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death_n law_n sin_n sinful_a 4,258 5 10.1705 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03489 [The abbaye of the Holy Ghost] Alcock, John, 1430-1500, attributed name. aut 1497 (1497) STC 13609; ESTC S109454 20,316 40

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hymself that he was so ouercome with the lady Strength ¶ Tho went Ihūs in to the londe of Galyle and there he foūde other two ladyes of that holy abbaye one hyght Shryfte that other Predycacōn For there preched Cryste fyrste sayd to the people of the coūtree ¶ Penitemini et confitemini et credite euāgelio Shryue ye you do ye penaūce be ye of good byleue the kyngdom of heuen nygheth faste ¶ Thenne went he forth to the see syde there he foūde Peter Andrewe his brod castynge theyr nettes in to the see to catche fysshe And Cryste sayd to them Come ye folowe me I shal make you fysshers of men And they lefte theyr bote styll in the see went forth with Cryst So they went a lytel ferder foūde Iohn Iames his broder in an other bote drawyng theyr nettes with Zebede theyr fader for they were fysshers also And Cryste bad theym folowe him they lefte theyr fader al that they hadde in the bote yede with Cryste ¶ On a daye as they yede by the waye Peter sayde to Cryste What shall we haue of the that haue forsake al that we had folowe the thus in pouerte Thenne Cryste foūde an other lady of that holy abbaye called Largenes Forsoth Cryst sayd ye that haue forsake al that ye had folowe me shal haue an hūdred folde so moche therfore therto lyf wtout ende ¶ Then̄e came he forth on a daye fro the moūt of Olyuete in to the temple of Ierlm to preche there whyle he was prechynge the Sarrasyns brought hȳ a woman take in auowtry sayd to hym Lo mayster this woman is now take in a spousebreche what shal we now do with her Moyses byddeth in our lawe that we sholde stone suche to deth Cryste knewe theyr falshede that they dyde it to tempte hȳ stowped downe wrote on the grounde with his fynger all theyr synnes so that eche of them myght se how synfull other was And thenne he sayde to them thus Syth it is so that by your lawes this woman shal be stoned to dethe thenne whiche of you all that is without synne caste he on her the fyrste stone Thenne all they were ashamed of themself went out at the doore eche after other lete Cryste stonde allone with the woman Thenne came two ladyes to hym of the abbaye of the holy ghost that were Mercy Pyte Thenne sayd Cryste to that woman Woman where ben thyn enmyes Hath ony man condempned the to deth Lorde she sayd no man I wol not sayd our lorde condempne the. Fare well he sayd be in wyl nomore to do synne Here was grete mercy pyte for the grettest trespasse that she dyde was ayenst hymself ¶ Afterwarde on a daye the Sarrasȳs sende theyr dyscyples to Cryst to haue take hym in wordes They asked hym yf they myght by goddes lawe gyue trybute to themperour Cryste knewe theyr malyce wel sayd Ye ypocryt what nede is it to tēpte me Lete me se a peny of your money they shewed hym one Then̄e sayd Cryst whoo 's coyne is this they sayd themperours Then̄e foūde Cryste a lady of the couent that was called Reason sayde Gyue ye to themperour that longeth to hym to god that longeth to hym that is reason ¶ One daye ther̄ as Cryste went by the waye by hȳselfe he remembred hym on mānes soule on the abbaye of the holy ghost thenne he foūde an other lady of the same house that men calle Gelousye Thenne toke he his dyscyples preuyly went towarde Ierlm sayd to them thꝰ I haue al thyse xxxij yeres more be about to helpe mānes soule to kepe vp the abbesse the couent that wente out of thabbaye of the holy ghost I haue foūde of them .xvi. And now I wol go to Ierlm be boūde beten hangen drawe I shal deye for loue of mānes soule to fynde vp the other dele of the holy couēt This was a grete Ielousy a grete loue ¶ Then̄ went they forth to Ierlm to gader on a tyme as they were at theyr souper togyd Cryst foūde two ladyes of that abbaye that men calle Curteysy Honeste For Cryst fed there at souper his dyscyples with his owne flesshe and blood Whan he had so done he wysshe theyr fete wiped them At this offyce were foure ladyes Curteysy Buxūnes Honeste Mekenes ¶ Afterwarde he wente with his discyples in to a lytell towne that hyghte Gethsemany there he toke thre of his men Peter Iames. Iohn bad all the other abyde there styll tyl they came agayn As they went our lorde began to quake drad thenne he sayd to them Here I haue foūde an other lady of the holy couent that is called Drede I haue he sayd full moche drede ayen that I shall deye Sytte ye downe he sayd wake ye and byd your bedes tyll I come ayen to you Thenne went he forth fro them as ferre as it were a stones caste there he foūde other two ladyes Medytacyon Oryson ¶ He bethoughte hym on mannes soule that it sholde be lost without ende but yf he deyed therfore how he sholde deye so be harde naylid to the rode tree he was in a grete agony as noo wond was And for drede of deth he swet dropes of blood that fell downe in the groūde as dropes fall fro an hous euees after reyne Thenne prayed he to his fad sayd Fad yf it may be lete me not deye thus dyspytously netheles he sayd thy wyll be done not myn Thenne came he ayen to his dyscyples foūde them slepynge thenne he sayd to Peter Mayst thou not one houre wake with me Wake ye he sayd praye that ye fall not in to temptacōn Thenne went he ayen and foūde Oryson her syster Deuocōn sayd My fader syth it may none other be but that I must nedes suffre deth be it as thou woll Thenne came he ayen to his dyscyples foūde thē slepynge as he dyde before He went ayen the thyrde tyme prayed as he dyde fyrste foūde other ladyes of the holy abbay Contemplacōn Dalyance Iubylacōn Thenne came an angell fro heuē to comforte hym tolde how mannes soule or the thyrde daye sholde be delyuerd out of helle how by that tyme he sholde fynde vp all the couent of the abbaye of the holy ghost al theyr place made vp ayen better then euer it was Thenne was he mery and glad in his soule though he were kyndely by his manhede agast of his dethe ¶ Thenne came he ayen to his dyscyples bad them ryse vp and go with hym And as they walked a lytell faith they sawe there moche folke comynge with lanternes drawen swerdes staues to take our lorde Iudas Scaryoth went before them