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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15495 Physicke, to cure the most dangerous disease of desperation Collected for the direction and comfort of such Christians as trauayling and being heauie loaden in their consciences, with the burthen of their sinnes, stand in danger either in time of their sicknesse to fall away from their God, through deepe despaire, or else in time of their health, to yeelde to one desparate end, or other, to the ruine and vtter confusion of both bodyes and soules for euer. By W.W. Willymat, William, d. 1615. 1605 (1605) STC 25762; ESTC S102526 47,571 122

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S. Peter sayth Iesus Christ hath commaunded vs to preach vnto the pe●p●e and to test●fie th●t it is hee that is ordayned of God a Iudge of the quicke and the dead and that to him al the Prophets giue witnesse that through his name all that beleeue should receiue remission of sinnes Moreouer S. Paul sayth 2 Cor. 5.21 God hath made him which knew no sinne sinne for vs to the ende that we should be made the righteousnesse of God in him And heere is to be noted What maner of righteousnesse God requireth at our handes what Righteousnesse or Iustice and Goodnesse that is which God requireth and esteemeth which is no other but that onely which dwelleth and holdeth vpon the Iustice Goodnesse and Merite of Iesus Christ being vtterly ignoraunt of the Iustice or R ghteousnesse and Goodnesse which many do seek in their owne good works But yet when I stande so much vppon this poynt to prooue that our sinnes should be no cause of Desperation a thing which the Diuell greatly vrgeth obiecteth against the conscience of an ignorant man for that our sinnes are taken away by the innocent Lambe Christ Iesus that he hath sufficiently pai●e the ransome therof that we are become righteous by the righteousnes of I sus Chri●t it is not here my meaning neither would I haue any man so to mistake mee and misvnderstande mee that I thinke or would haue any other men to thinke hereby that there is no more sinne in vs or that sinne dwelleth not in these our mortall bodyes Sinne dwelleth euen in the beleeuers and in the most righteous men in the world but yet raigneth not in them for I confesse it plainelye and it is too true that sinne indeede dwelleth in vs but yet to the great comfort of an afflicted conscience against Desperation I affirme it hauing the holy Scriptures for my teachers herein that although the roote of sinne the naughtie disposition and inclination to sinne remayneth alwayes strong in a Christian and neuer can be wholly vanquished before we put off by death this sinfull flesh of ours although I say it do dwell in vs yet it doth not raigne in any Christian beleeuer yet it is not able to damne a true faythfull beleeuer It can not I say damne vs for as much as we are in Iesus Christ and that we do fight and striue against the remanent of sinne albeit we stagger and wauer sometimes and do feele and perceiue our selues to be assayled sometimes by the strong temptations of the Diuell and the flesh This is it that S. Paule writeth of when he sayth There is now no dampnation to them that are in Christ Jesus Rom. 8. ● which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit The remaynent roote of sinne dwelleth alwayes in vs but wee like vnto licentious worldlinges giue it not the bridle and suffer it not to range too farre and to take too deepe a roote but wee breake it tame it and make it subiect vnto vs by walking after the spirit c. and then nothing more sure then that there shal be no condemnation at all vnto vs thereby neither any cause of Desperation thereby for that we are iustified by our Fayth and deliuered from sinne to wit these sinnes which might condemne vs the roote originall and mother of sinne yet notwithstanding still abyding remayning and dwelling in vs against which we warre and striue as long as we continue in this life but the victorie remayneth to our Chieftaine head-Captaine Iesus Christ by the law of his spirit which maketh vs to liue in him and hath set vs free from the right of sinne and death in such sort that we may no more feare sinne nor death by Iesus Christ who hath ouercome all for our wealth and hath reconciled vs eternally to his Father who as our deare Father from hence-foorth will shew fauour vnto vs for the loue of Ies s Christ his deare Sonne and so will take from vs all our sinnes as though we had neuer committed them Euen so doth he promise saying Mich. 7.18.19 God is one God willing to shew vs grace and mercie hee will ●u●●e to vs and will be fauourable and hee will t ke away our iniquitus and cast our sinnes into the deapth of the Sea And againe it is sayd of Gods wonderfull mercies The Lord is full of compassion and mercie 〈◊〉 10● 8 ● 10 c. long suffering and of great goodnes Hee will not alwayes be chyding neither keepeth he his anger for euer He hath not dealt with vs after our sinnes nor rewarded vs according to our iniquities For looke how ●igh the Heauen is in compa iso● of the Earth so great is his mercie also towards them that feare him Looke how wide a●so the Fast is from the West so farre hath he set our sinnes from vs. Yea lik● as a Father pittieth his owne children euen so is th● Lord mercifull vnto them that ●●●●e him For he knoweth whereof we be m●●e he remembreth that we are but dust c. Of the great mercies of God towardes sinners read more in Psal 145 8.9 and 147.8.10 in Ioel. 2.13 Math. 18 11. 2. Cor. 1 3. Places of holy Scriptures setting foorth gods great mercies Ephes 2.4 1. Tim. 1.13 vnto the 18. verse Surely these places are wordes of most rare and singular comfort and they be certaine sinne sure and vnchangeable spoken and pronounced by the eternall veritie it selfe and therfore not to be mistrusted or despaired of But yet let vs take heed least that verse be verified in vs Stulti dum vitant vitia in contraria currunt Let vs not abuse Gods mercies making a cloake thereof to couer our sinnes Let vs not presume too farre and say as in Ecclesiasticus 5.6 The mercie of God is great hee will forgiue my manifolde sinnes for mercie and wrath commeth from him c. CHAP. IIII. The fourth Chapter concerning the Remedies to be vsed against the Fourth cause of Desperation arysing of the doubts suggested by the Diuell vnto many men to bring them into despaire of their saluation by meanes of the small number of those that shal be saued in comparison of the great number of the reprobate GReat in deed is the power and manifold and marueilous are the pollicies deuices wyles subtilties assaultes and suggestions wherewith and whereby that wylie Foxe A catalogue or rehearsall of many thinges ●hereby the Diuell craf●ily temp●eth men to sinne des●eration that old bitten Dogge that subtill Sathan the Diuell dayly and howerly practiseth to entice allure and euen as it were to force multitudes of men heere on earth into one sinne or other wherevnto he findeth and prooueth them to be naturally enclyned and last of all vpon one occasion or other into Desperation How the di●●l tempteth by riches If he espieth a man to he rich and to haue worldly blessinges through the gift of God
be aware into the most deadly and diuelish gulph of Desperation as though saluation and peace of a godly conscience were a matter not worthy the talking of or labouring for A thing to be lamented It is a lamentable thing to behold how many in the world will vndertake and attempt any thing be it neuer so chargeable and troublesome not sluggish not sleepie not carelesse and slouthfull but most earnest watchfull most carefull painefull at euery assay by prudence and prowesse by witte and by warinesse by counsaile and by cunning by learning and by labouring ambitiously to hunt gaine and gape after honour and vnfatigablye seeke to attaine fame and highly account of it to be gazed on and talked of with the eyes tongues of all men And againe how few take any cate at all or once endeuour themselues to auoyde shame and confusion in the presence of the Almightie to become glorious in the sight of God and his Angels and to vse and exercise any of those good meanes and instrumentes ordeyned and appoynted of God for the increase of Fayth Hope and Charitie and for the weakning and abandoning of all desperation diffidence in Gods infinite mercies and infallible promises It is a lamentable thing to marke and consider how vigilant carefull The second thing to be lamented heedfull many of the wyser and circumspecter sort of men of this world will be to escape and auoyde all the penalties paynes and punishmentes prouided and set downe for offenders of mortall mens lawes how painefull they will be in Penall Statutes how skilfull in euery braunch of the Ciuill Lawes least they should ignorantly incurre the dangers of imprisonment of losse of landes forfeytures of their goodes or death it selfe Many haue greater ca●e of mortall mens lawes ●hen of Gods lawes But the mightie God the only highest Law-giuer that Lord of Lordes and King of all Kinges Let him ordeyne publish and proclayme his Lawes Statutes and Ordinaunces to be harkened vnto obserued and kept and that vnder neuer so rigorous and seueere conditions punishmentes and penalties How few men will search his Booke of Statutes and Lawes How few are afrayde of his not temporarie but euerlasting threatninges and punishmentes contayned in his Lawes and how few men regarde esteeme an● thankfully embrace his couenant of Reconciliation set foorth in his most ioyfull and comfortable Gospell And yet most certaine it is that all these aforesayd thinges so much to be wondred at and so greatly to be lamented for so lightly looked on so smally regarded and so little thought on many such other of the like fraternitie order of disorders sinnes being delighted in and securely continued in without all care or indeuour to forsake them in time by repentance and true returning to the Lord do first breed and ingender and afterwardes bring foorth Desperation then the which all the ●uries and Diuels in hell can not lightly excogitate nor finde out a greater torment or a more intollerable paine and that because that all other tormentes penalties and paines are but temporall and pursue men no further then bodily death but this endeth not with bodily death but becommeth eternall Whosoeuer then he be that is once surely catcht in this nette of Desperation hee needes no moe accusers to come against him then his former vnrepented sinnes which lye at the doore to arrest him his owne heart will giue euidence against him and his owne iniquitie will plead him to be guiltie and that to his owne face Vpon consideration of these things I haue now in this Treatise following good Christian Reader endeuoured my selfe to set downe First a definition of Desperation then the greeuousnesse thereof after this certaine principall causes thereof togeather with remedies for the same and lastly a generall Preseruatiue against Desperation arysing of what cause so euer To the intent that the children of God falling by some occasions into some degrees of it for if it rage in extremities in the opinion of some learned Writers it is an euill incurable and vnrecouerable may with the more ease and quietnesse be recouered and saued as it were out of the Diuels clawes euen out of as great danger as euer was the poore Sheepe that Dauid tooke out of the Beares or Lions mouth 1. Sam 17.34 35. Accept hereof gentle Reader with no worse a minde then I haue attempted to be the writer and then I doubt not but it shall either minister vnto thine heart some comfortable Phisicke or els giue thee occasion to seeke reade or collect a better Thine in all christian affection W. W. The Contents of this Booke entreated of in euery seuerall Page as followeth A Definition of euery thing which is to be disputed or reasoned of is necessarie and wherefore Page 1. The Definition of Desperation of two sorts Page 1. 2. Two kindes of Desperation the one wicked the other good and holy Page 3. Three thinges especially to be noted in the Treatise of Desperation Page 4. God is constant and faythfull and how and wherein Page 4. The duetie of the faythfull towardes God in regard of Gods faythfulnes towardes him Page 5. The horriblnes of the sinne of Diffidence Mistrust or Desperation Page 5. When especially the Diuell deginneth to tempt to Desperation Page 6. What kind of Phisicke and surgerie the Diuell practiseth Page 7. The absurd dealings of such as yeeld to desperatiō Page 8. What great inconueniences they fall into that yeeld to Desperation Page 8. Saint Bernard his opinion concerning the hainousnesse of the sinne of Desperation Page 9. Scilla and Charybdis not so dangerous as Desperation Page 9. The dangers of Desperation Page 10. 11. Of the degrees by which the Diuell draweth men into Desperation Page 13. The Diuel the chiefe cause of Desperation Page 13. The forerunners of Desperation Page 14. What the Diuel wil obict to bring vs to desperatiō Page 15. Ignoraunce the second cause of Desperation Page 16. Ignoraunce the mother of Desperation Page 17. Seruitude or bondage of sinne the third cause of Desration Page 17. The wofull effectes of sinne● Page 18. The fourth cause of Desperation Page 18. The manifold aduersaries of mans saluation all which the Diuell vseth as meanes to Desperation Page 19. The fift cause of Desperation Page 20. 21. The sixt cause of Desperation Page ●2 Long custome groweth into a second nature Page 22. The first preseruatiue against Desperation Page 88. An example shewing that many men put more trust in mortall men then in God Page 89. An other profe that many put more trust in mortall man then in God Page 90. The second generall helpe against Desperation Page 91. The third generall helpe against Desperation Page 92. What soeuer could be looked for at Gods handes or what soeuer man could be charged with that hath Christ performed Page 93. The fourth generall helpe for the auoyding of Desperation Page 94. The fift generall