 7 7. The Law is spirituall Law of the spirit sig The holy spirite of Sanctification which is like vnto a Law commanding with Authority with power enforcing to do good things and to auoid euill Rom. 8 2. The Law of the spirit of life Law of the minde sig A minde renewed by the spirit which ruleth commandeth good things and forbids euill as a Law it is the same with the former Rom. 7 23. Law of sin sig Sinne or naturall corruption which like a Law commandeth euil actions inforcing vs vnto them and forbidding vs good things drawing vs from them Rom. 8 1. Hath freed mee from the Law of sinne Law of the members sig Sinne ruling like a Law in our members that is in our faculties of body and soule as far as they are vnregenerate It is the same with the Law of Sinne. Rom. 7 23. I see a Law in my members Law of death sig Sinne by his Imperiall Tyrannicall lustes deseruing and leading vnto death and destruction Rom. 8 2. Hath freed me from the Law of death through the Law I am dead to y● law sig Through the Law of grace graunted by Christ I am free from the bondage and curse of the Law giuen by Moses Gal. 2 19. Or thus The Law of Commandements by terrifying my Conscience brought me to Christ who caused me to dye to the Law indeede by making me righteous thorough faith in him that I might not feare the curse of the Law and by sanctifying mee that I might not obey the lustes which are against the Law how Christ is the end of the Law sig By fulfilling the Law for vs hee is in such wise made our righteousnesse so we beleeue as if our selues had perfectly obserued the Law Rom. 10 4. Christ is the end of the Law for righteousnesse to euery beleeuer to abrogate the Law sig To repeale and disanull it to make it voide and of none effect Ephe 2 15. In abrogating the Law of Commandements Heb. 8 13. Abrogation of Moses Law 1 The Ceremoniall Law is wholy abrogate and done away as touching the vse and practise but is perpetuall as touching the substance and truth which is Christ. 2 The Iudiciall Law is also abrogate sauing so farre as it is grounded vpon the Law of Nature and agreeth with the Morrall Law and as Christian Magistrates shall Iudge it fitting for the estate and welfare of their people being a Law of most excellent equity 3 The Morrall Law is abrogated in respect of beleeuers onely as touching the curse the rigorous exaction requiring perfect obedience vpon paine of aeternall death also as it is the vigor and strength of sinne but is not abrogate as touching the Doctrine Gouernment and Obedience of it for it still serueth to shew sinne and reprooue sinners to teach all duties to God and men to humble and feare vs by denunciation of wrath and iudgementes to direct as a rule our whole life and actions but not to iustifie vs before God which the Lawe cannot doe thorough our sinfull corruption whereby we are made vnable to keepe it perfitly therefore through our fault it cannot confer bestow perfit righteousnesse vpon vs. Rom. 8 3. The Papistes then doe erre much in teaching to seeke our righteousnesse before God from the works of the Law eyther in whole or in part L. E. Leafe sig pro A certaine greene blade shot forth of a Tree to shew that it liueth and is not dead and withered 2 The life of Grace which the godly liue here and the not fading of this Leafe doth signifie constant perserance in this Grace Psal. 1 3. Whose Leafe shall not fade 3 The life of Glory which from Christ is communicated to the elect beeing in Heauen for their eternall happinesse Reuel 22 2. And the Leaues of the Trees serued to heale the Nations therewith 4
in them for euer Iohn 14. And 1 Iohn 3. The seede of God remaineth in them Of this seede Peter saith it is immortall 1 Pet. 1 verse last Also Christ maketh request for beleeuers Question sig A demaund or asking which when it is of things necessary to be knowne out of a desire to learne it is good otherwise it is either vaine or foolish Tim. 3 23. Foolish Questions of vanitie eschew to quicken sig pro To giue life to the dead or to reuiue that which is dying 2 To put the life of grace into a soule dead in trespasses and sinnes when one spiritually dead is made to liue to God by the life of faith Ephe. 2 1 5. You hath he quickned which were dead in trespasses and sinnes 3 To put heart and comfort by deliuerance into such as haue greefe and feare thorough great dangers Psal. 119 149 154. Quicken mee according to thy word R. A. Rabbi sig ONe that is aboue others and in sted of a number Math. 23 7. Rabbi Rabbi A proude swelling Title wherein the Pharisees gloried very much Race sig The course of Christianity and godlinesse Heb. 2 1. Let vs run the Race to Raigne sig pro To commaund with power as King and with readinesse to be obeyed Thus Dauid raigned in Israell Iosiah in Iuda 1 Kings 11 42. 2 To command and rule in the soule without opposition or resistance Rom. 6 12. Let not sinne Raigne in your mortall bodies Sin is said to raign when the lusts and motions of sin be readily obeyed as one would obey the Law and command of a King Thus sinne raigneth Death is saide to raigne because it exerciseth ouer all mankinde that power which through sin it hath gotten Rom. 5 14. Death raigned from Adam to Moses Thus death raigneth Grace is saide to raigne when the righteousnesse of Christ being freely imputed his Spirite raignes in our hearts and we be gouerned by the motions and impulsions thereof so as now sinne cannot condemne vs to death nor rule ouer vs as it did before grace which hath quit the beleeuers from the raigne of sinne and death Rom. 5 21. So might grace Raigne by righteousnesse to eternall life Thus grace raigneth 3 To gouerne and dispose all things in Heauen and earth according to his royal decrees Thus God Raigns ouer the world Psal. 93 1. The Lord Raignes and is clothed in maiestie The whole Psalm throughout 4 To gouerne and rule the faithfull by the word and holy spirite thus Christ Raigneth ouer his Church Psal. 97 1. The Lord Raigneth let the earth reioyce Railer sig An euill speaker which vpbraideth others with their true faultes in a reprochfull manner or else casteth vpon them false crimes to defame them 1 Cor. 6 10. Extortioners Railers White Raiment Sée White to Raine sig pro To powre downe water plentifully out of the clouds to refresh the earth with all Deut. 28 12. 2 To giue plentifully Psal. 78 24. Hee Rained downe Manna And verse 27. He raigned down Flesh that is he gaue it liberally like Raine Raine sig The fruitfulnesse of the Earth which followeth moderate seasonable Raine Math. 5 45. Hee sendeth raine on the iust and vniust 2 The doctrine of the word which falling vpon the consciences of men doth refresh and make them fruitful as Raine doth the Grasse Deu. 32 2. My doctrine shall drop as the Raine to Raise sig pro To lift vp or set vp something which is downe or fallen 2 To make a body which is dead and fallen into the graue to liue and rise againe Actes 2 32 24. Whom God hath raised vp Iohn 6 40. I will Raise them vp at the last day 3 To make a soule which is spiritually dead to liue vnto God and to arise vnto a new and godly life Rom. 6. 4. 4 To restore and lift vp such as bee fallen into calamities Psal. 113 7. Hee raised the needy out of the dust 1 Sam. 2 6. Rapine sig A greedy and violent affection of taking and pulling from others that which is theirs Luke 11 39. Full of Rapine 2 Some-thing which is taken or pulled from others by force and violence Psal. Rapine is in their houses Rasor sig pro A sharpe instrument wherewith haire is shauen and cleane cut off by the stumpes 2 A fierce and cruell enemy which destroyes and cuts downe all as a sharpe Rasor shaues and cuts all bare Esay 7 20. In that day the Lord shall shaue with a Rasor c. This is ment by the King of Assiria by whom God would plague Israell 3 A malitious tongue which secretly woundeth and cutteth ones name as a Rasor ones flesh Psal. 52 2. Thy tongue is like a sharpe Rasor which cutteth deceitfully R. E. to Reade sig To recite distinctly the sillibles and wordes of Scripture Reading is nothing else but such a recitall and speaking forth the letters sillibles Luk. 4 6. Hee tooke the booke and Read Actes 15 21. Moses in euery Synagogue hath such as Reade him 1 Tim. 4 13. Attend to reading Reading is not the word of God but an action about it neyther is it preaching in the proper acception to Reape sig pro To gather the fruites of the earth as Corne Hay c. 2 To take such gaines and fruits of our worke as the nature of the worke is good or euill Gal. 6 8 9. 2 Cor. 96. Pro. He that soweth iniquity shall Reape affliction Reason sig That faculty and power of the soule whereby we debate and discourse of things and obiects that we may be able soundly to iudge of that which we rightly vnderstand 2 The vse of this faculty to wit discretion Acts. 25 28. Me thinkes it is against Reason That is against discretion or very absurd 3 The cause and ground of a thing 1 Pet. 3 15. To them which aske you a Reason of that hope which is in you Reasonable seruice sig The spirituall sacrifice of a Christian offering not the bodies of beastes which haue no reason as they were wont to do vnder the Law but himselfe wholy being a Reasonable creature as a sacrifice vnto God his Creatour and Redeemer which is a most Reasonable thing to doe him seruice and obedience in all thinges according to his reuealed will which is a very Reasonable rule Rom. 12 1. Which is your Reasonable seruice of God Reasoning sig An euill discourse or disputing against God or his word Phil. 2 14. Let all thinges be done without Reasonings Math. 15 19. Out of the heart comes euill Reasonings to Rebell sig pro To fight or make war against his lawfull Soueraigne as Absolon Rebelled against his Father Dauid or to cast off the yoake of a lawfull Gouerner as Corah and Abiram Numb 16 1 2. To striue or rise vp against the gouernment of the spirit in the minde of a regenerate man Rom. 7 23. A law in my members Rebelling against the law of my minde Thus sinne Rebelleth against grace Rebellion sig pro
and a Rocke of offence Moreouer because he is of exceeding great value and excellency thence is he called an elect and precious Stone 1 Pet. 2 6. Behold I put in Sion a cheefe Corner-Stone elect and precious Whereunto adde this that he is tearmed a Liuing Stone because by his euer-liuing vertue hee preserues in life of grace all the faithfull till he bring them to the life of glorie 1 Pet. 2 4. To whom wee come as to a liuing Stone Lastly because the most perfit prouidence of GOD watcheth ouer the Church and euery faithfull person built vppon this Stone therefore it is saide that seauen eyes shall bee vppon it Zacha. 3 9. Vpon one Stone shall be seuen eyes Zach. 4 10. Stone of Israell sig God who was the strength and refuge of Israels people Gene. 49 24. By the Stone of Israell Liuing Stones sig All true beleeuers which by the doctrine of the Gospell are quickned with the life of God beeing founded vpon Christ the Head-Stone 1 Pet. 2 5. As liuing Stones are made a Spirituall House White Stones sig pro A Stone of this colour giuen in olde time to witnesse the acquitting or absolution of one from some crime vniustly laid to him 2 Absolution of Sinners which doe beleeue in Christ from guilt and punnishment of all their finnes Reuelation 2 17. I will giue him a white Stone Straight gate sig Mortification of our euill lusts or deniall of our selues when our reason and will are made subiect to Gods word Math. 7 13. Enter in at the streight gate Stranger sig One that is not a Iew but of some other Nation Math. 27 7. To bury Strangers in 2 One that comes to vs from another Countrey though he be a Iew. Heb. 13 2. Be not forgetfull to entertaine strangers 3 A Woman that is not a mans owne Wife Prou. 5 20. Why shouldst thou embrace the bosome of a Stranger 4 One that vseth this World as if hee vsed it not setting his mind vpon his Countrey which is aboue 1 Pet. 2 11. I beseech you as Pilgrims and Strangers Heb. 11 13. Confessed they were Strangers and Pilgrims vpon earth 5 Vncircumcised Gentiles who had nothing to doe with the Couenant of Saluation by Christ. Ephe. 2 12. And were Strangers from the Couenants of Promise To Stretch the hand Sée hand Subiection or submission sig pro The placing and setting one thing vnder another in a due order as the Water vnder the Earth the Earth vnder the Ayre the Ayre vnder the Firmament and this vnder the third Heauen children vnder Fathers Seruants vnder Maisters Subiects vnder Princes c. 2 That obedience that all Creatures yeeld vnto their Soueraigne Christ eyther voluntarily or vnuoluntarily Ephe. 1 22. He hath made all things subiect vnder his feete Phillip 2 10. That at the Name of Iesus euery knee should bow 3 Reuerence and obedience toward God Heb. 12 9. Be in Subiection to the Father 4 The willing obedience yeelded in word or deede by doing and suffering from Inferiours towardes their Superiours Rom. 13 1. Ephe. 5 22. Wiues Submit your selues to your Husbands 5 In ordinate and prepos●erous yeelding to the wicked desires of others or to the bondage of such things as ought not to rule ouer our consciences Gala. 2 5. To whom we gaue no place by Subiection 1 Cor. 6 12. I will not be brought vnder the power of any thing to Submit sig To yeelde obedience to all lawfull Gouernors with a willing acknowledgement of their iust authority ouer vs. Colo. 3 18. Wiues Submit your selues to your Husbands 2 To serue one another through loue for Gods sake Ephe. 5 21. Submitting your selues one to another in the feare of God Subtiltie sig A singuler wit or naturall pollicy where-with Serpents were indued at their Creation Gen. 3 1. And the Serpent was more subtile then any Beast of the Fielde That is more prouident and wise for Subtilty heere is taken in good part because the Serpent was thus made of God and God made euery thing good but Sathan abused this good quality to a bad end 2 Craft and wicked wilinesse whereby men are made fit to deceiue others Acts 13 10. O full of all Subtilty and mischiefs Heere the word Subtilty is taken in ill part for guile and deceit to Suffer sig To giue leaue to doe a thing Luke 9 59. Suffer me first to goe bury my Father 2 To endure paine with patience 2 Tim. 2 3. Suffer affliction as a good Souldier c. to Suffer in the flesh sig To dye a painefull death according to his humaine Nature 1 Pet. 4 1. Forsomuch as Christ hath Suffered in the flesh 2 To mortifie our sinfull corruption which is so painefull a thing as may well bee called a suffering 1 Pet. 4 1. He that hath Suffered in the flesh hath ceased from Sinne. to Suffer with christ sig Either to be a Companion with Christ in suffering or to endure patiently painefull things for his sake Rom. 8 18. If so be you Suffer with him Sufferings of Christ. sig All the painefull and reproachfull afflictions which Christ felt in his owne person for our Redemption or with his members to wit the faithfull doe feele for exercise and tryall of their fayth patience and loue Col. 1 24. Fulfill the rest of the Sufferings or afflictions of Christ. 1 Pet. 1 11. Sée Passion and Affliction Summer sig The hottest season in the yeare Gen. 8 22. And Summer and Winter 2 Opportunity and fit time to doe thinges in Prou. 6 8. Prepareth her meate in Summer drought of Summer sig Extreame drinesse Psa. 31 4. My moysture was consumed into drought of Summer Sunne sig That great light which giueth light by day a most pure bright and glorious creature Gen. 1 16. The Sunne to rule the day 2 Christ Iesus the Sunne and light of the world Iohn 1 5. And that light shineth in darknesse 3 The bright and glorious presence of God Reuel 21 23. This Cittie hath no neede of the Sunne for the glory of God did light it or was a Sun to it 4 Worldly prosperity Iob 31 26. I did not regard the shining of the Sun 5 The inward beauty and purity of the Church of God Cant. 6 9. Pure as the Sunne Supererogation sig A worke of Counsell done by perfect ones being more then they were bound vnto by any precept of the Law of God Popish Superscription sig A Title written ouer ones head shewing the cause of his death Luke 23 38. This Superscription was written ouer him 2 A Title engrauen in Coyne to shew whose it is Mat. 22 21. Whose Image or Superscription is this Superstition sig A forme of Diuine worship deuised by men beside or beyond the Commandement of God breeding in the followers of it a seruile feare Actes 17 22. I perceiue you are in all thinges too Superstitious 2 True Religion reproached and slandered with the name of Superstition Acts 25 19. About some wordes of their
This is the visible Church which is not alwayes eminent and glorious to the eye of flesh as our Papistes doo auouch too confidently 2 The whole company of the elect which in all ages and places haue or doo or shall beleeue in Christ through the calling of God the father by the operation of the holy spirite This is the inuisible catholicke Church Col. 1 18. Hee is the head of the bodie of the church which comprehends the faithfull of all times countries conditions yeares and sex How then can the Romish church which began but since Christs time be the Catholicke 3 The faithfull of some one family Phile 2. And to the church that is in thinehouse 4 The lawful gouernors of the Church to whom the censures of the Church doo of right belong Mat. 18 17. If hee will not heare them tell it to the Church This is the Church representatiue 5 A materiall Temple 1. Cor. 14 34. Let women keepe silence in the Churches 1. Cor. 11 18. C. I. To Circumcise sig pro To cut off or to pa●e away the foreskin of the flesh to witnesse thereby an entrance into the couenant of mercy with God for forgiuenesse of sin and newnes of life Gen. 17 10 11. This is to circumcise Sacramentally 2 To mortifie and subdue the flesh with the lusts thereof Ier. 4 4. Be circumcised to the Lord take away the foreskin of your harts This is to circumcise spiritually and thus much is meant in all places where circumcision of the heart is called for euen a correcting of sinful nature and the corrupt desires thereof Men of circumcised eares lips hearts sig Such as haue the inward spiritual effect and grace of circumcision together with the signe as on the other side vncircumcised lippes eares and heart be affirmed of such as haue the outward signe only without the signified grace Acts 7 51. Circumcision sig A person circumcised or a Iew as vncircumcision signifieth a person vncircumcised a Gentile Rom. 2 28. and Actes 15 2. Where Christ is called the Minister of circumcision that is of a people circumcised to wit of the Iewes Gal. 2 7 9. 2 The whole legal ceremonious worship of God by a Sinechdoche of the part for the whol Acts 15 1. Except ye be circumcised ye cannot be saued Gal. 5 2. 3 Those which be truly godly persons spiritually circumcised in their heart forsaking their own corrupt reason and will Phil. 3 3. We are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit This is Circumcision made without hands of the heart and in the Spirit not in the L●●ter Rom. 2 29. It is a Sacrament of the Old-Testament signifying and sealing vp to the people of the Iewes their entrance into Couenant with God for the remission of their sinnes and mortification of their lustes by faith in Christ to come Rom. 4 11. They receyued the signe of circumcision Gen. 17 10 11 12. Citty sig pro A place compassed with wals for people to dwell in Math. 9 35. And Iesus went to all Citties and Townes Gen. 19 25. And ouerthrewe those Cities and inhabitants 2 The people which dwell in such a place Actes 19 29. And the whole Citty was full of confusion A Metonimie 3 The Church of God vpon earth Cant. 3. 2 3. The Watchmen which went about the citty 4 Heauen Heb. 11 16. He hath prepared for them a citty Ephe. 2 19. A Metaphor C. L. To clappe hands sig To reioyce and be gladde whereof clapping of hands is a signe Psal. 98 8. Let the floods clap their hands and let the hils reioyce Prosopopo●● To cleanse sig To pronounce one cleane from legall pollution Leuit. 13 7. And cleanse him Thus Priestes cleansed 2 To take away guilt and corruption of sinne 1. Iohn 1 7. Thus Christ cleanseth Cleansing Sig Outward ceremonious washing of things or persons as a Type of the Inward Marke 1 40 41. Be thou cleane 2 Spirituall and inward holinesse when the hart is kept cleane from the spot of sinne Mat. 22 26. Iames 4 8. Of this cleansing the spirit is Authour the Word is the Instrument Iohn 15 3. Ye are clean thorow the word 3 Forgiuenesse of sinnes by the imputation of Christes blood to the beleeuer Psal. 51 2. And cleanse me from my sinne Cleane sig One who is holy and pure free from the power of sinne by the grace of sanctification Iohn 13 10. Ye are cleane 2 One free from the guilt and curse of sin by the grace of iustification Psa. 51 7. Purge me with Iso● and I shall be cleane to Cleaue sig To sticke fast and be neerely and straightly knit vnto God by the affections of the heart 2 To bee ioyned together most straightly as man and wife Mat. 19 5. And cleaue to his wife 3 To continue with one Acts. 11 23. Acts. 8 13. And did cleaue to Phillip Cloudes of witnesses sig An heape or great number of witnesses or Holie examples Heb. 12 1. Cloudes without water sig Hypocrites which make a faire shew and yet are empty and barren of all goodnesse Iude 12. C. O. Cold. Sig Such as be scarse indifferent but meere carelesse in matters of God and of their owne saluation Reuel 3 15. I would ye were eyther hot or cold Comming of Christ to vs. Sig The presence of his spirit to conuert vs that our hearts may be made his dwelling place Reuel 3 20. I will come in to him Eph. 3 17. 2 Giuing newe tokens of his spirituall presence by comforting and strengthning vs and encreasing his graces in vs. Iohn 14 18. I wil not leaue you Fatherlesse but will come vnto you Also verses 23 28. This is a comming in mercy and fauour 3 Executing his Iudgements against Sin and Sinners Reuel 2 16. Repent or I wil come vnto thee and fight against them This is a comming in wrath Comming of Christ from the Father sig Christ his being borne man that hee might liue heere and do the work of a Mediator by his obeying the Law and suffering the death of the crosse Iohn 15 27 28. I am come out of the father 1. Tim. 1 15. This is a comming in infirmity and weakenesse Comming of Christ to the Father sig His leauing the world and going vp to his father Iohn 17 13. And now Father I come to thee This is a comming in glory as also his comming at the last day will be glorious Our Comming to Christ. sig Our beleeuing in him Iohn 6 3● Hee that commeth to me shall neuer hunger c. Faith as it is the mouth hand and eye so it is also the foote of the soule whereby we come vnto Christ. Comming of Satan sig His setting vppon Christ with great power and subtilty Iohn 14 30. The Prince of this world comes and hath nought in me Comming of Antichrist Sig His effectual and mighty presence and working for some great hurt vnto others 1. Iohn 2 18. Yee haue heard that Antichrist shall
C. R. Craft Sig Trade or occupation Acts 18 3. For that was their Craft Heere it is taken in good part 2 Deceite guile and fraud Eph. 4 14. By the deceite of men and with Craftinesse Heere it is taken in ill part Create sig To make something of nothing Gen. 1 1. God created heauen and earth Hebr. 11 2. The thinges we see were made of things which did not appeare 2 To giue and worke Grace where it is not Eph. 1 16. Created to good workes 3 To restore Grace as touching the feeling and fruite of it Psal 51 10. Create in me a cleane hart 4 To be the Author and worker of a thing Esay 45 7. I make peace and create euill I the Lord do all these things faithfull Creator sig God who safely and faithfully keepeth them whom hee hath once made and taken charge of 1. Pet. 4 19. As to a faithfull Creator Creature sig The whole frame of Heauen and earth and sometimes some particuler worke of God Rom. 8 20. Because the Creature is subiect to vanity Also verse 21 22 23. It is put for one particuler worke or thing created Rom. 8 39. 2 All men whether Iewes or Gentiles Marke 16 15. Preach the Gospell to euery Creature new Creature sig That quality of holinesse created in the heartes of the Elect at their first conuersion to God 2. Cor. 5 17. He that is in Christ let him be a new Creature This is called the New man and Spirit and Law of the minde Crooked sig pro That which is contrary to streight or to right Eccles. 7 15. 2 All swaruing from the straight and right line of Gods word Psal. 119 3. Surely they worke no Iniquitie or Crooked thing for so it is in the Originall Crum sig The least and lowest degree or measure of Gods grace Math. 15 17. The whelpes eate the Crums c. Crosse. Sig That Tree or Wood whereon Christ dyed beeing made in forme of a Crosse. Math. 27 32. They made Simon of Cyrene to beare his Crosse. Come down from the Crosse. The Papistes without all reason adore the Reliques of it and attribute Vertue to it being but a Creature if it were extant 2 The whole passion of Christ from his Cradle to his death but especially his sufferings vppon the Tree Heb. 12 3. Who for the Ioy was set before him endured the Crosse. Metonimie 3 The Doctrine of the Gospell that is of free Saluation by Christ crucified 1. Cor. 1 18. The preaching of the Crosse to vs that be saued is the power of God Also Verse 17. Gal. 5 11. 4 The preaching of Christ crucified Gal. 6 11. They woulde not suffer persecution for the Crosse of Christ. 5 Euery greeuous or painfull thing sent of God eyther to our minds or bodies Math. 10 38. Take vp thy Crosse and follow me Metaphor This is the generall Crosse common to all men as they bee men 6 Such afflictions as the faithfull suffer for Christ and for Righteousnesse Gal. 6 14. God forbid that I should reioyce but in the Crosse of Christ. This is a speciall Crosse peculiar to Christians Crowne Sig pro A round Garland set vppon the head in Token of victory or that which Princes weare vpon their head at their Coronation 2. Tim. 2 5. Hee is not crowned except he striue lawfully 2 Kingly or Royal dignity and power Ps. 132 18. But on him his Crowne shal flourish Metonimie 3 Whatsoeuer excellencie or glory wee haue in vs or without vs. Reuel 4 10. They cast their Crownes before his Throne Lam. 5 16. The crowne of our head is fallen 4 That which either bringeth or encreaseth our Renowne Comfort and Glory before men 1. Thes. 2 19 20. Ye are our Crowne of reioycing Ye are our Glory and Ioy. Prou. 12 4. Crowne of Righteousnesse Crowne of life Sig Eternall life which is giuen as a free reward to such as lead a righteous life which the God who is most righteous hath promised and will also performe 2. Tim. 4 8. Henceforth there is laide vp for mee a Crowne of Righteousnesse Rom. 6 16 23. This is also called the Crowne of life Iames. 1 12. Reu. 2 10. Because in the life eternall there shall bee honour and glory vnspeakeable whereunto Good-works are the way but are not the cause Hence the Papists do corruptly gather the merit of workes Sée their Annotat. on 2. Tim. 4 8. Crowne of Glory sig That most excellent glory which the Saints haue in Heauen shaddowed vnto vs by a kingly Crown which of all earthly things is most glorious 1. Pet. 5 4. Ye shall receiue an incorruptible Crowne of glory 2 A glorious and honorable thing Prou. 16 31. Age is a Crowne of Glory Crowne of Gold sig A most ample and glorious Kingdome such as Dauid had ouer Gods people Psal. 21 4. Thou hast set a Crowne of Gold vpon his head Crowne of Thornes sig A Crowne made of Thornes set vpon Christes head in derision and to encrease his paine Math. 27 29. They put a crowne of Thornes on his head to Crowne vs with Compassiō sig To make vs famous and glorious by merciful deliuerances as if he should set a Crowne vpon our head Psalme 103 4. He crowneth vs with compassion to Crucifie sig pro To fasten one to the Crosse there to languish till death Math. 27 35. Crucified him 2 To mortifie or kill sinfull lusts by little little Gal. 5 24. Haue Crucified the flesh 3 To lay open Christ vnto the scorne and mocke of the world Heb. 6 6. Crucifie Christ. 4 To despise the world and to be despised and set at naught by the world Gal. 6 14. Cry sig Most earnest desires in Prayer arising from the feeling or feare of some misery Psal. 40 1. Hee heard my Cry Exod. 14 15. Wherefore diddest thou Cry vnto me 2 Loud and boystrous speech or roaring Ephe. 4 31. Put away crying from you 3 Weeping and vehement sorrow or mourning Reuel 21 4. There shall be no more crying 4 Greeuous and bitter Complaints such as the poore make in their great distresses Iames 5 4. The cries of them are entred into the eares of the Lord. Cryer sig A publick Minister appointed and sent to proclaime as a Cryer the comming of the Messiah to work our Redemption Such an one was Iohn Baptist Math. 3 3. The voyce of a Cryer Iohn 1 23. to Cry sig To sigh in Prayer or with great earnestnesse to desire good things Psal. 22 2. O my God I cry by day Rom. 8 15. This is our crying to God 2 To reprooue sinne earnestly and to call sinners to repentance with great vehemency of voyce Esay 58. Cry aloud and spare not 3 To craue or demaund vengeance from Diuine Iustice. Gen. 18 20. The cry of Sodome is great Deut. 24 15. Iames 5 4. Gen. 4 10. C. U. Cup. sig pro A kinde of Pot Maser or Goblet whereby of olde time they did measure a portion of
calleth vs to him Psal. 95 7. To day if yee will heare his voyce at one Day sig Very shortly and at one instant Re. 18 8. The Plague shall come at one Day that is suddenly and in a moment Day and night sig Perpetually for euer and without any end Reuel 14 11. They shall haue no rest Day or night 2 Continually without ceasing so long as this world lasts Reuel 12 10. Which accuseth them before our God Day and night ten Dayes sig A small and short space of time as it were for ten dayes long Reuel 2 10. Ye shall haue tribulation ten Dayes that is a few dayes A definit and certaine number put for an Indefinite and vncertaine Day of temptation sig All the time wherein God tried his people Psal. 95 8. In the Day of temptation in the wildernesse Day of darkenesse sig Times of affliction and trouble or sharpe and hard times Ioell 2 2. A Day of darkenesse and of blacknesse euil Dayes sig Times full of sinnes and troubles or troublesom and sinfull times Eph. 5 16. For the Dayes are euil Gen. 47 6. 2. Tim. 4 2. D. E. Deacon sig A Steward of the Church Treasury beeing appointed to looke vnto the poore and to Minister vnto euery one of them as he had need 1. Tim. 3 8. Phil. 1 1. To the Byshops and to the Deacons Of their Office and election read Asts 6 1 2 3 4. c. Of their seuerall kinds Sée Rom. 12 8. Dead sig One whose soul is separated from his body either by naturall or violent death 1. Pet. 4 6. The Gospell was preached to the Dead that is such as were naturally Dead when this was Written of Peter but were aliue when the Gospel was preached to them 2 One whose soule and bodye is separated from Gods grace and Spirit Luke 9 60. Let the Dead bury their Dead Reuel 3 2. 1. Tim. 5 6. 3 One very neere to death Gen. 20 3. Thou art but Dead Iob. 27 15. His remnant shall bee buried in Death that is before they be wholy dead while life is in them they shall be buried Dead Workes sig All maner of sins Originall Actuall in thought word and deed Heb. 9 14. Purge your Conscience from Dead workes Heb. 6 2. Sinnes are thus called First because they come from persons spiritually Dead Secondly they deserue eternall Death and lead there-vnto without forgiuenesse What becomes of veniall Sinnes if all be deadly If euerie sinne euen the least is a work of Death and in strict Iustice be worthy of Destruction eternall then no sinne is so light and veniall as can bee doone away without the merit of Christs death onely by an aspersion of Holy-water or kissing the Pax c. Dead in trespasses sinnes sig All vnregenerate natural and vnmortified men euen all the elect as they be and sticke in the corruption of their Nature These are Dead in sinne first because through guilt of sinne they are voyde of true life and worthy of Death Secondly because they are vnder the power of their sinfull lusts as one that is drowned in the Water hauing no more power to do any duty of a godly life then a Dead man hath to do the duties of natural life Eph. 2 2. Being Dead in trespasses and sins you were quickned Eph. 4 1● Ye were strangers of a godly life Dead to sin sig A mortified person one in whome the Death of Christ hath broken the force of sinne that it cannot raigne Rom. 6 2. How can they which be Dead to sinne c. Where the vigour and force of Sinne which is the life of sin is crushed extinct there sinne cannot bring forth such bitter fruits as it was wont before Sanctification to do therefore euen as men which haue so lost their bodily strength as it cannot be recouered are saide to bee dead while they liue so though sinne still liue in the Godliest yet they are dead to sinne because the power and old strength of sin is sore abated lessened daily Death sig A seperation of soule from body Heb. 9 27. After Death commeth Iudgement This Death is eyther naturall or violent and it is called a bodily and worldly Death 2 A separation of soule and body from Gods fauour in this world Luke 1 79. And sit in the shaddow of Death This is spirituall Death 3 A separation of the whol man from Gods heauenly presence and glory for euer Rom. 6 23. The wages of sinne is Death Reuel 20 6. They shall neuer see the second Death This is aeternall death Ro. 8 6. 4 A deadly thing 2. Kings 4 40. Death is in the Pot that is a deadly thing is there Rom. 7 23. Sin is there called the Body of Death because it is a deadly thing 5 All Calamities and miseries not onely of the world to come but of this life which be as the Harbengers and Fore-runners of death Gen. 2 17. Thou shalt die the Death that is thou shalt become subiect to death to all euils that brings vs to death 2. Cor. 1 10. Great death put for Great dangers 6 Destruction and ouerthrow Hosea 13 14. O Death I will bee thy Death that is thy destroyer and abolisher thy ouerthrow 7 Pestilence or plague which is a deadly sickenesse bringing Death Reuel 6 8. His name that sat thereon was Death 8 The perill or hazard of present Death 2. Cor. 11 23. In Death often c. 1. Cor. 15 31. 9 Things which being once created and liuing are now perished and Dead Iob. 28 22. Destruction and Death say c. second Death sig Eternal Death and damnation of soule and body in Hell as the first Death is the dissolution of the soule and body Reuel 2 11. He that ouercommeth shall not be hurt of the second Death to see or to tast Death Sig To die or depart this world Luke 2 26. I should not see Death heauie to Death and sorrowes of Death sig His most mortall and deadly heauinesse and sorrowes or a Death full of bodily greefes and soules torments Acts 2 24. He loosed the sorrowes of death Math. 26 38. My soule is heauy to Death Out of these sorrowes and death springes all true life and Ioy. no bandes vntill their Death sig The constant prosperity of the wicked liuing in a continuall tenor of welfare till they dye euen like a web of Cloath made of euen and strong Thred without knots or s●urles Psal. 73 4. There are no bands in their Death shaddow of Death sig Death shaddowish and darkesome full of discomfort and heauinesse Iob. 24 7. But the morning is euen to them as the shaddow of Death Luke 1 79. Psal. 23 4. Luke 1 79. Esay 9 2 3. Debate sig Strife or variance when men of contrary desires and opinions differ fall out amongst themselues Rom. 1 29. Debate c. Debt sig pro A sum of mony which we owe to another or that which is any way due to another
sig To dye according to the ordinary course of nature Iosh. 23 14. And now I enter the way of the whole world Enuie sig That affection which makes men grieue fret at the good and prosperity of others Galat. 5 21. Rom. 13 13. Enuious sig Any person who repineth and grutcheth at the welfare and happinesse of others The word is applied in Scripture either to Satan or men Ps. 37 1. Fret not thy selfe nor be enuious Math. 13 28. E. P. Epistle sig pro A Letter sent from one to another about common affaires 2. Sam. 11 14. Dauid sent an Epistle to Ioab by Uriah 2 Those holy writings of the Apostles sent vnto the Churches for their instruction in godlinesse Col. 4 16. When this Epistle is read of you 3 Any thing which doth represent and tell forth the minde of another Thus the holy Scriptures may be called Gods Epistles 4 That which giueth a good witnesse and commendation as an Epistle 2. Cor. 3 23. Ye are our Epistle and the Epistle of Christ. The conuersion of the Idolatrous and wanton Corinthians vnto the faith of Christ did more witnesse and commend the Diuine power of Christ and vocation of Paule then any commendatory Epistle could possibly do E. Q. Equal with God sig The selfe same God of the same substance power and glory Phil. 2 6. He thought it no robberie to be Equall with God Equalitie sig A due proportion while the abundance and superfluiry of the rich is applyed to the releefe of the poore 2. Cor. 8 18. That there may be Equality E. R. Exror sig pro A going from the right path or straying out of the way 2 Some opinion or action swaruing from the rule of Gods word Mat. 22 29. Ye erre not knowing the Scripture Psal 95 10 Psal. 119 21. There is an Error in action aswel as in opinion in deeds aswell as in Doctrine E. V. Euangelist sig pro One who bringeth or telleth good newes 2 A Minister of the Gospel ioyned vnto the Apostles as assistant not as Equall in degree in preaching glad tidinges of saluation and establishing Churches Eph. 4 11. Some to be Euangelists 1. Tim. 1 3. 2. Tim. 4 5. Titus 1 5. 3 One who wrote the history of Christs life and death Thus there were onely foure as Mathew Marke Luke and Iohn Euen sig That is 2. Cor. 1 3. Blessed be God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ. Euerlasting sig One who is without beginning or end 1. Tim. 1 17. To the King Euerlasting Psal. 90 2. Thou art GOD from Euerlasting to Euerlasting Reuel 1 8. 2 That which shall neuer haue end though it had a beginning as Euerlasting glory fire payne life iudgement Math. 25 46. Heb. 6 2. Euerlasting Gospell sig The Doctrine of grace which God himselfe deliuered from the beginning to continue to the end without altering or perishing whereas all other Doctrines inuented by men fall away Reuel 14 6. from Euerlasting to euerlasting sig God to be without beginning and without end in respect of his owne aeternall being in respect of his people to be their God from Euerlasting by predestination and vnto Euerlasting by Glorification Psal. 90 2. Euen from Euerlasting to Euerlasting thou art our God for Euer sig Without any end eternally Luke 1 33. And shall raigne for Euer and of his kingdome shall be no End 1. Thes. 4 17. We shall Euer be with the Lorde Psal. 45 2. 2 For a long time Psal. 132 12. Their Sonnes shall sit vpon thy Throne for Euer And Verse 14 1. Sam. 13 13. Psal. 110 4. Gen. 13 15. And in all those places where for Euer is applyed to the Ceremoniall Lawe of Moses which vanished at Christs comming yet it is sayde to bee ordayned for euer because it was to endure a long season some two thousand yeares till the death of Christ vpon the Crosse Exod. 12 14 24. Colo. 2 14 17. 3 Till the yeare of Iubile which might happen to be a great while Exo. 21 6. And shalt serue him for Euer 4 Till the end of a mans life Exod. 19 9. That they may beleeue thee for Euer Euill sig Afflictions and dangers and whatsoeuer losses and harmes sent from God Amos 3 6. There is no Euill in the Citty Esay 45 7. This is an Euill of punishment or a paenall Euill 2 Iniuries and wronges done to vs from men Pro. 17 13. He that rewards Euill for good Prou. 20 22. 3 Sinne and Iniquity Math. 6 13. Deliuer vs from Euill Rom. 7 15. The Euill which I hate that I doe Esay 5 20. This is Euil of fault or ●time or a Morall Euill 4 Sathan who by an excellency is called the Euill one Luke 1 14. This is the Prince of Euill 5 Sinfull Math. 7 11. If you which are Euill 6 A corrupt Conscience or wicked Custome Math. 5 37. Comes of Euill Eunuch sig pro A gelded man whereof our Sauiour Christ maketh three sorts Math. 19 12. Esay 56 4. 2 A Noble or mighty man of great authoritie with Princes Such an one was Potipher Gen. 37 36. Potipher an Eunuch of Pharaoh and his cheefe Steward Acts 8 27. F. X. to Exalt one sig To thinke ones selfe righteous despising others as the Pharisie Luke 18 14. He that exalteth himselfe 2 To lift vp and prefer himselfe aboue his betters as they that did striue for the vppermost Seates at Feasts Luke 14 11. 3 To honour or aduance one vnto renowne credite Luke 14 11. Examination sig A diligent and narrow search and tryall of a mans selfe whether he be in Christ and with what imperfections and wants hee holdes the graces of Christ. 2. Cor. 13 6. Examme your selues know ye not your owne selues c. 1 Cor. 11 28. This is our priuate Examination of our selues 2 Diligent search and triall of others whether they be such as they professe and would seeme to be Reuel 2 2. Thou hast Examined them that say they are Apostles and are not This is publique Examination of others by lawfull Gouernours 3 Taking knowledge of and neere looking into our hearts our workes and causes Psal. 26 2. Examine my raines and 139 23. This is our Gods Examination of vs men Example sig A tipe or signe for vs to looke vpon for admonition to bee warned by it 1 Corin. 10 11. These thinges came vnto them for Examples 2 A patterne or sampler for vs to looke vpon for Imitation to bee followed of vs. Iohn 13 5. For I haue giuen you an Example Phil. 3 17. 1 Pet. 2 21. Excellency of dignity sig One most Excellent in dignity and might and preheminence Gen. 49 3. The Excellency of Dignity Excesse sig That which is to much in any thing when one goes beyond or passeth due measure and bounds Ephes. 5 18. In Wine is Excesse 1 Pet. 4 3. Excesse in eating and drinking ver 4. Excesse of ryot to Excommunicate sig To blot out ones name from among Gods
2 Christ raised from the dead by his own resurrection sanctifying all the beleeuers to a blessed resurrection as the First fruits vnder the Law did sanctifie the whole masse and heape of other fruits 1. Cor. 15 20. The First fruits of them that sleepe 3 An holy kind of offering taken out of the residue of men as First fruites were taken out of the rest Iames 1 18. As the First fruites of his Creatures 4 A certaine measure of the speciall and sauing graces of the Spirite as Faith Hope Loue c. which therefore are likened to the First fruites because the hauing of these graces giues hope of inioying heauenly blisse and ioyes in due time euen as the Israelites by the Offering vp of their First fruits to God were raised vp to a good hope to enioy the whol crop in due ●eason Rom. 8 23. We also which haue receiued the First fruites of the spirit do waite for the redemption of our bodies 5 The fore-fathers or First fathers of the Iewes as Abraham Isaac Iac●● Rom. 11 16. If the First fruits be wholy so is the whole lumpe the first of his strength sig The man-childe which is First begotten when his Parents were in their best strength and vigour Deut. 21 17. For he is the first of his strength Gen 49. 3. He is called the beginning of strength the First day of the Sabaoth sig The First day of the weeke which in Scripture is called the Lords day with vs Sunday Ioh. 20 1. The First day of the Sabaoth So it is read in the Originall 1. Cor 16 ● First heauens first earth sig Heauens and earth considered in that corrupt estate wherein now they are through our sinne before that perfect restoring and chaunge which shall be at the great and last day Reuel 21 1. First heauens and first earth First things sig Sinnes and their ●●●ectes of sorrow and misety Reuel 21 4. There shall be no more crying nor death nor sorrow nor paine for the first things are past First Adam sig That man named Adam first of that name and First in respect of the secōd Adam hauing brought in sinne and death as the second Adam signifies Christ who destroyed these workes of the first Adam 1. Cor. 15 45. The first man Adam was made a liuing soule First resurrection sig Sanctification whereby the Elect arise from the death of sinne to walke in newnesse of life Reuel 20 6. Blessed and holy is he that hath part ●n the first resurrection Rom. 6 4. Christ hath raised vs from the dead to walke in a new life Maister Brightman expounds the First resurrection of the calling of the Iewes againe vnto the faith which is after a sort a raising them from the dead This exposition in substance is one with the former because the calling of the Iewes will bee the quickening of them by Grace Fishers sig pro Such as make benefit vnto themselues by fishing Esay 19 8. The fishers shall mourne that is the Egyptians shall bee sorry when that the Riuer Nylus shall be dried vp wherein they were wont to fish to their commodity 2 The Armies of the Caldeans pursuing the Iewes to destruction like as fishers take fishes in their net Ier. 16 16. I will send out many fishers to take them Fishers of men sig Ministers of Christ who by the worde as by a net or hooke doo draw men as fishes to Gods Church and kingdome Mat. 4 16. I will make you fishers of men F. L. Flagons of wine sig The most comfortable promises of Gods mercies for saluation which are as wholesome Wine abundantly drawne out of Christs Seller which is his word Cant. 2 5. Stay me with Flagons that is the plentifull comforts of the worde and the rich graces of the spirite powre into my heart for my strengthning to Flatter sig To speake pleasing or false words with a mind onely to please and beguile for our owne profite Prou. 28 23. He that reproues finds more fauour at last then he that flattereth Prou. 26 22. smoaking Flar sig Weake Christians like to Flax which hath neither heate nor flame and yeeldeth forth but smoak onely euen such be infirme and weake Christians who haue no more but an vnfaigned desire to beleeue and repent as it were a sparke ready to die Mat. 12 20. Smoking Flax shall he not quench Esay 42 3. Bruised reed hath the same signification Flea sig pro A vile and base creature so called 2 A meane and contemptible person 2. Sam. 24 15. After whom dost thou pursue after a dead Dog or after a Flea That is an abiect or base person Flesh. sig pro The body consisting of sundry members Rom. 2 28. Which is outward in the Flesh that is in the body 1. Cor. 5 5. 2. Cor. 7 1. Gal. 2 20. Psal. 79 2. The flesh of thy Saints vnto the Beastes of the earth 2 A wife Gen. 2 23. This is Flesh of my flesh Ephe 5 31. Who euer hated his owne flesh In Mat. 19 5. Flesh is put for Person Shall be one Flesh. Ephe. 5 31. 3 One of our kind which is like vnto our selfe euen euery man and woman Prou. 11 17. He that hateth his owne flesh is cruell Esay 58 7. Turne not thy face from thine owne Flesh that is from him which hath a common nature with thee 4 Consanguinity or neerenesse of bloud Rom. 9 3. My Kinsmen according to the flesh Rom. 11 14. If I might prouoke them of my flesh that is my Kindred 5 The whole man consisting of body soule Gen. 6 12 13. All flesh hath corrupted his way vpon earth 1. Pet. 3 18. Christ was put to death concerning the flesh that is concerning his manhood for his body was dead naturally and his soule felt the sorrowes of death spiritually Acts 2 24. Luke 3 6. 1. Pet. 1 24. Math. 24 22. And elsewhere often is Flesh put to signifie the whole humaine Nature Rom. 1 3. and 8 5. as it is simply considered without sinfull corruption 6 Mankind being weake and feeble eyther to helpe himselfe or others Ier. 17 15. Cursed bee he that maketh flesh his arme that is which placeth his strength and safety in weake and vaine man Esay 40 6. Psal. 78. 39. Ioell 2 28. In these and many other places Flesh doth signifie our whole kind as it is wrapt in great imbecility and frailety 7 The quality of corruption which is not sinfull but the effect of sinne accompanying our bodies in this life 1 Cor. 15 50. Flesh and Blood shall not inherit eternall life neyther corruption inherit incorruption that is to say our corruptible bodyes cannot come to Heauen That which shall inherit Heauen must be an incorrupt Flesh a body without corruption 8 What thing soeuer belonges to this present life 1 Cor. 7 18. Such shall haue trouble in the flesh Thus Beza expoundeth it Also it signifies the estate of this present life Phil. 1 24. To abide in the
cannot bee found that the word which signifieth Iustifying is euer vsed in the Originall Haebrew tongue otherwise then for Absoluing a person accused Neither in the New-Testament when our Iustification before God is spoken of hath it any other meaning and neuer found in this Argument to signifie of euill and vniust to make one iust and good Iustification sig Forgiuenesse of sins by the sufferings of Christ and imputation of Iustice by his obedience to the beleeuer Rom. 5 16. The guift is of many offences vnto Iustification verse 18. The benefit abounded toward all men to the Iustification of life Heere Iustification is strictly vsed 2 Whatsoeuer we haue from Christ either by Imputation of faith or by sanctification of the spirit effectually renewing vs. Tit. 3 7. That we being Iustified by his grace In this signification we find the word Iustifying vsed Rom. 8 30. Whom hee called them he Iustified Heere Iustification is vsed largely for Sanctification also What Iustification is Iustification is an action of God freely of his owne mercy and fauour absoluing a beleeuing sinner from the whole curse due to his sinnes and accounting him perfectly Iust in his sight vnto eternall life in heauen through the perfect obedience and sufferings of Christ Imputed to his faith vnto the euer-lasting praise and glory of Gods Iustice mercy and truth The efficient cause of Iustification is the grace of God The material is Christ our Redeemer The formall is Imputation The helping Instrumentall cause is Faith within and the Gospell without The finall cause is Gods glory The vtmost and our saluation the neerest end thereof Iustification before God is not knowne in all Scripture to be vsed for the infusion of the habite of Iustice into the soule of the elect at their first conuersion This is Popish and rotten Diuinity K. E. Kéepe sig TO hold fast and make sure 2. Tim. 1 14. Keepe that which was committed to thee 2 To reserue and hold fast in ones memory what is taught vs. Luke 2 51. Mary Kept these sayings in her heart Psal. 119 4. Thou hast commaunded to Keepe thy precepts diligently 3 To preferue protect and defend against enemies and euils spiritual and bodily Psal. 121 4. He that Keepeth Israell Iohn 17 11. Keepe them in thy Name 1 Pet. 1 5. to Kéep the word sig To beleeue the promises of Grace and to endeuour to doe the wordes of commaundement Luke 7 27. Blessed are they that heare the word of God and Keepe it Reuel 2 26. He that Keepeth my word to the end Euangelicall Keeping to Kéepe the Law sig To desire and take care how to performe and doe according to our power things commaunded 1 Iohn 2 3. If we Keepe his Commaundement Psalme 119 4 5 8. These be Euangelicall sentences and speake of Euangelicall Keeping 2 To performe fully and perfectly all the things required in the Law Math. 19 17. Hee that will enter into life let him Keepe the Commaundements This is impossible to be done through our weakenesse Rom. 8 3. Christ onely since mans fal hath done this Legall Keeping to Kéepe the Faith sig To holde fast without loosing both the guift and doctrine of Faith 2 Tim. 4 7. I haue Kept the Faith Key sig pro An Instrument made to open or shut the locke of a doore or of a Gate Iudg. 3 25. They tooke the Key and opened them 2 Great authority and power to commaund in the things that belong to this life Esay 22 22. I will lay vppon the shoulders of Eliakim the Keyes of the House of Dauid Heere by was shaddowed and represented the exceeding great authority and power which Christ exerciseth in his Church by commaunding forbidding punishing hardning calling c. Sée Reuel 3 7. Which hath the Keyes of Dauid Key of knowledge sig The guift and ability to Interpret Scriptures whereby an entrance is made to the knowledge thereof as by a Key an entrance is made into an House The sence of Scriptures is as it were lockt vp til it be opened by wise and sound Interpretation which is the Key of Knowledge Luke 11 52. Ye haue taken away the Key of knowledge The Key saith Chrisost. is the opening of Scripture whereby the Gate of truth is opened Key is the exposition of the law saith Turtullian Opening the Scripture is the Key saith Hierom. Keies of the kingdome sig The ministry of the Gospell euen the whole power thereof which was equally committed to Peter and the rest of the Apostles and after them to the Ministers of the Church to whom it belonges by the commission of Christ to open and shut to binde and loose to retaine and remit sins also to teach to reprooue to exhort Mathew 16 19. To thee I giue the Keyes of the Kingdom ver 19. and Chapter 18 18. Tell it vnto the Church Reuel 1 16. The Gospell is the power of God to Saluation Keyes of the Kingdome are two-fold 1. Key of knowledge 2. Key of power and gouernment Papists falsly imagine these Keyes to be tyed onely to Peters Girdle Keies of the bottomlesse pit sig Power and gouernment ouer the deepest darknesse of Hell Reuel 9 1. And to him was giuen the Key of the bottomlesse pit Sée Dictionary on Reuelation K. I. Kindnesse sig Readinesse and facility in doing good it is that vertue whereby a good man becomes beneficiall and profitable euery way to such to whom hee can be helpfull 2 Cor. 6 6. By Kindnesse c. 2 The benignity of God readily doing good to his Creatures Rom. 2 4. The riches of his Kindnesse King sig pro Any Ruler or Gouernour of others Gen. 36 31. These are the Kings that raigned in Edom. Iudg. 17 6 In those daies there was no Kinges in Israell that is no ordinary Magistrate They had no Ruler at all 2 A person that hath cheefe rule and power vnder God in his Kingdome ouer his peoples liues and goods to gouerne them according to good and wholesome Lawes and the reasonable customes of that Countrey where he raignes Prou. 8 15. By me Kings raigne 1 Kings 4 1. King Salomon was King ouer all Israell This is a Politicall K. and is set vp eyther by lawful election succession or Conquest 3 The Soueraigne-Emperour and Ruler ouer the whole World Psal. 24 10. Who is the King of Glory This is a Celestiall and Vniuersal King ouer the World And thus God the Father Sonne and Spirit be King 1 Tim. 1 17. Now to the King euerlasting 4 A person that hath spiritual rule euen ouer the Conscience to appoint Lawes to his Church to saue and destroy to commaund and forbid vpon paine of eternall death finally to protect against all Enemies and to blesse with good things of all sorts Psal. 2 6. I haue set my King vpon Sion Psal. 110 1 2. Psal. 45 1 5 6. This is a spirituall King ouer the Church And such an one is Christ the Mediator and he
to Open the eare sig To giue power vnto our soule to vnderstand obey what we heare of Gods will out of his word Psal. 40 6. to Open the eyes sig To giue light of Diuine knowledge to such as were wholy blinde before through Ignoraunce Acts 26 18. To open the eyes of the blinde 2 To help and encrease their knowledge which do already see that they may know the truth more fully then before Psal. 119 18. Open my eies that I may see the wonders of thy Law Luke 24 45. He Opened their vnderstanding c Sée fu●ther for this phrase in Eies Opening the hand sig The large bounty and rich liberality of God distributing good thinges to all liuing creatures Psal. 104 28. Thou Openest thy hand and fillest all things with thy blessing to Open the heart sig To enable and giue power to the soule to behold and through faith to embrace Christ as our Sauiour with good feeling of his sauing mercies Actes 16 14. God Opened the heart of Lydia Our hearts are lockt vp by vnbeleefe and Opened by Faith Opening of heauen sig The parting of the Firmament Acts 6 56. He saw the Heauens Open. to Open the lips sig To giue sufficient matter by blessings from God and ability by the spirite of God to vtter the praises of God Psal. 51 17. Our wickednesse lockes our lips which are set open by grace This is one Key The second Key is Gods benefits to Open the mouth in parables sig To vtter and speake Parables Sée Parables Mat. 13 35. I will Open my mouth in Parables to Open the scriptures sig To interpret make plain the true meaning of the scripture Lu. 24. He opened vnto them the scriptures Oportunity sig The fittest and most meete time for the dooing of any thing Rom. 13 11. Considering the Oportunity or season The time of preaching the Gospell is our Oportunity or season wherein to seeke our owne saluation Oppression sig The wringing and crushing of others when great ones of the world deale extreamly and cruelly with the poore and needy Esay 5 7. Beholde Oppression 1. Thes. 4 3. 2 Any violence offered either to mens bodies estates or consciences 1 Tim. 13. Before I was an Oppressor of them O. R. Oracle sig The aunsweres of the Heathenish Gods deliuered in prose or verse 2 The answeres of God declared to his people by the mouth of Moses or by his owne mouth euen the whole Couenant of the Law Acts 7 38. Who receiued the liuely Oracles to giue to vs. 3 The whol word of the Law deliuered to Moses from Gods mouth together with the promises concerning Christ and saluation by him Rom. 3 2 To them of credite were committed the Oracles of GOD. liuely Oracle sig Making aliue or giuing life Such the wordes of the Law are in their owne Nature and also to such as perfectly keepe them Actes 7 38. Rom. 7 10. The Commaundement was ordained to life If it be occasion of death to any it is their owne fault Order sig A meane of peace and of auoyding confusion 1 Cor. 14 verse last Let all things be done in Order It is Order for one to pray the rest to say Amen For one to speake and the rest to heare For many to sing together Ordinance sig Appointment decree and determination touching things to be or to be done or not to bee done Psal. 119 91. They continue to this day by thine Ordinance Exod. 18 16. And declare his Ordinances Thus Gods decrees are his Ordinances thogh vnwritten 2 Some function and estate of life appointed for the good of mankind Thus Magistracy Ministry Marriage be Gods ordinances Rom. 13 1 2. The powers that be are Ordained of God whosoeuer resisteth power resisteth Gods Ordinance 3 Any Commandement of God appointed as a path for vs to walk in Deut. 6 2. That thou shouldest keepe all his Ordinances and Commaundements Gen 26 5. Thus Gods written precepts are his ordinances to Ordaine sig To appoint and decree something to some speciall end Rom. 7 10. The Commandement was ordained to life Acts 16 4. Decrees Ordained of the Apostles c. Originall sinne sig That transgression which hath in it 1. Adams disobedience imputed to vs 2. want of his perfect righteousnesse 3. Corruption of Nature 4. Desert of punishment Psal. 51 45. Rom. 5 12. Oath sig A calling of the name of God the searcher of the heart to witnesse a needfull truth for the ending of strife and controuersies Hebr. 6 16. An Oath for confirmation is the end of all strife Deut. 6 13. The end and vse of an Oath is either for the ending of controuersies or for the performing of promises An Oath may be taken either publickly or priuately if cause be Ioshua 2. 20. Rom. 9 1. 2 A wicked or false taking God to witnesse for some euill end as either to do some wickednesse or to hinder some good thing Math. 14 9. For his Oaths sake Herods Oath Oath of God sig An Oath which God exacteth of his people and they willingly giue vnto God for performance of obedience vnto him Eccles. 8 2. Take heede to the word of the Oath of God They erre which denie vnto Christians the lawfull vse of an Oath Ouen sig The burning lusts of Adulterers Hos. 7 4. The Adulterers are as an Ouen heated And verse 6. Their heart is readie as an Ouen 2 The earnest hot desire of Innouation Hos. 7 4. The Adulterers are as an Ouen heated And verse 6. Their heart is readie as an Ouen fiery Ouen sig Gods burning Wrath consuming his enimies Psal. 21 9. Owne sig Gods chosen in Christ which Paule calles a peculiar people Tit. 2 14. Iohn 17 10. All thine are mine Iohn 13 1. For asmuch as he loued his owne 2 Such as beare the name of his people to wit the Israelites with whom God had made a Couenant and to whom he gaue his worde and Sacrifices Iohn 1 11. Hee came vnto his Owne and his Owne receiued him not Oxe sig The Minister of the worde which laboureth in the word and Doctrine 1. Cor. 9 9. Thou shalt not muzsle the mouth of the Oxe Hath God care of Oxen. O. Y. Oyle sig pro The iuyce of the Oliue which is naturall Oyle Ps. 104 15. And Oyle to make the face of Men to shine 2 That Oyle confected and made by Gods appointment to annoint the Priestes their Garments and holy things about the Tabernacle Exod 30 25 26. So thou shalt make of it the Oyle of holye Oyntment This was Artificiall and Typicall Oyle 3 The Holy-Ghost with his spirituall guistes whereby the soule is refreshed and cheared Psal. 45 7. Thou hast annointed him with Oyle of Gladnesse aboue his fellowes This is spirituall Oyle As Math. 25 4. Oyle in their Lampes 4 That Oyle wherewith the sicke were annointed in the Primitiue Church for healthes sake Iames 5 12. Annoint them with holy Oyle in the name of the Lord. This